How Long Shall We Mourn in the Dark: A Fantasy Grand Crossover

I have yet to see a good Dragon Age cross over with any of the other setting on this list so I will go with these.

[X] The Land of Dragons
[X] The Land of War
[X] The Diminished Land
Character Creation 1: Birth
It is the Third Age of Arda, and a shadow grows from the East. The Dark Lord Sauron waits patiently within the great forests of Mirkwood, hiding his identity under the title 'Necromancer' and bringing great darkness and pain to the ancient forest. Gondor continues to slowly diminish under the rule of its Stewards, stubbornly standing against raiders from the southron realms and continued orc raids from Minas Morgul. The dwarves plot in the Iron Hills and Blue Mountains, dreaming of retaking Erebor or, perhaps, Khazad-dum. The Eldar continue to fade away, maintaining minor kingdoms in Mirkwood, Lorien and Imladris. The Shire-folk live as they always have, happy and fat and full of life. Angmar continues to be a blight on the landscape and raids out of it and Gundabad continue to trouble the Rangers keeping ancient watch over the long dead kingdom of Arnor.

It is into these times that a child is born into Arda, blessed with life and a desire to live and thrive. This child will see the coming of a new age, a Fourth age, though none living yet know that. The child will see the Lonely Mountain retaken for Durin's Folk, see Dale rebuilt and Dol Guldur chastised. This child will, before they reach maturity, live in a world where a small hobbit pockets a tiny golden ring deep in the roots of the world and start a chain of events that could lead to either a final victory or a total defeat.

Of what race of mortals is this child from?

[ ] The Eldar - The elves of Middle Earth are much diminished in their power, but still strong enough to stand against the darkness and shadow. Flight of feet and wise; the elder race is one of the great enemy's most powerful foes. However they are also prone to melancholy and listlessness, knowing that one day they must either return across the sea or fade away. They are born in TA 2893 and will be 50 at the game start of 2943.

[ ] The Dwarves - Aule's children have long suffered over the Third Age. Orc and goblin attacks have ruined most of their smaller mansions and Moria, Khazad-Dum, was burned out and destroyed by the hated Durin's Bane. Even Erebor, their new shining gem, was taken from them by the dragon Smaug. However Durin's Folk are strong in arms and stubborn as the very rock they are forged from. Greed and envy come quickly to them, but so does laughter and comradeship. To live among the clans residing in the Iron Hills or the Blue Mountains is to dream of retaking lost glories and delving new halls. They are born in TA 2893 and will be 50 at the game start of 2943.

[ ] Men - The Edain now rule Middle Earth, even if that helps them little. Man is a study in contrasts: some are cruel and others kind. A man may be as greedy as the worst dwarf or as wise and even tempered as the most saintly elf. Their life span is short and their physical and mental abilities not matching up to the older races, but their passion and ambition know no bounds. Be they hillmen of Rhudar or Dunland, Northman of the Anduin or Esgaroth, Dunedain of Gondor or ruined Arnor or any other type of man, they continue to seek new things and grow. They are the inheritors of the world, and it will be their hands that shape its course. Men characters are born in TA 2925 and will be 18 at the game start of 2943.

[ ] Hobbits - The halfling folk of the Shire and the Gladden Fields are not prone to adventure and desperation. No, they much prefer to sit in their smials, drinking tea and having as many meals as can fit in the day. They are a simple folk, with a love of pleasures and slow living. However, within their hearts, there is a spark of adventure. It comes rarely, but sometimes a hobbit will wish to see the places they hear from travelers tales. To gaze upon the Tower of the Guard, to dine with elves in their ancient halls, to drink with dwarves, to see the wonders of Arda both dark and beautiful. Hobbits are not strong nor fast; but they are often overlooked and take to shadows easily. A hobbit friend is one you have for life, and their skill with herbs and wild plants, along with sling and arrow, has saved many a life before. Hobbit characters are born in TA 2910 and will be 33 at the game start of 2943.

Within Arda, as within all worlds, there is a division of class that makes up society. While among some, like the Eldar and the Shire-folk, these divisions are not so strong, they still exist and determine what a person can and cannot do in their life. These castes do not truly set anything in stone, for a determined person can find chance and opportunity wherever they look, but they can make life harder or easier. What class does our hero come from?

[ ] The Nobility: Whether descended from ancient Valinor lords, captains of Numenor, Durin himself or simply the largest landowner in the area, the nobility are at the top of society. The nobility our hero will be born into is of the minor sort. Someone who holds a small bit of land and treasure but is still subordinate to the greater powers of their home. Literacy is common, the more refined of martial skills more easily learned and scholarly pursuits the most open. However both expectations, and a removal from the actual work that makes society run, will hamper this character.
[ ] The Merchants: The middle class of most societies, the merchants is a catch all term for burghers, traveling merchants, business owners and clerks. Literacy is still common here, if more focused practical matters. Those who join the guard or military will learn basic martial skills and, if a child is focused, some scholarly paths are opened up. However money will forever be a limiting factor, as is prestige. The lordly look down upon the money handlers as upstarts and some doors may be closed because of that.

[ ] The Peasantry: The most plentiful of all people in Arda, the peasantry are the laborers who make the realms run. Farmers, miners, woodcutters: these people know the land and how to use it. Literacy is uncommon, only the most basic of martial skills are learned outside of special circumstances and scholarly pursuits are closed off. However you will know the hoe, the plow, the pick and the land that all three work upon. The nobility may not take any notice of you, and a clever peasant can rise high indeed in turbulent times.

[ ] The Outcasts: Wanderers, outlaws, brigands; those who live outside of society by either choice or decree. They wander Middle Earth, working where they can and living off the land. Literacy, martial skill and scholarly knowledge is uneven, as it all depends on one's parents and groups you travel with. You may dream of having a home for yourself, or revel in your own freedom; but know that many doors are closed to those who live outside the laws of the land. Of course, that may simply mean you needs must make your own opportunities.
[X] The Eldar
[X] The Nobility

I hope we get to choose form what Kingdom we are from or what our lineage is.(Rohirim,
Dúnedain, Gondorian, etc) And I haven't seen many quest in Lotr as a noble.
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[X] Hobbits
[X] The Peasantry

From the most unexpected source, may the fate of the world be determined...

After the pipe-weed, of course. And breakfast. Second breakfast as well, now that I think of it. Oh, oh! Tea as well!
[X] The Eldar
[X] The Nobility

It should be extremely interesting to see the elf's reaction to such global changes in the world order. Considering how strong the connection of elves with this world is, the protagonist can notice many details that are sure to miss the other races.
Plus, if we ever visit Thedas, it will be a pretty unique experience given the plight of the local elves.
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If Eldar wins I wonder how our soul works in regards to the setting. Are we tied to the world or are we going to be similar to men in that we aren't? Things to wonder.
[X] The Eldar
[X] The Nobility

Our land is old, but this is yet a young age, a tender age, where heroes will be born and new songs sung.

It is not yet time for us to fade.