Heimurn Chronicles (No, SV, you're a young valkyrie in the middle of a bizarre and dangerous journey)

Who is the bae? (Yes, we know that it's Lucy, but still - who's your favorite character)

  • Total voters
Character(s) sheet(s)
your team of lunatics so far
Lucifina (aka you, aka Lu, aka Lucy, aka Sparkling, aka Gosling)

Race: the new nameless humanoid species
Gender: Female
Age: biological - around 21 in human years; actual(?) - almost half a year (?).
Background: protege of a natural science scholar, unknown origins
Status: Healthy

"Follow the white cat" - you have a moody guiding spirit at your side who can boost your spirit aspect advancement should you get on its better side (+1 spirit arcane charge point after passing hard charisma attribute check (18)), expect its occasional interference.

"No one is an island" - you get 1 + n bonus to all social influence skills and CHA rolls when applied to teammates, where n is the number of steps of the target's affection tier beyond neutral (applies to both positive and negative affection dimensions). Additionally, get +3 to the mentioned bonuses if Amalia is around and can provide quick advice. Passive effect: unearth more insights on followers.

"It's in my blood" - you get a permanent +1 bonus to Intelligence and +1 to arcane skill. Actions that train arcane aspects have a 1/6 chance to double the yields unless the base earning equals or exceeds one full level. You are more prone to magic-related actions and thoughts. You might find it harder to resist the allure of magic in some situations.

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 9 9 4
Constitution 16 16 11
Mobility 10 (+2 cond.) 10 (12 cond.) 5 (7 cond.)
Perception 11 11 6
Coordination 14 14 9
Micromotorics 13 13 8
Intellect 18(+1/3) 18 13
Wisdom 17 17 12
Charisma 20 20 15
Luck 4 4 4
Misfortune 2 2 2
Attribute value​
Learned value​
Modified value​
Dice bonus​
Melee combat​
Ranged combat​
Arcane skill​
(+1 cnd.day)​
14 (15 cnd.day)​
1 (+2 cnd.w.)​
8 (10 cnd.w.)​
Objects usage​
Mounted combat​
(+2 cnd.w.)​
2 (4 cnd.w.)​
Geography lore​
Nature lore​
Arcane lore​
Social and cultural lore​
Craft lore​
Lingual lore​
Daily craft​
Pharma and treatment​

Flight and wing-related traits
Wings skill level​

Flight mastery level​
Normal speed​
above average, can forcefully accelerate to considerably fast​
Maximum range​
considerably far, anywhere up to twenty-eight kilometers.​
Maximum height​
considerably high (up to 250 meters)​
Maximum extra lifting weight​
low (10 kg)​
above average, withstands weather and can try to regain without landing​
Launching surfaces​
solid grounds​
Air feats​
diving, gliding, hovering, thrusting, basic aerial spellcasting​
Land feats​
dodge extra propulsion, posing, enhanced balance, enhanced surface acceleration, shielding with wings​
#1) Thaumaturgy level 7 (6/7 to level 8):
  • You can sense the activity of the entropic aspects within ~1000 meters radius, and unusual concentration/malfunction of other aspects within ~200 meters radius.​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to constitution​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to wisdom​
  • You regain mental strengths a little bit faster during the daytime.​
  • Using thaumaturgy during the daytime requires less mental and physical effort.,​
  • You can allegedly see prophetic dreams​
  • You can temporarily nullify magic in ~30 meters radius or in a 45 meters-long 30' cone a few times a day, or emit an anti-magic field up to ~15 meters radius a few times a day.​
  • you can temporarily amplify the aspects power around you once a day​
  • you can temporarily amplify or suppress the aspects power of a target up to two times a day​
  • You can try to scan surrounding areas for traces of planar breaching with very high odds to succeed and sense the short residue of extraplanar entities.​
  • You can conjure light on the basic level (sparks, flashes, rays)​
  • You can shape light on the basic level (flash explosions, molding into orbs, luminal barriers, luminal domes, wedges of solidified light, sparks strike)​
  • You passively gain +1 to arcane skill when exposed to the sun but also get -1 to arcane skill at night AND in dark places.​
#2) Spirit level 7:
  • You are able of an advanced Nether-realm vision​
  • You can assess the memory traces of objects and entities via nether-realm vision and tactile contact​
  • You can sense soul sparks in ~75 meters radius​
  • You can sense the sparks of the living, undead, minor spiritual beings, bound spirits, phantasms, genius loci, and some other spirits​
  • You can sense concentrations of the Limbus energies, the thickness of the barrier, and traces of spirits from the material plane​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to perception​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to wisdom​
  • You can scan the target's soul characteristics and receive advanced-depth results​
  • You can try to smite a spirit​
  • You can try to disperse a spirit​
  • You can try to temporarily bind or scare off a singular lesser spiritual being​
  • You can communicate with discovered spiritual beings​
#3) ~Open affinity slot~
Your journal, a comfortable set of clothes, a plain dress, a custom-made set of lightened composite armor, an arming sword ("Holly"), a high-quality rondel ("Mercy"), a decorative blue ribbon, a silver necktie with a bounded spirit, superb leather harness.​
Capable of crudely repairing clothes, making basic tailoring items like belts and patches, and producing low-effort/cost items like stuffed toys. Capable of applying first aid to prevent bleeding. Knows how to make and disinfect bandageware.​

Ulren Kyres (aka Ren, aka Mountain boy)

Race: Bhiroth
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Background: mercenary, former soldier, outcast
Status: Healthy

"Not on my watch, not again" - shields Lucy from considerable harm in combat situations at own expense.

"I promise you that" - when in the same group as Lucifina, will make the second set of saving rolls to avoid critical health conditions.

"Odd kind of friendship" - when Ulren and Sephorah are fighting crowd-controllable enemies (not giants, flying creatures, etc.) in the same team, the one who makes the lowest total offensive or defensive score out of two can reroll that offensive or defensive roll set (only the highest score counts).
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 21 +1 22 17
Constitution 21 +1 22 17
Mobility 14 -1 13 8
Perception 12 12 7
Coordination 15 15 10
Micromotorics 13 13 8
Intellect 14 14 9
Wisdom 18 18 13
Charisma 9 9 4
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 9 9 18
Ranged combat 5 5 10
Arcane skill 6 6
Defense 10 10 20
Objects usage 6 3 9
Mounted combat 8 8
Willpower 6 -3 3
Balance 7 7
Sneaking 4 -5 -1
Reconnaissance 5 4 9
Persuasion 4 4
Intimidation 9 9
Haggle 3 3
Performance 3 3
Seduction 5 5
Geography lore 6 5 11
Nature lore 6 3 9
Arcane lore 6 6
Social and cultural lore 5 5
Craft lore 6 6 12
Lingual lore 5 5
Daily craft 6 4 10
Pharma and treatment 5 2 7
Weaponsmithing 6 6 12
Armorsmithing 6 6 12
Tailoring 3 3
Art 4 4
Artificery 5 7 12
Burglary 4 4
Huntsmanship 5 2 7
Alchemy 6 6
Sorcery 6 6
Unknown, but he demonstrated feats of great balance, stability, and hardiness. Perhaps, he might have an undiscovered arcane aspect bound.​
A very worn half-plate armor set, worn set of clothes, a glaive, mechanical mace with spare heads, heater shield, hand crossbow, one quiver of bolts, enchanted amulet (+1 STR +1 CON - MOB)
Semi-proficient in the daily craft. Adept in smithing (martial-level weapons and armor). Proficient in artificiery (lesser contraptions). Expert in picking/maintaining war gear, and capable of minor mechanical upgrades of such. Knows the basics of hunting and skinning.

Sephorah of house Terphor (aka Seph, aka Sephie, aka Princess)

Race: Daeva
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Background: Rosaline's agent, former slave, voluntary expatriate.
Status: Healthy


"Odd kind of friendship" - when Ulren and Sephorah are fighting crowd-controllable enemies (not giants, flying creatures, etc.) in the same team, the one who makes the lowest total offensive or defensive score out of two can reroll that offensive or defensive roll set (only the highest score counts).​

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 15 15 10
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 16 16 11
Perception 14 14 9
Coordination 18 18 13
Micromotorics 12 12 7
Intellect 14 14 9
Wisdom 12 12 7
Charisma 18 18 13
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 7 6 1 14
Ranged combat 4 4
Arcane skill 4 4
Defense 6 5 2 13
Objects usage 4 5 9
Mounted combat 7 7
Willpower 4 4
Balance 8 8 16
Sneaking 7 8 15
Reconnaissance 4 4 8
Persuasion 6 5 11
Intimidation 7 7
Haggle 6 2 8
Performance 6 7 13
Seduction 8 7 15
Geography lore 4 4
Nature lore 4 4
Arcane lore 4 4
Social and cultural lore 5 6 11
Craft lore 3 3
Lingual lore 5 5
Daily craft 3 2 5
Pharma and treatment 4 4
Weaponsmithing 4 4
Armorsmithing 4 4
Tailoring 5 5
Art 5 5
Artificery 3 3
Burglary 4 6 10
Huntsmanship 6 6
Alchemy 4 4
Sorcery 4 4
Unknown if any. No signs of her having seeds of arcane aspects bound so far.​
A set of clothes and undergarments, a superb set of compositive medium armor (manticore materials), a superb leather harness for bags and tools, a qualitative longsword "Ember", a parrying dagger, a quiver of tossing knives, a kit with burglar's tools.​
You suspect she's incapable of legal manual labor aside from the bare basics of daily routines.​

Karl Norskov (aka Mage, aka 'that' mage)

Race: Human (unknown heritage)
Gender: Male
Age: appears to be in the late thirties to early forties
Background: elementalist mage, major arcane enthusiast, disowned son of a noble family.
Status: Healthy


"Old habits die hard" - when making an offensive arcane skill roll in combat and getting less or equal to four, reroll it (only the highest score counts). This perk also applies to combat rounds where Karl makes an arcane skill roll only for the defensive score.​

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 11 11 6
Constitution 11 11 6
Mobility 11 11 6
Perception 13 13 8
Coordination 10 10 5
Micromotorics 16 16 11
Intellect 20 20 15
Wisdom 16 16 11
Charisma 14 14 9
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 1 1
Ranged combat 4 4
Arcane skill 8 9 17
Defense 1 2 3
Objects usage 5 5 10
Mounted combat 2 2
Willpower 7 6 -2 11
Balance 1 1
Sneaking 2 2
Reconnaissance 6 6
Persuation 7 7
Intimidation 2 2
Haggle 5 1 6
Performance 6 6
Seduction 3 3
Geography lore 7 7
Nature lore 7 7
Arcane lore 7 9 16
Social and cultural lore 8 5 13
Craft lore 8 8
Lingual lore 8 7 15
Daily craft 8 8
Pharma and treatment 9 9
Weaponsmithing 7 7
Armorsmithing 7 7
Tailorng 8 8
Art 6 6
Artificery 8 8
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 3 3
Alchemy 9 9
Sorcery 8 3 11
#1) Conflagration and radiation level 7:
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to strength.
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to intellect.
  • Your casting in dry weather or nearby fire sources amplifies pyromancy.
  • You can regain mental strengths faster near the heat sources.
  • You can sense and read the heat sources in a vast area.
  • You can channel the arcane powers to temporarily amplify own physical strength.
  • Your spellcasting uses both mental and physical strengths or the varying proportions of such.
  • You can temporarily infuse objects (including tools and weapons) with pyromancy powers.
  • You can conjure heat on the intermediate level (sufficient to melt iron)
  • You can suppress and channel heat on the intermediate level (rays, waves, charges, orbs, tactile)
  • You passively gain +1 to arcane skill for every 3 points of STR above 10. This trait also applies -1 penalty to arcane skill for every 2 points of STR below 10. Does not apply in the case of arcane self-empowerment.​
A worn set of travel clothes, a backpack, a grimoire (or a diary), an old pocket chornometer with a chain, an intricate smoking pipe
None you know about​

Amalia Brant (aka Lia)

Race: Human (Eastlander)
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult
Background: Former maidservant
Status: Healthy

"Shipper on deck" - +3 To all social skill rolls against the companions with positive affection levels (neutrality affection level excluded). If previously gossiped with about other characters that she knows, can provide a one-time boost of +3 to all types of social interaction skill rolls to the requester.
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 12 12 7
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 11 11 6
Perception 16 16 11
Coordination 12 12 7
Micromotorics 18 18 13
Intellect 12 12 7
Wisdom 20 20 15
Charisma 11 11 6
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 2
Ranged combat 7 3 10
Arcane skill 5 5
Defense 4 1 5
Objects usage 7 3 10
Mounted combat 4 4
Willpower 8 3 11
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 4 4
Reconnaissance 7 7
Persuasion 5 5
Intimidation 4 4
Haggle 5 4 9
Performance 6 6
Seduction 3 3
Geography lore 8 2 10
Nature lore 8 8
Arcane lore 8 8
Social and cultural lore 6 2 8
Craft lore 8 3 11
Lingual lore 6 6
Daily craft 8 10 18
Pharma and treatment 7 7
Weaponsmithing 6 6
Armorsmithing 6 6
Tailoring 5 9 14
Art 7 3 10
Artificery 8 8
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 7 7
Alchemy 7 7
Sorcery 6 6
Uknown if any
Leather camisole of fair quality, compositive crossbow, a quiver of bolts, a bag of small tools, a rucksack, a set of road clothes, a plain cloak, a knife, a belt water bag.​
Master of daily craft and inventory management. Fairly good cook (specializes in fried snacks) and knows how to correctly ration different foods. Good tailor, capable of qualitative repair of clothes and production of professional effort/materials goods like suits and dresses. Her designs lean towards practicality rather than fanciness.​


Race: Human (unknown heritage)
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Background: Healer apprentice
Status: Healthy

"We are of one blood" - Any non-hostile actions towards animals or beast folk have +4 bonus to attributes or skill rolls. Can use WIS instead of CHA for interactions with animals and beast folk (aka empathetic approach).
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 13 13 8
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 12 12 7
Perception 14 14 9
Coordination 10 10 5
Micromotorics 17 17 12
Intellect 15 15 10
Wisdom 14 14 9
Charisma 7 7 2
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 -5 -3
Ranged combat 5 -5 0
Arcane skill 6 6 12
Defense 4 1 5
Objects usage 6 -5 1
Mounted combat 3 -7 -4
Willpower 5 7 12
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 2 2
Reconnaissance 5 5
Persuasion 1 1
Intimidation 3 3
Haggle 1 1
Performance 2 2
Seduction 1 1
Geography lore 5 5
Nature lore 5 2 7
Arcane lore 5 5 10
Social and cultural lore 3 3
Craft lore 6 6
Lingual lore 3 3
Daily craft 6 3 9
Pharma and treatment 6 7 13
Weaponsmithing 6 6
Armorsmithing 7 7
Tailoring 5 5
Art 4 4
Artificery 7 7
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 3 3
Alchemy 6 6
Sorcery 5 5
#1) Body level 5:
  • You can sense breathing and blood pulse of living entities in ~100 meters radius.​
  • You gain the permanent +1 bonus to constitution.​
  • You gain the permanent +1 bonus to charisma​
  • You can scan the detailed physiological state of a target in many details including sicknesses, inflammations, as well as the state of physical integrity.​
  • You can make an attempt for a minuscule boost of the physical performance of oneself or a target at the cost of own mental strengths.​
  • You can accelerate the metabolism (and so, often times, the recovery from ailments or traumas) of living creatures at the cost of own mental and physical strengths.​
  • You can try to numb the minor pain of a target living creature at the cost of both mental and physical strengths or share it with yourself with the low transference loss ratio​
A robe with a hood, a bag with bandages and medications, an old iron amulet, a belt with tincures​
Good at applying and synthesizing remedies. Capable of providing first and complex medical aid. Has some skills in inventory management.​

Jorgen Ostgard (aka Jory, aka Craven)

Race: Human (Lyflander?)
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Background: Alchemist assistant
Status: Healthy
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 11 11 6
Constitution 11 11 6
Mobility 12 12 7
Perception 18 18 13
Coordination 12 12 7
Micromotorics 15 15 10
Intellect 16 16 11
Wisdom 13 13 8
Charisma 9 9 4
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 2
Ranged combat 6 1 7
Arcane skill 5 5
Defense 2 2
Objects usage 6 4 10
Mounted combat 3 3
Willpower 6 6
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 5 4 9
Reconnaissance 7 5 12
Persuation 2 2
Intimidation 1 1
Haggle 3 3
Performance 2 2
Seduction 1 1
Geography lore 6 6
Nature lore 6 4 10
Arcane lore 6 3 9
Social and cultural lore 4 4
Craft lore 5 6 11
Lingual lore 4 4
Daily craft 5 3 8
Pharma and treatment 6 6
Weaponsmithing 5 5
Armorsmithing 5 5
Tailoring 5 5
Art 3 3
Artificery 6 6
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 6 6
Alchemy 6 6 12
Sorcery 6 6
Unknown if any
A robe with a hood, a traveling cane, a bag with small instruments, a belt with glasses, a rucksack
Good at synthesizing remedies or other compounds from both organic and inorganic ingredients. Fairly good at understanding how chemistry works and has an eye for experimentation. Capable of locating and recognizing substances. Has basic skills in inventory management and knows a thing or two about craftworks.​

General condition: High morale, everyone's healthy, two weeks worth of food supplies, sufficiently-budgeted, low on alchemic reagents.
Money: 1081 Talers
Food: 82 food units (9 full days of sustenance on Bloom 28)
Food consumption: 8.5 food units per day
Lucifina - 1
Ulren - 2
Sephorah - 1.5
Karl - 1
Amalia - 1
Isaac -1
Jory - 1
Mount(s) - n/a (pasturing season)
Medication: 5 medicine units
Alchemy stash: 4 reagent units, 5 blank alchemical basis compounds (crafting boosters & subsidizes)

Free stash space: up to 130 kg
1 Incindiary bomb (great)
1 Regeneration potion (superb)
1 Regeneration potion (weak)
1 Stimulator/painkiller potion (weak)
1 Potion of momentum (Temp: +3 STR +3 SPD +3 COOR - 1 INT - 1 WIS - 1 CHA) (standard)
A bundle of books from Dalgaard's library, Yvie's ulchaar (Morinth's parcel)
Mounts: 1 workhorse (Softie)
Team's reputation:
Kheree hunters (Tevon-Talab militia) - CELEBRATED
The Lyf Kingdom (Lyflanders) - WELCOMED
Eastern Freelanders (Baathorians) - CELEBRATED
Central Freelanders (Tevons) - UNKNOWN
Western Freelanders (Ertanghalians) - UNKNOWN
Nyth-Rhathon (Bhiroths) - UNKNOWN?
Olfadir (Westlanders) - UNKNOWN?
LucifinaXDevotion (96)Comradery (82)
Amiability (12)
Friendship (70)
Sympathy (44)
Neutrality (10)
UlrenDevotion (96)XFriendship (58)Amiability (13)Sympathy (38)Amiability (20)Neutrality (4)
SephorahComradery (82)Friendship (58)XSuspicion (-11)Sympathy (34)Amiability (16)Neutrality (0)
Amiability (12)
Amiability (13)Suspicion (-11)XNeutrality (9)Amiability (13)Amiability (14)
AmaliaFriendship (70)Sympathy (38)Sympathy (34)Neutrality (9)XSympathy (47)Sympathy (32)
IsaacSympathy (44)Amiability (20)Amiability (16)Amiability (13)Sympathy (47)XFriendship (51)
JorgenNeutrality (10)Neutrality (4)Neutrality (0)Amiability (14)Sympathy (32)Friendship (51)X
Tier Relative numeric scale Description
Devotion 91 to 100 You would likely self-sacrifice for each other if necessary
Comradery 71 to 90 You are deeply loyal to each other
Friendship 51 to 70 You have each other's trust
Sympathy 31 to 50 You have common interests, views, or simply find each other nice
Amiability 11 to 30 You are polite and good-willing toward each other
Neutrality -10 to 10 You are strangers or largely indifferent towards each other
Suspicion -11 to -30 You question each other's views and values
Distaste -31 to -50 You avoid and distrust each other, but remain rational
Intolerance -51 to -70 You dislike and disrespect each other
Scorn -71 to -90 You avert and loathe each other, even if irrationally
Hatred -91 to -100 You are at each other's throats
Last edited:
4.2.1 Bloom 10 of the year 1469. Apricote bloom procession
Warmth, gentle breeze, and the fragrance of wild apricots' blossoms enveloped you on the noon of Bloom 10. On this day, nature seemed to give reign to spring, letting you experience how pleasant its domain can be. However, you were still a bit too contemplative to enjoy the ambiance: even after yesterday's discharge and Ulren comforting you, some of the thoughts of what transpired on the night before yesterday still lingered in your mind. Your mild melancholic mood was also partially a product of the questions you asked yourself ever since the first experience meddling with others' souls. You often question yourself about how you ended up all alone, without a single memory, and naked in the woods, but now, you were pondering on why it happened. Were you a victim of an anomaly or some phenomena? Did a third party cause your unenviable situation? Or, perhaps, your condition was the result of your own doing? You browsed through these hypotheses while blankly staring over the pockmarked surface of the Talab lake and walking with the rest of the group.

Speaking of which, for the task of locating the whereabouts of the disappeared kheree hunter, your group had to join up with the comrades of the disappeared: Inga - an imposing rhoth lady with long brunette pixy cut and a halberd (or a sword staff - you don't exactly know the difference), Elgar - a somewhat burly, raven-haired, and warm-voiced lander who came by earlier to announce the pending bounties, and Loїс - a slender, blonde male lander with a bow, proud posture, and cold eyes. For today's task, you were accompanied by Seph, whose small gestures and body language suggested that she enjoyed the novelty a lot, and Amalia, who seemed to be as deep in thoughts as you were, even if for the different reasons; perhaps, she felt a bit nervous even though the task at hand was to find a missing person or the pieces of evidence regarding his disappearance.

Something wet touched the inner side of your palm when you were deep in your thoughts, and you yelped quietly: you forgot about the last companion for today - a walloping black hound (although, you suspect him to be a domesticated warg) named Krom - Elgar's pet (?). Even more so than his master (?), the canine was outright massive - up to the point when a child might be able to ride it like a horse. The pooch clearly took an interest in you, training his eyes at you and expecting something. Given your uneasy acquaintance with canines from your earliest remembered days, the best you could give him was a and light pat followed by peculiarly hasty arm retrace, to which the dog perked up his ears in wonder and tilted his mug to side.

Fortunately, your humiliating lack of confidence around dogs of the sizes that exceed a pillow did not have a chance to become a butt of a joke - Loїс gave Elgar a quiet nudge and pointed at the skies with his finger, to which the latter raised his wrist, gesturing everyone to stop in their tracks after a moment of confusion and staring around for the cause of the commotion, which happened to be a dark flying spot, diving down at something far away.

"Rukh," dryly stated Elgar, "most likely a female, hunting to feed her hatchlings."

Some seconds after he said that, the spot identified as a Rukh female soared up, visually more prominent for something she was clutching.

"Do you think this rabies plague spreads on birds as well?" Inga's voice emerged, containing in equal measures curiosity, concern, and trust.

"If Highfather is merciful to us, then no," Elgar replied less confident than one would hope for, given the context, "A soaring menace half a horse's weight and with claws that can pierce iron isn't exactly what we need in times when the animals of the land go rampant," Krom whined to this reply as if somehow understanding what his master was saying and trying on the risk on himself.

"Highfather won't stop a thing like that swooping at ya - an arrow to its eye will," the blonde archer replied after his other companion gave a signal to continue marching.

"Good luck landing a hit on the size of a sweet melon going down at you like lightning," Inga commented sardonically, in a manner a sister would mock her overconfident brother, "The thing will crash-impact regardless of what you do to it so, if not anything else, you should rely on your arms' and pike length, reaction, and timing. " She threw back her head in a manner that would imply her sassily waving the long hair, which in her case was imaginary, "you're not exactly big in at least one of those departments~."

Elgar and Sephorah grunted while Loїc scoffed, you considered saying something, but Inga followed up: "Speaking of lengths and pole weapons, I thought you'd bring your Roth fellow with you. There is no such thing as too few combatants in times like this, which makes leaving a trained killer behind somewhat odd. By the way, which kin do you think he belongs to?" she addressed Elgar via turning her face to him.

"Experienced in violence, formal with testimonies and technical with estimations, stocky, and with fragments of blacks' staffer armor. I'd say he's a Bhiroth, which seems odd given he has no traitor's brand..." He cut his answer short, realizing that Inga's first part of the question was aimed at you.

"Our pet brute?" Sephorah snatched the initiative before you could say anything, "He's much better at killing things than finding them safe and sound. So..."

"You are not implying that because of his race, don't you?" Inga retorted with a mix of polite skepticism and a poorly-veiled jab.

"But of course not!" Sephorah answered with a sardonic giggle, "Let's just say, we've played hide-and-seek all the way from Phaivea to Lasir, and he's not exactly fast enough - something we need today."

"Oh," Inga reacted, with her face employing a grimace of someone sinking their hand elbow-deep into a pile of others' dirty laundry.

"He is not a brute and has an actual name, Seph," you gave her a glare, interrupting the exchange that fell into the awkward lane, "He is the most capable of our group when it comes to combative situations," you turned to Inga, who was watching back at you over her shoulder, "truth to be told, we would not have made it to Tevon-Talab without him taking the brunt of hardships on our way. So, for once, it is only fair if we let him rest, especially if it's something we can handle ourselves."

Sephorah made an attempt to roll her eyes, but her expression turned somewhat somber; whatever she was thinking, it wasn't about poking more fun into Ren behind his back. As for Inga, she just gave you a shrug with her shoulders after a lengthy pause in a neutral manner.

"Man, I wonder how does it feel to be able to fly," Elgar derailed the conversation with an out-of-place input while staring in the general direction of where the group saw the rukh bird.

"Thrilling, if somewhat scary, depending on weather and what's beneath you, probably," you answered, willing to forget the gossip spree that occurred moments ago.

"Mmm... Nah. Why should 'em avians be fearful if flying is their nature?" the man's question was rhetoric, "Guess, no one of us will ever know..."

You did not reply this time - just attempted to shift the compressed and tied-up under faux-backpack wrapping wings of yours, so they would ache a bit less. This concealment measure was horribly uncomfortable but absolutely vital for the sake of concealment. This ache, however, did not prevent you from exposing a faint, knowing smile.

"Can you say something about the span where your friend disappeared?" Amalia broke the few minutes of silence that ensued after the last banter, narrowing on the topic of importance.

"Northern shore of the Tevon lake," Loїс answered with an unamused voice, "From the landmarks - the derelict of old a stead. You can see a chunk of it from here." With that, he pointed his hand at a spot at the lake's shore. And indeed - you caught a glimpse of a dark chunk of a building peeking over the shore treeline.

"Is there a story to it, perhaps?"

"Just an old place like any other," Loїс snorted.

"Actually, the place does have a story," Elgar clang in, "Temren said there was a well-off if a small clan living there until like a decade since the end of the First Star's war. The plot has always been bountiful on crops, fruits, and fish, so the family did not know the need. Many neighbors wondered how they managed to produce twice or thrice as much as their households; not without some envy for sure. As you can figure out, the stead fell to ruin: burned one night with most if not all of its residents. Locals never figured out how the fire started: some say it was an outside work of the envious neighbors, while others point that there was a family drama at play. Regardless, that event gave the place an ill reputation: people avoid the place, with many thinking it might be cursed. Curiously, it appears to still be abundant, with lots of wild crops and trees growing around."

"Yes, and there was also a family from Eastern Kingdoms - maybe Lothar or maybe Phaivea - who claimed the place and tried to bring back its former glory," Inga added, "folks say they were a fine bunch with no enemies among the locals. That, however, did not prevent them from disappearing without a trace one day. Ever since there, locals avoid that place even despise the abundance of the remaining orchard."

"Gibberish!" Loїс retorted, "All of us have passed that place many times with no poser at all. What happened to those people is nothing but the result of ignoring the rules Turan lives by and settling on their own without the means to defend themselves. Won't be a great surprise if they were raided, dragged into slavery, and sent down Tzuh-Aran to spend the rest of the days in serfdom to some right-shore clan."

"My brother is the tiniest but also the most though-headed elasmore in Blugd-Tur... Fascinating." Elgar commented into nothingness, unwittingly giving you the clue of the connection between him and Loїс.

"Come on! What about those two kids who disappeared there? Same with the kettle? That place gives me chills, to be honest," Inga's words contrasted with her formidable frame, which exhausted a tiny shiver. "Did you never get that feeling of something watching you whenever we patrolled around?"

"One never knows which story is gibberish and which isn't. No smoke without a fire, as the saying goes," Amalia's face gained some smug vibes, and you knew why: on your way to Tevon-Talab, you could only wish for two particular legends to be mere superstitions as one of them was ended by you, and one nearly ended all of you.

"Oh? You would not say that without willing to share from experience," Inga wasn't wrong with her assessment.

"Maybe, but let's get into the story-telling mood first by completing what we're going for." After saying that, Amalia gave you a sideways look. She was right: from what you understood about the place where the search is due to take place, there was a chance for it to keep more than grime and charred debris.

"Do you have any personal belonging of the missing person? Like, something you might have used to give your hound a trace?"

"Uh. Yes. Why?" The dark-haired hunter sounded genuinely confused by your request.

"It is easier to search for someone if you know what you are looking for," You answered, unfazed by his surprise, "Please, it will take just a moment."

Elgar exchanged glances with Inga and Loїс before reaching into one of his belt bags and procuring a folded piece of fabric - the maternal gift blanket also known as ulchaar. You accepted the object with all due care, well-aware of its ceremonial and sentimental value in the Turanian culture. As frayed as Fabric might have been, even by the touch, you can almost feel the amount of care put into preserving it. As you closed your eyes to narrow down on your supernatural senses, a tickling sensation graced your fingers, accompanied by a series of sniffing sounds. It appeared that Krom also decided to estimate what this item had to exude about its owner. Despite this interference and the absence of the magnification granted by the nether vision, the object had persistent and robust enough imprints for you to gain some knowledge about the soul of its owner. The imprinted pattern surprised you from the get-go: unlike most of the souls you inspected, the missing owner of the blanket seemed to have a harmonious soul, capable of adapting to circumstances and challenges. It is a state of a soul characteristic to someone who makes the best of what they have in front of them. Someone would always seek out the silver lining regardless of how fair or challenging the times are. Even more to it: it wasn't a young soul - rather a soul that somehow managed to retain youthfulness under the pressure of experience and the world in general.

"An easy-going chap the missing man is, is he not?" you finally opened your eyes and handed back the folded blanket, "The type who would seek for rainbows in the rain, hilarity in mishaps?"

At least three pairs of eyes trained on you, with only Loїс speaking out: "How... Just how would you know?"

"Call it women's intuition, blondie beast," Sephorah clang in, diverting the topic away from your powers in her signature way, "Imagine all the clues we're getting from the poor hygiene or general unkemptness of the likes of you~."

You had to pull her by the shoulder before interrupting her attempt at a coquettish diversion: "It's fine, Seph. It's safe if they know."

Then, you turned towards the baffled trio, "Spiritual magic doesn't come with the ability to sense souls alone: reading the basic trails our spirits leave on the objects in our use isn't something too complex for me. Besides, wasn't Temren's insistence on me helping out with this endeavor all about testing the capabilities of this talent of mine?"

The tall blond lad shook his pointing finger in your direction for a brief moment before he pointed it up and said: "You... You got the point there."

"Then, let us hope that this disappearance has nothing to do with yesterday's assault and the entity behind it."

Your words immediately thwarted any possibility of their follow-ups regarding the topic of your arcane talents. In fact, your reference deterred them so well that even the full of himself blonde archer wasn't attempting to have the last word, turning around with eyes full of concern. For a moment, you considered that his demonstrative strong-headedness and skepticism was a defense reaction against the realization of the risk not to recover the missing man alive, a denial to fancy the thought of losing someone they care about. This vague impression of yours remained unacted on - there was no reason to dwell on the connection of these people to the missing man, at least for now.

And so, in the ensued atmosphere of solemn silence, your group reached the plot where the search was due. Unattended, infested with weeds, yet sprawling orchards welcomed you, with the outlines of four structures arranged around a vast inner yard with a well in its center lying further ahead. You could see the soot on the debris of once were splendid housing. Behind the yard, in the distance, you could see the outline of Tevon-Talab, towering at the opposite side of the lake's shore. The place might have been idyllic once, but it did not persist in its former glory like many other things in this world. However, in addition to a melancholic sight, you sensed a different sensation - a feeling which you'd rather never feel again - a sticky sensation of being watched. Not by something in the trees or the ruins - by the place itself. The feeling you experienced for the first time in an ancient fort north of Beilford. The analogy with all the events that ensued on that night did not grant you any optimism but, at least, you knew what to expect. Even Krom - an oversized canine who would've struck fear in others - exhausted a momentary whimper, not at all enthusiastic about the prospect of disturbing this place.

"Now that we're here, what is our plan?" you passed the initiative to Elgar, whom you low-key considered to be the head of the Kheree representatives of this group.

"We split up, search the landmarks for possible leads and trails, deploy Krom and your senses, bring you clues for soul-reading or whatnot if we find such, and pray to Highfather that we find Altan alive if a little rugged."

You nodded to him before inhaling and developing his thought: "Indeed, that's what we'd normally do, but there is something you need to know about this place." You exhaled before following up with your own expertise, "This place is, indeed, haunted. I feel the void aethers here, which means a material conduit that sources this place's paranormality is somewhere around, too. The plot feels dormant for now - the same as most ethereal entities during the daylight. This means three things: first - we are relatively but not entirely safe until the sunset; second - if we take too long, we might encounter manifestations of this place, starting from visions and ending with animated shells; thirdly - the longer we stay here, the better the odds of us cracking the mystery of this place's haunting but also the slimmer the chances for the missing man and us, if we recover him, getting out in one piece. There are also good news and bad news: the good one is, if we manage to uncover the conduit in time and dispose of it, we might exorcise this place from its malevolent presence, effectively securing the zone. The bad news - the place will resist with more intensity the longer we stay. Even now, we aren't entirely safe." You took a long pause before finishing: "I'm afraid this partially explains the reason behind your friend's disappearance."

Your companions deployed sour faces immediately, Inga had the grimace of mild disbelief, Loїc seemed to edge between calling out your revelations as a pile of manure and having a little internal panic, Elgar, however, made a good job keeping himself in check: "So, if this place is conscious and malevolent, and we are to expect company or traps, then the most we could split up is into two groups, divide the plot into zones, and go with inspection, briefly meeting up in the middle at equal intervals to exchange with the findings. How does it sound?"

You nodded affirmatively to this edition of the original idea, then proceeding with pondering on the best groupings and the sequence of investigation. The sun was high above you - most likely, up to five hours until dusk.

[] Group A composition:
-[] Lucy
-[] Sephorah
-[] Amalia
-[] Elgar & Krom
-[] Inga
-[] Loїс

(Pick three. The rest will be in group B. You will be able to change groups' compositions after each round of inspection)

[] Group A's first investigation zone:
-[] The grand house's ruins
(perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, balance skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
-[] The smaller house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
-[] The smallest house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill, luck rolls)
-[] The sheds (perception attribute, intelligence attribute, burglary skill, craft lore skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
-[] The inner yard (perception attribute, intelligence attribute, social and cultural lore skill, huntsmanship skill, reconnaissance skill, luck rolls)
-[] The western orchard (perception attribute, mobility attribute, nature lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The eastern orchard (perception attribute, mobility attribute, nature lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The field in proximity (perception attribute, mobility attribute, nature lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The backyard (perception attribute, mobility attribute, geography lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The lake's closest shoreline (perception attribute, mobility attribute, geography lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)

(Pick one. The number and quality of clues are determined by individual skills / attribute rolls and special talents like Lucy's perceptions. Zones can be revisited for a chance of more or better clues. Depending on the success, more zones can become available. Krom acts as an independent 20 base Perception roller and can have other functions)

[] Group B's first investigation zone:
-[] The grand house's ruins
(perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, balance skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
-[] The smaller house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
-[] The smallest house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill, luck rolls)
-[] The sheds (perception attribute, intelligence attribute, burglary skill, craft lore skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
-[] The inner yard (perception attribute, intelligence attribute, social and cultural lore skill, huntsmanship skill, reconnaissance skill, luck rolls)
-[] The western orchard (perception attribute, mobility attribute, nature lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The eastern orchard (perception attribute, mobility attribute, nature lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The field in proximity (perception attribute, mobility attribute, nature lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The backyard (perception attribute, mobility attribute, geography lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The lake's closest shoreline (perception attribute, mobility attribute, geography lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)

(Pick one. Can't be the same as the group A's investigation zone. The number and quality of clues are determined by individual skills / attribute rolls and special talents like Lucy's perceptions. Zones can be revisited for a chance of more or better clues. Depending on the success, more zones can become available. Krom acts as an independent 20 base Perception roller and can have other functions)


AttributesBase valueModified valueTotal valueDice bonus
SkillAttribute valueLearnt valueModified valueTotal value / Dice bonus
Melee combat437
Ranged combat6612
Arcane skill55
Objects usage6713
Mounted combat44
Geography lore5611
Nature lore5813
Arcane lore55
Social and cultural lore44
Craft lore55
Lingual lore44
Daily craft538
Pharma and treatment44

AttributesBase valueModified valueTotal valueDice bonus
SkillAttribute valueLearnt valueModified valueTotal value / Dice bonus
Melee combat7714
Ranged combat628
Arcane skill55
Objects usage6511
Mounted combat66
Geography lore538
Nature lore5510
Arcane lore55
Social and cultural lore55
Craft lore66
Lingual lore55
Daily craft6410
Pharma and treatment5611

AttributesBase valueModified valueTotal valueDice bonus
SkillAttribute valueLearnt valueModified valueTotal value / Dice bonus
Melee combat426
Ranged combat6814
Arcane skill44
Objects usage66
Mounted combat33
Geography lore4711
Nature lore4610
Arcane lore44
Social and cultural lore22
Craft lore33
Lingual lore22
Daily craft426
Pharma and treatment44
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Sorry for keeping you wait for a day longer: I've been polishing the thing and cramming some extra content.
From other news: I'll commission the second custom character art tomorrow ;)
Sooooo, I am gonna read this from the front just so I can reacquaint myself with everything. I have not forgotten this quest and Angel girl is still best girl. See you when I make it to the other side.
Clarification of the voting interface
Sooooo, I am gonna read this from the front just so I can reacquaint myself with everything. I have not forgotten this quest, and Angel girl is still the best girl. See you when I make it to the other side.
Aw. Welcome back, ye magnificent minx. Lucy might have done some things while you weren't looking :3

Also, it seems I've managed to confuse you all again with the voting layout.
Here's the technical elaboration:
- Three voting blocks are expected, with three party members ticked in the first one and per one zone of investigation in the next two.
By voting for an investigation zone, you send the party members, which you divided into groups to make the zones' highlighted rolls to gain more clues and leads.
- There are no strict checks by default, so the quality and the number of gained clues are determined by the rolls "difficulty" tiers beaten.
- Each round of investigation will consume some time, after which you will have some new information on the investigation (hopefully) and vote again using the modified options layout
- Things will change the more rounds pass.
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Tbh, I suffer from choice paralysis: there are 20 * 10 * 10 variants to consider.

Ok, here's a hint: think of where you might dig up most of the relevant clues (as in, where a person patrolling through this area might've left anything). Then, check who of the current party has the best fitting attributes / skills according to the rolls of the zone (Seph and Amalia may be better for indoors exploration while Elgar might do well outside)

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In any case, it's 11:23, which means I should start to act as a responsible and productive adult. Will be compiling a spec document for a commission this evening.
Please, try to vote before Saturday: I'd like to write the next update this weekend :3

And as per usual, I leave you with a media goodie
Not as marvelous as their early 2000's albums, but not a failure like the ones released in 2010's

[X] Group A composition:
-[X] Lucy
-[X] Elgar & Krom
-[X] Loїс

[X] Group A's first investigation zone:
-[X] The grand house's ruins
(perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, balance skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
[X] Group B's first investigation zone:
-[X] The smallest house's ruins
(perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill, luck rolls)

Okay, so. I just threw math out of the window and have gone with what my guts told me to go with. I kinda want Lucy and the dog together and also Loic to maybe let Lucy prod at the "cool guy" archetype. And I want to check houses first and then go outside (given that there are gigantic flying human-eating monsters around).
Hmm, too tired to do a full skill breakdown but the basics is that:
-We have limited time to search.
-We can try to find the missing person and get out, or we can solve the location and end it.

-[] The grand house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, balance skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)

Good for loot, biggest house has the most stuff.
Balance skill suggests the house's ruination is pretty bad, some environment hazards.

-[] The smaller house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)

I'd point out this calls for a sneaking skill. I suspect the haunt is based here, and thus a failure here is most likely to be more dangerous later on, though in the day might be the best time to risk failing sneak.

-[] The smallest house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill, luck rolls)

Cultural lore. This one has the backstory of the place.

-[] The sheds (perception attribute, intelligence attribute, burglary skill, craft lore skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)

This list here looks like looking for useful tools more than anything else.

-[] The inner yard (perception attribute, intelligence attribute, social and cultural lore skill, huntsmanship skill, reconnaissance skill, luck rolls)

Culture lore again, possible directly searching for the missing dude.

-[] The western orchard (perception attribute, mobility attribute, nature lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The eastern orchard (perception attribute, mobility attribute, nature lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)

These are direct searches, though there may be animals?

-[] The field in proximity (perception attribute, mobility attribute, nature lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The backyard (perception attribute, mobility attribute, geography lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)
-[] The lake's closest shoreline (perception attribute, mobility attribute, geography lore skill, reconnaissance skill, huntsmanship skill, luck rolls)

These are open fields. Remember drop murderbird.

[X] Group A composition:
-[X] Sephorah
-[X] Elgar & Krom
-[X] Loїс
[X] Group A's first investigation zone:
-[X] The smaller house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
[X] Group B's first investigation zone:
-[X] The smallest house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill, luck rolls)

As such, my choice is the Stealth Squad(Stealth is probably the roll you don't want ANYONE to be able to fail) take the smaller house, and Group B checks the smaller house. Aiming at dismantling the haunting by finding the context - the area is too large to blindly search for our lost fellow before night falls and the haunt goes active.
Ok then. We have two plans.
Will have to toss a coin if none gets extra support. So, mind voting for some until then?
Makes sense to me. Seph/Amalia/?? should definitely do Grand as well.

[X] Group A composition:
-[X] Sephorah
-[X] Elgar & Krom
-[X] Loїс
[X] Group A's first investigation zone:
-[X] The smaller house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
[X] Group B's first investigation zone:
-[X] The smallest house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill, luck rolls)
[X] Group A composition:
-[X] Sephorah
-[X] Elgar & Krom
-[X] Loїс
[X] Group A's first investigation zone:
-[X] The smaller house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
[X] Group B's first investigation zone:
-[X] The smallest house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill, luck rolls)

This seems like the best plan so far. Hopefully Seph's luck doesn't cork out.
[X] Group A composition:
-[X] Sephorah
-[X] Elgar & Krom
-[X] Loїс
[X] Group A's first investigation zone:
-[X] The smaller house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
[X] Group B's first investigation zone:
-[X] The smallest house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill, luck rolls)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Teloch on Mar 2, 2021 at 5:41 PM, finished with 18 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Group B's first investigation zone:
    -[X] The smallest house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill, luck rolls)
    [X] Group A composition:
    -[X] Sephorah
    -[X] Elgar & Krom
    -[X] Loїс
    [X] Group A's first investigation zone:
    -[X] The smaller house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
    [X] Group A composition:
    -[X] Lucy
    -[X] Elgar & Krom
    -[X] Loїс
    [X] Group A's first investigation zone:
    -[X] The grand house's ruins (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, balance skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill, luck rolls)
So the rolling template:

Lucy d20 (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill)
Amalia d20 (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill)
Inga d20 (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, burglary skill, daily craft skill, social and cultural lore skill)
Sephorah d20 (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill)
Elgar d20 (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill)
Loїс d20 (perception attribute, micromotorics attribute, sneaking skill, burglary skill, daily craft skill)
Krom d20 x1
d40 (Luc-Ama-Ing-Sep-Elg-Lo)

Will do the sums and verdict once I get back to my den but before that... Seph, wtf?!
Teloch threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: Lu(per-mic-bur-day-soc_l) Total: 66
13 13 20 20 7 7 16 16 10 10
Teloch threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: Amalia(per-mic-bur-day-soc_l) Total: 56
11 11 10 10 4 4 12 12 19 19
Teloch threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: Inga(per-mic-bur-day-soc_l) Total: 79
19 19 16 16 17 17 19 19 8 8
Teloch threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: Elgar(per-mic-sneac-bur-day) Total: 48
4 4 16 16 15 15 8 8 5 5
Teloch threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: Seph(per-mic-sneac-bur-day) Total: 27
6 6 1 1 5 5 6 6 9 9
Teloch threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: Loїс(per-mic-sneac-bur-day) Total: 64
10 10 16 16 3 3 20 20 15 15
Teloch threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Krom (per) Total: 10
10 10
Teloch threw 6 40-faced dice. Reason: Luck (Lu-Ama-Inga-Seph-Elg-Lo) Total: 149
40 40 30 30 14 14 6 6 26 26 33 33
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