Ice (steampunk, slo-mo apocalypse)

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The Ice Age cometh
Germiston, South Africa
You are Captain Sir Cullum Henry Montan KC, commanding protected cruiser HMS Warspite, fifth of her name, commissioned two years ago in 1886.
She mounts 4 9-inch guns, 6 6-inchers, 4 torpedo tubes, is rated for 17 knots, and carries 10 inches of armor on her belt.
The latest and best ship in the world, and you gave the order a week ago to gut her, and strip her down for parts.
Strangest orders you have ever received, but you will follow them.

"Our advisors inform Us that the unending winter of the last year, is likely the return of the great Ice Ages of yore.
Furthermore and disturbingly, that a strong chance exists that this return will birth great storms which will scour the Tropics and Temperates, saving only a rough oval in the North and Centre of the Near East.

Accordingly, Our response to this Ice Age is to send you and your assigns into the frozen north.
We remain here to preserve Our people as best We may, and another expedition goes south to the Tropics.
In this manner We hope to have the best chance of preserving the future.

We do grant to you the title of Viceroyal over the Northern Branch of the British Empire,
charging you with the preservation of Civilization and Culture in the dark times ahead.
We do grant also to you the position of Ambassador Extraordinary, Plenipotentiary, and Roaming,
charging you to make War and Peace upon such persons at it may please you, by our behest, and in Our Name.
Assigned to you are two specialists to aid imprimis Our strongest spark, Professor James Wilne of Cambridge, who may be of help with iceships.
And secundus Our cousin Henrietta who We believe can be of help with people, and stands in line of succession should We fall.

God Speed
Victoria R."

Professor Wilne has already given you his ideas, rather than iceships, he plans a great land cruiser that is built like a train.
Motive engines front and rear, with each carriage having enough engine to make perhaps 1 or two knots by itself if needed, great rollers providing traction.
The carriages will be three-storied, engine in lowest, living quarters or similar in second to take advantage of the heat rising from the engine,
and storage in the highest and coolest.
He already plans several types of carriage, but can build their skeletons and the motive engines before any further decisions need be made.
Inbetween-time, some decisions do need to be made.

First, the people you are taking. Your crew and other effective are men, young and strong, some 800 at last count.
Due to the entirely natural and laudable urge to preserve the lives of women and children, the refugees who have swelled the populace of Plymouth run,
well most of them are women and children.
Sadly, they lack the upper body strength to labor in a coal mine or fishery, although quite capable in other jobs that do not demand raw strength.
On the other side of that coin, you will need at least some women if you wish a second generation of civilization.

[] People - Stick to the traditional
All of your men will be getting married (to one woman) and adopting any children they bring to the union.
Pro: Men are happier and more stable when married, children will grow up and work.
Con: Work teams do less. Food needed for pregnant women and babes who cannot work at all.

[] People - Adapt and accept
All of your men will be getting married (to an average of five women) and adopting children (an average of eleven).
Pro: Better morale, steady flow of new workers, not leaving women and children behind without a provider.
Con: Work teams do even less. Food needed for many pregnant women and babes who cannot work at all.

[] People - Ignore
Any of your men who are married or have other arrangements can bring the women. You will take no stance.
Pro: Work teams do more. No need to spend food on those who cannot contribute to survival.
Con: Likely to be conflict between men who have women and those who do not after arrival.

Second, the town of Roborough has appealed for aid - against the cannibal mob moving south toward them.
Apparently, cannibal mobs are now a feature of the English landscape.
This will not be a problem for you, your Marines can escort a package of a thousand muskets from the armory here and teach the basics in a couple of hours.
They have a couple of four-pounder guns on land carriages to break charges that they can take also.
The question is how you will engage.

[] Mob - A parent will commit any crime to feed a starving child.
They are desperate citizens, and should be turned back with as little bloodshed as possible.
Fire will be given at maximum range in order to kill only the bolder, and ceased as soon as the mob rout.

[] Mob - Cannibals must die.
By choosing that crime they have declared themselves hostis humani generis, enemies of all humanity, and must be dealt with.
Fire will be held until cannon can fire grape, then delivered with all weapons even after a rout, with the purpose and intent of slaughter.

Sparks are what make this steampunk. They are engineers who make devices that send Physics off to cry in the corner.
Some samples : strong AI, steam powered battlesuits, fractal spiders (40 ft tall, infinitely divisible legs allow them to do any job included on their punch-cards),
gengineered superhuman immortal soldiers, mind control wasps.
Spark-created mechanical works require maintenance just as any other machine, and absolutely require a spark to do so.
Living creations are generally self-repairing, but lack the raw power of mechanical.
You have one spark at present, you may get more if you get more people. About one in 10 million has the gift. OFC apocalypse tends to select for them.
Two - Weddings and Funerals
Adapt and Accept 3 Tradition 3 (tie - both options chosen) No slaughter 4

You are Henrietta Victoria DeMarne, and four other names besides, and you are turning the Captain's rather vague ideas into something that people can live with. Right now you are giving a speech to assembled refugees, mostly women and children, only a few men here and there.

"The Captain has 800 men who need wives, there will be a marriage fair tomorrow at the town hall. Those rated Able Seaman and up, that is roughly a Corporal for those of you who only know Army, will be allowed multiple wives and to adopt orphan children. These higher-ranked individuals get better pay and conditions, and can afford to care for more than one.
If you are wondering whether you should join up when you will be going North, well - the Captain had 550 men in his crew at the start of the
Freeze, he still has 530 of those, and another 250 odd who have joined. He keeps people alive. Thank you and hope to see you tomorrow"

Short and blunt, but you have another three meetings today. The hurry helps you forget that the only two men of sufficient station for you to marry are the Captain and Professor Wilne. Perhaps you should be staking your own claim at the fair?

Lieutenant Torrance brought his sword down as the swirl of figures reached the 900 pace marker he had placed in the road, and sergeants bellowed "Muskets Present, ..., Give Fire!". A solid wall of noise washed over him as a thousand pieces bellowed, and he raised his spyglass to check the effect. Some 50 hits, damn good practice at this range. To either side of him the drill continues. "Bite your Cartridge, Pour, Ram, Spit and wad, Ram, Level, Tilt and Tap, Present, Wait for it." The sergeant stepped into the formation and used his fists to encourage one of the townsmen to remove his ramrod, and stepped back again. The sword swept down "Give Fire!". Waving away smoke he looked again, yes the mob were wavering. Fortunately they did not know that this lot knew only how to fire standing, no idea how to move with musket or wheel. All the mob could see was disciplined volleys coming in, and the sullen menace of the cannon in the road itself, waiting for case-shot range. Another two volleys and they broke, leaving groaning and still bodies in the road. He turned and ordered, "Marines form up". The locals could deal with the survivors, he had a ship to get back to, and work to do.

Speaking of work, the Captain needs to decide how it will be done. This is definitely an emergency situation, and it could be life and death to have everyone working a shift for the common weal. The problem with a planned economy of course, is that if he forgets something critical, everyone dies. Since Captain Cullum was not issued infallibility with his rank, perhaps at least some civilian economy would be desirable.

[] Economy - Peacetime
Only persons in the Direct service of the state - currently some 200 Royal Marines and another 200 soldiers.
Effect: This is a civilian economy versatile and adaptive. Difficult to mobilize for large projects, but those working on such will be volunteer rather than Pressed. One volunteer is worth three pressed men after all.

[] Economy - Militia
Everyone puts in a 4-hour shift each day.
Effect: This will still leave those not in direct service 12 hours a day to do whatever, but will allow some large project handling.

[] Economy - Wartime
Everyone puts in an 8hour shift each day.
Effect: Communal projects will advance swiftly and efficiently. Those who wish to better themselves will have 8 hours a day.

[] Economy - Watch and Watch
12 hours a day, 4 on 4 off repeating. This has been the standard on HM ships since time immemorial. Soft landsmen complain about it until they adapt but adapt they do. Personal experience shows that perhaps a scorth of the men will spend half their recreation time pursuing advancement. Minimal to no civilian economy. Sustainable 24/7/365.
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Choose your Train
Your current population will be 700 men, 2100 women and 3500 children (83 work gangs). Your work gangs will operate at 70% efficiency for 4 hours a day. It typically requires between 10 and 15 work gangs to fully man an industry site. Your population growth and thus the rate at which you gain new workers each year will be Very High. Considerable civilian industry as a safety net.

You are Captain Cullum and the Ice train is beginning to take shape. The Standard car will sleep 200 souls in cramped discomfort, and carry 3 months food and sundries.
You will need 42 such to move the people you have already committed for. The engineers have muttered their arcane rites, and tell you that such a train will take a month to reach the North at 5 knots. You could order more cars, for either a medium train at 60 cars and a month and two weeks, or a long train at 80 cars and two months.
You can also add specialist cars such as:
Scouting car. This adds four icerigger hermaphrodite boats. Their purpose will be to probe ahead of the train and on its flanks. Such advance warning of crevasse and pressure ridge could be critical. Your current scouting is Professor Wilne's 'hovercraft'.
Supply car. A supply car for each 10 standard cars will give you another month of supply.
Skater car. Walking through deep snow is heavy exercise and does 1 knot at best. Snowshoes or cross-country skis are medium exercise at 3 knots.
Skating is light exercise, almost none if hanging onto a pull rope. A skater car has tents for 500 people, and allows them to ride behind the train in the 'paved ice' created by its many rollers. When the train stops at night the tents are unfolded and heated from the car's boilers. These could allow you to save many more people.
Hothouse car. Start now learning how to warm and grow food, for an early start once you arrive. Will also reduce the risk of scurvy on the way.
You will be growing radishes, carrots and other 30-50 day crops which are low on food but high on flavor and nutrients.

[] Size - Small 42 cars .
A swift journey but the fewest resources and workers at the other end.
[] Size Medium 60 cars
Middle of the road.
[] Size Large 80 cars
Most workers and resources. Slow pace.

Specialist cars
[] Scout
[] Supply
[] Skater
[] Hothouse
[] Write-in?
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Where to
10000 souls (100 work gangs), 5 months supplies, expected 2 month trip, you will be conducting extensive hothouse production and testing, a balloon will watch for hazards visible from the air, heavy cannon will be available to deal with foes, and doctors available to deal with disease

All that remains is to choose your destination.

[] Site A : On the coast of the Arctic Ocean.
Make hole in ice, fish = FOOD. Coal and iron a day or so away, wood is available locally. No Generator.
Choose this site if you expect food to be the main issue.

[] Site B: Inland.
Generator site, massive coal reserves, iron and wood available locally, food is hothouses and hunting.
Choose this site if you expect warmth to be the main issue.

[] Site C: In the Mountain
Wind chill will be irrelevant here. Generator site. Local coal, all others will require travel.
Choose this site if you expect the superstorms to be the main issue.

Generators are sparkworks. A fixed area around them is heated by a set amount. This does not follow inverse square or other normal laws, temperature is even and smooth. They require fuel (coal) and maintenance (spark time)
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Where to go
Day 2, English Channel, In Transit , Ice at 2 yards, Snow at 4 yards.

You are Professor James Wilne, and this is the second time today that your hovercraft Snowbird has run into a crevasse. The sudden lift as there is nothing under the front and the pressure in the plenum chamber vents down triggers the propeller wings to snap flat. Exactly as designed the props gather all available steam from the boiler and briefly Snowbird lives up to her name and FLIES. The landing some 20 yards later is hard but again within design parameters and the wings snap upright once more to begin slowing her. Next up is the careful approach to the revealed crevasse, mapping the hollow, and laying orange paint to guide the train around. Normally this would have been found by the scouts moving out a day ahead, but the Captain insisted on this diversion from the planned route. You bring Snowbird up on the side of the train as it slows for an unscheduled stop 20 minutes or so later. The tannoy you installed echoes the Captain's voice correctly in each car, good work there, pat self on back.

"All Hands, All Hands, man the starboard rail. Bugler - Sound Taps"

The wind is harsh today, certainly no musical instrument could cause a stinging in your eyes, as the Captain continues.

"The orange hut is an emplacement of Her Majesty's Royal Engineers, manned by Corporal DeWitt, Privates Baker and Lange. When their supplies failed to arrive 10 days ago they were faced with a choice, to remain and continue sending weather and ice on the wireless telegraph, or strike out for home. They chose in the finest traditions of the Service of the Queen, to remain. Their reports made our travel much easier or possible. We take the cold-weather clothing from their bodies, the stoves and other survival gear from their hut, so that the sacrifice they made is only increased. We leave their bodies imperishable in the cold until the Thaw, when the Ocean shall melt and claim their bodies.
We therefore commit their bodies to the deep. Chaplain!"

You bring Snowbird up to the third, Captain's car after the service. Lady Henrietta desires a meeting.
With 2 months of travel she does not want to waste the time. The subject is one dear to you as well, Education!"

Industrialization produced a profound change in the societies it affected. Previously boy-children got married some time between 12 and 14, spent 2-4 years having children and doing an apprenticeship, and then were liable for the military and other risky roles in society. The change has only just begun towards vastly extended childhoods (till 25 in some societies today) and still mostly applies only to upper-class and professional children.

Henrietta proposes universal education, so that you will discern Sparks and natural scholars arising among the lower and middle classes.

[] Education - Universal
All Children - Expensive, risks social upheaval, but maximizes the people critical to civilization.

[] Education - As per Normal
Upper and professional class only, lower cost, fewer teachers needed.

The period should also be considered.

[] Duration - One year
Will identify Sparks and natural scholars, teach reading writing and arithmetic.

[] Duration - 2 years
Add enough basic technological savvy that workers may be used in any industry without retraining.

Or superseding all other choices.

[] Education - The Navy way - Continuous compulsory child and adult education.
The RN calls this cross-training, and it it is part of what makes the Navy the most progressive institution in the world.
Very expensive, very effective, will reduce workplace efficiency as time is spent training instead of working.
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Car 22
Day 5, English Channel, In Transit , Ice at 6 yards, Snow at 3 yards.

Car 22 had one of it's rollers -splinter-. No serious casualties, only contusions and abrasions, but the undercarriage of the car is bent noticeably out of true.

[] Car 22 - Shit happens
Replace the roller from spares, hammer the undercarriage straight , move on. 1/2 hour delay
[] Car 22 - Investigate
Declare a stop and have the engineers go over car 22 and the other car's rollers before continuing. 2 hours delay.
[] Car 22 - Forensics
Move sufficient pieces of the roller into a workshop to determine what went wrong, whether manufacturing flaw or cold shatter. 6 hours delay.
War and Peace
Day 5, English Channel, In Transit , Ice at 6 yards, Snow at 3 yards.
Two hours after unscheduled halt.

An autogyro - a sparkwork flying machine passes about a mile off the starboard bow - probably flying a coastal patrol.
Twenty minutes later a zepplin comes into sight from the coast, dropping off a party at 300 yards.

The group is a squad in Prussian-blue uniforms, almost certainly soldiers from one of the elite regiments Germany inherited from Prussia, two men in German Naval Black, and one in a blue-and-gray uniform (probably private livery).
A squad is not a threat to the train, but zepplins are sparkworks and a squad means more soldiers nearby.

[] Open fire
Kill the men - loot the zepplin
[] Talk
Find out who they represent and what they want
War and Peace 2
The zepplin contingent advance, and are met by the Captain and a few marines.
The man in black steps forward 'Good Day. English yes?'.
Upon receiving nods he continues 'I am Capitan zur See Holger, Coastal Patrol. I am tasked with discovering your intentions and course'.
The Captain replies with his name and 'Into the Baltic, then NorthEast into the old Russias. We are the contingency for the possible superstorms wiping out the Tropics, Americas, and Europe'.
Holger blinks for several seconds, this is clearly not what he had expected to hear. 'A large contingency, it seems your liege takes this threat seriously. A moment please.'
He walks a short distance away, taking a bulky apparatus from one of his followers, and talks in German for some time.
When he returns he smiles 'Sehr Gud, ah, that's fine, command says you may use the Koln canal if you wish, the Skaggeral has become unsafe due to bandits. Command is also considering, and will speak further once you are in the Baltic. Good Day'
He and his men return to the zepplin and leave without further ado, very Germanic.

[] Course - Koln canal
Shorter, possible German interference
[] Course - Skaggerak
Longer, possible ice pirates
War and Peace 3
The roller turns out to have been made from a bad batch of steel, three others from the same batch show signs of failing and are replaced. Two men are designated as harkers. They will walk down the train at each stop, checking that the rollers produce a musical bong when struck.

The train changes course toward the Koln canal head, passing dozens of ice-barges hauling up and down the coast.
At the entry point stands a fortress, but the great guns are silent, only the bark of a signal gun saluting a foreign warship sounds.
As you move up the canal, you can see barges being pulled out in front of you, and back in once you are past.
Several hours later you emerge in the Baltic.

Waiting for you is Kapitan Holger, along with a 120 yard ship converted for ice work. Skis in front, looped self-laying track at the back. still with a boat hull.
The Kapitan gestures toward the ship. 'Germany has decided to invest in your contingency. We offer "Wanderer", her attached three zepplins, and
a Spark to handle them. Graf Anetta von Krieg with her retainers.'

It is a considerable offer. Zepplins will dramatically improve your scouting and general reach.
Female Sparks are much rarer than male, and provided they marry a Spark their children are very likely to Spark themselves. The von Krieg name means that she was a commoner who was knighted for valor on the battlefield.

Offer - Accept
Spark, iceship, 3 zepplins, 235 souls

Offer - Reject
Continue as is.
Day 6, Baltic, In Transit , Ice at 8 yards, Snow at 3 yards.

Wanderer takes up a v-left position on the train as you move off. Graf Anette obviously expect you to turn to starboard to open your batteries if needed. Her zepplins begin patrol at two thousand feet out and perhaps 500 up. Solid enough deployment without any consultation required.

You are now Graf Anette von Krieg, watching the little not-quite-flier Snowbird head over to you and pull alongside. The Herr Professor calls 'Graf Anette for command conference please.'
Time to get your public face on, but first, line down to snowbird, good he takes the line and keeps it taunt without snubbing it or similar, slide down, land in the seat next to him, and ask 'You are no soldier or sailor, but you forward scout for this whole train?'
The Herr Professor responds 'It is a duty which must be done. I designed and built Snowbird for that duty so there is very little real danger.'
Yes not exactly the workshop loungers you had met before, probably acceptable. You give him your number 3 smile which causes him to turn back to steering the craft. Is he blushing? Hmm, this could be interesting. The Kazerin's suspicious eagerness to volunteer you for this duty may not have been so bad a thing.

2 Days later ...
The zepplins report it first, racing back to go heavier-tan-air and settle into their protected hangars on Wanderer, confirmed by Snowbird moving back, aldis lamp flashing 'Wind front approaching, visibility within very low'.

Weather - [] You are ready
You are prepared for this, be it snowstorm, blizzard, or whiteout. Slow to two knots, deploy the 'whiskers' in front and move on.

Weather - [] No chances
Stop and wait. You have plenty of supplies and do not need to take any unnecessary risks. It will blow out in an hour or a day.