Heartless Desolation (Final Fantasyish quest)

[x] Plan Fine, I'll do it Myself. Time to Buff up...And Gang up on that one guy
-[x] Shade
--[x] use Darkside
---[x] attack Hammerleg 1
-[x] Medy
--[x] barding performance shade
---[x] attack Hammerleg 1
-[x] Theodosia
--[x] Attack Hammerlegs 1 twice
Everyone in your party is hanging up on hammer leg 1, shades using darkside to buff himself, then getting further buffed by medy. IIX will fight hammer leg 2
Pitlord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Medy attacks, +3 Total: 11
11 11
Pitlord threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Theo attacks, +6 Total: 32
18 18 14 14
Pitlord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Shade attacks, +8 Total: 4
4 4
Pitlord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Hammer legs attacks, +5 Total: 11
11 11
Pitlord threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Medy damage +1 Total: 3
3 3
Pitlord threw 2 8-faced dice. Reason: Theo damage +4 Total: 14
6 6 8 8
Pitlord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: IIX attack, +6 Total: 12
12 12
Pitlord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Hammerlegs attack, +5 Total: 3
3 3
Pitlord threw 1 12-faced dice. Reason: Iix damage,+5 Total: 7
7 7
Fight Vs Hammerlegs part 1
Medy, surprisingly, is the first to act. He begins playing a tune on his sitar. Its fast paced, energetic, almost violent at points, but more than just hearing it you feel it. it quickens your heart, puts strength in your muscle, and fills you with an untamed energy, desperate to be released. You see no reason to contain it, and begin to advance upon the hammer. With the gun gone your able to fully focus on the sword, its movement in your hand, and prepare yourself for a strike on the slow moving weapon. However, while it may be slow in general, it is capable of great bursts of speed, as you had seen as its partner attacked the knight, you just weren't prepared yourself.

You close the distance, sprinting, and move to cut into the hammer, but it leaps into the air, dodging the swing of your attack and then plummeting towards you. you try to shift your sword, to place it in between the falling hammer and yourself, but at its speed you wont be fast enough. Your heart beats faster, blood rushing through your veins as a feeling like static crawls up your spine as you brace yourself for its impact, turning your head from the blow, awaiting impact. Except there is no such impact, not with yourself at least as you hear something else take the blow.

You turn back to find two large hands have blocked the blow with their palms, catching the head of the hammer. They aren't human hands, judging from the skin nearly pitch black and stretched taught over the muscles underneath. The arms end at where they would meet the shoulder, instead turning to a stream of fading shadow. Each hand sports six fingers, each ending in a short talon, straight and sharp. Upon each wrist there is a shackle hanging loosely, a long thing chain trailing behind your back and connecting the two to each other. You notice as well how that same shadowy vapor seems to be rising off of you, faintly rising off of your skin, from the blade of your sword. They're connected, they have to be, but you have no idea of how or why.

One of these hands releases its grip on the head of the hammer, instead moving around and behind it to grab onto the haft of it, pushing and forcing it down to the ground, leaving at a tempting target for Theodosia, as well as Medy. Medys the first to actually take the opportunity, shaking off any surprise at these shadowy limbs and rushing in to make a wild swing with his sitar, still playing his tune that only pauses for the moment it takes to connect with his swing. You can't say it did much damage but the intent is appreciated. Theodosia, after shaking off the surprise of the helpful hands, runs forward, taking a small leap before plunging her spear deep into the hammer, then doing it once more, this time even deeper.

The hammer manages, in its throes of something like pain, to throw off the hands keeping it down, though instead of continuing the fight it flings itself back, back into the small swarm of shadows then further still, hopping away from the fight. Apparently, just as the hammer had had, it sports some sense of self preservation. Meanwhile but a few yards away the knight continues its fight against its own hammer.

Turning to face its foe now, the hammer doesn't find it as easy a target. It once more launches itself at the knight, but it is blocked by its sword, clanging against the thick metal, though its attack shows little effect compared to before. It rebounds off the sword, landing a few feet away, but in the time that it was landing the knight had already raised its blade, ready to cleave this thing in two. It nearly succeeds, only failing to completely bisect it by the blade desperately leaping back, leaving its front half to be sliced into fourths, the impact driving the hammer into the ground once more.

That, however, was not enough to convince the weapon to retreat, judging by the way its not hurling itself away from the fight, even as you and your allies approach. As you approach though, you hear a shouting. "Citizens!" You hear yelled, and you look up towards the motor carriage containing your noble tickets to the upper city. The one yelling towards you seems to be the driver and perhaps guard of said nobility, a man roughly in his early thirties, late twenties if being generous. He wears a rounded steel helmet, a sallet without visor, along with a military uniform, the helmet likely the only thing available on short notice for protection. He has dark black hair, only seen by the thick moustache and side burns he sports. "You are hereby deputized by the military of Noria, protect the carriage with your lives and your unsanctioned use of magic may be forgiven!" He says before slamming the door on the grabbing hand of one of the shadows.

You suppose you've succeeded at part of the plan, becoming the guardians of some nobles, now it seems its time to do said guarding. You can hear the engine of the carriage revving, ready to start moving just as soon as a path is cleared.

What should your party do? Each has two actions

Enemies! : hammer legs 2 (hurt), gathering shadows

[] Shade

-[]attack! choose a target

-[/] use darkside!

--[] try and command the hands?!

-[] enter grit stance!

-[] Use a sword skill! (which one, and whose the target)

-[] Cast a spell! (which one, and whos the target)

[] Medy

-[] attack! choose a target

-[] barding performance (Which one)

-[] cast a song! (which one and whose the target)

-[] Cast a spell! (which one and whos the target)

[] Theodosia

-[] Attack! choose a target

-[] Jump! Choose a target
right it's been 12 Hours and no one's voted...Disappointing

[x] Plan Someone has to keep this rolling.
-[x] Shade
--[x] Use Minus Strike Twice on Gathering Shadows
-[x] Medy
--[x]Cast Water, hit Hammerleg 2
---[x] Cast Foe's Requiem on Gathering Shadows
-[x] Theodosia
--[x] Attack Hammerlegs 2 twice (Second Attack or both Attacks on Gathering Shadows if Hammerlegs 2 dies before this.)
Okay two minus strikes against the swarm, Medys casting songs and spells, and Theo is stabbing stuff, I'll roll when I can
Okay shade does not confirm that critical
Shade does 33 damage to the swarm of heartless
Medy whiffs but he does 4 guaranteed damage from foe requiem
Theo does +8 damage
Hanmerlegs 2 is defeated
Pitlord threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Double minus strike,+8 Total: 28
19 19 9 9
Pitlord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Crit confirmation Total: 6
6 6
Pitlord threw 2 8-faced dice. Reason: Double minus strike dmg, +22 Total: 11
3 3 8 8
Pitlord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Medy casts water, +4 Total: 8
8 8
Pitlord threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Theo attacks, +6 Total: 19
17 17 2 2
Pitlord threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Theo damages, +4 Total: 4
4 4
Pitlord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Iix attacks the swarm, +6 Total: 6
6 6
Pitlord threw 1 12-faced dice. Reason: Iix damages the swarm, +5 Total: 5
5 5
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