Heimurn Chronicles (No, SV, you're a young valkyrie in the middle of a bizarre and dangerous journey)

Who is the bae? (Yes, we know that it's Lucy, but still - who's your favorite character)

  • Total voters
Character(s) sheet(s)
your team of lunatics so far
Lucifina (aka you, aka Lu, aka Lucy, aka Sparkling, aka Gosling)

Race: the new nameless humanoid species
Gender: Female
Age: biological - around 21 in human years; actual(?) - almost half a year (?).
Background: protege of a natural science scholar, unknown origins
Status: Healthy

"Follow the white cat" - you have a moody guiding spirit at your side who can boost your spirit aspect advancement should you get on its better side (+1 spirit arcane charge point after passing hard charisma attribute check (18)), expect its occasional interference.

"No one is an island" - you get 1 + n bonus to all social influence skills and CHA rolls when applied to teammates, where n is the number of steps of the target's affection tier beyond neutral (applies to both positive and negative affection dimensions). Additionally, get +3 to the mentioned bonuses if Amalia is around and can provide quick advice. Passive effect: unearth more insights on followers.

"It's in my blood" - you get a permanent +1 bonus to Intelligence and +1 to arcane skill. Actions that train arcane aspects have a 1/6 chance to double the yields unless the base earning equals or exceeds one full level. You are more prone to magic-related actions and thoughts. You might find it harder to resist the allure of magic in some situations.

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 9 9 4
Constitution 16 16 11
Mobility 10 (+2 cond.) 10 (12 cond.) 5 (7 cond.)
Perception 11 11 6
Coordination 14 14 9
Micromotorics 13 13 8
Intellect 18(+1/3) 18 13
Wisdom 17 17 12
Charisma 20 20 15
Luck 4 4 4
Misfortune 2 2 2
Attribute value​
Learned value​
Modified value​
Dice bonus​
Melee combat​
Ranged combat​
Arcane skill​
(+1 cnd.day)​
14 (15 cnd.day)​
1 (+2 cnd.w.)​
8 (10 cnd.w.)​
Objects usage​
Mounted combat​
(+2 cnd.w.)​
2 (4 cnd.w.)​
Geography lore​
Nature lore​
Arcane lore​
Social and cultural lore​
Craft lore​
Lingual lore​
Daily craft​
Pharma and treatment​

Flight and wing-related traits
Wings skill level​

Flight mastery level​
Normal speed​
above average, can forcefully accelerate to considerably fast​
Maximum range​
considerably far, anywhere up to twenty-eight kilometers.​
Maximum height​
considerably high (up to 250 meters)​
Maximum extra lifting weight​
low (10 kg)​
above average, withstands weather and can try to regain without landing​
Launching surfaces​
solid grounds​
Air feats​
diving, gliding, hovering, thrusting, basic aerial spellcasting​
Land feats​
dodge extra propulsion, posing, enhanced balance, enhanced surface acceleration, shielding with wings​
#1) Thaumaturgy level 7 (6/7 to level 8):
  • You can sense the activity of the entropic aspects within ~1000 meters radius, and unusual concentration/malfunction of other aspects within ~200 meters radius.​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to constitution​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to wisdom​
  • You regain mental strengths a little bit faster during the daytime.​
  • Using thaumaturgy during the daytime requires less mental and physical effort.,​
  • You can allegedly see prophetic dreams​
  • You can temporarily nullify magic in ~30 meters radius or in a 45 meters-long 30' cone a few times a day, or emit an anti-magic field up to ~15 meters radius a few times a day.​
  • you can temporarily amplify the aspects power around you once a day​
  • you can temporarily amplify or suppress the aspects power of a target up to two times a day​
  • You can try to scan surrounding areas for traces of planar breaching with very high odds to succeed and sense the short residue of extraplanar entities.​
  • You can conjure light on the basic level (sparks, flashes, rays)​
  • You can shape light on the basic level (flash explosions, molding into orbs, luminal barriers, luminal domes, wedges of solidified light, sparks strike)​
  • You passively gain +1 to arcane skill when exposed to the sun but also get -1 to arcane skill at night AND in dark places.​
#2) Spirit level 7:
  • You are able of an advanced Nether-realm vision​
  • You can assess the memory traces of objects and entities via nether-realm vision and tactile contact​
  • You can sense soul sparks in ~75 meters radius​
  • You can sense the sparks of the living, undead, minor spiritual beings, bound spirits, phantasms, genius loci, and some other spirits​
  • You can sense concentrations of the Limbus energies, the thickness of the barrier, and traces of spirits from the material plane​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to perception​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to wisdom​
  • You can scan the target's soul characteristics and receive advanced-depth results​
  • You can try to smite a spirit​
  • You can try to disperse a spirit​
  • You can try to temporarily bind or scare off a singular lesser spiritual being​
  • You can communicate with discovered spiritual beings​
#3) ~Open affinity slot~
Your journal, a comfortable set of clothes, a plain dress, a custom-made set of lightened composite armor, an arming sword ("Holly"), a high-quality rondel ("Mercy"), a decorative blue ribbon, a silver necktie with a bounded spirit, superb leather harness.​
Capable of crudely repairing clothes, making basic tailoring items like belts and patches, and producing low-effort/cost items like stuffed toys. Capable of applying first aid to prevent bleeding. Knows how to make and disinfect bandageware.​

Ulren Kyres (aka Ren, aka Mountain boy)

Race: Bhiroth
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Background: mercenary, former soldier, outcast
Status: Healthy

"Not on my watch, not again" - shields Lucy from considerable harm in combat situations at own expense.

"I promise you that" - when in the same group as Lucifina, will make the second set of saving rolls to avoid critical health conditions.

"Odd kind of friendship" - when Ulren and Sephorah are fighting crowd-controllable enemies (not giants, flying creatures, etc.) in the same team, the one who makes the lowest total offensive or defensive score out of two can reroll that offensive or defensive roll set (only the highest score counts).
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 21 +1 22 17
Constitution 21 +1 22 17
Mobility 14 -1 13 8
Perception 12 12 7
Coordination 15 15 10
Micromotorics 13 13 8
Intellect 14 14 9
Wisdom 18 18 13
Charisma 9 9 4
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 9 9 18
Ranged combat 5 5 10
Arcane skill 6 6
Defense 10 10 20
Objects usage 6 3 9
Mounted combat 8 8
Willpower 6 -3 3
Balance 7 7
Sneaking 4 -5 -1
Reconnaissance 5 4 9
Persuasion 4 4
Intimidation 9 9
Haggle 3 3
Performance 3 3
Seduction 5 5
Geography lore 6 5 11
Nature lore 6 3 9
Arcane lore 6 6
Social and cultural lore 5 5
Craft lore 6 6 12
Lingual lore 5 5
Daily craft 6 4 10
Pharma and treatment 5 2 7
Weaponsmithing 6 6 12
Armorsmithing 6 6 12
Tailoring 3 3
Art 4 4
Artificery 5 7 12
Burglary 4 4
Huntsmanship 5 2 7
Alchemy 6 6
Sorcery 6 6
Unknown, but he demonstrated feats of great balance, stability, and hardiness. Perhaps, he might have an undiscovered arcane aspect bound.​
A very worn half-plate armor set, worn set of clothes, a glaive, mechanical mace with spare heads, heater shield, hand crossbow, one quiver of bolts, enchanted amulet (+1 STR +1 CON - MOB)
Semi-proficient in the daily craft. Adept in smithing (martial-level weapons and armor). Proficient in artificiery (lesser contraptions). Expert in picking/maintaining war gear, and capable of minor mechanical upgrades of such. Knows the basics of hunting and skinning.

Sephorah of house Terphor (aka Seph, aka Sephie, aka Princess)

Race: Daeva
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Background: Rosaline's agent, former slave, voluntary expatriate.
Status: Healthy


"Odd kind of friendship" - when Ulren and Sephorah are fighting crowd-controllable enemies (not giants, flying creatures, etc.) in the same team, the one who makes the lowest total offensive or defensive score out of two can reroll that offensive or defensive roll set (only the highest score counts).​

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 15 15 10
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 16 16 11
Perception 14 14 9
Coordination 18 18 13
Micromotorics 12 12 7
Intellect 14 14 9
Wisdom 12 12 7
Charisma 18 18 13
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 7 6 1 14
Ranged combat 4 4
Arcane skill 4 4
Defense 6 5 2 13
Objects usage 4 5 9
Mounted combat 7 7
Willpower 4 4
Balance 8 8 16
Sneaking 7 8 15
Reconnaissance 4 4 8
Persuasion 6 5 11
Intimidation 7 7
Haggle 6 2 8
Performance 6 7 13
Seduction 8 7 15
Geography lore 4 4
Nature lore 4 4
Arcane lore 4 4
Social and cultural lore 5 6 11
Craft lore 3 3
Lingual lore 5 5
Daily craft 3 2 5
Pharma and treatment 4 4
Weaponsmithing 4 4
Armorsmithing 4 4
Tailoring 5 5
Art 5 5
Artificery 3 3
Burglary 4 6 10
Huntsmanship 6 6
Alchemy 4 4
Sorcery 4 4
Unknown if any. No signs of her having seeds of arcane aspects bound so far.​
A set of clothes and undergarments, a superb set of compositive medium armor (manticore materials), a superb leather harness for bags and tools, a qualitative longsword "Ember", a parrying dagger, a quiver of tossing knives, a kit with burglar's tools.​
You suspect she's incapable of legal manual labor aside from the bare basics of daily routines.​

Karl Norskov (aka Mage, aka 'that' mage)

Race: Human (unknown heritage)
Gender: Male
Age: appears to be in the late thirties to early forties
Background: elementalist mage, major arcane enthusiast, disowned son of a noble family.
Status: Healthy


"Old habits die hard" - when making an offensive arcane skill roll in combat and getting less or equal to four, reroll it (only the highest score counts). This perk also applies to combat rounds where Karl makes an arcane skill roll only for the defensive score.​

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 11 11 6
Constitution 11 11 6
Mobility 11 11 6
Perception 13 13 8
Coordination 10 10 5
Micromotorics 16 16 11
Intellect 20 20 15
Wisdom 16 16 11
Charisma 14 14 9
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 1 1
Ranged combat 4 4
Arcane skill 8 9 17
Defense 1 2 3
Objects usage 5 5 10
Mounted combat 2 2
Willpower 7 6 -2 11
Balance 1 1
Sneaking 2 2
Reconnaissance 6 6
Persuation 7 7
Intimidation 2 2
Haggle 5 1 6
Performance 6 6
Seduction 3 3
Geography lore 7 7
Nature lore 7 7
Arcane lore 7 9 16
Social and cultural lore 8 5 13
Craft lore 8 8
Lingual lore 8 7 15
Daily craft 8 8
Pharma and treatment 9 9
Weaponsmithing 7 7
Armorsmithing 7 7
Tailorng 8 8
Art 6 6
Artificery 8 8
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 3 3
Alchemy 9 9
Sorcery 8 3 11
#1) Conflagration and radiation level 7:
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to strength.
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to intellect.
  • Your casting in dry weather or nearby fire sources amplifies pyromancy.
  • You can regain mental strengths faster near the heat sources.
  • You can sense and read the heat sources in a vast area.
  • You can channel the arcane powers to temporarily amplify own physical strength.
  • Your spellcasting uses both mental and physical strengths or the varying proportions of such.
  • You can temporarily infuse objects (including tools and weapons) with pyromancy powers.
  • You can conjure heat on the intermediate level (sufficient to melt iron)
  • You can suppress and channel heat on the intermediate level (rays, waves, charges, orbs, tactile)
  • You passively gain +1 to arcane skill for every 3 points of STR above 10. This trait also applies -1 penalty to arcane skill for every 2 points of STR below 10. Does not apply in the case of arcane self-empowerment.​
A worn set of travel clothes, a backpack, a grimoire (or a diary), an old pocket chornometer with a chain, an intricate smoking pipe
None you know about​

Amalia Brant (aka Lia)

Race: Human (Eastlander)
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult
Background: Former maidservant
Status: Healthy

"Shipper on deck" - +3 To all social skill rolls against the companions with positive affection levels (neutrality affection level excluded). If previously gossiped with about other characters that she knows, can provide a one-time boost of +3 to all types of social interaction skill rolls to the requester.
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 12 12 7
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 11 11 6
Perception 16 16 11
Coordination 12 12 7
Micromotorics 18 18 13
Intellect 12 12 7
Wisdom 20 20 15
Charisma 11 11 6
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 2
Ranged combat 7 3 10
Arcane skill 5 5
Defense 4 1 5
Objects usage 7 3 10
Mounted combat 4 4
Willpower 8 3 11
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 4 4
Reconnaissance 7 7
Persuasion 5 5
Intimidation 4 4
Haggle 5 4 9
Performance 6 6
Seduction 3 3
Geography lore 8 2 10
Nature lore 8 8
Arcane lore 8 8
Social and cultural lore 6 2 8
Craft lore 8 3 11
Lingual lore 6 6
Daily craft 8 10 18
Pharma and treatment 7 7
Weaponsmithing 6 6
Armorsmithing 6 6
Tailoring 5 9 14
Art 7 3 10
Artificery 8 8
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 7 7
Alchemy 7 7
Sorcery 6 6
Uknown if any
Leather camisole of fair quality, compositive crossbow, a quiver of bolts, a bag of small tools, a rucksack, a set of road clothes, a plain cloak, a knife, a belt water bag.​
Master of daily craft and inventory management. Fairly good cook (specializes in fried snacks) and knows how to correctly ration different foods. Good tailor, capable of qualitative repair of clothes and production of professional effort/materials goods like suits and dresses. Her designs lean towards practicality rather than fanciness.​


Race: Human (unknown heritage)
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Background: Healer apprentice
Status: Healthy

"We are of one blood" - Any non-hostile actions towards animals or beast folk have +4 bonus to attributes or skill rolls. Can use WIS instead of CHA for interactions with animals and beast folk (aka empathetic approach).
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 13 13 8
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 12 12 7
Perception 14 14 9
Coordination 10 10 5
Micromotorics 17 17 12
Intellect 15 15 10
Wisdom 14 14 9
Charisma 7 7 2
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 -5 -3
Ranged combat 5 -5 0
Arcane skill 6 6 12
Defense 4 1 5
Objects usage 6 -5 1
Mounted combat 3 -7 -4
Willpower 5 7 12
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 2 2
Reconnaissance 5 5
Persuasion 1 1
Intimidation 3 3
Haggle 1 1
Performance 2 2
Seduction 1 1
Geography lore 5 5
Nature lore 5 2 7
Arcane lore 5 5 10
Social and cultural lore 3 3
Craft lore 6 6
Lingual lore 3 3
Daily craft 6 3 9
Pharma and treatment 6 7 13
Weaponsmithing 6 6
Armorsmithing 7 7
Tailoring 5 5
Art 4 4
Artificery 7 7
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 3 3
Alchemy 6 6
Sorcery 5 5
#1) Body level 5:
  • You can sense breathing and blood pulse of living entities in ~100 meters radius.​
  • You gain the permanent +1 bonus to constitution.​
  • You gain the permanent +1 bonus to charisma​
  • You can scan the detailed physiological state of a target in many details including sicknesses, inflammations, as well as the state of physical integrity.​
  • You can make an attempt for a minuscule boost of the physical performance of oneself or a target at the cost of own mental strengths.​
  • You can accelerate the metabolism (and so, often times, the recovery from ailments or traumas) of living creatures at the cost of own mental and physical strengths.​
  • You can try to numb the minor pain of a target living creature at the cost of both mental and physical strengths or share it with yourself with the low transference loss ratio​
A robe with a hood, a bag with bandages and medications, an old iron amulet, a belt with tincures​
Good at applying and synthesizing remedies. Capable of providing first and complex medical aid. Has some skills in inventory management.​

Jorgen Ostgard (aka Jory, aka Craven)

Race: Human (Lyflander?)
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Background: Alchemist assistant
Status: Healthy
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 11 11 6
Constitution 11 11 6
Mobility 12 12 7
Perception 18 18 13
Coordination 12 12 7
Micromotorics 15 15 10
Intellect 16 16 11
Wisdom 13 13 8
Charisma 9 9 4
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 2
Ranged combat 6 1 7
Arcane skill 5 5
Defense 2 2
Objects usage 6 4 10
Mounted combat 3 3
Willpower 6 6
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 5 4 9
Reconnaissance 7 5 12
Persuation 2 2
Intimidation 1 1
Haggle 3 3
Performance 2 2
Seduction 1 1
Geography lore 6 6
Nature lore 6 4 10
Arcane lore 6 3 9
Social and cultural lore 4 4
Craft lore 5 6 11
Lingual lore 4 4
Daily craft 5 3 8
Pharma and treatment 6 6
Weaponsmithing 5 5
Armorsmithing 5 5
Tailoring 5 5
Art 3 3
Artificery 6 6
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 6 6
Alchemy 6 6 12
Sorcery 6 6
Unknown if any
A robe with a hood, a traveling cane, a bag with small instruments, a belt with glasses, a rucksack
Good at synthesizing remedies or other compounds from both organic and inorganic ingredients. Fairly good at understanding how chemistry works and has an eye for experimentation. Capable of locating and recognizing substances. Has basic skills in inventory management and knows a thing or two about craftworks.​

General condition: High morale, everyone's healthy, two weeks worth of food supplies, sufficiently-budgeted, low on alchemic reagents.
Money: 1081 Talers
Food: 82 food units (9 full days of sustenance on Bloom 28)
Food consumption: 8.5 food units per day
Lucifina - 1
Ulren - 2
Sephorah - 1.5
Karl - 1
Amalia - 1
Isaac -1
Jory - 1
Mount(s) - n/a (pasturing season)
Medication: 5 medicine units
Alchemy stash: 4 reagent units, 5 blank alchemical basis compounds (crafting boosters & subsidizes)

Free stash space: up to 130 kg
1 Incindiary bomb (great)
1 Regeneration potion (superb)
1 Regeneration potion (weak)
1 Stimulator/painkiller potion (weak)
1 Potion of momentum (Temp: +3 STR +3 SPD +3 COOR - 1 INT - 1 WIS - 1 CHA) (standard)
A bundle of books from Dalgaard's library, Yvie's ulchaar (Morinth's parcel)
Mounts: 1 workhorse (Softie)
Team's reputation:
Kheree hunters (Tevon-Talab militia) - CELEBRATED
The Lyf Kingdom (Lyflanders) - WELCOMED
Eastern Freelanders (Baathorians) - CELEBRATED
Central Freelanders (Tevons) - UNKNOWN
Western Freelanders (Ertanghalians) - UNKNOWN
Nyth-Rhathon (Bhiroths) - UNKNOWN?
Olfadir (Westlanders) - UNKNOWN?
LucifinaXDevotion (96)Comradery (82)
Amiability (12)
Friendship (70)
Sympathy (44)
Neutrality (10)
UlrenDevotion (96)XFriendship (58)Amiability (13)Sympathy (38)Amiability (20)Neutrality (4)
SephorahComradery (82)Friendship (58)XSuspicion (-11)Sympathy (34)Amiability (16)Neutrality (0)
Amiability (12)
Amiability (13)Suspicion (-11)XNeutrality (9)Amiability (13)Amiability (14)
AmaliaFriendship (70)Sympathy (38)Sympathy (34)Neutrality (9)XSympathy (47)Sympathy (32)
IsaacSympathy (44)Amiability (20)Amiability (16)Amiability (13)Sympathy (47)XFriendship (51)
JorgenNeutrality (10)Neutrality (4)Neutrality (0)Amiability (14)Sympathy (32)Friendship (51)X
Tier Relative numeric scale Description
Devotion 91 to 100 You would likely self-sacrifice for each other if necessary
Comradery 71 to 90 You are deeply loyal to each other
Friendship 51 to 70 You have each other's trust
Sympathy 31 to 50 You have common interests, views, or simply find each other nice
Amiability 11 to 30 You are polite and good-willing toward each other
Neutrality -10 to 10 You are strangers or largely indifferent towards each other
Suspicion -11 to -30 You question each other's views and values
Distaste -31 to -50 You avoid and distrust each other, but remain rational
Intolerance -51 to -70 You dislike and disrespect each other
Scorn -71 to -90 You avert and loathe each other, even if irrationally
Hatred -91 to -100 You are at each other's throats
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This time around I am leaning towards Seph's plan. While we probably could do this diplomatically, I just don't think it's worth the hassle.

[X] Burglary (Seph's very easy burglary skill check (14), Seph's easy sneaking check (17), Seph's normal balance skill check (20), Seph's luck roll)
-[X] contingency: outside distraction (individual easy mobility checks (13), luck rolls)
[X] Burglary (Seph's very easy burglary skill check (14), Seph's easy sneaking check (17), Seph's normal balance skill check (20), Seph's luck roll)
-[X] contingency: lights in and out (Lucy's easy arcane skill check (17), luck roll, public magic exposure, individual very easy mobility attribute checks (11), luck rolls)

Ghost stole it yesyes
[X] Burglary (Seph's very easy burglary skill check (14), Seph's easy sneaking check (17), Seph's normal balance skill check (20), Seph's luck roll)
-[X] contingency: lights in and out (Lucy's easy arcane skill check (17), luck roll, public magic exposure, individual very easy mobility attribute checks (11), luck rolls)
This time around I am leaning towards Seph's plan. While we probably could do this diplomatically, I just don't think it's worth the hassle.

Wonder what math wizard @uiopion would say to this *sips imaginary tea smugly*

But regardless, will call the vote in roughly three days while trying to draft the next updates from the sequence with less than 4k words for each in mind and most likely fail anyway.
With the POV side story out of the way, the next bonus content would be the lore drop. As an extra: I have some minor system changes in mind (attribute checks rework), which will be implemented after this sequence. Nothing too major, but RNG would be nerfed somewhat.

That's all the news for now. Hope you're enjoying winter (or summer in the southern hemisphere, I guess?)
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[X] Burglary (Seph's very easy burglary skill check (14), Seph's easy sneaking check (17), Seph's normal balance skill check (20), Seph's luck roll)
-[X] contingency: outside distraction (individual easy mobility checks (13), luck rolls)
I'm mostly thinking that dialogue would leave signs that we're doing something weird even if we succeeded, so...burglary. Seph should be way overqualified for this anyway.
[X] Burglary (Seph's very easy burglary skill check (14), Seph's easy sneaking check (17), Seph's normal balance skill check (20), Seph's luck roll)
-[X] contingency: outside distraction (individual easy mobility checks (13), luck rolls)
[X] Burglary (Seph's very easy burglary skill check (14), Seph's easy sneaking check (17), Seph's normal balance skill check (20), Seph's luck roll)
-[X] contingency: outside distraction (individual easy mobility checks (13), luck rolls)

seems like easy enough checks
[X] Burglary (Seph's very easy burglary skill check (14), Seph's easy sneaking check (17), Seph's normal balance skill check (20), Seph's luck roll)
-[X] contingency: outside distraction (individual easy mobility checks (13), luck rolls)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Teloch on Dec 5, 2021 at 7:40 PM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Burglary (Seph's very easy burglary skill check (14), Seph's easy sneaking check (17), Seph's normal balance skill check (20), Seph's luck roll)
    -[X] contingency: outside distraction (individual easy mobility checks (13), luck rolls)
    [X] Burglary (Seph's very easy burglary skill check (14), Seph's easy sneaking check (17), Seph's normal balance skill check (20), Seph's luck roll)
    -[X] contingency: lights in and out (Lucy's easy arcane skill check (17), luck roll, public magic exposure, individual very easy mobility attribute checks (11), luck rolls)
So, theft then.

Yep. Ghost stole it indeed.
She really tries to be useful eh?
Teloch threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Seph bur-sneak-bal Total: 38
10 10 11 11 17 17
Teloch threw 1 40-faced dice. Reason: Seph luck Total: 6
6 6
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4.4.2 Bloom 14 of the year 1469. Midnight mischiefs
"Be careful," your murmur aimed at Seph put an end to the collective brainstorming. Daeva's amber eyes glinted; Ulren was not as impressed.


"Why not?" you countered Ren, "There won't be any rumors about outlanders seeking accessories they could not have normally known about in the middle of the night."

"And if trouble takes place."

"Then I would be immensely grateful if you make what you do best: some noise, annoying and loud enough for me to slink away unnoticed."

Instead of supplementing Seph's idea, you just faced Ren, demonstratively glimpsed at Seph before training your eyes back at skeptical bhiroth and pleadingly squinted. As his visage began to shift from perturbed to just tired, it became clear that he accepted your unspoken request.

"Fine..." He grumbled, "Not liking this one bit, but it can be beneficial if pulled out flawlessly."

With a faint but grateful smile, you distracted Ren long enough for him not to witness Seph's triumphantly smug physiognomy.

"Lu, could you point at the approximate spot where the thing is?" Seph stole your attention, "it would be a crucial help if you will."

A couple of steps closer and one moment of focus later, you lifted your hand, pointing at the window above the parade canopy. "There, upper floor, below the window facing the entrance."

"Not exactly bright, are we?" Seph mumbled, likely commenting on the estate owners' security layout and safekeeping habits, "Hey, bhiroth, would you give me a lift?" she added while eyeing the verandah. The only response was Ren's confused silence.

"Awww," she mocked the absence of response of his, "don't be afraid: I don't bite. Normally." The slight but unavoidable tilt of her head indicated that she'd prefer to be lifted on top of the porch. Deeming it not worth arguing over, Ren passed by Seph on the way to the estate, turned around, and formed his hands in a sling, expecting the daeva to take advantage of his cooperation. And sure she did: stepping forth with a cat-ish grace, putting the tip of her feet into an improvised "stirrup," and dexterously climbing up with some assistance and next to no noise. Although, while doing so, she also stepped on top of Ulren's head for a moment, causing him to look at you with the mug of a betrayed puppy and you returning him an awkwardly apologetic shrug.

To you, this antic of hers felt a bit too intentional. But the horned, silvery-haired tease demonstrated, shown not cues or remorse or acknowledgment of the fact, now entirely submerged into acrobatics and balancing. And marvelously so: she moved on the sloped verandah roof without a hitch, stumble, or any sound. Shortly, she reached the window of interest and stopped by its side, browsing for some tools on her belt and running them through the shutters' gaps. It is hard to tell what exact feedback she got from the manipulation, but it made Seph backtrail to another window with the same feline grace. After repeating the same trick with the dipstick, she paused by the new entrance-to-be.

Since you and Ulren were resigned to tracking the inhabitants on the first floor and standing at the ready, respectively, Seph's "streetwise magic" with cutters and other tools remained largely unnoticed. You only noticed the silver of her hair submerging into the dark of the house's second floor. Even though everything seemed to be going according to the plan, you began to feel a bit worried. Judging by the stare and the posture, the same could be said about Ren, too. A few times, the soul sparks on the first floor moved, and at least once, you were close to giving Ren a signal to wake the neighborhood. But things went the other way, with the reading of the possessed ring shifting its location and Seph reappearing in the moonlight-lit window frame.

With the mischievous face you could see in the half-dark, she elegantly vaulted over the windowsill and closed the uncapped set of window shutters. Then, she cautiously approached the edge of the porch's roofing. Ren stretched his hands in what you could only describe as his readiness to catch her should she decide to jump down. However, the amber-eyed minx rejected any assistance, clutching to the roofing, stretching down, bending her frame, and landing in a smooth wheel-like flip, emitting no sound whatsoever.

You could've marveled more at Seph's pretty evident showing-off if not the fact that one of the soul signatures began to move upstairs, prompting you to hurriedly wave at your companions to hide. And so all of you did, taking cover behind the property's fence, hearing one of the windows open and then close after a tiny gap of time. Only then, when the scene fell silent yet again, Seph produced the item of interest from her pocket - an intricate silver ring encrusted with what you considered to be amethyst. Despite the morbidity of holding to a haunted object, her grin from a job well done was absolutely posh.

"So, it is customary to leave offerings at desert rock pillars and oases, so the spirits of those lost in the desert would be distracted from considering snatching hapless travelers to add to their ranks."

"That sounds pretty capricious. And malignant. Why would the dead want to mess with their own living kindred in such a way?"

You were probing the haunted ring while quietly following Ren and Seph. The soul bound to it appeared freshly disbodied, confused, anxious, and angry. The memory traces indicated an abrupt and tragic end of the owner's life, leaving the soul desperately vying for answers.

Meanwhile, sparked by your explanation of why the stolen ring is significant, your companions got engaged in a discussion about the paranormal. Seph spun that story of the desert shades she mentioned during the raid to the burnt farm.

"Is it you implying that my people are malignant and capricious too, or are the tales of evil spirits not commonplace among your kind?"

"I'm sure your people have their share of both scoundrels and paragons, but... Well, yes. Despite how many phantom and ancestral ghosts legends there are, the ones described as destructive are in the minority."

"Oh? Then, mind spinning one? Like, the most common out of the bag."

You opted to keep quiet: the phenomenon of Seph and Ren acting friendly was taking place once again, prompting you to abstain from interfering and study the event. Also, a tale would be a little bonus to this study.

"Alright then," Ren answered with oddly no resistance whatsoever, "Don't suppose you've heard about the broken Raufdur?"


"Aye, figured as much," Ren sighed, albeit not out of annoyance, "The story is about a lad from the outskirts of Hermsdir. Variations of this story have him go under different names, among which Patros and Vinnet are the most frequent, but it is hardly relevant to the story itself. The lad in question was born to parents who both belonged to the Hrofdur caste, which unites all of bhiroths' artisans, prospectors, and tradesmen. Following his father's example, the lad planned to become a blacksmith and learned from the prior as much as he could. But, when the lad's Initiation decade came, the mentors soon figured out that he had little talent at blacksmithing and was much better at keeping track of supplies, logistics, and scheduling."

"What is this Initiation decade?"

"Exactly what's written on the tin," Ren commented, "It is a decade when all young bhiroths are grouped, examined for predispositions, and then taught all the skills, tricks, and wisdom needed to become efficient members of the castes they were designated to after initial appraisal."

"How do you even... evaluate all of your younglings?"

"It's a centralized process, of course. The state and all the castes facilitate this process in all the major regions of the meritocracy. Each and every bhiroth aged from 30 to 40 undergoes it. But, that's not important to the story..."

"Sure, sorry. 'Twas just the novelty of the thought." Seph apologized awkwardly. The tone of her voice suggested she was both bemused and amazed in equal measures.

"So, the hapless lad had been deemed as a waste of potential should he be oriented as a craftsman. Hence, he was set up for the path of Raudfur - the caste of logisticians, small-time militia, caravaners, and rangers. Disheartened he might have been at first, but, just as any bhiroth, he came to accept the way in which he would be the most beneficial to the kin, directing all his efforts into the new role."

Registering yourself listening to Ren rather than probing the possessed ring, you slipped the latter into a pocket next to Mia's chocker amulet, focusing all of your attention back.

"The last four years of the Initiation decade is spent as actual apprentices at designated jobs, and this lad was sent to carry out the ranger duties to the Bordalrun valley, south of Midilreid passage. Life in mountains differs from flatlands, especially in logistics. It is in rangers' duties to monitor those limited routes that connect settlements of valleys with the outside world, register passings of caravans, and warn them beforehand if any danger is ahead.

And on winter of his last apprenticeship year, the weather was fierce in the valley: the south-eastern passage to Karadan was cut off by an avalanche, the snowstorms raged all over Eldhaetaed mountains, and the only way in for supply caravans was through the northern neck linked to Midilreid passage. The valley's rangers were spread thin, trying to predict avalanche risks, evacuate the locals, and otherwise minimize the damage from the weather. And even worse: a large caravan from Karadan was past its due time of going through the northern passage that was bound to experience an avalanche any minute. The rangers from the evacuated passageway post dispatched one of theirs to seek the lost convoy by the other side of the pass with what little odds they had and relayed this news.

In this situation, where the fate of many lives was no longer clear due to three unknowns, the Raufdur-to-be volunteered to go back to the outpost and do all he could to alert the late-on-time caravan in case it was not too late. And so, he ventured alone into the mountainous snowstorm at what already was an early dusk hour. It is unknown how he got back to the outpost in time, but witnesses from the caravan testify they stopped in their tracks when they saw the blinking fire signal relaying the alarm message through the snow veil and darkness. Then, less than a dozen minutes later, the terrific din echoed against the mountains, and darkness consumed the desperately blinking light in the distance. The avalanche took place, cutting off the northern passage minutes before the caravan might have followed through it.

The ranger who went to seek for the convoy before his comrades fled deeper into the valley found it only after the pass was blocked. The lad flashing the signal into the darkness was never found. The caravan returned to Karadan and reached the valley three weeks later when the south-eastern route was unblocked. But after that harsh winter, travelers and rangers of the Bordalrun valley began to witness a phantom of the disappeared lad. Sometimes with a lantern and sometimes with a banner, it is said to appear minutes before disasters strike. Never seen it myself, but I knew some who claimed to. So, eventually, this phantom became the unofficial patron of the valley. Given that the rope road to the valley isn't mentioned, I assume the legend is about five hundred years old and became a significant element of raufdur's occupational mythos."

"But why did they call the ghost "broken"?" If Seph's prolonged silence for the duration of the tale felt uncommon, the unironical pensiveness of her tone felt outright uncharacteristic.

"They called it so because it is said that the shape has its head tilted to the side as if its neck is broken."

"That's tragic..." Seph commented, "Not only to fail to reach one's dream, but to die young and to be doomed to oversee the realm in perfect loneliness while all the world goes by." Despite the questionable validity of the story, judging by her face, Seph was pondering quite seriously.

"Uhm... All the bhiroths view this story more as a lesson in bravery and perseverance. That even a single soul can make things right. And that one is capable of great deeds regardless of former failures for as long as they are prepared internally."

As both of the interlocutors fell silent, you sensed that odd atmosphere of rising tension. None opted to voice any extra arguments or clarifications, preferring this dense silence. It felt like each side was internally judging the paradigm of the other, but comprehending in detail what is going on between these two felt just as unreachable as before, so...

"Hey, Ren!" you ruined the stalemate, "How do you think: is this phantom, if it exists, is it bound to an object to which it had a strong emotional attachment in life like a standard ghost, or is it sustained - like a phantasm - by the collective idea of such a heroic person carrying out their vigil? Or can it be something in between?"

"I'm afraid you found the wrong person to ask about such occult intricacies, Lu..."

"Huh," you pretended to sigh disappointedly, "Now I wish I could witness this spirit myself."

Ren shook his head to your idea with a hit of sadness: "The odds are, you would sooner find the answer to that question elsewhere."

Seph skipped a step or two to line up with you and give you an encouraging head pat. It felt oddly warm to be in the company of your closest companions when they were not at each other's throats. Making you vainly wish for them to be at least like this sooner. But, better late than never, eh?

Rene was waiting for your return, and you did not disappoint. The withered spirit appeared from the ruin even before you approached its habitat. This time, it did not seem to demonstrate any cautiousness towards your person, outright pointing at the pile of ancient bricks, gesturing to put the ring there. You wondered of what interest a possessed accessory might be to an old-deceased soul, but everything became clearer when Rene prompted you to touch it with one hand and his shade with another.

By hesitantly obliging the ancient spirit, you found yourself connected to a tridirectional link between the anxious soul in the ring, Rene, and yourself the moment your fingers brushed the cold aether of the belltower's guardian. Your suspicions of Rene once being a spirifier only strengthened when they began to prod the ring-bound spirit with bits of accumulated memory traces. The latter ignored any form of contact at first yet grew more and more restless in its prison. After some threshold, the spirit replied, not through materializing or otherwise affecting the world around, but by surrendering the vestiges of its life's last moments.

And the bulk of the soul's last throes was gut-wrenching: anger and disbelief of falling prey to other people, fury and regret for failing to protect from raiders those he (you were pretty sure that it was a man bound to a ring) held dear, and devastating sense of uncertainty of what happened to them after he drew last breath. And if that wasn't enough, there was the insult of his mortal remains being left to wild animals and, as it happened, looters.

Among all these negative emotions, the sense of uncertainty for those the man once accompanied was the most oppressing, evidently serving as the shackle that held the spirit. Rene did try to message the vibes of torments that unbodied existence entailed, but, predictably, it was to no avail. You knew that your help was needed even before the plea was brushed against your inner voice. And reaching deep into your memories, you assembled a series of experiences from that time your party ran at the river slavers. You transmitted the shame of not risking to help, the tormenting suspense when your teammates went into the lair without you, and the shock when hostages and your groupmates conducted a messy retreat from the den.

Your wrapped experiences changed the bound spirit's behavior: after a brief consideration, the soul's volatility began to decrease. Not plummet, but slowly stabilize from the faint (even if far-fetched) hope your experiences gave him. The probability of your group running across the raiders that butchered this man and led away his close ones was minuscule, just as the odds of them fleeing after the assault. Still, the spirit was desperate to clutch to the faint hope you gave it, which alleviated the pull of his shackling sense of uncertainty. Gathering what minor powers Rene had, they siphoned some of their energy to the core of the bounded spirit, causing the latter to slip from under their weakened bindings. Less than ten heartbeats after, the hope-clutching soul was pulled by whatever responsible laws of the universe into its further journey.

You were a shaman? Was the first thing you inquired of Rene through the yet-holding link after processing what just happened.

Then, behind a lengthy pause, the soul responded, for a moment glimmering a bit brighter after watching around and down at the now-exorcised ring and then rapidly losing the newfound brightness.

Yes. A simple answer returned, followed by a fainting string of new signals. Help again. Mill. Water. Waits... Hurting...

The spirit vanished into the aether of Limbus, unable to finish the sting of thoughts after burning too much of limited energy. They (you still did not know whether Rene was a male or female) were still around but too weakened to maintain a shady shape. With this, you had no more reasons to glimpse through the limbus veil, recoiling from the state which was seen by your teammates as fifteen minutes of dumb staring at a heap of bricks with eyes glowing like stars.

"Ahm... Wouldn't you mind if we go for one more little detour?" You tried to sound as least annoying as possible. Seph raised her eyebrow; Ren tilted his head; neither protested.

After playing a round of landmark charades with Ren, and then Seph inventing for the guards a story justifying you checking up on your not-so-slightly-neurotic horse left in the suburban stables, your party ended up by the destination point. Crickets sang out their nocturnal warble and the gentle night breeze carried the subtle fragrance of springtime blossoms. You and your teammates stared at the darkened bones of what once was a humble but still solid house neighboring an old mill overlooking the lakeside scene. The decrepit condition of the estate contrasted the otherwise idyllic location. But despite the surface-level ruin, you sensed that the walls secured a secret within them. An undead secret, with tints of entropic energies.

"Lu?" Seph murmured to you without turning her face away from the landmark of interest, "Lu, please don't tell me there are more of 'em "voidlings" like that quadruped meat bundle inside."

"You want the good or the bad news first?"

"Eh? There's something good this time?"

"Yes - whatever the entity is inside, it does not feel all that mighty and actively malicious."


"But indeed - the place is haunted, and I sense chaotic aether readings inside. Not highly concentrated, but equal to that of an imp. So..."

"So, just like that bounty at Baathor?" Ulren, true to himself, picked the best timing to clang in.

"If you discount that we won't be likely paid and that this entity feels rather afflicted by void instead of being its spawn, then yes." You furrowed a little bit.

"Then, I go in first and take the brunt, the daeva watches our back, and Lu does what she does best, aye?"

"Perhaps, we should not let ghosts ride us like this after all, especially for free?"

"Oh, look who's afraid." Ren commented in an unbearably faked tone, "Don't worry: even if I won't shield you from a spook, Lu, as your caretaker, would certainly make it go away."

Seph's right eyelid twitched, and for a heartbeat, she looked like biting Ren's ear with no regard to the circumstances. The measured gait of the bhiroth saved Seph from such a temptation, though. Awkwardly, you nodded in confirmation to no one in particular and followed your bulky companion. With her suggestion diplomatically discarded and after emitting a singular tiny whineSeph had little choice but to follow you.

You sensed the activation of the entity moments before Ren shattered the rotten wood of the collapsed entrance doors. The feeling of presence strengthened, but it did not feel oppressing compared to the experience at the burnt manor a few days ago. With Ren clearing the way and swearing dirtily at the low landers' doorways, you slinked in, mentally marking the locations of two points of interest: the spirit's projection and its anchor item. Seph was right behind you, even though she was even more quiet than usual.

The entity reacted to your intrusion in a manner that made Seph jump up like a cat from the sudden sight of a cucumber: by obstructing the corridor behind her with debris falling down from the rotten ceiling. Ren took just a moment to look back and assume an aggressive stance. You conjured four small light orbs to cover almost the entirety of the interiors. While moving to the main hall, your eyes trailed movements of the spirit, who was now avoiding exposure to the arcane light. Even without direct visual contact with the apparition, you knew that it was studying your group. It dodged from one corner to another once, twice, thrice, and then, a distorted chuckle of a young woman or child emerged from the darkness, heralding the flight of a palm-sized wooden splinter in Seph's direction.

The lousily-launched projectile was intercepted by the swipe of Ren's hand, with the former loudly clattering against the interior. Most likely baffled by such a rude reaction to its mischievous behavior, the spirit tried to shadow-leap from one corner of the room to another. Yet, your eyes and calculations were faster, with you trapping the cloud of dark haze in a translucent orb of luminal energy. Now, it was the spirit who was scared, trying to break free from the energy cage, at least partially hostile to its nature to no avail. The trick you've learned during that bounty for an imp in Baathor's rich district has proved its effectiveness against minor demonic spirits indeed. But, what now?

[] This spirit shows signs of partial void contamination but is still a soul of a once-living being. If Rene sent you here, they must expect you to guide it to the other side in a gentle manner witnessed and partaken in earlier.

[] This soul can be viewed as an analog to Karl's case, with the sole difference being already dead. Try to separate the restless soul from its emerging void contamination for practice's sake, perhaps even forcibly. Should all go well - good; if not, the worse for the spirit.
(normal (20) arcane skill check, luck roll)

[] This spirit is tainted by the void, even if partially. This fact alone somehow makes the hair on your hands stand up as if your very nature protested against its existence. Smite it and destroy its anchor before it could pose a real threat like its more menacing kindred you exorcised.

[] Write-in something else?
And by the way...

When I look at this after work shifts, I envy Cooper. Not kidding.
[x] This soul can be viewed as an analog to Karl's case, with the sole difference being already dead. Try to separate the restless soul from its emerging void contamination for practice's sake, perhaps even forcibly. Should all go well - good; if not, the worse for the spirit. (normal (20) arcane skill check, luck roll)
[x] This soul can be viewed as an analog to Karl's case, with the sole difference being already dead. Try to separate the restless soul from its emerging void contamination for practice's sake, perhaps even forcibly. Should all go well - good; if not, the worse for the spirit. (normal (20) arcane skill check, luck roll)
[X] This spirit shows signs of partial void contamination but is still a soul of a once-living being. If Rene sent you here, they must expect you to guide it to the other side in a gentle manner witnessed and partaken in earlier.
[x] This soul can be viewed as an analog to Karl's case, with the sole difference being already dead. Try to separate the restless soul from its emerging void contamination for practice's sake, perhaps even forcibly. Should all go well - good; if not, the worse for the spirit. (normal (20) arcane skill check, luck roll)
Honestly anything that isn't exterminating it prolly works fine, but reduction of incompetency good
Hope your pre-celebration preparations are going smooth, folks. I know they can be quite a hassle sometimes :3

In any case, set the timer so I can write the next update on weekends. Until then, I may or may not succeed in making a new codex drop (More of Amalia's storytelling testimonies)
[X] This soul can be viewed as an analog to Karl's case, with the sole difference being already dead. Try to separate the restless soul from its emerging void contamination for practice's sake, perhaps even forcibly. Should all go well - good; if not, the worse for the spirit. (normal (20) arcane skill check, luck roll)

'live' practice!
[x] This soul can be viewed as an analog to Karl's case, with the sole difference being already dead. Try to separate the restless soul from its emerging void contamination for practice's sake, perhaps even forcibly. Should all go well - good; if not, the worse for the spirit. (normal (20) arcane skill check, luck roll)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Teloch on Dec 21, 2021 at 7:33 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [x] This soul can be viewed as an analog to Karl's case, with the sole difference being already dead. Try to separate the restless soul from its emerging void contamination for practice's sake, perhaps even forcibly. Should all go well - good; if not, the worse for the spirit. (normal (20) arcane skill check, luck roll)
    [X] This spirit shows signs of partial void contamination but is still a soul of a once-living being. If Rene sent you here, they must expect you to guide it to the other side in a gentle manner witnessed and partaken in earlier.
Guess there's no need to postpone the rolling this time.

Edit: ouch
Edit 2: close to it, but no luck interference.

12 base - 1 nighttime penalty + 6 roll < 20 check

Verdict: narrow fail means things won't go exactly as planned. Lu will learn from this a lot, though.
Teloch threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Lu (Arc) Total: 6
6 6
Teloch threw 1 40-faced dice. Reason: Lu luck Total: 32
32 32
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