Turn Five - The League and the Lance
- Location
- London, England
Land of chivalry and honour, where god-blessed nobles rule with wisdom from their glittering castles and peasants toil loyally in the field. It is a proud land, where every petty knight can recite his lineage back to the very founding of the nation and defend it with steel and blood. Under the leadership of King Louen, called 'Orc-Slayer' by his subjects, Bretonnia stands as one of the mightiest nations in the Old World, rivalled only by cold Kislev and the reclusive Dawi in their mountain holds.
The friendship of such people is a prize beyond merit, the sworn aid of their knights a military asset without peer, and so it is no surprise to find the Royarch's Court all but overrun by foreign dignitaries and prominent figures from across the world. In 2204 by the Imperial Calendar, the alliance of sigman nations known as the Black League became the latest to seek such a prize.
At the invitation of the Duke Charles d'Couronne, Grand Duchess Astrid of Ostland sailed south with a retinue of knights and diplomats drawn from all across the League, the son of her brother Elector among them. A grand tournament had been called at Bastonne, with knights and lords from all across Bretonnia converging to display their skills and petition the Royal Court for aid in various affairs, and there would be no finer time to make a good impression on Bretonnia for many a year.
So it was that as summer reached its height, men and women of the Empire drew steel and braced lances beneath fluttering banners of embroidered silk, participating eagerly in jousts and melees and all manner of other contests of martial skill. Glorious victories were won, tragic defeats suffered, and as the crowd roared their approval the quieter words of negotiation and bargaining between figures of power proceeded apace.
Elsewhere, other diplomatic efforts were already underway. The 'New Moot' of the Westerlands had benefited immensely from the aid and protection of their ogre allies in the Eyebiter tribe, but it was no surprise to find that many of their new neighbours were less than entirely thrilled to discover exactly what it was that they were expected to share their borders with. Tensions were already spiking with the dwarves of the Grey Mountains and the Bretonnian Duchy of Couronne, and as the year rolled on the halflings and their allies sought to mitigate the damage as best they could.
The matter of the Dawi was, perhaps surprisingly, among the easiest to address. Several crates full of gold were delivered to each of the affected holds, accompanied by fine-spoken diplomats from Marienburg and Altdorf apologising unreservedly for any unintended transgressions. The Dawi grumbled, of course, but with the added tribute of several wagons filled with the severed heads of slain orcs consented to at least give the Eyebiter tribe a chance. They would promise nothing, but if these ogres could keep the local orcs culled and their own populations under control, it was at least worth making the attempt.
For his part, Mortok Eyebiter received the news of Dawi tolerance with a delighted laugh, for he had benefited immensely from their craft already and found the idea of further ties with the stunted ones to be intriguing. Certainly the immense rune-marked cleaver he wielded was technically a gift from the halflings, who in turn had received it from the Dawi for some bloody service the Tyrant did not particularly care to learn, but by the Maw could it cut. With a weapon like this in hand an ogre could conquer an empire… and that was precisely what Mortok Eyebiter intended.
There were other ogres in the grey mountains already, of course, and numerous orc tribes as well. The former either bent the knee or were eaten alive over a summer of brutal campaigning, while the latter went straight into the cookpot, and if the halfling chefs he employed were unused to such animated ingredients, they still made the best of it. By the end of the year, the Eyebiters tribe had carved themselves a new kingdom from the unforgiving stone, and were acknowledged as the eternal friends and allies of the New Moot.
Attempts to pacify the Bretonnians, however, were rather more complicated.
In the full finery expected of a noble and sovereign ruler, Yjsbraant of Marienburg paid a visit to the court at Couronne, accompanied by the unusually well dressed forms of Bowman Brandywine and many prominent halflings. Their goal was to negotiate a draw-down of hostilities along the border, and in the process to impress upon the Bretonnians that they too were nobles of fine standing, rather than the money-grubbing merchants that their reputation might have previously implied. With the Duke away at Bastonne their ability to secure a major settlement was somewhat limited, but all agreed that progress was being made.
Certain difficulties were encountered, of course, and aside from Yjsbraant's utter inability to pass by a beautiful maiden without attempting some form of exotic poetry - a tendency which landed him more than one duel and several more competitive public recitals of traditional Bretonnian poetry before the court - the main issue was, perhaps inevitability, the basic nature of the ogres themselves. Mortok Eyebiter had done as promised and ordered his subordinates to refrain from raiding the 'shiny tin-men' on the lowlands, but ogres have never been particularly good at reading maps and several border lords on Bretonnia's side were distinctly unamused by their rough attempts at respecting territorial divisions.
More than that, Ogres were large, rapacious and quite frankly ugly, all the things that made them perfect villains for a Bretonnian ballad and increasingly poor choices of neighbour. Even deprived of outright conflicts to spark a broader war, it seemed likely that sooner or later some intrepid knight would call for a crusade of cleansing against the Eyebiters, and receive considerable support from his peers in the process.
It was Bowman Brandywine that hit upon a potential solution, for he had heard that few things brought people together like shared battle against mutual foes, and the Eyebiters tribe had a proud mercenary tradition of their own. Not that the Bretonnians would hire mercenaries, of course, but if perhaps they knew of some greater threat worth combating - a local orc tribe, perhaps - then the New Moot and its friends would be pleased to bankroll the addition of ogre 'auxiliaries' to the Chivalrous Host. If nothing else they would make for excellent siege troops!
Count Yjsbraant seemed somewhat less sanguine about the prospect, but with word coming in of the conflict in Estalia he knew better than to outright commit one way or another on the proposal... and the Bretonnians were looking increasingly thoughtful.
In Bastonne, the royal tournament came to a crescendo with the full and formal wedding of Duke Charles d'Couronne and Grand Duchess Astrid d'Wolfburg, attended by all knights and ladies of good standing. The Bretonnians have always been keen adherents to the art of Courtly Love, and the tale of the blossoming romance between these two distant monarchs was one to stir the heart of many a troubadour, who filled the air with song and celebration as priestesses of both Sigmar and the Lady blessed the union.
The most prominent guest in attendance was, inevitably, the Royarch himself. Louen blessed the married couple personally, wishing them all health and happiness in the future, and moreover went so far as to proclaim the marriage a sign of great friendship between Bretonnia and the Black League as a whole. Bound by sacred matrimony, neither would dream of raising blade against the other without violating this most honourable of unions.
Moreover, he had heard that the League held among its charter a requirement for all parties to defend the other against any threat posed by the Forces of Evil - a most noble and principled of policies! Perhaps, then, the League might consent to aiding Bretonnia in its own war to the south, for the wicked men of Araby and their foul daemonic servants even now threatened the land of Estalia, and as Royarch he could not simply stand by and let this continue.
All present understood, without the need for crass elaboration, that such would be Bretonnia's price for any future pact between the two. If the League wished for the aid of the Kingdom's knights, then it would first have to demonstrate a willingness to repay that aid in kind. And so as the usual courtesies were exchanged and the diplomatic smalltalk allowed to come to a conclusion, wheels were turning and calculations being made behind many an eye.
As for Astrid and her new spouse, planned ideas of a prolonged honeymoon were tragically dashed with the arrival of the first up-to-date news from the north. The Sigmarite Church had schismed, with the Grand Theogonist assassinated and no clear successor to be found… more than that, one of the breakaway factions had begun openly pushing for her to declare herself Empress! Truly, lingering in Bretonnia for any longer was simply impossible, no matter how sweet the wine and… tolerable the company.
Duke Charles was saddened by his wife's need for departure, but he could hardly object to a sovereign answering the call of duty. It is said that he brooded for several days, before ultimately settling on a solution as straightforwards as it was unconventional. He would leave Couronne to the stewardship of his friends and vassals, and board the ships alongside his wife to head back to Ostland, there to assist his wife as best he was able. With him would go several score veteran knights of Couronne, as was only fitting for their duke, and one of the famously beautiful Damsels of the Lady to provide guidance in matters of faith and duty. It would only be prudent for a newly married man to meet his wife's subjects and family, after all!
There was some concern in the court that Couronne might prove vulnerable with its Duke abroad, but Charles would hear none of it. What kind of villain would his neighbours be, to exploit the absence of a newly married man to victimise his subjects? Surely, the lords of Montfort and Gisoreux were better than that!
Land of chivalry and honour, where god-blessed nobles rule with wisdom from their glittering castles and peasants toil loyally in the field. It is a proud land, where every petty knight can recite his lineage back to the very founding of the nation and defend it with steel and blood. Under the leadership of King Louen, called 'Orc-Slayer' by his subjects, Bretonnia stands as one of the mightiest nations in the Old World, rivalled only by cold Kislev and the reclusive Dawi in their mountain holds.
The friendship of such people is a prize beyond merit, the sworn aid of their knights a military asset without peer, and so it is no surprise to find the Royarch's Court all but overrun by foreign dignitaries and prominent figures from across the world. In 2204 by the Imperial Calendar, the alliance of sigman nations known as the Black League became the latest to seek such a prize.
At the invitation of the Duke Charles d'Couronne, Grand Duchess Astrid of Ostland sailed south with a retinue of knights and diplomats drawn from all across the League, the son of her brother Elector among them. A grand tournament had been called at Bastonne, with knights and lords from all across Bretonnia converging to display their skills and petition the Royal Court for aid in various affairs, and there would be no finer time to make a good impression on Bretonnia for many a year.
So it was that as summer reached its height, men and women of the Empire drew steel and braced lances beneath fluttering banners of embroidered silk, participating eagerly in jousts and melees and all manner of other contests of martial skill. Glorious victories were won, tragic defeats suffered, and as the crowd roared their approval the quieter words of negotiation and bargaining between figures of power proceeded apace.
Elsewhere, other diplomatic efforts were already underway. The 'New Moot' of the Westerlands had benefited immensely from the aid and protection of their ogre allies in the Eyebiter tribe, but it was no surprise to find that many of their new neighbours were less than entirely thrilled to discover exactly what it was that they were expected to share their borders with. Tensions were already spiking with the dwarves of the Grey Mountains and the Bretonnian Duchy of Couronne, and as the year rolled on the halflings and their allies sought to mitigate the damage as best they could.
The matter of the Dawi was, perhaps surprisingly, among the easiest to address. Several crates full of gold were delivered to each of the affected holds, accompanied by fine-spoken diplomats from Marienburg and Altdorf apologising unreservedly for any unintended transgressions. The Dawi grumbled, of course, but with the added tribute of several wagons filled with the severed heads of slain orcs consented to at least give the Eyebiter tribe a chance. They would promise nothing, but if these ogres could keep the local orcs culled and their own populations under control, it was at least worth making the attempt.
For his part, Mortok Eyebiter received the news of Dawi tolerance with a delighted laugh, for he had benefited immensely from their craft already and found the idea of further ties with the stunted ones to be intriguing. Certainly the immense rune-marked cleaver he wielded was technically a gift from the halflings, who in turn had received it from the Dawi for some bloody service the Tyrant did not particularly care to learn, but by the Maw could it cut. With a weapon like this in hand an ogre could conquer an empire… and that was precisely what Mortok Eyebiter intended.
There were other ogres in the grey mountains already, of course, and numerous orc tribes as well. The former either bent the knee or were eaten alive over a summer of brutal campaigning, while the latter went straight into the cookpot, and if the halfling chefs he employed were unused to such animated ingredients, they still made the best of it. By the end of the year, the Eyebiters tribe had carved themselves a new kingdom from the unforgiving stone, and were acknowledged as the eternal friends and allies of the New Moot.
Attempts to pacify the Bretonnians, however, were rather more complicated.
In the full finery expected of a noble and sovereign ruler, Yjsbraant of Marienburg paid a visit to the court at Couronne, accompanied by the unusually well dressed forms of Bowman Brandywine and many prominent halflings. Their goal was to negotiate a draw-down of hostilities along the border, and in the process to impress upon the Bretonnians that they too were nobles of fine standing, rather than the money-grubbing merchants that their reputation might have previously implied. With the Duke away at Bastonne their ability to secure a major settlement was somewhat limited, but all agreed that progress was being made.
Certain difficulties were encountered, of course, and aside from Yjsbraant's utter inability to pass by a beautiful maiden without attempting some form of exotic poetry - a tendency which landed him more than one duel and several more competitive public recitals of traditional Bretonnian poetry before the court - the main issue was, perhaps inevitability, the basic nature of the ogres themselves. Mortok Eyebiter had done as promised and ordered his subordinates to refrain from raiding the 'shiny tin-men' on the lowlands, but ogres have never been particularly good at reading maps and several border lords on Bretonnia's side were distinctly unamused by their rough attempts at respecting territorial divisions.
More than that, Ogres were large, rapacious and quite frankly ugly, all the things that made them perfect villains for a Bretonnian ballad and increasingly poor choices of neighbour. Even deprived of outright conflicts to spark a broader war, it seemed likely that sooner or later some intrepid knight would call for a crusade of cleansing against the Eyebiters, and receive considerable support from his peers in the process.
It was Bowman Brandywine that hit upon a potential solution, for he had heard that few things brought people together like shared battle against mutual foes, and the Eyebiters tribe had a proud mercenary tradition of their own. Not that the Bretonnians would hire mercenaries, of course, but if perhaps they knew of some greater threat worth combating - a local orc tribe, perhaps - then the New Moot and its friends would be pleased to bankroll the addition of ogre 'auxiliaries' to the Chivalrous Host. If nothing else they would make for excellent siege troops!
Count Yjsbraant seemed somewhat less sanguine about the prospect, but with word coming in of the conflict in Estalia he knew better than to outright commit one way or another on the proposal... and the Bretonnians were looking increasingly thoughtful.
In Bastonne, the royal tournament came to a crescendo with the full and formal wedding of Duke Charles d'Couronne and Grand Duchess Astrid d'Wolfburg, attended by all knights and ladies of good standing. The Bretonnians have always been keen adherents to the art of Courtly Love, and the tale of the blossoming romance between these two distant monarchs was one to stir the heart of many a troubadour, who filled the air with song and celebration as priestesses of both Sigmar and the Lady blessed the union.
The most prominent guest in attendance was, inevitably, the Royarch himself. Louen blessed the married couple personally, wishing them all health and happiness in the future, and moreover went so far as to proclaim the marriage a sign of great friendship between Bretonnia and the Black League as a whole. Bound by sacred matrimony, neither would dream of raising blade against the other without violating this most honourable of unions.
Moreover, he had heard that the League held among its charter a requirement for all parties to defend the other against any threat posed by the Forces of Evil - a most noble and principled of policies! Perhaps, then, the League might consent to aiding Bretonnia in its own war to the south, for the wicked men of Araby and their foul daemonic servants even now threatened the land of Estalia, and as Royarch he could not simply stand by and let this continue.
All present understood, without the need for crass elaboration, that such would be Bretonnia's price for any future pact between the two. If the League wished for the aid of the Kingdom's knights, then it would first have to demonstrate a willingness to repay that aid in kind. And so as the usual courtesies were exchanged and the diplomatic smalltalk allowed to come to a conclusion, wheels were turning and calculations being made behind many an eye.
As for Astrid and her new spouse, planned ideas of a prolonged honeymoon were tragically dashed with the arrival of the first up-to-date news from the north. The Sigmarite Church had schismed, with the Grand Theogonist assassinated and no clear successor to be found… more than that, one of the breakaway factions had begun openly pushing for her to declare herself Empress! Truly, lingering in Bretonnia for any longer was simply impossible, no matter how sweet the wine and… tolerable the company.
Duke Charles was saddened by his wife's need for departure, but he could hardly object to a sovereign answering the call of duty. It is said that he brooded for several days, before ultimately settling on a solution as straightforwards as it was unconventional. He would leave Couronne to the stewardship of his friends and vassals, and board the ships alongside his wife to head back to Ostland, there to assist his wife as best he was able. With him would go several score veteran knights of Couronne, as was only fitting for their duke, and one of the famously beautiful Damsels of the Lady to provide guidance in matters of faith and duty. It would only be prudent for a newly married man to meet his wife's subjects and family, after all!
There was some concern in the court that Couronne might prove vulnerable with its Duke abroad, but Charles would hear none of it. What kind of villain would his neighbours be, to exploit the absence of a newly married man to victimise his subjects? Surely, the lords of Montfort and Gisoreux were better than that!
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