I’m not Sharing! - - Sevenfold+ Bodyshare Isekai Adventure

Whereas Mr. Cheshire starts as a unicron, and very quickly acquires new abilites.
Whereas Mazie May requires nothing more then a sense that things will turn out alright, and like the Unicorn is right there.
our starting body is influenced by the body of the corresponding personality on death, meaning that Yuan Xipay's cultivation abilities will be less relevant then his years of starvation diet.
And lastly, whereas cuddles are great . . .

I sincerely recommend Mazie May as our first character.

[X] [TwtF] Mazie May
Whereas our starting body is influenced by the body of the corresponding personality on death
This is partially why I really don't want Mazie first, being a preschool aged girl would be awful for us to accomplish Pianno's goal, or for us to make use of Lisara's ability as existing hierarchies wouldn't hire a preschooler and people wouldn't build a city using the plans of a preschooler, meaning it would be more difficult for us to get much done with Mazie being our first person
This is partially why I really don't want Mazie first, being a preschool aged girl would be awful for us to accomplish Pianno's goal, or for us to make use of Lisara's ability as existing hierarchies wouldn't hire a preschooler and people wouldn't build a city using the plans of a preschooler, meaning it would be more difficult for us to get much done with Mazie being our first person
That's what I was forgetting.
. . .
Point taken. Switching vote.

[X] [TwtF] Jeremy Plunkett

His particular fiat system is well-suited to countering lack of intelligence, for example.
[X] [TwtF] Yuan Xipay

Given that we don't know ANYTHING about our starting position, I'd rather start with the soldier who wouldn't be totally helpless if we started in a forest two hours away from the closest town. Jeremy's INTERFACE will be super helpful, so I'm on board with "awakening" him second, but I don't know about how he as a "primary" would handle survival or even social interactions by himself.
[X] [TwtF] Sebastian Rooks

I think Sebastian is our best bet for a first personality. He's an adult so we won't have to deal with being stuck as a child for majority of the quest. His power will also be good for getting info most likely since as they say the devil is in the details. Also his power directly helps with accomplishing his mission since knowing how to summon a demon willing to be dealt with is part of the package.

Now worries are summoning a demon and making a contract could be a lot harder than I believe maybe requiring valuable materials a fresh isekai like our self wouldn't have easy access to. So it might be harder to do our starting mission in only a day though I will say I feel like there would be similar issues with the Cultivators or Gamer's survival conditions.

Another worry is that making contracts with demons seems to always have a price even if we can't be tricked or be pulled unwillingly into one and as a fresh isekai we'll have very little to trade. We could trade information about our self but I would be really worried to tell demons that there's a mortal with trillions of souls around. But I think with proper discretion we'll be able to make a contract of little cost but great value from this option.
[X] [TwtF] Sebastian Rooks

Mazie has the body of a child, Jeremy Plunkett is... well... not well suited to surviving, either physically or mentally.
Planno and Lisara need influence to reach their goal, Yuan needs money and resources. And Harold is... Harold.

I'd rather just swallow the poisoned pill and try to manage the side-effects... which fits the quest's feel, honestly. Who else to keep 7 volatile souls from blowing up than a demonologist doctor?
As far as the arrangement of personalities being unlikely, I'll say that these seven were not randomly chosen but specifically curated for an unknown purpose.

Huh. I wonder who thinks "Twitch Plays Isekai" is a viable strategy?

God of Chaos: "Hey, Minion, I figured out how we are going to win the next Dominion War!"
Minion: "...We can't put a soul into a dragon, Master, they banned that after what happened last time."
God of Chaos: "No, no, this idea's even better! So, you know how each God can only have one Champion, right?"
Minion: "As decreed in the First War, yes."
God of Chaos: "But last time, when the Hero of Light's sworn companion almost died, and the Goddess of Light let him carry around his buddy's soul and have TWO Blessings?
Minion: "...That's true, but that only worked because the souls already had a relationship of trust and boundaries. There's no way for any soul to maintain dominance forever; eventually the other WILL get a turn. You can't just snatch two souls from the Infinite Ether, stick them in a body, and expect them to cooperate. Gosh, that sounds less productive than that Hero of Pride who just threw a 24-hour tantrum until his Survival Condition ran out.
God of Chaos: "...You're right, the risk-reward ratio isn't worth it with just two souls with Blessings just tripping over each other."
Minion: "Yes, Master, but it was still an inventive-"
God of Chaos: "If we want to do this right, we're going to need, like, 7 Blessings to make this worth our time. Alright, let's get to work!"
Minion: "...Yes, Master."
Update on the tally:
Adhoc vote count started by ThatGuyWithIdeas on Feb 26, 2021 at 2:59 AM, finished with 36 posts and 22 votes.

As for Spacebattles... 2 votes for Mazie, 1 vote for Lisara, 1 vote for Yuan and 2 votes for Jeremy.
So the tally would actually look something like this as of now:
Mazie May - 8 votes
Jeremy Plunkett - 8 votes
Yuan Xipay - 7 votes
Sebastian Rooks - 3 votes
Harold Bathe - 2 votes
Planno #2672 - 2 votes
Lisara Gwen - 1 vote
[X] [TwtF] Sebastian Rooks
[X] [TwtF] Yuan Xipay
[x] [TwtF] Harold Bathe
[X] [TwtF] Planno #2672

Just voting for anyone that looks like they might be something approaching a sensible adult, and Harold and Planno #2672 just because.

Thoughts on the systems, characters, and conditions:
Mazie and Lisara have internal conditions (find a sense of hope, find a friend you trust to not backstab you) that could either be very tricky or very easy to fulfill. Someone in the collective might be able to be the friend Lisara trusts.

Yuan Xipay might need resources, but his condition centers around increasing his personal power.

Harold needs to go out and kill someone.

Sebastian might be a helpful first pick in gaming the conditions, since he inherently knows the limits and loopholes of any deal. I think he might be a good negotiator. His own condition might be able to be fulfilled with a fairly minor deal.

No clue on the difficulty of Jeremy's quest.

Planno's condition and power might be the most burdensome: we have to convince 15 believers to join her Collective.
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1.1 - - Tension Point (Jeremy Plunkett)
Chapter 1.1 - - - - Tension Point (Jeremy Plunkett)

To say that I was nervous would be an understatement.

Today was my big day, any moment, the start of a new life.

Mediator tells me it's going to be a big adjustment where we are going, but apparently, I'm well equipped to handle the transition because I'm "open to new experiences", which frankly I did not think would be the most important criteria. Doesn't stop me from being really proud about getting picked first though. I am only vaguely aware of the other six that will soon join me, I hope they are happy with the job I do at the start.

I'm in a really weird position with my thoughts right now, Mediator tells me there was some pretty big incompatibilities between my soul and body in a previous life, which I don't find hard to believe. The moment I died everything immediately became clearer, like I'd been looking through a fog, living in a half-realised dream and never fully waking up.

Now things were going to swing the other way, I was going to be super strong, super smart, just super everything really.

And I was so freaking excited!

I know, I know, I should be being all cautious and taking it slow, but I just can't help it! A second life, a better one. And this sweet as 'System' is going to make it like a videogame, still not convinced this isn't just heaven.

Anyway, Mediator is plopping us down on top of a 'Tension Point' in this new world, something about conflicts of Will weakening the veil between the bla bla bla I stopped listening when he started bringing out the algebra. Point is, we (well, not sure if Mediator counts as a person, so technically just 'me' for now) could show up on top of anything from two siblings having a tiff up to and including some epic cataclysmic battlefield. Personally I'm hoping for something a lot closer to the former than the later. Gimme more 'Tutorial Village' and less 'Endzone Climax'.

Mediator: "Ready Jeremy? Inception in 10."
Ready big M, beam me in.
Mediator: "I used teleportation as an approximation, this will not actually… ah, I see, a joke. Inception in 3."
Got it in one Boss, let's do this.

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Jeremy Plunkett :: Game Layer

Name: Jeremy PlunkettAttributes Points: 5
Level: 0 (0/100)Skill Points: 2
Class: NonePerk Points: 0
Class Points: 0
Knot: Pathetic
Rough: 0Skills:
Spunk: 0None
Swish: 0
Thread: Pathetic
Grit: 0
Wit: 0
Split: 0
Glow: Pathetic
Melody: 0
Sphere: 0
Faith: 0

Misc Stats:
Levels: A progress abstraction. Ordinary people need to learn things and stuff, I'll get better by doing.
Attributes: The fundamental measuring stick for power in this new world I find myself in. Attributes passively effect all actions and interactions within their domain in sometimes subtle, sometimes remarkable ways.
Skills: A far more direct and tangible effect. Whereas attributes are general foundations, skills are explicit smaller domains in which an individual exerts supernatural influence over reality. Skills place a strain upon attributes, an individual can only ever sustain as many skills as their attributes allow.
Classes: Something 'mostly' unique to me. Individuals can on occasion reach a deep understanding of some fundamental truth and develop a special relationship with certain skills or attributes. I on the other hand will probably just get to pick one at level 5.
Attribute Points: Pretty simple, these can be put into any attribute to raise it by one.
Skill Points: More complex, I won't really get it until I have skills. But Skill points are much rarer, they allow a skill to grow much further than it normally could and place less strain on its supporting attributes.
Perk Points: Who knows. But I want some.
Class Points: Who knows. But I want some.

Knot: ???
Rough: ???
Spunk: ???
Swish: ???
Thread: ???
Grit: ???
Wit: ???
Split: ???
Glow: ???
Melody: ???
Sphere: ???
Faith: ???

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New Skill Gained: {Block}

"NOOoo!" A woman's scream was the first thing to greet me as the world swam with blurs and nausea for a few moments. Well, actually the first thing to greet me was someone clubbing me over the head and then knowledge of ways to brace, lock and block thrusting its way into my brain. Followed very closely by the aforementioned woman's scream.

I found myself laying on cold dirt, dazed from the bap I'd received to the head.

"Now," a voice said standing directly above me, "Does anyone else have any further disagreements?"

My vision unblurred rather quickly, from my horizontal vantage point I couldn't see a whole lot (especially if I didn't want anyone to realise I wasn't unconscious), but I could tell it was a bright moonlit night and I was toward the edge of some woodland path.

There were a lot of people nearby, I'd estimate at least fifteen. Half were harsh looking men in leather, armed with blades and spears. The rest were a sorry looking sort; men, women, children, huddled together in little groupings that made me think they were probably families.

"You… you monster." The same woman I'd heard before whispered, looking at my fallen form with a grief-stricken face. In the moonlit gloom, she didn't seem to notice my eyes were open and moving around.

I nearly jumped up then and there to announce myself, ready to save these people from… well look I'm just assuming this is a standard low-level bandit robbery encounter. But I did stop myself for at least a moment, was that the best move? These guys are clearly a bunch of mooks, but I am level 0.

We don't exactly get save points on this playthrough.

Choice Time:

Between Predator and Prey:
[ ] [BPaP] Play dead.
[ ] [BPaP] Be a hero.
[ ] [BPaP] Write in.

Point Allotment Plan:
Considerations: Where to assign the 5 attribute points. Whether to place a Skill Point (or two) in {Block} when you don't really know what that will do.
[ ] [PAP] Write in.
I figured I would bump this, to hopefully get some people in here who might be able to throw something together. I don't know how it's going on SB, but I'm not nearly confident enough to make a write in for a Slyvena quest and I also don't trust the basic options. Because this is Slyvena. That said, I'm not against throwing at least one point into Block.
I wanna be a hero. I think we can do this.

Grit might be endurance.
Woman who screamed definitely knew us before so we probably went into a (may or may not be dead beforehand) body and took over and they might be family.
I think Knot might be attack attributes and Thread might be defensive.

Tentative plan for now until somebody smarter comes up with something better (please help me I don't want to see them die)
[X] [BPaP] Be a hero.
[X] [PAP] 1 Rough, 2 Swish, 2 Block, 1 Split, 1 Spunk
[X] [PAP] Spunk: +1, Swish: +2, Split: +2, {Block} +2
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Also another thing, when we got bapped on the head we recovered pretty quickly and it seemed like we were getting hit a lot awhile ago

If we win we will definitely level up and maybe even get an achievement.
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Just looking at things, I agree that Grit and Rough will likely help Jeremy live but I don't know if they are the best choices for this situation. He's outnumbered and outgunned, and he does already have a defensive skill. So I'm thinking something like 3 Swish, 2 Split, and 2 Block.

We could also spread those points around some, maybe take one from Swish and put it into Spunk.

Knot, Thread, and Glow.

Knot is...like a knot, if our lives were knots. Or maybe events are like knots, woven from thread. Maybe, probably even, both.

Thread seems like it would be related to continuity, something ontological. Events set in motion, plans being laid, stories being told.

Glow seems like presence, whatever that means. Ripples made on the surface of the water, maybe some sort of 'weight' that an individual has in reality. I would guess this would be where you find magic and stuff.

So, if Jeremy wants to be a hero, Split sounds really important. It seems like it'd be the skill used to 'split' the Gordian Knot that is this event. Even if it's just a more generalized Wroth, weak points and whatnot.

Swish, on the other hand, seems like it's about keeping the knot together. All of the Knot attributes do so, but each in their own way. Rough makes it so the 'knot' is rough... kind of like durability. Spunk sounds like some regeneration, like if the knot can't be worn down. So Sway seems like it'd be the attribution about avoiding damage.

So what I'm imagining is that Sway makes Jeremy harder to hurt, Split makes him hit harder, and Block saves him from damage he can't avoid. With Spunk being a safety net, as well as maybe giving him the endurance to fight all these guys.

But this is really only important if we want Jeremy to try and be a hero. Which makes us ask the question, just how likely is it that Jeremy could defeat everyone if he uses all of his points?

Just some ramblings.
I think the names of the subcategory are more meaningful for now. The words knot, thread, and glow are too abstract for now but the subcategories looks like they can be deduced somewhat.

But you are right that categories might be a bit more different. Maybe Knot is physical while Thread is mental? Wit is mental acuity and Swish definitely seems like agility meanwhile Glow overall seems more estoric with Melody as a maybe charisma?

Also I searched up Grit and Spunk and both seem to be synonymous to courage but I associate the word Grit with a more "hold on during tough times" type of word with Spunk as more "does this bold thing" kinda word
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[X] [BPaP] Play dead.

Even if we have the gamer system and could put our points into the most optimal things (which I highly doubt we'll luck into to) I don't think we stand a chance against multiple armed bandits. Sure you don't get experience or levels from doing nothing but I really think discretion is the better part of valor in this case.

No idea of what to use our points on so I'll just not vote anything about that
Man, it's tough. I know I'm indecisive, but if Sly is treating this similarly to their other Quest decisiveness is key. At least if we want to have a chance at something more than just survival.

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm shooting for those promised cuddles.

[X] [BPaP] Be a hero.
[X] [PAP] Spunk: +1, Swish: +2, Split: +2, {Block} +2

I was tempted to throw a Hail Mary and put all five points into the Glow category, into one attribute or spread out, but what I have laid out doesn't seem like it's a complete guess.