Heimurn Chronicles (No, SV, you're a young valkyrie in the middle of a bizarre and dangerous journey)

Who is the bae? (Yes, we know that it's Lucy, but still - who's your favorite character)

  • Total voters
Character(s) sheet(s)
your team of lunatics so far
Lucifina (aka you, aka Lu, aka Lucy, aka Sparkling, aka Gosling)

Race: the new nameless humanoid species
Gender: Female
Age: biological - around 21 in human years; actual(?) - almost half a year (?).
Background: protege of a natural science scholar, unknown origins
Status: Healthy

"Follow the white cat" - you have a moody guiding spirit at your side who can boost your spirit aspect advancement should you get on its better side (+1 spirit arcane charge point after passing hard charisma attribute check (18)), expect its occasional interference.

"No one is an island" - you get 1 + n bonus to all social influence skills and CHA rolls when applied to teammates, where n is the number of steps of the target's affection tier beyond neutral (applies to both positive and negative affection dimensions). Additionally, get +3 to the mentioned bonuses if Amalia is around and can provide quick advice. Passive effect: unearth more insights on followers.

"It's in my blood" - you get a permanent +1 bonus to Intelligence and +1 to arcane skill. Actions that train arcane aspects have a 1/6 chance to double the yields unless the base earning equals or exceeds one full level. You are more prone to magic-related actions and thoughts. You might find it harder to resist the allure of magic in some situations.

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 9 9 4
Constitution 16 16 11
Mobility 10 (+2 cond.) 10 (12 cond.) 5 (7 cond.)
Perception 11 11 6
Coordination 14 14 9
Micromotorics 13 13 8
Intellect 18(+1/3) 18 13
Wisdom 17 17 12
Charisma 20 20 15
Luck 4 4 4
Misfortune 2 2 2
Attribute value​
Learned value​
Modified value​
Dice bonus​
Melee combat​
Ranged combat​
Arcane skill​
(+1 cnd.day)​
14 (15 cnd.day)​
1 (+2 cnd.w.)​
8 (10 cnd.w.)​
Objects usage​
Mounted combat​
(+2 cnd.w.)​
2 (4 cnd.w.)​
Geography lore​
Nature lore​
Arcane lore​
Social and cultural lore​
Craft lore​
Lingual lore​
Daily craft​
Pharma and treatment​

Flight and wing-related traits
Wings skill level​

Flight mastery level​
Normal speed​
above average, can forcefully accelerate to considerably fast​
Maximum range​
considerably far, anywhere up to twenty-eight kilometers.​
Maximum height​
considerably high (up to 250 meters)​
Maximum extra lifting weight​
low (10 kg)​
above average, withstands weather and can try to regain without landing​
Launching surfaces​
solid grounds​
Air feats​
diving, gliding, hovering, thrusting, basic aerial spellcasting​
Land feats​
dodge extra propulsion, posing, enhanced balance, enhanced surface acceleration, shielding with wings​
#1) Thaumaturgy level 7 (6/7 to level 8):
  • You can sense the activity of the entropic aspects within ~1000 meters radius, and unusual concentration/malfunction of other aspects within ~200 meters radius.​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to constitution​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to wisdom​
  • You regain mental strengths a little bit faster during the daytime.​
  • Using thaumaturgy during the daytime requires less mental and physical effort.,​
  • You can allegedly see prophetic dreams​
  • You can temporarily nullify magic in ~30 meters radius or in a 45 meters-long 30' cone a few times a day, or emit an anti-magic field up to ~15 meters radius a few times a day.​
  • you can temporarily amplify the aspects power around you once a day​
  • you can temporarily amplify or suppress the aspects power of a target up to two times a day​
  • You can try to scan surrounding areas for traces of planar breaching with very high odds to succeed and sense the short residue of extraplanar entities.​
  • You can conjure light on the basic level (sparks, flashes, rays)​
  • You can shape light on the basic level (flash explosions, molding into orbs, luminal barriers, luminal domes, wedges of solidified light, sparks strike)​
  • You passively gain +1 to arcane skill when exposed to the sun but also get -1 to arcane skill at night AND in dark places.​
#2) Spirit level 7:
  • You are able of an advanced Nether-realm vision​
  • You can assess the memory traces of objects and entities via nether-realm vision and tactile contact​
  • You can sense soul sparks in ~75 meters radius​
  • You can sense the sparks of the living, undead, minor spiritual beings, bound spirits, phantasms, genius loci, and some other spirits​
  • You can sense concentrations of the Limbus energies, the thickness of the barrier, and traces of spirits from the material plane​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to perception​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to wisdom​
  • You can scan the target's soul characteristics and receive advanced-depth results​
  • You can try to smite a spirit​
  • You can try to disperse a spirit​
  • You can try to temporarily bind or scare off a singular lesser spiritual being​
  • You can communicate with discovered spiritual beings​
#3) ~Open affinity slot~
Your journal, a comfortable set of clothes, a plain dress, a custom-made set of lightened composite armor, an arming sword ("Holly"), a high-quality rondel ("Mercy"), a decorative blue ribbon, a silver necktie with a bounded spirit, superb leather harness.​
Capable of crudely repairing clothes, making basic tailoring items like belts and patches, and producing low-effort/cost items like stuffed toys. Capable of applying first aid to prevent bleeding. Knows how to make and disinfect bandageware.​

Ulren Kyres (aka Ren, aka Mountain boy)

Race: Bhiroth
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Background: mercenary, former soldier, outcast
Status: Healthy

"Not on my watch, not again" - shields Lucy from considerable harm in combat situations at own expense.

"I promise you that" - when in the same group as Lucifina, will make the second set of saving rolls to avoid critical health conditions.

"Odd kind of friendship" - when Ulren and Sephorah are fighting crowd-controllable enemies (not giants, flying creatures, etc.) in the same team, the one who makes the lowest total offensive or defensive score out of two can reroll that offensive or defensive roll set (only the highest score counts).
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 21 +1 22 17
Constitution 21 +1 22 17
Mobility 14 -1 13 8
Perception 12 12 7
Coordination 15 15 10
Micromotorics 13 13 8
Intellect 14 14 9
Wisdom 18 18 13
Charisma 9 9 4
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 9 9 18
Ranged combat 5 5 10
Arcane skill 6 6
Defense 10 10 20
Objects usage 6 3 9
Mounted combat 8 8
Willpower 6 -3 3
Balance 7 7
Sneaking 4 -5 -1
Reconnaissance 5 4 9
Persuasion 4 4
Intimidation 9 9
Haggle 3 3
Performance 3 3
Seduction 5 5
Geography lore 6 5 11
Nature lore 6 3 9
Arcane lore 6 6
Social and cultural lore 5 5
Craft lore 6 6 12
Lingual lore 5 5
Daily craft 6 4 10
Pharma and treatment 5 2 7
Weaponsmithing 6 6 12
Armorsmithing 6 6 12
Tailoring 3 3
Art 4 4
Artificery 5 7 12
Burglary 4 4
Huntsmanship 5 2 7
Alchemy 6 6
Sorcery 6 6
Unknown, but he demonstrated feats of great balance, stability, and hardiness. Perhaps, he might have an undiscovered arcane aspect bound.​
A very worn half-plate armor set, worn set of clothes, a glaive, mechanical mace with spare heads, heater shield, hand crossbow, one quiver of bolts, enchanted amulet (+1 STR +1 CON - MOB)
Semi-proficient in the daily craft. Adept in smithing (martial-level weapons and armor). Proficient in artificiery (lesser contraptions). Expert in picking/maintaining war gear, and capable of minor mechanical upgrades of such. Knows the basics of hunting and skinning.

Sephorah of house Terphor (aka Seph, aka Sephie, aka Princess)

Race: Daeva
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Background: Rosaline's agent, former slave, voluntary expatriate.
Status: Healthy


"Odd kind of friendship" - when Ulren and Sephorah are fighting crowd-controllable enemies (not giants, flying creatures, etc.) in the same team, the one who makes the lowest total offensive or defensive score out of two can reroll that offensive or defensive roll set (only the highest score counts).​

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 15 15 10
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 16 16 11
Perception 14 14 9
Coordination 18 18 13
Micromotorics 12 12 7
Intellect 14 14 9
Wisdom 12 12 7
Charisma 18 18 13
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 7 6 1 14
Ranged combat 4 4
Arcane skill 4 4
Defense 6 5 2 13
Objects usage 4 5 9
Mounted combat 7 7
Willpower 4 4
Balance 8 8 16
Sneaking 7 8 15
Reconnaissance 4 4 8
Persuasion 6 5 11
Intimidation 7 7
Haggle 6 2 8
Performance 6 7 13
Seduction 8 7 15
Geography lore 4 4
Nature lore 4 4
Arcane lore 4 4
Social and cultural lore 5 6 11
Craft lore 3 3
Lingual lore 5 5
Daily craft 3 2 5
Pharma and treatment 4 4
Weaponsmithing 4 4
Armorsmithing 4 4
Tailoring 5 5
Art 5 5
Artificery 3 3
Burglary 4 6 10
Huntsmanship 6 6
Alchemy 4 4
Sorcery 4 4
Unknown if any. No signs of her having seeds of arcane aspects bound so far.​
A set of clothes and undergarments, a superb set of compositive medium armor (manticore materials), a superb leather harness for bags and tools, a qualitative longsword "Ember", a parrying dagger, a quiver of tossing knives, a kit with burglar's tools.​
You suspect she's incapable of legal manual labor aside from the bare basics of daily routines.​

Karl Norskov (aka Mage, aka 'that' mage)

Race: Human (unknown heritage)
Gender: Male
Age: appears to be in the late thirties to early forties
Background: elementalist mage, major arcane enthusiast, disowned son of a noble family.
Status: Healthy


"Old habits die hard" - when making an offensive arcane skill roll in combat and getting less or equal to four, reroll it (only the highest score counts). This perk also applies to combat rounds where Karl makes an arcane skill roll only for the defensive score.​

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 11 11 6
Constitution 11 11 6
Mobility 11 11 6
Perception 13 13 8
Coordination 10 10 5
Micromotorics 16 16 11
Intellect 20 20 15
Wisdom 16 16 11
Charisma 14 14 9
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 1 1
Ranged combat 4 4
Arcane skill 8 9 17
Defense 1 2 3
Objects usage 5 5 10
Mounted combat 2 2
Willpower 7 6 -2 11
Balance 1 1
Sneaking 2 2
Reconnaissance 6 6
Persuation 7 7
Intimidation 2 2
Haggle 5 1 6
Performance 6 6
Seduction 3 3
Geography lore 7 7
Nature lore 7 7
Arcane lore 7 9 16
Social and cultural lore 8 5 13
Craft lore 8 8
Lingual lore 8 7 15
Daily craft 8 8
Pharma and treatment 9 9
Weaponsmithing 7 7
Armorsmithing 7 7
Tailorng 8 8
Art 6 6
Artificery 8 8
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 3 3
Alchemy 9 9
Sorcery 8 3 11
#1) Conflagration and radiation level 7:
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to strength.
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to intellect.
  • Your casting in dry weather or nearby fire sources amplifies pyromancy.
  • You can regain mental strengths faster near the heat sources.
  • You can sense and read the heat sources in a vast area.
  • You can channel the arcane powers to temporarily amplify own physical strength.
  • Your spellcasting uses both mental and physical strengths or the varying proportions of such.
  • You can temporarily infuse objects (including tools and weapons) with pyromancy powers.
  • You can conjure heat on the intermediate level (sufficient to melt iron)
  • You can suppress and channel heat on the intermediate level (rays, waves, charges, orbs, tactile)
  • You passively gain +1 to arcane skill for every 3 points of STR above 10. This trait also applies -1 penalty to arcane skill for every 2 points of STR below 10. Does not apply in the case of arcane self-empowerment.​
A worn set of travel clothes, a backpack, a grimoire (or a diary), an old pocket chornometer with a chain, an intricate smoking pipe
None you know about​

Amalia Brant (aka Lia)

Race: Human (Eastlander)
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult
Background: Former maidservant
Status: Healthy

"Shipper on deck" - +3 To all social skill rolls against the companions with positive affection levels (neutrality affection level excluded). If previously gossiped with about other characters that she knows, can provide a one-time boost of +3 to all types of social interaction skill rolls to the requester.
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 12 12 7
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 11 11 6
Perception 16 16 11
Coordination 12 12 7
Micromotorics 18 18 13
Intellect 12 12 7
Wisdom 20 20 15
Charisma 11 11 6
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 2
Ranged combat 7 3 10
Arcane skill 5 5
Defense 4 1 5
Objects usage 7 3 10
Mounted combat 4 4
Willpower 8 3 11
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 4 4
Reconnaissance 7 7
Persuasion 5 5
Intimidation 4 4
Haggle 5 4 9
Performance 6 6
Seduction 3 3
Geography lore 8 2 10
Nature lore 8 8
Arcane lore 8 8
Social and cultural lore 6 2 8
Craft lore 8 3 11
Lingual lore 6 6
Daily craft 8 10 18
Pharma and treatment 7 7
Weaponsmithing 6 6
Armorsmithing 6 6
Tailoring 5 9 14
Art 7 3 10
Artificery 8 8
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 7 7
Alchemy 7 7
Sorcery 6 6
Uknown if any
Leather camisole of fair quality, compositive crossbow, a quiver of bolts, a bag of small tools, a rucksack, a set of road clothes, a plain cloak, a knife, a belt water bag.​
Master of daily craft and inventory management. Fairly good cook (specializes in fried snacks) and knows how to correctly ration different foods. Good tailor, capable of qualitative repair of clothes and production of professional effort/materials goods like suits and dresses. Her designs lean towards practicality rather than fanciness.​


Race: Human (unknown heritage)
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Background: Healer apprentice
Status: Healthy

"We are of one blood" - Any non-hostile actions towards animals or beast folk have +4 bonus to attributes or skill rolls. Can use WIS instead of CHA for interactions with animals and beast folk (aka empathetic approach).
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 13 13 8
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 12 12 7
Perception 14 14 9
Coordination 10 10 5
Micromotorics 17 17 12
Intellect 15 15 10
Wisdom 14 14 9
Charisma 7 7 2
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 -5 -3
Ranged combat 5 -5 0
Arcane skill 6 6 12
Defense 4 1 5
Objects usage 6 -5 1
Mounted combat 3 -7 -4
Willpower 5 7 12
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 2 2
Reconnaissance 5 5
Persuasion 1 1
Intimidation 3 3
Haggle 1 1
Performance 2 2
Seduction 1 1
Geography lore 5 5
Nature lore 5 2 7
Arcane lore 5 5 10
Social and cultural lore 3 3
Craft lore 6 6
Lingual lore 3 3
Daily craft 6 3 9
Pharma and treatment 6 7 13
Weaponsmithing 6 6
Armorsmithing 7 7
Tailoring 5 5
Art 4 4
Artificery 7 7
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 3 3
Alchemy 6 6
Sorcery 5 5
#1) Body level 5:
  • You can sense breathing and blood pulse of living entities in ~100 meters radius.​
  • You gain the permanent +1 bonus to constitution.​
  • You gain the permanent +1 bonus to charisma​
  • You can scan the detailed physiological state of a target in many details including sicknesses, inflammations, as well as the state of physical integrity.​
  • You can make an attempt for a minuscule boost of the physical performance of oneself or a target at the cost of own mental strengths.​
  • You can accelerate the metabolism (and so, often times, the recovery from ailments or traumas) of living creatures at the cost of own mental and physical strengths.​
  • You can try to numb the minor pain of a target living creature at the cost of both mental and physical strengths or share it with yourself with the low transference loss ratio​
A robe with a hood, a bag with bandages and medications, an old iron amulet, a belt with tincures​
Good at applying and synthesizing remedies. Capable of providing first and complex medical aid. Has some skills in inventory management.​

Jorgen Ostgard (aka Jory, aka Craven)

Race: Human (Lyflander?)
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Background: Alchemist assistant
Status: Healthy
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 11 11 6
Constitution 11 11 6
Mobility 12 12 7
Perception 18 18 13
Coordination 12 12 7
Micromotorics 15 15 10
Intellect 16 16 11
Wisdom 13 13 8
Charisma 9 9 4
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 2
Ranged combat 6 1 7
Arcane skill 5 5
Defense 2 2
Objects usage 6 4 10
Mounted combat 3 3
Willpower 6 6
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 5 4 9
Reconnaissance 7 5 12
Persuation 2 2
Intimidation 1 1
Haggle 3 3
Performance 2 2
Seduction 1 1
Geography lore 6 6
Nature lore 6 4 10
Arcane lore 6 3 9
Social and cultural lore 4 4
Craft lore 5 6 11
Lingual lore 4 4
Daily craft 5 3 8
Pharma and treatment 6 6
Weaponsmithing 5 5
Armorsmithing 5 5
Tailoring 5 5
Art 3 3
Artificery 6 6
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 6 6
Alchemy 6 6 12
Sorcery 6 6
Unknown if any
A robe with a hood, a traveling cane, a bag with small instruments, a belt with glasses, a rucksack
Good at synthesizing remedies or other compounds from both organic and inorganic ingredients. Fairly good at understanding how chemistry works and has an eye for experimentation. Capable of locating and recognizing substances. Has basic skills in inventory management and knows a thing or two about craftworks.​

General condition: High morale, everyone's healthy, two weeks worth of food supplies, sufficiently-budgeted, low on alchemic reagents.
Money: 1081 Talers
Food: 82 food units (9 full days of sustenance on Bloom 28)
Food consumption: 8.5 food units per day
Lucifina - 1
Ulren - 2
Sephorah - 1.5
Karl - 1
Amalia - 1
Isaac -1
Jory - 1
Mount(s) - n/a (pasturing season)
Medication: 5 medicine units
Alchemy stash: 4 reagent units, 5 blank alchemical basis compounds (crafting boosters & subsidizes)

Free stash space: up to 130 kg
1 Incindiary bomb (great)
1 Regeneration potion (superb)
1 Regeneration potion (weak)
1 Stimulator/painkiller potion (weak)
1 Potion of momentum (Temp: +3 STR +3 SPD +3 COOR - 1 INT - 1 WIS - 1 CHA) (standard)
A bundle of books from Dalgaard's library, Yvie's ulchaar (Morinth's parcel)
Mounts: 1 workhorse (Softie)
Team's reputation:
Kheree hunters (Tevon-Talab militia) - CELEBRATED
The Lyf Kingdom (Lyflanders) - WELCOMED
Eastern Freelanders (Baathorians) - CELEBRATED
Central Freelanders (Tevons) - UNKNOWN
Western Freelanders (Ertanghalians) - UNKNOWN
Nyth-Rhathon (Bhiroths) - UNKNOWN?
Olfadir (Westlanders) - UNKNOWN?
LucifinaXDevotion (96)Comradery (82)
Amiability (12)
Friendship (70)
Sympathy (44)
Neutrality (10)
UlrenDevotion (96)XFriendship (58)Amiability (13)Sympathy (38)Amiability (20)Neutrality (4)
SephorahComradery (82)Friendship (58)XSuspicion (-11)Sympathy (34)Amiability (16)Neutrality (0)
Amiability (12)
Amiability (13)Suspicion (-11)XNeutrality (9)Amiability (13)Amiability (14)
AmaliaFriendship (70)Sympathy (38)Sympathy (34)Neutrality (9)XSympathy (47)Sympathy (32)
IsaacSympathy (44)Amiability (20)Amiability (16)Amiability (13)Sympathy (47)XFriendship (51)
JorgenNeutrality (10)Neutrality (4)Neutrality (0)Amiability (14)Sympathy (32)Friendship (51)X
Tier Relative numeric scale Description
Devotion 91 to 100 You would likely self-sacrifice for each other if necessary
Comradery 71 to 90 You are deeply loyal to each other
Friendship 51 to 70 You have each other's trust
Sympathy 31 to 50 You have common interests, views, or simply find each other nice
Amiability 11 to 30 You are polite and good-willing toward each other
Neutrality -10 to 10 You are strangers or largely indifferent towards each other
Suspicion -11 to -30 You question each other's views and values
Distaste -31 to -50 You avoid and distrust each other, but remain rational
Intolerance -51 to -70 You dislike and disrespect each other
Scorn -71 to -90 You avert and loathe each other, even if irrationally
Hatred -91 to -100 You are at each other's throats
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Aaand the tide has changed

the current lead:
Charismatic archetype;
#1 thaumaturgy/mind tie
#2 thaumaturgy
#3 emotion/spirit tie
Appearance #4.

seven hours and a half left
The voting time's up and the layout is the same as mentioned in the post above. That means we're breaking the ties.
Bonus point #1 1d6 roll: even - thaumaturgy, uneven - mind
Bonus point #3 1d6 roll: even - emotion, uneven - spirit


So, the final result is :
Charismatic archetype, 2 levels in thaumaturgy, 1 level in spirit, Appearance #4.

Will hopefully post the update soon (as in "today" kind of soon)
Teloch threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 3
2 2 1 1
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1.2 First contact!
As much as the pale light, reflected from the two differently-sized moons that occasionally peeked out from behind the cloud-ridden shroud, allowed, you studied your corporeal vessel's finer details. From the curls of long blond hair that stuck to your back and shoulders to the reddish toes of your feet that were sinking in the snow, you can feel a certain sense of balance and harmony about yourself. The flow of your bodily shapes pattern and the manner your limbs move smoothly filled you with quiet joy. Maybe, you are not brimming with raw power or feel light on the heel, but you are a proud possessor of a healthy, elegant, and ethereally beautiful frame. Perhaps, if only this realm isn't populated with uncultured owls exclusively, someone else might admire your charms. If only those two things on your back weren't so sore.

But it is not only the facet of your physical nature that got into your studying scope: while you were unevenly making your first steps on the forest glade that happened to be your cradle, your gaze latched the narrow stripe of the red-stained clouds near the distant horizon. You can not see the light-bearing entity that enveloped them in its radiance from under the spiky row of treetops, but you feel that: it is there, it is cosmically essential, and you are somehow related to it. For the reasons unknown, this odd vibe has suddenly catalyzed your memory, surfacing the very first thing you seemingly lost to the waves of oblivion upon awakening: the dream about the omnipresence under the tides of heat and darkness. Still retaining the rapidly fading remnants of that dreamy warmth inside, you can most certainly acknowledge that it - the Core Underneath - is not the fruit of your imagination. It does have its part in this realm's cosmological structure, and you want to see it again.

Clutching the details of that dream so you will not forget it again, you inevitably recall the following detail seen in it: the bevy of tiny pulsating sparks, such as you, that surrounded the core presence. Even though similar in nature, they felt different in detail: some brighter while others were dimmer, some were shimmering in rapid blinks with others glowing steady, some larger while others smaller. What united them all was their grand multitude and baseline semblance. Now, standing on this frosty glade, you can only feel a few of them around: the first one - spirited and fresh - concealed within your body, with what appeared as the two unproportionate ones stuffed into the lardy sack of feathers that was now casually scratching its beak on a tree branch. Two of them? That can't be right, can it?

You trained your gaze on the avian that was now ignoring you, attempting to focus this supernatural sense of yours that allows you to discern the sparks of beings and to figure out whether or not your newly-discovered perception fools you. As if feeling your gaze on its feathers and understanding your intent, the creature suddenly stopped its hygiene exercises, straightened its plump body, and done something you would probably remember for a very long time: it turned its head around, exposing the feathered nape to your sight. I would have been nothing if only, pretty suddenly, the feathers on its head shifted, revealing the second - the "backward" face: the equally googly-eyed, beaked avian mug that stared at you with its jumbo-sized nephrite-colored eyes. It bobbled its head and hooted at you with a higher pitch than its "first" face, leaving you mute and confused.

However, the set of circumstances liberated you from the need to answer: a loud, feral, and sufficiently distanced roar of a humongous beast thundered over the forest, scaring off this fat bifurcated owl from its place of rapture. This roar provoked the fat bird's uncharacteristically vigorous take-off from the branches, which subsequently led a localized avalanche of the tree-gathered snow on top of your сute but still unaware head.

This little annoyance was a direct message from the world, stating that "the time for contemplations is over, girl," the message that you perceived perfectly clear. And how would you miss it otherwise? You were standing in the middle of woody nowhere, awoken in the evening by the weird, double-faced, and fat avian that seemed to have no sense of politeness, to the frosty realm with nothing in your possession but some delirious revelations, swiftly fading otherworldly heat in your meats, aching wings, and the annoying feeling in your head as if a dense ball of tar stuck inside the innards of your skull. Completely alone, naked, freezing, in the realm that seems to be the home to beasts whose mass and lungs volume allows them to scare the hell out every living being beyond the optical range radius, and oblivious of where to run and what to do. A charming premise, is it not?

But it seems that the "charming" streak of luck was not over yet: when you were trying to find a route in the opposite directing from the place the roar supposedly originated, you caught the new presence that breached the radius of your spirits perceptions. Something with the "spark" approached you relatively close and uncomfortably fast. Unlikely, but possibly, it could be the one which signified its presence and rights for the area via roar, or maybe it is something that, same as you, is trying to make its way somewhere safer and warmer. Obeying the survival instinct, you attempted to hide behind the bushes, almost burying into a snowdrift, despite the overwhelming cold encroaching you. You laid low and made a wish for this being to pass you by, nervously checking the approximate distance between you and the person via your exotic type of sense.

Alas, drawn by the shrieks vocalized by you upon awakening and guided by the trails in the snow that you left, the creature knew what it was doing. Soon it was standing mere seven meters away from you, cautiously inspecting the weird sight (read: you, shivering in the snow) and even more carefully trying to approach. At first, you dared not to move or even breathe, for, in the pale moonlight, you saw that this hulking thing, even if vaguely resembling your general body characteristics, was nearly time and a half as tall and at least thrice as heavy as you. It possessed a solid carapace that reflected the scarce lights and holding to a solid flat object in one hand and an elongated one in the other. It also appeared to be faceless, as you failed to recognize any features on the smooth and shiny surface of the place where they should be.

Contrary to your back occupied with two oversized feathery appendages, its rear was covered by a long, wide, and flowy fabric matter. Despite its intimidating appearances, the creature wasn't charging at you as you initially feared. Perhaps, it was as shocked by the encounter as you were, or maybe it was preparing to lunge at you. However, what was more likely, you simply do not know its intentions, as your life experience (or the lack of it) would suggest.

Realizing that you can't lie in the bushes until you'd become as pale as the snow around you, you decided to:

[] Fight
Even as inexperienced as you are, you are absolutely sure that it will not end well for you

[] Run
Run? Run! (Hard (18) Mobility attribute check + luck check)

[] Terrify it
Maybe it's not charging at you because it knows not of what to expect from you. If so, why not to go wild and attempt to turn the tide? (Hard (24) Intimidation skill check + luck check)

[] Charm into friendliness
And what if it's not hostile? What if it would help you should you only prove to be good-willed? Well, conveying that might be hard, since you have no idea how to communicate with it. But hey! You're cute! You'd figure something out... maybe (Hard (18) Charisma attribute check + luck check)

[] Pull out the "wounded gazelle gambit"
Now thinking of it, you are in trouble, and this thing might not be the part of it. What if it is not ill-minded? Could you demonstrate your distress a little bit more blatantly, so this creature may think about helping you out or at least leaving you alone out of sheer sympathy? If it's not hungry, that might actually work... it's not hungry, right? (Easy (15) Charisma attribute check + trivial (11) Performance skill check + very easy (14) seduction skill check + luck check)

[] Write-in
(note that I will pick the dice check according to the task you would mention)

((~25 hours, people))
((The yellow words are the topics of interest about which the character might muse or ask about should she get such opportunity))
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First two questions: One, @Teloch The first 'Aspect' in the Divinity/System Core grouping, the one we don't know... Can we, as 'Celestials' learn that? Provided we discover it I assume... Just asking for future reference...
Second, are the following calculations for the actions accurate?

Run: (d20+0) vs 18, d40 vs 3+/37+
Terrify: (d20+5) vs 24, d40 vs 3+/37+
Charm: (d20+10) vs 18, d40 vs 3+/37+
Gazelle: (d20+10) vs 15, (d20+5) vs 11, (d20+7) vs 14, d40 vs 3+/37+

Because if so... Let's see...
Run: Hahaha... Wait you were serious? Let me laugh harder.
Terrify: Hahaha... Wait you were serious? Let me laugh harder.
Charm: Minimum roll is 1 for a score of 11. Needed roll is at least 8... So a bit above 3/5 chance of succeeding. Very Promising
Gazelle: Minimum roll needed is 5, 4/5 of succeeding. Minimum roll is 6, 3/4 of succeeding. Minimum roll is 7, 7/10 of succeeding.

Really? It's almost even between Charm and Gazelle. Gazelle has consistently better odds, but requires 3 rolls to actually succeed. Charm only needs one, and it's got good odds of succeeding, but it's only one roll. On the other hand, if that roll succeeds we don't have to worry about failing another.

Going with Charm myself.

[X] Charm into friendliness
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The first 'Aspect' in the Divinity/System Core grouping, the one we don't know... Can we, as 'Celestials' learn that? Provided we discover it I assume... Just asking for future reference...

Sure. That's one of the plot points, actually.

Run: (d20+0) vs 18, d40 vs 1-2/37-40
Terrify: (d20+5) vs 24, d40 vs 1-2/37-40
Charm: (d20+10) vs 18, d40 vs 1-2/37-40
Gazelle: (d20+10) vs 15, (d20+5) vs 11, (d20+7) vs 14, d40 vs 1-2/37-40

FTFY, and hello there fellow statistician :D

I'm still kinda figuring the efficient ways of how to apply rolls to the story, so the feedbacks are welcome
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Sure. That's one of the plot points, actually.

FTFY, and hello there fellow statistician :D

I'm still kinda figuring the efficient ways of how to apply rolls to the story, so the feedbacks are welcome

Okay, cool. Because I know I personally am very eager to see if we can make our third Aspect the 'unknown' Divinity Aspect. I believe we can reach level 5 in all three of our Aspects without losing the ability to completely master one of our Aspects? Which means we have a bit of time to figure out if we want to take one of our two current Aspects to level 15 or what. Are there sources of information we can use to work out what the benefits of levels in Thaumaturgy and Spirit are before being within 3~ or so levels of them?

I figure Thaumaturgy information caps out at level 12 because that's as far as humans can reach, and they're the only ones that can have Thaumaturgy previously... Spirit should have more information as some Alviz should have reached level 15 Spirit Aspect.

Okay, no, you didn't fix it for me, you kinda missed what I was going for there. How I'd had that set up as the different 'levels' of success. If we have a luck roll with a roll of 3+, that means we've achieved a first threshold success with that roll. In this case it just means we haven't 'failed' the luck roll and thus suffer miserably. If we have a luck roll that rolls 37+ then we've achieved the 'second threshold' of success for that roll. In this case, it means we're really lucky for whatever that roll applied too.

It's basically how you set up those rolls where an action would give a basic success for say, a roll of 40 on a d100, and then for every 20 over 40 you roll, it gives a better result. It would be represented something like the following:
Win at the Claw Game: Difficulty 40/60/80/100

Did it a bit differently, but same intent. Also, not a statistician, just trying to figure out which of the two paths we could take are better. As it turns out? One's slightly easier but has more chances of messing up. The other's a bit harder, but if we don't fail that roll, we're good. And it's not like it's got much of a difference of difficulty anyway.

And the way we've set up the rolls here look good. Though to really judge, we'll have to get further into the story. Only thing I can really say is don't ask us every time a roll comes up, just when it's important or there's multiple paths that could be taken, and we haven't already actually said what 'path' to follow.

Though you should already know that. And we'll almost certainly tell you if the balancing acts off a bit... :p
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Yep. If everything goes well, expect a lot of group dynamics.
And yes, I have already schemed the plot waypoints to a certain level
Speaking of Group Dynamics, some QMs like to use losing Character Creation votes for NPCs, or at least use them as a base for said NPCs. So, I'm wondering if we'll see our Female Freelander somewhere or not.
if we can make our third Aspect the 'unknown' Divinity Aspect
*checks the records* Err... unfortunately, not (that would require unhealthy doses of distilled epicness mixed with ludicrous amounts of refined badassery) Doesn't mean it is impossible to discover what's that is, how does it work, and how does it influence the whole system.

I believe we can reach level 5 in all three of our Aspects without losing the ability to completely master one of our Aspects?
Yep. 12/12/11 works, as well as 5/5/15 or any other proportion.

Are there sources of information we can use to work out what the benefits of levels in Thaumaturgy and Spirit are before being within 3~ or so levels of them?
Yep. There are institutions and experts that possess such data. If everything doesn't go horribly wrong, there will be one quite soonish.

I'd had that set up as the different 'levels' of success
That makes sense and I see that on the paper at least. Might conduct some intense playtesting later this week to see if something like it would be more viable than the old-styled D&D binary win-loss rolls.

Actually, I carried some insights from this vote branching. Need to digest the ideas.
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Alright. I consider that everyone who wanted to vote already done that, sooo.... 'tis rollin' time

39 - lucky 37-40 range

Ho boy! Seems like our girl embarks on a journey propelled by the favorable winds

Scheming the next update. It's going to be slightly larger than the previous one.
Teloch threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Charisma Total: 13
13 13
Teloch threw 1 40-faced dice. Reason: Luck Total: 39
39 39
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1.3 Of contacts friendly and not so much
Realizing all too well that hiding in your flimsy shelter of leafless vegetation in such a cold would not likely end well, you finally decided to put trust into your instincts and to approach the humongous creature that froze in wary anticipation.

You slowly stood up, made a deep breath, leveled your head in the way that allowed you to stare at what was supposed to be the creature's face. You slowly spread your arms downwards and away from your hips, with the inner side of the palms exposed to the being, and began to close the distance smoothly, putting a faint surprised smile on your face. The creature remained mostly motionless, only shifting its weight from one leg to another ever so slightly while you were approaching it. Still, this visual sign failed to compromise your composure. When some mere four meters were separating you, the thing broke the tense silence, vocalizing a series of sounds from under the appendage that seemed to be its featureless head.

Surely, you did not know how to respond in its language, so you have decided to compensate the lack of knowledge with gesturing, shrugging ever so slightly, and for a bare moment diverting your gaze to the bottom left. The creature reacted with two more series of sounds that were shorter compared to the first one and sounded somewhat confused if only you could scan and interpret the intonation correctly. You reciprocated via girthing your frontal features with your hands, bringing your chin level closer to your upper chest, and delivering the "I can not understand you, but I hope you won't hurt me" message via the entirety of your appearances. Silence ensued. The world did take its toll on your stance, however, as the chill building in your quickly numbing limbs started to grow way too inconvenient, and you have sensed an uncomfortable itch in your nose.

When the creature seemed to be about to respond, the unforeseen took place: you sneezed. Sharply, loudly, bowing forwards, and reflectionally spreading a pair of white-feathered appendages protruding from your back. The ensued sensation was of the exquisite sort of pain that felt like a mix of soreness and overextension. The beast reacted instinctively, taking a step backward and, for a brief moment, elevating the flat object on its left hand. You froze in the stressed expectation, hoping that you haven't just provoked it for anything violent. After what appeared to be the three longest seconds in your short life, the thing eased its posture, made a singular chuckling sound, shook one's head, and reached with its hand for the plate that, as it turned out to be, concealed its jowly, unshaved, yet somewhat amazed and noticeably smiling face from you. You unconsciously let out a sigh of relief, mimicking the chuckling sound the creature emitted a moment ago but with your flowing and sonant voice. The contact was, thankfully, established. The entity turned out to be more resemblant to you compared to your initial expectations and, luckily, a well-mannered one, even if a bit intimidating.

Albeit you felt like standing there a bit longer, yielding to the curiosity of studying your new bulky friend, the surprisingly social creature surely had other plans or pressing issues on its mind. It broke the eye contact to turn around and detach the piece of long fabric from its back for some reason. This obscure reason cleared out when your new friend enveloped you in it, cocooning from the chilly surface of the world and persistently falling snow, turned around, slightly lowering its shelled corpus, and gestured to you to get on its back. Were it your charms or just some banal luck, but this very night you met not just a polite but also an empathetic (at least towards you) creature, realizing your fortune, you accepted the invitation for a ride on this husk's back. You were thankful for not having to shuffle the sharply-cold substance with your feet, as well as somehow sure that the creature won't take advantage of you.

The ride on its back wasn't long, though. All you managed to do while clinging to the neck of the creature was to perceive a series of natural noises disrupting the winter forest ambiance and, on one's mind, to give your new buddy the nickname which copied the sounds its carapace produced while on the walk - clank. The soon arrival to what seemed to be Clank's humble resting place confirmed your theory of exposing your position to the creature via the warble of your post-awakening shrieks.

The camp itself looked minimalistic, albeit well-hidden from the outside. Situated around the black trunk of a branched tree, deepened to the degree that allowed you to see the black earth beneath the removed snow carpet, and properly walled off by the crispy white substance at some distance from the center of the clearing. At the center, chalked pieces of wood and stone radiating warmth were neatly piled. A snow-covered triangular cover of thick fabric as isolation and wooden branches as supporting pillars to one of its edges was also there, neighboring with the cylindrical bag stuffed with the various objects you can not discern through its surface. Clank had put the cocoon containing you under the "roof" of the shelter before lending you a medium-sized yet heated stone taken from the center of the camp (so you could use it to warm up, apparently). Then, he handed you a small meaty chunk on a bone, accompanied by a loaf of some corny cuisine. The meal was accompanied by a sudden pat on your bright-haired top, after which he hid its face behind the "head plate" again, and left the borders of the camp. He told you something before going away, leaving you to your very first earthly meal and the somewhat mixed feelings.

Back then, under a makeshift shelter, you were digesting not only the food (that tasted good mostly because you were hungry and not because it was specifically made to be delicious) but also the impressions you've gathered so far. The most prominent of them all was the fear of the unknown. This realm already seemed too vast and scary to you - the small and inessential particle that was left to the mercy of fortune. You felt irritated because of your helplessness and at the same time challenged by the need to discover as much as you can in the shortest amount of time. The score of questions swirling in your mind was comparable to a chaotic swarm of nectar-crazed bees at the time. At least, you've been lucky enough to get help early on. The realization of how more challenging the circumstances would have been should the fate unfold slightly differently, calmed you down to a degree, feeling with relief from being on the isle of relative safety. Now, when your thoughts were occupied with the opinions on the person that has picked you up and their motives, the uncomfortable realization crawled into your head: Clank was missing for a bit too long for you to feel calm. It was starting to feel increasingly concerning. Were you abandoned? Did he meet the thing that thundered the area with its roar? Or maybe... You frantically played the possible scenarios in your mind, growing gradually more agitated to leave the camp and to get the hold on the things yourself.

When you were about to venture into the unknown, you sensed a living spark swiftly approaching the camp from the North, substantially calming down your nerves as a result. Then, when the second spark appeared coming from the same direction, you began to wonder whether did Clank brought some friends or not. You unwinded from your improvised "cocoon" to take a look at the visitors, trying on the fabric as if it was a toga or a robe, but what you saw at the encampment's exit was not the kind soul that took you out from the woods. An unknown hulking being in a different carapace instantaneously struck you out unconscious with the unbelievably mighty smack across your face.

When the senses recovered, you were drifting in the lulling darkness. Not the type that preceded your awakening to this world: you felt the warmth from one side, could hear the voices from beyond the dark, and your body felt tied to something big in an uncomfortable pose, making your wings ache even more. Desperate for some clarity, you began to wriggle, trying to lease the tie that fixated you on something massive and moving. These rebellious attempts of yours resulted in but a punch hitting your abdomen and the rag falling from your face, making the whole scene visible to you. It was still dark and snowing, you have been tied to one of the two humongous, armored, quadrupedal mounts who moved in a convoy, escorted by three more creatures with the same complexion as Clank but with differing shells, leading the hand-tied Clank himself. The beast that ambushed you overwatched him from the close distance, holding the conversation neither of them, judging by the intonation, seemed to enjoy. The second creature from this group walked in the vanguard of the column. What drawn your attention to it was its even more massive gauntlets, the left one of which was ablaze. Your inner senses sharpened once you have seen the tendrils of flames coming out of its palm, sending signals to your brain, specifying that you can distantly sense the affiliation of this creature to one of the natural aspects - to the fiery school of conflagration and radiation. Apparently, you have even more tricks up your metaphorical sleeve than you are aware of. The last creature that seemed to belong to the group of ambushers (and also seemed to be the shortest of them all) walked slightly behind you, studying you either with disgust or with contempt seeping through its covered by the metal visor eyes.

Once you finished inspecting the entities in your visual range, the fourth ambusher appeared with the burly, houndish creature by its side. It has swapped the post with the blazing-hand vanguardist and entrusted the odd beast to it, letting them scout the area ahead in the newly-assembled duo. The convoy carried on, as you were hanging down melancholically, the 'shorty' stopped staring at you and instead occasionally took part in the exchange between the ambushers' leader and Clank that seemed more like an interrogation. The column carried you on forth through the night and snowfall, but your intuition wasn't cheering you up. Judging by the hand movements of your pal, he wasn't eager to see the destination point either, carefully attempting to covertly lease the ties when the captors diverted their attention from him.

What happened shortly, would probably stay in your memory until whatever progenitor made you will call you back home: soon enough, your inner senses indicated the something living lying in hiding ahead, something bigger than these two convoy mounts. Your suspicions were confirmed once the night ambiance was shattered by the sound of vicious barking, a monstrous roar akin to the one you heard earlier this night, yells of a creature that went to scout the area. The ensued cacophony then got mixed with the disgusting sounds of tearing flesh, and clangs of the carapaces of the two other captors who bolted forward to aid their comrade who has been ambushed by the gargantuan predator. Only the 'shortie' was left guarding the mounts, you, and Clank.

As the symphony of savage sounds, yells, and roars grew louder, accompanied by the periodic flashes of light emerging from the woods ahead, Shortie grew visually panicked. In stark contrast, Clank seemed to be unnaturally calm, monotonously speaking to the distressed, lonely captor, turning the table on him. He was now playing on Shortie's distress, hammering something into his head with low, collected, and slightly sarcastic voice. Soon, Shortie's shaky equanimity broke under the traitorous spells of Clank, and he grabbed three small spheres from the belt of the latter, hurrying to the epicenter of the raging carnage, leaving the post he was entrusted with and not even looking back.

Clank used this window of opportunity to finally drop the binds that he was carefully sprawling all this time, to grab his confiscated bag as well as you, causing additional discomfort to the already twitchy humongous mount in the process, and to bolting into the dark woods with you and the bag on each of his shoulders. Through the hastily thickening veil of falling snow separating you from the place of escape, you managed to see only a couple of light flashes lighting the night for bare seconds, and a few distancing muffled cries.

If your first night in this world wasn't crazy enough already, the pace and complexity of the route Clank picked completed the impression. He carried you and the loadout for as long as he could, using the peculiarities of the terrain to confuse the traces. Then, when he ran out of strength to carry all the burden, he put you on the ground so you could follow him. After a few hours of rushing through the rugged terrain, tired and cold, you reached a small clearing in the forest with a lonely rocky sub-cavern providing a perfect place for a shelter. Your companion, sufficiently exhausted after the run, took some time for a breather and to inspect whether or not the former captors chased you. After calming down both physically and mentally, he began to establish your new temporary camp.

You, in the meanwhile, felt tired physically, and _______ (write-in) emotionally. Your face hurt from the strike that it has endured, your legs felt as if they were about to shatter, and the chill was creeping at you again. It was still dark, and the snowfall subsidized a bit, your companion was establishing the new shelter, and so you certainly have had some time to spend.


When in towns, camps, or other places of rest, you can vote on how to spend the time within the given limit of metaphorical time points. Vote for the priority actions within the set limit. Those of you who have played "The Darkest Dungeon" should understand what I mean. But unlike the Darkest Dungeon, the actions have more consequences past the mechanical benefits mentioned in the description.

6 Time points for this stop.

[] Inspect your companion in details
-1 point

[] Ask for the aid to the bruises you've got
-1 point, Normal Charisma attribute check (15)

[] Watch his actions and try to help where you can be useful
-3 Points, Easy Intelligence attribute check (12), Easy Wisdom attribute check (12), The action itself and each successful roll decreases the - Wisdom ignorance debuff by 1/3 point

[] Try communicating with your companion on a subject _______ (write-in)
-2 Points, repeatable, easy Intelligence attribute check (12), easy Wisdom attribute check (12), The action itself, and each successful roll decreases the - Wisdom ignorance debuff by 1/3 point if the topic of the question is correctly picked.

[] Try to study your Thaumaturgy affinity
-4 points, normal Intelligence attribute check (15), easy Arcane skill check (17), The action itself and each successful roll gives the 1/3 of the next level

[] Try to study your Spirit affinity
-4 points, normal Intelligence attribute check (15), easy Arcane skill check (17), The action itself and each successful roll gives the 1/3 of the next level

[] Write-in
mind that I will assign the time cost for this option depending on how time/efforts-consuming and complicated it is.

((this is the easy one, 24 hours))
((And yeah - I'm a slow writer :( ))
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[X] Numb
[X] Inspect your companion in details
[X] Watch his actions and try to help where you can be useful
[X] Try communicating with your companion on a subject _______ (The previous captors)