Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

Thank you. Don't hesitate To give me your opinion.
It's rough what you could do to make people vote for you write in. Is to make sure everything is spelled correctly right work on the grammar you should also make it flow better give the guys home city a name use a name generator or use a historical name.flesh out his personalty his likes and dislike his goal for the future.if you want my help just ask you might have to wait for me to get home though.also do it by the way of private conversation so we don't clutter the theard any further.
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[X] The lord

Name : Barak Russol
Race : Ordonnian
Gender : Male
Location : His domain in Ordona, near to the moblin territory.
Profession : Lord of ordonnia

Personality :

Barak is proud of his domain and his warriors capacities, for him attacks of moblins are not a evasiv threat but a real danger and he often had to go to fight against little warband who tried to pass the frontier with his horses and his mounted yeomen. Good archer and fighter with an axe, he is a determine commander and cunning leader who like disorganize his ennemies whith mounted archery before charge them. He is an young ambitious lord who never appreciate to have to kneel in front of hylian lords who mocked him an his peoples like illetrate paysants, now he know that his time is come.

History :

Barak is the son of a Ordonnian lord, for this he learned in his childhood to govern and protect his land and his subject. For his he learned to mount horses and goats, and how use the spear, the axe and the bow from horseback. He learned that he had to obey and respect the kingdom of Hyrulewho was the protector and the suzerain of ordona. When he had 16 years he tried to become a knight of Hyrule but was refused to be an ordonian, thing that he never forget and never forgive this insult. After the cataclysm he realized that things will never be like before, he understood that now without the suzerainety of Hyrule his county will face great menaces but great opportunities. The time f Hyrule has pass, the time of ordona has began.
partially denied

"Barak is proud of his domain and his warriors capacities"

you have 0 warriors, you can be a Lord but Ordonna has no military at ALL. meaning 0 standing army, meaning no armsmen, meaning nothing but militia. Your guy will be untested and green even if he does have talent.

Everything else is fine though.
you have 0 warriors, you can be a Lord but Ordonna has no military at ALL. meaning 0 standing army, meaning no armsmen, meaning nothing but militia. Your guy will be untested and green even if he does have talent.

Okay, I more thinked about the fact that he raised his yeomen, i didn't think about permanent troops. I will corrige this.
It's rough what you could do to make people vote for you write in. Is to make sure everything is spelled correctly right work on the grammar you should also make it flow better give the guys home city a name use a name generator or use a historical name.flesh out his personalty his likes and dislike his goal for the future.if you want my help just ask you might have to wait for me to get home though.also do it by the way of private conversation so we don't clutter the theard any further.

I will work on this, but because the english is not ma main language i often make errors when i write quick. If tou want help me to corrige the text don't hesitate.
partially denied

"Barak is proud of his domain and his warriors capacities"

you have 0 warriors, you can be a Lord but Ordonna has no military at ALL. meaning 0 standing army, meaning no armsmen, meaning nothing but militia. Your guy will be untested and green even if he does have talent.

Everything else is fine though.
would changing him into a mercenarie leader change that or is it gameing the system
I will work on this, but because the english is not ma main language i often make errors when i write quick. If tou want help me to corrige the text don't hesitate.
just right click on stuff that has a red line under it, if you are operating with google it will generally allow you to auto-correct it.

would changing him into a mercenarie leader change that or is it gameing the system
you will be able to have more martial skill based traits sure, but you will never be allowed to have even 1 man under you in any kind of a military.

again I warn you from this path because there ARE negative traits that will be added to characters and adding too much of a description leads to me giving them more prebuilt traits, both positive and negative. Plus you are limited in the number of traits you can give your character.
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you will be able to have more martial skill based traits sure, but you will never be allowed to have even 1 man under you in any kind of a military.
again I warn you from this path because there ARE negative traits that will be added to characters and adding too much of a description leads to me giving them more prebuilt traits, both positive and negative. Plus you are limited in the number of traits you can give your character.
i wasnt trying to get more troops just experience in leading troops plus would giveing the charecters bad traits on purpose give us more options in traits.
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I changecharacter and the problem of troops. What do you think ?
it stiil wont be accepted becase
barak is proud of his domain and his fighting abilities, for him attacks of moblins are not an evasiv threat but a real danger and he often had to go to fight against little warband who tried to pass the frontier with his horses and his mounted yeomen

partially denied

"Barak is proud of his domain and his warriors capacities"

you have 0 warriors, you can be a Lord but Ordonna has no military at ALL. meaning 0 standing army, meaning no armsmen, meaning nothing but militia. Your guy will be untested and green even if he does have talent.

Everything else is fine though
Well I thinked that it make sens that during attack he could form a militia of yeomen, not real warriors take on his domain, not a real army. What do you think @san ?
i wasnt trying to get more troops just experience in leading troops plus would giveing the charecters bad traits on purpose give us more options in traits.
yes bad traits grant more positive ones but I only allow a max of 7-8 traits in total bad and good so don't think you can min-max to the max ;)

but if you are aiming for min maxing a bit more, a pre-built character like Link gets traits that are only available to them that are upgraded versions of normal traits at no extra cost. For example you can get the blessing of one of the goddesses or be one of their favoured normally (at 2 and 3 trait cost respectively.) but Link will get chosen of Farore which is an upgraded favoured of Farore at no additional trait cost.

On the other hand the prebuilts get more penalizing negative traits than you might normally take, instead of taking at most the trait wounded you might end up with the trait crippled for example.

Oh i didn't knew this. I will corrige this.

Edit : change
good enough now and accepted.
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your following me lol I figured you would notice it from that :p

Touche also shouldn't breath of the wild link be like BotW Link: Magic: Middle, Ranged combat: Best, Close combat: Best
On the account that he was like 5-7 and able to beat adults in swordmanships and wield spears, axes, hammers, greatswords. I understan balance but this link doesn't really fit the worst close combat criteria.
Adhoc vote count started by Hoshu on Mar 24, 2018 at 9:41 AM
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Touche also shouldn't breath of the wild link be like BotW Link: Magic: Middle, Ranged combat: Best, Close combat: Best
On the account that he was like 5-7 and able to beat adults in swordmanships and wield spears, axes, hammers, greatswords. I understan balance but this link doesn't really fit the worst close combat criteria.
not really, it doesn't say how strong those adults are for 1, 2 he is the only link who loses to Ganon out of the 3, 3 he uses dozens of weapons lowering his skill with each thanks to a lack of focus and ends up going through them like they are made of tissue paper because he can't attack or parry properly, 4 he has the smallest number of different techniques and the only Link without an actually skilled and efficient spin attack. Finally OoT Link beat literal Dragons at the age of 10 which beats beating adults at the age of 7 and Twilight Link was taught by the most skilled and experienced possible version of OoT Link and he also has the most Sword techniques among all the Links. (remember all the things you learn from the Golden Wolf?)

EDIT: I also forgot, once he equips an actually decent one handed sword rather than a stick, you can tell he also does less damage per hit than the other two links given how many it takes him to kill moblins vs the other two WITHOUT the master sword. (1-2 hits for the other Links, 3-4 for BotW Link.)
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ARC 1: Prologue part 3: Trait picking
Link current traits: Positive:
chosen of Farore: Farore chose you as her champion for... reasons. (+3 Piety, +3 Martial, +5 combat, Can turn into a sacred wolf at will) Counts as three picks
Strong: +2 combat, +10% fertility
Attractive: +2 Diplomacy, Bonus Spousal Approval
Ordonian Rancher: You are one of the ranchers of the Ordona Province and know how to train and breed animals alongside the best of them. (+1 administration, martial and research, bonus and cost reduction to training Cavalry forces and researching new types of Cavalry.) Ordona Province only.

Crippled: You gained a wound in the fall that healed improperly, will need treatment to heal. -2 martial, -3 combat, -1 intrigue. (Grants +2 positive traits.)
Anger-prone: You lack control of your anger. -3 diplomacy, -1 intrigue, -1 combat (+2 positive traits)

Pick whatever traits you wish from here... remember you are limited to 9 traits total INCLUDING the ones you already have, plus you only have 1 free positive trait currently. You can choose to upgrade a negative trait to be worse as well if you wish. (Crippled is equal to having a limp or lacking full range of arm movement for 1 arm, etc. Severely crippled is missing an eye or other sensory organ, or possibly even your non-sword hand.) (If you choose to take another negative trait I recommend Lustful. Remember these add to character personality.)

All negative traits can be removed with time and actions taken to remove them.

Positive Traits:
Sneaky: +2 Intrigue, personal stealth bonus
Administrator: +3 Stewardship
Genius: +1 to everything
Well-Read: +2 Research, Small Research Bonus
Pious: +2 Piety, public approval bonus
Scholar: You love books! (+4 Research, +2 Piety, -1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)
Architect: +2 Stewardship, -10 percent building costs.
Ambitious: +2 Stewardship, Martial, Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy, Piety.
Manipulative: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue, -2 Martial.
Mage: Have the potential to learn magic.
Moblin ancestry: One of your ancestors was raped by a moblin during one of their many raids, and their blood runs through your families veins. (+2 martial and and combat, -2 diplomacy. small loss of public approval, +10% fertility.) Ordona Province only.
Blessing of Din: Din has a certain regard for you for whatever reason... (+2 Piety, +2 Martial, +2 combat, ???) Counts as two picks.
Favoured of Din: Din holds you in very high regard for reasons known only to her... (+3 Piety, +3 Martial, +3 combat, ???) Counts as three picks
Blessing of Nayru: Nayru has a certain regard for you for whatever reason... (+3 Piety, +1 Stewardship, +2 Research, ???) Counts as two picks.
Favoured of Nayru: Nayru holds you in very high regard for reasons known only to her... (+4 Piety, +2 Stewardship, +3 Research, ???) Counts as three picks
Charmed Life: Things just seem to go your way. (Reroll first failed roll each turn) Counts as two picks.

Negative traits:
Severely Crippled: You are permanently and severely crippled, unlikely to ever heal. -2 martial -4 combat -1 intrigue, -10% fertility. (grants +3 positive traits.)
Slow: You never were the brightest. (cannot be taken with genius, dumb, well-read, or blessing of Nayru.) -2 Research, -1 intrigue (Grants +1 positive trait.)
Dumb: You are as Dumb as bricks. (cannot be taken with genius, slow, well-read, or blessing. of Nayru.) -3 Research, -2 intrigue, -1 diplomacy (Grants +2 positive traits.)
Flirty: You are a massive tease and love to wear revealing clothing. -2 combat, -1 diplomacy (+1 positive trait)
Lustful: You like sex... you REALLY like sex. +10% fertility, -2 combat, -1 Research, Stewardship, diplomacy, slight loss of spousal approval. (+2 positive traits)
Infertile: You have little chance of having children. -20% fertility (+1 positive trait)
Blunt: 'Everyone was thinking it I just said it.' -1 diplomacy, -2 intrigue. (+1 positive trait)
Wrathful: you are a slave to your anger. -3 diplomacy, -2 intrigue, -2 combat, lowered opinions of everyone. (+3 positive traits.)
Lazy: Cloud watching is the best pastime. -1 stewardship, -2 combat. (+1 positive trait)
ZZZZzzzzz: *shifts and turns over* zzzzzzz. -2 stewardship, -3 combat. (+2 positive traits)
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Edit: Now 100% legal.

[X] Plan Lazy Everchosen
-[X] Remove trait:
--[X] Strong: +2 combat, +10% fertility
-[X]Positive Traits:
--[X] Favoured of Din: Din holds you in very high regard for reasons known only to her... (+3 Piety, +3 Martial, +3 combat, ???) Counts as three picks
--[X] Favoured of Nayru: Nayru holds you in very high regard for reasons known only to her... (+4 Piety, +2 Stewardship, +3 Research, ???) Counts as three picks
-[X] Negative traits:
--[X] ZZZZzzzzz: *shifts and turns over* zzzzzzz. -2 stewardship, -3 combat. (+2 positive traits)

This plan makes us heavily favored by all the gods, gets us +7 points in piety, +2 points in martial, and +3 in research at the cost of our +10% fertility, and +2 Combat both from Strong.

Hey @san I got to ask why exactly does Wrathful and Lustful take away from combat? In most systems wrathful actually adds points to your combat trait and being lustful has absolutely nothing negative to do with combat especially if Slanesh worshipers are anything to go by, shouldn't it have more of an effect on things like diplomacy. Also are you willing to except write in negative or positive traits? And if so are these acceptable
You don't really have a lot of time to read or study. -2 research, -1 piety (+1 positive traits.)
Quiet: You don't really like to talk much. -3 diplomacy (+1 positive traits.)
Mute: You can't talk, at all. -8 Diplomacy (+3 positive traits.)
Cocky: Yea your good and you damn well know it. -2 diplomacy, -1 piety, +10% fertility (+1 positive traits.)
Prideful: You are you, blessed are they who meet you. -2 research, -3 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue (+3 positive traits.)
Brash: You can be a bit hotheaded at times. -2 Intrigue -1 diplomacy (+1 positive traits.)
Bad at Math: You suck with numbers. -3 stewardship (+1 positive traits.)
Avarice: You really do love you some shines. -1 piety, -2 stewardship (+1 positive traits.)
Greedy: This wealth, these people, they are mine! – 3 piety, -2 diplomacy (+2 positive traits.)
Gluttony: More More More. -3 stewardships, -2 diplomacy (+2 positive traits.)
Envy: What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine. -3 stewardship, -2 piety (+2 positive traits.)
Not Religious: Your opinion of the gods can be summed up as meh. -3 piety (+1 positive traits.)
Bad at Strategy: You're not the best at group strategy. -3 Martial (+1 positive traits.)

You are a bastion in the face of danger, others rally towards you and hopes of survival. However, sometimes you cannot be argued with… +3 Martial, -1 Diplomacy
Sly: Thinking problems through, and going for the best, out-of-the way solutions is a hobby of yours. You can even turn the tables in talking with others better… +2 Intrigue and +1 Diplomacy.
Humble: You know of your power, and of your limitations, you do not consider yourself greater than others. +1 to Piety and +2 Diplomacy.
Persuasive: You always find the right words, be it small talk with rich folk or a speech for the troops. +3 Diplomacy
Brave: In the face of danger, at the sign of evil, before the might of an enemy like no other, and no matter how weak you are, you will stand and fight. +3 Combat.
Diligent: You work hard to always do your best at everything you do. +1 to All Stats, +10% fertility
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Does infertile just make it harder to get kids or does it really make you unable to have kids? The wording and stats are iffy on it