NotAlwaysFanfic said:
See, this is why censoring information is a problem! The government says 'don't do this thing we're hiding information about that reportedly has a lot of benefits' and expect the people who would use the thing to not. You need to tell them more, like why they shouldn't use it. I'm not going to say what the side effects are, but they should be known by the government at this point in canon.
Look on the "plus" side; Saten is so computer illiterate there's a fair chance she'll get caught up in the increased monitoring activity. I mean, we're dealing with someone who didn't even know what torrents were when she went looking; that means she won't have taken any precautions, and if Academy City monitors its students' searches, then she'll have "tried to search for 'Level Plus', blocked by censors, then went and torrented something for the first time" + "is level 0" on her file. And they'll be doing increased monitoring right after a terrorist bombing.

Not really much of a plus side, I have to say. The real hope is that she didn't find a real one.
EarthScorpion said:
Look on the "plus" side; Saten is so computer illiterate there's a fair chance she'll get caught up in the increased monitoring activity. I mean, we're dealing with someone who didn't even know what torrents were when she went looking; that means she won't have taken any precautions, and if Academy City monitors its students' searches, then she'll have "tried to search for 'Level Plus', blocked by censors, then went and torrented something for the first time" + "is level 0" on her file. And they'll be doing increased monitoring right after a terrorist bombing.

Not really much of a plus side, I have to say. The real hope is that she didn't find a real one.
Considering the opening lines? It's the real deal.
EarthScorpion said:
Look on the "plus" side; Saten is so computer illiterate there's a fair chance she'll get caught up in the increased monitoring activity. I mean, we're dealing with someone who didn't even know what torrents were when she went looking; that means she won't have taken any precautions, and if Academy City monitors its students' searches, then she'll have "tried to search for 'Level Plus', blocked by censors, then went and torrented something for the first time" + "is level 0" on her file. And they'll be doing increased monitoring right after a terrorist bombing.

Not really much of a plus side, I have to say. The real hope is that she didn't find a real one.
I wouldn't put down her lack of knowledge about torrents or FLAC files as being computer illiterate, considering this is set more than ten years from now. Computer technology changes over time - if something better than bittorrent or flac came out tomorrow, do you think anyone below the age of twenty would know what they were in ten years? It'd be like me asking whether you know what a .mod or a .s3m file is, or any of the other similar formats.
And we run into that old chestnut - authority figures passing down vague and cryptic warnings rather than just saying "yo, this shit'll give you brain damage, son".

(almost like someone higher up is mildly interested to see how this all turns out, and finds it a simple matter to officially classify the existence of Level Upper, thus happily frustrating the efforts of Anti-Skill officers to make the downsides of Level Upper public)

Thus far, I'm loving this reinterpretation. Touma's not a dumbass, Index is actually doing stuff, the pacing's not fucked, etc. There is one point on which I'm dubious, though:
Shockz said:
You can't get Uiharu Kazari flustered. It just doesn't happen.
There's "improved" and "expanded upon", and then there's "flat-out unrecognizable". Something like 37% of Uiharu's character is being flustered. We're introduced to her by way of her flustered. The bits in her story where she rushes to confront a mad scientist powered by a giant esper fetus, or stands up to a psychotic Level 5, or etc etc, are made all the more awesome by the fact that most of the time she's, well, Uiharu. Pretty much the only one of her friends she isn't routinely flustered by is Kuroko. "Flustered" is a perfect adjective for her.

...I mean, hell, take her meeting with Mikoto in this story:
Chapter 3 said:
"Ah, hello," Flower Girl says, bowing. "I-It's very nice to meet you, Misaka-sama."

Okay, Mikoto. You're the rich, elite, refined upperclassman who this girl obviously looks up to by the mere fact of your existence. Impress her. Be elegant. Be ladylike.

"Nicetameetch—er—it's, ah, very nice to meet you, Uiharu-san. And drop the—I mean, there's no need to use '-sama'."

"Ah, I apologize!" She bows again, deeper this time. "Then, it's a pleasure to meet you, Misaka-dono."

Ah, crap, she misunderstood. "No, I mean, that level of formality is—"

She bows again, almost frantically. "Misaka-ue, I beg your forgiveness for my rudeness, and would like to restate that it is the greatest pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

This is getting really, really awkward. "No, seriously, I think you're misunderstanding—"

She throws herself to her knees, forehead almost touching the ground in supplication. "Please excuse this unworthy one's vulgarity, Misaka-no-kimi! I am thy most humble serv—ow!"

Kuroko whacks Uiharu across the head with a multi-page printout of some kind or another. "That will be quite enough of that, Uiharu-san."

Uiharu picks herself up off the floor, and I can now see that she's obviously trying to hold back laughter. "Sorry!—heh—sorry. I just couldn't resist. But in all seriousness—heh—nice to meet you, Misaka-san."
And compare it to the scene your avatar comes from.

The changes made thus far have been for the better - but I don't see what the purpose of this one is, and it's such a blatant change, as opposed to what are otherwise mostly new takes on elements that the canon material mishandled. This particular element just comes out of nowhere, by comparison.
Revlid said:
There's "improved" and "expanded upon", and then there's "flat-out unrecognizable".
I agree with you that this felt a bit off to me, but just to play devil's advocate, it might be partially a result of culture difference between canon AC and this version's AC. Individual espers seem to be played up more here, even given Misaka's canon celebrity as the 'face' of the level 5 and AC as a whole; here this has been ramped up to the point that there are illegal Chinese knockoff goods bearing Misaka's image floating around. Saten demonstrates a rather non-canon streak of blatant esper worship possibly as a result. Meanwhile, Uiharu's oujou-sama worship is absent, perhaps in part because that 'elite' status gets less play in comparison to the individual celebrity of particular espers. It might also reflect the fact that the characters are older, but since this Saten has known Uiharu for much longer than canon Saten it seems like Saten would know if Uiharu had just grown out of her awkward phase.
Stop. This is not the place for it.
Revlid said:
The changes made thus far have been for the better - but I don't see what the purpose of this one is, and it's such a blatant change, as opposed to what are otherwise mostly new takes on elements that the canon material mishandled. This particular element just comes out of nowhere, by comparison.
This Uiharu has found a use for her power that is both valuable and something only she can do. It's not odd that she has a ton more self-confidence as a result.

And she hangs out with Maika, it's likely some of.. whatever Maika is rubbed off on her.
allfictions said:
Excellent chapter as always. Nice to see more of your Saten.
...and as always, another useless review:(
Gotta practice on this.
However, I am still confused over whether ACPD and Anti-Skill are 2 different things in this universe or the same thing under different name ('ACPD' being the official one). The last chapter seemed to suggest that my former assumption was the right one, but now the lines blurred again in this chapter. I'm sure it's just me reading incorrectly, so can anyone show me the light and dispell my ignorance?
Apologies on that; that really is something that I need to clearly explain in-story. Anti-Skill is essentially ACPD's SWAT division, though it's much larger and much more heavily equipped than most.
Is that you Google? Once again used for illegal activities...
..not that I know anything about such endeavour.
Heh, no, her first search was on Google. (The warning she got is pretty much copied from Google's "Results have been removed because of a DMCA request" message.)
Revlid said:
There's "improved" and "expanded upon", and then there's "flat-out unrecognizable". Something like 37% of Uiharu's character is being flustered. We're introduced to her by way of her flustered. The bits in her story where she rushes to confront a mad scientist powered by a giant esper fetus, or stands up to a psychotic Level 5, or etc etc, are made all the more awesome by the fact that most of the time she's, well, Uiharu. Pretty much the only one of her friends she isn't routinely flustered by is Kuroko. "Flustered" is a perfect adjective for her.

...I mean, hell, take her meeting with Mikoto in this story:

And compare it to the scene your avatar comes from.

The changes made thus far have been for the better - but I don't see what the purpose of this one is, and it's such a blatant change, as opposed to what are otherwise mostly new takes on elements that the canon material mishandled. This particular element just comes out of nowhere, by comparison.
You're absolutely right; I've pretty much thrown out Uiharu's canon personality, and--right now--for what looks like no good reason. There are a few reasons, most of which I'm not going to go into right now, but one is that I simply didn't think canon Uiharu's personality fit with the role she's going to take in the story. (Put it this way; this Uiharu used to be a lot more like canon Uiharu; then she joined Judgement and spent a couple years working with Kuroko, Konori-senpai, and the rest of 177th Branch.)
Shockz said:
You're absolutely right; I've pretty much thrown out Uiharu's canon personality, and--right now--for what looks like no good reason. There are a few reasons, most of which I'm not going to go into right now, but one is that I simply didn't think canon Uiharu's personality fit with the role she's going to take in the story. (Put it this way; this Uiharu used to be a lot more like canon Uiharu; then she joined Judgement and spent a couple years working with Kuroko, Konori-senpai, and the rest of 177th Branch.)
I kinda thought you were purging the moe the way you purged the rest of the fanservice.
allfictions said:
Oh, so Japanese use Google? Well of course they have it, but I thought that since they use another Youtube (forgot the name, Ni-something) I assumed it was the same for their search engines.

Also please disregard the last lines of my comment.
Well, here and now--believe it or not--Yahoo! is still the most popular search engine in Japan (though it's run by a separate company from Yahoo US), though runs a close second. (Youtube is also more popular than NicoNicoDouga; NND just caters better to the otaku crowd.)

In-story? Yahoo Japan got eaten by Baidu years ago; Baidu in turn merged with Google. GoogleBaidu is generally considered by those who care to be the megacorp that 80s cyberpunk warned us about. (I actually had DuckDuckGo, or a similarly motivated company, more in mind for her successful search.)
My opinion has been that Level Plus/Upper is totally a legit way to progress, or it would be if not for the part where you end up in a coma.
iospace said:
There's also a difference between being "computer savvy" and being "computer illiterate". One means you understand computers completely (or very well), the other means you don't. There are people who are in between though.
Indeed, at least she knew enough to try to look for other search engines. That's not really something you usually encounter on fiction, you can be a Hollywood's usual magical hacker that can somehow hack things that shouldn't even be connected to the internet, but using other search engines outside the default fake Google variant? Damn, that's thinking outside the box. :D
Blackraptor said:
There is also the theory that the hair garden is an alien/bioweapon experiment controlling her body, which is why she refuses to part with it, and the real Uiharu's consciousness is trapped inside it powerless and without hope of salvation.
Theory or way out abstraction?
Blackraptor said:
There is also the theory that the hair garden is an alien/bioweapon experiment controlling her body, which is why she refuses to part with it, and the real Uiharu's consciousness is trapped inside it powerless and without hope of salvation.
Huh. We could make a game of coming up with nightmarishly horrifying explanations for the weirder quirks of the characters. Maybe Kuroko is actually hoping that Mikoto will kill her to end her suffering (what is she suffering from, though?), or something.
Well, if this Saten is as hardcore is her personal monologue implies, she might be able to grind to level 2 before she gets knocked out. Maybe. I get the odd feeling that most Level 0's simply never figure out the right 'direction' to 'push' their minds- and the ones that do find that 'direction' keep pushing and pushing and growing.

The ones that just 'pop' as an esper tend to have less dedication to growth. Even if she fails to get to level 2 before she blacks out/is rescued, she'll at least know what her potential is and have a vector on which to mentally focus. "Ah. Wind. Let's think about air currents all day long," etc.

This could even lead to her finding Kongou Mitsuko and politely asking how she started and grew, etc.

I'm not gunning for hardcore wind-warrior Saten, but at the very least it'd be nice if she can emit a stiff breeze on her own power by the end.
universalperson said:
On something I probably should have posted much earlier:

In canon, this what Uiharu does when someone talks about her hair garden.

In this fanfic, I suspect she'd probably do the same thing...but on purpose.
Speaking of the head garden, I seem to remember a piece of fan art somewhere comparing how Kazari's flower garden changes as she grows up. First it was a flower on the head band, next was the canon flower wreath and I think a third scene where she was older and the flowers had grown as well.
jwolfe said:
Speaking of the head garden, I seem to remember a piece of fan art somewhere comparing how Kazari's flower garden changes as she grows up. First it was a flower on the head band, next was the canon flower wreath and I think a third scene where she was older and the flowers had grown as well.
I think that was an actual 4-panel omake comic done in the the magazine that railgun runs in; just author trolling really ^_^;.
Antumbra said:
These shows often have a really warped perspective on "talent" or "determination" - hard work isn't devalued just because improvements in technology exist that can ease the process, because it's just as applicable and important to a Level 5 as a Level 0. When there are people like Accelerator in-setting, there's clearly always a new peak to strive for and anyone who rests on their laurels... well they're happy with that, so there's no problem.
Actually in canon this is explicitly not the case. Though they don't tell anyone about it (since it would ruin their image), when it was up and running Tree Diagram could actually predict with a fair amount of accuracy the maximum level that any given esper would ever be able to achieve when provided with a given amount of support (drugs, surgery, Testament treatments, etc.) This data was compiled into something called the 'Parameters List.' So even if they knew that a particular level 0 would never advance with the amount of support provided by the standard curriculum, they never told anyone. In canon esper powers really are a super power lottery, regardless of whether an esper starts at their max level or has to grind their way up - but that aspect of it is hidden behind smoke and mirrors to keep the desperate hooked into the game. This makes the viewpoint held by many 'nice' espers such as Mikoto and Kuroko - that those without powers 'just aren't working hard enough' - ring a bit hollow.
Antumbra said:
I'm not aware of whether it is canon or not, but I can only see the attitude towards LP as being deliberately designed to propagate its use. As others have mentioned, an official acknowledgement of the near-absolute danger and operating principle (though the latter might be a bad idea as it spreads the technical concept) would have crushed it.

Voice analysis of the speaker on the recording, especially when you can pass it around (what I expect would be) a highly specialised and well-known research community should quickly lead to an arrest of the perpetrator.
Yeah, it really does seem like they are trying to make it just elicit and difficult enough to find that people will try very hard to obtain and use it.
Darth Artemis said:
Hmm... Hei, maybe?
Alhazred23 said:
This makes the viewpoint held by many 'nice' espers such as Mikoto and Kuroko - that those without powers 'just aren't working hard enough' - ring a bit hollow.
If Misaka does end up getting to level 6 from the MISAKA Network, she probably owes an apology of sorts to Saten.
Aranfan said:
If Misaka does end up getting to level 6 from the MISAKA Network, she probably owes an apology of sorts to Saten.
I'm not sure she needs to apologize for that since Kihara Gensei forced it on her, but her answer to the collected despair of the AIM burst angel - begging the desperate low-levels in the Level Upper network to stop feeling sorry for themselves and 'try again' - comes off as extremely hypocritical and condescending, if unwittingly so (since Mikoto has no idea that the system is designed to only really support the sure bets like her). I do wonder how much of this rigged game transfers over to this fic's world; it feels like the 46% figure that Saten was able to dig up is at least a little more favorable than canon odds, if it's true.

jwolfe said:
Thanks. Do you remember what chapter/volume it was in? Omake or not it was funny.
Sorry, i've been digging for it but i can't find it. The manga author did a bunch of 'What could Uiharu's power be?' strips when S1 of Railgun was running and it was leaked that Uiharu's power would be revealed before the end of it, but i can only find the one where she would basically gain Juufuku Miho's enhanced Dummy Check power whenever she took off her headband.
RedSurv said:
60% is the canon figure for the number of level 0s. The 6% that managed to rise up from level 0 is original to this fic I believe though. Misaka didn't actually start as a level 0 though, she started as a level 1, but it has a similar message either way.
Ah - well, no real light in sight at the end of the tunnel yet, then. :(