Imoen: Queen of the Stolen Lands! [Baldur's Gate 2] [Pathfinder: Kingmaker] [Kingdom Builder] [Let's Play?]

I briefly considered Korgan (Bloodaxe), but his blatantly evil and destructive nature made it difficult to justify. (Justify why he would have been allowed to remain in the larger group in BG2 given his many, many conflicts with other characters). There's the possibility of some level of "redemption" (cut content makes this possible via Mazzy), but I thought redeeming every evil character would be a bit... much. I also never really played with him. Still, I'm open to have my mind changed (though he wouldn't appear until later if so). Why do you like him?

I think that to have the potential to enjoy this story you have to know either Baldur's Gate or Kingmaker; both is a bonus, but not strictly required. More about the Baldur's Gate characters' backstories will be provided as time goes on.

I'm using a lot of mods to add those things in (favored class bonuses are in, as are drow, and a bunch of other classes). But beyond just the mechanics I mean things like I won't be limited just to the dialog options given by the game (which are often very restricting and lack common sense options).

I found it not too bad, but then again I only got the game two months ago, after they'd worked out almost all the bugs. But still I won't be limited to the video game state management either, and have mods I'm using as well.
My game interactions with Korgan were hilarious along with Edwin and Minsc. Plus he was the meatshield to my nimble swashbuckler. I don't see the need to redeem him, he is what he is, either you accept him as a character and live with it or you can go your separate ways and he's fine with that. He's just a perfect minion to my shady ways.
I mean, for most of the events his position is 'Don't bother doing anything', which works out just fine because there isn't really a need to do anything. Religion is a major part of the world and the people's lives and tbh they manage just fine on their own.

Your other main candidates, Jhod, is a reactionary traditionalist so the second something vaguely odd or just not completely orthodox happens he starts screaming about it and breaking out the torches and pitchforks. It's an approach that causes problems.

As far as I remember the only choice I disagreed with him on was the choice of main temple because Abadar is just best for building a Queendom.

If there had been an option where organised Evil demon worshippers showed up, I'd have had to disagree with his apathy there, but generally speaking 'Don't interfere with people's religious beliefs' is just the best option.
Somehow, the person with chronic depression is the Only Sane Man for this job.

A shame there is no Neutral Good god of statecraft.

if it help i am very much pro viconia she was one of the better darker character to me.
I'd vote Sarevok if that was an option.
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Hello! Voting is closed on vote one. Our winning primary expeditionary party is:

[X] Imoen
[X] Minsc
[X] Linzi
[X] Viconia
[X] Aerie
[X] Jaheira

Imoen wasn't voted on, obviously. The next four were legitimately the top four votes. Jaheira got bumped up a bit by author fiat and concerns for party balance (having Minsc be the only melee/tank is not ideal).

The secondary expeditionary party, jointly led by Mazzy Fentan & Anomen Delryn (who work well together), will consist of: Mazzy, Amiri, Anomen, Haer'Dalis and Edwin. While I will not be "playing" them in the game, they will be doing stuff narratively in the background, and some direction to their action may be voted on; there may be minor interludes showing their progress and actions.

Jan, Cespenar and Valerie will remain at Oleg's for now. Valerie considers it her duty to guard Oleg's against further bandit attacks for the time being. Jan wants to compare Alchemy notes with Bokken, and also annoy Valerie with his stories ("Can I call you Val?" "You may not" "Well, Val, you see..."). Perhaps brew a few potions. Cespenar may start crafting some basic things (he's got scribe scroll and brew potion at the moment). There will not be voting on crafting because it's too complicated, but suggestions are certainly allowed. Currently he's just going to be crafting things for a small profit.

The next update will follow sometime in the next several hours. It will involve the meet up of everyone, some character interactions, and a vote concerning the priorities of the expeditionary parties, as well as some votes concerning some of the characters' archetype choices.
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Chapter 2: Meetings At Oleg's
Chapter 2: Meetings At Oleg's

Stolen Lands Expeditionary Force 1
Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira, Linzi, Viconia DeVir, Aerie

Stolen Lands Expeditionary Force 2
Mazzy Fentan, Anomen Delryn, Edwin Odesseiron, Amiri, Haer'Dalis

Oleg's Watch
Valerie, Jan Jansen, Cespenar

Imoen and company arrived at Oleg's near nightfall; it was a well fortified outpost with a strong wooden wall surrounding. Unfortunately, a group of bandits had arrived before them, speaking threateningly toward what was presumably the man in charge of the place - Oleg Leveton himself. Imoen wondered whether he just left the gates open all the time? What was the point of the wall, exactly?

"In the name of the Stag Lord, the - haha! - 'lawful' authority in the Stolen Lands, we demand this week's tax! And some beer," one of them demanded with a swagger.

Well, this would not do at all. She approached, and opened her mouth to say something, only to have Amiri charge toward one of them, screaming, stupidly-huge sword raised. Sigh. Well, the course was set.

Not one, but two bandit attacks, and several hours later, the group of them sat inside Oleg's tavern, bandaging their wounds with the aid of Oleg's wife Svetlana, as well as the magic of Anomen, Viconia and Aerie. It was a blessing to have so many healers, to be sure. None of those here would bear any lasting injury.

"Haha, did you see the face on the one with the crooked nose when I took his arm off!," crowed Amiri, not for the first time. She seemed to be riding the high of the battle still, unconcerned about her wounds.

Linzi's face was a mixture of excitement, adrenaline and nausea. Imoen didn't think Linzi had actually seen much violence before. Perhaps Jamandi's mansion had been her first kill? Something to talk about when they had some privacy.

"It is not seemly to dwell on a bloodbath. Still, you were impressive, Amiri," allowed Valerie, who'd been mostly unscathed in spite of bravely drawing the attacks of many of the bandits. She was definitely good at not being hurt, though her sword skills were only mediocre, in Imoen's opinion.

Anomen and Viconia spoke quietly on the other side of the room. It was remarkable how far Anomen had come in overcoming his prejudice. Imoen still clearly remembered when he'd refused to even speak to the Drow; now he was just a bit stiff around her. Viconia wasn't... Good, exactly. Well, not at all. But she wasn't Bad either. At least, Imoen didn't think so. She'd gotten better, too. It was impressive to be able to come back from such darkness as she'd endured... Not something to dwell on right now, though.

Jan and Bokken (an alchemist operating out of the trading post) were having a conversation about alchemical reagents that Imoen could not follow. She was clever, she knew that. Smarter than the average waif, to be sure! But there was clever, and there was genius. Best to leave the eggheads to their fun!

Aerie was outside, giving a prayer for the bandits. She'd been insistent on burying them, though the rest of the group had drawn the line at individual graves. So, one big hole outside the wall later, with the aid of both muscle and magic, and in they went (after stripping them of anything of value, of course; they weren't new to this business!). Aerie was a kind soul. Fierce, when necessary, but her view was that most bandits were driven to it by the "inescapable chains of fate", and the least that could be done for them was some last rites. Imoen could understand that, though Amiri had mocked her a bit for her weakness. Heh. Aerie had been mocked by far worse, and stood tall.

A quick celebratory meal later, and after helping Oleg close the gates (gods!), it was time for a well earned rest.

Imoen awoke to a noise and strange site. A... nymph? Half translucent sat floating in the middle of the room.

A dream? No, Imoen had enough experiences with the dreams brought on by her blood to know that she was awake.

The nymph spoke, asking for help, and so Imoen asked the natural question.

A strange fog in the woods? Some mysterious cabin? Imoen had seen enough not to trust a pretty nymph by default, but it was a strange sort of lie to tell. Regardless, it was a good lead to follow; they'd just have to be wary of traps. She'd had to kill nymphs before...

No reason for hostility now, though. A pleasantly neutral farewell, and it was time for the rest of that sleep...

The next day brought the remainder of her friends, back from their (paid!) mission.

Mazzy, striding taller than her stature (as always), was the first to greet them through the gates. "What, ho, noble friends! It warms my heart to see you," she said, clasping Imoen's hand between hers.

Minsc was only a moment behind. "Haha! Minsc and Boo did not expect to see their friends here! What a glorious day!"

Edwin merely gave her a slight nod and look of curiosity, before he (mumbling to himself) headed directly inside the tavern. He looked exhausted. (Probably partly from Mazzy & Minsc's enthusiasm)

Jaheira, striding just behind, enveloped her in a hug, Imoen wrinkling her nose at the stink of the road. "Jaheira! You need a bath!" Imoen said playfully, pushing her off.

Jaheira looked at her consideringly, and nodded. "Perhaps. It has been a long journey. Why are you here, though? I thought you to be gallivanting in Restov, still. Perhaps playing the flirt with some nobleman, hm?"

Off to the side, she saw that Haer'Dalis and Aerie were having a rather... heated reunion. Er... she averted her eyes back to Jaheira.

"Well, there's a lot to tell..."


Jaheira & co.'s job had been apparently uneventful, with only one wolf attack the entire way.

Imoen noticed Amiri & Minsc discussing swords and the use thereof in excited, loud voices. It was clear that Minsc was impressed by her stupidly large blade. She even let him hold it for a moment, which was... surprising. It was good to see Minsc making more friends, though it always came easily to his honest, open nature. She overheard him relaying one of his favorite 'sayings', "Live by the sword... live a good, long time!", to which Amiri laughed approvingly.

Jan & Bokken continued their Alchemy huddle seemingly unbroken. Had they slept? Probably. Not her problem right now. Where was Cespenar anyway? Was that a bad thing that she didn't know. So much was going on...

Haer'Dalis and Aerie were nowhere to be seen; no one begrudged their absence.

The rest spent the day resting, talking, strategizing.

It was agreed by most that it was a quest worthy of undertaking, though each may have had slightly differing reasons. Edwin for example, it was no secret, was primarily interested in regaining his magical power as quickly as possible, and the best way to do that was practice ("preferably on moving targets", in his words). Mazzy and Anomen were motivated by the righteousness of the cause. All of them, though, were motivated by the promise of rewards, and the agreement that it might be a good path to gain the clout needed to broaden their social circle.

Eventually it was agreed that they would split into two expeditionary groups.

The first, led by Imoen and Jaheira, would consist of Minsc, Linzi, Viconia and Aerie. They would head out the next morning, to...

Pick ONE
[] Head as directly toward the Thorn Ford as possible (the bandit encampment that was indicated by the vision of the Nymph)
[] Explore the area to get a better lay of the land

The second, led by Mazzy and Anomen, would bring Amiri, Edwin and Haer'Dalis. They would leave a day later, partly because Edwin refused to leave without "48 hours free of trampling about", and for the next week would prioritize...

Pick TWO
[] Getting a lay of the land (at least one random location revealed)
[] Speaking with the farmers and settlers who lived on the land, and protecting them (+1 Loyalty and +1 Community for future kingdom)
[] Hunting for monsters to eliminate. (+500 gold, 50% chance of a minor magical item, not beyond a +1 weapon or armor, 10% chance of more significant item)
[] Seeking out information on bandit activity (Narrative benefits; may result in additional choices)
(In addition to the above, the secondary party will earn 500 gold from treasures/random encounters)

Valerie and Jan elected to remain behind. The former to help protect against further attacks. The latter for ostensibly the same reason, but actually because (Imoen knew) he wanted to experiment with some new ideas he'd picked up from Bokken.

In addition to the narrative choices above, here are some options for your input on specifics of the builds of the characters accompanying Imoen. In all cases below, the first option given will win ties. If you don't want to vote on this part, no worries!

Strength 17, Dexterity 14, Constitution 16, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 17, Charisma 13

Jaheira's primary class is Druid. She has secondary class levels in Fighter (Drill Sergeant archetype). She will (eventually) have secondary class levels in Inquisitor, Hinterlander, and Ranger as well.

Druid Archetype:
[] Jaheira: Nature Fang - Gains studied target bonuses and combat talents
+ Jaheira will remain a strong melee fighter well into high levels.
+ Variety of martial combat additions
- Loses wildshape Feature, which has a lot of versatility.
[] Jaheira: Defender of the True World - Gains bonuses for animal companion and summons against fey.
+ Jaheira's animal companion and summons will be more effective, and remain effective against fey.
- At higher levels, will be much less effective at direct attacks; will lean more on spells and summons.
* No changes to wildshape.

Animal Companion or Domain:
[] Jaheira: Animal Companion - What it says on the tin.
[] Jaheira: Domain - Extra powers/spells related to an aspect of nature.

IF Animal Companion wins, she should have a:
[] Jaheira: Elk - Tougher, more majestic.
[] Jaheira: Wolf - Pack oriented, Better at tripping things.

Strength 20, Dexterity 14, Constitution 19, Intelligence 7, Wisdom 14, Charisma 13

Minsc's primary class is Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager archetype). He has secondary class levels in Ranger. He will eventually have secondary class levels in Hunter, as well.

Ranger Archetype:
[] Minsc: Blood Hunter
+ Excellent bonuses that apply to all enemy types and terrains, all the time, rather than having to "specialize" in specific favored terrains or enemies.
+ Overall the most combat-capable, and skill-oriented, Ranger archetype by far.
- No spellcasting at all. (Perhaps appropriate for Minsc?)
[] Minsc: No Archetype
+ Good against specific types of enemies / in specific terrains
* Standard spellcasting.
[] Minsc: Freebooter
+ Gives bonuses to the entire party against a targeted enemy.
- Weakest archetype in terms of the Ranger's personal power/skill.
* Standard spellcasting.

Strength 8, Dexterity 18, Constitution 16, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 12, Charisma 19

Linzi's primary class is Bard (No Archetype).

Linzi's secondary class(es) are:
[] Linzi: Rogue/Fighter. Much, much later dip Paladin (of Shelyn). I don't roll with that 'Lawful' restriction when the story demands crossover with Linzi/Valerie storylines.
+ Linzi will remain an effective archer.
+ Better saves, hit points and general survivability.
+ All around superior skill-monkey.
[] Linzi: Summoner
+ Extra summoning creatures ability.
+ Twice the spells available (both Bard and Summoner).
+ Nifty Eidolon companion
- Linzi will be fairly ineffective as an archer/physical combatant after the first handful of levels.
- Fairly fragile.

Strength 10, Dexterity 18, Constitution 12, Intelligence 16, Wisdom 17, Charisma 14 OR
Strength 12, Dexterity 19, Constitution 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 17, Charisma 14, depending on choice below.

Viconia's primary class is Cleric. She has taken up the worship of Nethys here on Golarion (having never been particularly loyal to Shar).

Viconia's main secondary classes should be chosen to:
[] Viconia: Make her a more versatile and effective magic user/debuffer. [Witch]
+ Hex abilities to use when not casting spells
+ Much broader casting base and spell slots available
- Fragile & utterly ineffective at melee combat. Only barely decent with a bow, and only at first.
[] Viconia: Make her a more versatile and effective melee combatant. [Rogue & Fighter]
+ Can leverage her high dexterity to make her an effective dex-fighter.
+ Best overall direct damage dealer of the three options.
[] Viconia: A balance between both [Inquisitor]
+ Judgment ability provides good versatility.
+ "Solo Tactics" gives many combat options
- Spell selection is largely redundant with Cleric (but still get extra uses/slots)

Strength 10, Dexterity 17, Constitution 12, Intelligence 18, Wisdom 17, Charisma 14
Aerie's primary classes are Cleric (Ecclesitheurge archetype) & Wizard.

Her wizard specialty should be:
[] Aerie: Abjuration
- Oriented toward protective magics, banishing outsiders and dispelling magic.
[] Aerie: Illusion
- Oriented toward invisibility, illusory attacks and tricking foes.
[] Aerie: Divination
- Oriented toward foreseeing the future and predicting paths.
(The choice here will also have narrative impact on Aerie's research far in the future of this quest)

Strength 10, Dexterity 19, Constitution 14, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 12, Charisma 19

Imoen's primary classes are Rogue (Ninja archetype) & Sorcerer (Seeker archetype, with Celestial bloodline). She will later take the Arcane Trickster prestige class, and dip into other classes as well.

Select TWO of the following aspects that represent benefits that have (re)manifested from her divine blood. Additional choices will be available as she levels.

[] Imoen: Divine Protection, Lesser: +1 AC (all types)
[] Imoen: Divine Grace, Lesser: +1 to all saves
[] Imoen: Slayer Senses: Darkvision (Useful Narratively) & Keen Senses (+2 bonus to Perception)
[] Imoen: Slayer Strike: +1 attack
[] Imoen: Slayer Speed, Lesser: +5 movement speed
[] Imoen: Slayer Dexterity: +1 Dexterity (Attack rolls, AC, reflex saves)
[] Imoen: Divine Charisma: +1 Charisma (spellcasting)
[] Imoen: Divine Intelligence: +1 Intelligence (more skill points/knowledge)
[] Imoen: Slayer Resilience: Free 'Toughness' feat.
[] Imoen: Divine Casting: Gain the 'Guidance' and 'Virtue' cantrips (Imoen already has other 0th level Cleric spells). Prerequisite to later tiers of divine casting.

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ng /cg / ?? / ce / lg / tn

i`m sure this will end well
Linzi is neutral good.

Viconia is Neutral Evil in game, but she has a redemption path and she's partly gone down it in this continuity. She's leaning toward neutral at this point, but not quite there. She'll likely never be "Good", which is just fine.

And Minsc is Neutral Good.

Finally, Jaheira while officially TN, definitely leans Good based on her dialog and actions.

So it's more like:

NG / NG / NG / NE-N / LG / N-NG

Not really a problem, especially given that everyone here but Linzi has worked together before.
plan preparing for the future
[X] [X] Head as directly toward the Thorn Ford as possible (the bandit encampment that was indicated by the vision of the Nymph)
[X] Hunting for monsters to eliminate. (+500 gold, 50% chance of a minor magical item, not beyond a +1 weapon or armor, 10% chance of more significant item)
[X] Seeking out information on bandit activity (Narrative benefits; may result in additional choices)
(In addition to the above, the secondary party will earn 500 gold from treasures/random encounters)
[X] Jaheira: Defender of the True World - Gains bonuses for animal companion and summons against fey.
+ Jaheira's animal companion and summons will be more effective, and remain effective against fey.
- At higher levels, will be much less effective at direct attacks; will lean more on spells and summons.
* No changes to wildshape.
[X] Jaheira: Animal Companion - What it says on the tin.
[X] Jaheira: Wolf - Pack oriented, Better at tripping things.
[X] Minsc: Blood Hunter
+ Excellent bonuses that apply to all enemy types and terrains, all the time, rather than having to "specialize" in specific favored terrains or enemies.
+ Overall the most combat-capable, and skill-oriented, Ranger archetype by far.
- No spellcasting at all. (Perhaps appropriate for Minsc?)
[X] Linzi: Summoner
+ Extra summoning creatures ability.
+ Twice the spells available (both Bard and Summoner).
+ Nifty Eidolon companion
- Linzi will be fairly ineffective as an archer/physical combatant after the first handful of levels.
- Fairly fragile.
[X] Viconia: Make her a more versatile and effective magic user/debuffer. [Witch]
+ Hex abilities to use when not casting spells
+ Much broader casting base and spell slots available
- Fragile & utterly ineffective at melee combat. Only barely decent with a bow, and only at first.
[X] Aerie: Divination
- Oriented toward foreseeing the future and predicting paths.
[X] Imoen: Divine Casting: Gain the 'Guidance' and 'Virtue' cantrips (Imoen already has other 0th level Cleric spells). Prerequisite to later tiers of divine casting.
[X] Imoen: Divine Protection, Lesser: +1 AC (all types)
I am no expert at tabletop rpg i own pathfinder kingmaker but havent completed it
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*spoilers* There's a lot of "nature-themed" enemies in Pathfinder: Kingmaker so Jaheira being a Defender of the True World is a smart pick
I have edited my plan to give jaheira the defender of the true world instead i would gladly take advice on how to improve my plan

Your plan's fine, though I would rather you pick Divination for Aerie since while Divination is crap in PC games due to balancing reasons, they're extremely useful in tabletop RPG. Also @rudy can Jaheira ride the elk animal companion? Also can we separate the What to do Next vote and the Character Creation Plan?

[X] Head as directly toward the Thorn Ford as possible (the bandit encampment that was indicated by the vision of the Nymph)

- no reason to delay the main questline

[X] Hunting for monsters to eliminate. (+500 gold, 50% chance of a minor magical item, not beyond a +1 weapon or armor, 10% chance of more significant item)
[X] Seeking out information on bandit activity (Narrative benefits; may result in additional choices)
(In addition to the above, the secondary party will earn 500 gold from treasures/random encounters)

- lets earn cash and help in the main questline
[x]plan preparing for the future
sounds fair plan to me. not an expert in ether game but sounds fair.
Also @rudy can Jaheira ride the elk animal companion?
A bit awkwardly at first, but as the elk gets larger (it does as Jaheira levels), easily.

The wolf will eventually be able to be ridden, too, but it will probably be even later.

Note that this is a story aspect, though: riding animal companions is not actually part of the implemented video game. But it's a stylish part of the narrative. It possibly could allow Jaheira to scout/move more effectively for certain decisions.

Also can we separate the What to do Next vote and the Character Creation Plan?
If by separate, you mean put them in different posts, that's totally fine. If that's not what you mean, please clarify.
[x]plan preparing for the future
sounds fair plan to me. not an expert in ether game but sounds fair.
I'm allowing it for this vote, so no worries, but I'm not sure how I feel about the whole "plan" thing in general. It just seems like sometimes the first plan proposed ends up steamrolling. I welcome input on that, though, from those with experience with it.
A bit awkwardly at first, but as the elk gets larger (it does as Jaheira levels), easily.

The wolf will eventually be able to be ridden, too, but it will probably be even later.

Note that this is a story aspect, though: riding animal companions is not actually part of the implemented video game. But it's a stylish part of the narrative. It possibly could allow Jaheira to scout/move more effectively for certain decisions.

If by separate, you mean put them in different posts, that's totally fine. If that's not what you mean, please clarify.
Oh i just meant that i think the character creation vote should be by plan but the things we should do next be voted by line
plan preparing for the future
I'm sorry to be annoying, but there was a good suggestion by @butchock . Could you separate your plan into two "plans": one for the narrative choices, and one for the character builds? That way someone can agree with one aspect without having to agree with the other. I'll be more careful about that in the future!

[x]plan preparing for the future
sounds fair plan to me. not an expert in ether game but sounds fair.
I will assume you agree with all of @Pokemon0406 's choices unless you say otherwise.
[X] Head as directly toward the Thorn Ford as possible (the bandit encampment that was indicated by the vision of the Nymph)

[X] Hunting for monsters to eliminate. (+500 gold, 50% chance of a minor magical item, not beyond a +1 weapon or armor, 10% chance of more significant item)
[X] Seeking out information on bandit activity (Narrative benefits; may result in additional choices)
(In addition to the above, the secondary party will earn 500 gold from treasures/random encounters)

- secondary party wants cash and experience

[X] Plan Preparing For the Future
-[X] Jaheira: Defender of the True World - Gains bonuses for animal companion and summons against fey.
+ Jaheira's animal companion and summons will be more effective, and remain effective against fey.
- At higher levels, will be much less effective at direct attacks; will lean more on spells and summons.
* No changes to wildshape.
-[X] Jaheira: Animal Companion - What it says on the tin.
-[X] Jaheira: Wolf - Pack oriented, Better at tripping things.
-[X] Minsc: Blood Hunter
+ Excellent bonuses that apply to all enemy types and terrains, all the time, rather than having to "specialize" in specific favored terrains or enemies.
+ Overall the most combat-capable, and skill-oriented, Ranger archetype by far.
- No spellcasting at all. (Perhaps appropriate for Minsc?)
-[X] Linzi: Summoner
+ Extra summoning creatures ability.
+ Twice the spells available (both Bard and Summoner).
+ Nifty Eidolon companion
- Linzi will be fairly ineffective as an archer/physical combatant after the first handful of levels.
- Fairly fragile.
-[X] Viconia: Make her a more versatile and effective magic user/debuffer. [Witch]
+ Hex abilities to use when not casting spells
+ Much broader casting base and spell slots available
- Fragile & utterly ineffective at melee combat. Only barely decent with a bow, and only at first.
-[X] Aerie: Divination
- Oriented toward foreseeing the future and predicting paths.
(The choice here will also have narrative impact on Aerie's research far in the future of this quest)
-[X] Imoen: Divine Casting: Gain the 'Guidance' and 'Virtue' cantrips (Imoen already has other 0th level Cleric spells). Prerequisite to later tiers of divine casting.
-[X] Imoen: Divine Protection, Lesser: +1 AC (all types)
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Well, I guess since we now have three sets of votes that are completely identical, there's not much chance of things going otherwise, though I do very much welcome more votes/input!

If anyone has suggestions as to how to better structure things in the future to promote more variety/minimize crowding out discouragement, I welcome ideas. I have a few thoughts. It's not that I mind if people agree! Sometimes options are regarded as superior by most people, and that's not a problem. I'm just worried that the immediate consensus is preventing others from wanting to vote.

Regardless, votes will continue for at least another twelve hours. I'm going to start building the party members based on the above votes (since they are all the same), but in the event that it does change, that's not a problem at all.

It seems very likely we'll be heading straight for Thorn Ford (I had thought that at least one person had voted against that, but either I'm going crazy or the vote was changed), but I'm not going to assume that before the vote is closed. So! If you still want to vote, or try to convince others to change theirs, please do!

Pick ONE
[] Head as directly toward the Thorn Ford as possible (the bandit encampment that was indicated by the vision of the Nymph)
[] Explore the area to get a better lay of the land

The second, led by Mazzy and Anomen, would bring Amiri, Edwin and Haer'Dalis. They would leave a day later, partly because Edwin refused to leave without "48 hours free of trampling about", and for the next week would prioritize...

Pick TWO
[] Getting a lay of the land (at least one random location revealed)
[] Speaking with the farmers and settlers who lived on the land, and protecting them (+1 Loyalty and +1 Community for future kingdom)
[] Hunting for monsters to eliminate. (+500 gold, 50% chance of a minor magical item, not beyond a +1 weapon or armor, 10% chance of more significant item)
[] Seeking out information on bandit activity (Narrative benefits; may result in additional choices)
(In addition to the above, the secondary party will earn 500 gold from treasures/random encounters)
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@rudy one of the weakest part
Well, I guess since we now have three sets of votes that are completely identical, there's not much chance of things going otherwise, though I do very much welcome more votes/input!

If anyone has suggestions as to how to better structure things in the future to promote more variety/minimize crowding out discouragement, I welcome ideas. I have a few thoughts. It's not that I mind if people agree! Sometimes options are regarded as superior by most people, and that's not a problem. I'm just worried that the immediate consensus is preventing others from wanting to vote.

Regardless, votes will continue for at least another twelve hours. I'm going to start building the party members based on the above votes (since they are all the same), but in the event that it does change, that's not a problem at all.

It seems very likely we'll be heading straight for Thorn Ford (I had thought that at least one person had voted against that, but either I'm going crazy or the vote was changed), but I'm not going to assume that before the vote is closed. So! If you still want to vote, or try to convince others to change theirs, please do!

Pick ONE
[] Head as directly toward the Thorn Ford as possible (the bandit encampment that was indicated by the vision of the Nymph)
[] Explore the area to get a better lay of the land

The second, led by Mazzy and Anomen, would bring Amiri, Edwin and Haer'Dalis. They would leave a day later, partly because Edwin refused to leave without "48 hours free of trampling about", and for the next week would prioritize...

Pick TWO
[] Getting a lay of the land (at least one random location revealed)
[] Speaking with the farmers and settlers who lived on the land, and protecting them (+1 Loyalty and +1 Community for future kingdom)
[] Hunting for monsters to eliminate. (+500 gold, 50% chance of a minor magical item, not beyond a +1 weapon or armor, 10% chance of more significant item)
[] Seeking out information on bandit activity (Narrative benefits; may result in additional choices)
(In addition to the above, the secondary party will earn 500 gold from treasures/random encounters)
The weakest part of Pathfinder: Kingmakrr for me was the city management aspect and its lack of customization (i wanted to color the uniform of the town guards!). As to player interaction with the quest, that's a hard one... though you can always copy the CK2 structure once we gained our own kingdom. Though use a pool of dice to solve issues instead of one action per one advisor slot. I dont follow many of the CK2 quests anymore but I can see its appeal to players.
[X] Jaheira: Defender of the True World
[X] Jaheira: Domain - Extra powers/spells related to an aspect of nature.

[X] Minsc: Blood Hunter

[X] Linzi: Rogue/Fighter.

[X] Viconia: Make her a more versatile and effective magic user/debuffer. [Witch]

[X] Aerie: Divination

[X] Imoen: Slayer Senses: Darkvision (Useful Narratively) & Keen Senses (+2 bonus to Perception)
[X] Imoen: Divine Charisma: +1 Charisma (spellcasting)

If anyone has suggestions as to how to better structure things in the future to promote more variety/minimize crowding out discouragement, I welcome ideas.
We might include voting for other party's actions/events, but you don't have to write a whole lot about them. It can take a form of written reports or Messages by Edwin with only occasional interludes. Just a thought.

[X] Explore the area to get a better lay of the land

[X] Hunting for monsters to eliminate. (+500 gold, 50% chance of a minor magical item, not beyond a +1 weapon or armor, 10% chance of more significant item)
[X] Seeking out information on bandit activity (Narrative benefits; may result in additional choices)
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Good morning everyone! (Or your regionally appropriate time here). Still a few hours before I close the second vote.

Quick side vote for anyone who cares. I'm torn between two pictures for Imoen going forward. One, the first, is intentional artwork of her, but has the disadvantages of being a bit smaller (in terms of the size of her in the image - which means her portrait head sizes are a bit undersized compared to other characters), and not really showing her in a way that reflects her powers and position in this quest. The second is not meant to be her (though could be). It looks more "cool", with a more appropriate background, but is perhaps overly "smooth" in artistic style. I'm perfectly capable of making this decision on my own, but if you have a preference, please express it! In this case, I will be counting my choice (which I won't bias you with right now) as one vote, but am definitely willing to be swayed otherwise.

[] Imoen Image One
[] Imoen Image Two

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