In Pursuit of Ego, a Persona 4 and Project Moon Quest

Voting is open
So uh, in case people are wondering what's taking so long, I already wrote 2/3 of the chapter, then I went and fucked up my shoulder, so I'm typing the last third left-handed. Still, it's almost done, should see the light soon.
As to quote hokma "We must cherish each and every moment.", make sure to take care of your body if it needs it, if what you need is to take your mind off of it I hope that you will be able to do so well.
More I think about it, more I feel that thirteen toll is more fitting for Persona 3.
Green? Green.
Thirteen hour? Thirteen hour.
Death? Yes.
So I feel like using it will bring attention of either a dog, or elevator attendant.
1.6 - Reaction
[X] Rescuing Yosuke and the colorful creature
[X] A cross-shaped mace with a skull on the head, wearing a crown of thorns (Penitence)

Your hand stops an inch away from reaching into the briefcase. The abnormalities clamor in the back of your head to be released, but you hesitate—you need a way to fight these creatures, but you have now idea how this strange environment will affect the abnormalities. If the worst were to happen, any of the abnormalities escaping could cause far greater harm than you could feasibly contain on your own. The power is right there, begging you to take it, but you just cannot do it; there's too many unknown factors at play.

The two floating creatures barrel straight towards you, and you have no more time to think. Both Chie and you throw yourselves to the side; the first of the monsters whistles right past you and crashes through a display window, while the second manages to slow down enough to turn and take off after you. You roll to your feet and scramble away towards a general store, shards of glass and debris sloughing off your white coat. The creature crashes in after you and you duck behind a shelf. The shadow slams into it, scattering its contents all over the floor but narrowly missing you. However, before you can regain your distance, its tongue lashes out and catches you ankle, pulling you to the ground. You land heavily on your back, and immediately, the creature is on you, opening its cavernous mouth to bite you in half. You scrabble back on hands and feet while desperately feeling around the floor of the wrecked store for something you can use. You feel your hand closing around something long and straight, and without time to look, you thrust it upwards.

You jam the broom's handle into the roof of the shadow's mouth, and it lets out a gurgling wail. You brace against the floor and push, managing to lever the creature off you. You try to force it even deeper to hopefully finish it off, but it slams its mouth shut, snapping the wooden handle and leaving you with less than two feet of splintered wood in your hands. You jump over the overturned shelves and quickly rush back out into the street before the monster has time to reorient itself.

This isn't working. You can't hurt these things effectively, but the abnormalities are too risky to use. You need something more reliable, something you can control...

A pained cry pulls you back into focus, and you turn to see Chie falling to the floor nearby, covered in cuts and scrapes. She tries to stand up and keep moving, but her right leg falters when she tries to put weight on it. The other creature approaches her slowly, bobbing up and down while letting out a guttural, uncanny approximation of human laughter. Behind you, you can hear its sibling shaking itself free of the general store's wreckage.

This isn't right. This is your mistake, you shouldn't have brought her here. This is your fault. You let your instincts guide you. Three steps put you between your student and the creature, and when it lunges, you lift the broken broom handle in a defensive stance. You know it will not hold. That's fine. You just need to buy time. Even if you were to fall here, so long as the students can get away...

The shadow crashes into you, and to your astonishment, your guard holds—and the creature backs away, as if suddenly cowed by your broom handle. No, that isn't right. The wood in your hand has been replaced by dark iron, and as you follow its length your eyes meet the gaze of a skull, set on a cross and wearing a crown of thorns.

You bring both hands to hold the familiar piece of EGO. The first, most basic piece of gear granted to agents of L Corp, extracted from the most benign abnormality. Already, you can feel the knowledge of its use flow through you, alongside an ethereal presence that feels both harsh and comforting. You step forward, and again the creature floats back away from you. You follow it until its backside hits a wall, and before it can regain its composure, you bring the cross down onto its bulbous body, sending it bouncing down the street. A rush of air from behind you heralds the arrival of its brother as it charges straight at your back, but you sidestep it, then slam your weapon into it horizontally, crushing it against the wall. It falls to the ground, twitching feebly before melting into black smoke. Quickly, you move to finish off the injured one, who suffers the same fate.

You turn a brief look back to see that Chie has regained her footing, leaning on a streetlight for support, and is now staring at you with eyes as wide as plates. Looking past her you see Yosuke, his golf club now lost, running towards you and screaming, with several of the creatures hot on his heels.

By now, you've gained the measure of these creatures. They are strong, but clumsy, and with little battle instincts beyond slamming bodily into their pray and biting into it. You rush forward to meet them, striking the lead one with a two-handed blow and sending it crashing into the second one. The two behind it halt, gingerly hovering outside your reach. Yosuke nearly collapses at your feet, panting heavily and mumbling incoherently.

"Mr. Hanamura, snap out of it!" you pull him to his feet by the collar and force him to look at you. He stops hyperventilating, and his panic begins to give way to confusion. "Wha—The teacher? What's going on here?"

Disregarding his question, you push him behind you and point your EGO at the shadows once more. "Go help Ms. Satonaka, and stay close" you tell him, and your commanding tone seems to snap him out of his fugue enough to clear your way to the remaining creatures.

They make a clumsy attempt at surrounding you, but you have no intention of wasting any more time on them. You dart forward with two swift strikes to finish off the two wounded ones before waving Yosuke and Chie through while you cover the retreat. The remaining two creatures back off into the fog and don't pursue you.

With the weaker shadows out of the way, the three of you start moving towards where your last student was fighting the larger monster. The fight seems to have moved further up the street while you were preoccupied. Was it a coincidence, or a deliberate move on Yu's part? You advance into the thickening fog while your ears struggle to pick out any details from the chaotic sounds of battle coming from ahead.

Just then, you hear a loud thunderclap, and you emerge from another patch of fog in time to see the creature from before stumble, knocking over a streetlight as it attempts to right itself. Yu himself looks the worse for wear; the back of his jacket has been torn to ribbons, his glasses, which you hadn't noticed he was wearing before, are cracked on the right side, and he's breathing heavily. He doesn't take his eyes off the shadow as you step up next to him.

"How's Yosuke?" he prompts, sparing a sideways glance at you, eyes focusing on your weapon. "Mr. Hanamura is uninjured" you reply. "He appears to have regained his wits. Now we just need to do away with one last monster."

Yu shakes his head, scowling as he watches the creature finally get its feet under it again. "I've already taken it out twice, but it just keeps getting back up. Even running it through didn't stop it for long."

You don't get the time to process this revelation, as the giant shadow bends its frog-like hind legs and leaps at you. Your group scatters to avoid its landing, which cracks the asphalt beneath you; you try to take a swing at its exposed side, but it rounds on you and lift one of its front legs.

"Out of the way, geezer!" it yells, and you're taken aback for a moment—although slightly distorted, it was identical to Yosuke's voice. It brings its foot down, and a massive wall of wind explodes towards you, pelting you with debris and almost knocking you off your feet; you barely manage to hold on by driving the haft of Penitence into one of the cracks in the pavement and bracing against it. Still, the shrieking wind blowing past your ears is enough to leave you temporarily deafened.

The creature turns away from you and starts advancing on Yosuke and Chie, but Yu emerges from the opposite side; the silhouette of the black warrior is visible for a brief moment as he unleashes a bright blue lightning bolt at the monster's exposed back. The shadow roars in anger and pain, and again you can make out Yosuke's voice, overlaid with a more guttural, bestial sound.

You regain your footing and rush to interpose yourself again between the monster and your students. It rears back and swats its forelimbs at you; you follow the instincts of your EGO and bat both strikes aside, though your arms ache from the strain. With one last effort, you step forward and deliver an upward swing into the creature's face, breaking off several of its teeth and sending it reeling. Seizing on the opening you've made, Yu leaps high into air and shouts, his voice hoarse from the effort: "Persona!" The black warrior appears again, clad in a long, flowing coat and wearing a metal mask. With a precise swing of its polearm, it bisects the humanoid upper half of the shadow, sending it crashing down to street level. Its lower body slumps to the ground, raising a cloud of dust. There is a brief moment of quiet, but right away you can see the humanoid upper half disintegrating into a shadow-like substance and flowing back towards its main body.

"We can't keep this up" Yu says, landing next to you. "We need to find a way to stop it for good." You nod your agreement. However, you don't understand this creatures well enough at the moment to figure out how. The only thing you have to go on is...

"It spoke with Mr. Hanamura's voice" you state, glancing at him for confirmation, and he nods. "It showed up after we entered the Konishi's store; it looked just like Yosuke but... wrong. It started provoking him, then it transformed into that monster and started attacking us" he explains.

You both turn towards Yosuke, who's staring at the creature's rapidly healing body with a look of terror on his face. He notices your stares and takes a step back. "No way" he denies. "That thing's not me. It's got nothing to do with me." At the same time, the shadow's body trembles, starting to stir awake.

"You've gotta talk to it!" All of you turn the face the colorful creature from before, who's just been pulled by Chie out from under the pile of rubble it had been hiding under. It looks like a children's toy, or like an advertisement mascot, shaped like a caricature of a bear. It somewhat reminds you of Happy Teddy Bear, but less worn out. It speaks in a high-pitched, boyish voice, laden with sympathy. "That thing came from you, Yosuke" he says, pointing towards the monster. "You have to admit it, or it'll go berserk again."

His hesitance is clear on the boy's face. Chie limps up next to him, and silently lays a hand on his shoulder. Seeing him like this, you are compelled to speak out.

"You came here because you felt grief at the passing of your upperclassman, did you not? The compassion that brought forth that courage, remember it, for it is all you need to take the next step forward."

Your encouragement seems to work—he breathes deeply and approaches, coming to a stop next to the shadow's body. When he comes close, more of that shadow-like substance emerges from it and starts to gather in front of him. "Whatever happens, you're still yourself" Yu says to him softly, and gives him a gentle push.

In front of him there is now another Yosuke. He is an exact mirror image, save for the lack of glasses and the smug, disdainful sneer on its face. "So you finally got yourself some friends huh? Not gonna run and hide behind them this time?" he says in a mocking tone. "Oh, maybe you think if you act cool in front of them then they'll like you? Wanna try playing the hero? Don't pretend that you suddenly give a shit" he spits, getting right up to Yosuke's face. "You can't bullshit me. I'm you, remember?"

Yosuke doesn't flinch. "So this is what I really look like, huh?" he grimaces. "It really sucks having to face yourself like this." He looks his mirror image straight in the eyes. "You're right. I did feel like that, but I was so ashamed I couldn't admit it." His voice is choked, but he doesn't cry. "You're me, and I'm you. All of this is part of me, when you get down to it."

The shadow only gives a solemn nod, before it dissolves into blue fire. You briefly see the shape of a flamboyantly dressed man with stars in his eyes, before it envelops Yosuke and disappears. "This is my Persona..." he whispers, before turning back to the group.

"'A real pain in the ass' huh? So that's how Saki really felt about me. God, what an embarrassing way to find out." He lets out a self-deprecating laugh, and you can feel the tension leave the group alongside it. "Thanks guys. I uh, I don't know if I could have done that if you hadn't been there."

Chie comes forward and elbows him playfully; Yu as well throws an arm around his shoulder. You let them have their moment—your attention is drawn to something else. As the shadow's body finishes disintegrating, there is something left behind—a piece of paper. You pick it up, and read the first line:

Page of S___n__o

It is obviously incomplete. There are only a handful of lines, all full of holes so as to make them illegible. Nonetheless, you place it in your briefcase. This is an important clue: you have nothing but questions regarding what just transpired, and what little you can hypothesize is worrying. Could this be some sort of remnant? That bizarre monster, if someone had told you it was a Distortion, you would not have batted an eye. The bear said it came from Yosuke, yet it existed separate from him. And the strange black warrior following Yu, it appeared like a form of EGO equipment. Did Mr. Hanamura just obtain the same power? How did Yu aqcuire it in the first place? There is much you need to investigate. The EGO weapon in your hand vanishes, no longer needed.

You look back towards the group, only to find them staring at you. It seems their little emotional moment is over, and now they are all giving you expectant looks. Hmm. You should probably:

[] Explain yourself (what do you say, and what do you keep?)
[] Ask your own questions (like what?)
[] Vanish mysteriously into the fog
[] Something Else? (Write-In)

Multiple options can be picked. All votes must be in plan format.​
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[X] Explain yourself
-[X] You were sent here to deal with a particularly powerful entity, which is likely related to the current events, but otherwise have about as much knowledge of what's going on as everyone else
-[X] Explain the basic idea behind EGO Gear if asked
-[X] Don't give up any details about where you're from.
[x] Vanish mysteriously into the fog

It isn't very practical or helpful, but it would be cool! Can't maintain the appearance of a cool, yet mysterious teacher if we remain and answer all of their questions.
[] Vanish mysteriously into the fog

When don't know what to do, pull Binah. This totes won't backfire to you.

[X] Plan: Faith.
Very well, I'll go alone with this. Let's beat this rubbish mentality...
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[] Vanish mysteriously into the fog

It isn't very practical or helpful, but it would be cool! Can't maintain the appearance of a cool, yet mysterious teacher if we remain and answer all of their questions.
Believe me, I am very tempted to vote for this for that reason.

So, I don't know that much about Hokma's personality, since I havent gotten to his floor in LoR yet, so sorry if the voice sounds off.

[X] Plan: Basic Questionnaire
-[X] Straighten your tie and brush the dust off your suit, you totally weren't struggling with such basic opponents and anyone who claims otherwise is a lying liar who lies.
-[X] Ask your own questions (like what?)
--[X] So, who thought it would be a good idea to go off into the into the foggy parallel dimension with nothing but a golf club for protection?
---[X] * Give disappointed mentor stare *
--[X] Grill the kids to find out what they know about the parallel dimesnion, it is very interesting. But, don't be too hard on them, this isn't The City where Death is quite literally around every corner, so you can't expect them to be quite as cautious as you'd expect. They're also teenagers.
--[X] Ask what they meant when Yosuke mentioned persona, is it related to the figure that happens to be hovering around Yu?
-[X] Explain yourself (what do you say, and what do you keep?)
--[X] You 'happened' to be in Junes when you came across Chie at the television and you would be a poor teacher if you didn't go out of your way to help your students.
--[X] If they ask about the EGO gear or how you got into the 'TV World' in the first place give an Enigmatic Smile.
---[X] Think of a better name for this strange foggy parallel dimesnion, 'TV world', while descriptive, is a dumb name.
-[X] Escort your students to safety as is your duty as their instructor.

Edit: Updated plan to include a question clarifying what Yosuke mentioned when he said Persona.
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[X] Vanish mysteriously into the fog

Under orders from the Head, I'm obligated to pick this.

Come on Hokma! I know you can be an enigmatic figure!
Hmmm. What to do here that is IC for Hokma?

Simple and straightforward! Faith for the best!

[X] Plan: Faith.
-[X] Explain yourself
--[X] What lead you to search for them, and why you are currently here. Only if they ask.
-[X] Ask your own questions
--[X] What possessed a bunch of kids like them to go out searching for troubles like that?
--[X] Whether they have any knowledge of where we are.
--[X] Do they know anything related to the murder case?
--[X] What were those things? What did Yosuke mean when he said Persona?
-[X] Reprimand them for their recklessness afterward.
-[X] Go alongside them in search of a way out.

Yet still retaining our secrets of the E.G.O. No need to tell the kids all our tricks yet!

Don't just vanish into the fog like those dumbo Arbiters, Hokma! You are better than that!
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[X] Plan: Faith.
-[X] Explain yourself
--[X] What lead you to search for them, and why you are currently here. Only if they ask.
-[X] Ask your own questions
--[X] What possessed a bunch of kids like them to go out searching for troubles like that?
--[X] Whether they have any knowledge of where we are.
--[X] Do they know anything related to the murder case?
--[X] What were those things? What did Yosuke mean when he said Persona?
-[X] Reprimand them for their recklessness afterward.
-[X] Go alongside them in search of a way out.
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I feel like the EGO gear is going to be a sticking point that the current plans don't really address.

[X] Plan give and take
-[X] Explain yourself
--[X] You're from a secret organization that's job is to contain monsters and were sent here to find one. The weapon and armor is made to help you in that purpose. Beyond that you have no idea if the monster is connected to the murders or the "TV world".
-[X] Ask your own questions
--[X] What is a persona?
--[X] What do you know about the murders?
--[X] What are these shadow monsters?
-[X] Offer to escort them back to an exit. You totally aren't lost and need a guide to get out.
Finally, it is done. Boy that was a lot harder that I hand anticipated, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

For everyone that expressed concern, thank you very much. My shoulder is mostly fine now, doc said it was just a partial dislocation. Sports injuries are just a reality of life, especially as the years start coming. PSA: for anyone who's serious about martial arts, yes, I know, drilling ukemi is super boring, but it's also really fucking important. Don't skip it.

Back to the story: next update should be the end of the first arc, and will set the general direction and vibe of how the quest will continue for the foreseeable future, so think carefully about the current vote. Also, we have character sheets now! I'll add info on other characters at a later date, but there was some important info I wanted to get in your hands before going much further.
[X] Plan give and take
[X] Plan: Faith.
[X] Plan: Basic Questionnaire

Back to the story: next update should be the end of the first arc, and will set the general direction and vibe of how the quest will continue for the foreseeable future, so think carefully about the current vote. Also, we have character sheets now! I'll add info on other characters at a later date, but there was some important info I wanted to get in your hands before going much further.
Wait. The First arc is already over? I thought this was the prologue stage.
[X] Plan: Basic Questionnaire
-[X] Straighten your tie and brush the dust off your suit, you totally weren't struggling with such basic opponents and anyone who claims otherwise is a lying liar who lies.
-[X] Ask your own questions (like what?)
--[X] So, who thought it would be a good idea to go off into the into the foggy parallel dimension with nothing but a golf club for protection?
---[X] * Give disappointed mentor stare *
--[X] Grill the kids to find out what they know about the parallel dimesnion, it is very interesting. But, don't be too hard on them, this isn't The City where Death is quite literally around every corner, so you can't expect them to be quite as cautious as you'd expect. They're also teenagers.
--[X] Ask what they meant when Yosuke mentioned persona, is it related to the figure that happens to be hovering around Yu?
-[X] Explain yourself (what do you say, and what do you keep?)
--[X] You 'happened' to be in Junes when you came across Chie at the television and you would be a poor teacher if you didn't go out of your way to help your students.
--[X] If they ask about the EGO gear or how you got into the 'TV World' in the first place give an Enigmatic Smile.
---[X] Think of a better name for this strange foggy parallel dimesnion, 'TV world', while descriptive, is a dumb name.
-[X] Escort your students to safety as is your duty as their instructor.
[X] Plan: Faith.
[X] Plan: Basic Questionnaire
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So I just noticed that all the abnormalities have Qliphoth counters. Is this a limit on the number of times we can use them before they break free? Cause if so then we are going to need to be strategic is how we use them and maybe try to make some allies just in case one of them breaks out.
Voting is open