Ascension 1.2
- Location
- Singapore
"Right! Lemme finish breakfast and we can get going!" You clap your hands, stuff the toast in your mouth, and turn to Nepgear ready to belt out some adventuring advi--She's already outfitted.
She's in camo fatigues.
She found camo fatigues.
She grabs you by the hands and hops around with glee, tossing her hair up and down and all around and getting it all over the place oh god its in your mouth. "I'mgoingonanexpeditionI'mleavingtheVaultI'msoexcitedthankyouthankyou!"
She finally lets you go, and its only your awesomeness that keeps your head from spinning off. On a side note, Nepgear's shampoo smells like mangoes. You straighten out your hair with your hands and... perfect. "Alright, Nepgear, rule one of scavenging in a robot-infested wasteland: no loud noises."
She nods excitedly, and pulls out a notepad and pencil. "No... loud... noises. Got it! What else should I know?"
Right, she's never actually been outside before. This could take a while. "Rule two: we'll continue discussing this on the way to the armory."
"continue... discussing... on way..."
Oh my god she's just too cute. "Come on, let's see if the booby lady's in town."
You take her by the hand, making her squeak in surprise, and pull her along out the door.
"...which is how I beat a T-1000 with a magnet and some string!" And a lot of luck. Good thing there was that vat of molten steel down the ravine, right? "Heya, Vert!"
"Ah, Neptune, I was wondering when you'd show up."
Behold: Vert, the blonde beauty that happens to be sixteen in spite of everything. Puberty is a cruel mistress, but that's okay because you'll catch up eventually, like a frag-flower! Six months of complete inertness, and then pow you find a football-sized hole where a pea-sized bloom used to be.
"Mornin', Vert!"
"G-Good morning, Ms. Vert!"
"Morning, the two of you. Nepgear, you look adorable as ever."
But anyways, Vert used to go on scav runs like you, but she stopped last year for various reasons. Dad allowed it, so now she works as a Quartermaster in the Armory, and serves as your primary contact for boolets and other fancy items. Or so you would like, but you keep owing her favors you're going to lose Nepgear, and then Dad will actually supplex you into the Sun. Or supplex you with the Sun. You don't really remember which one it was.
"Your father called in just now, so I got your things ready," Vert says, her arms crossed as they always are, and tilts her head at a satchel hanging on your locker. "Got anything else you wanted?"
This is the perfect opportunity. "Well, I was thinking of--"
"Besides the Turbo Maximus," she winks.
Dammit. Vert sees right through you way too easily. "Shortblade it is then, plus the usual," you sigh, tapping your katana. "Matching set, pretty please?" Someday, you'll fulfill your fantasies of being the small girl with the big gun. And it will be awesome. "Say, Vert, you wanna come along? It's Nepgear's first expedition, and uh..." You shrug. How do you phrase this in a way that wouldn't shatter her fragile self worth? "...You know how she's still twelve?"
"Indeed, I understand you fully." She nods, glancing at Nepgear (who is apparently leaning at the armory bars and drooling) and returns back to her desk. "Nepgear is cute enough to drop my responsibilities for the rest of the day, and I've missed exploring the outdoors... Very well. I'll see you two with the rest of the team."
"Awesome! Its..." You check your watch, then promptly remember that you don't have a watch, and find the clock on the wall. "An hour and a half away. See you there!" You turn away, and check your (mental) list of things to do. There's a bunch of paperwork you need to clear for withdrawing that stuff from the armory (boooooring), you need to check in with the team for final checks, and you should probably see if Noire is around. She's probably lonely.
"Oh oh oh! Neptune, there's a range here!" Nepgear hops about the place excitedly, happy to be in the armory for the first time in... ever, come to think of it. You don't think you've ever brought here before, and Dad definitely wouldn't bring a twelve-year-old to a place full of guns and sharp things, even if safety precautions are active. "Can I? CanIcanIcanI?"
"Sure," you and Vert say in unison, and then promptly shoot dirty looks at each her for.
What's her problem? Nepgear's your adorable little sister. That gives you exclusive big sister rights to things! Like giving her permission to do horribly irresponsible things!
The door then opens, revealing just the girl you wanted to talk to.
"Heya, Nowa-chan!"
"It's not Nowa-chan, it's Noire! Get it right!"
Yep, definitely Noire. "Yeah yeah, I'm just joshin'. How's life?"
Nepgear takes the opportunity to lean in behind you, looking over both your shoulders and through the door.
And through the door, on the gun range, you think you see her little sister, firing round after round into the target board a hundred meters away. And she's pretty good.
Of course, Uni's also a complete tsundere, but at your sister. Must be in the blood, huh?
Noire flips a twintail and crosses her arms, doing her marked best to avoid eye contact with you and look all haughty. "So what are you doing here? Your shift's not for half a day."
"I got reassigned to a scavenger op," you reply with a sheepish shrug. "Speaking of which, you wanna come with?"
She stutters suddenly, her face flushes red, and flails her arms around so violently Nepgear squeaks and hides behind you. "W-W-Why would you even ask that, Neptune? I've got responsibilities! Work! One thousand people rely on me to do my job, and you want me to just drop them to come with you? Hah! Not even Vert would agree!"
"I feel vaguely insulted," the blonde in question quips dryly. "By the way, Noire, I'm joining Neptune's expedition."
"See-wait what." She looks flatly at Vert, her expression absolutely blank for a full second and a half.
Only a second and a half, though, but enough time to take a mental snapshot that will last a lifetime.
And just like that she's back to full tsun. "W-Well I suppose Vert would agree... fine. Fine, Neptune, you look like you need the help, so I'll come with, just to see the Chief's daughter flunk her first - and last - time as expedition leader!"
You can only smile at that. You briefly consider hugging her, but that might overload her systems. The Noire-bot 9000 needs maintenance before it can go murder killer robots and take their stuff. But yay, Noire's coming!
She makes a big show of stomping out the armory, cheeks puffed and arms trembling with annoyance. By the end of it, its like a tornado hit the armory.
...Aaaaand Uni's still shooting. Its like when she puts on those noise-cancelling headphones and looks down the sights of a rifle, she's gooooone.
"She hasn't changed a bit," Vert muses. "Oh, I remember when the two of you first met."
"Me too," you sigh nostalgically. Good times. You then remember the weight on your back, "Still wanna shoot, Nepgear?"
"...Sis, what just happened?"
"Tsunderes, Nepgear." You put on your metaphorical philosopher's beard and stroke it. "Tsunderes happened."
"Uni, basically."
"Oh... Can we bring Uni with us? She's right through the door."
"One Noire is enough for all of us," Vert smiles. "Come, Neptune. Let's deal with the logistics, shall we?"
The entrance to the Shelter are really just one big hatch, forged of ancient hyperalloys. It's not high quality hyperalloy, since its diluted with steel and whatnot to keep costs down. Nepgear said it was about a 1:1000 ratio of alloy to steel, but you never really paid attention. Point is, it's really tough. But not that tough; a cyborg ninja could probably cut it down, if it got close enough. But that's what the Turbo Maximus is for!
You spent the rest of your two hours dealing with the logistical paperwork, and it is as awful as you remember. And that time you didn't even lead the expedition; you just saw the paperwork, and immediately the light started to fade from your world. It took pudding and six hours with Tetris to fix it, and no one gets six straight hours with the only Tetris machine in the Vault.
Now you're finally here, though, and here you find the team. You already know who's coming with, after going through the awful paper thing with Vert (who was mostly there to smile politely and flirt with your sister, before she ran off to the range to spend time with her Tsundere) and most of them are unremarkable mooks. Unremarkable mooks with guns, sure, and you're a squishy human, but you have a katana and a shortsword and pure awesome in your veins, so you'll still win. Because you're that good.
The noteworthy people, though, you already know, mostly because--
"Hey, Nep! You're late! And... you brought Nepgear." She blinks. "Why would you bring Nepgear."
"Oh Iffy, be nice to Nep-Nep! She's still young! Oh, Ge-Ge's coming too?"
...Mostly because they're family friends. IF's, like, the sneakiest person you know, and Compa's... a pretty good medic. She's saved lives. Those she's saved tend to be in horrible pain, but she saved them! It's like she doesn't understand that humans need ten times more anesthetic than she willingly gives, but oh well. "Heya, girls! How's it crackin'?"
"Never say that again, Nep, because I just felt a little bit of my soul die." Hands on her hips, IF points at Nepgear. "Seriously, you're bringing your kid sister? She will get eaten out there. Today's not exactly a great day for a children's trip."
"Huh? What?" Nepgear looks around, still clinging to you for support. "W-What's out there, IF?"
"She's talking about the abductors," you grunt. They're active again? Those robots fabricate fast; you joined in purging them in the local area a couple months back. That was crazy: They almost got you, but then you cut it in half with a chainsaw. That was pretty great. And Dad brought home pudding to celebrate the chainsaw thing! "We can avoid their usual haunts, that should get us a leg up."
"What, we just going to ignore Skynet and their crazy Terminators?"
You pull out a map, and grin. "Check it, I brought us a path. We're going to be poking through some fancy places today, and they aren't too far from here too! We'll be back... a little bit after sundown. Not that we can tell, you know, because of the sky?"
"Yeah yeah, sure." She gestures to a nearby table, and you take the chance to do that dramatic tablecloth-spread technique you saw some guy do the other time. Except instead of a rolled up cloth, it's a rolled up map you drew!
You stick the landing, and then you see IF actually take a step back. You can't blame her; your map looks awesome.
"Alright," you say, going into Seriousface Mode, and you look at everyone at the table. IF, Compa, Vert, Noire, even Nepgear. This will be dangerous, so you're going to do this carefully.
Current Assets:
- 20 Scavengers (Adequate, Equipped with assorted weaponry, Trained in Stealth)
- IF (Very Skilled, Has Dual Katars and a Hunting Rifle, Capable in Stealth)
- Compa (Very Skilled, Has EMX Rifle and Multiple Medkits, Trained in Stealth, Capable in Healing)
- Vert (Skilled, Has Plasma Lance and PW-E Handgun (Shotgun Mod), Trained in Stealth)
- Noire (Skilled, Has Power Sword (form Rapier) and PW-E Handgun (Silencer Mod), Trained in Stealth)
- Nepgear (Adequate, Equipped with Power Sword (form collapsible) and Medkit, Trained in Steatlh)
- Neptune (Skilled, Equipped with Power Sword (form Katana) and Shortblade, Trained in Stealth)
Where are you going?
[ ] The Core: It's overrun by robots and its probably still radioactive, this is very true. But it is also pretty much untouched by salvage teams, mostly because it is so dangerous. You've got a good team, you're pretty awesome, and you have what could be the only tech specialist capable of getting any doors open. It's perfect, and there's plenty of cover. Stay out of sight and it should be fine.
Pros: Lots of Loot, Plenty of Cover
Cons: Lots of Robots, Possibly Radioactive
[ ] The Tower: It's called a Tower but it's really a collapsed structure, probably a mall, from a long time ago. It's been a regular haunt by salvage teams for a while, so it might be picked clean. Of course, there might be some things they missed, and you can always use basic materials back at home. Robots run patrols from time to time, but your team can handle the odd robot. You could salvage those, too!
Pros: Familiar Haunt, Plenty of Cover, Farmable Robots
Cons: Familiar Haunt
[ ] The Fallen Vault: it wouldn't be the first time someone came along a Vault with no one in it, and there's probably stuff you could use that they can't. But what seems dead can often be misleadingly alive. The machines won't drop by very frequently, so there's a big window for moving in and out. But anything inside... well, that's on you. And there may yet be remnants of the lives that once lived inside, which might scar Nepgear for life.
Pros: Unexplored Ruin, Infrequent Robots
Cons: Psychologically Harmful
[ ] The Labs: It was a lucky break that the last time IF and Compa went out, they found an old research facility that no one's tapped open before. Inside is probably full of science and things that would be really nice to have. It might be a military lab, it might be a civilian lab, it might have been working on medicines or metallurgy or... ooh, video games. On the other hand, it might be subverted already, and full of robots. Or it could be a massive windfall.
Pros: Unexplored Ruin, Potential Loot
Cons: Possible Trap
[ ] Write-In (Note: All Write-Ins must run through me first)
She's in camo fatigues.
She found camo fatigues.
She grabs you by the hands and hops around with glee, tossing her hair up and down and all around and getting it all over the place oh god its in your mouth. "I'mgoingonanexpeditionI'mleavingtheVaultI'msoexcitedthankyouthankyou!"
She finally lets you go, and its only your awesomeness that keeps your head from spinning off. On a side note, Nepgear's shampoo smells like mangoes. You straighten out your hair with your hands and... perfect. "Alright, Nepgear, rule one of scavenging in a robot-infested wasteland: no loud noises."
She nods excitedly, and pulls out a notepad and pencil. "No... loud... noises. Got it! What else should I know?"
Right, she's never actually been outside before. This could take a while. "Rule two: we'll continue discussing this on the way to the armory."
"continue... discussing... on way..."
Oh my god she's just too cute. "Come on, let's see if the booby lady's in town."
You take her by the hand, making her squeak in surprise, and pull her along out the door.
"...which is how I beat a T-1000 with a magnet and some string!" And a lot of luck. Good thing there was that vat of molten steel down the ravine, right? "Heya, Vert!"
"Ah, Neptune, I was wondering when you'd show up."
Behold: Vert, the blonde beauty that happens to be sixteen in spite of everything. Puberty is a cruel mistress, but that's okay because you'll catch up eventually, like a frag-flower! Six months of complete inertness, and then pow you find a football-sized hole where a pea-sized bloom used to be.
"Mornin', Vert!"
"G-Good morning, Ms. Vert!"
"Morning, the two of you. Nepgear, you look adorable as ever."
But anyways, Vert used to go on scav runs like you, but she stopped last year for various reasons. Dad allowed it, so now she works as a Quartermaster in the Armory, and serves as your primary contact for boolets and other fancy items. Or so you would like, but you keep owing her favors you're going to lose Nepgear, and then Dad will actually supplex you into the Sun. Or supplex you with the Sun. You don't really remember which one it was.
"Your father called in just now, so I got your things ready," Vert says, her arms crossed as they always are, and tilts her head at a satchel hanging on your locker. "Got anything else you wanted?"
This is the perfect opportunity. "Well, I was thinking of--"
"Besides the Turbo Maximus," she winks.
Dammit. Vert sees right through you way too easily. "Shortblade it is then, plus the usual," you sigh, tapping your katana. "Matching set, pretty please?" Someday, you'll fulfill your fantasies of being the small girl with the big gun. And it will be awesome. "Say, Vert, you wanna come along? It's Nepgear's first expedition, and uh..." You shrug. How do you phrase this in a way that wouldn't shatter her fragile self worth? "...You know how she's still twelve?"
"Indeed, I understand you fully." She nods, glancing at Nepgear (who is apparently leaning at the armory bars and drooling) and returns back to her desk. "Nepgear is cute enough to drop my responsibilities for the rest of the day, and I've missed exploring the outdoors... Very well. I'll see you two with the rest of the team."
"Awesome! Its..." You check your watch, then promptly remember that you don't have a watch, and find the clock on the wall. "An hour and a half away. See you there!" You turn away, and check your (mental) list of things to do. There's a bunch of paperwork you need to clear for withdrawing that stuff from the armory (boooooring), you need to check in with the team for final checks, and you should probably see if Noire is around. She's probably lonely.
"Oh oh oh! Neptune, there's a range here!" Nepgear hops about the place excitedly, happy to be in the armory for the first time in... ever, come to think of it. You don't think you've ever brought here before, and Dad definitely wouldn't bring a twelve-year-old to a place full of guns and sharp things, even if safety precautions are active. "Can I? CanIcanIcanI?"
"Sure," you and Vert say in unison, and then promptly shoot dirty looks at each her for.
What's her problem? Nepgear's your adorable little sister. That gives you exclusive big sister rights to things! Like giving her permission to do horribly irresponsible things!
The door then opens, revealing just the girl you wanted to talk to.
"Heya, Nowa-chan!"
"It's not Nowa-chan, it's Noire! Get it right!"
Yep, definitely Noire. "Yeah yeah, I'm just joshin'. How's life?"
Nepgear takes the opportunity to lean in behind you, looking over both your shoulders and through the door.
And through the door, on the gun range, you think you see her little sister, firing round after round into the target board a hundred meters away. And she's pretty good.
Of course, Uni's also a complete tsundere, but at your sister. Must be in the blood, huh?
Noire flips a twintail and crosses her arms, doing her marked best to avoid eye contact with you and look all haughty. "So what are you doing here? Your shift's not for half a day."
"I got reassigned to a scavenger op," you reply with a sheepish shrug. "Speaking of which, you wanna come with?"
Rolled 95
Maximum Tsundere
Maximum Tsundere
She stutters suddenly, her face flushes red, and flails her arms around so violently Nepgear squeaks and hides behind you. "W-W-Why would you even ask that, Neptune? I've got responsibilities! Work! One thousand people rely on me to do my job, and you want me to just drop them to come with you? Hah! Not even Vert would agree!"
"I feel vaguely insulted," the blonde in question quips dryly. "By the way, Noire, I'm joining Neptune's expedition."
"See-wait what." She looks flatly at Vert, her expression absolutely blank for a full second and a half.
Only a second and a half, though, but enough time to take a mental snapshot that will last a lifetime.
And just like that she's back to full tsun. "W-Well I suppose Vert would agree... fine. Fine, Neptune, you look like you need the help, so I'll come with, just to see the Chief's daughter flunk her first - and last - time as expedition leader!"
You can only smile at that. You briefly consider hugging her, but that might overload her systems. The Noire-bot 9000 needs maintenance before it can go murder killer robots and take their stuff. But yay, Noire's coming!
She makes a big show of stomping out the armory, cheeks puffed and arms trembling with annoyance. By the end of it, its like a tornado hit the armory.
...Aaaaand Uni's still shooting. Its like when she puts on those noise-cancelling headphones and looks down the sights of a rifle, she's gooooone.
"She hasn't changed a bit," Vert muses. "Oh, I remember when the two of you first met."
"Me too," you sigh nostalgically. Good times. You then remember the weight on your back, "Still wanna shoot, Nepgear?"
"...Sis, what just happened?"
"Tsunderes, Nepgear." You put on your metaphorical philosopher's beard and stroke it. "Tsunderes happened."
"Uni, basically."
"Oh... Can we bring Uni with us? She's right through the door."
"One Noire is enough for all of us," Vert smiles. "Come, Neptune. Let's deal with the logistics, shall we?"
The entrance to the Shelter are really just one big hatch, forged of ancient hyperalloys. It's not high quality hyperalloy, since its diluted with steel and whatnot to keep costs down. Nepgear said it was about a 1:1000 ratio of alloy to steel, but you never really paid attention. Point is, it's really tough. But not that tough; a cyborg ninja could probably cut it down, if it got close enough. But that's what the Turbo Maximus is for!
You spent the rest of your two hours dealing with the logistical paperwork, and it is as awful as you remember. And that time you didn't even lead the expedition; you just saw the paperwork, and immediately the light started to fade from your world. It took pudding and six hours with Tetris to fix it, and no one gets six straight hours with the only Tetris machine in the Vault.
Now you're finally here, though, and here you find the team. You already know who's coming with, after going through the awful paper thing with Vert (who was mostly there to smile politely and flirt with your sister, before she ran off to the range to spend time with her Tsundere) and most of them are unremarkable mooks. Unremarkable mooks with guns, sure, and you're a squishy human, but you have a katana and a shortsword and pure awesome in your veins, so you'll still win. Because you're that good.
The noteworthy people, though, you already know, mostly because--
"Hey, Nep! You're late! And... you brought Nepgear." She blinks. "Why would you bring Nepgear."
"Oh Iffy, be nice to Nep-Nep! She's still young! Oh, Ge-Ge's coming too?"
...Mostly because they're family friends. IF's, like, the sneakiest person you know, and Compa's... a pretty good medic. She's saved lives. Those she's saved tend to be in horrible pain, but she saved them! It's like she doesn't understand that humans need ten times more anesthetic than she willingly gives, but oh well. "Heya, girls! How's it crackin'?"
"Never say that again, Nep, because I just felt a little bit of my soul die." Hands on her hips, IF points at Nepgear. "Seriously, you're bringing your kid sister? She will get eaten out there. Today's not exactly a great day for a children's trip."
"Huh? What?" Nepgear looks around, still clinging to you for support. "W-What's out there, IF?"
"She's talking about the abductors," you grunt. They're active again? Those robots fabricate fast; you joined in purging them in the local area a couple months back. That was crazy: They almost got you, but then you cut it in half with a chainsaw. That was pretty great. And Dad brought home pudding to celebrate the chainsaw thing! "We can avoid their usual haunts, that should get us a leg up."
"What, we just going to ignore Skynet and their crazy Terminators?"
You pull out a map, and grin. "Check it, I brought us a path. We're going to be poking through some fancy places today, and they aren't too far from here too! We'll be back... a little bit after sundown. Not that we can tell, you know, because of the sky?"
"Yeah yeah, sure." She gestures to a nearby table, and you take the chance to do that dramatic tablecloth-spread technique you saw some guy do the other time. Except instead of a rolled up cloth, it's a rolled up map you drew!
Rolled 83 + 11 = 94
Actually Pretty Good
Actually Pretty Good
You stick the landing, and then you see IF actually take a step back. You can't blame her; your map looks awesome.
"Alright," you say, going into Seriousface Mode, and you look at everyone at the table. IF, Compa, Vert, Noire, even Nepgear. This will be dangerous, so you're going to do this carefully.
Current Assets:
- 20 Scavengers (Adequate, Equipped with assorted weaponry, Trained in Stealth)
- IF (Very Skilled, Has Dual Katars and a Hunting Rifle, Capable in Stealth)
- Compa (Very Skilled, Has EMX Rifle and Multiple Medkits, Trained in Stealth, Capable in Healing)
- Vert (Skilled, Has Plasma Lance and PW-E Handgun (Shotgun Mod), Trained in Stealth)
- Noire (Skilled, Has Power Sword (form Rapier) and PW-E Handgun (Silencer Mod), Trained in Stealth)
- Nepgear (Adequate, Equipped with Power Sword (form collapsible) and Medkit, Trained in Steatlh)
- Neptune (Skilled, Equipped with Power Sword (form Katana) and Shortblade, Trained in Stealth)
Where are you going?
[ ] The Core: It's overrun by robots and its probably still radioactive, this is very true. But it is also pretty much untouched by salvage teams, mostly because it is so dangerous. You've got a good team, you're pretty awesome, and you have what could be the only tech specialist capable of getting any doors open. It's perfect, and there's plenty of cover. Stay out of sight and it should be fine.
Pros: Lots of Loot, Plenty of Cover
Cons: Lots of Robots, Possibly Radioactive
[ ] The Tower: It's called a Tower but it's really a collapsed structure, probably a mall, from a long time ago. It's been a regular haunt by salvage teams for a while, so it might be picked clean. Of course, there might be some things they missed, and you can always use basic materials back at home. Robots run patrols from time to time, but your team can handle the odd robot. You could salvage those, too!
Pros: Familiar Haunt, Plenty of Cover, Farmable Robots
Cons: Familiar Haunt
[ ] The Fallen Vault: it wouldn't be the first time someone came along a Vault with no one in it, and there's probably stuff you could use that they can't. But what seems dead can often be misleadingly alive. The machines won't drop by very frequently, so there's a big window for moving in and out. But anything inside... well, that's on you. And there may yet be remnants of the lives that once lived inside, which might scar Nepgear for life.
Pros: Unexplored Ruin, Infrequent Robots
Cons: Psychologically Harmful
[ ] The Labs: It was a lucky break that the last time IF and Compa went out, they found an old research facility that no one's tapped open before. Inside is probably full of science and things that would be really nice to have. It might be a military lab, it might be a civilian lab, it might have been working on medicines or metallurgy or... ooh, video games. On the other hand, it might be subverted already, and full of robots. Or it could be a massive windfall.
Pros: Unexplored Ruin, Potential Loot
Cons: Possible Trap
[ ] Write-In (Note: All Write-Ins must run through me first)
Martial: 28
Stewardship: 11
Intrigue: 19
Learning: 11
Diplomacy: 24
Brave: +2 Martial
Compassionate: +1 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy
Petite: -1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy
Jester: +1 Diplomacy
Endearingly Slothful: -1 to All Attributes Except Diplomacy and Martial
Impatient: -2 Learning, -2 Stewardship
Capable Swordswoman: +2 Martial, +10 Close Combat Bonus
Stab-Proof Pads - On Loan
Shortblade - On Loan
Night Vision Goggles - On Loan
Throat Mic - On Loan
Power Sword (Katana) - Personal
Ballistic Vest - Personal
Radio - Personal
Flashlight - Personal
Martial: 28
Stewardship: 11
Intrigue: 19
Learning: 11
Diplomacy: 24
Brave: +2 Martial
Compassionate: +1 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy
Petite: -1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy
Jester: +1 Diplomacy
Endearingly Slothful: -1 to All Attributes Except Diplomacy and Martial
Impatient: -2 Learning, -2 Stewardship
Capable Swordswoman: +2 Martial, +10 Close Combat Bonus
Stab-Proof Pads - On Loan
Shortblade - On Loan
Night Vision Goggles - On Loan
Throat Mic - On Loan
Power Sword (Katana) - Personal
Ballistic Vest - Personal
Radio - Personal
Flashlight - Personal