I’m not Sharing! - - Sevenfold+ Bodyshare Isekai Adventure

I'm honestly too torn right now to vote, if I had a better idea of what all these things meant I'd be fine, as is I'm a bit too lost to vote
1.2 - - Tension Point (Jeremy Plunkett)
[X][BPaP] Be a hero.
[X][PAP] Spunk: +1, Swish: +2, Split: +2, {Block} +2

Chapter 1.2 - - - - Tension Point (Jeremy Plunkett)

Even if I thought this was some sort of xianxia world, I'd still feel pretty sleazy doing nothing around people that need help.

I still hesitated almost too long as the bandits (still assuming that's what is going on) began separating the others into men and women. In the end, it was something the same Mr Bandit from before said that made me spring into action.

"Kill the men," he ordered, like he was observing something as mundane as the weather!

I'd always been a bit bigger and stronger than mum and dad, anyone really. Now I didn't even feel the same aches and pains anymore. If that wasn't already enough, I sunk in every point I had before moving.

Spunk +1 (1)
Swish +2 (2)
Split +2 (2)
{Block} Cap +20 (20)
Attribute Points -5 (0)
Skill Points -2 (0)

Mr Bandit has stepped over me and moved slightly closer to the others while some of his lackies had started rounding em up. This meant I was right behind him when I stood up and donked him on the head. It took a bit of mental focus to not hold back my strength, but it was actually easier than I expected.

Mr Bandit dropped like a sack of rocks.

Everything after that happened very fast. As I stood I'd had the chance to take in roughly thirty people here, split fairly even between bandits and regular people. Where I'd been on the ground was practically right in the middle of eight of the bandits, the rest were already over toward everyone else doing the rounding up.

A man next to me started to reach for a sword in his scabbard. I had a long reach, grabbing and holding his hand such that he couldn't draw the blade, an instinct I didn't know I had coming to the fore.

{Block} +1 (1)

Without really thinking, I punched him, hard. I think his feet actually lifted off the ground a little as he fell back well and truly unconscious. I'd expected my fist to hurt, it didn't.

Another bandit with a grey stubbly beard next to him was also drawing his blade at the same time, so I wasn't able to stop him. Again though, that same instinct as before caused me to step inside his guard as he raised his arm for an overhead chop, grabbing it at the wrist in my right hand. This wasn't hard, people here were not as short as my first life, but still pretty small.

{Block} +1 (2)

I uppercut him into the chin with my right fist, lights out. As he fell, his sword found its why into my hand instead, its not like he'd need it.

At this point I probably would have promptly died were luck not on my side. Surrounded by like five more guys and lacking the element of surprise, my chances would not have been good. But the commotion I'd caused seemed to rouse some hidden courage in a number of the victimised men, and they started a scuffle; Impressive given they were going unarmed against bandits with weapons, I never would have tried something like that without my System backing me up.

By sheer fortune, the fight lulled for the half second that I didn't know I apparently needed for part of my System to update.

Mook Defeated: +50 EXP
Mook Defeated: +50 EXP
Mook Defeated: +50 EXP

Level Up! (1)
Attribute Points +2 (2)

Achievement Gained: Accept the Call
The System is surprised. Thrust into a situation fraught with danger and mystery, you have barely hesitated to stand up and defend strangers.
Perk Points +1 (1)
Alignment +10 Good

Quest Completed: "Try things until you reach level one"
Perk Points +1 (2)

I barely managed to step back out of the way of a manic swing from one of the five near me such that I started to lose my footing on a loose root-

New Skill Gained: {Dodge}

-only to immediately plant my other foot correctly and stabilise. I felt at home in my body in a way I'd never have thought possible.

I felt in now, a new space had openned up when I gained a level, before {Dodge} immediate filled it. This system was freaking awesome!

The same man I'd just avoided stepped forward immediately for a follow up swing, but he might as well have been blind the way I stepped around his attempt and into his personal space like a pro; a quick chest jab sent him to ground struggling to breathe from a broken sternum.

Honestly, I might have been selling myself short, I was probably going to handle this easil-


And that is when I started screaming like a little baby from the javelin of ice that had pierced right through my left thigh from behind.

{Block} +1 (3)

Choice Time:

A turn for the Worse:
[ ] [AtftW] Attempt to surrender.
[ ] [AtftW] Continue to fight as best you can.
[ ] [AtftW] Try to flee… somehow.
[ ] [AtftW] Write in.

Attribute Allotment:
[ ] [AA] Write in.

Perk Selection:
Tis just a Flesh Wound!:
You have a natural talent for convincing people you are fine. Even with heavy injuries you find it far easier to seem like you are ready to go another round.
Natural Ambi-talent:
A task you can perform with one hand can be performed with the other with almost zero extra concentration. This extends to tasks that would normally be impossible otherwise.
Just make up your mind already:
Rather than permanently losing access to skills you unslot, you can manually reslot them when a space becomes available.
Heavy Fist:
You movements become slow and easy to predict.
Your impacts and force gain semi-inviolable momentum, impossible to entirely resist.
The Verisimilitude Man:
Physical condition and various resources become abstracted into the Game Layer.
The Cascade Paradox:
When your esotericisms backfire, there is an even chance that they will only backfire onto your intended target inside of yourself.
Blue Spots:
Minor esotericisms are ten times easier to learn.
Major esotericisms are five times harder to learn.
The Rivers are Full:
Never run out of blood.
You are completely immune to all sources of non-magical cold.
You can't help it. A subtle flex here, a serendipitous drop of sweat there. It will never take long for people to notice your… ahem… assets.
Crazy Clutz Magnet:
You just seem to keep having accidents. Tripping and fumbling sometimes even on tasks or actions you've performed a thousand times already. If anything, your enemies seem to suffer from this even worse.
In a Class of their own:
Must be selected prior to taking a class. Prerequisites for all classes are doubled. You may take two classes instead of one.
That won't rub out:
1% of all esoterisms you cast remain in effect… forever.
Once a minute, you can undo any injury you have given someone else in the previous five seconds.
I said sit:
You are supernaturally gifted at reaching even the most obstinate of people and persuading them… to sit down. That is it, you are incredibly gifted to the point of the ridiculous at persuading people to sit down.
Snarky Tutorial:
The System will frequently insult your life choices and personal weaknesses, while occasionally dropping hints on how things work.
Leap of Faith:
You don't know what you'll get, if anything.
+10 Attribute Points:
Right here, right now. No questions asked.
Will invalidate future multiplicative perks.
Cat Summon:
Once a second, you can summon a cat anywhere you could physically punt it. This timer resets early if you somehow manage to punt a summoned cat faster than one second.
Spicy Blood:
Your blood is equivalent to an inedible amount of chilli. Causing rashes if exposed to others bare skin and debilitating amounts of pain to eyes/mouths/etc.
Threat on a Needle:
You can choose when inflicting harm on someone to inside 'save' one instance of harm without actually applying it. The individual will be instinctively aware you have a saved portion of harm. With a single thought you can apply that harm as it would have been afflicted at any later point. You may apply this effect to as many people as your level.
Who Me?:
Unless something about you stands out, people will dismiss you in a crowd.
Your physical-aligned skills will receive a 40% bonus to their effect-magnitude. Your non-physical skills receive a 60% malus.
A Good Point:
Any injury you cause primarily with your right index-finger is one million times harder to magically heal.
- - -
(Perk Choices are randomized each time)
- - -
[ ] [PS] Tis just a Flesh Wound!
[ ] [PS] Natural Ambi-talent
[ ] [PS] Just make up your mind already
[ ] [PS] Heavy Fist
[ ] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man
[ ] [PS] The Cascade Paradox
[ ] [PS] Blue Spots
[ ] [PS] The Rivers are Full
[ ] [PS] Cold-Blooded
[ ] [PS] Attractive
[ ] [PS] Crazy Clutz Magnet
[ ] [PS] In a Class of their own
[ ] [PS] That won't rub out
[ ] [PS] Opsie-nope
[ ] [PS] I said sit
[ ] [PS] Snarky Tutorial
[ ] [PS] Leap of Faith
[ ] [PS] +10 Attribute Points
[ ] [PS] Cat Summon
[ ] [PS] Spicy Blood
[ ] [PS] Threat on a Needle
[ ] [PS] Who Me?
[ ] [PS] Brawn-not-Brains
[ ] [PS] A Good Point
[ ] [PS] Save Perk Point for later
[ ] [PS] Save Two Perk Points for later

- For those who say I can't be nice, here was something not mentioned in Jeremy's Bio. He had a form of giantism (among other defects from birth). It's actually how he died, malformed heart just gave out in the night. So thanks to Mediator, you get a body halfway between Jeremy's original height and the ordinarily short stature of anyone in pre-modern generational poor-nutrition circumstances. Anyone over 170cm (5'7) would be considered tall around these parts. You stand broad-shouldered at 201cm (6'7)

Name: Jeremy PlunkettAttributes Points: 2
Level: 1 (50/300)Skill Points: 0
Class: NonePerk Points: 2
Class Points: 0
Knot: Paltry
Rough: 0Skills:
Spunk: 1Block: 3**​
Swish: 2Dodge: 0
Thread: Pathetic
Grit: 0
Wit: 0
Split: 2
Glow: Pathetic
Melody: 0
Sphere: 0
Faith: 0
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Okay, first off, I saw we continue fighting. We've got two more attribute points, two perk points, a new skill and the other men are fighting now.

For the perk selection there's a lot of really cool stuff, like the esoterism stuff which is probably magic, but I think we need to choose something with immediate benefits.

'+10 Attribute Points' seems like it would really help, but it's also said to hurt us later on. It's for that reason that I'm really attracted to 'The Verisimilitude Man'. It sounds like 'The Gamer's Body' skill from your typical Gamer story, where wounds among other things don't effect them the same. For Jeremy, my hopes are that this perk lets him continue fighting without a major leg injury.

For the second perk I'm attracted by things like 'Just make up your mind already', 'Natural Ambi-talent, 'In a Class of their own', 'Snarky Tutorial', and maybe even 'Leap of Faith'. All that said, I wouldn't mind playing it safe and keeping to my stated desire of immediate benefits. So that's why I want to go with 'Tis just a Flesh Wound!'.

Okay, Attribute distribution. I'm tempted to put more points into Split, Sway, and Spunk to just keep to what I know. Spunk would also be good since it's what I assumed to be some kind of regeneration or something. I'm also intrigued by the Glow Attributes, as maybe one of them could offer some protection against magic and if not then maybe another form of offense or evasion. But instead I'm looking at Rough and Grit. They were attractive options to begin with, and they also are now. I'm thinking at least 1 point into Grit, as that looks like it'll push Thread up into 'Paltry'. Not sure if that has any mechanical benefits, but we're all still trying to figure this out and I don't think it would hurt.

For that last point, if we treat it as something of a free point then we have options. We could put it into Glow, and it can also go to either Wit or Rough. Both of those attributes are interesting, and that 1 point will might give us an indication at what the Attribute represents. Though I'm still going to go with Rough, as it seems like a safe choice.

[X] [AtftW] Continue to fight as best you can.
[X] [AA] Rough +1, Grit +1
[X] [PS] Just make up your mind already
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man

So with all of these choices, plus the newly gained Dodge, I'm hoping this sees us through.
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[X] [AtftW] Continue to fight as best you can.
[X] [AA] Rough +1, Grit +1
[X] [PS] Snarky Tutorial
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man

It seems to me if we can limit the damage from the icicle we can still do this. To surrender or run would doom those who decided to fight with us.

I kind of knew using the skill points this early was going to be a mistake, at least we have a really high potential block? Here's hoping the perk points carry over to all systems.
[X] [AtftW] Continue to fight as best you can.
[X] [AA] Rough +1, Grit +1
[X] [PS] Leap of Faith
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man
[X] [AA] Rough +1, Grit +1

To live.

[X] [PS] Save Perk Point for later

For future growth, when we know more about this System.
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man
[X] [PS] Just make up your mind already
[X] [PS] Threat on a Needle
[X] [PS] In a Class of their own
[X] [AtftW] Continue to fight as best you can.
[X] [AA] Rough +1, Grit +1
[X] [PS] Tis just a Flesh Wound!
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man
[X] [PS] Snarky Tutorial
[X] [PS] In a Class of their own
[X] [PS] Just Make Up Your Mind Already
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Why does Block have two asterisks on it but not a footnote or anything?
I'm guessing that it's because of this:
We put two skill points in, so I'm assuming that they are represented by the asterisks. What this means mechanically is unclear to me. Does each asterisk represent 10 ranks in a skill, meaning that Block is functionally level 23? If so, as the asterisks something that can be moved meaning we can somehow respec?

I don't know what it means, but I would say that's why it looks like it does.
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man
[X] [PS] Just make up your mind already
[X] [PS] Threat on a Needle
[X] [PS] In a Class of their own
We only have 2 perk points, and you've selected 4. I don't know if Sly is accepting approval voting, if that's what you were going for.
[X] [PS] Just Make Up Your Mind Already
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man
[X] [AA] Rough +1, Grit +1

I do not think Tis just a Flesh Wound is all that useful to us...
You have a natural talent for convincing people you are fine. Even with heavy injuries you find it far easier to seem like you are ready to go another round.

To me, it sounds like it makes it easier for us to persuade people that we can keep on going, even when we are heavily wounded, which is of limited use in this case (and not that we are less affected by wounds we take).
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To me, it sounds like it makes it easier for us to persuade people that we can keep on going, even when we are heavily wounded, which is of limited use in this case (and not that we are less affected by wounds we take).
Sure, and my selection of Verisimilitude Man makes any theoretical additional durability on the part of Flesh Wound a bit of a redundancy, but that's not the sole reason I like it as an option. It's very attractive from a morale perspective, for our allies and enemies, in this situation in particular.

Jeremy is an absolute unit that just got up and trounced multiple of these guys, and in doing so inspired the other captives to take a risk and fight back. But now he's just taken a serious wound from a magic ice spear, and has been very vocal about how much that hurts. Flesh Wound and Verisimilitude Man would let him shrug this off, even if it's just appearances, and continue fighting. Which is big if we want our people to keep fighting, and any extra intimidation towards the enemies is a bonus.

Maybe the nature of Verisimilitude Man and the points into Rough and Grit also makes this redundant, but I doubt it's such an extreme case. As if it was, I feel like it'd basically invalidate Flesh Wound. I'll admit that Flesh Wound is meant to be an additional safety net here, a redundancy to better Jeremy's odds of making it through this and saving as many people as possible. It's a similar situation to when I put both skill points into Block. It may not have been totally necessary, and it meant we don't have a point to put into Dodge here. These may not be the most optimal choices, but I can't bring myself to feel bad about making them when what's best is a complete unknown and failure seems so close.

Though now that Jeremy's goal has been reached, we could always run and continue the story that way lol.
[X] [PS] Natural Ambi-talent
[X] [PS] The Verisimilitude Man
[X] [PS] The Cascade Paradox
[X] [PS] The Rivers are Full
[X] [PS] Cold-Blooded
[X] [PS] Attractive
[X] [PS] Crazy Clutz Magnet
[X] [PS] Cat Summon
[X] [PS] Spicy Blood
[X] [PS] Threat on a Needle
[X] [PS] Who Me?

approval voting for all of these
This wasn't hard, people here were not as short as my first life, but still pretty small.
Very poetic, but probably meant to say "as in my first life".
I uppercut him into the chin with my right fist, lights out. As he fell, his sword found its why into my hand instead, its not like he'd need it.
"way", "it's"
I felt in now, a new space had openned up when I gained a level, before {Dodge} immediate filled it.
"it", "opened"

[x] [PS] Crazy Clutz Magnet

Ah, the good old Jinxed from Fallout. A must have for a brawler, if only to have all the machinegunners shoot themselves. In the back. Several times over. That ice javelin belongs in the bandit's leg, not ours!