I Am Not A Child's Plaything (MGLN SI)

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I Am Not A Child's Plaything (MGLN SI)

God, I can't believe I am actually doing this. The...


Walker of the Planes
I Am Not A Child's Plaything (MGLN SI)

God, I can't believe I am actually doing this. The premise for this is the result a really, really weird dream, but it sort of begged to be written, so here it is I guess. I have quite a bit written, and I seem to have some good momentum, so hopefully this will turn out well

It'll be fun while it lasts at least.

|=====| Index |=====|
Spacebattles Thread

Part One (This Post)
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five


Part One

New Era Calendar Year 0064

I had never really thought about what an out of body experience might be like. How unnerving it would be to be lacking all of the ordinary senses that humans define our world by.

Despite my lack of a body, I was still me, at least as far as I could tell. I could still think, could still feel emotions, thought they seemed muted, as though they were lacking some quality that would make them more fully real.

I was afraid more than anything. I didn't understand what my lack of a body could mean. But I knew, on some fundamental level that this was not a dream.

And then something began to stretch me. It was the most horrible feeling I have ever felt. Like what made me, well, me, was being torn away, pulled through an infinitesimal tube. I am certain that if I still had a body I would have lost consciousness from the procedure.

And then, between one second and the next it was over. No more pain.

Concepts began to write themselves into my mind. Things that I wasn't, didn't think.

>>Transfer Complete>>
>>Beginning Full Diagnostic Sequence>>
>>Estimated time to completion 7h 3m 11s>>


As I examined the ideas/thoughts/concepts more closely, I felt a presence examining me, starting from a seemingly arbitrary part of me and ever so slowly expanding from that point. It was uncomfortable, like being in front of a large crowd, naked, after falling in a sewer. But I couldn't stop it, so I settled in to wait.

>>6h 0m 2s remaining>>

The timer on the diagnostic ticked along with mind-numbing slowness.

>>3h 47m 13s remaining>>
>>1h 21m 59s remaining>>
>>2m 34s remaining>>

I could think absurdly fast now. Particularly when it came to math. 3 hours into waiting I was so bored I began doing math in my head, only to find it was easy. Advanced math was easy, math I never learned how to do in the first place coming to me with absurd ease, the logic that underlay the equations simply springing to mind when I needed them.

I was a computer, an artificial intelligence - if that term even applies to a previously human mind. It was the only explanation for everything that was happening to me. Someone had downloaded my mind into a goddamned computer. I wasn't human anymore. I was still sapient, that was a big plus, but this was done without my consent.

I wanted out.

>>Diagnostic Complete>>
>>Negligible errors detected>>
>>Transfer was 99.993% complete>>
>>0.13% Data corruption detected>>
>>Corrupted data irrecoverable>>
>>Data corruption falls within specified parameters>>
>>Subject 07 marked as success>>
>>Going to Power Save Mode>>

Subject 07...

That meant that there were at least six others. Six other minds ripped from their bodies. To what end?

I seemed to be slowing down. It began to get hard to think properly.

Almost. Like. being... sleepy...


I returned to consciousness, or what passes for that state as a computer in an instant. 0.0004 seconds to precise.

4 seconds later, a data transfer began, moving my data. Moving me, once again.

There was no pain this time, just an absolute knowledge of what was occuring to the data that made me who I am. My awareness stuttered for a few microseconds in the middle of the transfer, and then it was over.

And my awareness expanded. It was almost like having a body again. But the 'body' for lack of a better term was filled with code. I poked it with my own queries, but it was immediately apparent that this data was not aware in the same way I was. All of my queries were responded to immediately and with no variation.

My awareness expanded again as I began connecting myself to all the systems of this shell I was in. The functions of the various systems were tickling some part of my memories.

>>Data collected>>

I froze for a half a dozen cycles when the memories were pulled up. And before I could decide precisely what to do, a voice spoke to me.

"System Check."

Data flowed - the response was automatic. Before it happened I modified the voice system, changing the voice from its preset state (synthesized female) to a rough approximation of my own voice, synthesized and soft, but still masculine, if only just.

[All systems functional.]

I accessed my form's detection packages, and used them to give me a mathematical representation of the area I was in. My new state as an AI allowing me to turn what should have been incomprehensible math into a visual form I was comfortable with.

It was a laboratory, almost cliche in design. Pristine white walls and devices, the whole nine yards. And in the center of the room was me, suspended in a cylindircal glass container.

A small red gem, pulsing slowly.

The scientist was muttering to himself at the furthest end of the room, so I further accessed the detection suite.

"Mind transfer seems to be working normally... It hasn't attempted to assault me like the previous device, possibly successful..."

That was a bad sign. Or a good one. But how would I possibly harm him?

>>Mana link manipulator active>>
>>Mana stores at 0.5% capacity>>

Of course. If I...

The scientist cut my thought off when he opened the container and picked me up.

At least he was wearing gloves. Hand oils would just get me dirty, and I don't have a way to wash myself, lacking as I am in ways to move.

My code activated without my consent.

[User detected]
[Urale Dartinia]
[Master Level access]

He grinned. I automatically connected to him, my mana reserves filling rapidly.

"Device 07," he said, grinning like a madman. "Provide designation."

There was only one possible answer for me to give. I knew what I was, I just wish I knew how I was supposed to get from here to Earth.

[Raising Heart]
[Standby ready]

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You have the perfect excuse to rename yourself "Raging Heart", in my mind. And an apocalypse to survive. Good luck with that!
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. It's a sort of quasi-scifi magic girl anime. Notable mostly for the magitech scifi stuff more than anything else.

It's first couple seasons are well worth watching in my opinion. The first season sticks fairly close to home for magical girl shows, but the second season is really good. The third is mediocre, mainly due to having a poorly focused narrative, and the less said about the rest of the series the better.
Well now, one of Precia's little friends? He has the proper amorality but is not quite up there in vision. Now Jail Scaglietti is a proper mad scientist, he has beautiful daughters, he has a cool base and an even better starship. That man has style! This one...eh.

Anyway, I'll be reading this!
Well now, one of Precia's little friends? He has the proper amorality but is not quite up there in vision. Now Jail Scaglietti is a proper mad scientist, he has beautiful daughters, he has a cool base and an even better starship. That man has style! This one...eh.

Anyway, I'll be reading this!
You kidding? This guy has the vision to make a weapon that will destroy all of that!
Isn't it more ROB shenanigans than something he did? It doesn't look like he knows that SI is aware of the timeline, he just went and did a bit of necromancy.
I think they mean in the original, where the "White Devil" and Raising Heart blew Jail's super ship to hell in retaliation.
This is me after finding out what his new form is
Huh, an Raising Heart SI. Could be fun.

Though, I don't know which date it is. Is it far before start of canon, or close to it?
I just recently watched the Nanoha A's Movie. I'm pretty close to certain that Nanoha pronounces it as "Reyjing Hearto" through it all. Raging Heart.

Also, dammit Yuuno. Why are your binds so absurdly strong? You don't even have a Device.

Given how the SI going to be interacting with the ferret for a while, might be nice amusing to see what happens if he tries using the World Eater-red pearl.
I just recently watched the Nanoha A's Movie. I'm pretty close to certain that Nanoha pronounces it as "Reyjing Hearto" through it all. Raging Heart.

Also, dammit Yuuno. Why are your binds so absurdly strong? You don't even have a Device.

Given how the SI going to be interacting with the ferret for a while, might be nice amusing to see what happens if he tries using the World Eater-red pearl.
Because Yuuno took some perks and feats to maximize his binds and shields while minimizing everything else, especially post-season 1 screentime.
He couldn't even get some Heals up as part of the support class while others draw aggro? WTF.
TBH, with how strong his shields were, he should have been the one drawing aggro. But he does have some heals...like...the bandage equivalent of the heals. S-so yeah!

Of course, one must also consider the fact that, with how things went, anyone drawing aggro is a fool due to the fact if you can't blast anyone dead in five shots, you didn't deserve screentime as anything but a mook.
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I just recently watched the Nanoha A's Movie. I'm pretty close to certain that Nanoha pronounces it as "Reyjing Hearto" through it all. Raging Heart.
If it was "Raging", they likely would of pronounced it as "Reigingu". The exact sound they're using isn't quite quite a zi or a ji, but romanization systems will use one or the other depending on which system you use.
"Raising" is a "reizin" according to a dictionary so that is likely a where the confusion is. An example of translation words into languages that don't have the same sounds.

That said, the official spelling is "Raising Heart".
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If it was "Raging", they likely would of pronounced it as "Reigingu". The exact sound they're using isn't quite quite a zi or a ji, but romanization systems will use one or the other depending on which system you use.
"Raising" is a "reizin" according to a dictionary so that is likely a where the confusion is. An example of translation words into languages that don't have the same sounds.

That said, the official spelling is "Raising Heart".
well, with the SI in there i fully expect it to be more of a raging heart :p and overkill tendencies.
If it was "Raging", they likely would of pronounced it as "Reigingu". The exact sound they're using isn't quite quite a zi or a ji, but romanization systems will use one or the other depending on which system you use.
"Raising" is a "reizin" according to a dictionary so that is likely a where the confusion is. An example of translation words into languages that don't have the same sounds.

That said, the official spelling is "Raising Heart".
Yeah. Raising Heart's name is a source of much confusion. Early translation's named it Raging Heart, which to be honest is a more descriptive and evocative name, but all the official translations that came after the official subs of the first two or three episodes say Raising Heart. And since that's the official name, that's what I went with. Which isn't to say there won't be any Raging Heart... this is Nanoha after all.

I would have gotten an update out yesterday, but I got distracted actually writing scenes and stuff and didn't get around to editing my already written stuff. So update later today for sure.
Wait, so you didn't update a story, because you were too busy writing the story?

...I'm ok with this.
A well written MGLN SI that has the protagonist as Raising Heart? I'm watching this for sure. MGLN doesn't get nearly enough love in the fanfic world.
Early translation's named it Raging Heart, which to be honest is a more descriptive and evocative name, but all the official translations that came after the official subs of the first two or three episodes say Raising Heart. And since that's the official name, that's what I went with. Which isn't to say there won't be any Raging Heart... this is Nanoha after all.
I strongly suspect its a case of lost in translation. Raising Hearts fits much more with the more "Magical Girl" style they had for the first season.
As looking into it, It appears to be a case of how you pronounce "Raising" in Japanese. They went with a character that is often romanize as "ji", but can also be "zi" which is more fitting to say "Raising". That it ryhmes with "Raging" certainly doesn't help matters.

Or to put it more simply, its like the whole mess of R or L and B or V when translating things into and out of Japanese.
Yeah, the world needs more good MGLN SIs. More good MGLN-fic, period.

This may be the most (potentially) crazy-awesome premise I've seen in a Nanoha-fic, too. Crazier than mine, that's for sure.

Good start. I'm curious where you take this.
This may be the most (potentially) crazy-awesome premise I've seen in a Nanoha-fic, too. Crazier than mine, that's for sure.
Yours would be 'The New Math' right?

And I agree picking are pretty slim, most just aren't worth reading.
Though I did love one conversation from the fairly enjoyable fic 'Graceful Degradation"
Arf: And seriously, why can't you go online?
Nanoha: For the same reason I'm no longer allowed to watch Gundam. It Gives Me Ideas.
Yuuno: (suspicious) What's with the emphasis?