heroes arise

[X][name] Anwen
[X]a great queen, worthy of replacing your father when the time comes(+ presence, +persuasion, +expertise:leadership)
[X]snack around the of city Camelot, seeking to experience the life of the lower classes and learn of your realm from other sources than your teachers(+awareness, +insight, +stealth)
[X]played with the children of nobles and knights, learning how to lead and befriend(+persuasion, +deception, +intimidation)
[X]how to defend your allies and lead them in battle(tank and support advantages)
[X]cheerful(optimistic, good-natured, and always willing to help)
[X]sorceress knight
vote not closed for some reason, I could swear I checked that box

ancient name:

sorceress knight

major skillset:
skilled sorceress

minor skills:

fighting styles:
tank and support

Scheduled vote count started by Blademaster on Jan 27, 2022 at 11:50 AM, finished with 16 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X]cheerful(optimistic, good-natured, and always willing to help)
    [X]traveled the land around Camelot in search of new interesting sights(+athletics, +perception, +expertise:nature)
    [X]participated in every tournament and contest of strength possible(+strength, +athletics, +acrobatics)
    [X]how to use your body as a weapon, and bring down your enemy down without hurting him(+close combat:unarmed, grab, trip, and unarmed fighting advantages)
    [X]how to defend your allies and lead them in battle(tank and support advantages)
    [X][name] Anwen
    [X]a skilled sorceress, knowledgable about the art of magic in all its forms(+intellect, +expertise:magic, magic advantages, minor magic powers)
    [X]sorceress knight
    [X]a great queen, worthy of replacing your father when the time comes(+ presence, +persuasion, +expertise:leadership)
    [X]played with the children of nobles and knights, learning how to lead and befriend(+persuasion, +deception, +intimidation)
    [X]snack around the of city Camelot, seeking to experience the life of the lower classes and learn of your realm from other sources than your teachers(+awareness, +insight, +stealth)
    [X] [name] Adenydd
    [X] Knight princess dragon(Eternal_0bserver's write in)
    [X]how to go fully defensive in a fight, turning yourself into an invincible fort(defensive advantages)
    [X] Knight princess dragon
    [X]how to ride a horse, and use a lance in a tournament(+vehicles, +close combat: lances, related advantages)
    [X]how to go fully offensive in a fight, taking your enemy in a storm of blows(offensive advantages)
    [X]Brash(reckless, quick to act for your ideals, strong-headed)
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Also if people want you can offer ideas for spells Ashley might have. I will try and put them in the sheet.

Currently I am relying on some M&M forums and copying D&D spells to avoid being generic
Also if people want you can offer ideas for spells Ashley might have. I will try and put them in the sheet.
Dragon-themed ones if possible. It is a nice theme that plays well with Ashley's background even if it didn't win and having a distinctive theme makes a character more unique and interesting than if they just had generic spells. One a personal level, I am a fan of buffs and debuffs, particularly ones that have a physical transformative element to them such as a strength buff increasing muscles or a toughness buff giving harder skin or scales or growing wings from a flight buff. That said, we will want some kind of ranged attack or ability to get about quickly.

What sort of form are the spells taking mechanically? I presume an array is being used, but how many power points are being used in it. I can give more specific suggestions, but that requires having a better idea of the power level that Ashley starts off with.
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What sort of form are the spells taking mechanically? I presume an array is being used, but how many power points are being used in it. I can give more specific suggestions, but that requires having a better idea of the power level that Ashley starts off with.
She will have two arrays, one covering general sorcery and the other combat magic combining martial fighting with magic. While I am not sure of the exact budget, the general idea is around 50 points for both together. In addition to those two array, due to the sorcerer skillset Ashley will also have a 'minor spells' 4 points array with 3 affects.

Ashley will start as roughly PL10, but it is flexible, and some effects can exceed the limits, especially ones that are limited in use. Like buffs limited in some way
I don't know what is meant by 'array' but one spell that I think would be great is Reinforcement as used in the Fate series. Thunderstep which combines short range teleportation with a short range area of effect damage effect. A general utility spell could be something as simple as Prestigitation from dnd 5e. Perhaps an AoE shield spell to mitigate or negate damage to protect allies.
I don't know what is meant by 'array' but one spell that I think would be great is Reinforcement as used in the Fate series. Thunderstep which combines short range teleportation with a short range area of effect damage effect. A general utility spell could be something as simple as Prestigitation from dnd 5e. Perhaps an AoE shield spell to mitigate or negate damage to protect allies.
An array is a way of getting a wider variety of powers at reduced cost in M&M. You pay for the most expensive power in the array +1 for each power in the array. The catch is that you can only have access to one of the powers in an array at a time. Prestigitation would be an example of an array.

Teleportation and damage could be pretty expensive, its certainly possible, the Power Profiles book offers something like it as a reaction Damage effect, however I think a linked effect would also work, the drawback here is that they both need to be together so it would probably be half as powerful as separate Teleportation or Damage effects. Depending on Blademasters opinion this could also require an 'immunity to own effects'.

Shields and stuff depends a lot on what you're imagining we're probably going to have something like a enhanced protection effect to improve our toughness. If we want to make that AOE its likely to not do anything as all characters have limits on how tough and how good they can dodge and they're probably built to that limit already. Thats the PL10 stuff that got mentioned.
If you want an effect that works around that then it runs into the issue that it will always cost our action and M&M makes it very hard to get more actions.
Teleportation and damage is possible. It will be rather expensive, but since the teleport is not too high ranked it can be in your budget.

Shields wise, you will likely rely mostly on your natural stamina and plate armor with only a small boost from shield. You mighy however be able to use create to make screen shields.

About the options of boosts however, it will be possible in the quest. The limits of PL is a bit less strict here, especially when it comes to buffs or limited boosts.

For example, you might be able to get a spell that can increase your toughtness beyond PL limits by growing dragon scales. However, it will be limited in time and won't be able to used any time
I have been diagnozed with Covid-19 today, and will need to take care of a few things. I am feeling rather well overall, but I will still try to take it easy on myself for now and rest more, so there will be delays. hopefully it will be over in a few days and I can get back to normal schedule
She will have two arrays, one covering general sorcery and the other combat magic combining martial fighting with magic. While I am not sure of the exact budget, the general idea is around 50 points for both together. In addition to those two array, due to the sorcerer skillset Ashley will also have a 'minor spells' 4 points array with 3 affects.

Ashley will start as roughly PL10, but it is flexible, and some effects can exceed the limits, especially ones that are limited in use. Like buffs limited in some way
I have come up with some. The general sorcery and minor spells I have put as 'Arcane Magic' and have a variety of different effects while the combat magic is array is 'Dragonic Magic' and based around combat and support spells. I have also come up with more spells than each array can fit to give you some more choice on what you want to give Ashley.

25/General Magic Spells (Magic-Arcane): 20-Point Power Array with 5 Alternative Effects. - Six of the below as one plus five.
-Mystic Bolt: Ranged Damage 10 (Magic) - basic ranged attack that is based on magic damage.
-Mystic Ward: Immunity 10 (Magic) or Partial Immunity 20 (Magic) - depends on how common magic is as a power in the quest and used to protect against magic albeit only so long as the spell is active.
-Teleport Spell: Teleport 10 (8 km) - Basic teleportation ability for movement.
-Healing Spell: Healing 10 - Basic healing spell.
-Telepathic Spell: Mind-Reading 10 - Basic mind-reading ability for being socially sneaky.
-Transmutation Spell: Transform 4 (Anything to Anything/800 kg) - Temporarily transform objects for as long as she is touching it and aware enough to maintain the spell.
-Illusion Spell: Mind-Reading 10 - Basic mind-reading ability for being socially sneaky.
-Flight Spell: Flight 10 (2,000 MPH) - Basic flight ability for movement.
-Speed Spell: Speed 10 (2,000 MPH), Quickness 10, - Basic speed ability for movement and getting tasks done quicker.
-Empower Spell: Variable 2 (10 Points/Existing Traits), Ranged Affects Others, Move Action - The buff spell to strength Ashley or allies, can only boost what is there so it can make you fly faster, but not give you the ability to fly if you can't already do so.
-Lighting Bolt: Ranged Damage 10 (Electricity) - basic ranged attack that is based on electricity damage.
-Ice Bolt: Ranged Damage 10 (Cold) - basic ranged attack that is based on cold damage.
-Fire Bolt: Ranged Damage 10 (Fire) - basic ranged attack that is based on fire damage.
-Transformation Spell: Ranged Affliction 10 (Resisted and Overcome by Will, Hindered/Disabled/Transformed) - attack spell to transform targets.

25/Dragonic Magic Spells (Magic-Dragon): 20-Point Power Array with 5 Alternative Effects. - Six of the below as one plus five.
-Dragonic Wings: Flight 10, (2,000 MPH/Wings), Affects Others, - Wing-based flight that can be extended to others via touch.
-Dragonic Regeneration: Regeneration 10 (1 per Round), Affects Others, - Regeneration to recover from damage and can be extended to others via touch.
-Dragonic Size: Growth 10 - Allows growth to sizes similar to that of an adult dragon.
-Dragonic Flames: Damage 10 (Fire), Area 1 (Cone), - area attack that is based on fire damage and originates from the caster's body such as hands or mouth.
-Dragonic Hide: Partial Immunity 20 (Energy Damage), Affects Others - Spell to grant partial immunity aka resistance to energy attacks and can be extended to others via touch.
-Dragonic Scales: Partial Immunity 20 (Physical Damage), Affects Others - Spell to grant partial immunity aka resistance to physical attacks and can be extended to others via touch.
-Dragonic Toughness: Protection 10, Affects Others - Spell to increase toughness and can be extended to others via touch.
-Dragonic Aura: Damage 4 (Fire), Reaction, Affects Others - Spell to inflict minor fire damage on anyone who touches them or they touch and can be extended to others by touch.
-Dragonic Attributes: Variable 2 (10 Points/Dragonic Traits), Affects Others, Affects Objects, Move Action, - Grants low-level dragon-themed power to the target.

7/Minor Magic Spells (Magic-Arcane): 4-Point Power Array with 3 Alternative Effects. - Four of the below as one plus three.
-Fast Hands: Quickness 2, Affects Others, - Allows for tasks to be done quicker and can be extended to others via touch.
-Speak Language: Comprehend 2 (Languages) - Allows for speaking and understanding any language. Reading/writing not included.
-Minor Healing: Regeneration 2 (1 per 5 Rounds), Affects Others, - Regeneration to recover from damage and can be extended to others via touch.
-Telepathy: Communication 1 (Mental/100 Feet) - Allows sending telepathic messages to a nearby target.
-Survival Powers: Immunity 4 (Disease/Poison/Suffocation Effects), - Allows temporary to some basic things that could kill the target.
-Invisibility: Concealment 2 (Basic Visual) - Basic invisibility that works against regular vision, but not fancy stuff like infrared or ultraviolet.
that's what I have right now, based on Oshha's suggestions (which were really helpful) and some of my own ideas

general sorcery: a 20 point array with 5 alternate affects, check required: magic expertise dc 13
-scrying mirror: remote sensing 10(visual), simultaneous, medium(mirrors)- scries distant places or subjects via mirrors
-summon familiar: summon 5, continuos, active, full-round action, mental link- Ashley can summon her familiar to do various tasks for her.
-fog: environment 10(visibility -5)- calls a cloud of fog to obscure vision over a large area
-force constructs: create 6, movable, subtle 2- creates constructs of pure force
flesh to stone: progressive affliction 8(hindered, stunned, transformed to stone), full round action, reversible, may be triggered(happens in the next sunrise)- Ashley casts a powerful curse on someone she touches, gradually turning him to stone. this curse can take effect immediately, or only take affect on the next sunrise.
-magical strike: ranged damage 8, variable descriptor 2(elemental attacks)- casts one of Ashley's variety of offensive spells, from lightning strike to acid.

(additional possible spells are trasmute, a group invisibility, or a gaseous form. also considering changing the summon between a familiar, or a variable elementals or animals, going with familiar for now)

draconic magic: a 20 point array with 5 alternate affects
-dragon breath: cone area damage 10- a spell allowing Asley to breath fire like a dragon
-dragon wings: winged flight 10, continous, activation 1(move), - spell that can grant- grants Ashley draconic wings
-fear aura: sustained, selective burst area affliction 5(impaired, disabled, paralyzed), instant recovery- invokes a draconic aura of fear and awe, hindering any enemy close
-fire blade: secondary effect 10, penetrating 10, variable descriptor 1(sword attacks), activation 1(move action)- imbues a weapon with draconic fire, turning it's next attack devastating
-draconic scales: partial immunity 20(physical attacks), affects others, noticeable- a defensive spell granting Ashley or another draconic scales that absorb physical attacks, activation 2(standard action), reach 2
-draconic transformation: growth 6, strength based close damage 6(claws), cone area damage 10(fire breath), winged flight 6, enhanced strength 6, impervious toughness 8, regeneration 3, tiring 3(incapacitating)- calls forth Ashley's draconic blood, transforming her into a half dragon. while the transformation is incredibly powerful, it has a cost- Ashley will collapse as soon as it is over

minor spells- a 4 point array with 3 alternate effects.
speak language:comprehend language 3,activation 2(standard). a spell allowing Ashley to understand and speak any language, and speak to all people regardless of language.
minor telekinesis- move object 1, precise, subtle 1
fast hands: quickness 2, ranged affects others, activation 2(standard)
minor healing- healing 2

tell me what you think! do you like it? would you like anything changed?
going to take a break now and then finish the sheet. not feeling that well RN
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These look pretty good. When you say minor healing what does that mean? Could ashley use minor healing to save some one from the brink of death? If not is there a way to improve her healing ability? And in regards to the fire breath does it always have to be a cone attack or could it be focused to be more a straight line attack for precision?
-dragon wings: winged flight 10, continous, activation 1(move), - spell that can grant- grants Ashley draconic wings
I don't think continuous really works here. That is more for flight that continues going if you are not unconscious or otherwise unable to actively flight. A pair of dragon wings don't really do that in my opinion and I don't see how it works narratively speaking beyond the game mechanics.

tell me what you think! do you like it? would you like anything changed?
Honestly, I would like to see more support magic. Only two of the sixteen spells actually does something to help allies whilst the rest are about strengthening Ashley or attacking enemies.
I don't think continuous really works here. That is more for flight that continues going if you are not unconscious or otherwise unable to actively flight. A pair of dragon wings don't really do that in my opinion and I don't see how it works narratively speaking beyond the game mechanics.
The idea is once that once Ashley casts the wing spell they continue to exist until she dissmisses them. So she can activate the wings, then move over to another power in the array and continue flying(they also don't disappear when she's unconcious but she obviously can't actually fly when unconcious). I was considering either this or effects others but this seems to fit more as a spell actually making you sprout wings.
Honestly, I would like to see more support magic. Only two of the sixteen spells actually does something to help allies whilst the rest are about strengthening Ashley or attacking enemies.
That's a reasonable concern. Ashley is not a dedicated support, and is most helpful with her utility. But she could use more support. Perhaps her fire blade and language spells can get effect others. Also one of force construct's main uses is creating shield screens for her team. Perhaps also an area deflect based on summoning conjuring something to deflect attacks, but I think that's unneccssary.
Overall with these changes there are
-2 direct damage attacks(dragon breath, magical strike)
-2 afflictions(fear aura, flesh to stone)
-1 affect enchancing attacks(Fire blade), which could also enchance other's attacks
-1 defensive spell that can also help others
-2 minor utility spells to help others(speak language, fast hands)
-minor healing
-total five support spells
-1 mobility spell(wings)
-4 utility spells(scrying mirror, fog, familiar, constructs)
Honestly, I would like to see more support magic. Only two of the sixteen spells actually does something to help allies whilst the rest are about strengthening Ashley or attacking enemies.
-scrying mirror: remote sensing 10(visual), simultaneous, medium(mirrors)- scries distant places or subjects via mirrors
-summon familiar: summon 5, continuos, active, full-round action, mental link- Ashley can summon her familiar to do various tasks for her.
-fog: environment 10(visibility -5)- calls a cloud of fog to obscure vision over a large area
-force constructs: create 6, movable, subtle 2- creates constructs of pure force

-draconic scales: partial immunity 20(physical attacks), affects others, noticeable- a defensive spell granting Ashley or another draconic scales that absorb physical attacks, activation 2(standard action), reach 2

Constructs are versatile as hell and since we've got better offensive options we'd only ever use them as utility. I'm giving the familiar the benefit of doubt that it isn't a combat familiar based on the description.
We given ourselves and others within 10 feet partial immunity to physical attacks!!! Only drawback to that is it doesn't have selective so we can't actually use it in close combat, although we probably want to swap to the fire blade if it comes to that.
Not really sure how often we'll use fog, stealth utility maybe?

regarding the dragon thing though, I think we need a feature "Tiring on turning off the effect", otherwise we'd suffer it on activation?
The idea is once that once Ashley casts the wing spell they continue to exist until she dissmisses them. So she can activate the wings, then move over to another power in the array and continue flying(they also don't disappear when she's unconcious but she obviously can't actually fly when unconcious). I was considering either this or effects others but this seems to fit more as a spell actually making you sprout wings.
I can see the logic, but continuous flight to me has already been active use of the wings. The wings not disappearing is just part of the descriptor and the continuous part is about how they work mechanically, which is continuous use not just continuous wings. Also, that isn't how power arrays work. You can only use one effect at the time and if you switch from one effect to another, you lose any benefits of that first effect until you switch back to it.
-draconic scales: partial immunity 20(physical attacks), affects others, noticeable- a defensive spell granting Ashley or another draconic scales that absorb physical attacks, activation 2(standard action), reach 2
Also Reach here is bad without Selective and basically makes the spell useless in close combat as it will affect both allies and enemies.
-1 affect enchancing attacks(Fire blade), which could also enchance other's attacks
I'm a bit unsure how useful Fireblade works. It seems to make an attack over come impervious up to ten, but that doesn't seem useful to me at all. Like I don't see how relevant this spell is doing to be. Maybe something like incurable? Dealing non-healable damage seems like a more useful power than just overcoming impervious toughness.
I can see the logic, but continuous flight to me has already been active use of the wings. The wings not disappearing is just part of the descriptor and the continuous part is about how they work mechanically, which is continuous use not just continuous wings. Also, that isn't how power arrays work. You can only use one effect at the time and if you switch from one effect to another, you lose any benefits of that first effect until you switch back to it.
In the interpatations I saw, you can't use two affects in an array at the same time, so a sustained affect which requires being kept active can't be used. However a continous affect is basically an affect you cause and can turn off, so it continues to function just like damage or affliction do, for example. It basically means that once the wing spell is cast they continue to exist and she can stay in the air just fine doing other things. However she would still need to switch back to actively use her flight speed
Also Reach here is bad without Selective and basically makes the spell useless in close combat as it will affect both allies and enemies.
I was unsure if it's already selective by defeault. Does it automatically affect anyone touching her? Like a reaction affect?

I'm a bit unsure how useful Fireblade works. It seems to make an attack over come impervious up to ten, but that doesn't seem useful to me at all. Like I don't see how relevant this spell is doing to be. Maybe something like incurable? Dealing non-healable damage seems like a more useful power than just overcoming impervious toughness.
The penetrating bit the less important part, it's mostly there because I didn't have other ideas. The main point is the secondary affect, which causes the same damage over the second time as draconic fires left after the attack. I will replace the penetrating bit with affects others, unless it means anyone touching her will automatically have it's affect too?
In the interpatations I saw, you can't use two affects in an array at the same time, so a sustained affect which requires being kept active can't be used. However a continous affect is basically an affect you cause and can turn off, so it continues to function just like damage or affliction do, for example. It basically means that once the wing spell is cast they continue to exist and she can stay in the air just fine doing other things. However she would still need to switch back to actively use her flight speed
Honestly, as far as the actual rules go I'm with Oshha on this one. A lot of the array works like that and narratively we could justify walking into a fight with mulitple powers from the array saying that we activated them in narrative time allowing us to escape both the drawback of activating it in combat and the drawback of only having one thing in the array active at once.
When a power is no longer the active part of the array, it ought to depower. And if you want the wings to function that I would say they need to come out of the array.

That said... rule 0. You're the QM, so you have final say in this.

Looked up rules on the reversible:
Selective +1 per rank Resistible effect works only on the targets you choose.

Immunity isn't a resistible effect, so its unclear. Personally I would require it, however the rules don't state explicitly either way. I'm open to interpretation.

Personal effects (that Affects Others applies to) are rarely harmful so I expect they didn't think they'd need to cover this. Range area heals or something are pretty niche.
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I was unsure if it's already selective by defeault. Does it automatically affect anyone touching her? Like a reaction affect?
To my understanding of things, pretty much. Otherwise extending the reach of the power just has it affect everything within its reach to. To have control over who it does and doesn't effect, you need to add Selective to the power to gain that degree of control over it.
Honestly, as far as the actual rules go I'm with Oshha on this one. A lot of the array works like that and narratively we could justify walking into a fight with mulitple powers from the array saying that we activated them in narrative time allowing us to escape both the drawback of activating it in combat and the drawback of only having one thing in the array active at once.
When a power is no longer the active part of the array, it ought to depower. And if you want the wings to function that I would say they need to come out of the array.

That said... rule 0. You're the QM, so you have final say in this.
Well, the interpatatio I brought was what I saw in forums, where this was the majority ruling. You can't use a power actively, so you can't use the flight speed to move. Hmm, I think I will need to think on this one a bit. That said nothing else in the array is continous so it's only the wings in question
To my understanding of things, pretty much. Otherwise extending the reach of the power just has it affect everything within its reach to. To have control over who it does and doesn't effect, you need to add Selective to the power to gain that degree of control over it.
Well, I haven't encountered this before, but I admit I rarely used powers with effects others modifier. Does this work even she doesn't want to extend the power at all?(like using the scale power only for herself). I Might need to do some recalculation
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To my understanding of things, pretty much. Otherwise extending the reach of the power just has it affect everything within its reach to. To have control over who it does and doesn't effect, you need to add Selective to the power to gain that degree of control over it.
Well, I haven't encountered this before, but I admit I rarely used powers with effects others modifier. Does this work even she doesn't want to extend the power at all?(like using the scale power only for herself). I Might need to do some recalculation
Theres a mod comment here that does believe it
r/mutantsandmasterminds - Area Variable With Affects Others

and in the heroes handbook errata I've found this:
Selective: This extra, applied to Area Luck Control, allows you to choose who in the area is or is not a!ected by it. +1 cost per rank.

Luck Control isn't a restible effect and is purely positive so that counters my previous comment.

Well, the interpatatio I brought was what I saw in forums, where this was the majority ruling. You can't use a power actively, so you can't use the flight speed to move. Hmm, I think I will need to think on this one a bit. That said nothing else in the array is continous so it's only the wings in question
Would she fall out of the sky when she swaps to a different power or just stay there?
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Would she fall out of the sky when she swaps to a different power or just stay there?
She won't fall, but continue to hover. She won't be able to move
Theres a mod comment here that does believe it
r/mutantsandmasterminds - Area Variable With Affects Others

and in the heroes handbook errata I've found this:
Article: Selective: This extra, applied to Area Luck Control, allows you to choose who in the area is or is not a!ected by it. +1 cost per rank.
Luck Control isn't a restible effect and is purely positive so that counters my previous comment
The thing is, it seems selective goes with area, or other powers and modifiers that apply to a mass of targets. This seems to me more like a targeted affect, such as regular healing, which won't effect people not targeted specifically.
She won't fall, but continue to hover. She won't be able to move
Feels like staying out of reach of ground bound people is half the value of flight, and like 80% the value of leviation.
The thing is, it seems selective goes with area, or other powers and modifiers that apply to a mass of targets. This seems to me more like a targeted affect, such as regular healing, which won't effect people not targeted specifically.
mmmmm, maybe this should be an area effect.
Functionally how it different to an area effect centered on ourselves?
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The thing is, it seems selective goes with area, or other powers and modifiers that apply to a mass of targets. This seems to me more like a targeted affect, such as regular healing, which won't effect people not targeted specifically.
That's fair, but in that case, it should only affect a single target rather than everyone within reach. It doesn't need Selective if it is only going for a specific target, but if you want to hit multiple targets within an area, you need Selective to pick and choose who gets affected within the area.