I read the thing. And from what I read, one of the latest "attempts" on his life was sniping at him with a high powered rifle (a railgun or gaus cannon maybe?). And the narrative implied said the Sister didn't come up with it, but that she was instructed to try it.
Yes, it was different scenarios, as I said earlier:
Volume 3 Chapter 2 Part 8 said:
"We searched for a method that does not require using those 250 year methods. As a result, Tree Diagram led us to a different method than the usual Curriculum. It is based on the fact that use of powers in actual battle quickens the growth process. There have been many reports of those with Telekinesis or Pyrokinesis gaining increased accuracy, so we are going to take advantage of this. By preparing special battlefields and having the battles proceed according to specific scenarios, we can control the direction of the growth gained in the battles."


"According to the calculations carried out by Tree Diagram's simulator, it was determined that preparing 128 types of battlefields and having him kill Railgun 128 times would allow Accelerator to shift to Level 6."


"According to Tree Diagram's recalculation based on those criteria, it was determined that preparing 20,000 battlefields and 20,000 Sisters would produce the same result as described above."

However, they were going ahead and doing things that were wrong based on that wrongness.

"The 20,000 types of battlefields and battle scenarios are explained in a different report."

Kamijou wondered what was written in that other report.

Twenty thousand ways of dying. By going down the list of the Sisters' numbers, you could see when, where, and how they would all die. It was simply too repulsive. What Kamijou found most repulsive was not the ones carrying out the killing. It was the fact that the ones being killed were continuing to follow through with the scenario.
It seems to have been a little bit of both, battle experience and killing them, so mea culpa.
Wasn't it also to train the Sisters as well? ... The Sisters wouldn't learn, if the scientists fed them all the answers... And then there's the "Just Following Tree Diagram".

There was some part that said that the final Sister would be LV4 / LV5, because of their experiences?

... Should we move to the Canon thread now?


If "A Thousand Shattered Mirrors" isn't relating to the Sisters, what could it mean? ... If it said Windows instead of Mirrors, I might be thinking it's some disaster novel, about some widespread explosion that blew out the windows of the City or something, but that doesn't seem to fit?
*looks both ways to make sure Shockz isn't watching*

Hey, hey guys.

I got a preview of A Thousand Shattered Mirrors.

It's the good stuff.

... Should we move to the Canon thread now?
This would be for the best.
If "A Thousand Shattered Mirrors" isn't relating to the Sisters, what could it mean? ... If it said Windows instead of Mirrors, I might be thinking it's some disaster novel, about some widespread explosion that blew out the windows of the City or som
Mirrors represent a reflection of oneself, their identity, their personality, what they believe in, etc. A mirror shattered in thousand pieces could mean the shattering of everything they knew, about their world and about themselves. And now they are left with pieces reflecting only small parts, and they can no longer grasp the whole picture anymore.

I dunno, I'm spitballing.
If "A Thousand Shattered Mirrors" isn't relating to the Sisters, what could it mean? ... If it said Windows instead of Mirrors, I might be thinking it's some disaster novel, about some widespread explosion that blew out the windows of the City or something, but that doesn't seem to fit?

Well looking at the calendar...

The next canonical arcs would be Poltergeist then Deep Blood, then the Sisters Arc. ...So discounting the Sisters, we are left with Poltergeist and Deep Blood.

The problem with Poltergeist is that the events of "In Memoriam" don't leave a lot for @Shockz to adapt.
So we are left with Deep Blood and Sisters.

Now as @all fictions pointed out, mirrors are associated with reflections. Coming from that we have souls and illusions and truth. Pretty appropriate for Deep Blood actually, what with all the vampires and reality bending shit going on. Also, the way the arc turned out to be so pointless and forgotten that it became a joke even in-story is just begging for a rewrite. ...Or alternatively, I could be completely wrong and @Shockz is going to cut it entirely like the manga did. That said I'm pretty confident in my interpretation. Angel Fall is too reliant on Summer Break and the other arcs rely on Sisters or Angel Fall having already happened. Or well in canon they did. But while I entirely expect @Shockz to take us to some wild new places, I'm pretty sure they'll still be recognizable.

So, I think we can expect the next story to be a mix of the Sisters Arc and the Deep Blood Arc.
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Maybe the translation I had was bad, but it seemed pretty clear that it was more the act of killing 20,000 Sisters, than surviving their preplanned, and useless, assassination atrempts, that was supposed to magically make Accelerator go to Level 6.
XP grind.

They were probably trying to implement procedurally generated loot drops as well.
Maybe the translation I had was bad, but it seemed pretty clear that it was more the act of killing 20,000 Sisters, than surviving their preplanned, and useless, assassination atrempts, that was supposed to magically make Accelerator go to Level 6.

Got to grind the cultivation XP to level up.
I suspect Kihara believed the Misaka-ke would continue to level up from the fights as well, so the last hundred or so would be Level 5 and provide a decent challenge.

And of course breaking Accelerator's spirit by forcing him to murder thousands of cute girls, whom he can't talk out of attacking him, would be sufficient benefit in the mind of an evil mad scientist.
So unfortunately, life and work have caught up with me again...

...aw fuck it, I already did this one, y'all will get numb to it if I overuse it. In any case, happy Easter/April Fools/A WILD SEQUEL APPEARED Day!
Man, it's been a hell of a ride. I'm honestly not sure if In memoriam is my favorite fanfic, but if it isn't it's really close. Thank you, @Shockz for writing this, posting this, and seeing this through to the end.
Well, the anniversary thread directed me to this and it's pretty much my favorite type of fanfic, and gives me reason to suspect that the RADIO NOISE treatment I wanted from canon, or failing that my own work, is also on the way.
This was so very, very well done. I particularly like Misaka's personality - it's been ages since I consumed canon in any form, but she felt like much more of a person here.
What's the other 'fic in the running? Mental Isekai isn't six years old, is it?