Ideas for slightly evil gods.

I might have missed it, but I didn't see it in a quick skim.
God that conduit and push other towards doing petty evils. For example, being rude to a client, because someone is having a bad day. There are a lot of petty evils there, a lot more than big ones actually. Because to make something Evil, one need to spend a lot of energy, be seriously motivated by something and overcome indecision. People know how to be petty, they are doing it a lot more often. There are more rude people, than murderers after all.​
The lazy Sun. Also known as the one who sleeps under the the ice.

The Antarctic tribes frequently tell how the howling of the winds just before spring sounds like "God Mom, Just five more days" in their native language.
Making too much sound among them will get you shushed, because the Sun will throw icy hail at sounds, then a glaciers.

They believe that other parts of the worlds have their own suns, who aren't this lazy.

The birds are her messengers, just like any other sun mother. And this is why hunters have a yearly gathering where they shout loudly at each other in order to wake up the sun and gain favor with their mother, while being far enough from attracting the Suns ire.
The cold lands of Antarctica are a pretty rad environment for fictional tribes to create myths in due to how extreme the environment and isolated the is.

Since before the first humans existed the ShitLord swam through the endless ancient cold waters.
And then he decided to leave the Big Shit in the ocean. The Big Shit was a warm place where many mosses and lichens grew on every inch of ground. Eventually the Ancestors was uplifted from the insects that came to live among the insects and was tasked with making boned creatures for the other gods from the big plants that grew on the Big Shit.
They birds from grass and their bones as messenger for the Sun mothers and fish from moss and their bones to ride on to deliver these birds to their owners in exchange for more poo to live and farm on.
But the gods eventually the gods grew sick from the defecation and decided to flush the poo away out of disgust, while the ancestors were at sea riding their fish.

The ancestors were angry at this betrayal as their homes were gone.
Eventually the Moon started to pity the Ancestors and asked the stars to cut a part of off and throw it into the the ocean creating the land we know as Antartica and beginning the lunar cycle.
But Moonflesh is not fertile like Shit is and the Ancestors were forced to provide their own to their farms.
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God of Divine Tax Collection. When someone faithful ask their god for miracle and get their answer - miracle send by god, Divine Tax Collector takes a little piece of power from this Miracle. And depending on how much a miracle violates the laws of the universe and how much it interferes with the spheres of other gods the Taxes may be bigger or smaller. Some Gods are trying to evade taxes, but this is hard. In worst case scenario Divine Tax Collector takes thier debts from followers of a given god, which can mean a lot of things.​

Edit: "We asked for slightly evil gods!" :V
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God of packet loss. Not quite the full Entropy/End of All Things; just a fairly regular reminder that nothing is quite as good as it might be.
Wishing Goddess.
You visit one of her altars and write your wish on it, and then you start destroying valuable materials on the altar. (whether that is burning caviar or smashing gemstones doesn't matter, the only important detail is the financial cost of the items)
Once you have sacrificed the financial equivalent of your wish, the Goddess takes a personal sacrifice from you and grants your wish.

She is evil because everyone is objectively worse off, having paid twice for their wish. However she is only slightly evil because the majority of people are happy with the results of their wish.

For example a young professional football player loses his right leg in a car crash. He wishes for his leg back and smashes Rolex watches on the altar, the Goddess restores his leg but takes his ability to read/write. He returns to his career and has a happy life relying on trusted friends and family members to read for him(and he buys a text to speech device).
God of Anti-Time Travel.

His work is simple; he is the keeper of time. When someone dares to travel into the past, he reroutes their transfer straight into hell. So anyone who travels back in time never comes back because they end up in the hellish realm as a consequence of this crime. There are no second chances, tricks, or anything of the sort - time travelers are sent directly into a cauldron of molten lead and putridness. However, besides this, he is a chill dude that no one knows about. Even unfortunate time travelers often just think they made a mistake of some kind, died in the name of a SCIENCE experiment, and were sent into a hellish afterlife.

When someone ask about possibility and cociquences of time travel in your fictional work, you can safely tell them this. And add at the end: "No time travel!" :V
God of Anti-Time Travel.

His work is simple; he is the keeper of time. When someone dares to travel into the past, he reroutes their transfer straight into hell. So anyone who travels back in time never comes back because they end up in the hellish realm as a consequence of this crime. There are no second chances, tricks, or anything of the sort - time travelers are sent directly into a cauldron of molten lead and putridness. However, besides this, he is a chill dude that no one knows about. Even unfortunate time travelers often just think they made a mistake of some kind, died in the name of a SCIENCE experiment, and were sent into a hellish afterlife.​

This makes an excellent idea for a horror movie. Also, this isn't slightly/kinda evil. It's very, veeery bad. lol. An eternity of torment for a misdeed that's not even evil is very overkill.
An eternity of torment for a misdeed that's not even evil is very overkill.
It is very much evil to time travel. Even not counting universe crashing paradoxes. Any type of time travel is unethical from some point of view. Creating new timelines? You essentially doubling any suffering happening right now in existance, because there is new instances of suffering creature being made. Erase the present and the future? Each such reset is essentially omnicide of instances of creatures, which existed in original timeline. Time loop? Take away people's choice and free will, because now they have no choice, but to be part of this theatre time-traveler caused with the loop. So yeah, straight to hell! :V

Edit: Also, if there is a possibility of time travel exist in the world, it means there are probably countless time-travelers from all points in time, who want to travel and maybe change something. Never assume you are the only time traveler. If something possible, it probably will be invented and used again at some point in the future. And there we appear at the point of infinite time travelers, creating infinite chaos and probably crashing the universe. So anyone who took part in time travel is part of the greatest crime, even if they do it out of ignorance. After all, it was possible to think about such a development of events. Since the creature turned out to be smart enough to come up with a way to travel in time, why they didn't think about really possible consequences? That it, no excuses! To hell you go! :V

such a thing as just being stupid.
Being stupid enough to start nuclear war, still makes ignorant one a horrible criminal. Although, there are loopholes in my idea. Like, time traveler may first test thier invention on someone else. They probably will, if they smart enough to think of time machine. Although, why they are so ignorant to destruction, death and unethical things they will bring while using it, I have no idea! Well, some test subject send into the hell probably could make this god more evil, than slightly evil. 🤔​

Edit 2: hmm, I feel a bit weird this evening...
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It is very much evil to time travel. Even not counting universe crashing paradoxes. Any type of time travel is unethical from some point of view. Creating new timelines? You essentially doubling any suffering happening right now in existance, because there is new instances of suffering creature being made. Erase the present and the future? Each such reset is essentially omnicide of instances of creatures, which existed in original timeline. Time loop? Take away people's choice and free will, because now they have no choice, but to be part of this theatre time-traveler caused with the loop. So yeah, straight to hell! :V

Haven't you ever heard of something that's just not evil, even if it's enormously destructive? There's such a thing as being evil, and there's such a thing as just being stupid.
God of Divine Tax Collection
Oh, no. I've just got a revelation. We live in the universe, where god is broke and evaded taxes for some time. He is hiding, but debt collectors take miracles from his children (us) to pay the debt off. God was really party person in early years, you know? :V

Edit: Maybe I need to read more about side effects of these new sleeping pills I've been taking recently. o_O
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The Deity of Administration

Theoretically of no worse than Lawful-Neutral alignment, if not Lawful-Good, this deity is derided by many as the god of middle management and prescriptive paperwork.

Its followers are exhorted to put their efforts into assisting the lower classes by ensuring they have clear and unambiguous paths both for receiving instructions and orders and for enquiring about any concerns they may have such as employment and remuneration, healthcare and leisure provisions. These paths are carefully and thoroughly documented, and administered by the followers themselves so the worker classes do not have to concern themselves with things outside their own specialities. Standardised methods and procedures for both communicating instructions and receiving enquiries allow the followers to themselves specialise.

Simultaneously, the followers are required to assist the upper classes by recording the actions and outputs of the lower classes, compiling and analysing those records (in standardised, repeatable ways both shared across many lands and industries and customised for individual concerns), and presenting those reports at regular intervals in exhaustive detail, with comparison against all other systems using those forms of reporting and consequent recommendations. These actions and outputs include both the intended product of agricultural, industrial and military organisations, but also the concerns and communications of the workers themselves, diligently compiled and crossreferenced against similar concerns and communications by workers in both comparable and unrelated organisations.

The deity encourages its followers to develop new roles within the organisations they administer, to be filled by their fellow followers, to more comprehensively manage those organisations. Positions coordinating between other administrative positions, both between senior and junior administrative positions and between managements of different roles of similar level, are especially prestigious. It also encourages its followers to introduce new forms of management to the organisations they work within, and to develop these new management schemes without disturbing either the uppermost management or the workers from their own duties.

Above all else, the deity encourages diligence: ensuring that every action is properly recorded in the proper way, chasing down every worker or senior leader to sign off on their every responsibility, and ensuring that the worker or senior leader responsible for every action or failure is carefully recorded by name.

Why, it all sounds so reasonable...
The God of the Big Picture
"One death is an anecdote; a thousand might be useful data."
Seeks the good of everyone. Always listens to prayers (gathering data) and takes action to solve the biggest problems first. Are you being hurt or afflicted? Is no one helping? Sorry, one result isn't relevant. Come back when your problem is statistically significant.
Divine Bug Fixer

This is an entity that ensures the hardware and software of reality do not break, because of exploits. Usually, it involves adjusting physical and metaphysical laws and frameworks to make pathways to high divinity or other universe-scale powers impossible. Think of them as the reason why only a chosen few creatures were able to become enlightened and nigh-omnipotent, but others after them cannot achieve the same, even if they follow the same path. It would disrupt the entire system. Therefore, there is an entity that limits pathways to unreasonable power. They cannot take away power from entities that have already obtained it through a loophole, but they can prevent it from escalating infinitely. So they take away more and more paths to greater power over time.​

Edit: Question of the hour: "Can we make working setting with all these divine entities existing in it?"
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Divine Bug Fixer

This is an entity that ensures the hardware and software of reality do not break, because of exploits. Usually, it involves adjusting physical and metaphysical laws and frameworks to make pathways to high divinity or other universe-scale powers impossible. Think of them as the reason why only a chosen few creatures were able to become enlightened and nigh-omnipotent, but others after them cannot achieve the same, even if they follow the same path. It would disrupt the entire system. Therefore, there is an entity that limits pathways to unreasonable power. They cannot take away power from entities that have already obtained it through a loophole, but they can prevent it from escalating infinitely. So they take away more and more paths to greater power over time.​

Edit: Question of the hour: "Can we make working setting with all these divine entities existing in it?"

God of Pulling Up the Ladder. Can't have just ANYONE running around with divine powers, now? That would make for an interesting setting, though; if theoretically anyone could acquire divine powers, what kind of gods would you get? Or what kind of disasters, if divine power doesn't come with some kind of divine wisdom?

The Forgotten Realms was like that; there was a path that could take someone to the point where they could theoretically be promoted to deity (or at least demigod). But that was several editions ago.
Got some sudden odd thought...

Could be the world, where all gods created there are primordial entities. They are like basic part of reality 'software'. They are essentially p-zombies with a lot of power, but really narrow functions. They are not part of the world, but part of underlying reality laws and functions.

However, 'players' in this reality sometimes could find some exploits to get advantage, to get power. Like player of Elder Scrolls, who at some point brew a potion to transcend thier stats into unintended range. Infinite possibilities - infinite potential exploits. This is why there is a nerfing primordial, anti-time travel god to prevent too many people messing with causality, and some other... But there are also some discarded things, unfinished algorithms and structures made for fun. And a lot of spaghetti code of course.

Author is the one who created hardware and software of reality, but they are mostly an observer of events designed. And like any code, this did not work perfectly at the first try. So things were added. Sometimes chaotically, sometimes for the future which never come... Reality is a project of omnipotent programmer and artist.​
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God of Anti-Time Travel.

His work is simple; he is the keeper of time. When someone dares to travel into the past, he reroutes their transfer straight into hell. So anyone who travels back in time never comes back because they end up in the hellish realm as a consequence of this crime. There are no second chances, tricks, or anything of the sort - time travelers are sent directly into a cauldron of molten lead and putridness. However, besides this, he is a chill dude that no one knows about. Even unfortunate time travelers often just think they made a mistake of some kind, died in the name of a SCIENCE experiment, and were sent into a hellish afterlife.

When someone ask about possibility and cociquences of time travel in your fictional work, you can safely tell them this. And add at the end: "No time travel!" :V
This makes an excellent idea for a horror movie. Also, this isn't slightly/kinda evil. It's very, veeery bad. lol. An eternity of torment for a misdeed that's not even evil is very overkill.
It is very much evil to time travel. Even not counting universe crashing paradoxes. Any type of time travel is unethical from some point of view. Creating new timelines? You essentially doubling any suffering happening right now in existance, because there is new instances of suffering creature being made. Erase the present and the future? Each such reset is essentially omnicide of instances of creatures, which existed in original timeline. Time loop? Take away people's choice and free will, because now they have no choice, but to be part of this theatre time-traveler caused with the loop. So yeah, straight to hell! :V

Edit: Also, if there is a possibility of time travel exist in the world, it means there are probably countless time-travelers from all points in time, who want to travel and maybe change something. Never assume you are the only time traveler. If something possible, it probably will be invented and used again at some point in the future. And there we appear at the point of infinite time travelers, creating infinite chaos and probably crashing the universe. So anyone who took part in time travel is part of the greatest crime, even if they do it out of ignorance. After all, it was possible to think about such a development of events. Since the creature turned out to be smart enough to come up with a way to travel in time, why they didn't think about really possible consequences? That it, no excuses! To hell you go! :V

Being stupid enough to start nuclear war, still makes ignorant one a horrible criminal. Although, there are loopholes in my idea. Like, time traveler may first test thier invention on someone else. They probably will, if they smart enough to think of time machine. Although, why they are so ignorant to destruction, death and unethical things they will bring while using it, I have no idea! Well, some test subject send into the hell probably could make this god more evil, than slightly evil. 🤔​

Edit 2: hmm, I feel a bit weird this evening...
Haven't you ever heard of something that's just not evil, even if it's enormously destructive? There's such a thing as being evil, and there's such a thing as just being stupid.
Just borrow an explanation from Christian theology about the devil for why the anti-Time Traveler God doesn't simply warn people, He's also trapped in His own hell and can only torment anyone else who gets dumped in there with Him.

You see, He's also a time traveler. The fact that the universe as we know it contains nothing remotely like Him and His species and originating civilization and the nature of His powers is because it got retroactively undone, so He defends what's left of the universe at all costs.

Maybe the hell isn't His fault per say, it's the original timeline with all the time traveler meddling instead of ours where He's made sure causality only flows one direction. And because it's ground zero for an infinite temporal edit war/wikipedia vandalism by infinitely powerful beings, it's... ...unpleasant.
Gray God

Very slow and efficient opressor. This is the deity of banality, advocating for sapient creatures to prioritize practicality over frivolous imagination and unattainable aspirations. It has a tendency to transform bright, creative children into serious, pragmatic adults who focus solely on tangible matters. While some may argue that this approach fosters stability and habitability in the regions where this god holds sway, there is a downside to this influence. The Gray God often steers technological advancements towards banality, perpetuating a state of normalcy and predictability. Until reaches some designed point and crystalize in this state, and reality itself finally got completely cut off from its neighbors. However, despite their efficiency, followers of the Gray God lack the wonder of miracles, existing in a stagnant and monotonous world reminiscent of our own. In the end, they do not believe in anything and want things to stay normal, but deep inside suffer from unrealised wonder. Everything this god tries to fix turns gray.​

The Bliss

It is a divine entity that can bestow blissfulness and patience upon their followers. However, it can make people too peaceful and apathetic to things happening around them. Followers of Bliss who become too deeply immersed in this inner peace may see nothing wrong with being enslaved by others or with atrocities happening nearby. All they desire is to remain in the warm embrace of blissfulness and ignorance. While it does not eliminate suffering entirely, it helps in experiencing smoother and more peaceful moments after, making it easier to forget negative experiences and focus on the calmness of the present moment, engaging in activities without much passion or distraction by a stray thought.

In ancient times, the God of Bliss was considered completely good because it assisted monks and scholars in finding inner peace to withstand life's challenges. Or to Rules with their enormous burden of responsibility. However, when the pursuit of Bliss led to the uneducated and weak-willed, to the unhappy and suffering, it acted as a drug for many, rendering them obedient like cattle. This was often exploited by tyrants to control the masses. Even if a few individuals rebelled, they would be unable to sway the inert majority under the influence of Bliss, leading to their suppression as no one would heed their calls for justice and freedom. So Bliss is good in intentions, but it affects people and world in a way, which indulges evil.​

Divine Faultline

Entity, which designes and implements hidden vurnabilities into other overpowered creatures via manipulations of metaphysics and fate. They find gray areas and create loopholes for unbeatable entities, which may present danger to reality. This is why Achilles had his weakness for example.​

Conspiracy God

Ensures that conspiracy theories exist in the world and that there are people who truly believe in them, or even create new ones. This god typically targets individuals predisposed to believing in conspiracies and encourages them to develop their own. It cunningly and secretly nudges them, provides designed clues for them, and orchestrates events to convince people that their ideas have merit or are even factual.​
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I came up with a terrible god of darkness and ruin who had been imprisoned under the earth to spare it from his terrible strength. He is also patron of the dwarves who were originally enslaved humans who he took pity on. Seeing a kinship he transformed their bodies making them far more resilient and less effected by heavy labor.
The God-Machine.

In every land, its representatives talk of great plans for the universe, of the new life available to their fellow followers. Some will inevitably answer the call, driven by everything from ambition to desperation. But the god does not want your donations, your worship, or even your service. The god wants you. You need profess no creed, make no offering; just give yourself over, and the god will re-make you in the proper image. Whatever task the god gives you, whether it be high priest or temple slave, you will serve, wholeheartedly, to the best of your abilities. The "you" that steps out will be the best version the god can make, and you will serve to the fullest of the being you are now.

Why the demand? Perhaps the only way to fully grasp the magnitude of its project is to be submerged within. Perhaps the god does not trust the all-important work to outsiders, to anything but the works of its tools. It is certain, though, that no follower has ever left the god's service.
Lamira, The Goddess of Tragedy
What a strange and cruel goddess she is. She is the chronicler of doomed heroes, a weaver of man's follies. She weeps for her own chosen as they fall ever further. When the warrior slays his best friend in a fit of battle-fury, her hand is on his shoulder. When the prince betrays his kin for the sake of power that brings him no satisfaction, she whistles a melancholy tune. And when two lovers make plans to run away to their doom together, you may catch a glimpse of her: a spider hanging from a silver thread, watching and weaving.
The Wishmaster

A divine entity capable of granting wishes to other people. It has the power to create entire universes if necessary to fulfill someone's wish. The Wishmaster can only make one wish a reality for each individual and does not have complete control over whose wish will be granted at any given time. However, they can manipulate desires outcome within certain limits, but it does not operate like a true "monkey's paw." The Wishmaster may be perceived as evil because they grant so many terrible wishes.​
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The God of Yes.

Sure, you'll get the answer...IF your question is true, and unambiguous, and specific, and not too detailed. Otherwise, I suggest you talk to the scribes.

This is a god of prophecies. They provide people with visions of the future in various ways. The downside is that they only offer visions of the future when something negative is about to occur, and by that time, it's already too late to prevent it. This is why people associate this entity with unfortunate and dreadful events. When the Harbinger foretells something, it signifies that troubles are imminent, and no one will be happy.​
The spirit of privacy, who's name is unknown

The spirit of privacy guards people's private spaces from unwelcome eyes.

Sometimes this deity is considered good by people who hide from persecution, docters and accountants.

This deity is also known for not asking questions, when they really really should be asking questions.
They ain't a cop, they ain't a snitch and they most certainly are not a god of Light or goddess of Justice.