The Voidskipper universe is an attempt to blend the feelings of adventure generated by classic space opera with the respect for science of hard science fiction and the endless possibilities of rampant transhumanism. If you like space pirates, mad bio-engineers, giant glowing radiators, frighteningly advanced nanotechnology, and spaceships that are pure brute force engineering, then you will probably enjoy these books.
That said, this is a for-profit franchise. While the main narrative of each book will eventually be available for free, those who pay for the premium versions will get to skip the line and also access some premium-exclusive bonus content. To the best of our knowledge we are in full compliance with SV's commercial use policy.
That said, this is a for-profit franchise. While the main narrative of each book will eventually be available for free, those who pay for the premium versions will get to skip the line and also access some premium-exclusive bonus content. To the best of our knowledge we are in full compliance with SV's commercial use policy.