In Pursuit of Ego, a Persona 4 and Project Moon Quest

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Yeah that's kinda was I was thinking of, I'm not certain if Hokma would immediately think "go to the authorities" of which none really exist vs "hire an investigator to do this." Would have possibly made for some interesting culture clash too!
Except Hokma and the kids were there when the principal said "leave it to the police", and he's generally smart enough to figure out the context without having to think too hard about it. His question was more about "why not just walk away and let someone else deal with it?", not because he believes that's what they should have done, but because he wants to push them towards articulating their motivation.

Man, work has been kicking my ass lately. Here's hoping the next update won't take three weeks.
"I'm telling you, it was that announcer chick from the news, I saw her!"
"Seriously dude? The Midnight Channel? you believe in that crap?"
"It's totally real, I turned on the TV after twelve and there she was! It was kinda spooky..."
So… The Midnight Channel sounds like it's around, eh, Urban Myth?

Kinda sad that we didn't get Price of Silence - there's a theory that the person mentioned in its abnormality story was related to Hokma.

Teddie's appearance might remind Hokma of the abnormality "Happy Teddy Bear."
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I wonder if the Yu here is actually a player playing the game?

If they are then we are so lucky that we didn't pick Price of Silence.
[X] Build Something
- [X] A base of operations, more than the sparse living conditions you have right now. A safe place to store clues and your books and a workshop with whatever tools you can scrounge up
[X] Investigate the murders
- [X] Try and find traces of the victims in the TV world. If they were thrown in there, perhaps they made shelter somewhere before they were killed?
- [X] Find out more about the night each victim disappeared
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