Ideas for slightly evil gods.

The God of Healing
The God of Healing Church is found in nearly all civilised states, as after all such a deity is invaluable for any land. Any King or Queen can see how invaluable the service of the Church are towards strengthening their nation and saving their people from harm. When a plague spreads like wildfire the Church can step in and save thousands of lives. When a nation goes to war whoever the Church favours has their armies bolstered. Even their presence in a nation ensure the local populace die slower and recover quicker so the tithes and taxes come in faster.

Yet the God of Healing have many duties, they already heal's the body and help's fight against sickness, why should they do all the work without incentive? Not even a thank you? A grateful gift? That is what the Church preach's the word of their god and so who comes for healing must pay preferably in land but if not well coin and goods will suffice. After all they are a busy deity one cannot expect them to be at every place at once but certainly they offer their miracles if your willing... to side a pouch of coins this ways.

(I think this counts as slightly evil.)