House of the Dragon premiering August 21

Daemon's plate armor design looks great, but I can't help the helmet looks a bit rubbery. You don't sell me on dragon helmet and not make it as good as the rest of his gear.

What the heck is that Kingsguard armor though. Is that breastplate based on a real thing? God, I hope not.

Come on prop team, either just have him wear normal clothes or give him a breastplate.
Do you mean it looks 'wrong' compared to other armor they've used in the show?
Even just compared to the armour in the other stills in that batch. Like, idk, wouldn't you say that it's kind of out of place on the most prestigious knights of the realm? It's more leather/cloth and the helmets are stylistically divergent. Criston Cole looks to be in something approaching actual plate, and Daemon isn't super far behind.
Even just compared to the armour in the other stills in that batch. Like, idk, wouldn't you say that it's kind of out of place on the most prestigious knights of the realm? It's more leather/cloth and the helmets are stylistically divergent. Criston Cole looks to be in something approaching actual plate, and Daemon isn't super far behind.

Yeah, so basically the same problem as the Kingsguard armor of GOT, just more pronounced. I never liked the Kingsguard armor of GOT - either the Baratheon or the revised Lannister/Baratheon variant.

The less said about Cersei's variant - especially the silly helmet - the better.

EDIT: Honorable mention to the armor for the Targaryen Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy, which I liked.
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EDIT: Honorable mention to the armor for the Targaryen Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy, which I liked.

Hmm, I dunno. Not enough mail on them I feel. Not like they were running around the land to not wear it. At least the original Kingsguard armor had some scales to protect the sides. What's with their refusal of mail? Just get some knitted wool.
And around the time HBO produced and rejected Bloodmoon
Oh huh, don't think ai've heard about that. Should do a google, and see what that's abou—
Game Of Thrones Prequel Bloodmoon Shot A $30 Million Pilot That No One Will Ever See
According to a new report, hardly anyone has ever laid eyes on that exorbitantly-priced pilot, not even author George R.R. Martin.


There's a funny irony in this 30-35 million black hole of "It does exist, out there, somewhere, a whole new world based off the tiniest, tiniest scraps of precedent, and we will never see it" is summed up in an article so succinctly, and is only passingly mentioned in The Hollywood Reporter.
Oh huh, don't think ai've heard about that. Should do a google, and see what that's abou—
Game Of Thrones Prequel Bloodmoon Shot A $30 Million Pilot That No One Will Ever See


There's a funny irony in this 30-35 million black hole of "It does exist, out there, somewhere, a whole new world based off the tiniest, tiniest scraps of precedent, and we will never see it" is summed up in an article so succinctly, and is only passingly mentioned in The Hollywood Reporter.
i want to see it now
Noted theme of the reviews being its somehow "surprisingly" good.

(Show is sitting on a 92% on RT but for some reason can't read the reviews from there? Weird)

Anyway wow, no shit, the show made by talented showrunners, from the work of an acclaimed author, produced by the most consistently high quality TV network in Hollywood - which is from the same beloved source material as another show which was acclaimed for most of its run - is good?

Knock me over with a feather. Could never have expected this.
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Bro, season 8 was a trashfire. It doesn't matter if Game of Thrones had an excellent 7 season run before that (it didn't), people will remember you falling face first in the race, they won't remember the 99 meter sprint you did amazingly well at before.

Like yeah I'm excited, but let's not pretend the latter seasons of GoT didn't decrease in quality. Of course people are going to be surprised.

Is irrelevant. Literally noone involved in producing or writing Season 8 (and the rot clearly started to set in during Season 5, it did not have an excellent 7 season run*) has anything to do with this show. If you're 'surprised' that this new show that has none of the creative pedigree of the previous show is good it means you don't know how TV is made, and have no business reviewing television.

Like, what, do you think there's some ephemeral 'Game of Thrones' negative modifier being applied that exists outside of any of the people writing or producing the show? It's dumb, and it's not even remotely rationally justifiable.

(*And its funny how critics kept handing out consistently high marks from Season 5-7 regardless - with some notable exceptions)
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Is irrelevant. Literally noone involved in producing or writing Season 8 (and the rot clearly started to set in during Season 5, it did not have an excellent 7 season run) has anything to do with this show. If you're 'surprised' that this new show that has none of the creative pedigree of the previous show is good it means you don't know how TV is made, and have no business reviewing television.

Like, what, do you think there's some ephemeral 'Game of Thrones' negative modifier being applied that exists outside of any of the people writing or producing the show? It's dumb, and it's not even remotely rationally justifiable.

You'd have to be blind to how humans work to say it's irrelevant. Yeah, no one who worked in producing GoT is on this show, but the average TV watcher isn't going to know that. Nobody fucking looks up the name of the production crew except for nerds on the Internet. People are going to remember the dumpster fire, not fucking caring about the people who work on the show behind the scenes.

Game of Thrones is a brand. TV watchers have been burnt by said brand. This is how humans work. You cannot discard the anger at season 8 (and to an extent, at GRRM not updating his novels), and go "hnnngg, dumb people don't know how TV works!" Yeah, I hope the show is good, but can you really blame anyone who spent nine years watching their favorite show go into the gutter? Yeah, they're going to have some negative feelings, no shit.

Give it a break, guy.
TV reviewers are also human-

I don't know what that means or how its meant to be a meaningful statement.

*Point out this thing is stupid and irrational*

*Well they're human!*

Wow, what an insight.

Like do you have anything of substance to add here or are you just going to psychoanlyse me for pointing out how silly it is to be 'surprised' by something obvious?
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I don't know what that means or how its meant to be a meaningful statement. Like do you have anything of substance to add here or are you just going to psychoanlyse me for pointing out how silly it is to be 'surprised' by something obvious?

The point is it's not obvious. It is completely normal that people, professional reviewers or not (seriously, why are you harping on this one bit?), being surprised at how good the show is, is a completely valid thing. Complaining that people find it surprising, is what I find silly. Saying the reputation of season 8 is irrelevant is completely divorced from reality.

In short, no shit Sherlock.
The point is it's not obvious. It is completely normal that people, professional reviewers or not (seriously, why are you harping on this one bit?)

It's super damn obvious. As for why I'm harping on it - well - for one - I started posting about this today talking about reviews so I'm keeping on the topic that I started. For two - your previous reply was couched around "average TV watchers" who don't even know who the writers or producers are and you've now switched without skipping a beat or even acknowledging that you've completely changed tack to giving the exact same pass to professional reviewers when you've already implicitly conceded by your original argument that they don't have the same excuse.
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Like logically people shouldn't be so surprised, none of the OG show runners are involved, the current crew seems much more committed to staying true to GRRM's vision, GRRM has much more of a role in the show, GRRM seems legit impressed with the current show runner(He's even remarked that they show gave Viserys a "Tragic Majesty" the books weren't able to capture), the trailers were pretty impressive, etc etc. Yet, people are people, and reputation is an odd thing. For many people GoT is pretty infamous by this point for basically ruining it's reputation in a season, going from the most talked about show to basically disappearing from the public eye. Even if House of the Dragon has nothing connecting it to the problems of later GoT, even if it's done nothing but look strong, it's still a Game of thrones related show, and GoT's reputation has a very long shadow, even if it's completely unfair.

Alt Shift X seems like he's pretty hopeful about the show, admittedly that largely seems to be because it's putting in more of an effort than the later seasons of GoT

Has no business reviewing television professionally, lol. Your entire post is an exercising in missing the point.
Who do you think professional reviewers write reviews for? Other reviewers?

A review is written with the unsaid knowledge that it will be written for ordinary people, people who don't know that this show has a different production team nor do they particularly care for that.
Who do you think professional reviewers write reviews for? Other reviewers?

A review is written with the unsaid knowledge that it will be written for ordinary people, people who don't know that this show has a different production team nor do they particularly care for that.

Do you think its a reviewer's job to pretend to be clueless about who writes and produces what show? Like, there's ways to give a review of a related show that talks about GOT being disappointing that don't require you (supposedly) pretending to be ignorant for the (supposed - how it would do this is unclear) let's say "benefit" of ordinary people.

For many people GoT is pretty infamous by this point for basically ruining it's reputation in a season, going from the most talked about show to basically disappearing from the public eye.

Said this many times at this point, but a reliable way to collect clout on twitter (to the tune of tens of thousands of likes per post) is to do some post about how GOT's finale was so bad the show "disappeared from the public eye". It's not something that ever made sense either by that standard, or on its own terms.*

*Literally every show disappears from the public eye, relatively speaking, when it ends. The only reason they stay around in any sense is if they get spinoffs. Otherwise they disappear except among their dedicated fanbase.

GOT is - amusingly - somewhat noteworthy in that the finale was so unsatisfying that people are still talking about it.
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The general public opinion of the GOT brand is immense disappointment.

Using "surprisingly" in a review of this new series is, in that context, logical.
The general public opinion of the GOT brand is immense disappointment.

Using "surprisingly" in a review of this new series is, in that context, logical.

Yeah there's certain contexts where its fine. Like "viewers burned by Season 8 may be surprised to ...". Stuff like that. That's competent and relatable. It's just the kind of commentary that is written as if there's an automated Game of Thrones factory that turns out GOT Shaped Content that gets on my tits.
Is irrelevant. Literally noone involved in producing or writing Season 8 (and the rot clearly started to set in during Season 5, it did not have an excellent 7 season run*) has anything to do with this show. If you're 'surprised' that this new show that has none of the creative pedigree of the previous show is good it means you don't know how TV is made, and have no business reviewing television.

Like, what, do you think there's some ephemeral 'Game of Thrones' negative modifier being applied that exists outside of any of the people writing or producing the show? It's dumb, and it's not even remotely rationally justifiable.

(*And its funny how critics kept handing out consistently high marks from Season 5-7 regardless - with some notable exceptions)

I mean, the failure also lays on the shoulders of HBO too, not just dnd.

And, like, the current ceo of HBO is a fucking moron.