Ice (steampunk, slo-mo apocalypse)

Week 1
With the initial bobbles out of the way I am switching to weekly turns.

Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1
-20C, Clear weather, Weather watchers warn of dropping temp soon
Shelter : Basic
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Green. Storage Green
Coal : None, Storage Green
Iron : None, Storage Green
Lesser metals : None
Wood : Production None. Storage Green

Research Complete! You may now begin building an iron/steel facility.

Basic Shelter complete. Your people happily leave the cramped-like-sardines confines of the train for actual family homes.

Storage Warehouses complete. Everything you brought has been unpacked and safely stored.
Flexitime has been implemented. Workers slightly happier, extra bureaucrat hired to track flexi.
Brewer's shed goes up in Generator Zone

A second cookhouse the 'Bertha's Better Food' has been set up by free enterprise, total feeding is now 6000 from FM.
Much better clothing, spark designed although not maintained is coming from FM clothier. (Effectively all 10 degrees warmer)

Choose new research :

[] Research - Lumber mill
Start bringing in wood from the frozen trees
[] Research - Fishing Outpost
Community based fishing.
[] Research - Hunter's Hut
Community based Hunting and Trapping
[] Research - Coal Thumper
Bring coal up to the surface so that it can be gathered
[] Research - Scouts
The zeplins have been useful but they miss a lot that a man on the ground will not.
[] Research - Advanced Laboratory
Slow, expensive, not currently recommended but included in case you wish to tech rush

And plan

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-55 crews
[] Iron and Steel Works Est 20 for End of Week
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Cookhouses Est 15 for EOW
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Week 2
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 1
-30C, Clear weather, Cloudy
Shelter : Basic
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Green. Storage Green
Coal : None, Storage Green
Iron : Green+, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Red, Storage Green
Finance: Amber

Coal Thumper research is complete. You only have one Lab (5 crew) so I am triple-shifting it (15 crews) so that it runs 12 hours per day rather than 4. Note that this prevents free market research. The other 10 crews I have moved to Hothouses for 32 crews. With copious free time your researchers have also researched Lumber Mill 1.

Your hothouses perform as expected. 32 crews (x 2 for spark) = 64 crews (55 required).
You have built 2 Iron and Steel Works and have a considerable surplus of ferrous metals.
Cookhouse built. You are now feeding 3000 people from community kitchen.

Another cookhouse has been built by Free Market, giving you a combined feed total of 12k people. Also selling to you this week is a Lumber Mill, a secondary metals Works (copper, tin, zinc etc and alloys thereof), and a Coal Mine.

Now that you are buying significant amounts I am adding Finance. Your current utterly flat tax rate of 10% seems adequate.

[] Research - Fishing Outpost
Community based fishing.
[] Research - Hunter's Hut
Community based Hunting and Trapping
[] Research - Scouts
The zeplins have been useful but they miss a lot that a man on the ground will not.
[] Research - Advanced Laboratory
Slow, expensive, not currently recommended but included in case you wish to tech rush.

And plan

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-55 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
Week 3
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 1,
-30C, Snowing
Shelter : Basic
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Amber. Storage Green
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : Green, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Amber, Storage Green
Finance: Amber

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2, Research Labs x2, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill.

With time to actually examine the Generator Prof Wilne can now tell you that it it designed for considerable expansion. You can research options to improve it's efficiency (less coal used), area of effect, warmth, and secondary 'steam hubs' which can give you (much smaller) separate areas of heat.

Planning for a fishing outpost is complete. This will be a persistently staffed facility set up on the shore, using either flexitime or full-time government employees. This also includes a bulk hauler to bring home the catch far more efficiently than the zeplins with their 30-ton cargo capacity. It will require 10 crews and produce about 5000 people's food. To further clarify what is happening with this and the hothouses. Growing plants in this environment is basically a special miracle, this is why hothouses are sparkwork. Even so, 55 crews on the hothouses barely produces enough greens to provide vitamins compared to fishing and hunting which provide actual food, calories to burn against the cold and work.

Some work has been done on Hunting hut but remains incomplete.

You did not produce enough greens this week, but stored limes were used to make up the vitamin shortfall. No problems arose.

Planned buildings were constructed without issues : A research Lab, 2 coal thumpers, and a Lumber Mill

[] Research - Hunter's Hut
Community based Hunting and Trapping
[] Research - Scouts
The zeplins have been useful but they miss a lot that a man on the ground will not.
[] Research - Steam Hub
New area of heat (draws on Generator)
[] Research - Advanced Laboratory
Slow, expensive, not currently recommended but included in case you wish to tech rush.

And plan

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-10 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-55 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews.

[] Fishing Outpost (est 20 crews for EOW)
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
Week 4
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 1, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive.
-30C, Clear, More cold coming.
Shelter : Basic
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Amber. Storage Green
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : Green, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Amber, Storage Amber
Finance: Amber

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2, Research Labs x2, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill, Outpost(Fishing). Hothouse x 12

Research on Scouts is complete. You now have a Beacon to guide scouts and similar home as a side benefit. With considerable free time your researchers finish up the prior work on Hunter's Hut as well.

Prof Wilne has developed plans for a Generator Overdrive System. You can now run your Generator in the red for short periods (about a day).
Once again insufficient crews are available to fully work your hothouses. The resulting shortfall is made up from stored supplies.

Fishing Outpost is set up and new Hothouse built without issues.

The Pub is open! Much merriment results. Also available new from the free market are fish-n-chips, bricks, zeppelins (note NOT zeplins), snow cats (a light vehicle, carries 2-4 depending on how friendly they are)

Zeppelins are semi-rigid hot-air or hydrogen Lighter than Air Craft. They require hangers or at least mooring masts and their huge gas bag makes them horribly vulnerable to winds etc.
Zeplins are sparkwork Variable Configuration Lighter/heavier than Air craft. They use the much safer Helium for lift and can compress their gasbag down to a wing making them both much faster and not tied to hangers etc.

[] Research - Steam Hub
New area of heat (draws on Generator)
[] Research - Advanced Laboratory
You will need this to open new areas of research.

And plan

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-10 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-60 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews.
[] Work Fishing Outpost 10 crews OR permanently assign 5 crews

[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
Week 5
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 1, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive.
-30C, Clear, More cold coming.
Shelter : Basic
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Amber. Storage Green
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : Green, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Green, Storage Amber
Finance: Green

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2, Research Labs x2, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 2, Outpost(Fishing). Hothouse x 12

Scouts spread out, checking the ground in your vicinity. Returns so far are modest, some refined metals and stored seasoned lumber. The lumber in particular helped prevent shortfall this week.
They have made an unusual discovery, a frozen solid river with a new-built bridge. Keeping the bridge clean of snow is a fractal spider automaton. These sparkwork house-sized spiderlike creations can infinitely divide and recombine their legs, making them capable of everything from medical surgery to coal mining. Using one to sweep a (useless) bridge is pointless. Your scouts called in Graf Anette who programmed it to return to the city.
A side effect of the sparkwork wireless telegraphy used to talk to the scouts is that you now have contact with the Tropical Expedition, Berlin, and London. The Southers have set up on the coast of Africa with 150 thousand souls, the locals are eager recruits. London has fully transitioned to hothouse-and-fishing economy. Losses have been heavy but some 300 thousand souls remain in the care of H.M. Govt.
Another side effect, of the Beacon this time, is some 400 hardy hermit locals who are interacting with your FM economy. More important than the furs and meat they bring is their cold-weather skill, although they do tell you that it is already colder than living memory.

Research on Advanced Labs has begun and is proceeding normally. Not yet complete.
A second Lumber Mill is complete, bringing your wood up to green.
FM economy continues to grow, tax receipts are up.

You may now assign your Automaton. It fully mans ONE building, replacing all necessary crews. You could for example assign 10 crews to work one of your two lumber mills and the other would work 24/7/365.

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-10 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-60 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-20 crews.
[] Work Fishing Outpost 10 crews OR permanently assign 5 crews

[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
Week 6
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 1, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive, Advanced Labs.
-40C, Clear, Medical tell you that shelter is not adequate
Shelter : Basic
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Amber. Storage Green
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : Green +, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Red, Storage Red
Finance: Green

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2,Advanced Research Labs x2, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 2, Outpost(Fishing). Hothouse x 12

Advanced research Labs researched. Since this is as much a matter of trying new tools etc as anything else your existing labs are upgraded and ready to go. Research has begun on Housing 1

Prof Wilne has a plan to tide over your shelter issue. He will run the Generator on Overdrive 18h00-06h00, and repair during the day. This should prevent any actual frostbite, minimising the problem. He can also use the time to research a Generator upgrade since he will be there.
He suggests double rations for this week. With fuel to burn your people's bodies can resist the cold effectively.

All production buildings are operating normally with no issues beyond the cold.

Your scouts discovered an expedition from Norway huddled in some rocks. Down to 2 weeks food, but well equipped for cold, they are happy to hear of you and would like to join.

[] Norwegians - Yes
400 souls
[] Norwegians - NO
Turn them away

[] Overdrive - Yes
[] Overdrive - No

[] Double rations - All
[] Double rations - Only the ill
[] Double rations - No

[] Research - Stream Hub
Additional areas of heat
[] Research - Generator power 1.
[] Research - Generator area 1
Wider AOE
[] Research - Coal mining
Follow the seams
[] Research - Insulation 1
Make All your buildings warmer
[] Research - Housing 1 (partially complete)
Outer 6ft ice wall to cut wind, double layer brick with air insulation gap between, double glazed windows
[] Research - Infirmary
Sparkwork healing center to fix people good with SCIENCE!!!
[] Research - Lumber mill 2
Improved operating range, throughput

And Plan

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-10 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-60 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-20 crews.
[] Work Fishing Outpost 10 crews OR permanently assign 5 crews

[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
Week 7
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 1, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive, Advanced Labs, Housing 1.
-40C, Clear, Medical tell you that shelter is not adequate
Shelter : Housing 1
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Amber. Storage Green
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : Green +, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Red , Storage Red
Finance: Green

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2,Advanced Research Labs x2, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 2, Outpost(Fishing). Hothouse x 12

Research was slightly slower than you are accustomed to with no spark assisting, but Housing 1 is complete.
Prof Wilne has made good progress on Generator Power 1, he estimates that he is 70% complete.
You have ill people, but the combination of Overdrive at night and extra food has prevented permanent issues. People get hypothermia, visit a medical tent , and are discharged a few hours later with no long-term issues. Production is slightly down, but not enough to affect your statistics.

The Norwegians join, giving you 112 crews to work with.

Your scouts have discovered someone's Coal Outpost. Worryingly it is incomplete and abandoned. They will track back to the origin city this week. You could set up here if desired, or just remember the location and scavenge the large amount of lumber and iron here.

in Free Market news, AvK Zeppelinwerks produced its first bird. This 250 footer carries 300 tons or 250 people at about 40 knots. You continue to buy large amounts of lumber (mostly for research), but it has not yet affected your bottom line.

[] Coal Outpost - Setup
[] Coal Outpost - Scavenge

[] Research - Stream Hub
Additional areas of heat
[] Research - Generator power 1.
[] Research - Generator area 1
Wider AOE
[] Research - Coal mining
Follow the seams
[] Research - Insulation 1
Make All your buildings warmer
[] Research - Infirmary
Sparkwork healing center to fix people good with SCIENCE!!!
[] Research - Lumber mill 2
Improved operating range, throughput

And Plan

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-10 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-60 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-20 crews.
[] Work Fishing Outpost 10 crews OR permanently assign 5 crews

[] Housing for 11200 people, est 56 crews + spark for EOW.
[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
Week 8
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 1, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive, Advanced Labs, Housing 1, Generator Power 1, Insulation 1.
-40C, Clear
Shelter : Housing 1
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Amber. Storage Green
Coal : None, Storage Green
Iron : None, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Red , Storage Red
Finance: Amber

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2,Advanced Research Labs x2, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 2, Outpost(Fishing). Hothouse x 12

Prof Wilne has completed Generator Power 1 with the assistance of your research labs, and with the increased heat now running day and night, he moves to the labs to assist with Insulation 1, also finished.
Sick reports at the end of the week are back to nominal numbers, the increased heat from the Generator preventing issues in the temporary housing
More stored food is used, no shortfalls reported.

Permanent crew are moved to the Fishing Outpost, leaving you with 107 crews available.

The Coal Outpost is up , and requires only crew to be running.
A community Hunter's Hut is built, adding meat to the fish and greens you already supply. This also makes Hunting research available.
About half your people are now in houses, with the newly arrived Norwegians being moved in first to prevent them needing to sleep on the ground.
Your cash reserves are dwindling fast, mostly due to the enormous amount of lumber used in building houses, but you have at least one more week of buying from the FM before you run short.

Scouts report that they have found another City! They have not found anyone there so far, needs further investigation. Another group have brought in a group of people from Germany, who happily report to Graf Anette, they seem to have served with her in the Other War, another 300 souls bringing you up to 110 crews. They add much needed lumber to your stockpiles.

[] Research - Stream Hub
Additional areas of heat
[] Research - Generator area 1
Wider AOE
[] Research - Hunter Equipment 1
More food from hunting
[] Research - Coal mining
Follow the seams
[] Research - Infirmary
Sparkwork healing center to fix people good with SCIENCE!!!
[] Research - Lumber mill 2
Improved operating range, throughput
[] Research - Tier 3 Labs
Prof Wilne thought about calling these Improved labs or similar, but decided that tier 3 is better.

And Plan

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-10 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-60 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-20 crews.
[] Work Coal Outpost 10 crews OR permanently assign 5 crews

[] Housing for 11200 people, est 56 crews + spark for EOW.
[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
Week 9
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 1, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive, Advanced Labs, Housing 1, Generator Power 1, Insulation 1, Steam Hub.
-40C, Clear
Shelter : Housing 1
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Green. Storage Green
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : None, Storage Amber
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Red , Storage Red
Finance: Amber

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2,Advanced Research Labs x2, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 2, Outpost(Fishing). Hothouse x 12

Prof Wilne has completed Steam Hub research, ready for building. Research Labs have not quite finished Lumber Mill 2, they assure you a few more hours will do it.
Stored Food is used, no shortfalls reported.

Coal Outpost is now delivering, plentiful coal abounds!

Housing 1 is complete, your people luxuriate in their warm comfy houses.

Your cash reserves are almost gone, you may consider raising taxes if desired.
[] Taxes - Up
[] Taxes - No change

Scout reports from the newly discovered city make for grim reading. Apparently called New Birmingham it had already been struggling when the latest wave of cold hit. The Rulers of the city, the 'Committee' ordered the Generator run on Overdrive full time, against the advice of the engineers concerned. Two days later it exploded. Many of the dwellers have left, including the 'Committee', but your scouts could bring 2800 people back if you wish. They are almost all starving, many suffering from frostbite, and will need housing, food, medical attention and rest for some time before they will contribute to your city. Some are amputees (as a result of frostbite) and will need prosthetics to be useful at all.

[] Rescue - Save them.
You will need to pre-build housing, send off a chunk of your land train with food, and Graf Anette with her Infirmary car. If you do this Prof Wilne recommends building additional labs and possibly double or triple-shifting the existing ones with the purpose of moving up to tier 3 tech early so as to get useful prosthetics.
[] Rescue - None
Their fate is their own.

[] Research - Generator area 1
Wider AOE
[] Research - Hunter Equipment 1
More food from hunting
[] Research - Coal mining
Follow the seams
[] Research - Infirmary
Sparkwork healing center to fix people good with SCIENCE!!!
[] Research - Lumber mill 2
Improved operating range, throughput
[] Research - Tier 3 Labs
Prof Wilne thought about calling these Improved labs or similar, but decided that tier 3 is better.

And Plan (105 crews)

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-10 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-60 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-20 crews.
[] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews

[] Housing for 2800 people, est 30 for EOW. (if bringing in refugees)
[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
week 10
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 2, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive, Advanced Labs, Housing 1, Generator Power 1, Insulation 1, Steam Hub.
-40C, Clear, more cold coming.
Shelter : Housing 1
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Green. Storage Green
Coal : None, Storage Green
Iron : Green, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Amber , Storage None
Finance: Red

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2,Advanced Research Labs x2, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 2, Outpost(Fishing, Permanent Crew). Hothouse x 13, Outpost (Coal)

Prof Wilne is working on Generator Area 1, about 50% done.
Research Labs have finished Lumber Mill 2, Lumber income increased. With nothing else queued they consider just picking the next in the list, but lumber is too short to allow for research.

Housing for 1400 people is built, along with a new Hothouse.

Understanding your unstated purpose when you fail to send an infirmary car with a spark and to build sufficient housing to protect against the nightly cold, your men set about the grim, necessary work of harvesting only the useful from the chaff of New Birmingham. Amputees and the ill are not given medical assistance on the way, and are assigned to the old, cold huts that are no longer sufficient to ward the night's chill. In the morning the bodies are collected, sadly they died in spite of the rescue effort so that 1400 died and you saved 1400.
The useful half are placed in the newly built housing and set to work, adding 14 crews to your total.

Scouts have discovered an abandoned chrome mine from before the Freeze, since chrome has no real value to you at the moment they scavenge it for the large amounts of wood present.

Financial reserves are still low, but with the recent increase in lumber production, you are seeing a slight recovery.

[] Research - Generator area 1
Wider AOE
[] Research - Hunter Equipment 1
More food from hunting
[] Research - Coal mining
Follow the seams
[] Research - Infirmary
Sparkwork healing center to fix people good with SCIENCE!!!
[] Research - Tier 3 Labs
Prof Wilne thought about calling these Improved labs or similar, but decided that tier 3 is better.

And Plan (119 crews)

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-10 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-65 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-20 crews.
[] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
[] Work Coal Outpost 10 crews, or assign 5 crews permanently

[] Build Steam Hubs to warm lumber and coal workers, est 20 for EOW
[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
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