Heroes of Remnant (RWBY AU)

[X] No point dallying. Let's get to Beacon.

Looks interesting so far. Sorry that I've been lurking, forget to vote more often then not. :oops:
"I could actually go for something to eat," the train ride took a lot out of me. The last time I ate was this morning and it wasn't very much. That is unless you define rice and a glass of ice water as 'a lot'. "Do I have enough money? I should," a tap to my bag tells me all I need to know. That I have to actually pull the credits out to count. Guess I'll find out when I get to wherever I'm going to eat. The walk out of the platform is met with a few glares from quite a few people. I give them friendly waves while going along my way. A round trip through another crowd, a block if sidewalk and a cross of the street takes me to a restaurant that goes by the name of "The Villeneuve". A restaurant that seems to boast outdoor service since there are tables with white umbrellas and a balcony view.

"Might as well," I make my way up the stairs to ... it seems like only a few people are eating here today. I sort of expected more people since there's only another few days until the semester starts.

"Can I help you?" a girl speaks from an open booth.

"Oh, yes. I want whatever the special is," I could probably just eat something from Vale. You can only survive on rice and water for so long.

After a quick jot down with a pen, they confirm my order. "Please take a seat. It will be out in a second!" I do as commanded, heading straight for an empty table.

Let me correct myself.
It isn't completely 'empty'. There's a half-eaten hamburger on the other side. Guess whoever ate here didn't have the decency to throw away their food? "I'll take care of it," I reach out, grabbing the burger and tossing it into the trash can right behind the table.

"Wait! Wait! No, NOOOOooo!"

"Huh?" I turn around. "Can I help you?" there's a blonde gentlemen doing a rough combination of panting and screaming.

"T-that was my burger! I mean, this was my table! Why did you-"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this table was empty."

"That's not what I was asking! You didn't have to throw it away like that," he sits back down in his chair, his head hung down. "Ahhh."

Is he crying? Don't want that. "Hmmm, I'll give you my order to make up for it."

"What?" he looks up. "I mean, I could get another one... and you don't seem like you did it on purpose. Don't think you have to do that."

"It doesn't the matter the reason, I still did it. Please, accept the offer. It'll help me rest easier."

"Who gets worked up so much about food?" he scoffs, a smile forming on his face.

"People who live on rice and water."

"Nothing but?"

I nod, "Yeah. I live a sort of low-income existence."

"There's low-income then there's that. Wait, what are you doing at an expensive place like this?"

"Expensive?" I blink. "How bad is it?"

"Well, a burger is the cheapest thing they've got here. What did you order?"

"The special."

"... How much money do you have?"

"Around twenty credits, why?"

"You're probably going to be washing some dishes."

"Oh, that's fine. I'll pay whatever the difference is in hard work."

"Aaahhh," he scratches the back of his head with his face scrunched up. "Alright, I'll pay the difference."

"What? You don't have to do that. I've already inconvenienced you enough."

"Treat kindness with kindness. At least, that's what Mom always told me."

"But I didn't-"

"It's the thought that counts, okay? Don't work yourself up about it... anyway, what's your name, Burgerflinger?"

"Amaranth Ash. Others call me Ammy."

"Ammy? Alright, Jaune. Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you," he extends a hand in greeting. I take it, shake, then lean back in the chair to balance it on just two of its legs.

[_] "Jaune Arc. That name's familiar. Are you related to some great hero?"
[_] "Likewise! Now can I ask what you're doing here? You said yourself this place is expensive. Was it just a convenient distance away from wherever you were? I mean, that's probably the logical conclusion. Surely there are other burger joints in Vale?"
[_] "I have a question for you, Jaune. Where are the students at Beacon Academy? I actually expected more people eating burgers. I hear a lot of rumors about the difficulty of Huntsman students having to live on inadequete wages and sometimes suckling salt off of the sidewalk to survive. You seem like a student yourself. Is that true?"
[_] Custom
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[X] "Likewise! Now can I ask what you're doing here? You said yourself this place is expensive. Was it just a convenient distance away from wherever you were? I mean, that's probably the logical conclusion. Surely there are other burger joints in Vale?"

He doesn't like being compared to his family since he never measures up IIRC.
[X] "I have a question for you, Jaune. Where are the students at Beacon Academy? I actually expected more people eating burgers. I hear a lot of rumors about the difficulty of Huntsman students having to live on inadequete wages and sometimes suckling salt off of the sidewalk to survive. You seem like a student yourself. Is that true?"
[x] "Likewise! Now can I ask what you're doing here? You said yourself this place is expensive. Was it just a convenient distance away from wherever you were? I mean, that's probably the logical conclusion. Surely there are other burger joints in Vale?"
[X] "Likewise! Now can I ask what you're doing here? You said yourself this place is expensive. Was it just a convenient distance away from wherever you were? I mean, that's probably the logical conclusion. Surely there are other burger joints in Vale?"
"Likewise! Now can I ask what you're doing here? You said yourself this place is expensive. Was it just a convenient distance away from wherever you were? I mean, that's probably the logical conclusion. Surely there are other burger joints in Vale?"

"Uh," it takes Jaune a little bit to take everything in. "I guess? I mean, I didn't feel like exhausting myself going further."

"Does that mean you don't exercise?"

"That's- no! Don't just go assuming things off of something I just said. People might get the wrong idea."

"Noted," I nod to affirm. "So are there other burger joints in Vale?"

"Of course. As I JUST said, I didn't feel like running all the way around town for a flipping burger."

"I guess I can sympathize," I don't really feel like eating rice for a long while. In fact, I'd rather not eat rice ever again. At least not plain. "I'm sick of grains for a while. Well, if someone offered some too me, I'd probably eat them."

"Why do you make that kind of distinction? If you don't want them, just say no."

"That'd be 'rude', wouldn't it?"

"Well yeah, but sometimes you have to think of just yoursel-"

"Here's the special, Miss!" a waitress comes out to hand me a big plate of an omelet decorated in various spices. The served food is as big as my head, if not bigger.

"That... came from a big bird," Jaune's eyes go wide in fear, or shock? I'm not entirely sure if he's scared I can eat this or if he's scared for his wallet.

"Thank you for the food! And thanks for paying Jaune!"

"A-alright, hey, hey. Ammy, right? Yeah, don't dig in yet," I have the utensils already in my hand. "Excuse me, how much is this?"

"Oh, forty-five credits. You can read the menu. It's right there," she happily points it out on the menu she had in her hand.

"Okay, okay, I won't go broke," he sighs while sitting back in his chair.

After making sure everything is clear, I attack!


Not sure how much time passed from start to finish, but the omelet is definitely in my stomach. The combination of flavor from the spices. A sort of spice and sweetness that remains even after the food is gone. "Compliments to the cheft!"

I take another look at Jaune who seems like he's just had a run-in with something unpleasant. "Are you alright?" I lean across the table to wave a hand in his face. "Do I have to perform CPR? ... Wait, no, don't think this is the right time for that. Jauneeee?"

"Nothing, Ammy. Nothing. You just eat like a wild Grimm is all."

"Isn't that the only kind? I mean, Mistral has ways of controlling Grimm but-"

"Forget it," he sighs. "Here, I'm covering half. Just make sure you make a habit of reading prices. You don't want to have to do something like this again, do you?"

"No. Sorry again."

"Stop apologizing!"


A hand goes over my mouth.

"Good, there you go. Work more on that," he takes his hand off while walking on over to the booth to pay for his own meal. Afterward he calls me on over to hand over the twenty-credits to pay half for my special spiced omelet.

"Thanks, please come again!"

"Sure thing!" Jaune smiles while waving to the friendly lady while giving me a glance. "See you around, Ammy. Have a good day and REMEMBER my advice!" after that he starts down the stairs with a light jog.

[_] Finish up here and start heading for Beacon.
[_] Walk around Vale a bit more to get a feel for it.
[_] Should follow Jaune to ask for advice. Maybe he's lived here?
[_] Custom
I spoke with the author of this quest, he's still interested in continuing so I'm going to bump this topic with a vote!

[X] Finish up here and start heading for Beacon.
I should stop wasting time around here. I got my food, I met a nice boy, so I'd say that my day is already getting better. I leave the Villeneuve and start on my way toward Beacon. The road gradually gains a slope that gets progressively harder to walk up. Doesn't really do much to make my legs sore - but some of the less active students are going to have a hard time.

I wave to any friendly faces that pass me by. They give me weird looks like quirked brows or frowns, but it doesn't bother me. No reason to let it. I'm not here to start fights, I'm here to learn.

The gray pavement leads into a four-way intersection. The top leads down a black path ligned with street lamps. The left and right circle around the back of the academy to a collection of spires which is headed off by the Beacon Tower. I think I heard someone once say Beacon was founded on the idea of 'paving the future for those in the dark'. Is that light supposed to be our guide? Is it supposed to blind us? I wonder if everyone else thinks of it as overwhelming.

"I could be the only one," I breathe out. I take a look at what meager things I even brought with me. Some dust, some money, my sword. The only thing that lead me here was a letter and my own fighting ability. No formal education at any of the connected academies; allowed this achievement others have worked for through nepotism alone.

"Excuse me!"

"Huh?" I turn around to see a white-haired girl with luggage. A lot of luggage.

"Can you move? I'm trying to get through."

[_] Offer to help her
[_] Just move so she can get through
[_] Start talking her up
[_] Custom
"Mind if I help? I extend a hand out toward one of the dropped suitcases.

"I can do it myself,' she bends down to grip it before I have a chance.

"Oh, alright then."

Now her eyes go from my face to something behind me.

"Is something wrong?"

"What is... that?"

"What's what?"

"That," she points. "That right there!"

I turn around. She's talking about my tail? "My tail."

"Horns and a tail? What kind of freak are you?" she takes a step closer.

Oh, this must be why I got those weird looks when I was walking up to the school. "Is it really that strange?"

"I mean, yes. I've never seen a Faunus with a furry... tail?" I feel her hand on the lower part of my spine.

"I have. Plenty. Fox, wolf-"

"No, no, that's not what I meant. Forget it," she lets go. "Get going. I don't need your help."

"You sure you're okay? You seem a bit worked up," her tone of voice keeps going everywhere. She sounded annoyed a second ago, now she's just frustrated. What did I even do to make her this angry?

"I'm fine," the suit case gets set amongst similar looking luggage. "Just get lost."

Did I do something to her that I don't know about? I have to make amends. I get down on the ground so that I'm on my knees.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

I place my forehead against the cold stone walkway. My hands palms are against the rock. "If I did wrong you, I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry."

"No, stop, please get up," I feel her hands on my shoulders. "It's okay, get up. Now."

I tilt my head up. When did all these people get here? They're giving this girl the same looks they were giving me. Oh, wait, is this what I did? Even when apologize, I apparently mess something else up. I get up from the ground as instructed, "I'll leave now." I manage to get a few steps away. I hear some people talking amongst themselves while the rest of the crowd disperses.
"I saw you bullying that poor girl!" I couldn't bear to watch it! The stuck up, snooty white-head was making that girl kiss the floor. "You should apologize!"

"What? No, I did not!" she waves her hands around, deflecting her guilt. I can see right through her.

"Justice isn't blind!" I put my hands on my hips, lean forward, and give her the old stink eye.

"You will be if you don't get out of my face," she says it in a low voice like no one can hear her.

"Are you threatening me? Do you wanna go, you big bully? Fine, we'll go! We'll go DOWN TOWN!" I can't contain it anymore. I have to make her pay!

"Excuse me, big sister coming through, pardon, hello, sorry. Watch where you're stepping!"

"Yang, let's get her!" Big sister came through the crowd just in time.

"Slow your roll there, Sis. I don't think what you think happened actually happened... right?" Yang looks at the offending party.

"Nothing happened. That Faunus girl just made a big deal about nothing and she bowed. I didn't understand so I ... freaked a little."

"A little? Your face is red," Yang cracks a smile.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter, okay? If this is dealt with, I'll be-" she stops for a minute. "Excuse me, what's your name?"

"Mine?" Yang points at herself. "Yang. What's yours?"

"Weiss Schnee," the bully now seems kind of distant. Her eyes are glazed over and she's staring off into space. "Yes, I'm Weiss Schnee. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"A pleasure? I guess it is. Sorry about my sister."

"I've heard enough apologies for one day," her arms fall at her sides. Seems like she really is sorry.

"But shouldn't you be apologizing to-" I turn to where the poor bullied soul walked off to. "Huh? Wait, she's gone. No, I see her, wait up!" I sprint after her. She should hear the apology from this Weiss person herself, or else this won't feel right!

Beacon Academy, Courtyard



"Don't you want to hear Weiss' apology?"

"Weiss?" the horned-girl blinks. "Oh, that was her name? Well, I didn't even introduce myself," she sighs heavily. "I'll do it the next time I meet her."

"You sure you want to meet her next time?"

"That entire situation was my fault."

"It was? How?"

"I got Vale's customs mixed up with some of my own?"

"What sort of custom has you banging your head on the floor?"

"It's called prostrating. You get down on your knees, bow your head, and submit yourself to the person you wronged."

[_] "The only one who wronged you was that Weiss chick."
[_] "Ohhh, I see, so like this?" [Demonstrate]
[_] "As long as you're okay, I guess it's okay!"
[_] Custom