Heirs of Sigmar

A Night to Remember: The Knights of Borisnacht
By Sir German von Bucher

Being an Authorised Autobiography of the Heroic Slaying of the Ghost of Boris Goldgather

The Salvation of Carroburg

And Rescue of Prince Konstantin

Witness a Tale of Unmatched Heroism and Relentless Faith

Discover Dreadful Spirits and the means of their Holy Banishment

Read about the Noble Knights of the Black Rose, Heroes of the Empire

Also starring the Knights of the Raven

Informational Panel posted in Reikland, mid 2204

The Forest of Shadows, Between Ferlangen and Obelstein, Ostland
It was an unusually sunny day that morn in Ostland. Even if it were still on the nippy side, in the clearing, I might have even found it peaceful, the way the light ran between the trees and fell upon the thick grass and early spring flowers as distant bird song flitted between the canopies. Perhaps. But not today, for blood had stained the greenery scarlet.

The last of the screams had died away, replaced with the last few gurgles from the paltry band of bandits my knights and I had set upon. Their bodies lay curled in sad little heaps where they had fallen, their blood and spilled guts steaming in the early chill. A dozen of my knights of the Black Rose and twice that number in squires, crossbowmen, and attendant men-at-arms were cleaning up the aftermath of the slaughter, dark armor glinting in the light. I wiped off the reddened spike of my black-headed hammer with a scrap of cloth torn from one of the fallen, a bubbling hole punched through her coat of mail. A handful of the robbers still lived, cowering in the shade of some great oak, stinking of sweat and fear.

"So much for a pack of Ghouls, eh, Grandmaster?" Goldreich asked, the bulky Nordlander sat heavily against a fallen tree as he cleaned off his greatsword.

"I had a man in my company when I was still a young lad, who said that if you had to bet between men and beasts, it was always wise to bet on the former," I told him, flipping my hammer around, running my gauntleted fingers over the blunt face. Satisfied there was no damage from the fight, I looked up at the other knight. "Of course, he was eaten by sodding beastmen after we got ambushed hunting for rebels near Ubersreik, so Ranald sure as hell disagreed with that assessment."

The Nordlander's booming laugh rang through the clearing, echoing through the shadowed boughs that surrounded us. I twisted my hammer in my grip, my eyes running over those gnarled branches and twisted roots. "Let's finish up here before some bastard thing comes at the smell of the blood," I said.

"Maybe it'd actually be something worthy of our time," muttered one of my knights, standing watch over the surviving bandits. I nodded in sympathy. In my time with the Black Rose, I'd faced down robber-knights, deserters and veteran bandits, but these were none of those things. This was a pathetic bunch of outlaws with no training and little equipment, hardly worth our time or strength, but duty was duty.

I turned toward him, strolling forward. "Well, if you're eager for glory, Sir Gerald, you could try running a challenge to the bastard things that ate Sigmar's Blood. I'm sure they'd be bloody interested to meet your acquaintance," I joked. The other knight cocked his head, as though considering, and then shook his head.

"I doubt they'd be honorable enough to accept, Grandmaster," he said, seriously.

"Can't trust the bastards for anything," I replied, looking over the dozen prisoners we'd taken. The rest of the band had perished or fled into the wood. I suspected more than a few would come to regret the latter decision. "Necromancer or physician?" I asked.

There was a brief pause, the bandits looking between one another. They reminded me of some of the men and women I'd served alongside in my early years, that same lean and hungry look, their faces in equal parts haggard and hardened. "Wot?" One of them finally spoke up. His gambeson was faded and stained, and his kettle helmet was badly dented where I'd struck it earlier, but I don't think the bewilderment in his eyes were from my earlier blow.

I pointed over my shoulder at the abandoned wagon in the middle of the clearing, covered in moldering boxes. "Don't you bloody dare play dumb with me. I know you miserable blighters were robbing graves near Obelstein. Were you doing it for a physician or a necromancer?" I asked. Out here in the wood, well away from civilization, I'd have bet money on the latter, but there was a reason I'd told that story to Goldreich.

The man licked his split lip, eying me carefully. "Some quack from th' south, methinks. It make a difference?" he asked. Behind me, I heard one of my knights sigh in disappointment. No necromancer to hunt, then. I suppose if the sellsword was here, he'd have been right. Always wise to bet on men.

"You can ask the Templars," I said. Furrowed brows returned my words. I motioned at the wagon again, then swept my hammer across the field. "Someone is going to be taking these bodies to the Garden of Morr, and it sure as shit isn't us. On your feet, you bastards. If you work hard, maybe the court won't have you executed. If you don't, you're welcome to join your friends."

The prisoners got to work, hauling the dead bandits to join the boxes in the wagon. My men began to mount back up, ready for the short trip back to Obelstein and then back to our encampment at the town of Ferlangen. As I checked the hardness of my horse, the sound of hooves drew my attention, and I turned my eyes toward the dirt road at the edge of the clearing, hand falling to the hammer at my side. Two lances, consisting of two knights and their retinues galloped into the clearing, their mounts panting with exhaustion. My fellow knights relaxed, lowering their weapons as they saw our visitors wore the black armour and symbols of Morr of our order. They came to a halt at the edge of the clearing, the lead knight threw herself off his horse, removing her feathered helmet.

"Grandmaster Wilhelm?" She asked as I stepped forward from the throng. She raised her hand, sealed scrolls in her grip. "I have messages for you."

I raised an eyebrow as I took the letters. "What in Sigmar's name couldn't wait for me to return to Ferlangen? Is it the undead?"

Opening the seal, I unrolled the letter and scanned the writing. Then I read it again, slower this time. And then I started again, my heart thudding in my chest.

Van Hel? Oh, Blessed Morr...You've got to be shitting me.

Hail Grandmaster Herman of the High and Chivalric Order of Deserved Rest,

May ravens alight upon you. I have heard much from my knights about your heroism in the face of the specter of Boris Goldgather, and the sorry flesh he did wear. Sir German von Blucher spoke highly of you, saying that your fearlessness in the face of that creature served as an example of the courage the knights of the Order of the Black Rose aspire toward. He was also complimentary of your own Order's knights, as they were quite able in battling the other undead that assailed Borisnacht.

I have heard you sustained serious injury in battling the foul creature. I hope your recovery is going well, and that my former master isn't bothering you too badly about it. I'm sure she's jealous of your exploits in Carroburg.

If you ever need further aid of the Order of the Black Rose, do not hesitate to ask.

Fear Not Death,
Grandmaster Wilhelm von Kilner of the Order of the Black Rose

To the Esteemed Grand Duchess Astrid Hilma Nina Ortud Julia Karen von Wolfenburg, Elector-Countess of Ostland, Protector of the Eastern Reaches, Hetdam of the Udoses,

Your grace, I have received word about what the Order of Sigmar's Blood did. I will not denigrate their choices, for they did attempt to act with honor. To seek redemption is not without nobility. But I acknowledge the danger. Perhaps nothing will come of this. Perhaps there is just another banshee or zombie crawling about the Forest of Shadows. But I will not deny this is an ill omen, and one does not have to be an oracle to know grim portents for what they are. I had hoped to put this whole sorry episode beyond us, but it seems the choices of my Order's rivals continue to haunt us.

I offer two hundred lances in your defense, and as you read this I have begun the trials to raise another hundred. Should the worst come to place, I can offer three hundred lances at your disposal, including the elite of the Order of the Black Rose's Inner Circle. I pray they shall not be necessary.

With all sincerity,

Wilhelm von Kilner, Grandmaster of the Order of the Black Rose
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Hail Grandmaster Herman of the High and Chivalric Order of Deserved Rest,

May ravens alight upon you. I have heard much from my knights about your heroism in the face of the specter of Boris Goldgather, and the sorry flesh he did wear. Sir German von Blucher spoke highly of you, saying that your fearlessness in the face of that creature served as an example of the courage the knights of the Order of the Black Rose aspire toward. He was also complimentary of your own Order's knights, as they were quite able in battling the other undead that assailed Borisnacht.

I have heard you sustained serious injury in battling the foul creature. I hope your recovery is going well, and that my former master isn't bothering you too badly about it. I'm sure she's jealous of your exploits in Carroburg.

If you ever need further aid of the Order of the Black Rose, do not hesitate to ask.

Fear Not Death,
Grandmaster Wilhelm von Kilner of the Order of the Black Rose
Hail, Grandmaster Wilhelm von Kilner of the Order of the Black Rose,

Your own knights have faced the specter of Boris and his army well, and I am entirely satisfied to have requested them to come along. My own injuries are healing well, that I have them at all speaks well of Boris' skill with the blade, or perhaps the late regents instead. It has been some time since I have been battered like that and even now I cannot tell what the outcome would've been had Konstantin not intervened. Leopodline, as ever, has remained persistent in her letters and instance that I retire, somewhat more seriously now that I have almost died, yet it does not bother me all that much.

But enough of an old mans rambling, there is something I can be of use to you and your order. I have heard of Van Hel and the Sigmars Blood actions in the Forest of Shadows, such things can have great and disastrous consequences if they have gone as I have feared. Whether Van Hel is now a vampire bent on revenge or just another corpse in the forest, I do not know. What I do know is I will be sending a chapter of my order to Ostland, and petitioning its Elector-Countess to allow me to raise both a chapterhouse and a chapter there, potentially assist with it as well.

Perhaps it will be nothing, perhaps it will be something middling, or my worst fears realized. I do not know, but I will prepare for it.

May ravens alight upon you.
Grandmaster Herman of The high and Chivialric order of Deserved Rest


Hail, Elector-Countess Astrid von Wolfenburg,

Word has reached me of the actions of the knights of Sigmars Blood, and of how they have riled up the unquiet dead inside. Seeking glory and redemption, perhaps, yet their intentions do not matter, only the result that their actions have wrought. Such actions might have wrought nothing, or as I fear, Van Hel freshly turned as a vampire and storming out of the forest for revenge on those who have wronged her. I do hope I am wrong, but as ever in these things, I doubt it.

Which leads me to my point. I am willing, with your permission, to have a chapterhouse raised in Ostland alongside a chapter to man it in preparation for this threat. More immediately than that I am willing to send forth a chapter to immediately bolster your and the Black roses defenses. Regardless of whether Van Hel has been turned, Sigmars blood have disturbed the creatures within, and while one portion of the forest appears to have been satisfied with its new 'knights' others might not be.

Such tidings bode ill, and the Knights of the Raven will stand ready to receive them, whether they be great or middling.

May your death be easy, when it comes.
Grandmaster Herman of The high and Chivialric order of Deserved Rest
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To Grandmaster William von Kelner of the Order of Black Rose @Shephard and Grandmaster Herman of the Knights Ravens @triumph8w

Word of the events that occurred in Carroburg during the so called Borisnatct have spread far and wide. Your heroic struggle against the monstrous shade of Boris and his Champion has caught the interest of the Court in Middenheim.

I will admit that feelings here are mixed. Raw emotional and physical wounds that have yet to heal have been opened by the foolishness of Carroburgers. Some have gone as far as to blame you in their anguish.

Utterly ridiculous. Your Orders and yourselves were Heroes on that foolish night. You have freed the spirits of the men of Middenland and my old friend Konrad Von Schild from the bondage of Boris Goldfather. For that, all of Middenland and Middenheim owes you a debt. The influence of the Cult of Morr has lessened in the past few years, but your deeds serves as a reminder as to why Morr is one of the most respected Gods of the Old World.

Thus I would like to invite the both of you, or a representative, to come to Middenheim. So that both mine and Schild's grandson can hear of his final rest. So that we can discuss many things and so that a celebration can be held in the honor of your deeds and in honor of the dead.

May Morr guide your dreams and may Ulric's fury rain upon your foes.

Elizabeth Todbringer, Regent of Middenland, Matron of Middenheim, Protector of the Sacred Flames, Land-Giver.

@Admiral Skippy To the honorable Chieftain of the New Moot Bowman "Kestrel" Brandywine.

It heartens me to hear that your people have begun to settle down and build new homes. Grandmaster Karena and the White Wolves spoke of the courage and determination your people have shown, and you are truly Children of Ulric who have come to embody his furious refusal to backdown.

It would be the Twin Duchies's duty to do whatever we can to aid in your recovery and growth, and I will be glad to forge a friendship between our houses. However, while such talks are important, there is a far more important matter we must discuss. I believe you have never had the pleasure of speaking with the Ar-Ulric and witness the Sacred Flames?

I would change that. You are formally invited to Middenheim, so that you might witness the glory of the Sacred Flames and stand in the heart of the Ulrican faith.

I look forward to meeting you in person.

Elizabeth Todbringer, Regent of Middenland, Matron of Middenheim, Protector of the Sacred Flames, Land-Giver.
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To big sis, @Mina

You're always welcomed in Esk!

Things here have been crazy ever since you asked me to get those dragons. Now, one of them is our son. Lulu's going absolutely wild taking care of him -- even named him Bem cuz of how good he's to us. For his first birthday, we built him his own hoard right next to our house. You should have seen the twinkle in his eyes. He was so happy he put us on his back and flew all around Hochland.

That's all from me for now. Come over when you can, big sis. We miss you here too!

With big love,

P.S.: If you get reports about a dragon flying around, that's Bem with me and/or Lulu on him.
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To Grandmaster William von Kelner of the Order of Black Rose @Shephard and Grandmaster Herman of the Knights Ravens @triumph8w

Word of the events that occurred in Carroburg during the so called Borisnatct have spread far and wide. Your heroic struggle against the monstrous shade of Boris and his Champion has caught the interest of the Court in Middenheim.

I will admit that feelings here are mixed. Raw emotional and physical wounds that have yet to heal have been opened by the foolishness of Carroburgers. Some have gone as far as to blame you in their anguish.

Utterly ridiculous. Your Orders and yourselves were Heroes on that foolish night. You have freed the spirits of the men of Middenland and my old friend Konrad Von Schild from the bondage of Boris Goldfather. For that, all of Middenland and Middenheim owes you a debt. The influence of the Cult of Morr has lessened in the past few years, but your deeds serves as a reminder as to why Morr is one of the most respected Gods of the Old World.

Thus I would like to invite the both of you, or a representative, to come to Middenheim. So that both mine and Schild's grandson can hear of his final rest. So that we can discuss many things and so that a celebration can be held in the honor of your deeds and in honor of the dead.

May Morr guide your dreams and may Ulric's fury rain upon your foes.

Elizabeth Todbringer, Regent of Middenland, Matron of Middenheim, Protector of the Sacred Flames, Land-Giver.
To the Esteemed Elizabeth Todbringer, Regent of Middenland, Matron of Middenheim, Protector of the Sacred Flames, Land-Giver,

You honor me and my Order, and you have both my thanks and my condolences. I cannot know the depths of the grief you must feel, and I can only hope that the delivery of the fallen into Morr's embrace has given you some solace. Though we do not count ourselves among Morr's Templars, we take a grim pride in having done His work that day, particularly those among us who knew some of the fallen.

I gladly accept your invitation. I am preparing to depart Wolfenburg at the time of writing, and I expect to arrive within ten to fifteen days if the weather is with me. I appreciate the opportunity, for it has been many years since I last saw Middenheim, and in my impious youth, I lament that I appreciated it little. It will be good to see such a holy city with fresh eyes. I have taken the liberty of including the heroes of Carroburg among my guard, including Sir German von Blucher, who captained our efforts there. Several of them, including German, are at least partially of Middenlander heritage, and will undoubtedly appreciate the chance to visit their kin.

May Ulric grant you strength, and may Morr grant you peace,

Wilhelm von Kilner, Grandmaster of the Order of the Black Rose

Hail, Grandmaster Wilhelm von Kilner of the Order of the Black Rose,

Your own knights have faced the specter of Boris and his army well, and I am entirely satisfied to have requested them to come along. My own injuries are healing well, that I have them at all speaks well of Boris' skill with the blade, or perhaps the late regents instead. It has been some time since I have been battered like that and even now I cannot tell what the outcome would've been had Konstantin not intervened. Leopodline, as ever, has remained persistent in her letters and instance that I retire, somewhat more seriously now that I have almost died, yet it does not bother me all that much.

But enough of an old mans rambling, there is something I can be of use to you and your order. I have heard of Van Hel and the Sigmars Blood actions in the Forest of Shadows, such things can have great and disastrous consequences if they have gone as I have feared. Whether Van Hel is now a vampire bent on revenge or just another corpse in the forest, I do not know. What I do know is I will be sending a chapter of my order to Ostland, and petitioning its Elector-Countess to allow me to raise both a chapterhouse and a chapter there, potentially assist with it as well.

Perhaps it will be nothing, perhaps it will be something middling, or my worst fears realized. I do not know, but I will prepare for it.

May ravens alight upon you.

Grandmaster Herman of The high and Chivialric order of Deserved Rest
Hail, Grandmaster Herman of the High and Chivalric Order of Deserved Rest,

I am glad to hear you of all people compliment my knights. I am sure that Sir German von Blucher will be insufferably pleased. I must admit the idea of Boris Goldgather of all people (or spirits, I suppose) being good with a sword is a difficult one to process, but regardless I am relieved to hear your recovery is going well. It's truly incredible what a Runefang in the back can accomplish, isn't it? Oh, and do not mind Leopoldine: she's just irate you're still about and winning glory.

Onto more pressing matters, I am surprised you have heard of Van Hel, but I suppose if anyone would've heard it would be a Templar of Morr. Though logically, I should doubt that the creatures within the Forest of Shadows would recognize Van Hel from any other knight, it is difficult to ignore such a dire portent. Although it would be my Order's great honor to lay to rest our former rivals, I would welcome your aid. I have heard some of the power of such creatures as they have become, and though I doubt even half of it is true, I recognize that our expertise is lacking.

Indeed, the regularity with which you fight these horrors amazes me, and I grow increasingly appreciative of an honest foe. The very founding precepts of my Order is 'Fear not death', and we are ever eager to meet a noble end on the battlefield, but the undead make a mockery of our core convictions. My knights fear little, and yet I sense even they somewhat unsettled. To pervert noble-hearted warriors such as the Knights of Sigmar's Blood is far more unnerving than any battlefield death. And whatever one may say of Mathilde van Hel, she was an ardent foe of the undead and ceaseless in her quest for redemption. For her of all people to be made a Vampire is difficult to conceive. Perhaps she would have destroyed herself? Can vampires even destroy themselves? My knowledge is lacking.

Ultimately, I suppose it changes little in practical terms. If they assail Ostland, we will meet them as we would any other foe. Certainly, it will be harder to slay them, and we can neither grant nor expect quarter, but an enemy is an enemy. We will meet them lance for lance, and know that Morr awaits us.

In any case, I have received an invitation to Middenheim, and I understand you have as well. Perhaps we can speak more in person there?

Fear not death,

Wilhelm von Kilner, Grandmaster of the Order of the Black Rose
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To Grandmaster William von Kelner of the Order of Black Rose @Shephard and Grandmaster Herman of the Knights Ravens @triumph8w

Word of the events that occurred in Carroburg during the so called Borisnatct have spread far and wide. Your heroic struggle against the monstrous shade of Boris and his Champion has caught the interest of the Court in Middenheim.

I will admit that feelings here are mixed. Raw emotional and physical wounds that have yet to heal have been opened by the foolishness of Carroburgers. Some have gone as far as to blame you in their anguish.

Utterly ridiculous. Your Orders and yourselves were Heroes on that foolish night. You have freed the spirits of the men of Middenland and my old friend Konrad Von Schild from the bondage of Boris Goldfather. For that, all of Middenland and Middenheim owes you a debt. The influence of the Cult of Morr has lessened in the past few years, but your deeds serves as a reminder as to why Morr is one of the most respected Gods of the Old World.

Thus I would like to invite the both of you, or a representative, to come to Middenheim. So that both mine and Schild's grandson can hear of his final rest. So that we can discuss many things and so that a celebration can be held in the honor of your deeds and in honor of the dead.

May Morr guide your dreams and may Ulric's fury rain upon your foes.

Elizabeth Todbringer, Regent of Middenland, Matron of Middenheim, Protector of the Sacred Flames, Land-Giver.
Hail, Regent Elizabeth Todbringer,

I must admit some surprise at your letter, it is not often when someone decided to contact me further after the completion of my duty. Even further that you wish to honor me. Such is not necessary, for it was my duty to what I did, yet it has been some time since I have been to your land. Though perhaps my duty is not entirely done. I am not too far from Middenheim, and there are no matters more pressing than this to take my attention. I will ride for your land soon, perhaps I may be of some use in salving the wounds of your people, perhaps not. We will see.

May Ulric guide your blade, and Morr guard your dreams.
Grandmaster Herman of The high and Chivialric order of Deserved Rest
LET IT BE KNOWN: That when the Grand Duchies of Middenland and Middenheim suffered grievously from the betrayal of the duplicitous Carrobugers, the madness the Witches and Warlocks who called themselves Alchemist and the Greed of the Grand Principality of Reikland and its Dragon-Elf Sellsword, The Grand Barony of Nordland stayed true. No Greed moved the Lords of Nordland, who came to us in loyal friendship and camaraderie.

Now the Grand Barony of Nordland is engulfed in a civil war. The favor must be returned. Ulric's most prized virtue is loyalty in the Pack. An Eye for an Eye, a Favor for a Favor. Thus no Lords who answers to the Grand Duchies of Middenland and Middenhim shall repay loyalty with the sword in this time of strife.

THEREFORE: The Grand Duchies of Middenland and Middenheim official pronounce itself neutral in the matter of the civil war within the Grand Barony of Nordland and swears itself into non-interference. Furthermore let it be known that the Matron Todbringer has swore before the Ar-Ulric that she shall personally punish any who disobey this decree.

The Grand Barony of Nordland shall choose its own fate. Its people carries with them the favor of Ulric himself, and Ulric shall decide their fates on the fields of War.

Official decree mass produced from first printing press in Delberz circa 2204
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Hail, Grandmaster Herman of the High and Chivalric Order of Deserved Rest,

I am glad to hear you of all people compliment my knights. I am sure that Sir German von Blucher will be insufferably pleased. I must admit the idea of Boris Goldgather of all people (or spirits, I suppose) being good with a sword is a difficult one to process, but regardless I am relieved to hear your recovery is going well. It's truly incredible what a Runefang in the back can accomplish, isn't it? Oh, and do not mind Leopoldine: she's just irate you're still about and winning glory.

Onto more pressing matters, I am surprised you have heard of Van Hel, but I suppose if anyone would've heard it would be a Templar of Morr. Though logically, I should doubt that the creatures within the Forest of Shadows would recognize Van Hel from any other knight, it is difficult to ignore such a dire portent. Although it would be my Order's great honor to lay to rest our former rivals, I would welcome your aid. I have heard some of the power of such creatures as they have become, and though I doubt even half of it is true, I recognize that our expertise is lacking.

Indeed, the regularity with which you fight these horrors amazes me, and I grow increasingly appreciative of an honest foe. The very founding precepts of my Order is 'Fear not death', and we are ever eager to meet a noble end on the battlefield, but the undead make a mockery of our core convictions. My knights fear little, and yet I sense even they somewhat unsettled. To pervert noble-hearted warriors such as the Knights of Sigmar's Blood is far more unnerving than any battlefield death. And whatever one may say of Mathilde van Hel, she was an ardent foe of the undead and ceaseless in her quest for redemption. For her of all people to be made a Vampire is difficult to conceive. Perhaps she would have destroyed herself? Can vampires even destroy themselves? My knowledge is lacking.

Ultimately, I suppose it changes little in practical terms. If they assail Ostland, we will meet them as we would any other foe. Certainly, it will be harder to slay them, and we can neither grant nor expect quarter, but an enemy is an enemy. We will meet them lance for lance, and know that Morr awaits us.

In any case, I have received an invitation to Middenheim, and I understand you have as well. Perhaps we can speak more in person there?

Fear not death,

Wilhelm von Kilner, Grandmaster of the Order of the Black Rose
Hail, Grantmaster Wilhelm von Kilner,

I suspect it was not just Boris wearing Von Shilds skin, but his skill as well. The man who had earned the tittle 'useless' would not have been able to match me, much less wound me as he had. Your knights were perhaps a little too focused on glory for my liking, but they are followers of Morr, not his Templars. That eagerness had lent them an admirable edge against the spirits of Borisnacht.

I have made an effort to at least keep an eye on Van Hel after her loss, she was slippery, but I know-as do many others it seems- that she entered that forest, and did not come out with the Sigmars Blood Grandmaster. I pray she is dead, that her spirit has passed peacefully to Morrs graden. But that is a fools hope, what she likely is now is a creature beyond most of the unquiet dead. A vampire is something else entirely, and while it is likely she would hate every second of her new existence, her new master would not let her kill herself. Perhaps she would be just another set piece, or more likely, she will be twisted and her rage and resentment unleashed.

What would happen next has already been discussed between the two of us.

My order and I have to, unfortunately, fight them regularly in order to free their souls and give them to Morr. Such suffering cannot be allowed to go unattended, and while others may focus more on the matters of the living, such is not the way fo my order. Your men will likely be in for a trial should my worst fears be true, it is one thing to fight a necromancer and his begrudging horde, another to fight a vampire determined for revenge. I will do what I can to help alleviate these fears.

Contrary to the way people speak of them, they can be killed. It takes effort, skill, and luck to do so, but it can be done. The knights of SIgmras Blood are likely wights now, to face them would be an ordeal within its self for your order, perhaps even so for mine. I would urge you to study what you can of the undead and inform your men. The unquiet dead will take something other than your usual methods to deal with, for they do not fear as flesh and blood fear.

You and your order have experience fighting skeletons, zombies, and in part spirits. But wights and vampires are all the more dangerous for their twisted intelligence, and often lack fear, for the wights at least. But-

No, you and your men are experienced with the undead, not as experienced as my own order but my owns sole focus is the undead. I will cease attempting to lecture you, over letters at least. I have received the same invitation, and while the notion that I should be honored for doing what was simply my duty is an odd one, I expect the Ulricans will insist.

Regardless, I have not visited Middenheim for quite some time, I believe the last visit being when I was a young man. I have nothing terribly pressing that needs my personal intervention, so I will attend and see what these northerners have in store for us.

We will talk more then.

May ravens alight upon you,
Grandmaster Herman of the High and Chiviarlic order of Deserved rest.
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To the honorable Astrid von Wolfenburg, Grand Princess of Ostland, @EarthScorpion

The disaster caused by the Sigmar's Blood Order seems to increase every year. When I had heard the new about the Van Hel my heart threatened to give out then and there. Thankfully the Sisters of Shallya were on hand to calm me down and the Priests of Ulric were on hand to spar with me.

I can only imagine the fury and grief that have assailed you. A Vampire Lord of the Van Hel line filled with spite towards the lands of the Empire is a threat to us all. I wish to aid you in your preparations for that day.

I have heard of your efforts to raise a new army to protect your people and while Middenland does not have the forges of Nuln nor the money of Reikland and Marienburg, we do have skilled veterans a plenty. I would offer to sent you a regiment of veterans from my 2nd Army, the Shadow Hunters. Each and every one of them some of the finest monster hunters in the old world who have fought against monsters and horrors since the day they were hold enough to hold a spear.

They shall be fully under your command for as long as you need them, and they shall help pass along their skills to the valiant men and women of Ostland so that when the storm comes, they shall be might by the Fury of Ulric and the Light of Sigmar.

Beyond that, I would like for us to have a meeting this year. There are matters of reforms and laws that are under my patronage, yet I must confess, the matters of legalese are beyond me, and the Verenans can only help so much. However, I have heard of your prowess in such matters, for it is said that you were the chief writer of the Charter of the Black League. And if even a third of what is said is true, then I shall need your expertise.

I hope we have the pleasure of meeting soon, we have much to talk about and much work to do.

May Ulric's Fury Empower you and may Sigmar's Light Protect you.
Elizabeth Todbringer, Regent of Middenland, Matron of Middenheim, Protector of the Sacred Flames, Land-Giver.

To the resolute Theophaneia Ysmay Gloriana Hochen, Grand Baroness of Hochland, @Mina

All in Middenland and Middenheim shares in your grief and stand with you in your fury. That the so called Emperor in Nuln would act like the greedy Southern Tyrant he is and sent an army to rape and pillage their way through our lands was insult enough. That he dared to blaspheme against Taal and Rhya and let loose the cultists of Ahalt the Drinker upon our people, were I younger I would have declared war outright.

Sadly I am old now and wiser for it. None wishes for a war after the last period of strife. Ulric, Sigmar and Taal shall deliver us Justice and Retribution one day, but today is not that day.

Until then, the Grand Duchies of Middenland and Middenheim would offer the Grand Barony of Hochland our aid in whatever manner possible. I would offer that our armies should coordinate to ensure that no Southern Warlord shall ever cross into our lands to sate their rapine desires again without meeting the blades of the righteous.

I would also talk on the matters of Pilgrimage. For the roads between Middenheim and Hochland to be safe and prosperous, so that all who wishes to pay their respects to the Gods shall find themselves unmolested, protected and cared for, and for our two lands to prosper from the increased travels.

May Taal and Rhya Bless your family, May Ulric Grant your Fury Purpose and May Sigmar protect your lands
Elizabeth Todbringer, Regent of Middenland, Matron of Middenheim, Protector of the Sacred Flames, Land-Giver.
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Grandmaster Herman,

I am pleased to have received word of your survival and valor during the ill-fortuned "Borisnacht" of Carroburg. The Order of Deserved Rest has stood side-by-side with Stirland in its darkest days and our best wishes remain with you and yours. No less am I pleased to hear that you intend to aid with quieting the Stirhügel. You may find yourselves there attending to the sealing of barrows with solemn rites rather than fighting vampires or wraiths, though perhaps you and your men will find that a nice and restful spell after the past years.

Though I regret that your martial prowess will not go entirely unused. Bandits and would-be necromancers need to be cleared out to put the unquiet Barrow Kings once more at peace. I will insure the local authorities provide you their full cooperation in locating these menaces, and will provide a detachment from our State Armies to assist in the work. Only once such vile and godless renegades are cleared out will we be able to restore the barrow-tombs of the dead kings and put them to rest once more with dignity and honor. Yet it is my hope the work will go quickly and lift the lingering pall of fear and danger over these hills.

I remain &etc,
Horst von Wolfbach, Steward of Stirland
Holy Mother Leentje van Moddejonge, Daughter Of The Emperor of Sea and Storm

It is strange, most strange, that we should hear from the Voice of Il Principe of the Waves, not unwelcome, never that, but the sea, we are far, so far from the waves and the gulls and the tide. And then you, Holy Mother, of all the priests of all the gods it is you who write to my husband the Count of Sylvania, and with such a proposal. I am intrigued. I make my inquiries, I am answered.

And I consider your proposal, I and my husband, we consider it together, and I say this. My inquiries, they reveal, it is all to your credit, Holy Mother, all to the good, the Wave Prince blesses you, favors you, is fond of his daughter, that I cannot doubt, you beseech him and he is moved, as a daughter and her father should be, of all who pray to him your lips are closest to his ears.

And so, as to your proposal, a proposal of my own. In Tilea...we are not in Tilea, we dwell in your Empire, but in Tilea it is a custom for the parent of the parent to secure a blessing for their child's child, from the most godly and favored priest they may. And I, I am blessed, the gods, Shallya, Myrmidia, they bless me with two grandchildren, two bebes, boy and girl, and I, good grandmama that I am, I go to the priests of your Empire, the highest priests!

Understand, Holy Mother. My husband, he is Count, he wishes a man or woman honored, perhaps he does not go himself, but there are servants and subjects and there are subjects and servants, you understand? And the higher a servant stands in his favor, the greater the honor, and if that favored servant asks that he do more, perhaps you understand?

I pray that you do, a child would understand, can understand, or so I believed! But Holy Mother, the priests of your Empire! I speak to them, I beseech them, I beg your Theogonist and your Ar-Ulric and the Eagle of Myrmidia, of Myrmidia Herself! I can scarce believe it, I beg, and I, this, this is my proposal to you, Holy Mother.

You will go to Hochland, where the children of my son and the daughter of my heart, Hergig, you, yourself, the most favored of Manann, you will journey there and you will place your hands, the hands of she who is closest to the Wave God, you, yourself, you will pray over them and bless them and say, Mighty Manann, your daughter, your most beloved and favored daughter, she speaks to you, she, your closest, she asks that you look upon these two children and you bless them, bless them with salt and spray and storm, that you protect them and watch over them, I who you love most, ask that you do this.

Your, yourself. None other.

And as this is done, what you have asked, the Malasangre of Sylvania shall do.

Contessa Bianca Malasangre, Virago of Roca Drakenhopf, Gonfalionaire of the Feonne
Holy Mother Leentje van Moddejonge, Daughter Of The Emperor of Sea and Storm

It is strange, most strange, that we should hear from the Voice of Il Principe of the Waves, not unwelcome, never that, but the sea, we are far, so far from the waves and the gulls and the tide. And then you, Holy Mother, of all the priests of all the gods it is you who write to my husband the Count of Sylvania, and with such a proposal. I am intrigued. I make my inquiries, I am answered.

And I consider your proposal, I and my husband, we consider it together, and I say this. My inquiries, they reveal, it is all to your credit, Holy Mother, all to the good, the Wave Prince blesses you, favors you, is fond of his daughter, that I cannot doubt, you beseech him and he is moved, as a daughter and her father should be, of all who pray to him your lips are closest to his ears.

And so, as to your proposal, a proposal of my own. In Tilea...we are not in Tilea, we dwell in your Empire, but in Tilea it is a custom for the parent of the parent to secure a blessing for their child's child, from the most godly and favored priest they may. And I, I am blessed, the gods, Shallya, Myrmidia, they bless me with two grandchildren, two bebes, boy and girl, and I, good grandmama that I am, I go to the priests of your Empire, the highest priests!

Understand, Holy Mother. My husband, he is Count, he wishes a man or woman honored, perhaps he does not go himself, but there are servants and subjects and there are subjects and servants, you understand? And the higher a servant stands in his favor, the greater the honor, and if that favored servant asks that he do more, perhaps you understand?

I pray that you do, a child would understand, can understand, or so I believed! But Holy Mother, the priests of your Empire! I speak to them, I beseech them, I beg your Theogonist and your Ar-Ulric and the Eagle of Myrmidia, of Myrmidia Herself! I can scarce believe it, I beg, and I, this, this is my proposal to you, Holy Mother.

You will go to Hochland, where the children of my son and the daughter of my heart, Hergig, you, yourself, the most favored of Manann, you will journey there and you will place your hands, the hands of she who is closest to the Wave God, you, yourself, you will pray over them and bless them and say, Mighty Manann, your daughter, your most beloved and favored daughter, she speaks to you, she, your closest, she asks that you look upon these two children and you bless them, bless them with salt and spray and storm, that you protect them and watch over them, I who you love most, ask that you do this.

Your, yourself. None other.

And as this is done, what you have asked, the Malasangre of Sylvania shall do.

Contessa Bianca Malasangre, Virago of Roca Drakenhopf, Gonfalionaire of the Feonne
Matriarch Leentje reads the letter a second time. Then a third time, just in case she's misunderstanding.

She's just considering a fourth when Sable meows and kneads his claws into her ankle. "Ach!" She winces, but still smiles and bends down to pet him. The black cat rubs his head into her hand and purrs. The moment she pulls her hand away, he jumps up onto the desk, turns in a circle, and settles in for a nap on the rest of her unread letters.

Leentje huffs, but of course, cats cannot be denied. She elects to interpret it as an omen besides, given the intensity of equal parts anger, incomprehension, and desperation all but radiating off the letter in front of her.

Leentje shakes her head, gets out her quill and ink and paper, and stares. What's she even supposed to write in response to this? This raw, bleeding, untreated wound?

She gives it several tries, before giving up on eloquence and simply writing.

Ironically, Leentje finds herself satisfied with it.

To Contessa Bianca Malasangre,

I will do as you ask. My blessing, in person, and with my own tithe.

So I swear to you upon the Sea King.

By the Grace of Manann,
Matriarch Leentje Leentje van Moddejonge

Grandmaster Herman,

I am pleased to have received word of your survival and valor during the ill-fortuned "Borisnacht" of Carroburg. The Order of Deserved Rest has stood side-by-side with Stirland in its darkest days and our best wishes remain with you and yours. No less am I pleased to hear that you intend to aid with quieting the Stirhügel. You may find yourselves there attending to the sealing of barrows with solemn rites rather than fighting vampires or wraiths, though perhaps you and your men will find that a nice and restful spell after the past years.

Though I regret that your martial prowess will not go entirely unused. Bandits and would-be necromancers need to be cleared out to put the unquiet Barrow Kings once more at peace. I will insure the local authorities provide you their full cooperation in locating these menaces, and will provide a detachment from our State Armies to assist in the work. Only once such vile and godless renegades are cleared out will we be able to restore the barrow-tombs of the dead kings and put them to rest once more with dignity and honor. Yet it is my hope the work will go quickly and lift the lingering pall of fear and danger over these hills.

I remain &etc,
Horst von Wolfbach, Steward of Stirland
Hail, Steward Horst von Wolfbach,

It seems Carbourg was more of a spectacle than I have thought, that it has reached you so quickly, along side others. Or perhaps that is simply the benefits of the Cult of Manann's mailing service. Your wishes are well appreciated, Stweard, and attending to the resealing of barrows will be a welcome break for my men in the less....exciting ways of Morr. That said they will still need to wet their blades with the scum that seem to gather around the dead like mold, in order to properly do their duty.

The assistance and cooperation of the local authorities as well as a detachment of the State Armies is most appreciated as well, less time in battle will be good for my men, and the scum should prove little challenge in clearing out, so we may begin to ensure these ancient kings proper and undisturbed rest. It is my hope with this that my men gain a little rest from their previous trials, and that the people of Stirland gain something at least vaguely hopeful to help with the pall of constant disaster.

Though this has reminded me, I have received an offer of help from an all told strange source. The Strigany, namely Caravan-Princess Sicriu Altetya Peshkarus, has offered her assistance in putting the unquiet Barrow-Kings to proper rest, and ensuring the undisturbed rest of the others. I admit to a certain surprised confusion, for I have not expected her to offer assistance on such a thing as this, but I have accepted it.

I do not know why, exactly, she wishes to help. I suppose I will in time find out, though I doubt it would be anything malicious. And I refuse to let the prejudice against her people to cloud my judgement on the matter. However if you do take issue with the presence of her people then I will speak to her again and bring your concerns to her. Regardless of the Strigany I do not believe there will be anything particularly strenuous that will particularly impede our forces, not if we're careful at least.

May you death be easy, when it comes.
Grandmaster Herman of the High and Chiviarlic order of Deserved rest.

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To: @Bandeirante
His Imperial and Princely Highness Frederick von Schaffernorscht,
Chancellor of the League of Ostermark,
Protector of the Eastern Marches,
Chieftain of the Ostagoths,
Holy Elector of Sigmar's Empire,

Word has reached us that among your subjects are those that have engaged in the practice of bringing forth false accusation towards those that inhabit the border between our realms and which stretched both to those that have ties of family over the border as also those subjects that cross it regularily like merchants.
There has been a lack of due process in how they have been proclaimed to be employed in a randalidan fashion by our Duchy and then having been forced to part with Posession, Limb or Life including those resisting in our own lands.
Considering the long and good history between our personae in terms of conflicts this is a most displeasing surprise.
As you are well known to be a ruler of wisdom and measurement this seems not like a path that you would wish to embark on to find a cause for ill intent and proclamation and so we are concerned that someone might have ursurped your good name in this matter and defended a lower motive with your name carried in vain.
Thus we inquire about the truth there and that the criminal that perverted the cause of justice be brought to raison so that our people might rest easy as they know you to be good neighboors instead of someone trying to rile up anger and fear between them.

May Taal safeguard your crown and Rhya bless the field of your people and your family.

Her August Highness Brigitte II, Empress-Ottilian, Elector-Countess of Talabecland, Beloved of Taal, Hetwoman of the Taleeuten Margrave of the East March.
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Your grace Von Wolfbach,
Steward of Stirlish Land

In my devotions to Rhya and Taal, Shadreth and Ushrone, much has reached my ears of the good works done at Wurtbad. The cleverness of your inheritor's art in glorying the gods has received much praise, from those who witnessed them. Cleanliness is a neighbour to divinity, or so it is said, and cleansing indeed seems your calling. When last our roads met, my caravans bore the stricken away, that your lands might heal. Hope springs that one day, they may bear the stricken to you, that your lands might heal them.

Whispers in Wolfenburg and cries in Carroburg speak of the shadow of the living death cast on the Empire once more. None can understand the weight of that cold hand who have not felt its fingers on shoulder clasped. My people fear to imagine the nightmare queen that is Old Night among us again, and yearn to scrub her shadow from our shared hearth.

In the last year, the Knights of fierce Vlrig showed us great honour as escorts to your lands – so too have I sought to assist the Knights of the Raven, blessed of Morr. In this I have heard of your goal to reclaim the lands of the dead for those yet living. Yet in the Stirhugel, a careful foot and wise eye may be of greater use than a sharp blade – your love for your people stands above all else, as ever, but the Styrigen care not for intention, and speak only the stone tongue of taboo and trespass. The Strigany were kin to them of old, and their tongue is spoken by some of the wise among us.

I would offer this knowledge to your cause, as interpreter and loadbearer alike. As a lantern lights a treacherous path, so too might I illuminate those barrows best untouched, those curses best unprovoked, those dusty oaths best unbroken. Your people share not your love, I know, so at your behest my folk may keep to the company of the good knights, or claim the name of "Estalia" or "Tilea" or a land that tastes less bitter on Stirlish tongue. Our mask matters little, if we can but spirit the dead from your door, and give you bond to my Imperial sincerity.

In recognition
Princess Sicriu Altetya Pescaruz
Something strange was spreading among the citizens of Middenland. It began, as things often did, among the peasantry. Quiet murmurings and discussions of recent events, the subject matter ranging from far flung Stirland to grand Middenheim itself. But soon enough the lesser nobility became aware of it, and from them the rest of the province.

The Knights of the White Wolf, Templars of the Cult of Ulric, respected by all among the faithful, had gone out in defense of halflings. Even more, they had done so in cooperation with the nomadic Strigany. And then, when laying down Ulric's justice upon the perfidious alchemists, they had worked once more with these traveling people in order to ensure the charlatans did not escape.

There were some who were confused by this. Why value did those short, fat pie eaters have? What use were the shifty caravans of landless migrants? They were all foreigners, weren't they? And yet every time such sentiments were brought up, there were many more who would respond with the obvious. The Knights of the White Wolf cared, and they were heroes deserving of respect.

Soon enough what was once assumed was given voice.

It did not come in the form of a single grand proclamation, but from thousands of conversations as wolf cloaked knights went about their business for the year. Quiet but firm, the Templars of Ulric made their views known in temples, drinking houses, and even in the middle of the street as the bold approached them in an effort to understand.

The halflings were survivors, enduring the destruction of all they had ever known, and the Strigany both clever and resourceful. All of these were pleasing to Ulric, who prized strength of will and body. Even more, was it not the providence of the god of war and winter for the powerful to protect the weak that they might one day become so themselves?

The Strigany had done right by the Knights of the White Wolf, and not just once. That earned them respect. The halflings had lived through utter destruction and were building themselves up once more. They wished to become strong, and this too deserved respect.

So it became known, slowly at first but with growing frequency, that the Knights of the White Wolf would not look kindly upon those who wished harm upon the halflings or the Strigany within Middenland's borders. Whatever their reasons, Ulric's firm hand on this earth had decided to provide them shelter against the rain. Could it be a sign of things to come, or just another peculiar incident in an era full of such? Was it merely trivia for historians to chew over again and again among their forests of paper and lakes of ink, or perhaps something more?

Only time would tell.
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To: @Bandeirante
His Imperial and Princely Highness Frederick von Schaffernorscht,
Chancellor of the League of Ostermark,
Protector of the Eastern Marches,
Chieftain of the Ostagoths,
Holy Elector of Sigmar's Empire,

Word has reached us that among your subjects are those that have engaged in the practice of bringing forth false accusation towards those that inhabit the border between our realms and which stretched both to those that have ties of family over the border as also those subjects that cross it regularily like merchants.
There has been a lack of due process in how they have been proclaimed to be employed in a randalidan fashion by our Duchy and then having been forced to part with Posession, Limb or Life including those resisting in our own lands.
Considering the long and good history between our personae in terms of conflicts this is a most displeasing surprise.
As you are well known to be a ruler of wisdom and measurement this seems not like a path that you would wish to embark on to find a cause for ill intent and proclamation and so we are concerned that someone might have ursurped your good name in this matter and defended a lower motive with your name carried in vain.
Thus we inquire about the truth there and that the criminal that perverted the cause of justice be brought to raison so that our people might rest easy as they know you to be good neighboors instead of someone trying to rile up anger and fear between them.

May Taal safeguard your crown and Rhya bless the field of your people and your family.

Her August Highness Brigitte II, Empress-Ottilian, Elector-Countess of Talabecland, Beloved of Taal, Hetwoman of the Taleeuten Margrave of the East March.

To Her August Highness Brigitte II, Empress-Ottilian, Elector-Countess of Talabecland, Beloved of Taal, Hetwoman of the Taleeuten Margrave of the East March.

Rest assured, Your Highness, there was no usurpation or manipulation. I gave the order and I am proud to say that the Council heartily approved of it.

As you say, I am a wise and measured man. So it should come to no surprise that I seek to protect my people and my land from enemies within and without. And just as I have found and wiped out the taint of witchery root and stem, so I am now intent on doing to the agents of all those foreign magnates who seek to extend their tendrils towards the fair and simple land of Ostermark.

Your spies were caught in Ostermark so they were judged in Ostermark by the laws of Ostermark. I have complete confidence in the work and skill of the League's servants and no reason to suspect foul play of anyone but you in this issue. As the matter has already been satisfactorily dealt with I am willing to extend you the courtesy of letting this matter die now.

His Imperial and Princely Highness Frederick von Schaffernorscht, Chancellor of the League of Ostermark, Protector of the Eastern Marches, Chieftain of the Ostagoths, Holy Elector of Sigmar's Empire,

To Count-Palatine Luciano Malasangre of Sylvania, Lord of Drakenhopf @Wade Garrett

It has been a while since I last wrote you about matters of state. And yet I find myself having to bother you again, for that I apologize as you are no doubt already burdened by more than enough matters. You have done wonderful work to Sylvania these past few years. But, and I apologize in advance for my language, your realm is a cursed and god forsaken wasteland and I cannot but worry for you and your family every time I receive news from your little corner of the Empire

But enough rambling. In recent years a certain illegal business venture has come to my attention. A "mysterious meat" of uncertain providence that became something of a minor gourmet affair before my men and Witch Hunters turned their attention to the matter. And while I have no solid proof that there is heresy and witchery involved, this whole thing stinks of it. Too much shadiness and willing mystery to be anything close to good and wholesome.

My people have lost the track of the villains behind this mystery meat and though most would have rather let the whole thing behind, I am loathe to let it go only to have it blow up in the future. So I come to you asking for assistance in continuing this investigation.

His Imperial and Princely Highness Frederick von Schaffernorscht, Chancellor of the League of Ostermark, Protector of the Eastern Marches, Chieftain of the Ostagoths, Holy Elector of Sigmar's Empire,

Grandmaster Herman,

Any Stirlish man-at-arms would be honored to fight beside your Knights. And any man of Stirland knows well the vital task of protecting the rest of the dead. I will be keenly awaiting your arrival in the Grand County and will see that you and your knights receive the warmest reception.

As to the issue of the Strigany self-styled Princess, she has written to me directly and I shall respond directly. I will concede that her people delivered upon their promises regarding the Halflings and if you are prepared to vouch for them I have no objections to their participation. Much as it vexes me, lore regarding the Styringens has been lost in Stirland and it is not impossible the Strigany have some connection to the peoples here before the coming of the Asoborns. They may be useful in that regard and even if not the superstitious peasantry might yet appreciate their colorful dances and music.

I remain& etc,
Horst von Wolfbach, Steward of Stirland


Your Grace,

Grandmaster Herman of the Knights has written to me on your behalf and I have no cause to gainsay him. If your people retain lore of the Styringens and can help put their shades to rest then I would be negligent to reject your offer. Furthermore I recall the services your people provided in the removal of the Halflings.

I cannot account for the disposition of the local peasants so it may very well be prudent to deem yourselves exotic Estalians. You will have the close protection of the Grandmaster and his knights so I do not have excessive concern in that regard however.

May Sigmar watch over you,
H. v. Wolfbach
To Count-Palatine Luciano Malasangre of Sylvania, Lord of Drakenhopf

It has been a while since I last wrote you about matters of state. And yet I find myself having to bother you again, for that I apologize as you are no doubt already burdened by more than enough matters. You have done wonderful work to Sylvania these past few years. But, and I apologize in advance for my language, your realm is a cursed and god forsaken wasteland and I cannot but worry for you and your family every time I receive news from your little corner of the Empire

But enough rambling. In recent years a certain illegal business venture has come to my attention. A "mysterious meat" of uncertain providence that became something of a minor gourmet affair before my men and Witch Hunters turned their attention to the matter. And while I have no solid proof that there is heresy and witchery involved, this whole thing stinks of it. Too much shadiness and willing mystery to be anything close to good and wholesome.

My people have lost the track of the villains behind this mystery meat and though most would have rather let the whole thing behind, I am loathe to let it go only to have it blow up in the future. So I come to you asking for assistance in continuing this investigation.

His Imperial and Princely Highness Frederick von Schaffernorscht, Chancellor of the League of Ostermark, Protector of the Eastern Marches, Chieftain of the Ostagoths, Holy Elector of Sigmar's Empire,

My friend, you must rid yourself of this habit of veiling your thoughts behind sweet flatteries, unburden yourself, share with me what you truly think of these lands of mine.

My friend. It is strange to write those words. We are friends, that is Verena's own truth. Our sons have chased folly and glory together, Ostermark has stood shoulder to shoulder with Sylvania at every step, against Van Hal's misrule and Roland d'Mousillion's sword, all that I have done could not have been accomplished without your aid.

And you yourself, whenever I sought counsel or comfort, your letters would provide, they have been a balm to my soul. I count it as honor to call you friend. And that is why it is strange, for we have never yet looked upon one another's face, never heard one another's voice, all we have shared is ink and parchment.

Let us correct this. My friend, I ask that you permit me the honor of hosting you, and any retinue you care to bring, at Drakenhopf. Let us break bread together, let us drink wine, let us bore our wives and children and grandchildren to tears with tales of our youth. What say you?

Luciano Malasangre, Count Palatine of Sylvania, Lord and Master of Drakenhopf, Chieftan of the Feone

You must forgive my gaiety, my son's wife and perhaps their children mean to journey hither, and it is difficult to dwell on evil things. The dark matters you speak of are not unknown to me. Sigmar's inquisitori recently unraveled a plot by mutants to smuggle confectionaries of some foul sort into Sylvania, it is certain there is some devilry afoot, brewed in the cursed lands of the half-folk. Join me at Drakenhopf by all means, let us share joy with our family and friends, and then we shall do whatever we must to protect them. Perhaps it would be wise to enlist the aid of Sigmar's Hunters of Strega, you have had more dealings with them than I, what do you think?
Terse Civility

With the death of Konrad von Schild outside the walls of Carroburg, the ancestral runefang Legbiter came into the possession of his slayer. To lose such a powerful symbol of its legitimacy was infuriating to Middenland, to lose it to Konstantin of all people appalling, and to be forced to wait a full year before the Grand Prince would even deign to open negotiations for its return insulting. In the end, however, both sides came to the table, and after a series of increasingly curt and vicious exchanges settled on a compromise.

The terms were as follows:
  1. The Runefang Legbiter was to be returned to Middenland immediately, accompanied by suitable proclamations recognising the sword as being ancestral property of the Twin Duchies. While other parties might hold it for a time, never could they truly claim to own it.
  2. A sum of [20 capital] was to be paid to Grand Prince Konstantin of Reikland, effective immediately.
  3. The Cult of Sigmar is granted a portion of land within the city of Delberz for the creation of an ecclesiastic court, and Cult lawyers granted the right to operate throughout the Twin Duchies. Priests registered with this court would be under the formal protection of Grand Prince Konstantin, and had the right to request protective escorts of reasonable size from the Grand Prince and his soldiers to ensure their safety in carrying out their duties.
  4. The Cult of Ulric is granted a similar plot of land within Reikland, to better minister to the needs of those Ulricans found south of the Reik, and granted right of passage without question so long as it can be demonstrated that they are travelling to better tend to their flock. The Cult of Ulric and the Knights of the White Wolf are granted full access to the Duchy of Drakwald, and will endeavour to ensure that all pious Ulricans within the area have full access to religious counsel and guidance. Grand Prince Konstantin swears to protect all such Priests from any harm, and to levy harsh punishments on those that would defy his will.
  5. Reikish merchants are granted access to Middenland towns and markets without restriction, and can expect to pay no greater tariffs or labour under restrictions more severe than those already granted to Talabeclander merchants under the Union of Seasons. Middenlander merchants are granted access to Reikish towns and markets on similar terms, and can expect to hold the same rights as applied to trade by the rules of the Pfeildorf Pact.

@Deadly Snark @TenfoldShields
Just south of Middenheim

"Your grace..."

Huddled up warm in her furs, fingers splashed with ink, Astrid didn't look up from her fervid scribbling. Her cabin was piled with bookmark-stuffed books, and sheets of thrown away and blotted parchment showed the casualties of her efforts.

"Your grace," repeated Lector Arnold Becker, his hands jammed up his volumous black sleeves. The priest looked down at his duchess. "You've barely emerged from here in days. You should get some sunlight."

"There'll be time for that later."

"It's not good for you to stay in here,"

"You don't understand," she told him.

"Possibly, your grace. But you haven't explained it to me. You're assuming I can read your mind."

She screwed her eyes shut, and opened them again. "I have to look like I just threw this together," she said, words falling over themselves. "But there won't be time to actually do this properly once we're in Middenheim." She gestured at the books on her table. "I'm taking aspects from Bretonnian codes of treatment of captured knights, a pinch of Old Tilean law, and then the Black Rose's code of conduct and of course grounding it in the tradition of Our Lord's day."

The bear of a man let out a rumbling sigh, running his fingers through his long beard which reached down to his belt. "The Matriarch is worried about your health."

"And I appreciate the concern, but this is a conference where both Middenland and Talabecland are here in person - along with representatives of the major cults." She met his eyes, blue eyes flashing. "I can't let them see a young woman, or the duchess of the poorest nation in our disunited lands. And I can't help but worry what's going on with Jana, or what's happening up in Norsca. There's a bit of me that thinks this was mistake. Do we have to go to..."

"Astrid," Arnold said gently, "the candle that burns from both ends lasts half as long. Stop writing like you are running out of time. We can already see Middenheim outside."

"Already?! There's so much I need to do!"

"You must husband your strength." The priest sighed. "There will be greater trials for you and Ostland soon."

"Relative to the ineffectual and mishap attempt at a Grand Convocation in Hochland the previous year, the summit of secular and religious powers in Middenland in early 2204 IC was a triumphant success. In the aftermath of the horrifying scenes in Carroburg, the templar orders of Morr were greatly disturbed by the number of battle-slain spectres enslaved by the malicious ghost of the former emperor. In their discussion, the topic turned to the treatment of the dead and how many of the slain around Carroburg had been left to rot or whose burned corpses had been thrown into mass graves with no honour and no respect. Was there any surprise that the unquiet dead had answered the call of Emperor Boris?

"The Regent of Middenland was easily bought around to support these efforts, for her predecessor had been one of the victims of the bloody battle at Carroburg, and so the Pact of Seasons was bought around to support these efforts. The cults of Ulric and Taal and Rhya naturally became involved, and the scribes in Middenheim worked long and hard trying to draft an acceptable form for all comers. During the process, the document's scope grew with the cults of Mannan and Rhya bringing in treatment of the wounded and sick over the original more barebones code.

"However, the final form of the Magpie Code was unquestionably the work of Grand Duchess Astrid von Wolfenburg of Ostland, whose hand is clearly on the final draft of the document held in the Grand Archives of Middenheim. Although she got involved in the process relatively late in the negotiations, the erratic and deeply religious duchess laboured to produce a code which was accepted nearly unchanged. The fact that she came with the Matriarch of the Pure Doves and the Lector of Wolfenburg - bringing both Shallyan and Sigmarite support which had previously been lacking - helped bring everyone into agreement, and the convention was signed in the spring of 2204. The grandmasters of the Black Rose and the Raven Knights were greatly cheered by the people of Middenheim and by the attending guests for their work in seeing this to a close.

The final draft of the Convention on Matters of Life and Death in War of 2204 - also known as the Magpie Code, for its 'Shallyan' white and 'Morrite' black - is a relatively unambitious document which focuses more on being mutually acceptable and likely to be followed by all parties. There are novel legal concepts within, especially with regards to burial obligations and treaty-guaranteed neutrality for the Cults of Shallya and Morr, but overall it was largely a codification of existing tradition and honourable regard. Still, despite that, it can be seen as a period-important reaction to the horrors of the Age of Three Emperors - and just as importantly, another example of the novel legal doctrines originating from the northern Sigman lands during the Crisis."

Hansel Tiecher, "Laws and War in the Early Twenty-Third Century"

@Alectai @dash931 @Deadly Snark @Imrix @Scia @Shephard @triumph8w

The Convention on Matters of Life and Death in War
called also the Magpie Code of 2204


The signatories to this act undertake to abide by the laws of good honour and war as described in this document, and will act to ensure those loyal to them abide by such principles in their conduct in good faith.

Section 1 – On General Conduct

Article 1.1

Signatories shall endeavour to ensure that these rules are followed by their subordinates and hirelings, and shall in good faith prevent breaches and punish transgressions appropriately.

Article 1.2

It is forbidden to employ or ally with the Forces of Evil or make use of their tainted gifts in warfare. It is a crime against all honour to consort with necromancers, demon-summoners, worshippers of the Dark Gods, or to make use of any products of their wicked arts to make war.

Article 1.3

The deliberate conveyance of disease, sickness or maladies in warfare serves only the Fly God, and is absolutely forbidden.

Article 1.4

Mercenaries, soldiers-of-fortune and other irregulars shall carry the banner, flag, or recognisable emblem of their unit or of the belligerent nation they serve. Irregulars operating within their nation of origin and raised no more than two weeks ago by lawful authority are exempt, but are obliged to obtain such identification as soon as possible.

Article 1.5

It is prohibited to falsely use the banners or emblems of cults, or of nations not party to the current conflict.

Article 1.6

It is a dishonourable and unrighteous act of perfidy to offer false surrender. It is perfidious to offer blandishments or false promises to ensure that surrender is offered. The terms of a surrender shall be abided by both parties, as long as the terms do not violate the articles of this code.

Article 1.7

The emblem of the Cult of Morr and the insignia of Shallyan orders (such as the red heart of the Order of the Bleeding Heart and the white bird of the Order of the Pure Dove) are emblems of neutrality and truce in a conflict, and shall be respected. They shall not be used to gain military advantage. Militant orders devoted to Morr must use distinctive insignia and have a duty to ensure that they are not mistaken for a neutral party.

Article 1.8

The means of war shall be proportionate and commensurate to the goals of the belligerent. Those who seek unnecessary bloodshed or needless death hear the call of the Blood God and should think of the good of their souls.

Section 2 – On the Rightful Treatment of the Dead

Article 2.1

The remains of slain humans, halflings, dwarves and elves shall be treated with respect, and shall not be desecrated or taken as trophies or permitted to fall into the hands of a necromancer.

Article 2.2

Gardens of Morr and priests of Morr engaged in the burial of the dead shall always be recognised as neutral by belligerents. This protection shall be waived if a military force occupies the Garden of Morr or makes use of it for war.

Article 2.3

When possible, the party holding a field of battle at the end of the day shall ensure that the slain on both sides are buried within a Garden of Morr. Should this prove impossible due to the exigencies of the situation, they shall inform representatives of the Cult of Morr and provide safe escort to the site of the battle. Refusal to assist a priest of Morr as required in securing corpses so that they might be rightfully buried must be given in writing by the commanding officer of the forces whose service was requested.

Article 2.4

The parties shall make a good-faith effort to inform the liege of an individual slain during war. Truces to inform of deaths or repatriate remains shall be respected.

Article 2.5

The remains of the deceased shall not be held hostage. No ransom shall be demanded for their return or honourable burial.

Article 2.6

When possible, the deceased shall be buried in line with their personal faith. Should the avoidance of plague or sickness require the use of mass graves, it is mandatory that all effort be made to identify and record the individuals interned there, and that the Cult of Morr be informed of the names and titles of the deceased and how many unidentified bodies were interned there.

Section 3 – On the Rightful Treatment of the Wounded or Captured

Article 3.1

Temples, hospitals, hospices and missions of Shallya shall be always recognised as neutral by belligerents, as shall the healing places of other accepted faiths or secular medical institutions for as long as the sick or wounded are present. This protection shall be waived if a military force occupies the place of healing or makes use of it for war.

Article 3.2

Wounded or sick combatants, to whatever nation they may belong, shall be collected and cared for. Commanders or lieges may hand over immediately to enemy outposts or temples of Shallya enemy combatants wounded during a battle, when circumstances allow and subject to the agreement of both parties.

Evacuation parties, and the personnel conducting them, shall be considered as being absolutely neutral.

Article 3.3

The captor is defined as the individual who holds responsibility for the captive, who is responsible for their well-being, and to whom ransoms will be paid under the laws of their own nation.

The commander of a belligerent power shall ensure that the other party is informed of the names and titles of any members of their nation that they or men under their authority hold captive, and who the captor is.

Agreements of ransom are sacrosanct, and must be followed in good faith.

Article 3.4

Captives from an opposing army or from the population of a belligerent nation must be treated lawfully. It is prohibited to, through action or inaction or omission, cause or induce the death of a captive save as a lawful punishment for crimes committed. All punishments of prisoners must be issued in writing following trial by a lawfully convened court, following a trial witnessed by at least two lawfully recognised priests.

Measures of reprisal against captives are expressly forbidden.

Article 3.5

The local representatives of the Cult of Shallya shall be informed of all locations where captives of a belligerent power or men under arms under their authority are being held. These priests and priestesses shall have free access to the site of detention, and must be permitted to freely report on the conditions in the location.

Article 3.6

Captives must be permitted access to the priests of their gods for the good of their souls and comfort and good health, unless;
a) Said gods are recognised as Dark Gods whose worship is prohibited by righteous men, or,
b) The captor has genuine and well-founded reason to believe that the captive will use such contact for immediate and present military advantage, in which case access may be withheld for up to two weeks. In such a case, the captor must inform representatives of such faith of the request, such that prayers may be made for the captive.

Article 3.7

Captives shall be treated properly by their captor as befits their social status, sex and rank. No additional fees or surcharges may be levied upon a captive, save what is negotiated in any ransom agreement for their release prior to the end of hostilities.

Article 3.8

Captors may, as required, demand labour from captives who are physically fit proportional to their needs and capacity to contribute. A captor who makes use of this authority is obliged to inform the priestesses of Shallya, who may exempt captives from manual work on grounds of physical health or injury.

Captured nobles or commissioned officers shall not be required to labour, though may volunteer of their free will.

Article 3.9

No captive shall see use by their captor as an implement of war. It is forbidden to make use of captives to deny areas of the battlefield to the opposing side, or to protect the forces of the captor from artillery fire or archery or shot.

Article 3.10

The captor and captive, or captor and opposing power, or opposing powers may negotiate the release of a captive on parole. No captive is obliged to accept liberty on parole or promise. Should such an agreement be reached the captive is obliged by their honour to follow the terms of the parole or promise, and the opposing power is bound to obey the terms of the parole or promise save where it would violate its own laws to do so.

Article 3.11

The arms and armaments of a captive may, at the choice of the captor, be taken as forfeit. Items of a personal nature may not be forfeited save as part of a negotiated ransom, though they may be temporarily confiscated on reasonable grounds.
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In Nomine Morr Scriptor

To Whom it May Concern

The Convention on Matters of Life and Death in War, propagated by Astrid of Ostland, has the full and unfettered support of the Cult of Morr and all of it's respective sub-divisions. Whereas the Gracious Astrid has deemed fit to create such a document for use throughout the Empire, so shall the Cult expect it's use, in tiding with respect given to the the holder of Ostland, throughout the Empire.



Most Illustrious Custode,

The ancient tombs of the Styringen kings in the Stirhügel have remained disturbed since the unhappy passage of the first so-called Vampire Count through Stirland. Grandmaster Herman of the Knights of the Raven has agreed to aid Stirland in re-sealing their barrows and placing their shades back to rest. I beseech your Excellency to provide a measure of support to this noble task of seeing to the rites of the ancient hallowed dead, by sending learned and experienced priests to our aid. The customs and language of the Styringen are almost lost even in Stirland, so even scraps of knowledge preserved by members of your Cult would be valuable.

You have my gratitude for your consideration of this request, and the eternal respect of the Grand County of Stirland for the many services of the Cult of Morr.

I remain your most humble and obedient servant,
Horst von Wolfbach, Archduke of Wolfbach, Steward of Stirland
To the Heirarch of Rhya Esmerina Stromsdottir @Imrix

I well remember our cooperation to rescue the dragonlets from those who would seek glory through their deaths, and I would be more than glad to appoint your priests as wardens and advisors in the care of the dragon his mother has so magnanimously entrusted me with. Certainly I would sleep well at night knowing that you and yours shall also be watching over them, as the Lady Myrmidia herself proclaimed the shield wall is stronger with every shield that honours it.

However on the matter of the nest in Solland I regret to inform you that I am unable to accommodate. Solland is a storied province that I have personally bled to reclaim, and I am relieved that the ages-old regret of Wissenland has been overturned by its return. Yet to build the nest at Solland would leave me unable to attend to my charge, separated as I am by the miles between Pfeildorf and Nuln. To have our relationship hampered by distance would be a boorish response to the honour that I have been granted. Nuln is my throne, as it had been for my ancestors before me. And in turn it will be the one I share with Sigismund, I cannot claim to honour the wishes of Sigismund's mother otherwise.

Sealed and Signed by His Imperial & Princely Highness Friedrich von Schwarzburg, Grand Count of Wissenland and Grand Prince of Solland, Chieftain of the Merogens, Count of Nuln, Armourer of the Empire and South-Warden, Defender of the Rivers Soll and Echoes, Holy Elector of Sigmar's Empire.
Much had been said, in the previous year, of the Strigany devotions to Taal. Not all of it good, of course; the faith of Taal was uncanny to many, even in an age when foreign gods seemed to creep into the Empire's borders from every direction. Yet beneath the boughs of Talabecland, the Strigany "royalty" had paid homage to the Horned Hierarch of Taal, and shared tales of Ushrone's war with the witch-queen and his exile to Taal's wild lands. Sicriu was known as a woman of faith (however strange) and lore (however secret), to those who marked such things.

So to those who marked such things, it was no great surprise when the caravans of Strigany that trundled into Middenheim out of Marienburg, down the Great North Road, began to bear the devotions and make the offerings typical to those travellers honouring Ulric. Wolf skulls (or the image thereof) were a popular symbol for such worshippers, one canine bleached white, the other painted red. The most worldly Middenlanders gave vague recollection of seeing such markings on other skulls in years gone by, but word soon spread: this was simply a sign of Ulric's foreign aspect (or his bastard child, or his loyal nephew).

Vlrig, the cunning stalker, the wolf who destroys the strongest foe with his bleached fang of patience and his bloody fang of ferocity. Vlrig would shrive away at a goblin horde from the winter shadows, then shatter them entirely by hunting down the warboss. Vlrig would lure in vampire lords by preying on their arrogance, then lunge in for the kill. Vlrig would lay in with blade and bite, then unveil a pistol at point-blank range. It wasn't proper Ulric worship, of course, its precepts distorted by foreign hands, but what else could one expect from those sorts? It was, at least, no more offensive than the Kislevites and their rival bear-god. Perhaps these distant ties were what had drawn the Strigany to honour Ulric properly by aiding the White Wolves, or perhaps witnessing the Knights of Ulric in battle had reinvigorated this Strigan view of the Wolf King.

The White Wolves themselves prowled the lands as they ever did, cowing highway bands, scattering goblin mobs, and making themselves ominously known to the swaggering Reikish merchants who flooded from Carroburg... and few could miss the youthful Strigany who rode alongside them. Thick-haired, strong-armed, dark-eyed, fierce of countenance and dangling with wolf-charms, these Blood Claws offered speed to match knightly strength, trading honour and experience for flexibility and vigour; and as summer rolled into Ulric's time of year, as beards grew on youthful chins, they learned. Oh, the Strigany had their martial ways. One did not survive on the Empire's roads without knowledge of crossbow and shortbow, spear and hook-blade, but these paled in comparison to the skills of a professional soldier, a templar of the wolf-god whose days and prayers alike were dedicated to war.

Not all proceeded smoothly. Some cursed their lady-leader (though which lady-leader was unclear) for the hardships they were being made to endure in this bitter land. Others made merrier of their situation than the grim Wolves appreciated, or chafed at the lessons of Ulric's priests. Still, by the turning of Ulriczeit, young men made fond farewell to brothers-in-arms, and met once more with family and friends in Middenheim, where caravans now trundled daily up and down the Old Forest Road.

There they met with Sicriu, who was said (in later years, at least) to have given each a private glimpse into their fortune. If she did, none spoke of it at the time, but instead left in dribs and drabs, spread across the caravans that traversed the Union and the Northern provinces of the League, not an army, but a sowing of newfound expertise. Zusto "Black Fang" was leader of the lot by general assent, and with his pitch-painted short-blade joined the guard of Sicriu herself, along with a gaggle of picked Claws.

It would little do for the Strigany to win their place in this bold new Empire, after all, if they could not defend it.
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