History's Most Mediocre Cultivator (Xianxia Quest)

How should the remainder of the five months prior to joining the sect be handled?

  • Same as usual (i.e. 5 more updates similar to the last 2)

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • Vote for a cultivation plan for all 5 months at once and then having a training montage

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Vote for a cultivation plan for all 5 months and then have updates with character events and RPing

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • Continue as usual, but with shorter, more frequent updates until the five months are up

    Votes: 6 26.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Chapter 3.0 – Uncertain Beginnings
[X] Hold on to it.

Chapter 3.0 – Uncertain Beginnings
Solstice 12, 12053

In the end, it took about a week to travel to the Abyssal Spirit Sect, and they had to stop at inns to sleep each night. The sect was many miles northeast of Four Rivers Province, in the southern section of the Plum Forest Province. The province lived up to its name from what Shaohuo saw via the carriage's window as they travelled. Though the southern end of the province was more populated than its northern frontier, it still had far fewer villages than Four Rivers Province, and the landscape consisted almost entirely of rolling hills thick with green trees. And though the season for plum blossoms was almost over, he did see the occasional tree bearing the signature flowers with broad, white petals and pink tufted stamens.

If he was by himself, Shaohuo would have spent time cultivating his Ghost Eyes along the way, but Xiaoli frequently grew bored and drew him into conversation, chatting about books, the sect, or whatever happened to catch her eye along the journey. Perhaps it was better that way since it was nice to have a break from cultivation for a little while and it would have been difficult to concentrate anyway with the bumps on the road that regularly jolted the carriage wheels.

On the third day of travel, Xiaoli finally chose to interrogate him, most likely having forgotten about it until that point.

"What did the Honored Elder mean when he mentioned the Celestial Lavender? My parents said you were reckless?" Xiaoli asked.

He shrugged, looking away rather than meet her gaze. "I was just collecting some more potent spirit herbs to help me cultivate."

She frowned. "So why didn't you bring me along? And the Honored Elder never told me about it."

For a moment, he struggled to think of a good way to put it, but failing, he decided to just say the truth.

"Well, he said it was a bit risky since there could be spirit-beasts nearby. He said I was supposed to do it alone," he said with another shrug, hoping against reason that it'd come across as not a big deal.

"You're telling me he sent you alone on some suicide mission just to get some herbs?" Xiaoli said, her eyebrows nearly meeting as she scowled. "I'm going to talk to him." The words filled him with a sense of impending doom.

"Wait – he actually advised against it, he just told me about it when I asked him." He said quickly. "I needed to do it, even with the risk. Besides, everything turned out fine in the end. I didn't even come across any dangerous spirit-beasts." It was technically true, anyway.

Xiaoli's anger dissipated, slumping in her seat. She sighed, as if at a loss.

"You idiot. What am I going to do with you?"

"Sorry for making you worry," he said, not sure what else to say.

"Next time, I will be going with you, whatever the Honored Elder says," she said, meeting his gaze. "If you can't do that, then you won't get those herbs at all. And if you do it without telling me…" She brought her palm and her fist together with a threatening smack.

"Alright, I will," Shaohuo said, surrendering. There was no use in fighting about it.

"Good. I'm still mad at you though," she said, but she didn't stop him when he changed the subject. To his relief, before an hour was up there seemed to be no ill will left between them.

Finally they arrived at the seaside town closest to the Abyssal Spirit Sect. It seemed to be a prosperous town with well-maintained stone paved roads and an open market that was bustling with traders. No doubt they did good business being the only town in easy reach of the sect, which was located on the nearby island.

The driver brought them to the town's docks, and introduced them to the sailor who would be taking them to the island, a suntanned man wearing a broad conical hat.

"You two are new students, eh?" The sailor said. He flashed his teeth in a wide grin and pushed off of the shore with his paddle, sending the boat rocking into the waves. "The name's Chow."

Shaohuo blinked, surprised by the man's forwardness. Most commoners would be much more deferential when speaking to nobles, though perhaps the man's work had inured him to it.

"Yup!" Xiaoli said, seemingly unperturbed. "We're from Four Rivers Province."

"That's real good for ya. I woulda loved to travel. Never had the talent to join a sect. But this job ain't so bad. I take students both ways, you know, in case you need to come back in the future. I make trips all day round." Chow said, rowing with slow, strong strokes no doubt improved by his physical cultivation.

For all his talk, he had surprisingly high cultivation for a commoner who'd never been to a sect, with his light green aura streaked with yellow. Shaohuo supposed that physical cultivation was useful for his work, but it was also possible that his talent was just barely too low for him to be recruited.

"Thank you. We'll keep that in mind," Shaohuo said, nodding gratefully. With a little bit more physical cultivation he'd be able to swim across without any difficulty, but he'd rather not get his clothes wet.

They drew close to the island, and Chow began rowing the boat toward the small dock that faced the town. Already Shaohuo could see the rows of small houses with curved roofs along the island's width and extending partway up the mountain until the area of human use ended and forests began. Aside from the western portion of the island that faced the nearby town, none of the rest of the island looked inhabited, at least from this distance.

"We're here," the sailor said as they began pulling into the dock. "I think you two have to head to that building over there," Chow pointed to one of the large buildings in the center of the grounds, probably a meeting hall or such.

"Thanks so much! Come on, Shaohuo!" Xiaoli said, jumping from the boat even before it finished lining up with the dock. The sailor chuckled, and Shaohuo shook his head and rushed to follow after her.

It looked like the ground level buildings were monks' homes and administrative buildings, with the student houses higher up on the mountain that made up at least a quarter of the island's area. As he and Xiaoli walked through the streets, none of the handful of sect elders or monks they passed seemed to pay them any mind, simply continuing on with their business. There were also no signs to tell them where to go. Shaohuo suspected that if Chow hadn't told them, they'd never have known which building to go to without asking around.

The assembly hall was almost full when they got there, with most of the chairs occupied, but the podium at the front was still unattended.

Seeing Suyin, Shaohuo waved to her, and she responded with a small wave back. Her blue aura was now streaked with a mix of orange and yellow – she was probably on the verge of breaking through. By this point she'd had almost a year to cultivate. The seats around her were occupied, and he and Xiaoli ended up sitting near the back of the room. Wang Shen was actually sitting two rows in front of him, but hadn't seemed to notice them.

"How long are we just going to be sitting here?" Xiaoli said, crossing her arms.

He shrugged. "It could be a while. People come here from all over the country so it'd be easy for people to get delayed. They'd have to wait until at least most of us are here."

She pouted. After a moment of silence she lost patience and turned to talk to the person sitting next to her, a blue-haired girl wearing green robes embroidered with golden plum blossom patterns. Her aura was a mixture of pink and orange.

"I love your dress! Where did you get it? I'm Li Xiaoli by the way. I'm from Four River Province."

"Thank you! It was a gift." The girl said, beaming wide enough to show teeth. "My name is Yang Mi. My family governs one of the northern counties."

"This is Li Shaohuo, by the way," Xiaoli said, waving her arm in his direction.

"Hello," he said, nodding.


"I can't believe they're just making us wait here like this!" Xiaoli said.

Shaohuo was quickly forgotten once again and he tuned out of the conversation. Looking around, he saw that there were perhaps fifty or sixty students in their year, and it looked like a little over half were nobles, with the commoners sticking out by their plainer robes and generally quieter demeanor. Already there seemed to be a divide, with commoners sitting together in groups and nobles sitting next to one another in their own groups.

One group of noble girls seemed to have everyone turned to look at a single girl with a gold headpiece set in her snow-white hair, the kind of headpiece only royalty wore. He supposed even princes and princesses might want to train at a sect, but he had thought the royal family would have their own instructors for that. In any case, he would have to be careful around her.

Suddenly the room became quiet as students stopped talking, and sure enough when Shaohuo looked, an old woman with gray hair tied into a bun walked into the room and stepped up to the podium. From her blue level of cultivation, she must have been a sect elder.

"Hello, children. Welcome to the Abyssal Spirit Sect," the woman said, her gaze wandering across the crowd. "You can call me Elder Shishi. We all have more important things to be doing, myself included, so I will try to keep this brief."

Chuckles and snorts spread across the room, and he saw Xiaoli nod her head approvingly.

"Here at the Abyssal Spirit Sect you will all learn to cultivate your qi. Cultivation has many uses. In the past, monks and elders at sects like this cultivated to reach spiritual enlightenment and ascend to the Heavens." Elder Shishi smiled wryly. "Of course, times change. These days cultivation is used for combat, and many of you will be joining the military. For that reason, the Abyssal Spirit Sect encourages conflict, to help students grow. But this is only within certain limits. It would not do for the future generations of cultivators to end their careers before they even begin. The first rule is that killing or causing permanent injury is prohibited. The second rule is that no violence is allowed for the first two weeks, so that those who are new to cultivation can learn the basics."

By this point, there was quite a bit of whispering among the groups of students that Shaohuo had identified as commoners. The brutality of life in the sects was an open secret, but he supposed there were many commoners from out in the sticks who had never learned of it. To be honest, the idea had never appealed to him either, and he didn't believe it was truly necessary, but it was something he would have to put up with in order to become stronger.

"The third rule is that you are to limit yourself so you do not cause excessive property damage. Rebuilding houses is very expensive, and you will bear the cost of any damage you cause." Elder Shishi continued. "For the first few weeks, lessons will be available to teach those new to cultivation. After that, each of you will have to earn lessons by either impressing one of the monks or purchasing lessons with sect points. You can earn sect points by completing assignments, which will be posted on the bulletin boards at the administrative office building. You will also be able to earn sect points by having a high class rank. We will be observing you students and your talent over the next few weeks, and will assign you a class rank at the end of the second week. After that, you can go up the rankings by challenging another student to a trial by combat. Group challenges are also allowed so long as the groups are equal in number."

"Each person can only be challenged to one trial by combat each week, and they must be uninjured at the time of the trial. You are not allowed to wear down the strong through numbers alone." Here Elder Shishi's eyes gleamed, as though she found the idea amusing. "One more thing. There are only so many houses, so each of you will have to room with one other person. I should not have to tell you that living with someone of the opposite gender is not allowed. This is a monastery." She cackled, and Shaohuo wondered how someone like her had ended up working at the sect in the first place. "That is all. You are dismissed."

She strode out the room, and the class erupted in noisy chatter.

"Me and Yang Mi will be living together. You should find someone too, Shaohuo!" Xiaoli said, looping her arm in Yang Mi's.

"We are? I mean, sure, alright." Yang Mi said, looking confused.

"Sorry about her. Try not to take her too seriously," he said, feeling sorry for her. But if anything Yang Mi just looked more confused.

"Ugh, stop telling people that, Shaohuo! Come, Yang Mi, let's choose our house before everyone else takes the good ones!" Xiaoli said, but the quirk of her lips betrayed the faux outrage. She pulled Yang Mi along as they left the building. It was a bit amusing how uninhibited she acted even in public without any adults around to monitor her behavior.
He looked around the room, trying to decide who to room with. The only boy he knew was Wang Shen, who was obviously not an option. He could ask around until he found Zhao Jinhai so he could become friends with him as the Honored Elder suggested, they didn't necessarily need to be roommates for that. Of the boys near him, only a few stood out and obviously hadn't paired off yet.

One was a noble boy with dark hair and a cold gaze. He seemed a bit standoffish, but at the very least he would probably respect Shaohuo's boundaries, and like Suyin he was close to reaching yellow. The boy sitting next to Shaohuo was also a noble. He was short and had brown hair, and seemed nervous as he looked around the room. He seemed a bit shy and his cultivation was nothing impressive since he was still at red, but he would probably be friendly enough. There was another boy, a commoner by the look of him, who was also sitting by himself. Though it was difficult to tell just from appearance, from the way he leaned back in the chair with relaxed confidence, he was holding back because he was waiting for someone to approach him rather than the other way around. He was at orange, surprising for a commoner, and might make for a helpful ally. In the end, Shaohuo just went with his gut instinct.

Who does Shaohuo approach?

[X] The boy with the cold gaze.
[X] The shy boy.
[X] The commoner.
[X] Ask around for Zhao Jinhai.
Adhoc vote count started by Timewinders on Jan 28, 2018 at 1:47 AM, finished with 558 posts and 15 votes.
Chapter 3.1 – Uncertain Beginnings (Part Two)
The commoner.

Chapter 3.1 – Uncertain Beginnings (Part Two)
Shaohuo took a closer look at the commoner as he approached. He had shaggy, dark hair with bangs that nearly reached his eyes, and his aura's base color was a dark purple. If he was talented like Shaohuo suspected, then the boy could make a good ally.

"Hello. I am Li Shaohuo of the Four Rivers Province. I am pleased to meet you." Shaohuo said, meeting the boy's gaze.

"Hey." The boy said, turning and nodding at him. "I'm Xu Kuo. I'm from a village near here."

Shaohuo suppressed a wince at how Xu Kuo's casual speech and how he continued to sit while Shaohuo stood. He knew intellectually that Xu Kuo probably meant no offense and simply didn't know the proper etiquette. But it was still rather cringeworthy, and he'd have to teach the boy so he didn't end up causing enough political damage to outweigh his usefulness.​

"Do you have a roommate yet? I am still looking for one." Shaohuo said.

"Not yet."

"We can room together if you like." Shaohuo said.

Xu Kuo's reluctance to room with a noble: 30/100
Shaohuo Diplomacy at time of letter writing 8/10 –> 8d10 = 44 – Passed

"Hmm…." Xu Kuo looked at him warily, as if sizing up his options. "Sure, why not. As long as you don't lord it over me just 'cause you're a noble and I'm not."

"Of course." Shaohuo said, but he suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. What use did a question like that serve except to antagonize the person you were talking to? No one in their right mind would answer 'no'. He would have his work cut out for him.

"Can you tell me a little about yourself?" Shaohuo asked as they walked along the path up the mountains.

Xu Kuo wanted to stay in one of the houses higher up the mountain, feeling it would be safer. Shaohuo was inclined to agree, though it would be a bit of a pain to have to travel farther each day.

"I don't know what to tell ya," Xu Kuo said, glancing at him. "I'm from a pretty normal family. We don't have a fancy background or anything."

"Well, what do you parents do for a living?" Shaohuo said. Being patient was proving to be a challenge.

"My dad's a farmer. My mom helps, and takes care of my little brothers. Like I said, pretty normal." Xu Kuo shrugged.

They reached the end of the path up the mountains, which then split left and right along the final row of houses.

"So, which of these houses do you want? I have no preference." Shaohuo said. To his eye they all looked nearly identical, stone with curved roofs. Most likely the bulk of the buildings had made quickly with earth arts and then furnished and improved by hired craftsmen afterward.

"The one at the end over there looks good." Xu Kuo said, pointing at the house furthest away from them, to the right.

"Alright." Shaohuo said. He was not looking forward to hauling his luggage up there from the docks.

The inside of the house was much as he had guessed from outdoors, plain stone and mostly unfurnished with the exception of a desk and a set of drawers in each bedroom. The cooling formations in the walls of the building seemed to be in good condition at least. Shaohuo tested them with a burst of water qi, which spread through the qi-conductive metal and began to give off waves of cool air that felt wonderful after walking in the hot summer air.

"The hell is this?" Xu Kuo's voice came from elsewhere in the house. Shaohuo followed it to find the boy standing in the kitchen. All the cupboards were open, showing they were empty. "How are we supposed to cook like this?"

"I suppose we have to buy our own cooking ware if we want to cook." Shaohuo said, a bit confused about why it mattered so much. "There's a mess hall on the ground level from what I've heard, so not everyone uses it."

"Oh. Good." Xu Kuo said with a relieved smile. Shaohuo realized that it must have been a money issue, since Xu Kuo was probably entirely reliant on the sect for his day-to-day needs. It did make Shaohuo appreciate his allowance, small though it felt at times.

"Still, I think I will get some cooking ware from town sometime. It would be good to have options. You could use mine too if you want." Shaohuo mused aloud, though in truth he had never cooked anything in his life. But he suspected that if he were to offer to just give Xu Kuo some of his allowance to buy food then the boy would take it as an insult. He seemed oddly proud for someone in his position.

Leaving Xu Kuo to his own devices, Shaohuo went outside and headed back downhill toward the sect's main grounds. Already he was cursing their new home's distance from the administrative buildings – if he had to make multiple trips in a day it would be very tedious. With his stamina cultivation the trek was not arduous. If only it wasn't considered improper to just run everywhere…

It took a few minutes of wandering through the streets of the miniature town that made up the ground level until he found a building with a placard labeled "Main Office." He stepped through the doorway to find a mundane office like in any other bureaucracy. Sitting behind a desk at the entrance was a clerk wearing a dark green hat.

"Hello. I am pleased to meet you. Are you one of the new students?" The clerk asked, not looking nearly as interested as his words implied.

"Yes, I am Li Shaohuo from the Four Rivers Province. I'm here to check the list of sect assignments."

"Of course." The clerk nodded, and pointed at the wall behind Shaohuo, where he turned to see a set of bulletin boards with papers pinned to them. "The boards on the right half of the wall have assignments for first years, and on the left are the assignments for second years. In between is a list of rewards that sect points can be redeemed for. You are not technically prohibited from completing the second year assignments, but they tend to be beyond most first years' capabilities. Do note that the assignment rewards are given on a first come, first served basis."

"Thank you. I will keep that in mind," Shaohuo said, and walked up to take a closer look at the first year assignments and sect rewards.

Spirit Herb Cultivation Assistance – The Abyssal Spirit Sect is contracted with several nearby farmers to provide assistance in the cultivation of spirit herbs. Further details will be offered upon acceptance of the assignment. Completion will merit the awarding of 5 sect points. Requires physical cultivation to be at orange and ability to use qi transfusion. Can be completed multiple times.

Offerings for the Abyssal Spirits – The assigned student will accompany local fishermen, serving as a guard and assisting during the hunt for offerings for the Abyssal Spirits. Further details will be given upon acceptance of the assignment. Completion will merit the awarding of 20 sect points. Cultivation must be at orange, and it is highly recommended that the student learns a ranged combat art and water mobility arts beforehand. Can be completed multiple times during the summer season.

Office Assistant – Assisting in bureaucratic work on behalf of the Sect for several hours a day over the course of a week will merit the awarding of 5 sect points. Further details will be provided upon acceptance of the assignment. Can be completed multiple times.

Research Assistant – Elder Wu is developing new spirit arts and has requested an assistant over the course of four weeks. Upon completion, the student will be awarded 30 sect points.

Imperial Army Training – the Imperial Army garrison at the province capital will be conducting basic training for new recruits for the length of the summer season and have granted permission for up to ten students to join during a special session once each week. In order to promote combat readiness and encourage dutiful action in support of the Empire, 5 sect points will be awarded to each student who participates. Can be completed multiple times during the summer season.

One week of access to the red and orange section of the library: 5 sect points.

One week of access to the yellow and green section of the library: 10 sect points.

One week of access to the blue section of the library: 20 sect points.

One week of tutoring by a second year student: 10 sect points.

One week of tutoring by a monk: 15 sect points.

One week of tutoring by an elder: 20 sect points.

Spirit Herb Pills: 5 points each.

Elemental Spirit Herb Pills: 7 points each.

Heaven Flower Elixirs: 10 points each.

"Did you also come to see the sect assignments?" a voice called out. Shaohuo turned to see the dark-haired noble boy who he had considered rooming with earlier in the day. "My name is Liu Shuren of Heaven's Tears Province. I am pleased to meet someone else who is working dutifully."

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I am Li Shaohuo from the Four Rivers Province," Shaohuo said, keeping his tone neutral. He appreciated the compliment, but something about the boy's tone was off-putting. "Yes, I came to look at the sect assignments. It seemed like a good idea to get started early."

"I thought the same. Unfortunately, not all students are so diligent," Liu Shuren said, frowning slightly as if he was speaking of someone in particular.

"No doubt," Shaohuo said to be polite. "What is your opinion of the assignments?"

The boy scoffed. "Nothing too arduous, but it seems clear that the sect sees us as cheap labor."

Shaohuo glanced at the clerk, but the man seemed to be busy reading over some papers.

"I can't argue there. The rewards seem worthwhile however."

"Certainly, but one would think our parents' tuition fees would be enough." Liu Shuren said, shaking his head. "The expense is trivial for families such as ours, of course, but the treatment is almost insulting."

Shaohuo shrugged. "It's the way the world is."

"Too true." Liu Shuren said, and turned back toward the assignment list again.

"I'll see you later." Shaohuo said.

"You as well." Liu Shuren said without looking away from the board.

As he trekked back up the mountain, Shaohuo wondered what Liu Shuren would have been like as a roommate. Most likely just as difficult as Xu Kuo in his own way, he supposed.

Later that night, just when Shaohuo was about to drift to sleep, he was startled up in his bed by a distant cry of "The hell is this?!" Shaking his head, he lay back down again. It was going to be a long two years.

Shaohuo's Base Stats:

Talent – 4
Qi: 65/65
HP: base 10/10 * 16.7 (from physical cultivation) = 167/167
Funds: 0 coppers
Inventory: Spear, Phoenix Feather, 2 Celestial Lavender, 4 Heaven Flower Elixirs
Sect Points: 0
Spear Mastery: 2/5 (Trained)
Diplomacy – 8/10
Knowledge – 7/10
Deception – 4/10
Intelligence – 9/10
Perception – 6
Martial – 4/10
Strength – 9
Defense – 5
Flexibility – 4
Balance – 3
Speed – 8
Stealth – 4
Stamina – 8

Outside of cultivation, what does Shaohuo spend his time on during the next week? Pick three. Write-ins are allowed, but can't be used for further cultivation and can't be used for sect assignments.

[X] [Minor Action] Write-in
[X] [Minor Action] Visit the town to buy something.
-[X] Write-in
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Xiaoli. You gave her the sword during the tail end of your trip, but it might be interesting to see her train. It also wouldn't hurt to check up on her living situation to make sure she's doing alright.
[X] [Minor Action] Check up on Suyin. You didn't get a chance to talk to her at the sect so far, and you're also curious to see who she's rooming with.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Xu Kuo. You could be on better terms, and it also might be a good idea to give him some tips on etiquette.
[X] [Minor Action] Meet Zhao Jinhai. The Honored Elder did say to be respectful toward him, and it might be a good idea to be on good terms with a member of his family's allied clan.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Liu Shuren. He didn't seem like the type to make for particularly good company, but as a fellow noble, and from a clan that is a vassal to the Zhao clan, he might be a useful ally.
[X] [Minor Action] Meet the princess. It wouldn't hurt to formally greet the princess and get to know her. She's unlikely to be that important as princesses go and is probably far down the line of succession since you've never heard of her, but she is still a member of the royal family.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Wang Shen – He seemed like a very unpleasant individual, but he's still a fellow noble of the Four Rivers province. Perhaps some conversation could clear the air or even get him to learn that no means no. Well, it didn't sound believable even in your own head, but it might be worth a try.
[X] [Minor Action] Commission an artisan to make a pen out of the phoenix feather.
[X] [Minor Action] Write a letter to the Honored Elder
-[X] Write-in
[X] [Minor Action] Write a letter to Meiling
-[X] Write-in

Over the course of the next week, Shaohuo can spend up to 3 actions cultivating, training, or working on a sect assignment. Vote for the options you would like. You can spend more than one action on the same option such as by choosing Ghost Eyes x2, etc.

[X] [Major Action] Work on a sect assignment
-[X] Which one?
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Ghost Eyes
[X] [Major Action] Physical Cultivation
[X] [Major Action] Sparring – practice using a mix of hand-to-hand combat, weapons, and arts to fight. (raises martial with one third of successes to spear mastery).
[X] [Major Action] Spear Mastery
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Qi Transfusion (10/45 successes)
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Stone Skin – a red-level earth element art that increases defense (55/60 successes)
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Steel Strike – a red-level earth element art that increases strength (0/60 successes)
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Fire Bolt (after asking Xiaoli to show it to you) (0/45 successes)

What, if any medications does Shaohuo use, and for which types of cultivation? Due to drug interactions, only one medicine can be used safely per week.

[X] [MedUse] Write-in
Last edited:
Chapter 3.2 – Introductions (Week 1, Part 1)
[X] [Minor Action] Meet Zhao Jinhai. The Honored Elder did say to be respectful toward him, and it might be a good idea to be on good terms with a member of his family's allied clan.
[X] [Minor Action] Meet the princess. It wouldn't hurt to formally greet the princess and get to know her. She's unlikely to be that important as princesses go and is probably far down the line of succession since you've never heard of her, but she is still a member of the royal family.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Xu Kuo. You could be on better terms, and it also might be a good idea to give him some tips on etiquette.
[X] [Major Action] Work on a sect assignment
-[X] Research Assistant – Elder Wu is developing new spirit arts and has requested an assistant over the course of four weeks. Upon completion, the student will be awarded 30 sect points.
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Qi Transfusion (10/45 successes)
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Stone Skin – a red-level earth element art that increases defense (55/60 successes)
[X] [Medicine] Use Heaven Flower Elixir

Chapter 3.2 – Introductions (Week 1, Part 1)
Solstice 13, 12053

The sun's rays glared through the window, waking Shaohuo up, and when he opened his eyes he realized it was well into the morning. He swore under his breath as he jumped to his feet, rushing to dress himself. He'd wanted to get up a little earlier so he could eat breakfast and still accept the sect assignment as Elder Wu's assistant before it was taken. He hurried out the door and headed down the mountain toward the ground floor.

After a bit of wandering, he was able to locate the mess hall. The small building was filled with the chatter of dozens of students either sitting at the tables or lined up at the front. There bowls of steamed buns, rice porridge, and lamb stew were laid buffet-style on tables laid end-to-end.

Shaohuo grabbed a bowl of steamed buns and turned to see Xiaoli waving at him from one of the round tables, where she was sitting with Yang Mi, Suyin, and a girl he'd never seen before with long, violet hair and red cultivation.

"I can't believe I got here before you." Xiaoli said with a smug grin.

His cheeks warmed as he blushed. "I can't believe it either."

"Hey!" Xiaoli grumbled.

"Good morning." Suyin said, giving him a small wave.

"Good morning," Shaohuo said, and turned to other two girls "Good morning to you two as well."

"What about me?" he heard Xiaoli say, but he'd already begun speaking to the new girl.

"I don't think we've met. My name is Li Shaohuo. I'm from the Four Rivers Province, as is Xiaoli. I'm pleased to meet you."

"Hello. I'm Yu Yazhu, of the Storm Mountain Province." She said. She nodded politely, but her tone was oddly flat.

"She's my roommate." Suyin explained.

"I see. So you've settled in without difficulty?" He asked.

"Yes?" Suyin said, looking puzzled.

"I mean with Wang Shen and all," he said.

"Oh." Suyin wrinkled her nose. "Yes, I haven't seen much of him since I got here."

"That's good to hear. Let me know if he gives you any trouble."

"I don't want to be a bother…" Suyin said, biting her lip.

"Don't worry about it. That's what friends are for, after all."

"Okay. Thank you," she said, smiling gratefully.

Suyin seemed content to eat quietly after that. Xiaoli was engaging Yang Mi in a conversation about what her home county was like, but Shaohuo focused on eating his steamed buns as quickly as he could, and then bid them farewell so he could make his way to the main office. The same clerk was sitting at the desk there, and upon accepting the mission, the clerk gave him directions to Elder Wu's testing site.

It was located surprisingly far away on the southern side of the mountain. Perhaps it didn't matter to the Elder since he could just fly there, but the remote location did not give Shaohuo any reassurance of the safety of this 'research'.

The mountain was not very tall in height compared to some that Shaohuo had seen in Four Rivers Province or on his journey to the sect, but it was quite wide, and its top was more like a flat ridge rather than a peak. The ridge reached its highest point at the section that housed the student residences and dipped lower toward the south. It was along this ridge that Shaohuo walked, on a path slightly downhill toward the southern end. Looking to the east, he was able to see the rest of the island, where the mountain met rolling hills and lush green forest untouched by man. It was quite beautiful. There were places like this in Four Rivers as well, such as the mountain where he collected the Celestial Lavender, but Four Rivers was so much more densely populated than Plum Forest that such places were few and far between, with most of the land used for farming.

After a while, he reached a relatively flat part of the ridge, where a man sat cross-legged on the grass beside a large, leather bag. He didn't react to Shaohuo's approach, though he must have noticed, instead continuing to gaze intently at the view of the eastern side of the island that Shaohuo had been observing just minutes earlier. He had gray hair tied into a topknot and a long, pointed beard. His aura was predominantly yellow, but the streaks of blue belied his status as an experienced cultivator.

"I am honored to meet you, Elder Wu," Shaohuo said, bowing deeply. "I am Li Shaohuo of the Four Rivers Province. I believe you were looking for a student assistant for your research?"

"Yes, yes," The elder said with a slightly irritated tone, slowly standing up and finally turning to face Shaohuo. "You'll do well enough. Even an idiot should do well enough, but so many students can't even stand still for a few minutes. Children these days have no patience. When I was young, if you didn't follow instructions you would get burned, but the sect discourages that now. No wonder you students are so rowdy these days, when we can only give students a slapping or expel them. We aren't even allowed to break any bones. They are too soft." The elder shook his head in disgust.

Shaohuo wasn't sure if he was supposed to respond to that, so he just suppressed a wince and stayed silent. After a few moments Elder Wu spoke again.

"First you will need to put this on." Elder Wu said. He picked up the leather bag from the ground and tossed it at Shaohuo.

The bag clanked metallically as he caught it, grunting as it hit his chest and knocked the air out of his lungs; it was much heavier than it looked and of course Elder Wu had made it look light as a feather. Shaohuo placed the bag on the ground and opened it to find the source of the clanking: plate armor. He was curious about what this was all about, but the Elder didn't seem to be a patient man so he hurried to put the armor on first. He'd rarely worn armor during spear training at home, but he remembered enough that after a few minutes of fumbling with straps he was able to get it all on. The armor was bulkier than the flexible cloth and leather armor he was used to. He was even less used to the helmet and visor, which made turning his head difficult and reduced his vision to a narrow slit of light that reached him through the visor. He raised a hand clad in a gauntlet slowly, turning his arm to test the weight, which dragged at him in a way he was unused to. It would probably be best not to use armor like this until he'd progressed further in his physical cultivation.

"Good." Elder Wu said, nodding. "Now stand a few paces away from me."

"Of course." Shaohuo said, his voice reverberating against the armor as he took several steps back. "Elder Wu, may I ask what you are researching?"

"There are tales that sometimes soldiers wearing full plate armor can avoid any harm from lightning arts, with the armor dispersing the art on its own," Elder Wu said, stroking his beard. The irritated tone of his voice had disappeared. "I am trying to find out how this happens, and how to replicate it. Surely the military applications should be obvious."

"Do you research new spirit arts as well?" Shaohuo said, confused, but careful not to offend the prickly man. "I was told to assist you in that research, but of course I am honored to assist you with this as well."

"Bah! The fools who wrote the assignment didn't understand my research. There was little use in trying to educate them." Elder Wu grumbled. "I do create new spirit arts, but the scope of this project is much larger. People these days don't see the value in anything outside their narrow view."

"That's too bad." Shaohuo said, trying to appear sincere.

"Enough of that. Let's begin. Do not move unless I tell you to." Elder Wu said.

Shaohuo suddenly realized what was about to happen, but the Elder had already raised a hand, sending a small sphere of lightning qi flying toward him. It hit the plate of armor protecting his chest, but he felt nothing there.

"Ow!" He felt a zapping pain scorch the unprotected areas of his body, the joints of his arms and legs as well as a zap at his forehead where the gap for his visor began.

"So you did still feel that." Elder Wu said. "Interesting. Describe how it felt."

"Uh, I felt a zap at my joints and above my eyes," Shaohuo said, blinking rapidly to clear the tears of pain that had welled up momentarily. He was seriously considering whether this assignment was truly worth the points and connection to Elder Wu, but he wasn't the type to stop something when he had already made a commitment to it.

"The unarmored areas, I see." The Elder nodded as if it made a great deal of sense. "Now hold very still if you do not wish to get hurt."

Shaohuo paled at those ominous words, but stood as still as he could while the Elder began casting an earth art. Suddenly he felt the metal at his joints shift, and his visor suddenly sealed shut, letting no light in. Panicking at the sudden loss of vision, he tried to raise a hand to the visor, but the joints had been sealed as well and the metal resisted his movements.

"Good. Now that there are no gaps in your armor, I will try using a slightly stronger lightning art." Elder Wu's voice was muffled to Shaohuo's ears. He was very glad that he'd improved his stamina cultivation because he was not sure how much air he had inside this armor.

Through his Ghost Eyes, he saw Elder Wu raise his hand once more, and this time a mass of lightning qi three times as large as the first formed in the air before spearing towards him as a bolt. It struck his chest again, but this time there was no pain. Instead, his armor warmed to an uncomfortable degree. Without the cloth padding he might have even been burned by it!

Elder Wu used another earth art to undo the binding of the joints and visor. Shaohuo took quick breaths of the fresh air that slipped in through his visor.

"Well?" Elder Wu said, clearly impatient. Shaohuo made an effort to slow his breathing; it was more due to panic than true need, really. He did not enjoy the feeling of being trapped.

"I didn't feel any pain this time, but the armor became very hot. I am not sure if it would withstand a more powerful art," he said. Hopefully with the impracticality of this idea laid to rest, Elder Wu would return to safer kinds of research.

"A cooling formation is needed then," Elder Wu muttered, immediately dashing his hopes. "We will begin again. I need to test how much cooling will be necessary."

For the next few hours, Elder Wu repeatedly shot him with increasingly larger bolts of lightning, pausing in between for long stretches of time in order to use perception arts to determine how hot the armor was becoming. He muttered to himself as he worked, but was very absorbed in the process, only speaking directly to Shaohuo when he dared to ask questions.

"You are dismissed for now, boy. We will begin again at the same time next week." Elder Wu finally said, apparently satisfied. "I will need time to acquire new armor. Or perhaps devise a new formation myself…"

Elder Wu stared into the distance, and Shaohuo took the chance to leave, bowing deeply before turning and making a hasty retreat, glad that he had survived for now.

Before heading back to his new home, Shaohuo returned to the ground level of the Sect. After a few minutes he found the mail office, where parcels addressed to the Sect were kept after being ferried in from the nearby town of Shandong. His father had sent him a brief letter wishing him good luck at the sect along with his monthly allowance, which he sorely needed since he hadn't had any money on his person for some time.

By the time he was done with his business and began walking back up the mountain, the sun was already setting. The day had passed quickly between all the travel up and down the mountain and the research with Elder Wu. Upon entering his house, he saw Xu Kuo sitting on the floor in the living room. Whether he was meditating or cultivating his Ghost Eyes was difficult to tell.

"Hello," Shaohuo said as he slipped out of his sandals.

"Yo." Xu Kuo opened his eyes and got up, stretching his arms back behind his head.

"Were you attending the lessons today?" he asked.

"Yup. Didn't see you there though." Xu Kuo said.

"My father taught me how to cultivate at home, so it wasn't necessary. But didn't you know as well? You are already at orange, after all."

"Well, everyone knows how to do physical cultivation and Ghost Eyes, but I didn't know any spirit arts." Xu Kuo said with a shrug. "Figured I could at least pick up a basic art."

"That makes sense. So, are you adjusting to life in the Sect?"

"I guess? I mean, some of the people here were real assholes in class, but I don't really care what they think." Xu Kuo said nonchalantly.

Shaohuo resisted the urge to pinch his nose. "Did you do anything to make people dislike you?"

"Not really, I keep to myself most of the time. Oh, but at breakfast some noble girl wanted to take my seat. I got there first so I said no. I mean, even if she's a noble that's just rude."

His heart sank. If it was the princess… "Do you know what her name was?"

"I dunno? I think she said she was Hou something?" Xu Kuo said.

He sighed. "That must have been Hou Lian. How can you not know about the Hou family? They govern this whole province."

"Wait, she's from that Hou family?! Oh shit…" Xu Kuo said, his brow furrowed as he finally seemed to realize what he'd done.

Shaohuo shook his head. "I think you might not understand what kind of place the sect is. You need to be more careful with your words. One of the students here is a princess. Do you realize how much trouble you could get into if you cross the wrong person?"

"Well, I figured since we're all cultivators it doesn't really matter. I mean, I'll probably be a noble too one day, right?" Xu Kuo argued, but he looked more uncertain now.

"It's not that simple. Even if you reached blue, many people still care about blood and lineage above all else. You don't have a powerful clan to give you backing, after all. Even if you form a new clan, you could easily be snuffed out if you give someone a reason to." Shaohuo said, his voice tinged with frustration. Most of the commoners he'd met were deferential to the point of being almost annoying. How did Xu Kuo end up being the exact opposite?

"Well, what do you want from me? I'm not apologizing to her, if that's what you mean. I didn't do anything wrong!" Xu Kuo scowled, folding his arm.

"That doesn't matter since she still took offense and not responding to your disrespect in some way would make her look weak. Even if the rules forbid it I'm sure she could find some way of ruining you. The Elders might even turn a blind eye to it as long as she's not obvious about it."

"How can they do that?" Xu Kuo growled.

"That's just the way the world is, for better or worse." Shaohuo said, exasperated. "Look, I will speak to Hou Lian and convince her to go easy on you. It would still look petty for her to publicly target someone so insignificant, so maybe we can come to an agreement. Perhaps once the second week is done, she can have one of her subordinates challenge you with the understanding that you will throw the fight."

"But-" Xu Kuo began, but Shaohuo cut him off.

"I'm doing this for you as a favor, so don't make it any harder for me. Right now, I am probably the only ally you have here," he said. He didn't want to put it like that, but the boy just wasn't listening to reason.

Xu Kuo sighed, looking defeated. "Alright, fine. I'll let you deal with it then."

"Good," Shaohuo said, relaxing. "In the meantime, I think it would be a good idea for me to teach you some basic etiquette. The first rule is that you must be as deferential as possible when dealing with someone higher-status than you."

Xu Kuo just looked at him with a disgusted look on his face. Shaohuo sighed. This was not going to be easy…

A/N: Sorry for the long delay. This chapter was getting rather long so the rest of the actions for the first week will come with the next update.
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Chapter 3.3 – Introductions (Week 1, Part 2)
Chapter 3.3 – Introductions (Week 1, Part 2)
Teaching Xu Kuo etiquette strained the limits of Shaohuo's patience. Still, by the end of the day he'd managed to impress upon his roommate the basic rules of etiquette among the nobility. Whether Xu Kuo chose to actually follow those rules would be up to him.

With that business taken care of, Shaohuo spent most of his time over the next few days on his own, cultivating on one of the mountain ridges closer to his house. Though he still had social obligations, it would not do to fall behind in cultivation either – that too would affect his social standing after all.

Ghost Eyes Level 2 * 5 + Talent 4 *5 + Heaven Flower Elixir 10 = 40d10 = 9, 9, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 8, 5, 3, 5, 2, 4, 9, 5, 3, 1, 8, 2, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4, 9, 1, 3, 9, 9, 1, 7, 8, 7, 3, 2, 7, 3, 6, 1, 7. Number of Successes: 13.
Progress 23/45 to next level.

One third of successes to Ghost Eyes: 4.
Progress 126/800.

One third of successes to Qi Cultivation: 4.
Progress 6/6.
Qi: 65/65 > 66/66
Progress 0/6

Ghost Eyes Level 2 * 5 + Talent 4 *5 + Heaven Flower Elixir 10 = 40d10 = 10, 9, 3, 3, 6, 2, 3, 6, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 8, 7, 2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 7, 6, 6, 4, 4, 7, 8, 2, 8, 4, 9, 5, 9, 10, 8, 9, 4, 9, 8. Number of successes: 14.
Progress 60/60. Completed.

Half to Earth Mastery: 2.
Progress 28/100 to next level.

One third to Ghost Eyes: 1 plus Overflow of 9 to Ghost Eyes:
Progress 136/800.

One third to Qi Cultivation: 4.
Progress 4/6.

A red-level earth art. When activated, it improves defense by 3 for a short period of time at a cost of 30 qi.

Without any tutor to help him this time, Shaohuo was limited to practicing qi transfusion on the trees and bushes that dotted the mountainside. Progress was slow, but he did come to understand why qi transfusion might have been required for the agricultural sect assignment; he noticed that when he infused qi into plants wilted by overexposure to the hot summer sun, they tended to regain some of their vitality not long afterward. Though the dry leaves did not improve and remained dead, the partially dried portions of the plant would become greener after he transfused qi into them. He could see why this would be useful, though presumably it was not worthwhile to perform on cheaper crops like rice.

His practice of the Stone Skin art that his father had shown him went much better. He had finally reached mastery of the art; by cycling earth qi through every inch of his body's surface, he was able to increase the toughness of his skin for a time. The technique was costly in qi, but it would protect him from any technique even if he wasn't able to dodge it. It also gave him some peace of mind knowing that he'd be able to defend himself once violence was allowed at the sect again.

Having finished settling into life at the sect, Shaohuo decided to pay a visit to Zhao Jinhai. Getting to know the Zhao clan heir would help his clan, and on a more personal level another ally at the sect would be useful. During breakfast the next day, he asked around until he found out where Zhao Jinhai lived – just a few levels below his own house, as it turned out.

He knocked his fist on the door three times. There was no response. After a minute of waiting at the threshold, he thought perhaps Zhao Jinhai wasn't there at the time. He was just considering leaving and trying again later when the door swung open, revealing a young woman with silver hair dressed in plain robes. A commoner, and from the look of her, a little too old to be a student.

"Welcome, my lord," the woman said, bowing. "Are you here to speak to Lord Zhao?"

Shaohuo paused momentarily, confused. He hadn't known servants were allowed at the sect.

"Yes, I am. I am Li Shaohuo from Four Rivers." Shaohuo said, nodding.

"Lord Zhao is in the sitting room. Please come in," she said, showing him inside.

In the sitting room a low, wooden table had been set up. A boy with golden hair, presumably Zhao Jinhai, sat at a chair, sipping tea. Upon seeing Shaohuo, he rose to his feet.

"Hello there," he said, an easy grin on his face. "Why don't you sit down? Meimei can you get you some tea, or something else if you prefer?"

"Thank you for your generosity; I would appreciate some tea. I am Li Shaohuo of the Four Rivers. I wanted to meet you since our families are good friends." Shaohuo said, and then sat at the chair opposite from Zhao Jinhai.

"Of course. Duty and all that." Zhao said, shrugging his shoulders casually.

"Yes. And I was hoping that in light of our family alliances, we could also work together at the sect. It would be good to have allies in the case of group challenges." Shaohuo said.

"Sounds good to me." Zhao said. "I certainly won't turn down help."

"That's always a good quality to have, in my opinion." Shaohuo nodded, glad the negotiations were proceeding so well. The other boy followed the rules of etiquette but his manner exuded an informality that was a bit like Xu Kuo's. Fortunately he seemed much easier to work with.

In just a few moments, Meimei appeared again with a tray with two cups of tea, which she placed on the table in front of them. Shaohuo took his cup carefully, and between sips he took a moment to look at the other boy with his Ghost Eyes. He was at orange cultivation, and his natural aura was a blueish-green color.

"Speaking of help, does the sect permit servants?" Shaohuo said, breaking the silence.

"Oh, they don't officially," Zhao said, and gave him a sly grin. "But a few favors can go a long way. Meimei isn't allowed to live here, but she can stay at Shandong and take the ferry here to help me during the day. My parents didn't want me to be unattended, and Meimei has served me for many years."

If Meimei heard them discussing her, her face showed no sign of it as she left the room with her tray in hand.

"I can see how having a servant you can trust would be useful here." Shaohuo said. Though his family had servants, their estate was not so large that he or Meiling were able to have their own personal servants. Xiaoli had one, he knew, but hadn't brought her to the sect. Zhao Jinhai must be rather pampered, if his parents didn't want him to go without a servant for even his brief time at the sect. Or did his parents have another reason for it, perhaps?

"Trust is too rare sometimes." Zhao said, his usual easy grin fading a bit. "But I don't think it has to be that way, when we're all here for the same reasons. Maybe I'm just being naïve, but I don't think competing against each other means we can't trust each other. Friendly competition helps you grow and all that."

"I would like to agree," Shaohuo said, frowning. "I don't think competition necessarily means people can't get along. But in practice, people tend to get emotional about these things. Especially when loss comes at a high cost like it does here at the sect."

He had found that to be the case in himself as well. At times he did envy more talented cultivators like Xiaoli even when there was no cost, even though talent came with its own difficulties.

"I would prefer if we didn't have to compete. Or rather, that we just had to cooperate to meet the sect's standards for cultivation. Compete against the sect rather than tear each other down. But the elders probably have some reason for it," Shaohuo mused.

"Well, we are training to fight, like Elder Shishi said. It's just practice for real conflict, I guess. One of my old combat instructors said living at the sect forces you to learn to be alert. Maybe that's why?" Zhao said, shrugging. "There's not much point in worrying about it when it's out of control anyway."

"True." Shaohuo said. "By the way, have you spoken to Li Xiaoli yet? I can introduce you to her if you like."

"I might just take you up on that sometime. Don't get her hopes up though; I'm not ready to consider engagements yet," Zhao Jinhai said. Shaohuo was taken aback for a moment –and in the distance he thought he heard a sound like plates clattering – until he noticed Zhao Jinhai grinning wryly.

"Of course," Shaohuo said, smiling. "The Honored Elder will be sad to hear that. You may want to look out for angry letters from your family in the near future."

Zhao laughed, his eyes twinkling.

"Wouldn't that be something?" Zhao said, and took another sip of tea.

Indeed, Shaohuo tried to imagine what kind of face the Honored Elder would make, but came up blank.

A/N: Sorry for the delays again. Unfortunately at this time of year I have a lot of exams to deal with. This update is a bit short but I thought I'd at least get it out there since I haven't posted in a while. Next update should wrap up the first week.
Chapter 3.4 – Introductions (Week 1, Part 3)
Chapter 3.4 – Introductions (Week 1, Part 3)

At dinner, Shaohuo neared the table that their little clique had informally occupied and was surprised to see Xu Kuo there. The boy would join them for a few meals, but most of the time he sat with other commoners. Even more astonishing, Xu Kuo actually seemed to be socializing today. He was talking to Yu Yazhu, who if anything was even less social from what little Shaohuo had seen of her.

Once he had filled his plate with noodles and a small bowl of soup, he joined the others at the table.

"Hello," he said.

"Oh, hi Shaohuo!" Xiaoli said.

Yang Mi and Suyin waved and nodded at him, respectively. Xu Kuo and Yu Yazhu didn't seem to notice though, and he didn't have the heart to disrupt their conversation. From the few snippets he caught, Xu Kuo seemed to be talking about the intricacies of farm work, which apparently Yu found fascinating.

"So, has anyone talked to the princess yet?" Shaohuo said to the others.

"Oh, no." Suyin said, her eyes wide as though the prospect of it terrified her.

"Nah, not yet. I guess I have to eventually, but right now I'm learning how to use Bitey." Xiaoli said in between bites of her egg roll.

"Bitey?" Shaohuo said, raising a brow.

"That's what I named the sword you gave me." Xiaoli said, nodding proudly.

"She got that from you? She broke one of my vases playing with it!" Yang Mi said, pointing her index finger at him.

"I wasn't playing, I was practicing! And I already made that up to you…" Xiaoli grumbled.

"Sorry about that. Xiaoli can be excitable at times, but she means well." Shaohuo said, bowing his head.

Yang's expression softened. "I understand. You don't need to apologize."

"Ahem. Anyway," Xiaoli said, obviously trying to change the subject, "I haven't spoken to Princess Song An yet, but I have heard about her from some of those girls who keep trying to suck up to her. She sounds okay, but they say she's kind of distant. That's all I got."

"That's normal for someone in her position, right?" Yang said, tilting her head. "She's a princess. Compared to her, we're not that important I guess…"

"Still, that sounds lonely, doesn't it?" Suyin said. She shrank down in her chair a bit when everyone turned to look at her, but continued. "I mean, if she can't be close to anyone here."

"Maybe she's used to it?" Yang said.

"Sounds like she needs a friend. Lucky for her that I'm here!" Xiaoli grinned.

Shaohuo shot her the best withering glare he could muster, but it was like wind striking a mountain.

"I think it would be best if I talk to her first, then I can introduce you to her after that," Shaohuo said.

"Hey! I'm pretty good at making friends. I got us Yang, didn't I?" Xiaoli said. She wrapped an arm around Yang's waist and pulled her close until she was nearly sharing Xiaoli's chair. Yang's cheeks turned bright red.

"T-that's enough," Yang said, freeing herself quickly, but she did not look truly upset.

"You are pretty good at making friends," Shaohuo admitted, choosing his words carefully, "But your…approach is not always the best for some people. I'll try talking to her first."

"Okay, fine. But don't complain if you need me in the end. You need a woman to understand a woman's heart! Unless…" Xiaoli said, squinting at him suspiciously, "You're trying to seduce her. Shaohuo, you dog!"

"Shaohuo wouldn't do that…right?" Suyin said, but her eyes were clouded with doubt.

"Ugh, Xiaoli, stop that! Now you're corrupting Suyin." Shaohuo said, shaking his head.

He turned to Yang Mi hoping she wasn't buying into this nonsense, but she was looking up and down at him with her arms crossed in front of her, as if her chastity was in danger.

"Veeery suspicious indeed." Xiaoli nodded to herself.

Lacking any good response, Shaohuo finished eating and left the table, Xiaoli's cackles trailing him all the way.

It was all well and good that Xiaoli seemed to be having a good time at the sect, but did she really have to get even more cheeky?

After consulting more…reliable sources, Shaohuo was able to locate Princess Song's house. He'd asked her roommate to let her know he would be coming, so she would be prepared to receive him. Reaching the front door, he knocked on it three times. A few moments passed before it opened, showing the same girl with snow-white hair he'd seen on their first day at the sect. She held herself with poise, her back straight and her face still, not giving away any emotion. She was at orange cultivation, with a base aura color of blue.

"I am pleased to meet you, Princess Song," Shaohuo said, bowing deeply. "My name is Li Shaohuo of the Four Rivers."

"I am pleased to meet you as well." Song nodded. "Please come in."

She led him to the sitting room, where two porcelain cups and a steaming teapot lay waiting. They sat at the chairs and she poured tea into his cup as any good host would. He glanced around briefly; the furniture was high-quality but not as lavish as one would expect from her station. Even with his Ghost Eyes, he didn't see or hear any sign of a servant, unlike in Zhao Jinhai's home – did she make the tea herself?

"Thank you," he said, taking the cup she extended to him. His fingers brushed hers for a moment as he took the tea, and she instantly froze still, her muscles rigid for a moment, and then she relaxed and let go. "Sorry," he said quickly.

"It is no matter. What brings you here today?" She said, bringing her tea up to her lips. If she had made any expression, it was hidden behind the cup.

"I came to greet you since we will be fellow students from now on. I hope we can get along here at the sect. And if it pleases you, I can also introduce you to Li Xiaoli, who will be the next heir to the Four Rivers." Shaohuo said.

"I see," the girl said neutrally. "That is acceptable."

They drank tea in silence for a few moments, leaving Shaohuo to his thoughts. He'd accomplished his goals in greeting the princess and doing his duty for the clan in securing an introduction for Xiaoli. And he didn't want to earn the princess's ire by wasting her time. Still, he felt unsatisfied with just leaving things there.

"How are you finding the sect so far, princess?" Shaohuo asked.

"The accommodations are satisfactory. I haven't had need of the lessons yet, but I have heard the library here is quite well-stocked," Song said.

"And the other students?" he asked.

She paused for a moment. "From what I've heard, our class appears to be fairly talented. I believe that we will grow sufficiently."

"I agree." Shaohuo said, though in truth that wasn't really the question he'd been asking. But perhaps he was expecting too much when they'd only just met. "The weather here is quite nice too. In Four Rivers the summers are very hot, but here the temperature is much better, and living on the mountain helps too."

"Yes, it can get very hot in the capital as well," Song said, and she seemed to relax, her back ever so slightly less stiff. "It is a nice change of pace."

"It's good that most of the sect assignments are outdoors so we can appreciate it. Though I do wonder why the fishermen for the Abyssal Spirit offerings need guards," he said.

"Ah, that's because the best offerings for Abyssal Spirits are sharks," Song said, her expression seeming to brighten. "The sharks are a danger to the fishermen, presumably. The Abyssal Spirits are very intelligent. I have read that in the wild they have been seen to hunt even sharks. Of course, unlike sharks they can cultivate, and they hunt in packs."

"That's very interesting. I never knew they were so smart," Shaohuo said, both amused and surprised at how in-depth her knowledge of the subject seemed to be.

"Yes, they are beautiful creatures," Princess Song said, smiling. "There are even tales that they will save drowning sailors from time to time. I believe they may be just as intelligent as us humans."

"I think all spirit-beasts are, since they know how to cultivate," Shaohuo said. "I even came across a phoenix once while hiking on a mountain. It noticed me, but I think I was able to convince it that I didn't mean any harm."

"You saw a phoenix?!" Song said, her eyebrows shooting up, "What was it like? Was it as beautiful as they say?"

"Yes, it was quite beautiful." Shaohuo said, smiling at her enthusiasm. "It was rather small and was only at orange so I think it was a young one. Maybe it had just left the nest. I was dampening my qi and using an art to reduce the sound I made so I'm not sure how it knew I was there, but it was able to sense me somehow. Then I…"

And so Shaohuo spent the next half hour describing the experience to Princess Song and answering her questions until he had to leave for the evening.

Cooking – Elder Wu wishes to "eat something different for once". The student must personally cook and deliver fresh meals to Elder Wu for dinner once a day over the course of a week. Completion will merit the awarding of 5 sect points, subject to Elder Wu's judgment of the meals' quality.

Spirit Herb Cultivation Assistance – The Abyssal Spirit Sect is contracted with several nearby farmers to provide assistance in the cultivation of spirit herbs. Further details will be offered upon acceptance of the assignment. Completion will merit the awarding of 5 sect points. Requires physical cultivation to be at orange and ability to use qi transfusion. Can be completed multiple times.

Offerings for the Abyssal Spirits – The assigned student will accompany local fishermen, serving as a guard and assisting during the hunt for offerings for the Abyssal Spirits. Further details will be given upon acceptance of the assignment. Completion will merit the awarding of 20 sect points. Cultivation must be at orange, and it is highly recommended that the student learns a ranged combat art and water mobility arts beforehand. Can be completed multiple times during the summer season.

Office Assistant – Assisting in bureaucratic work on behalf of the Sect for several hours a day over the course of a week will merit the awarding of 5 sect points. Further details will be provided upon acceptance of the assignment. Can be completed multiple times.

Imperial Army Training – the Imperial Army garrison at the province capital will be conducting basic training for new recruits for the length of the summer season and have granted permission for up to ten students to join during a special session once each week. In order to promote combat readiness and encourage dutiful action in support of the Empire, 5 sect points will be awarded to each student who participates. Can be completed multiple times during the summer season.

Shaohuo's Base Stats:

Talent – 4
Qi: 65/65 > 66/66
HP: base 10/10 * 16.7 (from physical cultivation) = 167/167
Funds: 0 > 800 coppers (+800 from allowance)
Inventory: Spear, Phoenix Feather, 2 Celestial Lavender, 3 Heaven Flower Elixirs (1 used this turn)
Sect Points: 0
Spear Mastery: 2/5 (Trained)
Diplomacy – 8/10
Knowledge – 7/10
Deception – 4/10
Intelligence – 9/10
Perception – 6
Martial – 4/10
Strength – 9
Defense – 5
Flexibility – 4
Balance – 3
Speed – 8
Stealth – 4
Stamina – 8

Outside of cultivation, what does Shaohuo spend his time on during the next week? Pick three. Write-ins are allowed, but can't be used for further cultivation and can't be used for sect assignments.

[X] [Minor Action] Write-in
[X] [Minor Action] Visit the town to buy something.
-[X] Write-in
[X] [Minor Action] Talk to Hou Lian. It would be a good idea to deal with the mess Xu Kuo made.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Xiaoli. You gave her the sword during the tail end of your trip, but it might be interesting to see her train. It also wouldn't hurt to check up on her living situation to make sure she's doing alright.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Suyin. You haven't seen her much outside of mealtime recently, and she is an old friend.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Xu Kuo. You could be on better terms.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Zhao Jinhai. He seemed nice enough. Perhaps inviting him to spar with you would be a good way to bond.
[X] [Minor Action] Introduce Zhao Jinhai to Xiaoli. What could go wrong?
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Liu Shuren. He didn't seem like the type to make for particularly good company, but as a fellow noble, and from a clan that is a vassal to the Zhao clan, he might be a useful ally.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Princess Song. You were able to get along pretty well once you were able to figure out her interests, and she seems to be a knowledgeable sort. She would also be a useful connection.
[X] [Minor Action] Introduce Princess Song to Xiaoli. It is your duty to the clan, and Princess Song didn't seem opposed to it, though perhaps not eagerly anticipating it. Still, Xiaoli is pretty good at making friends, and perhaps the princess could use one.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Yu Yazhu. You don't know very much about her, but she is a friend of Suyin.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Yang Mi. You could get to know Xiaoli's roommate better. Perhaps you could visit their house sometime?
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Wang Shen – He seemed like a very unpleasant individual, but he's still a fellow noble of the Four Rivers province. Perhaps some conversation could clear the air or even get him to learn that no means no. Well, it didn't sound believable even in your own head, but it might be worth a try.
[X] [Minor Action] Commission an artisan to make a pen out of the phoenix feather.
[X] [Minor Action] Write a letter to the Honored Elder
-[X] Write-in
[X] [Minor Action] Write a letter to Meiling. You did promise.
-[X] Write-in

Over the course of the next week, Shaohuo can spend up to 2 actions cultivating, training, or working on a sect assignment. Vote for the options you would like. You can spend more than one action on the same option such as by choosing Ghost Eyes x2, etc.

[X] [Major Action] Work on a sect assignment
-[X] Which one?
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Ghost Eyes
[X] [Major Action] Physical Cultivation
[X] [Major Action] Sparring – practice using a mix of hand-to-hand combat, weapons, and arts to fight. (raises martial with one third of successes to spear mastery).
[X] [Major Action] Spear Mastery
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Qi Transfusion (23/45 successes)
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Steel Strike – a red-level earth element art that increases strength (0/60 successes)
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Fire Bolt (after asking Xiaoli to show it to you) (0/45 successes)

What, if any medications does Shaohuo use, and for which types of cultivation? Due to drug interactions, only one medicine can be used safely per week.

[X] [MedUse] Write-in
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Interlude 3.5x – Walk Two Moons
Interlude 3.5x – Walk Two Moons
An sat at the desk in her new home, staring at the blank piece of paper in front of her, unsure of what to write. From the room next to her, she heard the loud, wheezing snores of her roommate, Ming Min.

Though this living arrangement was temporary and not nearly as luxurious as any of the many wings of the Imperial Palace, she already felt more at ease here at the Sect than she ever had in her ostensible home. Finally, An lifted her pen, dipping the tip in the inkwell beside her, and began to write.

Dear Sister Ai,

I have arrived at the Sect without trouble, and my cultivation goes well so far. I know you wanted me to tell you about the new friends I have made, but while I have met many people it is too soon to say that we are friends. My roommate Ming Min is nice enough, though quite fond of gossip. She reminds me of home at times, with all that implies. I have also met Li Shaohuo, of the Li Clan from Four Rivers. He seems friendly enough, and is a knowledgeable conversationalist. He has promised to introduce me to Li Xiaoli, the next clan heir. It is necessary, I think. You know I dislike politics, but I dislike being on the wrong end of it even more.

Speaking of politics, please take good care of Mother while I am gone. I know you are busy with your own work, but help her when you can. We were at least born into courtly life, and I am concerned that without support she will struggle to get by.


Satisfied with what she'd written, An folded the letter up and set it aside for now. There were still a few hours left before midnight, and with the light formations active she was awake enough to pick up the book on natural philosophy that she'd brought from home, reclining on her bed to read.

In the end she read exactly two pages by the time she was awoken by the sun's rays falling through the window the next morning, the book still laid on her face. She looked around quickly, started, then breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Ming Min's snores from the other room, glad that no one had seen her like that.

Shuren woke at dawn to begin his morning routine, hiking through the mountainside until he reached his preferred spot for cultivating his Ghost Eyes. He spent several hours like that simply sitting with his legs crossed and observing the world around him before returning home.

When he returned, it was a few hours before noon. Mu Tiezhu was in the sitting room drinking tea, presumably having only now woken up.

"Ah, good morning," Mu said, noticing his entry.

"Good morning." Shuren gritted out, annoyed that the boy was wasting his time. Alas, it would be rude to just ignore him and avoid the conversation to come.

"When did you wake up anyway? You always seem to be up by the time I'm awake." Mu said.

"I wake at dawn, of course, so that I can cultivate. You would do well to do the same if you don't wish to fall even further behind." Shuren said. The mousy boy was still only at red and he was supposed to be a noble? Ridiculous. If he were in Mu's position, he would have worked hard to correct the deficit. He wouldn't tolerate failure from himself. The rest of society would do no less.

"Yes, I guess you're right," Mu said, looking down into his tea.

"What do you mean, you guess?" Shuren scoffed, even more irritated.

"I…" Mu paused, but Shuren was already walking away.

He sat on the floor of his room with his legs crossed once again, closing his eyes to meditate. He was annoyed that he'd lost his temper and being around Mu would only make him more irritable, creating a vicious cycle. He needed to recenter himself.

Tiezhu sighed. His tea was getting cold now, and he drank the last of it quickly and put the cup away.

He walked down the mountainside to the mass hall for breakfast, where he grabbed a few steamed buns. He sat at a table by himself this time. He had tried sitting next to others before but it hadn't worked out. If he joined another group they would rarely speak to him and look at him oddly as if wondering why he was there.

Not that he could particularly blame them. He wasn't interesting, he had no talent, and he was not as dedicated at cultivation as the others here. He did enjoy cultivating at times but it was not his passion in life. Perhaps that was why Liu Shuren didn't like him.

Perhaps he had made a mistake coming here to the sect in the first place. His parents had wanted him to and he had not been particularly against it. He was like a leaf drifting down a stream, always following the path of least resistance. He could not say he felt particularly upset about it, but he wasn't satisfied either. He just felt…empty.
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Chapter 3.5 – A Modest Entry into Sect Politics (Week 2, Part 1)
[X] [Major Action] Cultivate Qi Transfusion (23/45 successes)
[X] [Major Action] Physical Cultivation
[X] [Minor Action] Talk to Hou Lian. It would be a good idea to deal with the mess Xu Kuo made.
[X] [Minor Action] Introduce Princess Song to Xiaoli. It is your duty to the clan, and Princess Song didn't seem opposed to it, though perhaps not eagerly anticipating it. Still, Xiaoli is pretty good at making friends, and perhaps the princess could use one.
[X] [Minor Action] Spend time with Princess Song. You were able to get along pretty well once you were able to figure out her interests, and she seems to be a knowledgeable sort. She would also be a useful connection.

Chapter 3.5 – A Modest Entry into Sect Politics (Week 2, Part 1)

With the start of his second week at the sect and the upcoming beginning of hostilities, Shaohuo spent quite a bit of time considering how to approach Hou Lian. Unfortunately, his usual source of gossip, Xiaoli, had been avoiding Hou Lian and her lackeys, which was probably for the best. Of course, this meant Shaohuo had to just trust his instincts and hope it would work out.

In many ways, cultivation was much simpler than social interaction. Shaohuo continued practicing the transfusion of qi from his own reserves into nearby plants. For some reason though it just didn't seem to come easily for him. While he was able to transfer the qi in the end, he could see with his Ghost Eyes that the transfer was not very efficient and some of the qi was dissipating into the atmosphere. He would need much more practice to truly master the technique.

Ghost Eyes Level 2 * 5 + Talent 4 *5 = 30d10 = 9, 4, 9, 4, 5, 7, 8, 6, 9, 4, 7, 9, 9, 8, 3, 10, 7, 5, 9, 6, 5, 9, 4, 5, 8, 7, 10, 4, 2, 6. Number of successes: 2.
Progress 25/45 to next level.

His physical cultivation went much better despite some initial difficulty. After the first few days, his usual training spot in the mountains no longer sufficed considering that for defense cultivation he also needed access to weights, punching bags, and other equipment to place stress on his body which he would then resist with his qi, fortifying his skin and bones. Fortunately Xu Kuo was already making a point of using the sect's training grounds and was able to give him directions.

The training grounds were located at the base of the mountain, but still a good distance south along the coast away from the administrative buildings and mess hall. When Shaohuo arrived, he found a large, austere square of paved stone. Looks could be deceiving though; through his Ghost Eyes he could see qi channeled through enormous, interweaving earth formations carved into the stones, presumably to protect them from students practicing more destructive arts. Despite the plain appearance, this simple square of stone likely cost more to build and maintain than most homes.

There were already plenty of students on the training grounds. Shaohuo saw a couple of boys circling one another in combat stances, sparring hand to hand without using arts. In one corner of the square, there were several students lifting weights and beating on the punching bags, which were also reinforced with earth arts. In another corner, there was a rack of practice weapons, and several students sparring. One of them turned to face him, long auburn hair fluttering in the wind.

"Hi Shaohuo! Come over here!" Xiaoli yelled, waving her sword in the air. Her sparring partner, a commoner girl with straw-colored bobcut hair, looked at him curiously and returned her sword to its sheathe at her hip.

"You're going to hurt yourself waving your sword like that," he said to Xiaoli, shaking his head as he drew near.

"Silly Shaohuo, I've reached the second stage of Defense cultivation! Nothing can hurt me now!" Xiaoli said.

"Who's your friend?" Shaohuo said, nodding at the girl, who bowed to him.

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance, milord. My name is Shi Ziyi." She said, and rose back up.

"You don't need to be that formal with me, we are all fellow students here. My name is Li Shaohuo." Shaohuo said.

"…if you insist." Shi said.

"See? I told you, Ziyi!" Xiaoli said. Turning to Shaohuo she said, "I've been trying to get her to loosen up a bit but she's a tough customer."

Shi didn't say anything, but her cheeks flushed slightly.

"Well, it's better to be too formal rather than too informal," Shaohuo shrugged. "My roommate could learn a thing or two from you."

"You are too kind." Shi said with a serious expression on her face. Maybe Xiaoli did have a point after all…

"So, what brings you here anyway Shaohuo? Are you finally here to watch me practice with this sword?" Xiaoli said, tilting her head.

"Actually, I just came here to cultivate. I'll leave you two to practice on your own." Ignoring Xiaoli's pout, he turned to Shi. "It was nice meeting you. Perhaps you could join us at the mess hall sometimes."

"Thank you, but I already have prior engagements for this week. Perhaps later." Shi said, bowing again.

"I look forward to it." Shaohuo said, then paused to turn to Xiaoli. "Oh, one last thing, Xiaoli. I talked to Princess Song this morning and she said this evening would be a good time to meet you. We can go after dinner."

"Sure thing, Shaohuo! Talk to you later!" Xiaoli said, and he nodded.

Leaving them be, he walked over to the punching bags and weights to begin cultivating his defense.

Ghost Eyes Level 2 * 5 + Talent 4 *5 = 30d10 = 5, 3, 7, 8, 1, 2, 7, 10, 5, 8, 5, 5, 4, 1, 4, 6, 8, 3, 2, 4, 3, 8, 10, 6, 3, 8, 1, 9, 6, 2. Number of successes: 10.
Progress 40/70 until Defense Cultivation Level 2.

One third of successes to Ghost Eyes: 3.
Progress 139/800.

One third of successes to Qi Cultivation: 3
Progress 7/6
Qi: 66/66 > 67/67
Progress 1/6

"Try to be a little more serious for the introductions at least," Shaohuo said as they neared Song's home. "From what I can tell so far, I think she would appreciate formality until she gets a bit more comfortable with you."

"I make no promises!" Xiaoli said with a grin.

Shaohuo sighed. "Well, let's just hope your…charm is as effective on her as it is on everyone else."

He knew it would likely go well and he thought Princess Song would like Xiaoli regardless, but that was just his first impression and he barely knew the girl. Technically Xiaoli was higher rank than a princess so far down the line of succession, but for all he knew Song had the emperor's ear. Incredibly unlikely, and Song seemed too nice to take real offense to Xiaoli's antics, but it still made him a bit nervous.

Xiaoli walked up to the door and knocked on it three times, producing a sound that was far louder than was necessary.

"Hi, Princess Song! It's Xiaoli and Shaohuo, we came to visit!" Xiaoli called out. Shaohuo's lips curled up involuntarily. Xiaoli would always be Xiaoli, after all.

After a few seconds, the sound of soft footsteps drew near and the door slowly opened to reveal Princess Song. Her hair was tied up and she was wearing her gold headpiece and elegant blue robes with gold floral embroidery. Even to Shaohuo's untrained eye, the robes' lustrous silk was clearly of the highest quality, more so than he'd seen Song wear on other occasions.

"Hello again, Princess Song," Shaohuo said, and bowed. "I'd like to introduce you to Li Xiaoli."

"Hi!" Xiaoli said and waved her hand. "Shaohuo told me so many nice things about you so I was looking forward to talking to you!"

Princess Song paused momentarily, seemingly nonplussed, her cheeks tinged a light pink.

"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you as well, Lady Li." Princess Song said at last. "And you as well, Lord Li."

"Thank you." Shaohuo nodded. "You can just call me Shaohuo if you like, since there are two Lis here after all." He chuckled at that. Things would certainly get confusing quickly if some of the other branch families sent their children to the sect next year.

"And you can call me Xiaoli!" Xiaoli said.

"Very well, if that is what you prefer, Shaohuo and Xiaoli." Song said slowly, as if getting used to the idea, "You may call me An as well, at least in private. On that note, please come in. I have left you standing outside for too long already." She said, stepping back and beckoning them inside.

A minute later, Shaohuo was once more seated at An's sitting room table with a steaming cup of tea in his hand, though this time with Xiaoli next to him.

"So An, what do you do for fun?" Xiaoli said.

"I don't have many hobbies, but I like reading?" An said, seeming a bit confused.

"Oh, do you like romance? I love the Romance of the Civil War series. Forbidden love across rival nations, and it even has a happy ending!" Xiaoli nodded, as if that was the most essential quality a story could have.

"I don't read much fiction…" An said, clearly at a loss.

"An seems to know quite a bit about natural philosophy, especially spirit-beasts." Shaohuo said, trying to bring the conversation back onto safe ground.

"Yes, they are fascinating." An said, smiling. "Though, I do not know if I will be able to read much now that I am here." Her smile dimmed. "The library here requires sect points to use, and one cannot take books out. I might be better off saving my sect points for when I need them to access the higher levels of the library."

"Don't worry about that. Just use your sect points and read!" Xiaoli said, shaking her head.

"She's right though. There might not be many opportunities to learn higher-level arts." Shaohuo said. He was planning to do the same thing himself after all, at least after he'd learned a few more red-level arts.

Xiaoli pouted. "But wouldn't it be a shame to give up your favorite hobby just for that? An, don't listen to Shaohuo, he's no fun!"

She reached across the table and grabbed An's hands, gripping them like someone begging their lover not to leave them. Though perhaps that comparison came to his mind from reading too many trashy romance novels. Shaohuo's brows shot up, shocked by the sheer breach of decorum. He was unsure whether to intervene or not.

"Ah!" An squeaked, freezing still.

"An, if it's that big of a deal then I can give you some of my sect points." Xiaoli said, suddenly serious. She finally let go of An's hands, and An immediately withdrew them into her lap.

"You would do that?" An said softly, her voice nearly a whisper.

"Sure, it's no problem!" Xiaoli grinned.

Shaohuo blinked as an idea came to him.

"You know, it might actually be more efficient if we pooled our resources." Shaohuo said. "At least among our friends, we could use our points to learn arts from the library and then teach each other those arts, so we don't have to use points unnecessarily."

An's brows furrowed in thought. "That does seem more effective. I cannot help but wonder why I haven't heard of this being done before though. It seems almost too obvious."

"I'm sure there are some people who've done that in the past, just not on a large scale," Shaohuo mused, "Usually at sects small cliques form each year, but the competition makes it difficult to cooperate in larger groups, and even among those cliques there is tension. And I suppose the real challenge would be to make sure the Sect Elders do not find out and try to ban the practice or raise the cost in sect points."

"See, it's a win-win!" Xiaoli said, apparently having heard only the parts of his analysis that she'd wanted to hear.

"Still, I cannot accept such generosity, and I can think of nothing to offer in return…" An said, frowning.

"Well, actually you do have something to offer!" Xiaoli said, her lips quirking to transform her smile into a mischievous grin. "If you want to pay me back for the points, why don't you join me and Shaohuo's group at mealtimes? Our table has a chair that seems awfully lonely."

An laughed, a light airy sound that lasted just a few seconds. It was the first time Shaohuo had heard it from her.

"Very well, if you truly believe that is sufficient. I suppose it would be impolite to turn down a gift." An said.

"Yes! Looks like Team Li-Song is a go!" Xiaoli said, pumping her fist into the air.

"I think it would be Song-Li rather than Li-Song," Shaohuo said, and took another sip of tea, leaving the cup sadly empty.

An chuckled, hiding her face behind her robe's dangling sleeve.

From that day on, Princess An ate with them at mealtimes. Shaohuo could not help but find it amusing that in the end everything had played according to Xiaoli's scenario once again.
Chapter 3.6 – A Modest Entry into Sect Politics (Week 2, Part 2)
Chapter 3.6 – A Modest Entry into Sect Politics (Week 2, Part 2)

The next evening, Shaohuo strode to their group's dinner table with brows furrowed by an unusually dark mood.

"Hi, Shaohuo!" Xiaoli said as he drew close, turning away from her conversation with Yang Mi to face him.

"Hello." He said, giving her a curt nod. He set his rice bowl down on the table, and sat down next to Suyin and Princess An, who greeted him as well and then returned to their conversation. From what little he overheard, they were discussing politics in the capital. Since Suyin was considering following her sister into administration, it made sense for Suyin to get An's advice on the matter, and in time perhaps even future political support.

Xiaoli tilted her head and squinted at his face, which no doubt still held an unpleasant expression. "What's eating you?"

"It's nothing important. Elder Wu's research is just more complicated than I expected." Shaohuo said. He began chewing his rice mechanically, chopsticks moving from bowl to mouth at a precisely even pace.

"Um, does that have anything to do with your robes?" Suyin asked, glancing at his sleeve, which was now burnt black.

He scowled. "Let's just say that Elder Wu's armor is a work in progress." It had been his favorite set of robes, too. He looked dashing in red. At least, that's what Mother said. He supposed he should consider himself lucky that the burn just left his skin pink and sore for a few seconds until his qi healed it rather than doing any lasting damage.

"Do you mean the lightning-resistant armor?" An said, laying her tea cup down daintily, somehow making even such a simple movement look graceful. "I must admit that Elder Wu's research sounds fascinating, but could he not test it with a straw dummy or such rather than a student?"

His lips curled into a wry smile. "That would be a good idea, but I don't think Elder Wu would agree. A dummy can't give feedback after all. He could wear the armor himself and have another elder test lightning arts on him, but I think he prefers this arrangement."

"If you ask me, you should tell him to fuck off and find some other sucker to do it. You wouldn't see me put up with that." Xu Kuo said. He nodded, as though pleased at how tough he was. Sadly the only tough thing there was his thick skull.

"No, but a more tactful approach tends to work better," Shaohuo said, shaking his head. He was tempted to mention how the blunt approach hadn't worked on Hou Lian, but he had only told Xiaoli about that and it wouldn't accomplish anything other than piss him off. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. There's only another two weeks left until the assignment is finished so I'll just put up with it until then. Hopefully Elder Wu's next project will be less explosive. But enough about me, what have you all been up to?"

"I've been doing sword training!" Xiaoli said with a grin. "Ziyi says I'll be pretty good with it in a couple of weeks. Although, I should probably try to get a tutor or something eventually."

Xiaoli stroked the sword hilt on her hip lovingly. As far as Shaohuo could tell, she never went anywhere without it. He was glad she liked his present so much, but he felt a little nervous seeing her with it sometimes. From how Yang Mi was eyeing Xiaoli's sword hand next to her as if ready to bolt at a moment's notice, she probably agreed. With Xiaoli's great fortune perhaps she would succeed in learning to refrain from waving the pointy end at things she didn't want to ruin.

"You should do some sect assignments then, and get some points. How about you, Suyin?" Shaohuo said.

"Oh, nothing interesting really, just cultivating on my own mostly." Suyin said, ducking her head.

"But you also prepare breakfast for us before you leave in the mornings as well, don't you?" Yazhu said from her seat next to Xu Kuo, brows scrunched in apparent confusion. "I don't think anyone else has been leaving me omelette rice in the mornings, but since you leave before I wake up it could have been someone else. Was it you, Xu Kuo?" She said, turning to the boy next to her.

"What? Are you trying to say I look like the kind of thug who'd break into a girl's house uninvited?!" Xu Kuo said, crossing his arms.

"So it wasn't you?" Yazhu said, looking even more confused. She raised a hand to her chin as if thinking very deeply, her dress's loose sleeves dangling on the table.

Yang Mi smiled, seemingly enjoying this comedy routine from her front-row seat between Xiaoli and Yazhu. "Heheh, well, probably not the breaking in part at least, right Yazhu?" but Yazhu looked as confused as ever. Xu Kuo's eyebrow twitched.

"Ah, no, I was the one making the omelette rice." Suyin interjected hastily. "I was just practicing cooking, that's all. I never needed to when I was at home, but here it's not like we can just ask the chefs to make whatever we want."

"You can do that, actually, I tracked down one of the cooks yesterday and got him to make me some sweets!" Xiaoli said, nodding as though sharing great wisdom. "You need to speak up, Suyin!"

Shaohuo sighed and resisted the urge to rub his forehead and ease the headache rapidly developing there. He could already envision Xiaoli hounding a chef with repeated requests for food until he finally gave in and bought her silence with sweets.

"Xiaoli, don't bother the cooks. You don't honestly expect them to spend time cooking special dishes for individuals after also cooking for the whole sect too, right?" Shaohuo said. Xiaoli looked unmoved. "Right?!" but Xiaoli looked back toward Suyin as though she hadn't heard him.

Yang Mi giggled. "Aw, Suyin, you're just too cute. Look at you trying to be all modest and stuff."

Suyin's face turned bright red. She looked down and fiddled with her chopsticks though nothing was left on her plate. "A-ah, please, don't tease me."

"Humility is a virtue, but to succeed one must make their achievements widely known." Princess An said between sips of tea. "A difficult balance to be sure, but something to bear in mind for the future. I do admire your dedication however. I must renew my own cultivation efforts if I am to keep up with you."

"U-urk." A strange sound came from Suyin and then she was very still. If not for her still blushing red cheeks, one might think she was catatonic.

"Is she okay?" Yang Mi said, looking at Suyin with concern, and then back at Shaohuo.

"Suyin has a hard time dealing with praise in high doses." Shaohuo said wryly. If anything that was an understatement. "Give her a little while and she should recover."

"Ah, I see." Yang Mi said, looking over Suyin once more. "There, there." Yang Mi said, patting Suyin on the head with a matronly air.

"Your friends are quite lively." Princess An said, a smile gracing her lips.

Xu Kuo snorted. "More like, y'all are c-raaazy. The folks back home'll laugh their asses off once I tell them about this place." Shaohuo scowled at him. So rude, crude, and to a princess too! He would have to double, no, triple Xu Kuo's etiquette lessons from now on.

"Rude! And it's not like you're not a cultivator too, Mister home invasion!" Xiaoli said, putting her hands on her hips. Well, Shaohuo wouldn't have put it quite that bluntly, but he nodded nonetheless. Xu Kuo scowled and looked like he was about to say something when he was interrupted.

Princess An giggled and waved her hand. "We are among friends, are we not? I have noticed it takes a rather peculiar mindset to cultivate effectively, and there are some talented cultivators among our group. But what I meant to say earlier was, thank you for inviting me here, Shaohuo and Xiaoli. I think I might join you more often."

"The honor is ours, believe me." Shaohuo said, smiling.

"Yeah, what he said!" Xiaoli said, giving her a thumbs up.

"Even so, I must apologize for any uncouth behavior you have seen, though I am glad it hasn't bothered you," Shaohuo said.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Xiaoli said, waggling a finger at him.

"I didn't even mention your name…" Shaohuo said, looking at Xiaoli closely. Did she do something while he wasn't paying attention?

Princess An chuckled. "Yes, I do believe I was correct."
Dramatis Personae - The Four Rivers Province
Dramatis Personae - The Four Rivers Province
The Four Rivers Province is small but rich and densely populated due to its agricultural fertility, temperate climate, navigable rivers, and its central location on the Empire's east coast far from barbarian lands. Its capital city is Xichang and it has been governed by the Li Clan since before the Sage Emperor created the Empire itself. It is bordered by the Plum Forest province to the north, the capital district of Shenjing to the south, and the Storm Mountain Province to the west.

The Li Clan, Governors of Four Rivers Province

Our protagonist, currently 16 years old. He is a cultivator of mediocre talent and heir to a county in Four Rivers Province, currently governed by his father. His primary weapon is the spear. He enjoys socializing, playing board games, and reading books, both nonfiction and romance novels.
Description: Short auburn hair, silver eyes, about 6' by the time he's 16

One of Shaohuo's childhood friends, and daughter of the current heir to Four Rivers Province. She and Shaohuo are third cousins. Xiaoli is highly talented at cultivation, but has a carefree and mischievous personality. She resents the restrictions of her position and at times has difficulty sticking to proper etiquette, though she tries to act properly while adults are watching. She enjoys sweets and likes reading romance novels and action adventures. She is skilled with the use of knives but prefers swords. She likes using fire and shadow element arts.

Description: Like all Li Clan members, Xiaoli's long hair is auburn in color and she has silver eyes. She is slightly tall for a girl at 5'8". Fiery red aura. Wears the gold and jade necklace bought by Shaohuo.

The current governor of Four Rivers Province, he is Shaohuo and Xiaoli's great-great-grandfather. Born into the Li Clan before the ascent of the current emperor, he began his clan's feud with the Hou Clan after winning the love of a woman who the current Hou patriarch, Hou Jie, was interested in centuries ago. As a violet cultivator he has reached 828 years of age, outliving his wife, children, and grandchildren. He is highly dedicated to his clan above all else, but still a fair ruler. Neither scorned nor praised, his rule epitomizes the saying "no news is good news." However as with all of the highest tier of cultivators the moment of his passing cannot be predicted with certainty. He could rule for another hundred years or just thirty, and so he seeks to make sure another violet cultivator will be ready to take his place not too long after. He has taken a degree of interest in Shaohuo as well, and while he has not trained him personally he does exchange correspondence with Shaohuo fairly regularly and given him advice on his training.
Description: He is a tall man with grey hair and silver eyes with a neatly-trimmed beard. Aside from his aura, he does not look 800+ years old.

Shaohuo's father. A green cultivator, he governs a county in Four Rivers Province. He became good friends with Ma Wei during their military service together in Xiongnu. He met his wife soon afterward, when she nursed him to health not knowing at the time that he was from the Li clan. He hopes to tie his and Ma Wei's families together one day by encouraging Shaohuo to woo Ma Suyin.

Shaohuo's mother. Born into a branch family of the Hou Clan, she married into the rival Li Clan after caring for Li Jun's wounds, not knowing his true name at the time. She enjoys playing the harp.

Shaohuo's younger sister. She is currently 11 years old, and rather precocious for her age. She and Shaohuo are fairly close, and Shaohuo has promised to send her letters while at the sect. She enjoys reading and is friends with Ma Suyin's younger sister, Ma Shu.
Description: 11 years old with auburn hair in pigtails. Silver eyes.

Li Zihao: Xiaoli's father. He is the current heir to the Four Rivers Province but he is a blue cultivator and due to his current age, average talent, busy schedule, and lack of true passion for cultivation he is unlikely to reach violet by the end of his life. Like Elder Li Lee, he is working to prepare Xiaoli to inherit.

Xiaoli's mother. She is very strict when it comes to Xiaoli's training and especially her etiquette.

The Ma Clan of Four Rivers Province

One of Shaohuo's childhood friends. She is smart, a hard worker, and fairly talented at cultivation. She is also very shy and has difficulty asserting herself. She gets embarrassed easily when praised. She has older siblings who will inherit her father's land. She hopes to obtain a noble title of her own by becoming a blue cultivator, but is also considering working for the Ministry of Justice like her older sister. She uses the ax in combat and like her father uses water and earth element arts. Her mother died of an eclamptic seizure following her little sister's birth.

Description: brown hair, bangs in front of her eyes. Short at 5'1". Light blue aura.

Ma Wei: Suyin's father. He is good friends with Shaohuo's father as they served together in the military and now both are governors of counties in the Four Rivers Province. He sports an impressive moustache and has a boisterous demeanor. He supports his friend's idea of encouraging Shaohuo and Suyin to get together.

Ma Ju-Long: Suyin's older brother. He is Ma Wei's heir.

Ma Biyu: Suyin's older sister. She works in the Ministry of Justice as an Imperial inspector. Suyin looks up to her.

Ma Shu: Suyin's younger sister. She is friends with Shaohuo's sister Meiling.


Chin: One of Shaohuo's childhood friends and the son of one of the bureacrats who works for Shaohuo's father. He plans to be a correspondent one day so that he can travel and meet women.

Fang: One of Shaohuo's childhood friends and the son of the captain of Shaohuo's family's guards. He is joining the army like the rest of his family in the past, but is unsure about his path in life afterward. He loves cracking jokes.

Daquan: One of Shaohuo's childhood friends and the son of Shaohuo's dad's accountant. He is training to follow in his father's footsteps as an accountant. He is fairly quiet much of the time, but quite talkative with his friends and has a good sense of humor.

Wang Shen: Heir to a county near Shaohuo's. Infatuated with Suyin and is very persistent in pursuing her despite her clear disinterest. Holds a grudge against Shaohuo for intervening during one such incident.
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Dramatis Personae - Abyssal Spirit Sect
Dramatis Personae - Abyssal Spirit Sect

Located on an island just east of the coastal town of Shandong in the Plum Forest Province, the Abyssal Spirit Sect is one of the premier sites of cultivation training. It draws students from all across the northern half of the Empire. Like many sects, it was initially founded by monks to serve as a center of worship and for cultivation with the intention of reaching enlightenment and ascending to the heavens. The Abyssal Spirit Sect specifically has traditionally worshiped the Abyssal Spirits, powerful and highly intelligent spirit-beasts of the oceans that cultivate primarily water and shadow arts. In the modern era, sects such as the Abyssal Spirit Sect focus on teaching cultivation with a focus on combat applications. For this reason, the Abyssal Spirit Sect, like many others, allows violence between students so long as no permanent damage is done, no valuable property belonging to the sect is destroyed, and rules of propriety are adhered to.

The sect takes a hands-off approach to education aside from some introductory courses for commoners, with additional education by elders, access to the arts library, and tutoring are earned by completing tasks for the sect in return for sect points. The sect also has a ranking system in which students can challenge one another to improve their rank, with sect points given to those ranking higher. Students generally attend for only two years, as the sect is intended to provide an introduction to cultivation and access to arts up to the green level Nobles generally pay tuition to attend, while commoners with at least a mediocre level of talent are recruited by the Empire to attend tuition-free, with the caveat that they must serve in the military for four years afterward. Commoners who reach the blue level of cultivation are exempt from military service and, like all cultivators who reach blue without a fief of their own, are given land and a noble title. In practice it almost impossible for cultivators to reach blue by the end of the two years of instruction, but reaching blue while in the military will still exempt the cultivator from the remainder of their military service so long as there is no current major war.

Shaohuo's Friends and Friends of Friends

Shaohuo's roommate. He is a commoner from a family of farmers in the Plum Forest Province. He is very highly talented at cultivation, having managed to reach orange in a short period of time with very minimal instruction. However, he has difficulty adjusting to life at the sect due to his aggressive personality, fierce pride, and preference for blunt speech. Like many commoners, he distrusts nobles until proven otherwise, but unlike most commoners he is willing to speak his mind. He has several younger brothers.
Description: He is tall at about 6'1" with shaggy dark hair and a violet aura.

A minor princess of the Empire very low in the line of succession, her mother is of one of the Emperor's many wives. She is rather reserved but was won over by Shaohuo and Xiaoli's honest friendliness. She's smart and likes reading, enjoying nonfiction works of natural philosophy and history. She is courteous and has learned to handle herself in social situations out of necessity due to spending most of her life in the capital. She is close to her sister, Song Ai.
Description: She's about 5'2" and has white hair and blue eyes, same as the Emperor and most of his lineage. She wears her hair tied up, occasionally with a gold headpiece signifying her status as royalty.

Suyin's roommate. She is a noble from the Storm Mountain province. She is quiet much of the time, rarely socializing, and has a flat tone when speaking. She gets along fairly well with Suyin and, oddly enough, Xu Kuo, but is not as close to the rest of the group.
Description: She is of average height with purple hair and green eyes.

Yang Mi: Xiaoli's roommate. She is a noble from a minor family who govern a county in the north of the Plum Forest Province. She has a friendly and playful personality.
Description: She is of average height and has medium-length blue hair.

Shi Ziyi: Xiaoli's sparring partner who has been helping her learn how to use the sword. She is a commoner from the Plum Forest Province. She was surprised by her rapid rise in fortune after being identified as having sufficient talent to attend the sect, and is afraid of screwing up the opportunity. She is often a bit too serious and overly formal when talking to nobles, even ones like Xiaoli, for fear of causing offense.
Description: Average height. She has blonde hair kept in a bobcut.


A noble from the Heaven's Tears Province. He takes his duties very seriously and looks down on those who do not. He can be somewhat judgmental and occasionally rude to those he sees as his lessers. His roommate is Mu Tiezhu, who he finds irritating due to finding him lazy and whiny. He works very hard at cultivating and is almost at yellow.
Description: He is of average height. He has dark hair and a cold gaze that (accurately) makes him appear aloof.

Zhao Jinhai: Heir to the Zhao clan, his grandfather is the Governor of Heaven's Tears province and an ally of the Li Clan. Zhao Jinhai is friendly and sociable, but is spoiled by his parents and occasionally naïve. His parents pulled some strings so that his servant Meimei is able to attend him at the sect.
Description: Blonde hair, fairly tall at about 5'10", teal aura.

Meimei: Zhao Jinhai's servant/maid.
Description: She is of average height and has silver hair.

Mu Tiezhu: A noble from the Plum Forest Province, and Liu Shuren's roommate. He is shy and has difficulty making friends. He only came to the sect because his parents made him, as he is not very dedicated at cultivation and has only mediocre talent. He still hasn't progressed past the red level.
Description: He is short for a boy at about 5'5" and has brown hair.

Sect Elders

Elder Wu: A sect elder with an interest in research. Shaohuo has been assisting him in his research, but Elder Wu is not very kind to his test subjects.
Description: He has gray hair kept in a topknot and a long, pointed beard. He has a yellow aura with blue cultivation.

Elder Shishi: One of the higher-ranking sect elders who is more active in the administration. She is a blue cultivator. She greets the new students each year and is often the first point of contact for students who wish to communicate with the sect's administration.
Description: She wears her grey hair in a bun.


The heir to the Hou Clan, which governs the Plum Forest Province and are the rivals of the Li Clan. Xu Kuo has gotten on her bad side. So far she has restrained herself to using her influence to have him bullied at the sect, though Xu Kuo didn't realize that he had offended her until Shaohuo explained it to him. All bets are off on how she will react once the two-week ban on violence is over unless Shaohuo manages to strike a deal with her.
Description: Dark hair, purple eyes.
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