Hostage Situation [Worm AU Fanfic]

Actually she sort of can, although not directly. She can create an organism which produces the drugs, and could even make the organism one that's safe to consume but does not survive in the human body so you wouldn't even have to filter them out as is done in real life to get penicillin, and some other drugs.

This is what I was getting at when I first brought up the "drug" thing. If you swallow an ounce of goop and it heals your cancer, I'd call the goop a drug.
It would probably have to be tailored to the person. And it would be quicker and easier, unless she was working off a DNA sample, to just cure the damn cancer herself :p
It would probably have to be tailored to the person. And it would be quicker and easier, unless she was working off a DNA sample, to just cure the damn cancer herself :p
If you're talking about curing cancer? Probably. But she could make organisms that produce a wide range of useful drugs that do all sorts of things, from ati-biotics and anti-virals to drugs to speed up healing injuries, strengthen arteries or bones, dissolve kidney stones, or even cosmetic stuff like improve skin tone, etc...

Most of those would be prescription drugs but they'd still be quite useful.
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If you're talking about curing cancer? Probably. But she could make organisms that produce a wide range of useful drugs that do all sorts of things, from ati-biotics and anti-virals to drugs to speed up healing injuries, strengthen arteries or bones, dissolve kidney stones, or even cosmetic stuff like improve skin tone, etc...

Most of those would be prescription drugs but they'd still be quite useful.

I would think that she could create vaccines and antibiotics very easily. A vaccine is primarily a virus that has been rendered sterile. An antibiotic is a targeted poison that kills bacteria but not humans. A vat the size of a bathtub full of a vaccine is likely a few hundred million doses. A bacterial colony that produces a novel antibiotic could be self sustaining and produce more antibiotic than the world needs after a few months of seeding.
Having read this I have to say that this is one of the healthiest ways I have ever seen Panacea break.

Make no mistake it is still a mental break to make the demands she is making with the information she has and with basically no real memory of her father, for all she is lucky enough that Marquis actually is the man she imagines him to be.
You couldargue they are, since Tinker bullshit works via Shard bullshit, so any 'cure' Amy made would just be some sort of dimensional marker that encourages her shard to do X to whatever biological thing ingests it.

I mean, Worm things are, essentially, magic in application. You might as well say they can do whatever.
You couldargue they are, since Tinker bullshit works via Shard bullshit, so any 'cure' Amy made would just be some sort of dimensional marker that encourages her shard to do X to whatever biological thing ingests it.

I mean, Worm things are, essentially, magic in application. You might as well say they can do whatever.
Amy is not a Tinker, so she can't pull that bullshit.
Due to constructive criticism, I have decided to alter Marquis' wording while speaking to Director Costa-Brown:

He paused for a moment. "Jones was one of the best. The world is poorer for his passing." Then he looked up. "You still haven't told me what the problem is and how I come into it." But he was starting to get an inkling.

"The problem is that she has had her powers for three years now and, quite apart from the other healing she does in her own time, the Protectorate has become somewhat dependent on her being able to bring any one of us back up to full health in a matter of seconds. However, as of yesterday, she has laid down an ultimatum. Specifically, until you are released from the Birdcage, she will cease her healing activities altogether. No more Endbringer battles, no more civilian healing, no more healing superheroes. You can see the position into which this places us."

"Hah!" For just a moment, he felt a surge of pure delight. Amelia, you are beautiful. Just beautiful. Way to stick it to 'em. But then a thought intruded. "Hold on a minute. Won't this cost her the income that all this healing brings her? And in fact, if she gets paid by contract, wouldn't she be breaking the terms if she does this?"

There was a momentary pause; when Costa-Brown spoke, he could almost swear that she sounded embarrassed. "Marquis … she doesn't get paid. She's been doing this all for free."

"You have to be joking." There was no answer. "You're not joking." Still no answer. "She's been doing this for free? When she could have been charging? Damnation, if I could cure cancer, I would never have gone into villainy. How many people has she cured, how many lives has she saved, since she started?"

"I could not tell you. Thousands for certain, possibly tens of thousands. I suspect that even she has lost count."

"Good god. A healer, and she isn't even charging. She could have been richer than me by now, with one-tenth the effort." He took a deep breath. "Okay, let's see if I have this right. She wants to have me let go or she stops giving out her free healing. Which you, and the Protectorate, really don't want to have to deal with. Your mention of her international fame suggests that you don't want word getting out about her relationship to me, or the fact that she wants me out of here. How am I doing so far?"
Amy is not a Tinker, so she can't pull that bullshit.

Shard bullshit all the same bullshit only getting what they want bullshit *waves hands furiously*

Really, there's that much leeway/lack of detail you could swing it any which way you want (which I'm aware is 'not a Tinker, can't do that' for you, and that's fine too).
I doubt even Panacea could make a drug that cures cancer, but most medical issues aren't that difficult to deal with.
Amy is not a Tinker, so she can't pull that bullshit.

True, Amy is not a Tinker. Tinkers are weak next to what Amy is. Amy is a biokinetic who has no limits on her power beyond short range. Tinkers produce technology, Amy is the Goddess of Medicine.

Tinkers can and often do make things that seem to break reality -- but they need tools to do it. A Tinker could make an anti-cancer drug if they had the right specialty, but that drug won't cure the common cold, just cancer.

Amy doesn't need tools, and she can cure anything so long as the problem or the solution is possible for a biological organism, whether an organism that does that is present or not. Suppose she took a spoonful of bread yeast and altered it into something that eats cancer cells and excretes a substance that encourages very rapid healthy cell growth? How is that different in end results than a Tinker's anti-cancer drug?
I'm waiting for a story where Amy has to turn a random bystander or off duty PRT Trooper into a badass supersoldier to get out of a sticky situation.
The difference between a biokinetic and a bio-Tinker?

A biokinetic can do anything that's biologically possible, and do it fast.

A bio-Tinker can do things that are biologically impossible, just a little slower.

Just for instance, Riley was able to mash Hatchet Face and Oni Lee together, using remote waldos. Her power allowed her to do that. It would have been literally impossible for Amy to do.

Amy has to work within the limitations of the biological system. Riley is a Tinker and thus can bypass those limitations.

And that's the difference.
Just for instance, Riley was able to mash Hatchet Face and Oni Lee together, using remote waldos. Her power allowed her to do that. It would have been literally impossible for Amy to do.

Josuke Higashikata could do that too, via Crazy Diamond... fanfic idea?
Given the existence of Atlas, or the magical Prion anti-plague I'm not so sure about that, but it works as a rule for your story.
I'm personally not entirely certain that Wildbow was fully aware of how you can't just scale up a bug to human sizes, but I'm willing to accept that Amy put in some sort of hybrid system to allow him to breathe and support himself at that size. As for the prion anti-plague, she worked out something that would destroy the prions, and made it self-replicating.

I'm personally of the belief that her hero complex was so strong that if she could have created a universal anti-cancer serum or virus or whatever, she would have. Have the PRT test it on a few volunteers (of which there would be no lack) and then release it into the wild, as it were.
I'm personally not entirely certain that Wildbow was fully aware of how you can't just scale up a bug to human sizes, but I'm willing to accept that Amy put in some sort of hybrid system to allow him to breathe and support himself at that size. As for the prion anti-plague, she worked out something that would destroy the prions, and made it self-replicating.

I'm personally of the belief that her hero complex was so strong that if she could have created a universal anti-cancer serum or virus or whatever, she would have. Have the PRT test it on a few volunteers (of which there would be no lack) and then release it into the wild, as it were.
I think what you mean here is a disease that passes along the same vectors as another disease but cures / fixes the second. For example creating a sexually transmitted virus that cures HIV or AIDS. The problem there, and this is where I think Panacea gets a benefit from the New Wave / Protectorate "tinker limitations," is that anything she "releases into the wild" has the same chance to grow, adapt, and mutate as anything else. So that HIV / AIDS cure might become something worse.

Of course, anything that is "self-replicating" is a terrible idea in the Worm-verse know what we, the readers, know about Shards. Since they are designed to promote conflict.. well.. let's just say I expect the odds of something going sideways is a near certainty.
I'm personally of the belief that her hero complex was so strong that if she could have created a universal anti-cancer serum or virus or whatever, she would have. Have the PRT test it on a few volunteers (of which there would be no lack) and then release it into the wild, as it were.
I don't see it. Panacea doesn't just need to be a hero, she needs to feel like one. Creating an anti-cancer serum and then sitting back while other people distribute it doesn't feel heroic. She needs to be out there, healing people personally, and healing as many people as possible. Yes, there's a direct contradiction between those two goals. We can see it immediately, but Canon Amy was a stupid teenager who didn't know what she wanted until she could no longer have it.
I'm personally not entirely certain that Wildbow was fully aware of how you can't just scale up a bug to human sizes, but I'm willing to accept that Amy put in some sort of hybrid system to allow him to breathe and support himself at that size.
I was thinking more of the fact that she made something that was capable of VTOL with over 50 kg of payload, and then fly around in a highly maneuverable fashion. The issue with bugs being too small are all solvable, and from Amy's comments in canon I think Wildbow is aware of the issues with scaling up bugs to human size, and had Amy address them.

As for the prion anti-plague, she worked out something that would destroy the prions, and made it self-replicating.
She made something that:
1)Fixed the damage the "Prions" caused (not just destroy them).
2)was self replicating.
3)did not cause any damage of its own
4)Spread at even greater speed than the ludicrous speed than the "prions" did.
1&2 are certainly within the abilities of a biological system, 3 might be, 4 isn't.

I'm personally of the belief that her hero complex was so strong that if she could have created a universal anti-cancer serum or virus or whatever, she would have. Have the PRT test it on a few volunteers (of which there would be no lack) and then release it into the wild, as it were.
Given that she seems to have plenty of time to go to the bank, or on dates, or accompany her sister on patrol coupled with the fact that Brockton bay hospitals have long term care for injuries besides brain damage(and yet apparently do not have a massive amount of medical tourism) makes me think that she simply is very inefficient about how she heals people, and that despite her angst about it she doesn't actually spend nearly as much in the hospital as fanon tends to assume.
Let's look at the death rate. There were about 200 people in the Birdcage when it was opened up to fight Zion. The numbers issued to inmates were over the 600 mark. That's a 2-in-3 casualty rate. :p

No, it's really not. He was polite and courteous, unless he wanted to push someone for something.

Or even be perfectly charming and then casually beat them a moment later in battle.

In fact, Brandish herself notes this:

"What? No, no, I wasn't trying to destroy the city. I was doing some urban renewal, see?" (starts putting uprooted trees back)

We shall see what we shall see.

That too :p
Hey what chapter of worm is the Brandish talking to Marquis from?
I was thinking more of the fact that she made something that was capable of VTOL with over 50 kg of payload, and then fly around in a highly maneuverable fashion. The issue with bugs being too small are all solvable, and from Amy's comments in canon I think Wildbow is aware of the issues with scaling up bugs to human size, and had Amy address them.

She made something that:
1)Fixed the damage the "Prions" caused (not just destroy them).
2)was self replicating.
3)did not cause any damage of its own
4)Spread at even greater speed than the ludicrous speed than the "prions" did.
1&2 are certainly within the abilities of a biological system, 3 might be, 4 isn't.
Unless her reverse-plague actually piggybacked on the pre-existing spread of the prions ...

Given that she seems to have plenty of time to go to the bank, or on dates, or accompany her sister on patrol
Going to the bank was apparently happening during her lunch hour, the date was that evening, and she doesn't go on patrol on a regular basis (as noted by Lung).
coupled with the fact that Brockton bay hospitals have long term care for injuries besides brain damage(and yet apparently do not have a massive amount of medical tourism) makes me think that she simply is very inefficient about how she heals people, and that despite her angst about it she doesn't actually spend nearly as much in the hospital as fanon tends to assume.
Canonically, she gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the hospital, and spends a few hours healing people. Any other healing she does is in the normal course of her superhero work, or if she's requested to come in for special cases. But it's frequent enough that she feels resentment, and their faces blur in her mind.
Hey what chapter of worm is the Brandish talking to Marquis from?
Interlude 15.
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The thing with biokinetic and a bio-Tinker is as well that what the biokinetic produce does only need maintainence if it is far enough removed from what is possible or the maintainence is wanted.
The bio-Tinker will always have to put in the time to maintain what it has created.