How I Accidentally Dark Lorded Arda (LOTR SI)

It would be hilarious if because of his own percetion of Melkor power skewed for better understending and familiarity which make his mind rationalize telephaty as a phone call and moblie he will be seeing himself as the avarage Earth dude in jeens and t-shirt while for everyone else he looked like Wraith Lich King Middle Earth Edition and he will hear himself with normal voice while everyone else will hear voice of Batman combined with Vader when they are pissed off.

Misunderstendings from a get go.
Well, if he's a wraith they probably won't be seeing anything unless he puts on one of those cloaks the ringrwraiths use or he's talking to somebody who can see in that plane.
This should be somewhat relevant, though I don't know where this wraith is right now.
My understanding of when Shadow of War happens is a bit limited.

EDIT: And by that I mean I'm uncertain when this story is happening in relation to Talion.
The actors mentioned so far have been active up to AT LEAST a hundred years before The Hobbit canon.
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Its a shame that neither the protagonist nor anyone in Arda know Morse Code, or they could communicate via controlled repetitions of Morgoth's name.

You know, so that they wouldn't freak anyone out with their (presumed) spooky wraith voice.
Maybe if Mr. Cloak doesn't mind, you could check if Smaug is willing to learn one of the darkest arts known to this plane of existence.


Speaking of, is there any statement or symbol for Tolkien's stance on usury?

EDIT: NVM, the overgrown lizard has been dead for 40 years.
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Oh wow, you completely moved the arrival time.
It's the year Frodo was orphaned and Samwise was born now!
This diametrally changes the direction of the story!

EDIT: Also, orcs wouldn't be able to find Sauron, he's the eye already.
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A great firey eye was seen by the hobbit, looking through the palantir.. but, Sauron had fully reformed his hroa by then. Being a giant eye of fire was just artistic liberty in the movie.

Maybe if Mr. Cloak doesn't mind, you could check if Smaug is willing to learn one of the darkest arts known to this plane of existence.

That's fucked up.
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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

On the snow covered side of a mountain, there was a sudden flurry of snow as a translucent and ghostly hand punched upwards from under the snow. A moment later, the snow heaved and turned over as a ghostly and translucent body rapidly followed, digging its way out of the snowbank with a string of curses…...

"Ow! And also, Aw!" I groaned as I finally planted my feet in the ground and had a look around. "I'm never doing that again."

I appeared to be on a mountain.

It was a massive affair that rose up into the sky until its top almost brushed against the clouds. The entire mountain seemed to be a lifeless edifice of rock that was covered with snow and all steep cliffs and steeper slopes. There were no human (or other), habitation anywhere that I could see.

And just to make things even more craptastic, this mountain appeared to be surrounded by an entire range of other mountains, with this one towering above them like a giant middle finger rising up out of a bony knuckled fist.

It all looked thoroughly inhospitable and not at all conductive to civilization.

Where was I?

Was this the Misty Mountains?

That was the only large mountain range in Middle-Earth that I knew of. And this one was certainly large enough to qualify.

If I was in the Misty Mountains, then I have to go east to eventually hit either Gondor or Rohan, and west for Rivendell or the Shire.

Of course, I had no idea as to the exact locations of any of those locations, and I had no map. So, finding them might be a little harder than just looking them up in Google Maps.

However…...I frowned.

I could probably ask Mel for help. He might be able to help me divine my current location magically, or by some other esoteric method like reading the stars.

Though that would involve me having to actually talk to him and as for help.

My teeth ground together.


Not if I was absolutely desperate.

Besides, I justified to myself, it wasn't as if I was that badly off.

This mountainside was a long way above sea level and the atmosphere should be noticeably thin and the cold must be so intense that anyone one wearing proper gear would freeze to death, but I felt absolutely no discomfort. And my translucent body was only clad in a (ghostly) pair of jeans and a long sleeved button-up shirt.

I made an educated guess that this was because I was a wraith now.

Simple things like cold and a lack of air didn't bother me anymore.

I also hypothesized that I would never go hungry or thirsty thanks to my nature. Wraiths don't need food after all.

So, the elements and hunger were none issues for me.

I could stay up here indefinitely if I wanted to.

I also had all the time in the world to carefully explore the mountain and find a way down.

From there, I could keep exploring until I actually met someone, and I would use them to get directions and figure out where I was.

I nodded firmly.

I could do this.


Three days later, I discovered that the mountain was much larger than I ever anticipated, and that there were a couple of downsides to being a wraith.

For one, I cannot sleep.

That means that I do not have the ability to go to sleep. I simply cannot do it.

This was a much bigger deal than you would think, because the ability to sleep and rest was a huge part of the human psyche. The ability to just switch your mind off and rest before starting the next day fresh was a remarkable thing. And not being able to do it was slowly driving me bonkers.

And to make things worse, I couldn't feel anything.

I couldn't feel the cold or the lack of air, true. But I also couldn't feel the sun on my face, the wind ruffling my hair, or the softness of the snow.

It was like trying to live on tasteless food.

It was nurturing, true, but it was bland.

This was the existence I was condemned to.

Feeling nothing, tasting nothing, never sleeping, never dreaming.

No wonder the Witch-King went all emo if this was what he had to deal with.

For hundredth time, I regretted taking Mel's deal.

Currently, I was ensconced inside a cave I had discovered during my exploration of the mountain, just sitting down with my back to the cave wall and staring at a circle of stones I had assembled in mockery of a fire pit.

I had no need of a fire and there was no wood here anyways, but I had done it because I felt the need to do something to take my mind off the endless boredom.

I was busy trying to recall what I remembered about this world I was now in when I heard a sound that made my ghostly heart pound.


The regular cadence that indicated that someone with booted feet was marching up a stone surface.

I leaped to my feet in joy.

Footsteps meant people!

People meant I could finally figure out where I was!

People meant no more boredom!

And if I was especially lucky, it will be a beautiful elf maiden who will become my constant companion throughout my adventure on this world, eventually developing feelings for me and-

I closed my ghostly eyes as a three hundred pound dwarf stood framed in the doorway, three foot beard decorated with both tobacco and bread crumbs.

My eye twitched.


While I stood trembling and trying to collect myself, one dwarf became two, and then two became four, as more dwarfs stepped up to the cave mouth.

I let out a ghostly sigh and collected myself before raising my arm and gave them a little wave. No need to start my association with this words inhabitants on the wrong foot after all.

None of them responded.

But, a moment later all four of them trooped into the cave.

They seem to be pretty unconcerned with the ghostly man occupying the cave they had entered.

Well, they were pretty open minded or remarkably brave.

Or, I amended a minute later as I watched them set up camp and not give me so much a glance, babbling at each other in a language I didn't understand, they cannot see me.

I experimentally stepped right in front of a dwarf who was setting up an actual fire pit and held my ghostly hand over his eyes.

It should have disrupted his vision. Because I was translucent, not fully see through.

Sighed and stood up.

So they cannot see me.

It seems I have discovered another drawback of being a wraith.

I cursed Mel in my head.

He had to have known this.

He probably planned this.

I wonder…..

I used my foot to trip the dwarf, causing him to fall on his ass.

As the dwarf fell and started cursing in his guttural language and began looking for what tripped him, I grinned.

So, I could affect living beings with my power.

Still, this put a crimp in my attempts to communicate with them.

Just as I was about to start writing ghostly messages on the walls to establish contact with the little bearded buggers, matters were taken out of my hands.

"The Dark Lord made heavy metal,"

I blinked as heavy metal music blasted out from my jeans pocket.

"And He saw that it was good,"

The dwarfs went into a panic and frantically started to search the cave for the origin of the noise.

"He said to play it louder than Hell!"

The quartet of vertically challenged humanoids quickly scrambled to gather up most of their supplies and vacated my cave, leaving behind half their stuff in the process.

They also proved that while I cannot be seen by the denizens of this world, I was able to make noise that could be heard by them. Which made no sense whatsoever.

"We promised that we would!"

I watched the dwarfs hightail it out of the cave, no doubt convinced that it was haunted.

"When Manwe says it's over with,"

After a brief internal struggle, I let out an ethereal sigh and reached into the pocket of my jeans to pull out my early 2000's flip phone.

"you know that-"

I flipped the phone open and answered.

"Hello, Mel," I said very calmly in my best, totally not sarcastic, voice. "Nice ring tone."

"I hoped you would like it," his voice was as annoying as ever. "How are you enjoying your new un-life?"

"I can't sleep," I said blandly. "And I have no idea where I am. Other than that, I'm just peachy."

"Ah," I could just imagine him nodding on the other end. "We're used to the no sleep situation, but I imagine that it's a bit jarring to you. Simply lay down and meditate for a few hours each day and it will cease to be an issue. Its nothing physical that's stopping you, its just your mind that needs rest."

"And my location?"

"Ah," he chuckled nervously. "About that….."

"Mel!" my voice rose in alarm. "What did you do?"

"I assure you it was not intentional!" he said quickly. "My aim was just a tad off!"


"Do you remember the Grey Mountains?"

I wracked my memory.

I knew the map of Middle-Earth pretty well, but the Grey Mountains? Didn't ring a bell.

"I can't quite recall…."

"North of Mirkwood and the Lonely Mountain?" Mel prompted. "Think of the very edge of the map? The outer edge?"

My eye twitched.

That was the ass end of nowhere.

A wasteland that was inhabited by savage men and even more savage orcs.



A couple of days later, I was doing what Mel had suggested and meditating when the next random encounter happened.

There was noise at the mouth of my cave, and a moment later, the cave door darkened to reveal a humanoid figure that was obviously not a man. Short, squat, and broad, with a wide mouth filled with fangs, a flat nose, narrow yellowish eyes, and yellowish skin covered with coarse brown hair.


Still, beggars can't be choosers.

I hauled myself to my feet and faced the creature.

Now, I had figured out that I was invisible to the denizens of this world in my wraith body, so I had decided to solve that problem by using the stuff that had been generously left behind by the dwarfs and make myself a makeshift robe.

They might not be able to see the wraith, but they certainly could see the black hooded robe that had a invisible person shaped object in it.

So, the orc was actually able to see me this time.

As evidenced by the way he brandished a sword at me and babbled in a language I actually understood.

He seemed to be demanding to know who I was, what I was doing, and just what kind of creature I was.

I frowned.

Wait a minute…..

Just how was I understanding orcish? I for sure didn't speak it when I died.

So I had to have acquired it after death.

Which meant-


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So lets summerize, he is an unfilling, unsleaping and invisible Wraith, the only local linguage he knows is the Black Speech, has Melkor on the phone as the only source of info and advice while he is annoyingly cheerfull and all of that while he crash landed and is now stuck in the middle of Mountains on the freaking edge of the world. Oh and Mel is constantly watching him like in Big Brother.

Well I think he can be a tad frustrated.
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"Right then my new minions, I'm kind of new to middle earth and Arda, so our first order of business is getting me up to speed on common knowledge and recent events. We are definitely going to need more... I guess the term is orc power, going forward, so my first question is... where do baby orcs come from?"

His first step should be to establish his own corporation, with charter and all the needed paperwork.

Also their new slogan should be: "Join the Forces of Darkness, we have cookies!"
"Hey I also threw in the Black Speech directly into your brain. Aren't I really nice?"

"Sauron had already founded his own company by the time he created that, so I hope you're ready for him to sue your ass for copyright infringement!"

"Right then my new minions, I'm kind of new to middle earth and Arda, so our first order of business is getting me up to speed on common knowledge and recent events. We are definitely going to need more... I guess the term is orc power, going forward, so my first question is... where do baby orcs come from?"

Orc: "I would literally prefer any other job than explaining the spores and the trees to a dementer."
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im really loving this fic, i cant wait to see just what kind of havoc you play in middle earth.
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The meeting was happening in a forest clearing, with the only building within sight being a log cabin that sat right in the middle of the clearing. There was a large wooden table on the grass covered ground in front of the cabin, and the attendees were seated around it.

"Hello, everyone," the scruffily dressed old man at the head of the table smiled as he addressed the assembled gathering, "You have my everlasting gratitude for undertaking the perilous journey here from your lands to represent your people and your realms. I know full well how difficult an undertaking it is in these dark times."

At those words, the people around the table stirred and exchanged nervous glances. A little murmur ran around the table.

The people around the table were a diverse bunch. There were a couple of rough looking humans, a pair of bearded dwarfs, a pair of rotund hobbits, and a pair of slender elves.

The old man, either uncaring or not noticing of the mood around the table, indicated the person seated to his right, "Let's start with you! Introduce yourself and the realm you represent. Then we'll move onto the person next to you, and so on."

The person so addressed, a man in travel worn brown garb and sporting an impressive red beard, heaved himself to his feet and cleared his throat, "I'm Errod, and I do believe that there has been a mistake? I'm a horse breeder from Rohan and not representing anyone. I just came to deliver a message."

That set the rest of the table off.

"Its the same with us!"

"Just came to deliver the message!"

"Not representing anyone!"

"Don't have the authority!"

"ALRIGHT!" the old man yelled at the top of his voice. As the table quieted, he reached into his pocket and dug out a pipe before pointing at the man to his left with the pipe, "If that is what you are all here for, then by all means, introduce yourselves and your realm, and then present your message. You start first."

Errod heaved himself to his feet again, "As I said before, I'm Errod and I hail from the Kingdom of Rohan. I was sent here by the White Wizard, Saruman the White. He says that he cannot attend this meeting because of back problems."


Errod peered around the table nervously.

The silence continued.

Errod became very interested in his hands.

Eventually, one of the elves broke the silence, "He has back problems?"

Errod nodded vigorously, "He fell down the stairs."

"The stairs?" the same elf demanded.

"The stairs," Errod confirmed.

"If it's so bad that he cannot come to this gathering, then it must have been a lot of stairs."

"All of them."


They all turned to see one of the hobbits standing up.

"That's our message as well," the hobbit said nervously as Errod quickly sat down, "I have a message from the wizard Gandalf the Gray. He says that he cannot attend this gathering on account of hip problems."

More silence.

"Um, that's all," the hobbit sat down quickly.

"This hip trouble must be quite severe if it prevents him from attending," the same elf from before said with a raised eyebrow.

"It was a very fast horse."

"Well," one of the dwarfs heaved himself to his feet next. "I suppose I shall go next. We represent the Kingdom of Moria, and we are here to report a great stirring of orcs in the deep halls of our realm. It's getting so bad that we suspect it might soon spill out into the lands above ground."

This statement brought nervous murmuring from around the table as everyone who lived along the Misty Mountains exchanged nervous glances.

"Well," the old man said eventually, and indicated the elves, "That just leaves you."

The elves exchanged a glance before one of them rose smoothly to their feet, "It is with regret that I bring you this news, but our Lady Galadriel will not be attending this gathering due to troubles we are having with the King in the North."


"Which king of the north? There are a lot of them, Mirkwood, Dale..."

"King Thranduil."

"Ah," one of the dwarfs nodded. "Elves fighting elves. That's just what this fallen age was lacking."

The elf glared at him and sat down silently.

"Well then," the old man stood up again and sighed, "I myself have a message to deliver. I am Radagast the Brown, a wizard, and I must report that Elrond of Rivendell cannot attend this council due to a problem he's having with his daughter."

"His daughter?" one of the elves demanded, "What's wrong with her?"

"He's trying to find her," Radagast said irritably, "But, that's not what is important."

Everyone seated at the table started talking at once.

"Silence!" Radagast yelled.

The table quieted. After all, despite appearances, he was a wizard.

"Now," he addressed the now quiet table. "The hour is dire, my friends. A great darkness has entered the world, and the wise are indisposed just when their counsel is most needed. I know not if these events are related, but that is a question for later. What matters is that these events have brought us together, and this is not a random happenstance. We are here today because we have been chosen! It is up to us to face this new darkness!" He looked hopefully around the table.

No one would meet his eyes.

"Yes, well, " the old wizard bulled forward, "I know I can depend on all of you to stand with me! Together we will be….. The Brown Council!"

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This is just sad, really. Random dregs and the most useless of the known wizards.
"As I said before, I'm Errod and I hail from the Kingdom of Rohan. I was sent here by the White Wizard, Saruman the White. He says that he cannot attend this meeting because of back problems."
"I have a message from the wizard Gandalf the Gray. He says that he cannot attend this gathering on account of hip problems."
"I suppose I shall go next. We represent the Kingdom of Moria, and we are here to report a great stirring of orcs in the deep halls of our realm. It's getting so bad that we suspect it might soon spill out into the lands above ground."
"It is with regret that I bring you this news, but our Lady Galadriel will not be attending this gathering due to troubles we are having with the King in the North."
"I myself have a message to deliver. I am Radagast the Brown, a wizard, and I must report that Elrond of Rivendell cannot attend this council due to a problem he's having with his daughter."

The Mc didn't even started Dark Lording and the Wizards are crippled, Elfs are infighting or in chaos and Dwarfs have an Ork problem.

Damn and he didn't even done anything besides ariving.
So... does this mean the SI is better at Dark Lording than the OG Dark Lord?
Wizards - crippled
Elfs - killing each other
Dwarfs - getting Waaaghed

All this without doing anything(unless you count speaking OG Dark Lord's name)
So... does this mean the SI is better at Dark Lording than the OG Dark Lord?
Wizards - crippled
Elfs - killing each other
Nah, last time Morgoth was around, the Calaquendi, and Moriquendi were fighting each other, and amongst each other...

Here it's just a bunch of moriquendi fighting each other, with one bunch of moriquendi lead by a Noldor.

Also, the Ainur were less than useless then too, until the end.