The world was always one full of conflict throughout its history, with nations fighting among themselves over territory, resources, feuds, ideology or rather just to leave a mark on history. Humanity, like any other sentient race, is one to fall to such a mindset.
However, society itself is also prone to inner conflict, one based on people who want to gain wealth and power on behalf of the suffering of the less fortunate. These people break the law and steal, kidnap, murder and deceive others in order to make live a comfortable life and sometimes even leave their mark upon society. They are called criminals, and the enforcers of society work to capture them.
However, there is another kind of law breaking that comes from a different perspective. Some people decide that they have to take law into their own hands and stand up to the criminals themselves, sometimes putting on masks to hide their true faces out of fear for their loved ones, and sometimes bravely declaring their intentions to stop the criminals without fear. The common thing about those two kinds of individuals is that they do what they do to protect society, act like enforcers and bring down criminals. They are called heroes.
Heroes may come in all shapes and sizes, and some come with weird abilities that are above regular humans, making them superheroes. Heroes and superheroes lived throughout many times of history, all the days of the Ancient Greek heroes up to the modern day, with them being branded criminals by one era, and celebrated as heroes in another.
You are one of those heroes. You are among the first of a generation in an era, and you will chance the course of history. Now in which era did you emerge?
[] The Old Tales of the West (1850-1890): You emerge at a time where most heroes would not wear masks, but the world still has heroes, whether it is the legendary gunmen of the Wild West, or whether it is the monster slayers of Western Europe.
-When did you emerge?
--[] The Gold Rush (1850): The Gold Rush in the United States of America has drove many people to move along the Oregon Trail into Sacramento in search of wealth. However, in many cities there are still many outlaws that need to be stopped and brought to the authorities to be hanged.
--[] Post-Civil War(1866): The American Civil War brought disaster upon the nation, and with a new president in office there are still so many troubles for the people and crime can come from anywhere, if the situation pushes for it.
--[] The rise of Prodigium (1891): In Europe monsters of the supernatural kind run in the shadows, waiting to strike at the innocent, just like the mysterious event that happened in Whitby, England. Now secret societies rise to hunt down these monsters.
[] The Golden Age of Superheroes (1930-1950): You emerge at the dawn of Superheroes, people who wear mask and fight criminals during the bleakest days of many nations in the Western World.
-When did you emerge?
--[] The Bleakest of Times (1930): The Western World is in shambles. America is suffering from The Great Depression and the prohibition of alcoholic beverages, which caused the rise of the Mafia to set empires of crime everywhere, while Germany is suffering with a crumbling republic. You are one of the first who's had enough and put on a mask to fight them.
--[] The Second World War (1940): The world is once again at war, with Germany trying to conquer Europe under its fascist regime. You are one of the heroes who might have to fight for one of the nations in a global disaster.
[] The Silver Age of Superheroes (1960-1985): You emerge at the childhood era of Superheroes, where everyone are starting to show strange power and flaunt them in the silliest ways possible. However, The Cold War and the Super Powered Arms Race bring another, darker side to the era. A side filled with espionage and fights from the shadows.
-When did you emerge?
--[] The Tense Times (1960): While on the surface everything seems hunky dory, under the surface there is a lot of friction with fear that the USA and the Soviet Union will attack one another. That still doesn't stop the new Superheroes on the block to show their silly powers to the world. However a new force comes into play: Supervillains.
--[] The Vietnam War (1965): America went to war with Vietnam, and the army took the nation's best sons, leaving only its worst. Now you must rise and help whatever Superheroes around deal with the rising power of Supervillains.
--[] The Bronze Era (1975): With the Vietnam War finally over, things are starting to move to a whole new area of grey as people are dissatisfied with the government and espionage becomes something to truly fear as corruption starts to stain governments as well.
[] The Dark Age of Superheroes (1986-1999): An alien invasion had shook the world. All the Superheroes of the Silver Age are either dead of too injured to keep on going, while Supervillains still live to keep on committing crimes. Now comes a new breed of heroes and Superheroes: one that doesn't hesitate to kill. Now they fight among one another and kill criminals left and right. Are you from the same kind of cloth, or do you wish to bring back the idealism of old?
-When did you emerge?
--[] The Dark Times (1990): The new Anti-Heroes are everywhere, fighting and killing criminals, fighting each other over territories and rights to kill criminals. Can you thrive in this new era?
--[] The Light in the Dark (1995): There is a new wave of Superheroes, one that wants to bring back the old kind of Super heroics, the ideologies of the Gold and Silver ages of heroes, in order to stop the madness of the Anti-Heroes. Are you one of those idealistic youths?
[] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
-When did you emerge?
--[] The New First Generation (2000): You are one of the first heroes who represents and defines this new era of Superheroes, alongside others with incredible powers, as mutants are now greater in numbers than any other time in history.
--[] The Second Generation (2010): You are in the same generation as many of the sidekicks of famous Superheroes who crafted themselves a reputation for the last decade, and you want to set yourself apart from everyone else.
--[] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.
Okay everyone, this is my first quest in this website and it takes place in my original setting. I hope you find this interesting and please enjoy. Now, the system that I'll use in this quest is that of Icons, which I'll leave a link right here.
This quest was also inspired by two quests: The first and my biggest inspiration is The First Hero: a First-Gen Superhero Quest by Photomajig, and the other is Black Widow Reincarnation Quest (Marvel/DC) by Auks, who thanks to him I've found the Icons system.
Since this follows the Icons system, the power scaling is that of the DCAU (Batman the Animated Series, Superman the Animated Series, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited).
Now your hero will have 6 abilities: 3 Physical and 3 Mental. There is a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest around: Prowess, Coordination, Strength, Intellect, Awareness and Willpower.
Prowess is the measure of your character's ability in close combat. Punching, kicking, counter attack and so on are all under Prowess.
Coordination is the measure of your dexterity and agility. Shooting, throwing, dodging and other uses of agility and dexterity fall under Coordination.
Strength represents your physical strength and endurance. Blocking, causing physical damage, bending and breaking objects and lifting objects falls under Strength. Strength also determines your character's Stamina (HP).
Intellect is your character's intelligence. Inventing something, solving a problem or otherwise using your smarts falls under intellect.
Awareness is a measure of a character's intuition and perceptiveness. Sensing danger, spotting something and working on instinct rather than analyzing a situation falls under awareness.
Willpower is your character's force of character and mental strength. It determines your character's Stamina (HP), affects social interactions and used when things like psychic powers are involved.
Stamina is your HP. The equation for your character's Stamina is the following: S (Stamina)=Sr (Strength)+W (Willpower).
The usual dice thrown in this system are two 1d6 dices, doing a mathematical equation of 1d6-1d6. In this quest I will use a 2d6-7 equation, which has the exact ratio of a 1d6-1d6 equation. The result ranges between 5 to -5. (Equation will be represented as A)
Tests are usually done by testing an Ability Stat/Power against an opposing difficulty number based on an opponent's Ability Stat, then adding modifiers of the equation roll result and a modifier from a Specialty. (Ability/Power will represented as X, Difficulty will represented as Y, Modifiers will be represented as B and Final Result will be represented as R)
The equation is (X+/-A+B)-Y=R or [X+(2d6-7)+B]-Y=R.
Backstory: You're a Russfuvzhk, an element in spirit form bound to an armor that used to live in another dimension. It was a hellhole for you to live in, with creatures constantly trying to hunt you down and kill you daily.
Since your element is time, you never aged like the others of your kind, causing your long lifespan to be a detriment, as you were constantly hunted down and attacked by others.
One day, you saw another being carve a portal to Earth, which you chased after. Upon arriving London, you decided to stop that creature from gaining power to subjugate humanity.
Wants to satisfy his curiosity of humans and their society and customs by studying it.
"The Ageless Seeker."
Calm In The Strom: Keeping a calm and serene mind is not only vital for a battle, but also for the efficient analysis of a situation. Even in highly stressful situations, Tik-Tock is able to remain calm.
Weakness: True Immortal beings are immune to your time related powers.
Socially Incompetent (Social)
Bad Reputation: The few beings, both heroes and villains, who are aware of the existence of the Russfuvozhks and the Timepool, seem not to have had good experience with them. In the best case, rejection or lack of trust is expected.
[] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
-When did you emerge?
--[] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.
January 1st, 2019,
Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and on that evening a plot to destroy Manhattan was prevented. Funny how things turn out when there are Superheroes in the world, with the last 19 years being the greatest times to be a powered individual.
Clinics around the world already have the technology that allows them to find the Mutagen of the Homo-Provectus, most commonly known as mutants. The Superhero Eclipso has made it possible for ships to fly in space to the moon in a matter of minutes, and even creating a colony up there, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. But what can you expect from the world's smartest man.
However, what makes it such a great period for Superheroes? The fact that there is the Freedom Society of America, or the FSA for short. At first the organization was founded to organize the heroes of America to protect the world from otherworldly threats, to prevent disasters like The Fzitian Invasion of 1985 from ever happening again, with the figureheads of this organization being the Trinity: Amaza, Space Samaritan and Eclipso.
Nowadays there are dozens upon dozens of heroes around the world either joining the Freedom Society, forming their own teams, work for the government or just fighting crime on their own. There are even schools to teach the newer generations how to control their powers.
However, with all the great additions there were also great calamities: Several alien invasions that caused massive amounts of damage to cities, wrathful beings who claimed to be gods that attacked the world in desire for worshipers, and dozens, if not hundreds of Supervillains causing chaos around the world, forming teams of their own and constantly threatening to break the balance and destroy the peace in the world.
Many politicians and world leaders died from their schemes, many cities were bombed in horrendous fashion, and many banks, stores and other legitimate businesses got robbed and targeted by Supervillains or the small, low-level thugs that serve them.
You are a newbie. You have decided to become a hero and fight crime, whether you have powers or not. You are not among the First Generation that inspired you, or the Second Generation who were known as sidekicks before heading their own paths away from their mentor.
You are someone who can define a new generation, a generation that was inspired by these older generation, but still wants to define themselves as their own kind of heroes and stand as equals to those you worship like gods.
However, who are you exactly? (Voting must by done in plan format!) -[] Name:
-[] Age:
-[] Gender:
-[] Physical Description (You may add a photo if you wish):
What is your Origin?
[] Trained: You are a regular human. You weren't born with Superpowers or got some supernatural or alien item to give you powers, but you've trained your body beyond a regular human and built yourself an arsenal of items to help you in your crime fighting. (+3 more Specialty Points, -2 Power Slots, Minimum Levels for Physical Abilities 4, Maximum Level of all Abilities 6, All powers come from items)
[] Transformed: You were once human, but an outside force turned you into a Superhuman being, whether it was an accident, a form of experiment, or a meeting of fate with some magical or supernatural being. (+2 to one Ability State of your choosing)
[] Birthright: You were born with Superpowers. Whether you got them from being a mutant (aka Homo-Provectus), or from being a hybrid of two races, usually a human and an alien, but sometimes two aliens or a human and a demon/angel. (+1 Additional Power OR +2 to a level of an existing Power)
[] Gimmick: You found an item that was either magical or alien in nature, and with it you received incredible powers, which you will use to fight crime. (+2 to a Mental Ability of your choice, either Intellect, Awareness or Willpower, All powers come from your gimmick)
[] Artificial: You were made. You are not human, but an artificial intelligence made in humanoid form, or you are a cyborg, a combination of man and machine. (+2 to Strength Ability, May choose Life Support Power as a Bonus Power)
[] Unearthly: You are not from planet Earth. You are an alien, a being from another dimension, an Avatar of an Old God or even a demon. You hold great power and you are different from everyone around you. (+2 to two Abilities of your choice, -1 Power Slot OR choose two other origins and gain their bonuses instead, though you will still not be from Earth)
What are your powers? (For Help, here is the Icons OGC Powers Page and the Hero Creation Page) [] Write-In
-What is your Initial Amount of Powers?
--[] 2
--[] 3
--[] 4
--[] 5
Where were you born?
[] New York City, USA
[] Los Angeles, USA
[] Tokyo, Japan
[] London, England
[] Write-In
What's your story? (Write a summery of your character's early life and what made him/her want to be a Superhero)
[] Write-In
Current Abilities (Depending on your choice of origin, please add the bonuses, or in case of the Trained Origin change all Prowess, Coordination and Strength to 4):
Prowess: 3
Coordination: 3
Strength: 3
Intellect: 3
Awareness: 3
Willpower: 3
Whoa, okay, not a long post, I know, but this is only the beginning. I hope you all enjoy this quest and thank you for your participation. In general the updates won't be long (at least for now) and I will do my best for this quest.
Goodnight y'all and I'd say voting is open.
[X] Plan A stich in time
-[X] Unearthly
--[X] Time Control
--[X] Teleportation
--[X] Precognition
-[X] Age: Undefineable
-[X] Appeance: This: again unless someone offers better.
-[X] Tick-Tock
-[X] The worlds changing, these days faster than ever. And while many of the changes are good, great even, some of them are catastrophic like 'I accidentally the Space Time Continuum' catastrophic. Tick has a lot to adapt to, but fortunately he knows that she'll succeed. Because it already has... will. Dammit why do humans insist on making time so hard with their 'Causality'.
Your name is Tick-Tock, a Russfuvozhk, an elemental spirit who had an armor bound around you. You had no age, which wasn't to say that you were an Immortal. No, true immortals do not exist in any realm that isn't outside of all realms. Your lack of age was a result of being a spirit made of the Timepool, the manifitation of the flow of time as a state of cosmic energy.
You were born in a different dimension than the one you were stuck at now. The dimension you lived most of your life was a hellhole for creatures who desired to devour one another for power, and you had to survive there at all cost. Honestly, despite being stuck on Earth for so long, you thank whatever outside entity that created you to make your fate be one that is not dying in some barren, searing hole in the ground of that horrible place. But you still learned some important lessons from staying there for however long you did.
What were the most important things that you've learned that helped you survive in the dimension you were born in? (Pick 4) [] Knowing how to fight properly, this saved your ass in hand-to-hand battles more times than you can count. You know how to throw a punch better than most creatures in your realm. (+2 to Prowess, gain Martial Arts Specialty)
[] Sharpening your instincts, dexterity, agility and reaction time, allowing you to dodge and avoid attacks from monsters and elemental beings who used ranged attacks against you. Despite the armor you are bound to, you're quite agile. (+2 Coordination, gain Acrobatics Specialty)
[] Strength is everything, without it you can't protect anything, let alone yourself. You made sure your body was strong enough to beat the average monsters that infested your realm. Your strength is greater than the average monster. (+2 Strength, gain Wrestling Specialty)
[] Know your enemy. Gathering data and analyzing it to understand and exploit your foes' weaknesses allowed you to win despite not being equal in strength. You are a master at analyzing your foes. You just need to find their weakneses first. (+2 Intelligence, gain the Analysis* Specialty [Custom Specialty, explanation at the end of the post])
[] You sharpened your senses, making sure you were never caught of guard and allowing your awareness to reach great heights. You could now notice whether your foes were tired and weakened or if someone was following you, as well as find them before they find you. (+2 Awareness, gain Investigation Specialty)
[] You strengthen your will to both resist the psychics who tried hunting you down and kill you, as well as form alliances with other beings in order to survive. You have a strength of character and the willpower to resist many psychic attacks. (+2 Willpower, gain Mental Resistance Specialty)
[] You learned that knowing your fate ahead of time would help you remain aware of the dangers that would follow you, allowing you to prepare ahead of time for the inevitable confrontation. It also aided you to predict the attacks of your foes mid-battle (+2 Precognition Power Level, +1 Prowess, +1 Coordination, +1 Awareness)
[] You learned how to better use your power to teleport, moving from place to place and attack in ways that would always catch your hunter/prey off-guard. You could consider yourself a capable teleporter. (+2 Teleportation Power Level, +1 Prowess)
One thing that you were struggling at was how to fully harness his full capabilities as a user of the Timepool. Unlike the godly Timemasters and those of the lower races that were chose to carry their powers, your use of the Timepool was very limited.
Since your creation, you could go back and foward in time for a very limited number of hours in your realm (though you notice that on Earth you can go decades ahead or back in time), but you were never able to manifest another power to control time itself. That was until that day...
It was the day in which you believed was where your fate had chose to end your existance. You were in a very sticky situation and badly wounded in a battle after being chased and hunted for a long time by a powerful Hellhound, and just when you stood up in a final attempt of a last stand against the hellish dog, and that's when you had awakened your other time-related power when you... (Pick 1)
[Your Time Control Power Level is set to level 5, so all of it's sub powers are going to be at level 5 as well, at least at the beginning.]
[] Created a round, transparent sphere that slowed down everything inside of it, allowing you to move normally and run circles around your foe, hitting it without much effort. You had managed to kill it just before you ran out of power to keep the strange sphere up. (Time Control Sub-Power: Super-Speed Level 5)
[] Created a round, transparent sphere that slowed down everything inside of it, allowing you to land in two punches on the hellish hound before it could react. You had managed to kill it with a bit more energy remaining. (Time Control Sub-Power: Fast Attack Level 5)
[] You touched it with your armored hand, causing the hellish hound's body to "freeze" in time. It had tried to struggle, with its success at breaking the prison varying. However, this gave you enough time to find something sharp enough to stab the mutt in the heart, killing it before it broke free of your time prison. (Time Control Sub-Power: Time Prison (Paralysis) Level 5)
[] You somehow summoned five versions of yourself, from other timelines, so they were somewhat different from you, the "original one". The six of you fought the Hellhound to the death, with only you remaining alive. (Time Control Sub-Power: Alternate Version Summoning (Duplicate) Level 5)
[] You were attacked and you believed yourself to die, but you were saved by two things: another being intervened and killed the Hellhound before it could land the final blow, and your second power awakened, putting you in suspended animation for 50 minutes, and when you woke up, the being that saved you was no more, merely leaving you a note. (Time Control Sub-Power: Suspended Animation* Level 5, gain Quality*: Connection: ???)
After you had discovered your second time ability, you continued your life as usual, surviving in a realm in which everything wanted you dead. It wasn't much of a life, but there was nothing you could possibly do about it. Or so you thought.
One day, you tracked a dimensional-traveling monster who had opened a portal to another dimension, intending to travel to Earth and rule over mankind. You yourself had a rather strong opinion about humans, with many of them wishing to go back in time and change something such as kill the dictator Adolf Hitler as a baby to save millions in the future.
You never liked that mind set of changing history, because it would just create a parallel alternate timeline that could be so much better or worse in so many aspects that were beyond the simple minds of most sentient beings in that dimension. Besides, why would someone change the past when it could erase some of the greatest achievements of humanity throughout all the long years of the 20th and 21st century. Times were now moving there faster and many lives are allowed to live peacefully now that they've got defenders against the wrathful old gods, something that your realm lacked.
When you thought of this monster's plans, you knew you had to stop it, or his actions could change a possible great future for humankind, so you followed him through the portal and arrived on Earth at the first month of 2019. You had no idea where you were until you saw... (Pick 1)
[] The Statue of Liberty (Your story starts in New York City)
[] The Eiffel Tower (Your story starts in Paris)
[] The Statue of the British hero Imperial (Your story starts in Leeds)
[] The Lincoln Memorial (Your story starts in Washington DC)
[] The Big Ben (Your story story starts in London)
[] Write-In on where Your story start at
Your current Abilities (you have +2 which you can give to any two abilities you desire, or as a +4 to one ability because of your choice of origin) [Must be done this turn!]:
Prowess: 3
Coordination: 3
Strength: 3
Intellect: 3
Awareness: 3
Willpower: 3
I'm also giving you 10 Buy Points for your Teleportation and Precognition Power Levels. The level you buy is determined by the amount of points you spend on it. For example, spend 6 points on Teleportation and your Teleportation Power Level will be 6. [Must be done this turn!]
(Important information):
Since I'm the Quest Master, I'm allowed to create custom Powers* and Specialities* that aren't on the Icons OGC pages explaining the game. So here is the custom Specialty you might choose. *Analysis: You're skilled at figuring things out, like how a situation could have played out from the evidence your given at a crime scene, little details about other people by small signs nobody else notices, and the Challenges* of other characters. Gives you a bonus to you Intellect rolls in those specific cases. *Powers: Powersput the "super" into Superhero characters. Like abilities, powers have levels rated on the 1 to 10 scale. Also like abilities, power levels are used for tests, although some powers require tests of other abilities as well; such as a close combat power requiring a Prowess test to hit a target. Other powers don't require tests; the power's level is just a measure of its effectiveness. (Taken from this page because it's the best explanation there is for powers in the Icons System) *Spcialities: Specialties provide a bonus with an ability when performing a specific action or operating in a predetermined field of expertise. (Used from this page because it's short, to the point and all you need to know to understand the basics of it) *Qualities: Qualities are aspects of your Superhero character that are positive: Catchphrase, Epithet, Motivation, Connections (the people who are important in your life), Identity and generaly good personality traits of your character.
Each character in the Icons System has a maximum of 5 Qualities. *Challenges: Challenges are the aspects of your Superhero character that are negative: Personal Issues, Weaknesses (like Superman's Kryptonite), Enemy (an arch-nemesis with a personal vandetta against you who will often go against you), Social (you might have bad press our something that makes people think bad things about you) and it could just be Bad Luck. A character has up to a maximum of 5 Challenges.
Now, all of the options, including the spread of the points, must be done in plan format.
[X] The Analyst
[X] Know your enemy. Gathering data and analyzing it to understand and exploit your foes' weaknesses allowed you to win despite not being equal in strength. You are a master at analyzing your foes. You just need to find their weakneses first. (+2 Intelligence, gain the Analysis* Specialty [Custom Specialty, explanation at the end of the post])
[X] You sharpened your senses, making sure you were never caught of guard and allowing your awareness to reach great heights. You could now notice whether your foes were tired and weakened or if someone was following you, as well as find them before they find you. (+2 Awareness, gain Investigation Specialty)
[X] You strengthen your will to both resist the psychics who tried hunting you down and kill you, as well as form alliances with other beings in order to survive. You have a strength of character and the willpower to resist many psychic attacks. (+2 Willpower, gain Mental Resistance Specialty)
[X] You learned that knowing your fate ahead of time would help you remain aware of the dangers that would follow you, allowing you to prepare ahead of time for the inevitable confrontation. It also aided you to predict the attacks of your foes mid-battle (+2 Precognition Power Level, +1 Prowess, +1 Coordination, +1 Awareness)
[X] You touched it with your armored hand, causing the hellish hound's body to "freeze" in time. It had tried to struggle, with its success at breaking the prison varying. However, this gave you enough time to find something sharp enough to stab the mutt in the heart, killing it before it broke free of your time prison. (Time Control Sub-Power: Time Prison (Paralysis) Level 5)
[X] teleportation level 4 precognition 6(8)
[X] +4 intellect
[X] The Big Bang
The analysis
Mental Resistance
You find yourself at the city of London at the first day of the year 2019, looking at the Big Ben at the distance, standing at the middle of the street. By the look of it, it was dawn and nobody was around. Good, it would cause quite a ruckus if people would see a weird being from another dimension coming to their world through an inter-dimensional portal carved by some sort of monster. Your appearance didn't help either, as you seemed like an exaggerated version of what they would believe is a medival knight. You couldn't be seen because of course it would catch the attention of their Superheroes, their powered guardians, and even you're not sure you'll come out unscathed in that situation. The portal to your realm closes and you bolt as fast as you can out of there. (Challenge gained (Social): Appearance- Your appearance is off-putting to others, making them scared or suspicious of you.)
You hide in an alleyway as you look around and study your surroundings, that's what your big brain is for. You try to see if you can find the monster that cut the portal open, but it is long gone. You know you need to find this thing and stop it, but you don't know where to look or what to do in order to get as less attention as possible, because whatever it's planning, it can't be good news to this dimension, and right now you're the only one capable of saving it from this sticky situation.
You process all your thoughts at the span of a second before the realization hits you. You can't fight it alone, as you don't know enough information about it and you're not that powerful in terms of combat. You needed to gather information and allies first. The former was what your brilliant mind was made for, with your legendary levels of intellect, which matched those of the human king Solomon, which was given to him by the Big Y himself.
In the span of a second, you already had a plan for the latter. The answer to getting allies to fight that monster was as clear as day. You needed to recruit the heroes of this dimension, most notably those you could find in this country, to support you in saving the world, if that monster truly was a threat. You'd just have to become a hero of this dimension yourself, which wouldn't be so hard since the average person is much weaker than the average creature in the realm you were created. If you would get some heroes to help you, great, but if you don't, then there is nothing you could do but confront the monster itself, once you find it, of course.
You climb on the wall of a building with an insane amount of effort, managing to reach the roof. You then jump from roof to roof, looking for a place from above that would better suit yourself for a hiding spot, or at least to find some sort of what would be considered a "crime" in this dimension. That would be quite difficult, since not only would the definition of what a "crime" in this society would be vastly different from your dimension, but your sense of morality is probably very different from those heroes in this dimension, because you had to fight for survival for your entire life.
As you go from roof to roof, you think of the idea of becoming a hero, but there are so many aspects of it that are probably more nuanced than just wearing a silly get-up and give yourself a silly name. You thought of giving yourself one, but you have dignity and pride to belittle yourself like that, though it's still a possibility. Plus, your regular name would probably fit just as well. You also can't change your appearance, so there is no need to keep the secrets about who you are. (Quality gained (Identity): Creature from Another Dimension)
Beome a Hero (Votes must be in Plan Format): Superhero Name? [] Y/N
-[] Write-In (In case you vote Yes)
Costume: (You can't have a costume because your spirit is bound to your armor.)
Qualities (Write-In Up to 4): The good aspects of your character:
Catchphrase: What is a signature quote you say as a battle-cry or in general? (Example: "It's clobberin' Time" -The Thing, Marvel Comics) Connections: The people that have close relationships with you (Example: Family, Friends etc.). Epithet: A title or descriptive applied to your character, often used for dramatic dialog (Example: "World's Greatest [fill-in-the-blank]"). Give yourself one and maybe later on others will give you more epithets. Motivation: What makes you choose to help others, to protect and save the people of this dimension that you don't know from this threat, instead of joining the dimension-travelling monster? (Tell it as a story that was not touched upon in your origin that makes you want to be a hero.) Other Qualities: What other good things do you have about you? (Example: Personality traits, ideology, etc.)
(You don't have to do one from each. You can do several from one category.)
Challenges (Write-In Up to 4): The Aspects of your character that can be used against you: Bad Luck: The universe simply hates you. You don't know what you did to piss off the creator himself, but existance itself seems to hate you. When you're challenged and compelled, bad things happen (Example: Peter Parker is always broke or has issues holding a job, dealing with his relationships etc.). Weaknesses: Are there any weaknesses that you suffer from? Elements that can cause you damage or things that nullify your powers? (Example: Kryptonite for Superman) Personal: What issues and fears you character has, ranging from psychological to physical? (Example: Claustrophobia, Berzerk Temper, being bound to a wheelchair etc.) Social: What challenges you in terms of how others react to you? Is your appearance scary and causes concern? Do you have bad press?
(You don't have to do one from each. You can do several from one category.)
You hide as best as you can in the shadows of alleyways during the day, trying not to show yourself to others, rather watch everyone else going through their lives. After all, humans did intrigue you very much in how they managed to differentiate themselves from the sentient races you knew in the hellhole you called home by the way they used their knowledge and awareness of their nature.
In your world, every race used their own awareness and sentience just to make themselves better hunters or to lord themselves over a group of weaker beings than them, it always sickened you to no end. Humans, on the other hand, used that same sentience to make a society that constantly evolved not just in the way of war and killing, but in the ways of unity and peaceful existence, though that was still a very long way away for them.
You use your skills to keep yourself up on the rooftops of apartment condos, looking down with keen eyes and gathering all the details on your surrounding. The streets are more filthy than you'd imagine and filled with people walking in it that you don't know how so many people could walk on it. The smell of the air is both fresh, yet still feels more dirty and polluted than you believed it too be from what you've heard about this dimension. Though the clouds and rain are new to you and are simply mesmerizing against your metallic body.
You had decided earlier during the day become a hero, or what this society defines as a Superhero. You just have to figure out how to do it. For hours you had been stuck in thought about what you should do in order to make sure these people would define you as a hero rather than a threat than needs to be taken down.
During these hours that you watched people walking along the road, entering buildings to eat, meet other people and go to work in their non-exciting places. Your mind was able to think of multiple things. At one point you even look into the window of an office building and you see a man doing something that you didn't know how to exactly define it except for boring, and he seemed to absolutely despise it.
You wonder why someone would hate to get to do something so uneventful? After running and fighting for dear life for however long you've lived, which you don't even know, you would gladly switch places with that man.
As your thoughts go on in the hours you've spent hiding in the shadows, you remembered some books that reached this dimension to your own, which you've taken and started to learn reading and writing from. How you learned so much from those was all thanks to your intellect. Anyway, some said that these people define heroes as those who help others, so you'd have to go for that.
You spend the rest of the day inspecting and analyzing the humans down there and looking for some sort of event to stop to introduce yourself as a hero. You look for hours and nothing really happens. You jump from rooftop to rooftop, looking in alleyways, but you don't find anything. Not to mention the fact that you still haven't found a single trace of the monster that opened the portal to this world.
The monster. How could you forget the monster that you were chasing? You had seen a bit of it, not much, but enough distinct features to become sure of the kind of being it was and what do you have to look for.
[] It was definitely a Nightshade. Tall, slime humanoid, long and thin arms and legs. It's limbs were like sticks and it's skin was a dark-grey in color. The most distinct trait was the long fin at the center of his head. The problem with fighting it is its insane agility.
[] It was definitely a Drajophus. Humanoid appearance with large wings and horns that head downwards, spiky exoskeleton covering the body. It's a race that tends to travel to other dimensions. The problem is it's definitely way too powerful for you to handle alone.
[] It was definitely a Zhumper. A large cat-like head over a humanoid body, fat and short arms that contradict it's lower appearance of long, muscular legs and three long tails with miniature heads to each one. Physically it's easy to beat, but it's sound blasts are pretty powerful.
As you think about the being that you should hunt down, you notice that the sun is starting to set, coloring the sky in a yellow-orange-red glow of the twilight sunset. It has been a long day and it has passed pretty quickly for you. Then again, you were a spirit that was made from the Timepool, time was nothing to you, as well to the truly immortal beings your powers could never affect, but that was beside the point.
At that point you finally hear something, your keen sense of awareness finding out a noise that could lead to an event that you could solve. You quickly run as fast as you can, following the source of the noises that you hear and ring through your consciousness.
You jump from rooftop to rooftop, climb down the fire escape of an apartment building, entering the alleyway in which you start traversing towards the origin of the sounds. Now you could hear what was going down better, but you wanted to get all the details and assess the situation with what sight could add to the situation and your understanding of it.
You finally reach the source of origin from where the sounds come from. What is the event that you see before your eyes? What information do you proceed to take away from this sight? In case you want to act, what is your plan in assisting to solve the situation?
[] The noises you heard were those of fire trucks, trying to put out a fire in an apartment building that had several of its floors burning. From the fire fighters trying to break down the doors and enter, they are either trying to find out the source of the fire and put it out, or there are still people in that building.
-[] How are you going to try and assist in solving this event using all of your powers at your disposal?
[] The noises you heard were those of a battle taking place in the middle of the streets. It seems a person of some sort is fighting the law enforcers of this city. They are firing their weapons but he dodges them quit easily.
-[] How are you going to try and assist in solving this event using all of your powers at your disposal?
[] The noises you heard were of a woman screaming, another, younger woman holding her at guy point, attempting to take her bag from her. Apparently greed is common to all sentient beings.
-[] How are you going to try and assist in solving this event using all of your powers at your disposal?
Hello everyone. Sorry if this was a bit short, but events will start pilling up during the prologue, which will end with your confrontation against the being that opened the dimensional portal. Right now I'm giving you the choice to decide what you'll be facing and how you introduce yourself to the world. Not anything big and a bit cliche with the events, so I hope I can do better in the future.
Also, here are the difficulty levels for each of the creatures: Zhumper I would say is the "easiest" of the three, being pretty slow because his body has trouble with a top half that contradicts its lower half, and physically it isn't a huge threat, but it's sound blasts are pretty powerful.
Nightshade are quick and good combatants, low strength but still deadly as they have high Coordination and pretty good Prowess as well. It's Willpower and Intellect are pretty bad though.
Drajophus are really troublesome, with a jack-of-all-trait and high Strength. It's also a demon, so its very powerful with its Darkness and Fire Manipulation powers. It will take several heroes, and pretty strong ones to take it down. Good luck against that.
[X] It was definitely a Drajophus. Humanoid appearance with large wings and horns that head downwards, spiky exoskeleton covering the body. It's a race that tends to travel to other dimensions. The problem is it's definitely way too powerful for you to handle alone.
[X] The noises you heard were those of fire trucks, trying to put out a fire in an apartment building that had several of its floors burning. From the fire fighters trying to break down the doors and enter, they are either trying to find out the source of the fire and put it out, or there are still people in that building.
-[X] You will teleport into the building where people are in danger and then teleport out with them. You know exactly where to teleport because you just used precognition to see future you telling you where the people are.
You finally land on top of a rooftop that is the closest to the source of the noise without being too close to being seen, which you wouldn't want just yet if what you desire for your first "Heroic Appearance" to have the element of surprise. You were so curious about why humans were so drawn to the dramatic effect. Maybe it was something that evolved in their consciousness from the norms of their societies.
The scene before you was of a burning building, with several fire trucks at the scene using water to put out some of the fire at the upper floors, while ladders are spread towards windows and several men in their job's strange gear try to break the door with saws and crowbar, as if they are being gentle not to keep everything from escalating.
[Looking at the burning building and the fire fighters to assess the situation passively activates you Analysis Specialty]
Well, by the looks of the scene, there are probably several rooms with people in the building, most of them in the upper floor, seeing as most of the effort to let the fire fighters enter the windows of the upper floors. It also tells you that the origin of the fire was in one of the lower floors and that the fire spread upwards throughout the entire building. The reason there are some of these professionals who are entering from the entrance of the building is probably to locate and shut off the source of the flames itself.
Risky yet very interesting. Perhaps you should teach yourself in the future.
Well, apparently time is not something that can be wasted in this situation, given the rush everyone of these professionals is in, or perhaps they are very stressed, as even if their heavy jackets are covering their body, the stiffness of their movements in the shoulders area suggest that their muscles do not get to relax and release the pressure that accumulates.
Fortunately, you have several powers, even if you can't stop time like the Timemasters and their chosen, you can still see into the future better than most beings in existence who aren't of a higher state of Being. You can also teleport, giving you the perfect utility of skills to prevent any casualties in this crisis.
Tick-Tock performs a test of his Precognition's Power Level (8) against the Difficulty and Obscurity of the Details of the Event (3), plus rolls a 2d6-7 to add or reduce to the score: Without modifier: 8-3=5
2d6-7 modifier roll: 0 Final Result: (8+/-0)-3= 5 Massive Success!
You close your eyes and let your mind to be wiped clean. When you succeed clearing your head, you open your eyes as your vision turns as cyan. You look at the event and you quickly see everything that is going to happen. On the western side of the building you see an apartment in which a woman and a small human in her arms... you mean her child, are stuck inside and would be rescued by the professional fire fighters in 23.004 seconds and both would leave the building by climbing the ladder outside of the window in the end of the hallway that leads to their apartment, reaching the ground in 3 minutes and 54.9 seconds from this exact moment. You'll make that time shorter.
Tick-Tock performs a test of his Teleportation Power Level (4) against of the Teleportation Difficulty (2). Without modifiers: 4-2=2
2d6-7 modifier roll: 1 Final Result: (4+1)-2= 3 Major Success!
You immediately start feeling the red surge of energy within you armored shell as you immediately jump off the roof, disappearing in a bright yet quick crimson-red flash of light. You appear exactly where you wanted, in the apartment of the woman, right next to the person in question, who is putting a piece of wet cloth on the mouth of the child in her arms.
[Your strange appearance and sudden arrival frighten and startle the woman. Your Appearance Challenge is in effect]
She sees you and scream at the top of her lungs as he body starts to shake and she cradles the child in her arms much tighter than before. You wouldn't blame her, but now was not the time to slowly calm her down, you had the lives of others to preserve.
You extend your hand towards her. "Come with me if the lives of your daughter and yourself matter to you." you tell her as the expression in her eyes are enough to show you that this could be difficult.
She reluctantly extends her right arm towards you as the door is knocked open by a kick of the fire fighter, who suddenly jumps as he sees you. "Who the bloody hell are you?! This place is dangerous!" he shouts at you angrily and with suspicion. You don't have the time to spend on him, so you suddenly grab the woman's arm as you look at the fire fighter.
"I'm here to help." you tell him before a red flash of light teleports you out of the apartment and into the street, right in front of all the fire fighters, the medics and the police that were now arriving as well.
You see the future once more. Right now the rest of the attendants of the apartments of the upper floors are starting to get rescued in a well enough pace, so you don't have to worry about that. What you do have to worry about are the old man on the second floor and his assistant, who were knocked out from inhaling the Carbon Dioxide from the smoke that the fire caused, and are 31.2 seconds from dying. Apparently nobody noticed them so they will be forgotten and only discovered when after the fire will die out. You will save them.
With a red flash of light you disappear from the street and appear in the apartment within 2 seconds. You look around in the living room and you find the two. One is an elderly man in his early seventies who is incapable of walking as there is a wheelchair in the room. His aid is a woman in her forties and dark skin tone, weights about 183 pounds. You know you have enough time to save them both, but with the older man you need to be more careful, so you cradle his body in your arms, lifting him up with difficulty, luckily he only weighted about 127 pounds, which you could handle with a lot of effort.
You immediately teleport back to the street and put the elderly man down before teleporting once more, ignoring the sounds of the "Hey you!" calls from the fire fighters and maybe even the arriving police and medic. You have less than twenty seconds now. You arrive back into the apartment, find the lady, touch her back and teleport outside. Those two now stood a better chance at living rather than being left for dead.
You felt... proud? Complete? Whatever the sensation you felt was called by humans, it was new to you, and it felt wonderful. You were so used to taking lives in your shitty hellhole dimension that you never had the chance to save another being in your live. Now you saved four and you don't really understand how it makes you feel except for a certain level of happiness. Is this what heroes go through every day? These feelings and questions really make you curious at all of this heroic profession.
"Don't you move a muscle!" your thoughts are cut off when you see several of this city's law enforcers surround you and aim their ranged weapons at you. You don't need to do anything, you can just talk to them and try and calm them down. But then again, you assume nobody would trust you with how you looked. The way the woman screamed tell you the entire story.
"Who are you?" one of the enforces of this city's laws asks you. She is definitely a female, her frame is definitely more slender than her male counterparts and she possesses the outside physical differences between the two genders. She by the heavy makeup on her cheeks, the colored nails and the eyeliner tell you that this woman likes to look good around others. Why this is important? It isn't. You just can't stop analyzing little details, it can sometimes make you space out.
Well, perhaps you should respond: [] "The better question you should ask is "What are you?", as I myself am not of the same sentient species such as yourself. I am searching for your Superheroes. I mean no harm, and surrendering myself to you on my own accords seems like the plausible way of reaching them."
[] "I am Tick-Tock. I am not from this dimension and I seek help. I am also a... "Superhero" if that's how you call it."
[] "I am not from this dimension, and I seek allies to stop a powerful demon.
[] Say nothing and just fall on your knees as a sign of surrendering.
Well, this was pretty good on my behalf. Took me a while, but I hope you liked it well enough. Next time you will get interrogated in the police station and meet either a hero or a ...person of interest. Have a good time, your free to have a discussions and ask questions.
[X] "The better question you should ask is "What are you?", as I myself am not of the same sentient species such as yourself. I am searching for your Superheroes. I mean no harm, and surrendering myself to you on my own accords seems like the plausible way of reaching them."
You look at the officers around you, only to stare back at the female who asked you the last question. "The better question you should ask is "What are you?", as I am not of the same sentient species as yourself." you tell her as she looks at you with a confused look. By that expression you figured that what you said probably felt unnatural for her to hear as she looked at her fellow law enforcers, who just shrugged.
Another officer looks at you with a determined look in his eyes that were filled with suspicion. The way his mouth twitches, the low growling sound he makes as he looks at you. It appears that he did not have a good experience with otherworldly beings. Perhaps he was nearly killed by one or he lost an important person to one? Honestly, having to confront all this new information was really intriguing! You really needed to start learning to understand and figure out their emotions. By the higher beings, you needed to know.
The law enforcer raised up his ranged weapon at you. "Hands in the air now, you bloody demon! If your arms aren't up by the time I count to three, I'll shoot you dead!" he shouted angrily as you were startled. Okay, so you needed to tell them that you wouldn't harm them? Okay, you weren't used to talk a lot in your dimension with others, so you hope your intellect is enough.
"Wait!" you shout as you quickly raise your hands in order to make sure they knew not to target you as a threat. "I am searching for your Superheroes. I mean no harm, and surrendering myself to you on my own accords seems like the plausible way of reaching them." you say with urgency in your voice, which comes out with a metallic echo because of your armored shell.
A bald law enforcer with a thick lump of hair in between his mouth and nose (is that what they call a mustache?) looks at with suspicion before lowering his weapon. "That would be a good assumption." he says before looking at the rest of the people surrounding you. "Alright everyone, lower your arms and take him to the station! We don't need to this during a crisis. There are fire fighter and civilians around. We'll talk there." he says as everyone but the aggressive law enforcer lowers their weapons.
The bald man looked at the aggressive one. "For God's sake, Winston, lower your gun!" he shouted angrily as he walked towards the law enforcer that still pointed his weapon at you and glared at you angrily. The man continues to glare at you for several seconds before lowering his weapon and walks away with frustration while mumbling something under his breath.
The man with the mustache then leads you to his vehicle and opens the door to the back seat. "Right now we're taking you to the station. We'll let the fire fighters do their jobs, so tell us everything in the station." he tells you calmly as you sit down on the back seat and he closes the door.
You had been inside the station for some time, sitting in a small room with a large mirror next to a door, a table and several chairs. In front of you sat the mustached man and the woman who had surrounded you before, asking you about who you were, where you came from, how you arrive to London in the first place and the like.
"So let's review what you told us once more. Your name is Tick-Tock, you come from another dimension called the "Hot Crimson Canyon"?" he asks as he scratches his head from just saying the name of the hellish place you lived all your life.
"That's correct." you tell him as you speak with calm and patience. They were probably not the people to deal with the kind of trouble that brought you here on a daily basis, so digesting the information was probably harder for them. And besides, patience is a virtue and calmly helping others would make things move quickly rather than cause trouble.
The man continued to examine and read the information you gave him. "and you came here by a portal opened by another being from a demonic race called Drajophus? What a mouthful." he commented to himself.
You put your hands on the table. "Indeed, I came here to stop whatever ploy he has for this dimension. However, I would be squashed like an ant if I go against him alone... Wait, is the term correct? "Crush me like an ant"?" you ask the pair of cops as they just look at each other with tired expressions on their faces. Clearly they aren't used to deal with someone who isn't antiquated with their costumes and they are either too stressed or too impatient to deal with the disconnect between them and yourself.
"Ronald, we should have called for the heroes to come here the moment we arrived." the woman says as she has a concerned expression on her face.
"I suppose I should've." the older man with the mustache says as you just wait patiently for them to address you.
"Ronald." the voice of the aggressive cop from before is heard around the room. Oh, they have ways to pass sound into the room though technology, very interesting! "The freak has a visitor, someone who claims to be more capable of handling the demon." he says with contempt as he regards you as a demon.
You still wonder why he calls you a demon. Demons are much more powerful than you are, and if he refers to the hellish minions of Hell itself, then comparing you to those things is nothing but a bad joke. The strongest of demons there, the Three Demon Kings are essentially on par with some of the stronger Old Gods. So comparing you to those just shows you how little these humans knew about Hell. Well, they are all the better for it. The less they know, the more blessed they are.
Cutting your thoughts was the sound of the door opening, with someone new entering the room alongside the man who aimed his firearm against you the longest of all the law enforcers. (Pick 1) [] He was a man with broad shoulder and a bit of a chubby frame. He had a silver-white Goatee, small blue eyes and a dark-grey hair combed back nicely. He wore a long-sleeved white shirt with a dark-grey jacket over it, with matching dark-grey pants. He wore black leather gloves and wore a tie with a colorful pattern. "Evening Russfuvzhk, my name is Doctor Henry Jekyll." [You receive help from Prodigium. You'll be connected through Henry Jekyll]
[] He was a man with athletic build in a black and dark-green combat armor that was used by modern human armies, but he had an enchantment written on his left hand, or rather carved into his hand. His face looked pretty young even with several scars across it. "Hello there. I'm with an organization that specializes in the supernatural community. Call me Harker. Quincy Abraham Harker III." [You receive help from Prodigium. You'll be connected through Quincy Harker III]
[] She was a woman with long, snow white hair, something new to you. She wore a green spandex suit with an emblem of a silver shield at the center of it. She had some small wrinkles around her mouth and had a mask of green cover up everything from the nose up and stared at you quietly. She was a veteran hero for sure. [You receive help from The Royal Defenders. You'll be connected through Iron Shield]
[] He was a tall and slim young man wearing a grey and white short tank top with a black coat with red trim around the collar and wrists, with filthy brown pants and big brown boots. There was also a necklace with a red amulet on it. He looked at you with a very dismissive and apathetic look on his face. "So you're the ugly shitface I need to drag to the headquarters?" [You receive help from The Royal Defenders. You'll be connected through Red Dragon]
[] She was a young woman wearing a black and purple dress tank top and wore a black mini skirt, as well as long black pair of stockings that reached above her knees. She had heavy black makeup all over her face and her red hair was raised up in a Mohawk. She had rings over all of her fingers and markings of snakes over her entire upper half of her body. She keeps a stoic face as she looks at you. "Seems the waves of mysticism had called us both here. I am Madam Cobra" [You receive help from Order of the Black Book. You'll be connected through Madam Cobra]
[] He is a young man wearing a long, black leather coat with dark-purple trim over the highlights over his exposed torso. His leather pants were held tight around his body and his athletic frame had markings of birds and incantations over his chest. His hair was black and it completely covered the right side of his face with a long bang. "Darkness has guided me here, to assist you in your quest. I am that I am, but you can call me Vertigo." [You receive help from Order of the Black Book. You'll be connected through Vertigo]
Hello everyone. Here is the update for the next part of your story, where you get to meet the organization you will be working with during the prologue to take down the Drajophus and after. Each organizations have their pros and cons, which I will go over tomorrow in another post (since I need to go sleep because work, work, work). So don't judge the only known organization based on some shitty movie that misused them (*cough* The Mummy *cough*), or the fact that one of the Superhero organizations have the equivalent of Donte.
Just pick whichever sounds the most interesting.
[X] She was a young woman wearing a black and purple dress tank top and wore a black mini skirt, as well as long black pair of stockings that reached above her knees. She had heavy black makeup all over her face and her red hair was raised up in a Mohawk. She had rings over all of her fingers and markings of snakes over her entire upper half of her body. She keeps a stoic face as she looks at you. "Seems the waves of mysticism had called us both here. I am Madam Cobra" [You receive help from Order of the Black Book. You'll be connected through Madam Cobra]
The new person who entered the room was a woman who seemed very young in human standerds, or maybe just younger than the female law enforcer. She was wearing a black and purple tank top and a black mini-skirt, showing a lot of her skin, which she covered with a pair of black stockings that reached all the way up above her knees. She had metallic silver and gold rings across all her fingers, with an equal number of every ring color. Each ring also had some sort of gem on it and she had markings of snakes in both black and dark-purple colors all across the upper half of her body, which contrasted with her pale skin tone.
She looks at you for several seconds with a stoic and emotionless expression on her face. Usually you're very good at reading others, but she seems to try very hard to not show any emotions.
The GM performs an awareness test for Tick-Tock to notice the details of the interaction between the woman and the cop. Difficulty of the test:4. Test without Modifier: 6-4=2 2d6-7 Modifier:2 Final Outcome: (6+2)-4=4 Major Success!
You see that she looks at the officer next to her (Winston was his name?) and you see her putting her left hand behind her back, slipping something into his hand in a way that the others in the room wouldn't notice, but you do. Not that you understand why it's so important that it should be done without others noticing? Is that supposed to be wrong or something? Honestly human customes are going to be intriguing to learn.
The officer the says something silently to the lady, whispering to her. You of course notice that he's whispering, you're not stupid. You try to focus your senses to hear what he says, but you already missed some of what he said to her. "You owe me, freak." he tells the young woman, to which you see a scowl form on her face as she walks around the table and stands beside the two other cops.
"I request that you all leave the room and watch from outside. It is the wish of head of my order that I and I alone stay in the room with this creature." she says as she stands there next to the two law enforcers with her stoic and emotionless face as she just waits for the two to get up and exit the room.
The mustached officer rolls his eyes as he gets up. "Alright fine, I'll let you and your "order" of pretentious kids talk to him, but we're watching. Come Patty." He says with an irritated and defeated tone to his voice as he walks towards the door and the chubby law enforcer who had shown quit a dislike to you. The female officer follows suit, and not that long after, all of the officers leave the room and close the door behind them, leaving you alone with the mysterious woman.
There is silence in the air as you look at the woman. You can tell that she could be a threat to you, her aura radiates a cold confidence that honestly makes you a bit uncomfortable. Of course you had some skills in a fight, but you don't want to rush into anything. Maybe you should start a conversation and see where that takes you? Perhaps you can recruit her as an ally against the Drajophus, if that's isn't what she and her order come here for.
Suddenly you see her open her hand as a grimoire with a big, black and thick cover as a black, smokey aura started to cover her. "Seems the waves of mysticism has called us both here. I am Madam Cobra." she says with a called and detached tone to her voice as suddenly the book opens and a small portal appears above the pages of the open book in her left hand.
Suddenly all the snake markings that covered her entire upper body started to crawl along her pale-white skin slowly, hissing while they do. When each snake reaches the fingers of the woman, one leaps from her fingers and lands on the table, the first one is rather long and pretty big. Not as big as the reptilian creatures of your dimension, which were the size of small hills, but still big. One after another more and more snakes landed on the table and glared at you.
You look at the reptilian creatures and then look at the woman. Did she just summon them to scare you? Are these familiars of sort? This is definitely magic, and it is rather interesting. "So it seems." you say calmly as you show that while you are careful, you aren't intimidated by her summoning. "So are you here to rid you dimension of me? Or are you here because of the looming threat that I try to oppose to? Did you come here to cement an alliance between your order and myself?" you inquire as you request to know the meaning of her visit.
Madam Cobra smirks with her black-colored lips, showing a sign of emotion for the first time since she has entered the room. "Quit intelligent. Our order has never contacted a Russfuvzhk with intelligence beyond the simple defire to destroy anything around them." she tells you as she closes the grimoire and puts both hands on the steel table, her fingertips touching each other. "I represent the Order of the Black Book. Our leader has seen your actions today and was interested, so he sent me to question you." she tells you as her familiars slide across the table.
You look at the snakes with suspision. You're not going to let your guard down. You never did in your hellhole of a dimension. "As you see," you hear the voice of the young woman continues on to talk. "Our organization has already surpassed the flaws of humanity. We are beyond carnal desires, materialistic needs or even our biological functions," she explains a bit about her order of people as you suddenly notice one of the purple snakes rolls its eyes, much to your confusion.
You raise your eyes to look at the woman with the black makeup and red Mohawk. "So you want me to introduce myself? Well then, my name is Tick-Tock, a time-spirit Russfuvzhk, and I come to this dimen-" you start to explain to her as you suddenly hear a howling noise.
Suddenly a black portal with dark-purple edges opens up on the wall behind Madam Cobra, which sends winds of dark energy that push like a breeze against you metal-covered shell. You see that from that portal two people appear as they walk out of it.
The first on to come out is a very tall man with a raven-black, long-sleeved shirt with crimson-red trim over the highlights of the shirt, which is cut a bit beneath the chest area, revealing his entire midrift. He also wears a pair of black leather pants which are tied with a black belt with a silver belt buckle. He has heavy black makeup all over his face, especially heavy markings around the eyes. His black hair is combed back in a slick manner and he has a large black wolf with golden eyes walking beside him.
The second person to pass through the portal was a young man who wore no shirt over his chest, and instead wore a long, black leather jacket with dark-purple trim over its highlights. His leather pants were held tight around his legs and was tied well with a black belt with a golden belt buckle. On his exposed torso were markings of birds, similar to the markings on Madam Cobra's arms before the incantation that summoned her familiars. He also had black hair that covered the right side of his face with a long bang over it.
"Evening. Darkness has called my ever glorious presence to come and assist you in your quest of balance between light and darkness." he says to you as he sits beside Madam Cobra, looking at the woman. "Has he told you what you wanted to hear?" he asks her right in front of you.
The red-head shakes her head. "No, he only told me that his name is Tick-Tock, and that he is a Russfuvzhk whoes element is time. He has not told me his reason for coming to our dimension." she explains to the leader of her order, completely ignoring your presence. Well, time to change that.
(Pick 2) [] Adress to Madam Cobra
-[] "As I was saying, I came here chasing a being of a race called Drajophus. One that came here to enslave the human race."
-[] "Are you going to introduce your allies to me? I assume that they are from the order and the one sitting beside you is the leader, while the other is a teleporter."
-[] "I'm quite interested in you type of magic. What can your familiars do? []Adress the tall man (Black Howler).
-[] "Who exactly are you? I assume your familiar is the one with the teleporting ability, but I desire to know more than assumptions."
-[] "Is that your familiar? Does it have a name? [] Adress the man with the coat. (Vertigo)
-[] "I assume you're the leader? What does your order do? Do you fight beings from other realms?"
-[] "What are your familiars? which realm do they come from?
-[] "If you wish to know why I'm here, you'll have to ask me. However, since I've been patient for this long, I'll let you know. I'm here to stop a Drajophus to enslave the human race."