I wanted to learn magic, but all I got was this shady contract

[X] One person is still wandering around in circles. Seems like it would be easy to lead him toward your experiments.
[X] One person is still wandering around in circles. Seems like it would be easy to lead him toward your experiments.
Alfred the Lost
"Well, this is a fairly easy decision." You walk toward the person who is currently alone. It doesn't take long for you to catch up to said person. On closer inspection, the person doesn't look very bright in more ways than one. Well at least, he looks to be stronger than the last batch of patients.

"Yoh, lost?," you greet him.

"Oh god, you don't know how good it is to see another living person. I must have been walking in circles for like hours," he looks almost comically happy at seeing you.

'Well this is going to be easy.' you think to yourself.

"Why don't you follow me? A friend and I are actually looking for students. Wouldn't want anyone to be lost forever in this maze right?"

"Ah, thanks man."

"By the way what's your name? Mine Micheal. Micheal Telvas."

"Alfred. Alfred Eisenhauer. Seriously, man you have no idea how grateful. I am to see you."

You and Alfred traverse the maze back toward Amelia's lovely abode. Unfortunately, something odd is occurring, you know for a fact you are walking toward Amelia's room, yet you can't ever seem to get closer to her room. Halfway through, you and Alfred begin sprinting in an attempt to make some sort of head way. Unfortunately, no matter how fast you two sprint through the maze, you don't seem be able to go anywhere. What the hell is this horseshit? After about 2 hours of walking/sprinting around, Alfred finally confesses up "Uh Mike are you sure you know where we are going? It looks like we are walking in circles."

"That because we are walking in circles. Seriously how is this even possible. Have you been inflicted by some sort of Gypsy curse or something."

"Wait are you blind? No offense, but are you sure you should be leading?"

"I have super magic senses, and it seriously took you that long that long to notice that."

"Uh, I have been slow compared to the rest of my family. Also, a bit of a fuck-up."

"Still, I don't get it. How can we be lost? When I see where we are, where we should be going, and finally all the points in between. Have you been sabotaging my senses some how?", while Alfred looks quite dim, you never know. Perhaps, he is suppressing his power levels, and that vacant facade is merely a front for you to drop your guard. Oh god, have you walked straight in to his trap?

"No. No. No man, Why would you ever think that? You know hold up let me ask my god about this."

You tense up is he perhaps invoking his god to smite you. Were you right? This is a trap? You ready your mace and gun in case this turns hairy.

"Uh man, sorry my god says he took away my sense of direction as part of the deal. I kind of thought that I could have someone lead me around to safety, but it looks like my lost direction also effects anyone trying to lead me somewhere or journeying with me. My bad. Sorry."

"BUILAKSJDHALKSJHFLKJDHF," a guttural sound comes from your lungs so much hate, so much hate. You begin to say something very unpleasant before you feel the space shift rather abruptly.

"Holy SHIT," Alfred says. You don't even need to turn around to feel it. You have been warped to the center of the maze where the guardian resides.

This creature is ugly. It really is just ugly.

You see the beast slowly approach you and Alfred saliva rolling down its fat cheeks, slowly contemplating which morsel is tastier. Alfred has already drawn his weapon, a simple sword and shield.

You do a quick scan. The group of four are on there way. It looks like they are going to be joining up soon in like 15 minutes assuming they keep their current course.

Based on the current information, you......

[]Join Alfred in fighting the beast. You really don't want to, but if you leave now, and Alfred survives for the 15 minutes. The group of four will know that you are highly untrustworthy

[]Leave Alfred to his fate. You know he probably isn't going to last 15 minutes. Hopefully, you can join up with the party of four and kill it that way.

[]Take Alfred and runaway..... This seems like a terrible idea, but given his abilities. You are fairly certain that the monster will not be able to follow you, or you might run back in the monster. Why are you even considering this anyway?

[] Write-in
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[X]Join Alfred in fighting the beast. You really don't want to, but if you leave now, and Alfred survives for the 15 minutes. The group of four will know that you are highly untrustworthy
[X]Take Alfred and runaway..... This seems like a terrible idea, but given his abilities. You are fairly certain that the monster will not be able to follow you, or you might run back in the monster. Why are you even considering this anyway?
[X]Join Alfred in fighting the beast. You really don't want to, but if you leave now, and Alfred survives for the 15 minutes. The group of four will know that you are highly untrustworthy
[X]Take Alfred and runaway..... This seems like a terrible idea, but given his abilities. You are fairly certain that the monster will not be able to follow you, or you might run back in the monster. Why are you even considering this anyway?
We won't get anywhere.
[X]Join Alfred in fighting the beast. You really don't want to, but if you leave now, and Alfred survives for the 15 minutes. The group of four will know that you are highly untrustworthy
This is rather unfortunate. However, if we can help fight the boss, we will be seen as more trustworthy, and some of the others might be injured in the battle and become easier to collect.
[X]Join Alfred in fighting the beast. You really don't want to, but if you leave now, and Alfred survives for the 15 minutes. The group of four will know that you are highly untrustworthy

...Wow...so we have seen the Great One's and are now for all intents and purpose crazy af....not sure how to feel about this. Also very concerned that 'Amelia' looks like Iosefka from Bloodborne.
[X] Join Alfred in fighting the beast. You really don't want to, but if you leave now, and Alfred survives for the 15 minutes. The group of four will know that you are highly untrustworthy

While I wouldn't discount running working entirely, it is a bit of a coin flip. And really all we need to do is stall until the others get here and then we'd probably have good odds of taking it down. And if the others get badly injured, either from the boss or our "less than stellar" aim with our power, we know someone capable of healing we can take them to. Which is technically correct.
missing threadmarks:

[X]Take Alfred and runaway..... This seems like a terrible idea, but given his abilities. You are fairly certain that the monster will not be able to follow you, or you might run back in the monster. Why are you even considering this anyway?

There are 5 levels, this level is supposed to be a safe zone to train in, which means the other 4 levels are unsafe. We haven't done any training yet. we should get some basic training before facing the boss.
For one thing, I want to learn to fly using gravity manip
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[X]Take Alfred and runaway..... This seems like a terrible idea, but given his abilities. You are fairly certain that the monster will not be able to follow you, or you might run back in the monster. Why are you even considering this anyway?

No sense of direction is fine if you aren't trying to get anywhere in particular.
[X] Join Alfred in fighting the beast. You really don't want to, but if you leave now, and Alfred survives for the 15 minutes. The group of four will know that you are highly untrustworthy
[X] Join Alfred in fighting the beast. You really don't want to, but if you leave now, and Alfred survives for the 15 minutes. The group of four will know that you are highly untrustworthy
[X]Take Alfred and runaway..... This seems like a terrible idea, but given his abilities. You are fairly certain that the monster will not be able to follow you, or you might run back in the monster. Why are you even considering this anyway?

No sense of direction is fine if you aren't trying to get anywhere in particular.
Ah, but we are trying to get "away" so that means we will always end up back here with this monster :)
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[X] Join Alfred in fighting the beast. You really don't want to, but if you leave now, and Alfred survives for the 15 minutes. The group of four will know that you are highly untrustworthy
Unintended Consequences
You pull out your mace, and prepare for battle.

"Hey Alfred, helps on the way. Another group of four is coming here soon in like fifteen minutes. We just need to stall till then," you certainly don't want your meat shield to be reckless and get himself killed.

"Got it. Avatar of Steel and Fire bath my flesh in your molten glory," you see it. Alfred's mana compresses and burns inside his body while it is not a lot of mana. The intensity and compression is quite impressive. On the other hand, it looks highly unsustainable. Oh god is he doing the exact opposite if what you said.

"Hey is that....." Unfortunately your words are cut short when the beast charges at you. Fortunately, you mange to pull yourself out of the path. Though based on how deeply its head is buried in the dirt, you would say that isn't so much of a quick bite, more of a massive gobble.

Crunch CRUNCH CRUNCH. Is that beast eating dirt? Well whatever. You use your mace to smash one of its legs in with a ball of lightning. Alfred begins hacking at its other leg. Your strike acts like a poison flowing through the beast's nerves and damaging their insides. Alfred's strike each carries an enormous heat which acts like a wild beast consuming the flesh. Suddenly, you see the beast turn its tail back inside and try to grab you. You are forced to abandon your assault. You weave around its leg trying to escape the massive appendage, but it doesn't like its going to work. The speed is too much even with this bent space. You just can't get enough distance. Thankfully, Alfred intervene. He delivers a heavy strike to the tail knocking it off course.

"You all right?" Alfred asks.

"Mostly," then the beast begins to slowly flap its wings. Crap. You run over and grab Alfred raising the gravity around both of you. The resulting gale almost picks both of you up even with the increased gravity. Of course the gale isn't the real attack, the beasts lifts off into the air. While the ceiling isn't that high, it's high enough that you and Alfred certainly won't be able to hit with melee especially at the speed it is going.

Alfred swings his blade toward the beast releasing a stream of flame toward the beast. The beast turns towards to the flames and meets it head on. With one mighty gulp, it consumes all the fire. From massive cavity in its center, you see it begin form, both the earth and flames it consumed are merging. Oh Crap.

"LOOK OUT!" then everything erupts into flames. A shower of flaming borders rain upon you and Alfred. It is almost absurd that you are still alive.You can barely breathe. Soot fills your lungs. Your left arm is bent in a strange angle. Your legs are mostly okay, and by okay you mean charred to well done. If you didn't know magic existed, you are fairly certain that this isn't the sort of incident you could recover from. You hear a dull thud. The beast his landed. Oh of course, it didn't completely smash you guys with the boulders. It wants to eat you guys. Well if it is any constellation, it looks like Alfred is going to be eaten first.

Speaking of Alfred, he doesn't look too much better than you. What is he saying? The blast may have deafened your ears a bit. What that can't be right? The flames seem to bow down to his will. They began to rise and coalesce around the beast. Is he stupid? The beast will only devour them again, and lo behold the beast took one mighty breathe of air. The flames don't move with the air. They remain swirling around the beast. Like a pack of dogs trying to pull apart and devour a carcass, the flames dance around the body of the beast, but never enter its belly. Still, that isn't enough. It begins flapping its wings again. Even if it can't consume the flames, it can certainly fly away from them. You sincerely doubt Alfred could control his flames to follow the beast in the air, so you pull down. The gravity around the bird and flames increase immensely trapping it inside a massive furnace. At first, Alfred is surprised , but he catches on quickly. The flames begin to follow your gravitation pull. More and more heat begins to coalesce around the beast. It almost looks like the birth of a new born star. You don't really have time to gaze in wonder though. Your brain and nerves are busy committing mutiny on you. Your nerves feel like they have been swapped out with live electric wires. If you still had eyes, you are absolutely certain that they would have popped out by now. Your lovely brain feels like a hot coal inside your head. Then, it is over. Looks like the beast has finally died......... You ...............


"Are you sure we should be carrying these two? I feel like ever since we grabbed these two. We've been walking in circles."

"Yes, these are criminals. We can't just leave them be. What if they escape?"

"Why don't we kill them then?"

"Are you crazy? This breaches our scriptures. All criminals are given a trial before we pass judgement. As they are unconscious, we can give trial nor pass judgement."

..... You are not sure what is going on. Apparently they're the party of four. What this about you being a criminal? You don't remember anything illegal aside from that one incident with the lady knight, and there were no witnesses aside from Amelia. Amelia who you are pretty certain is not trusted by most people. Uh, Scripture, you remember there is some sort of holy church that worship a single god, or is it a god and a son? Point being, you never paid too much attention to that sort of thing in your home town, so you really don't know anything about them.

[]Play Possum. Wait for more information.

[]Bring down the full force of your god and make your daring escape. They have Alfred with them, so they can't follow you. You should be fine mostly

[]Wake up and accept your trial? You actually aren't certain what you did that was wrong.

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[x]Write in: Play Possum. Wait for more information (Maybe Alfred wakes up first?). Be ready to defend myself and show the full force of our god as we escape...

Usually I would think getting out of that situation ASAP would be the better move but in this case....

I'm nosy. :p
[X] Play Possum. Wait for more information.
I am tempted to try for the trial, and then escape if it goes badly. but for now lets fish for more info before we decide
[x]Write in: Play Possum. Wait for more information (Maybe Alfred wakes up first?). Be ready to defend myself and show the full force of our god as we escape...
[x] Write in: Play Possum. Wait for more information (Maybe Alfred wakes up first?). Be ready to defend myself and show the full force of our god as we escape...
[x]Write in: Play Possum. Wait for more information (Maybe Alfred wakes up first?). Be ready to defend myself and show the full force of our god as we escape...