I wanted to learn magic, but all I got was this shady contract

[X] Accept and engage in Jolly COOPERATION with Amelia

Just noticed this quest. Seems fun.
[X] Accept and engage in Jolly COOPERATION with Amelia
I may be a bit crazy
A very small part of you is telling you that this is wrong. Human life is not something that you play with. Unfortunately, an overwhelmingly large part of you wants to KNOW. You want to understand the process. You want to know everything about what is going on, so you take Amelia's hand and shake it.

"I would be honored to bare witness to your work."

"Excellent. "

You witness Amelia tear out the patient's heart and replace it with the large slug. You see the changes that occur are much more pronounced than the changes to the Kidney; however, it is not enough. What could be? Ah.....

"Tear out the eyes." You suggest.

"Hmm tear out the.... Of course, of course. I understand." Amelia reaches into the patient's eyes and crushes them. You watch as the metamorphosis persist at an accelerated rate. You watch as the flesh unravels itself and pull back in. You think you understand Amelia's research now. The body cruelly restricts the mind acting as a cage.

"If only the flesh could be greater, then the cosmos would be in our grasp, " you muse aloud.

"Quite, but as you see. The human body finds is quite fragile. Look, our patient has already given her last breath. Well, it was a valiant effort at least. Forgive if this seems a bit presumptuous, but you seem to be newly minted. Your eyes seem to have been freshly removed. A word of advice, be careful out there, some brutes are not so open-minded about people like you and me. Why don't I make you something to commemorate this union."

"I.... ," you do not want to seem weak, so you move to turn the offer.

"I insist. We all start out as beginners at some point. Here why don't you join me," Amelia directs you to the second patient, a young male about your age.

You watch as Amelia tears apart another patient extracting the vital components and fashioning a strange device.

"Bones for the noble element of Earth, Lungs for the element of air, Blood for the element of water, finally the stomach for the element of fire, and finally the most important the brain, an antenna for higher thoughts. With this device, I beckon you my lord, The Formless to bless us with a boon, so that we may continue to chant feverishly in the nights about your glory and exalt you above all others."

The blood turns inside out. First it pours out in a straight line looking almost like a spear impaling his body. Then the blood grows a head and start biting down on the flesh. More head start to form as the blood races to exit the hosts body. It almost looks a hydra is emerging from his body. Eventually, his blood tore away all of his flesh till nothing but the brain remains. The blood then swirls and churns around the brain. Eyes begin to form and unform on his brain. Till it finally coalesces into an object like this.

"Ah quite the grand blessing, I am almost jealous. It seems your lord has given his aide in preserving the boy's contract to a lightning deity. In fact if we put it in this case, and screw that on... Yes, quite the potent lightning rod."

"I am not sure how I could repay you for this."

"Oh think nothing of it. Now lets move to our last patient."

You two begin the dissection. You use your eye's to aid Amelia's knife. While you can't directly interfere with the body such as lengthening the arteries or creating gravitation anomalies inside their body, you can alter the course of the knife, making it easier to slice through objects, or slightly correcting its course. You also can alter the gravity around the patient's body tightening his bindings and ensuring that he struggles less. As the process continues, Amelia begins to chat with you.

"Huh, I see. It makes sense that you would have trouble reading. Well, everyone's note is about the same from what I've seen. We are five floors from the surface with a guardian blocking the stairs up. As we ascend, the beasts will get harder. The first floor you start on is a safe floor without any beasts aside from the guardian in the center of course. It mainly is so you can practice your abilities in a controlled environment. The note also recommends partnering with people as it is extremely likely that you could die in battle with one of the guardians."


The door burst open to reveal a female knight.

"What the hell are you guys doing to my brother!, " the knight yells, before attempting to behead Amelia. Amelia moves to counter, but you hold her back. Time for you to play around a bit, you shorten the distance between you and her. Your abnormal speed seems to surprise her especially since you are freaking scrawny kid. To her credit, she recovers quickly and blocks your strike. Unfortunately for her, your mace still has her brother's brain in it which gives it lightning powers. The electricity courses into her blade and through the hilt give her a nasty shock. Whelp, that is surprising she managed to break away.

"Oh holy spirit lend me your aid give me strength and speed to slay these demon worshipers.

"FYI, I don't worship demons," you retort before. Oh god, she faster and stronger than before. No matter, the faster they are the easier it is for you to mess around with their swings. You bend space around yourself a little. While completely altering the course of her blows or creating dimensional fissures to rip her insides out are impossible, you did try. You find altering the trajectory of her blade slightly worked the best. It is an interesting dilemma. You haven't been formally trained in how to fight. She has, but your power and superior weapon prevents her from fully committing. Slowly, you press your advantage, and she begins falling back. Victory is easily in your grasp.

Oh god, you felt her blade cutting your side. Crap you really should have seen her pulling a faint like that. Well time to stop playing around and crush her like a mage. You jump backwards to get some distance and point your mace forward at her like a baseball bat.From the tip of your mace, you open a small portal connected to the higher plane. From this tiny gap, a fragment of your god spews forth from the world moving to crush your opponent with a mass of tentacles.

"Oh holy spirit grant be sanctuary against these foul sinners."

A wall of light comes forth blocking your tentacles. No matter, you pump more mana into your mace widening the gap and releasing more tentacles. The tentacles wrap around her shield blotting out the holy light emanating from it. Still, The shield holds firm. No matter. You feel it, the lines of space and time, and drag them in, just like what you did for the black hole. While raising the gravity in the area ten times is impossible for now, three times is more than enough for you to crush the barrier and turn the knight into a red smear.

"That was quite wasteful. I could have restrained her, and we would have another patient to do research on," sighs Amelia

"But then you would have to leave your current patient to take care of her. That would probably interfere with the current procedure," you retort.

"True. True. Here let me patch you up a bit," Amelia's hand glows with a strange power behind it. Her hand mends any area she touch instantly. " Can I ask a favor from you?"

"Of course," Amelia has given you such wonderful toys so far.

"Can you go out and find some people to lead back? Of course, I will also compensate you for your troubles. I would go myself, but unfortunately, it looks like the church is already quite suspicious of me already. If I hung around you, I sincerely doubt I could find some good patients. You are new, and the only person who saw you do something odd is dead. " Amelia

"I will think about it," you respond. You assist Amelia in cleaning up the place a little before parting ways. You then stretch your mind's eye a little. Before you were engrossed in the experiment, so you didn't divine the knights presence before she entered the room. Hmm, It looks like the knight wasn't part of any of the parties you saw beforehand. She must have come from outside your initial scanning range. You see a few groups and decide to walk toward....

[] One person is still wandering around in circles. Seems like it would be easy to lead him toward your experiments.

[]The party of four is still exploring around. They haven't reached the center, yet where the guardian rests.

[]That bright light in the center is probably the guardian of this floor. Maybe you would like to try you luck at slaying that beast in combat.
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[X] One person is still wandering around in circles. Seems like it would be easy to lead him toward your experiments.
[X] One person is still wandering around in circles. Seems like it would be easy to lead him toward your experiments.
Because I am not certain we would be able to deal with a party of four, even if we led them to Amelia we would be outnumbered and potentially at risk.
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[X] One person is still wandering around in circles. Seems like it would be easy to lead him toward your experiments.

I feel like this person is going to be stupidly powerful, for some reason.
[X]The party of four is still exploring around. They haven't reached the center, yet where the guardian rests.
[X] One person is still wandering around in circles. Seems like it would be easy to lead him toward your experiments.

You know, Amelia seems quite amiable for someone who worships an eldrich horror and performs vivisections.
[X] One person is still wandering around in circles. Seems like it would be easy to lead him toward your experiments.
[X] One person is still wandering around in circles. Seems like it would be easy to lead him toward your experiments.