Heroes of Remnant (RWBY AU)

Can't be sad. Can not be sad. I have more things to do here in Patch before I even think about my future at Beacon. Like going to see if Dad's okay after that beating I gave him. "Oh, wait, Dad!" I didn't forget! That's why I dash straight out of the-

"Aaaaaa," okay, I'm not going to be dashing anywhere. I will walk slowly while limping. That's a lot slower, yeah, but I won't feel like screaming out everytime I take a step. I navigate my way back toward the training grounds.

"Hey, kid!" I don't even make it halfway down the hill before I see Dad walking up to meet me halfway. His hair is in fantastic shape too.

"You're looking better already!"

Wait a second...
If he's already patched himself up, that means he wasn't very hurt to begin with. "Were you going easy on me?"

"Actually... that last move of yours did hurt. Think you gave me crick in the neck," he demonstrates by bobbing his head from side to side. "See? You can hear it cracking and what not."

He's totally lying.

"You're totally lying."

"I'm totally NOT lying," he crosses his arms and grins a stupid grin like he's proud of his obvious fib. "And you shouldn't be accusing me of anything. You're the type to go 'I'm fine' while you hold your own severed arm."

I already had this conversation with Yang, I don't need it again. I slump my shoulders, "I know, I know, Yang told me to be more honest when she left. I'll work on it, I promise."

"That'ta girl, now let me act like a Dad for a sec."

Wait, what's Dad doing?
Ah, no, he's scooping me up in his arms!

"I can walk on my ow-"

"Ahhh, what did you just say?"

This doesn't have anything to do with being honest, this has to do with being embarassing. "I can walk on my own two feet, Dad. I mean you just saw me, right?"

"Saw you two seconds away from putting your face in the dirt."

"Fiiine," I sigh.

"Good girl. Now, you're going to need your rest. We're heading to Vale tomorrow."

"Wait, what?" after I just said those good-byes to Yang? So soon?

"Yep, already made arrangements. We're going with Qrow! Think of it as a little vacation before school starts back up at Signal."

"Uncle Qrow's going to be coming with us!?" Okay, I'm getting exicted. Getting REALLY excited! I haven't seen Uncle in so long. If it's the three of us, and maybe even Yang? It'll be like we're kids again! "What are you waiting for? Let's get back home. My legs aren't going to heal themselves! Go go go!"

"Don't struggle so much, I might drop you," Dad laughs as he walks down the pathway to the house.

This wasn't what I expected, but... I get to see what Beacon's going to be like! I'll look at all sorts of weapons, all sorts of people. I can talk with Uncle Qrow about whatever mission he's been on as a Hunter. Tomorrow might be what I need to push me even further! I can't wait!

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When you always spend your time in the shadows, the light's blocked out. You don't know where to go and you just end up wandering aimlessly. You start asking yourself the big questions; Is this worth it? Am I going to find out where I'm supposed to be going? What's the point?

Before the academy let out, I didn't know how I was going to keep at it. I had to become the hero that my ancestors were. Not for their sakes, but mine. I had to keep going because this was my own path. Even if my grades say one thing, my heart says another. I had to get into Beacon, no matter what. Even if I had to beg and grovel, I was going to be a Hunter. A hero that everyone looked up to. Someone that could be an example for everyone.

I know cheating to get in isn't admirable.

I KNOW that, but... there's no other option. I may cowar, it may be hard, but this is my only shot. It's now or never!

"If you want to throw your life away, do it off a bridge. Less trouble."

This was the discussion I had with one of my seven sisters. This was a while before the semester at Beacon was even close to starting.

"Please, help me get into Beacon. Please, I'll do anything!"

I grovelled. Not like bravado would get me very far with the type of person she was.

"Anything? Okay, how about leaving?"

I kept trying.
And trying.
And begging.

Eventually, she caved.

Now it's the start of the semester. A week until class is in session and a day to get settled. Right now I'm at Myrtille's apartment close to the center of Vale. I packed to stay with her in preparation for school. Things have gone well so far... that is until another one of my sister's popped in to join the ride.
"Why did you follow me?" I'm sitting on the foot of my bed, turning to the right to look at her. She's lying on her stomach with her hands to her chin. "You aren't a Huntress, you're just a highschool student. How'd you even convince Mom and Dad to let you come?"

"That's easy."

Are we talking about the same parents? The overprotective Dad and the worrying mother? "I doubt that. I really doubt that."

"They let you come, Jaune!"

"That's because I'm going to Beacon. There's a difference here."

"Then I'll go to Beacon too!"

"Did you not listen to a word I just said?"

"Yes, I listened, I'm just ignoring it."

"Alright, alright, in some STRANGE circumstance you get into Beacon. What then? What if you run into Grimm? You don't even know how to fight." I doubt Marron here has what it takes to face that sort of danger. I mean, I still have some doubts about myself but...

"I'll use the Arc Secret Technique!"

"That being...?"

"I'll run. Fast. Verrrry fast."

"You're hopeless," I fall back onto the bed with my arms out.

"I'm not the one who had to fudge my grades to get into school."

"What?" How did she find out? HOW did she find that out? "How did you? I mean, I-"

"The secret is safe with me. Just let me stay!"

"What?! No, hell no. You have school. You're going back to Mom and Dad before the semester starts."

"If you're allowed to commit fraud, I'm allowed to be insubordinate. It's equivalent exchange!"

I'm fairly sure that's not how that works, "No, you're an idiot. Why-"
"Correction," a door flies open, interrupting me. "You're both stupid. I'm letting Marron stay since it's my decision. And if you want to fight about it, I'll oblige by breaking your neck. That sound okay?"

[_] "No, it's not okay. What if she gets into trouble? There are Grimm everywhere, that's just inviting trouble."
[_] "Fine, fine. You've let me stay here for a bit and you got me into Beacon. I won't complain."
[_] Ignore Myrtille, continue chastizing Marron.
[_] Custom
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[x] "Fine, fine. You've let me stay here for a bit and you got me into Beacon. I won't complain."
Wasn't a lot to do with Jaune's prologue from the get go. Just set up for what's going to happen in the next part!
"Fine, fine," she's let me stay here while getting ready for school. If it's really okay with the folks, what am I going to say? Myrtille could just bust me for butchering my grades for getting into Beacon. I'm in a whole pot of new trouble if that happens.

"Glad you see it my way," Myrtille crosses her arms while looking at Marron. "Come on, you. We're going shopping."

"What? I want to laze around."

"Come. On."

Marron hangs her head over the side of the bed. "Okay, fine."

"You coming, Jaune?"

I look up, "What? You're making Marron go but not me?"

She nods, "Can't trust her to stay here with you. I don't want to smash both of you when I inevitably come up with a trashed apartment."

I can see why she'd say that. Marron has a habit of getting on my nerves, "Ah, alright. No, I'm good. You guys go on without me."

"Kay then. Don't sulk for too long," Myrtille walks on over to grab Marron by the neck of her school uniform. "Come on."

"I don't wanna go!" Just a second ago she agreed. That girl really has trouble deciding what she wants to do. Well, not what she WANTS to do - but when she's forced to. Can relate a little bit since I was like that at her age.

"Too bad," my older sister walks over to the door while sliding me a look before leaving. "Want anything?"

"No, go on ahead," I shoe them off with a hand. "Have fun."

"We won't," Myrtille really doesn't like thinking positive. I sigh. "Again, don't sulk too much. Or cry. Tears are hard to wash out of bed covers."

"Can you at least be a LITTLE considerate?"


The door closes, leaving me behind to 'sulk' and 'cry' in the bedsheets like she expects me to. She was always like that. Distant, shooting off her mouth, never showing any restraint. Might be some comfort in being able to just dissuade everythign in your path as a matter of course. I can't really do that. "A little bit of envy goes a long way," I get up from the bed.

I find myself waltzing around the room with nothing to do. The computer is on, but I don't feel like browsing the web. The papers for Beacon have already been filled thanks to Myrtille. No one to talk to since the apartment is empty.

... Guess I'll go out too? I'll just go grab something to eat, mingle with the locals. Don't know too many people here in Vale. I take one last glance around the empty apartment before heading out the door.
The world keeps spinning.
People keep suffering.
Someone said those words to me...
Everyone's hurting, right? Who was that person? No, I can't remember.

The dream continues on. The world shakes, but you still dream.

[_] The dream is red, like the coiling flame. Like destruction. Burning desolation.
[_] The dream is blue, like the ocean. Sometimes calm, sometimes a vibrant storm.
[_] The dream is dark, like the night sky. The stars are dreams we can never reach.
[_] The dream is green, like a vibrant forest. Giving life to those that need it, sustinence for all who crave.
[_] The dream is gray, like the barren earth. Forever unchanging, always there, alway still.
[_] The dream is bright, too bright to see. Whatever is behind the light is something only you know.

Something resonating.
A dream. You know the color.
But what else? What else is there? Who are you?
I'm ... I know who I am.

[_] Books. A lot of books. Studying, adamant, always seeking knowledge.
[_] Weapons. All sorts of weapons. Fighting is what you lived for, fighting is what you'll die for.
[_] Blood. That's all you ever did was get injured, was fight, was bleed. It became a weapon.
[_] Flames. Harnessed to destroy whatever is within your path. Called forth from your own ire.
[_] Dust. The very element of the world harnessed from within.

The dream reflects your own image.
There are two children, crying. Two children, wanting. They extend their hands out. Which hand do you take?
[_] The crying boy.
[_] The crying girl.

Things are coming back. Fragmented memories return, bit by bit.
What was it last?
Your name.
What was your first name? You know your last name. Ash. Yes, but what's the first?

[_] ...? (Custom Choice)
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[X] The dream is bright, too bright to see. Whatever is behind the light is something only you know.
[X] Books. A lot of books. Studying, adamant, always seeking knowledge.
[X] The crying girl.
[X] Silver
[x] The dream is bright, too bright to see. Whatever is behind the light is something only you know.
[x] Dust. The very element of the world harnessed from within.
[x] The crying girl.
[x] Ignacia
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[X] The dream is bright, too bright to see. Whatever is behind the light is something only you know.
[X] Books. A lot of books. Studying, adamant, always seeking knowledge.
[X] The crying girl.
[X] Silver
[X]The dream is green, like a vibrant forest. Giving life to those that need it, sustinence for all who crave.
[X] Blood. That's all you ever did was get injured, was fight, was bleed. It became a weapon.
[X] The crying boy.
[X] The dream is blue, like the ocean. Sometimes calm, sometimes a vibrant storm.
[X] Weapons. All sorts of weapons. Fighting is what you lived for, fighting is what you'll die for.
[X] The crying girl.
[X] Asher
[x] The dream is bright, too bright to see. Whatever is behind the light is something only you know.
[x] Dust. The very element of the world harnessed from within.
[x] The crying girl.

Guys vote Amaranth that's a great name. :D
[x] The dream is dark, like the night sky. The stars are dreams we can never reach.
[x] Dust. The very element of the world harnessed from within.
[x] The crying girl.
[x] Amaranth





Tap. Tap.

"M... iss?"




"Miss, please wake up. You're at your stop!"

Blink. Blink.

"What...?" What's in front of me? Can't really tell...


Oh, another person. They're fairly close too. "Are you trying to kiss me?"

"What?!" the old fellow reels back to put some space between us. "Naw, I was just wakin' you up."

This man woke me up? Guess that means we're arriving at Vale. "Thanks for waking me up. I guess we're getting close to Vale?"

He quirks a brow, "Well yea, but it's less that I was considerin' you and more that I couldn't sleep myself. What with yer snore wakin' up half the cabin."

"Oh," guess that's my bad for misunderstanding. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean too."

"It's no problem, just tone it down next time, yea?"

"I'll work on it. Thanks."

"Mmm," the old man sits back in his seat across the row. "What are ya doin' sleepin' in the middle of the day anyway? You kids usually have enough energy to bounce around from dusk til dawn."

"You could say I had a hard time yesterday..."

"... Why are ya tappin' yer chin?"

"Oops, force of habit. Anyway, had some trouble catching the train. Some drama with the ticket, some trouble getting in - it's a long story."

"I can understand'at," the man laughs. "Hard to believe we even got that sorta trouble today."

"Are you talking about technology?"

"Yea, exactly. Never had that stuff growin' up."

"Oh, are you going to tell me a story about your past? I know this is how people usually segue into that sort of conversation."

"... Eh?"

"Like how things were different back then? How you walked through fifteen feet of snow to get to school. That sort of stuff."

"What kinda feel-good-family-crap are you watchin', Miss?"

Guess that's not what's going to happen. Was kind of looking forward to it. "Sorry for assuming," I lean back in my seat while taking a look at the ceiling.

"Sorry to dissapoint ya," he laughs while shaking his head. "If we meet again next time, I'll be sure to bore ya with tales about my childhood."

The train screeches to a halt almost like it was on cue.


Guess I'll never know what he wants to tell me since I doubt we'll meet again after this. Now that I think on it, isn't that sort of sad?

"Miss, aren't you going to get off?"

"Yeah, I am," I stand up to grab my luggage from the top rack. "Just lost in thought for a second."

"Kids shouldn't think too much. Spend yer time on something more productive."

"I'll keep that in mind," I laugh while slinging the bag over my back. "It was nice meeting you, Mr...?"

"My name don't matter," he looks down at the floor then back up. "Just call me Tatter."

"Okay, Mr.Tatter. My name is Amaranth. Ammy if you want to go for something shorter."
"Alright, Ammy. Nice meetin' ya. Well, should be sayin' bye. Have a good day," he waves to me while I start my walk down the isle.

"It was nice meeting you too."

I say my good-byes while stepping off the train.

The train station is more chaotic than I expected. People rush on out of the train from the train while even more enter. Some are people around my age. I didn't really notice them while I was on the train. Then again, not sure if I can give an accurate assessment since I was asleep for a majority of the ride. Maybe I didn't notice because my snoring drove them all away to other cars?

"Do I laugh at that?" I mumble. "Isn't it 'lame' to laugh at your own jokes? Hmm," I take a few more steps away from the station platform. I step through the barricade after exchanging my ticket.

I know that the train runs through Forever Fall, curving around into the Commercial District of Vale. To get to Beacon, I just keep going uphill from the station? That's what I'm getting, anyway - so it shouldn't be too long of a walk. No need for directions either. "Things are already going smooth," I'd like to say it's too good to be true since all the trouble I went through yesterday. I guess it pays to be positive in times like this. So now what should I do here? I have some free time, but should I go straight to Beacon? Hmm...

[_] Go grab some supplies. It's time to go grocery shopping.
[_] Go grab a bite to eat at a restaurant.
[_] Survey the city, go to the Residential District before heading to Beacon.
[_] No point dallying. Let's get to Beacon.
[_] Custom
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