Ice (steampunk, slo-mo apocalypse)

I have some issues with that plan and I'm going to modify it.
Issue the first - Coal Outpost got permanent assignment last turn, no need now
Issue the second - Coal, Iron and Lesser Metals all have big reserves, which we recently topped off, so we can afford to not harvest them this turn.
That frees up 25 crews.
Issue the third - I see minor inefficiencies.
I'm moving 5 to Hothouses to replace the Automaton, which I'm moving to Lumber Mill in place of 10 crews running one of them, net gain 5 crews, 30 left.
10 more to finish that Lumber Mill, 20 still free
5 to double-shift one lab, 15 still free.
5 to finish bilding another lab, 10 still free which I'll probably toss to Hothouses since we want to keep the level of staffing there the way it was previously. If someone can do approximate maths how many we can shift from there to double-shift lumber production, I'll back you up.

[X] Generator - Expand range and implement Town Planning
[X] Plan It's Getting Colder And We Build
-[X] Research - Tier 3 Labs
-[X] Research - Queue - Hunter Equipment 1
-[X] Work Generator 1 crew 1/2 Spark
-[X] Work Research Lab 15 crew 1/2 Spark
-[X] Work Hothouses 38 crews 1 Spark
-[X] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews 1 Automaton
-[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
-[X] Build 1 Research Labs 15 crews
-[X] Build Steam Hubs to warm lumber and coal workers 10 crews
-[X] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
Does the Generator still need Spark Maintenance done on it if it isn't on overdrive?

Yes, but it is part of the routine maintenance burden which all your sparks do without needing specific assignment by you. Currently this is 15 community buildings at an hour apiece. With two sparks this is 7.5 of the 28 hours your sparks put in each week.
Scheduled vote count started by SAGrognard on Aug 4, 2023 at 7:30 AM, finished with 4 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Generator - Expand range and implement Town Planning
    [X] Plan It's Getting Colder
    -[X] Research - Tier 3 Labs
    -[X] Work Generator 1 crew 1/2 Spark
    -[X] Work Research Lab 10 crew 1/2 Spark
    -[X] Work Hothouses 23 crews 1 Automaton 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Iron and Steel 10 crews
    -[X] Work Coal Thumper 10 crews
    -[X] Work Lumber Mill 20 crews
    -[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
    -[X] Work Coal Outpost 5 crews permanently
    -[X] Build 1 Research Labs 10 crews
    -[X] Build Steam Hubs to warm lumber and coal workers 10 crews
    -[X] Build Lumber Mill Est 5 for EOW
    [X] Plan It's Getting Colder And We Build
    -[X] Research - Tier 3 Labs
    -[X] Research - Queue - Hunter Equipment 1
    -[X] Work Generator 1 crew 1/2 Spark
    -[X] Work Research Lab 15 crew 1/2 Spark
    -[X] Work Hothouses 38 crews 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews 1 Automaton
    -[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
    -[X] Build 1 Research Labs 15 crews
    -[X] Build Steam Hubs to warm lumber and coal workers 10 crews
    -[X] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
week 12
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 2, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive, Advanced Labs, Housing 1, Generator Power 1, Generator Area 1, Insulation 1, Steam Hub.

-50C, Snowing.

Shelter : Housing 1
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Green. Storage Green
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : Green, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Amber , Storage Red
Finance: Red

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2,Tier 3 Research Labs x 3, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 2, Outpost(Fishing, Permanent Crew). Hothouse x 13, Outpost (Coal, Permanent Crew)

Since there is nothing useful left for Prof Wilne to do at the Generator, he assigns himself to the Labs. In a bureaucratic error, your fully staffed Coal Outpost was still calling for crews, and those assigned were placed on lab-building instead. This built your new lab in one week instead of two, and helped finish the Tier 3 research.

Steam hubs are built to warm the lumber mills and coal thumper, done, medical incidents here reduced.

Greens shortage is once again made up from the stockpile you brought up from Britain.

A new lumber mill has been started, with these many crews building it it should be finished in 3 weeks.

Scouts have found another - well - settlement. This small group is the Seed Vault, and their home is a miracle of automation and efficiency with automatons handling all tasks. They are prepared to trade fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy products, and seeds for fish and meat.

[] Seed Vault Trade - Yes
[] Seed Vault Trade - No

Tier 2
[] Research - Hunter Equipment 1
More food from hunting
[] Research - Coal mining
Follow the seams
[] Research - Infirmary
Sparkwork healing center to fix people good with SCIENCE!!!

Tier 3
[] Research - Factory
Build most sparkworks including fractal spiders (automatons) and fully functional prosthetics.
[] Research - Frozen Forest drill.
Sparkwork, will chew up ice and frozen trees and produce chipboard ready for use. Major lumber increase.
[] Research - Ironworks 2
Progress ever continues
[] Research - Tier 4 Labs
More, better, faster!

And Plan (114 crews)

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-15 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-65 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-20 crews.
[] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews

[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
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All right gang, there are two ways we can go about it.
1. Trade, and build up hunting to have goods for exchange. Builds up relations, perhaps we can ask for technological help in the future.
2. Delay trade and rush wall drill. Should solve our lumber issues for a good time, but it's more management of current problems instead of foundations for the future.
[X] Seed Vault Trade - Yes

[X] Plan Cold as Hell
-[X] Research - Frozen Forest drill
-[X] Work Generator 1 crew
-[X] Work Research Lab 15 crew 1 Spark
-[X] Work Hothouses 30 crews 1 Spark
-[X] Work Iron and Steel 0 crews
-[X] Work Coal Thumper 10 crews
-[X] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews 1 Automaton
-[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
-[X] Build 1 Research Labs 13 crews
-[X] Build Lumber Mill 20 crews
Last edited:
Reminder: we don't need to send sparks to generator now (if I understand QM correctly) and automaton operates one building, so it's more efficient to put them in 10 crew buildings. Hothouses take 5.
vote closed - writing
Scheduled vote count started by SAGrognard on Aug 10, 2023 at 8:26 AM, finished with 3 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] Seed Vault Trade - Yes
    [X] Plan Cold as Hell
    -[X] Research - Frozen Forest drill
    -[X] Work Generator 1 crew
    -[X] Work Research Lab 15 crew 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Hothouses 30 crews 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Iron and Steel 0 crews
    -[X] Work Coal Thumper 10 crews
    -[X] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews 1 Automaton
    -[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
    -[X] Build 1 Research Labs 13 crews
    -[X] Build Lumber Mill 20 crews
Week 13
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 2,frozen Forest Drill, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive, Tier 3 Labs, Housing 1, Generator Power 1, Generator Area 1, Insulation 1, Steam Hub.

-50C, Snowing.

Shelter : Housing 1
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Green. Storage Green
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : None, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Green , Storage Amber
Finance: Amber

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2,Tier 3 Research Labs x 3, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 3, Outpost(Fishing, Permanent Crew). Hothouse x 13, Outpost (Coal, Permanent Crew)

Research complete on the Frozen Forest drill, ready to build.

The Seed Vault sends you apples, oranges, peanuts, milk, cheese and many other goodies. Overall food income is up, mostly because the Vault people don't actually care about negotiating the best deal possible. Your chefs and cooks are happier, it seems that dairy is a minor ingredient in many dishes.
Coming in from the Free Market is a new stone called asbestos. A superb insulator, it will surely keep many of your people alive.

Lumber mill finished, lumber income up. Work begins on another Research Lab, expected to finish next week.

The Southern Branch of the Empire report via wireless telegraphy an enormous anomalous circular weather pattern. If this is the first superstorm they are by no means ready.

Tier 2
[] Research - Hunter Equipment 1
More food from hunting
[] Research - Coal mining
Follow the seams
[] Research - Infirmary
Sparkwork healing center to fix people good with SCIENCE!!!

Tier 3
[] Research - Factory
Build most sparkworks including fractal spiders (automatons) and fully functional prosthetics.
[] Research - Frozen Forest drill.
Sparkwork, will chew up ice and frozen trees and produce chipboard ready for use. Major lumber increase.
[] Research - Ironworks 2
Progress ever continues
[] Research - Tier 4 Labs
More, better, faster!

And Plan (114 crews)

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-15 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-65 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-30 crews.
[] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews

[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Frozen Forest Drill est 10 for EOW
Asbestos... yeah, no thanks. Unless our sparks can whip up something to prevent the damn thing from poisoning our entire town.
[X] Plan Preparation Is Key
-[X] Research - Factory
-[X] Work Generator 1 crew
-[X] Work Research Lab 15 crew 1 Spark
-[X] Work Hothouses 40 crews 1 Spark
-[X] Work Iron and Steel 0 crews
-[X] Work Coal Thumper 10 crews
-[X] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews 1 Automaton
-[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
-[X] Build 1 Research Labs 13 crews
-[X] Build Frozen Forest Drill 10 crews
[X] Plan Medical Preparation Is Key
-[X] Research - Infirmary
-[X] Work Generator 1 crew
-[X] Work Research Lab 15 crew 1 Spark
-[X] Work Hothouses 40 crews 1 Spark
-[X] Work Iron and Steel 0 crews
-[X] Work Coal Thumper 10 crews
-[X] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews 1 Automaton
-[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
-[X] Build 1 Research Labs 13 crews
-[X] Build Frozen Forest Drill 10 crews

It may be my asbestos paranoia speaking, but I'm more worried about medical emergencies coming up and both those techs will require Spark workhours. Also, it might be cheaper to research.
vote closed - writing
Scheduled vote count started by SAGrognard on Aug 15, 2023 at 9:23 AM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Preparation Is Key
    -[X] Research - Factory
    -[X] Work Generator 1 crew
    -[X] Work Research Lab 15 crew 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Hothouses 40 crews 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Iron and Steel 0 crews
    -[X] Work Coal Thumper 10 crews
    -[X] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews 1 Automaton
    -[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
    -[X] Build 1 Research Labs 13 crews
    -[X] Build Frozen Forest Drill 10 crews
    [X] Plan Medical Preparation Is Key
    -[X] Research - Infirmary
    -[X] Work Generator 1 crew
    -[X] Work Research Lab 15 crew 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Hothouses 40 crews 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Iron and Steel 0 crews
    -[X] Work Coal Thumper 10 crews
    -[X] Work Lumber Mill 10 crews 1 Automaton
    -[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
    -[X] Build 1 Research Labs 13 crews
    -[X] Build Frozen Forest Drill 10 crews
Week 14
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 2,frozen Forest Drill, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive, Tier 3 Labs, Housing 1, Generator Power 1, Generator Area 1, Insulation 1, Steam Hub.

-50C, Clear, more cold coming.

Shelter : Housing 1
Storage space : Amber
Food : Production : Green. Storage Green+
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : None, Storage Amber
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Green , Storage Green
Finance: Amber

Department of Civics report that storage is getting full. This is a Good problem to have, but you may wish to build more. (Added to build options)

Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2,Tier 3 Research Labs x 4, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 3, Outpost(Fishing, Permanent Crew). Hothouse x 13, Outpost (Coal, Permanent Crew), Frozen Forest Drill.

Factory Research finished, ready to build.
Your fourth research Lab is finished, ready to work.

The Southern Branch of the Empire report via wireless telegraphy that winds in Anomaly Ada have reached hurricane force, and seem still to be speeding up. They are digging shelters and redoubts.

Tier 2
[] Research - Hunter Equipment 1
More food from hunting
[] Research - Coal mining
Follow the seams
[] Research - Infirmary
Sparkwork healing center to fix people good with SCIENCE!!!

Tier 3
[] Research - Ironworks 2
Progress ever continues
[] Research - Tier 4 Labs
More, better, faster!

And Plan (114 crews)

[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-20 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-65 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-30 crews.
[] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
[] Work Frozen Forest Drill 10 crews

[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Frozen Forest Drill est 10 for EOW
[] Build Factory est 10 for EOW
[] Build Storage Warehouse est 5 for EOW
[X] Plan How Cold Is It Again?
-[X] Research - Infirmary
-[X] Work Generator 1 crew
-[X] Work Research Lab 17 crew 1 Spark
-[X] Work Hothouses 40 crews 1 Spark
-[X] Work Iron and Steel 20 crews
-[X] Work Coal Thumper 10 crews
-[X] Work Lumber Mill 1 Automaton
-[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
-[X] Build Storage Warehouse 5 crews
-[X] Build Factory 10 crews
Can we suggest technologies via write-ins? Because I'd like to start cracking on what seems to be our long-term goal:
I'm actually growing to the idea of a mountain run. Built up industrial surface with the laborer housing but you go down a ramp or elevator and it's full on warrens of maintenance tunnels and living areas interspersed with more refined/upper class lodgings.

Anyway, my plan is going to involve heavy tech-cruch this turn, probably via multi-shifts in labs. Objections?

Then, rationale first.
Our resource situation is, generally speaking, wonderful. Food is overflowing, almost everything else is in surplus and with good reserves. Some of the food is coming from trade, so we want to keep production of meats high and iron is a bit on the fence, but otherwise I feel we can slow down with resource acquisition. Wood is needed for everything, but we have Da Drill now and I hazard a guess it will cover us for less work cost.
On the other hand, our tech is barely keeping up. We know from rumours that Great Storm will be coming soon and even though mountains will help, we've only just stabilized for -50C and free access to food. To this end, I'm going to just dump as much people as I can without slowing us down too much on tech. and multi-shift. Dropping Spark there as well to maximise benefits.
Infirmary is a must, we were quite lucky that other than refugee dillema we didn't have medical emergencies for so long. Then, there are three things of mostly the same priority. Hunting Equipment helps with food (which is a perennial problem) and gives us forther surplus for export to Seed Vaults, and I want to keep up the trade for as long as possible - diplomacy with tech center is always good. Labs 4 opens more possibilities, some Storm countermeasures probably among them. Finally, my tech write-in: Subterranean Construction, for the storm shelters and first steps towards Karak Britannia. Final order I see is Infirmary -> Hunting -> Subterranean -> Lab 4 - keep the most expensive thing for last and get trading benefits soonest.
Building Factory is a good idea, if only to see what we can do with it for now, but with limited harvesting I think we can afford to delay storage expansion.
This explained - plan.

[X] Plan Progress, Progress, Progress
-[X] Research
--[X] Start Infirmary
--[X] If free, Queue Hunting Equipment 1
--[X] If free, Queue Subterranean Construction
--[X] If free, Queue Tier 4 Labs
-[X] Construction
--[X] Build Factory - 10 crews
-[X] Operation
--[X] Work Generator 1 crew
--[X] Work Research Lab 50 crew 1 Spark (multishifting)
--[X] Work Hothouses 27 crews 1 Spark
--[X] Work Iron and Steel 10 crews
--[X] Work Frozen Fores Drill 1 Automaton
--[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews

Tech write-in: Subterranean Construction
Learn how to dig a space large and sturdy enough to live and work in.
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Tech write-in: Subterranean Construction
Learn how to dig a space large and sturdy enough to live and work in.

Your sparks and engineers can tell you that there are in fact four issues that arise when humans try to live underground/undersea.

1. Air. Oxygen is produced on the surface and nowhere else. Air in caverns etc is usually stale. This is a solved problem (by miners etc), big fans do the job of bringing air down from the surface. You would need to build and power them.

2 + 3. Deficiency diseases. Humans suffer both psychological and physical issues after long periods without sunlight. The mental is a langour (Depression) causing apathy, and the biological is a disease called Rickets which causes children's bones to soften and deform.
You could bring sunlight down with gathering lenses and mirrors, or create a chained sun (sparks do not think small) which might also help with the air problem if you then plant underground.

4. The construction itself. This is the one you wish to address first, and again is mostly a solved problem by miners. Some research into stresses and rock strength etc would be needed.
Your sparks and engineers can tell you that there are in fact four issues that arise when humans try to live underground/undersea.

1. Air. Oxygen is produced on the surface and nowhere else. Air in caverns etc is usually stale. This is a solved problem (by miners etc), big fans do the job of bringing air down from the surface. You would need to build and power them.

2 + 3. Deficiency diseases. Humans suffer both psychological and physical issues after long periods without sunlight. The mental is a langour (Depression) causing apathy, and the biological is a disease called Rickets which causes children's bones to soften and deform.
You could bring sunlight down with gathering lenses and mirrors, or create a chained sun (sparks do not think small) which might also help with the air problem if you then plant underground.

4. The construction itself. This is the one you wish to address first, and again is mostly a solved problem by miners. Some research into stresses and rock strength etc would be needed.

I intend SC to be an opening technology for a sub-tree developed to more and more self-sustainable underground habitation. If it allows for anything directly, it would likely be shafts and shelters, something between Cappadocian underground villages and Cold War era nuclear-proof bunkers in capacity and comfort. More research further on would be devoted to making them larger, more comfortable and more self-sustaining, perhaps reaching "Underground Village" 3-4 techs in, and then increasing size, depth and other stuff further down the line.
With how the tech is written now, would simple sheplters be available or would you prefer it to be a new tech? Also, what kind of tier and expenses would we look at for solving the other problems?
I intend SC to be an opening technology for a sub-tree developed to more and more self-sustainable underground habitation. If it allows for anything directly, it would likely be shafts and shelters, something between Cappadocian underground villages and Cold War era nuclear-proof bunkers in capacity and comfort. More research further on would be devoted to making them larger, more comfortable and more self-sustaining, perhaps reaching "Underground Village" 3-4 techs in, and then increasing size, depth and other stuff further down the line.
With how the tech is written now, would simple sheplters be available or would you prefer it to be a new tech? Also, what kind of tier and expenses would we look at for solving the other problems?
Shelters would be immediately available. Air fans would be tier 2 so could be researched immediately after SC. Deficiencies could be researched at tier 3 so the same again. Lenses and mirrors would be tier 4 or so. Chained stars (self-sustaining nuclear fusion reactions) would be pure sparkwork.
vote closed - writing
Scheduled vote count started by SAGrognard on Aug 22, 2023 at 7:56 AM, finished with 8 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Progress, Progress, Progress
    -[X] Research
    --[X] Start Infirmary
    --[X] If free, Queue Hunting Equipment 1
    --[X] If free, Queue Subterranean Construction
    --[X] If free, Queue Tier 4 Labs
    -[X] Construction
    --[X] Build Factory - 10 crews
    -[X] Operation
    --[X] Work Generator 1 crew
    --[X] Work Research Lab 50 crew 1 Spark (multishifting)
    --[X] Work Hothouses 27 crews 1 Spark
    --[X] Work Iron and Steel 10 crews
    --[X] Work Frozen Fores Drill 1 Automaton
    --[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
    [X] Plan How Cold Is It Again?
    -[X] Research - Infirmary
    -[X] Work Generator 1 crew
    -[X] Work Research Lab 17 crew 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Hothouses 40 crews 1 Spark
    -[X] Work Iron and Steel 20 crews
    -[X] Work Coal Thumper 10 crews
    -[X] Work Lumber Mill 1 Automaton
    -[X] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
    -[X] Build Storage Warehouse 5 crews
    -[X] Build Factory 10 crews