Plan: Amber Crown
[X] Reconstruction: Fact is, you need more bodies in uniforms that can shoot properly and take orders if you want to be able to strike back properly. This will take some time, especially for training, but it may be your best option. (2 Turns, Low Risk, Costs 2 Resources, Raises Professional Military)
[X] Looking for Advice: Vert can honestly be put to better use as any other Adivsor, but unfortunately you need someone watching the servers and you're not good at that. Maybe there's a survivor that knows her stuff, letting Vert take over another job. (1 Turn, High Risk, Costs 1 Resource)
[X] General Operations: The Vault will live on, but it hasn't been able to self-sustain in a couple centuries. Salvage operations are necessary to keep things afloat, and with the looming threat of another robot army you're going to need those resources now more than ever. (1 Turn, Low Risk, Provides 1d3 Resouces) x2
[X] Hearts and Minds: The people of 101 are frightened. The former Overseer is dead. The Chief of Security got beaten within an inch of his life. Skynet knows their location and has hung a Sword of Damocles above their head. And the Chief's lazy eldest daughter, while charming and endearing and absolute murder with a sword is also a slacker and underachiever, is their only hope. As one might expect, morale is... not particularly high. Compa hopes to address this, but time will tell if it will actually stick. (1 Turn, Low Risk, Costs 1 Resource, Stabilises Morale and might Increase Morale)
[X] Quality Time: You could spend time with one of your friends and family instead, considering what happened. You becoming a CPU was a massive shock to everyone - you especially - but you haven't actually been able to talk to any of them about it since.
- Vert
- Nepgear
*Note: I haven't included the locked-in actions for the sake of redundancy.
Anyway, here's my reasoning: While I understand people trying to get at shinies as soon as possible, we really should spend at least one turn just trying to keep the vault together. Taking care of the Lab now seems way too risky - if it succeeds, sure, great, one more boon for us, but if it fails, it risks catastrophically blowing up in our faces, especially when we consider that nobody's holding the fort back home. I'd rather wait at least until we have basic mooks up and running, and with Neptune back home, we can have her react to any sudden intrusions. Besides, Skynet is all about mecha-mooks: they can afford to tank losses we can't, and there's really no guarantee that the next time we jump into the lab there won't be a SURPRISE REX waiting for us in addition to Exojack. Also, "drawing the aggro away" seems pretty pointless, given that the salvage teams have to return to the Vault. Even if Skynet won't be actively tracking us, they'll know from where the attack came from. This is without going into non-Skynet threats.
For now, I say we limit ourselves to basic gathering. It's always resources that we can use, either to cover expanses, or to build towards the next turn.
If we're to take risks, let's take ones that'll help us on the homefront for now. Vert's great, but I'd rather see her take over the Security; that way we can possibly free up more time for Neptune, and even if we can't, then at least we'll massively boost their potential, giving them two powerful combatants (since Noire's all up in paperwork now), and given that we're in an actual cyber-hell, even a slim chance for a SCIENCE!-dedicated expert is worth its weight in gold.
Hearts and Minds should be obvious. If we're to rebuild the confidence of our people, we must first stop them from panicking. And once we have their confidence, we can see about reaching out to other vaults.
Lastly, given recent events, I think it's paramount to talk to our sister and sort-of sister.