I’m not Sharing! - - Sevenfold+ Bodyshare Isekai Adventure

Okay, I can see that not all perks that are being offered are made equal.
(Perk Choices are randomized each time)
So it's possible that the perks on offer are each a different tier, like what's seen in A Girl's World. The comparison isn't the best, but I'm trying to say that it seems totally possible that Verisimilitude Man basically does the same thing as Flesh Wound and more. He's the wiki description for Gamer's Body:

"Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. (He receives no physical damage from attacks only pain for a few seconds and a loss of HP)."

Of course the question would be if we got really lucky by rolling such a perk right from the start. That said, even if this is the case, I'm sure that Flesh Wound has it's place. But I'm not sure it being solely a morale makes it all that valuable. So we need to discuss how much that morale effect is worth in this instance, and compare it to other skills. Such as Class of their Own and Snarky Tutorial.

This does work on the assumption that these perks aren't equal, which I feel isn't a completely ridiculous thing to assume with something like Summon Cat. Though who knows, even if it won't help us the most know, there may be opportunities for combos like what's maybe possible with perks like A Good Point and Heavy Fist.
Just make up your mind already:
Rather than permanently losing access to skills you unslot, you can manually reslot them when a space becomes available.
This is another part of the Skill system, it looks like. Based on how quick Jeremy got Block and Dodge, he'll fill those skill slots up eventually. If skills that are unslotted are lost, and need to be relearned, then those invested skill points probably disappear as well. Which is something that we don't want to happen, which means we can miss out on really good skills if we have a certain 'build' that we can't lose.

All this said, I'm willing to switch out Flesh Wound for something else. But that just leaves so many options lol. Make up your Mind, Class of their Own, and Snarky System seem like some of the best picks. Snarky System may not be exactly necessary, but it will definitely help in the short term. The benefits of Make up your Mind are laid out above and I'd really love it. Class of their Own is more vague, but with what we know having a second Class seems like a great thing.
Make up your mind seems really useful.

In fact, uh.

[X] [PS] Just Make Up Your Mind Already
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man
I'm not sure, because something like Snarky Tutorial would be helpful in the short term. Though I guess Make up your Mind isn't necessarily something that won't find use for a long time, since it looks like 20% of Jeremy's skill slots are taken up. Also, there is the question of rarity. Perks are randomly rolled, so there are changes we'll come across these perks on later level ups. Between Maku up your Mind and Snarky Tutorial, I feel like Snarky Tutorial is more likely to show up again. It's a cliche to Gamer stories. Unless it's a situation where we had vastly greater odds of seeing it, because this is where a 'Tutorial' would make sense.

So yeah, it looks like I'm changing my vote. I'll be switching out Flesh Wound for Make up your Mind.
With my thoughts on Make up your Mind, and Class of their Own, and all of the different perks I've been thinking about the future. I've been thinking about the systems each person has, and how they'll fit and what their distinct role will be. I'll be working through some those thoughts here, and see where they take me.

I was thinking to how we got to choose Jeremy as the first, and that our first choice would influence the body. Looking at the wording for how long Jeremy will be alone, it says 'at least half a day' and some other wording with the selection seems to suggest that we may not have a choice on who comes second. Another thing that's uncertain is if the Tension Point Jeremy was inserted at is unique to him, or if each person would've had one catered to them just like the body. I don't know, but moving on to other things.

With Class of the Own and Make of your Mind, my thoughts started going over how all of this interacts with 'builds'. Like what role Jeremy would play, and how those two perks could make it so Jeremy can serve multiple roles. But then I began to question this, because there are six other people that will also have roles to play. So, I began to look at what we know of them.

Mazie is a preschooler, who's power is a magical unicorn that adapts to better guide Mazie and make things as wholesome as possible. Her Survival Condition seems rather simple, feel hope that things will work out okay. With Cheshire, this seems even more achievable. Just as a first thought, she seems like she could function as a source of reassurance and morale. Even putting aside how helping others can help oneself, Cheshire seems like he could be huge with that role. Because if something isn't wholesome, he'll adapt to make it so.

Lisara has something of a kingdom building system going on, though with a focus on administration and overhauling existing systems. Her survival condition, to make a friend who she genuinely trusts to not betray her, seems like a big ask when you consider her bio.

Planno's system is also kind of a kingdom building deal, but it looks like a skill that allows her to completely overturn mundane logistical issues. Her Survival Condition, establish a 'collective' of 15 'believers' that are dedicated to building a sanctuary, doesn't seem too bad but might hold some pitfalls. Planno seems like she could be a ruthless leader, and I can see a situation where she begins to treat others the same way she was treated in her past life. Of similar concern is the wording of this condition, a 'Collective', 'believers', 'the cause', and 'her sanctuary'.

Just with these three, I feel like Planno and Lisara should come after Mazie. If we can keep the assumed villagers alive, then Mazie can come in and Cheshire will do his thing. From there maybe have Planno build a village, and then switch to Lisara instead of letting Planno be an undisputed leader. Anyway, now onto the boys.

Harold and his system are pretty plainly troublesome. While he's described as a charmer, liking arts and philosophy, he's a sadistic serial killer and this is reflected in his system. It grows stronger the more he kills, and that strength can be invested into the typical Seven Deadly Sins. This changes him, as well as his surroundings, to make it easier to spread discord. Considering this his Survival Condition seems pretty simple, murder one person or kill 10.

Yuan's system and background make very interesting, both because I'm western and he'll be living in a place much like Middle Ages. His system is about growing both physically and mentally. He gains this power with revelations, through meditation and the crafting (and presumed use) of medicines made with rare ingredients. His Survival Condition, attain a Semblance, is straightforward but how to achieve it is far less clear to me.

Sebastian is like a Warlock, with a system that allows him to make contracts that don't allow any unintended consequences. His Survival Condition, form a contract with a 'corrupted meta-physical entity', seems pretty straightforward as well thanks to the fact he also has the ability that gives him the knowledge necessarily to contact these entities.

Now Jeremy. His system is the same as the natives, but it allows faster progression and he doesn't need to know how everything works. His Survival Condition is already achieved.

Now with these four, let's start with Harold. With the fact his parents didn't show up at his execution, and how he's described, there may be some way he can be 'redeemed'. I don't really buy it. He may become an interesting character in his own right, and go along with what we try to build, but I don't see cuddles and wholesomeness stopping him from wanting to kill people. Which means he and his system will find the most use being a warrior. Wether that's to duel a singular opponent, or in pitched combat against many others. Yuan's history and his system give me the idea of a crafter, and something like a military leader. Being a cultivator I have no doubt he'll gain the strength to fight others like Harold, but his strengths don't seem to like entirely in that direction. I feel like he could be something of a supporting character, training others, crafting materials, and meditating to expand his own abilities. Sebastian is something of a curious case, because there's just so much unknown with his deal. He'll be a Warlock of sorts, and his past and system makes it so that he can be a force for good, but when and where to apply this is unclear. Last is Jeremy. He doesn't seem like a leader, but his system means he may fit in the most and it means he has a lot of flexibility. Though his current stats, skills, and even his body makes him something of a warrior. Though with how crazy the perks we see, it's possible that Jeremy can become something of a wildcard. Crazie Clutz, That won't rub out, Oopsie-nope, I said sit, Cat Summon, Threat on a Needle, and a Good Point. Really, the overwhelming majority of his perks seem to be some kind of weird or silly. As such, I feel like we should eventually lead into this for Jeremy.

All to say, I'm unsure of the current sentiment with Jeremy. Make up your Mind, or Class of their Own, are all great from when someone needs to stand on their own. But there will be 6 others joining Jeremy, and Harold seems like a far better fit for a warrior and Yaun can serve as such. Of course I'm not saying we should go all in on some silly options here, we need to make sure Jeremy gets through this and we want to save as many people as possible.

As for a potential plan, well we don't even know if we'll have a choice on who comes next. Even then, it's possible that the order is always the same and so nobody goes twice before someone else goes once. That's to say it's possible that there may be situations where one person is optimal, but we can't pick them because everyone gets an equal turn. Though I do feel it's likely that we'll get to choose who goes next, so I suppose the question is if we'll have control once we have more than one person 'awake'.

I'll use this opportunity to shill for Make up your Mind, as the vote is tied. I feel like putting Class of their Own ahead of this would be kind of like putting the cart before the horse. We only have 10 skill slots, two of which are already taken up. That's to say that, if we never get Make up your Mind, it would be best if those two classes we get are similar. So they use the same skills, or at least don't rely on skills that Jeremy can't get. I'm making assumptions, but I do feel like Make up your Mind, and I definitely want both, but I really think this is more important right now and for later. Having another class might mean more perks, which means Jeremy can do even more ridiculous things, but we don't even know how to get a class or how long it'll take at this point. So I want both, but if one of these never shows up again then I would feel more regretful if we never saw Make up your Mind again.

I don't know, that's where I am now. I've gotta head out for a bit, so I won't be proofreading this(sorry), but I will be back.
[X] [AtftW] Continue to fight as best you can.
[X] [AA] Rough +1, Grit +1
[X] [PS] Leap of Faith
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man

So, good news and bad news.
Good news is I still want to write a Quest that uses some ideas from this one.
Bad news is that right now "I'm not Sharing" is pulling from the same creative tank as "It's a Girl's World", so it is getting very dry to write. I'm effectively putting this on hiatus.

I've re-jigged things a bit and built a different premise and world that I think I'll be better able to stay invested in. It's nearly ready to start running.
"Blessed Homunculus into the Nexus" exists as a thread right now. If you are interested, head over there and participate in the pre-quest speculation/deduction challenges (and help me fill out some last few pieces) to influence your start position.
Actual votes on initial character specs will likely be in the next couple days, we'll see how the winds of fate blow.