Heartless Desolation (Final Fantasyish quest)

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A soul wakes up to find themself at the center of destruction.
A pit
You're sinking. Deeper and deeper into a black abyss you slowly fall, darkness engulfing you. In the back of your mind you know that if you don't do something you will be lost in it. Despite the pain you feel in your body you force it to move. It weakly responds, moving as if trapped in sand, slowly growing less weak and restrained as you struggle to do anything, to grasp anything that could slow or stop your falling. Eventually you succeed, your hand grasping at the edge of something, a platform obscured by the dark. You move your other hand to grasp onto this ledge, your refuge and savior, and pull yourself onto it. Crawling forward blurred vision finally starts to clear, revealing what you are on, A platform of glass that once might have been full of color, now stained black and lifeless. You struggle to your feet, trying to clear your head so that you might figure out what's happened here, to this place, and to you, but your mind refuses to provide any answer. It fails to provide anything, and the more you try to dig the more it seems to blur, melting away as if the mere act of trying to recollect is hazardous to your health. So instead of killing yourself seeking memory, you seek discovery, of where you are and how you might free yourself of it.

You wander to the edge of the platform to peer over its edge, perhaps to find an exit from this void or some sign of life, but you find yourself seeing naught but more of this limbo, this oblivion. Turning back however you find a change to this place, a speck of glass unearthed from where you had tread upon it. you move and kneel beside, swiping away some more of the murk with a tattered sleeve. What you clear away you feel resonate you with, perhaps revealing some aspect of your heart or soul that your mind had tried to keep hidden from you. what is revealed to you? choose one

[] in your heart there is a fire, one ready to break out and unleash itself upon your foes. Gain fire magic, the fire spell, +2 strength and +2 dexterity

[] in your mind there is a storm, crackling with power and potential. Gain lightning magic, the thunder spell, +2 intelligence and +2 constitution

[] in your lungs there is wind, a breeze that might turn into raging chaos. Gain wind magic, the aero spell, +2 dexterity and +2 agility

[] water flows through your veins, a steady stream that could become a raging torrent. Gain water magic, the water spell, +2 constitution and +2 wisdom

[] in your bones there is stone, strong and unflinching, able to weather whatever it faces. Gain earth magic, the stone spell, +2 strength and +2 constitution

[] in your eyes there is a coldness, ice frozen and unfeeling, ready to destroy any who think they can overcome it. gain ice magic, the blizzard spell, +2 intelligence and +2 wisdom

[] it seems that while once there had been something within you, this darkness has taken its place. If this darkness is all that is left to you, then its what you must use. Gain darkness magic, darkness will augment some of your abilities, the dark bolt spell, +2 dexterity and +2 wisdom

You rise away from your discovery, some shred of knowing yourself gained, to find that once more there's been a change. Whether this place enjoys its tricks against you or it only revealed itself thanks to your self discovery there is now a small sliver of light coming from a silvery surface that slowly is taking form. While you do not yet know what that form will be, it does give you the opportunity to discover your own. Looking into its reflective form as if it were a mirror you get a look at yourself. Your clothes are foul, stained and torn, the front ripped open as if something had torn its way out of there. The sleeves end in tatters as well, dirt and what might be blood staining its cuff, or what remains of it. your pants are similarly ragged, torn and ragged up to the knees and not even any shoes or sandals on your feet. How do you look as a person however, underneath the dirt and grime?

[] tall and broadly built, muscles showing below your ruined clothing, your hair long brown and untamed on your head, short but untended on your face, and dark eyes peeking out from behind your hair, you imagine someone might appreciate how you look if you weren't quite so unruly.

[] pale hair, blonde that's nearly white, lean from effort or hunger, and eyes that gleam like emeralds, and skin baked by the sun, you wonder what life you've lived.

[] black curls in need of taming, bags under your eyes showing a lack of rest, long nails showing a lack of grooming, and a maze of cuts and scars along your body, evidence of a life hard lived.


Before you are fully done taking yourself in the silvery mass finishes taking form, that form being a door, one ornate and carved with the symbol of a crown at its peak. Despite the obvious fact there is nothing behind the door you know that if you were to open it and go through you would find yourself somewhere other than this void, perhaps to where you had been before arriving here. You feel however that whatever is on that other side it wouldn't be anything good, some voice in your head telling you that there is some unknown danger that would destroy you if you let it. but what other choice do you have? To languish here, afraid of your only means of escape, accepting this void or worse, flinging yourself down from this platform so it might fully consume you? no, you know you have to go through the door, despite what might be on its other side. You ready yourself, against what you cannot know, and grasp the handle of the door. Cold in your grasp you turn it as light spills from the crack in the door, growing brighter until it overwhelms you until you are forced to close your eyes against this blinding light or be blinded.


You don't remember stepping through the door, or even moving, but even with your eyes closed you know you are no longer in the void. You try to open them but a tiredness in your soul makes them resist, so instead you focus on what else you can take in. the stone below you, rough gritty and cold, is at odds from the heat you feel around you. It's not the comforting heat of a campfire, but something more intense and all consuming. Your ears hear crackling, crumbling, the sound of destructions aftermath. Further in the distance you hear what might be screams, the sound of steel on flesh, the sounds of battle and death. Nearer, worryingly near, you hear the sound of something approaching you. not a person, it isn't the sound of boot nor foot approaching, but the movement of some other form of creature. You finally beat that weakness within you and force your eyes open as you struggle once more to your feet. The creature, for that's the closest thing to its appearance, is one of shadow given form. Its short, roughly four foot and six inches in height from your guess, and its body resembles that of childish caricature with little detail. Its arms end in three clawed fingers, its eyes too yellow bulbs on its face, tendrils growing up from the sides of its head. You wouldn't think something like that too threatening, but from the destruction around you cannot risk underestimating it. you need to defend yourself, you need a weapon with which to do so, find one before the monster is upon you.

choose the weapon type you will use in the quest

[] Laying among the wreckage that surrounds you you see a sword, one handed and unadorned. Its edges are sharp and the steel clean, it should do a fine job. Gain 5 strength, 5 Agility, 4 dexterity, 3 constitution, 2 wisdom, 1 int

[]leaning against a charred wall is a staff, a gem socketed into its wooden head. It should serve as a fine focus for magic. The staff uses wisdom for its damage and is ranged. Gain 5 wisdom, 5 intelligence, 4 agility, 3 constitution, 2 dexterity, 1 strength.

[] in a half ruined building there is a shield displayed on the wall. Not strictly a weapon but its heavy and blunt so it will have to do. Gain 5 constitution, 5 wisdom, 4 strength, 3 intelligence, 2 agility, 1 dexterity

[] you can see hung by its holster outside someone home there is a gun, a pepperbox revolver, with enough powder and shot to last you through the week. The gun uses dexterity for its damage and is ranged. Gain 5 dexterity, 5 intelligence, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 constitution, and 1 strength,

[] plunged into the side of a building as if thrown with great force there is a spear. Tear it from its prison and unleash it upon this creature. Gain 5 strength, 5 agility, 4 dexterity, 3 constitution, 2 wisdom, 1 int

[] half buried in a pile of dirt you see a greatsword, a long two handed beast of a weapon. Perhaps it will take a beast to slay the one that threatens you? gain 5 strength, 5 constitution, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 dexterity, 1 intelligence

[] all that you can find is a lone dagger, forgotten, abandoned. It may not be the perfect choice, but it is your only one. The dagger uses dexterity for its attacks. Gain 5 dexterity, 5 agility, 4 intelligence, 3 strength, 2 wisdom, 1 constitution.

[] you find nothing. Not even a kitchen knife or decent club. Fine, you shall use the weapons all have, you fists, your legs, your teeth if need be. Gain 5 strength, 5 dexterity, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 constitution, 1 intelligence.

[] write in. whatever you decide to add has to follow the pattern set by the other weapons, 2 fives, a four, a three, a two, and a one assigned to the stats and must also be allowed by me, don't wanna write something I'm uninterested in after all

You prepare yourself, settling into something you hope resembles a fighting stance, hoping your first fight won't be your last.


Yes hi hello I've made the poor decision to start another quest while already running one. Why, pit, did you suddenly decide to do such a thing, I don't hear you ask? Well its simple, I am a person who can't help but make bad decisions and have had this idea on the mind for a while. Now to skip over the rambling a few things to note mechanically so you aren't floundering in the dark trying to figure out what the numbers mean. First of all all your stats start at 10

Strength is, well strength. It increases the damage of most melee weapons and abilities, allows you to do increasingly ridiculous things as you level up and improve it, and makes certain non combat strength options more likely to succeed.

Agility is a characters personal speed and agility. Increasing it increases how fast they are, how many actions they have, and allows them to jump good, sometimes really good.

Dexterity is their skill with their hands and general accuracy, and is added to any critical damage dealt and the higher it is the more likely you are to crit

Constitution is the health of the character, how many hits they can take before getting knocked out or worse.

Wisdom is tied to a characters magical power, added to any spell attacks as damage, and improves a characters innate magic, letting them learn new tiers of said magic as they improve wisdom. For example at lets say 18 wisdom a character with fire as their element would learn fira, and apply that logic to all the other types of spell.

Intelligence deal with a characters knowledge of the world and of magic. If it gets high enough they can begin learning new schools of magic. Other than increasing the variety of spells it increases the quantity of spells that can be cast, mp points equaling half of intelligence unless I decide otherwise down the line.

In the future you will have the opportunity to find party members so don't think you need to be a complete generalist, feel free to specialize in what you like.
Plan: Galeforce Blade
-[x] in your lungs there is wind, a breeze that might turn into raging chaos. Gain wind magic, the aero spell, +2 dexterity and +2 agility
--[x] tall and broadly built, muscles showing below your ruined clothing, your hair long brown and untamed on your head, short but untended on your face, and dark eyes peeking out from behind your hair, you imagine someone might appreciate how you look if you weren't quite so unruly.
---[x] half buried in a pile of dirt you see a greatsword, a long two handed beast of a weapon. Perhaps it will take a beast to slay the one that threatens you? gain 5 strength, 5 constitution, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 dexterity, 1 intelligence

I wanna be speedy and hit like a truck and I love Big Swords

You finally beat that weakness within you and force your eyes open as you struggle once more to your feet. The creature, for that's the closest thing to its appearance, is one of shadow given form. Its short, roughly four foot and six inches in height from your guess, and its body resembles that of childish caricature with little detail. Its arms end in three clawed fingers, its eyes too yellow bulbs on its face, tendrils growing up from the sides of its head. You wouldn't think something like that too threatening, but from the destruction around you cannot risk underestimating it. you need to defend yourself, you need a weapon with which to do so, find one before the monster is upon you.
That's a Heartless...Oh boy, here we go, let's do it!
Every vote ends after 24 hours or whenever I decide to call it

this quest is using the final fantasy pathfinder full conversion. The pc and his party members are all gestalted characters, meaning they have two active classes at the same time. It's not strictly beholden to those rules either, I will bend or twist or ignore rules as makes sense for the quest.
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[X] Plan: Gentleman
[X] it seems that while once there had been something within you, this darkness has taken its place. If this darkness is all that is left to you, then its what you must use. Gain darkness magic, darkness will augment some of your abilities, the dark bolt spell, +2 dexterity and +2 wisdom
[X] black curls in need of taming, bags under your eyes showing a lack of rest, long nails showing a lack of grooming, and a maze of cuts and scars along your body, evidence of a life hard lived.
[X] you can see hung by its holster outside someone home there is a gun, a pepperbox revolver, with enough powder and shot to last you through the week. The gun uses dexterity for its damage and is ranged. Gain 5 dexterity, 5 intelligence, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 constitution, and 1 strength,
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Character sheet
Shade: a man who found himself in the middle of a monstrous invasion with little idea of how he got there. Currently going by shade until he can remember his true name. Dark and dirty curly hair, an unwashed appearance, halfway decent clothes, and various scars across your flesh, you don't look like quite as much of a monster.

Hp:12 hit points, d10 hit die
mp: 3

Class: blade dancer/ dark knight
Element: darkness
-Str 18
-dex 16
-con 14
-cha —
-Wis 16
-Int 12

Fortitude save +4
Reflex save +4
Will save +5

Weapons:+5 to hit, Sabre: d8 +str damage, 19/20 x2 crit

???: currently you charisma stat is null. Any effect that would use your charisma modifier will instead use wisdom

Ac bonus. While unarmored you add you charisma bonus to your ac, also provides +1 to your ac at level one and every five levels after

Martial training: your sword saint levels count as fighter levels for the purpose of taking feats
Aegis: party members while actively in the party gain an extra +1 to ac, this increases every five levels

Darkside: choose to gain +3 to damage, +1 to attack, and 10+ level spell resistance at the expense of losing hit points equal to your level every turn darkside is active. While darkside is active you cannot be healed by outside effects, only those you yourself use.

Harm touch: as an attack you may cause 1d6 shadow damage to an enemy. You may use this a number of times equal to you charisma mod + your level.

Grit stance: you may enter grit stance to gain damage reduction 2 against all forms of damage at the expense of halving your attacks and a -2 penalty to damage rolls. The penalty's and advantages increase as you gain levels

Melodious Minstrel: any buff medy applies to shade is increased by 1

Sword skills:
-minus strike: attack that deals your swords damage+cha+total lost hp
-shadow blade: ranger sword attack that deals your swords damage plus cha +1d6 and heals you for the damage it inflicts if the enemy fails their save

— Dark I: ranged 1d6+cha+level shadow damage that inflicts the dimmed status
—darka/ dark II: ranged 3d6+cha+level shadow damage that inflicts the dimmed status

—blizzard. Ranged touch that deals 1d6 points of ice damage + cha + 1 per level (max of +5) and inflicts Frozen status
Limit break:

Gil: 80

Moogles coin pouch: a pouch thrown at you while full of coin. Might as well hold on to it .
Basic clothing: it isn't anything fancy but it's better than the rags you had. Currently comprises dress pants, a long sleeved white shirt with an open collar that can be laced closed, a vest, boots, and a leather jacket over it all.
A saber: apparently made by one Gabriel Von Leif judging by the brand on the pommel of the sword, you took this from a weapons shop on the city. While it may not be the greatest weapon it shall do well for now. Allows melee attacks,


Dark Knight

"Formed by negative emotions, every soul carries Darkness inside, but very few can access its potential. Such as those man and woman of arms that underwent an intense training to unlock the wicked power of the Abyss. Only a few [...]


Sword Saint

Deadly, focused, and relentless, the sword saint is a knight that believes in the strength of his blade and his arm, pouring his soul into his technique. Focused on improving his skill with a blade, he has awakened the essence [...]
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[X] Plan: Dark Elf Warlock
-[X] it seems that while once there had been something within you, this darkness has taken its place. If this darkness is all that is left to you, then its what you must use. Gain darkness magic, darkness will augment some of your abilities, the dark bolt spell, +2 dexterity and +2 wisdom
-[X] WRITE IN: White of hair and dark of skin, your visage is that of a youth eternal, mistique augmented with knife-shaped ears, eyes shining with a glint of magic, your body has seen better days, and underneath the dirt it seems simultaneously well-kept and malnourished - as if you were used to trading your own lifeforce for power.
-[X] leaning against a charred wall is a staff, a gem socketed into its wooden head. It should serve as a fine focus for magic. The staff uses wisdom for its damage and is ranged. Gain 5 wisdom, 5 intelligence, 4 agility, 3 constitution, 2 dexterity, 1 strength.
Ooooh, is that Kingdom Hearts stuff in our quest? I'm onboard for this then.

[X] Plan: Gentleman
[X] it seems that while once there had been something within you, this darkness has taken its place. If this darkness is all that is left to you, then its what you must use. Gain darkness magic, darkness will augment some of your abilities, the dark bolt spell, +2 dexterity and +2 wisdom
[X] black curls in need of taming, bags under your eyes showing a lack of rest, long nails showing a lack of grooming, and a maze of cuts and scars along your body, evidence of a life hard lived.
[X] you can see hung by its holster outside someone home there is a gun, a pepperbox revolver, with enough powder and shot to last you through the week. The gun uses dexterity for its damage and is ranged. Gain 5 dexterity, 5 intelligence, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 constitution, and 1 strength,

I like this one, honestly. The quest seems to be Kingdom Hearts, considering the door and the Heartless, and that makes me worry about taking Darkness, but considering if Riku can do it so can we. Plus, dark corridors are cool. Also, the high dex for a dex-based weapon is something I like.

[X] Plan: Gentleman
[x] Plain Icicle
- [x] in your eyes there is a coldness, ice frozen and unfeeling, ready to destroy any who think they can overcome it. gain ice magic, the blizzard spell, +2 intelligence and +2 wisdom
- [x] black curls in need of taming, bags under your eyes showing a lack of rest, long nails showing a lack of grooming, and a maze of cuts and scars along your body, evidence of a life hard lived.
- [x] plunged into the side of a building as if thrown with great force there is a spear. Tear it from its prison and unleash it upon this creature. Gain 5 strength, 5 agility, 4 dexterity, 3 constitution, 2 wisdom, 1 int

Also, couldn't help but notice the Quest's title matches the rhythm of this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awhGI0_o90s
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Plan: Galeforce Blade
-[x] in your lungs there is wind, a breeze that might turn into raging chaos. Gain wind magic, the aero spell, +2 dexterity and +2 agility
--[x] tall and broadly built, muscles showing below your ruined clothing, your hair long brown and untamed on your head, short but untended on your face, and dark eyes peeking out from behind your hair, you imagine someone might appreciate how you look if you weren't quite so unruly.
---[x] half buried in a pile of dirt you see a greatsword, a long two handed beast of a weapon. Perhaps it will take a beast to slay the one that threatens you? gain 5 strength, 5 constitution, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 dexterity, 1 intelligence

I wanna be speedy and hit like a truck and I love Big Swords

That's a Heartless...Oh boy, here we go, let's do it!
Gonna bump my own vote incase the informationals buried it
Adhoc vote count started by Pitlord on Feb 20, 2023 at 12:58 PM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Gentleman
    -[x] in your lungs there is wind, a breeze that might turn into raging chaos. Gain wind magic, the aero spell, +2 dexterity and +2 agility
    --[x] tall and broadly built, muscles showing below your ruined clothing, your hair long brown and untamed on your head, short but untended on your face, and dark eyes peeking out from behind your hair, you imagine someone might appreciate how you look if you weren't quite so unruly.
    ---[x] half buried in a pile of dirt you see a greatsword, a long two handed beast of a weapon. Perhaps it will take a beast to slay the one that threatens you? gain 5 strength, 5 constitution, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 dexterity, 1 intelligence
    [X] it seems that while once there had been something within you, this darkness has taken its place. If this darkness is all that is left to you, then its what you must use. Gain darkness magic, darkness will augment some of your abilities, the dark bolt spell, +2 dexterity and +2 wisdom
    [X] black curls in need of taming, bags under your eyes showing a lack of rest, long nails showing a lack of grooming, and a maze of cuts and scars along your body, evidence of a life hard lived.
    [X] you can see hung by its holster outside someone home there is a gun, a pepperbox revolver, with enough powder and shot to last you through the week. The gun uses dexterity for its damage and is ranged. Gain 5 dexterity, 5 intelligence, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 constitution, and 1 strength,
    [X] Plan: Dark Elf Warlock
    -[X] it seems that while once there had been something within you, this darkness has taken its place. If this darkness is all that is left to you, then its what you must use. Gain darkness magic, darkness will augment some of your abilities, the dark bolt spell, +2 dexterity and +2 wisdom
    -[X] WRITE IN: White of hair and dark of skin, your visage is that of a youth eternal, mistique augmented with knife-shaped ears, eyes shining with a glint of magic, your body has seen better days, and underneath the dirt it seems simultaneously well-kept and malnourished - as if you were used to trading your own lifeforce for power.
    -[X] leaning against a charred wall is a staff, a gem socketed into its wooden head. It should serve as a fine focus for magic. The staff uses wisdom for its damage and is ranged. Gain 5 wisdom, 5 intelligence, 4 agility, 3 constitution, 2 dexterity, 1 strength.
    [x] Plain Icicle
    - [x] in your eyes there is a coldness, ice frozen and unfeeling, ready to destroy any who think they can overcome it. gain ice magic, the blizzard spell, +2 intelligence and +2 wisdom
    - [x] black curls in need of taming, bags under your eyes showing a lack of rest, long nails showing a lack of grooming, and a maze of cuts and scars along your body, evidence of a life hard lived.
    - [x] plunged into the side of a building as if thrown with great force there is a spear. Tear it from its prison and unleash it upon this creature. Gain 5 strength, 5 agility, 4 dexterity, 3 constitution, 2 wisdom, 1 int
alright, plan gentleman wins, time to write
In the shadow of the city
The creature appears confused by you as it skitters your way, its head tilting to either side as its beady eyes stare at you. in its moment of confusion you back away towards the firearm, though you also try to make use of that Darkness you saw that infested you, pulling on it from within you in an attempt to do something, anything to keep back this creature. Your feet prove quicker than your attempt at magic however as you reach your savior. You pull it from its holster, quickly checking if it is loaded, thanking your lucky stars that it is. The wood and metal of its grip is cold, unfamiliar in your hands, but you will learn. The wave of confusion that overtook the walking shadow seems to have washed away by the time you look back at it, as it quickens its pace, walking, close to running, in your direction with its clawed hand ready to attack.

You raise the revolver, aiming between the creature's eyes, and pull the trigger. The blast of powder sends a jolt up your arms, the recoil nearly knocking the weapon from your hands, but worse than that throwing off your aim. Instead of blasting away the monster it instead clips its, grazing the side of its head, right below its antenna like protrusion, a dark mist or powder or other substance coming away from its wound. Its at that point the creature decides to stop playing with its prey. It now fully runs at you with nothing less than the intent to destroy you, when finally that darkness decides to respond to your will. A shimmering pitch black orb, little more than a marble really, forms slightly above and beside your head, hanging like a star plucked from the sky.

You impose your will upon it once more, directing it to strike at the creature, to shoot fourth and destroy it, and thankfully it responds far faster than it took to summon the thing. It quickly shoots forth, aimed for the creatures center of mass, only for the beast to melt down, becoming a shadow upon the ground before the bolt can strike it. the bolt careens forward through where the shadow had once been, but instead of continuing its trajectory it instead slows and stops roughly two yards behind it. the creature, believing the threat to be gone, rematerializes from its place as a shadow on the ground. As soon as it is reformed the bolt once again shoots froward, this time connecting as it strikes directly into the creatures back, causing another burst of dark to be released from the impact. You take the creatures momentary surprise to strike once more, turning the barrel of the gun and aiming for the shadows center of mass. The shot rings out, a crack of thunder within the chaos as the bullet connects. In a moment the monster bursts, its form turning into a great mass of that shadowy substance as it lifts into the sky like ash drifting into the night. For the moment, you are safe.

You take a moment after the fight to sit at the end of the porch of this house. You breath in and out, steadying yourself. You are not quite as overwhelmed as you might have imagined after a fight to the death. Had you done so before? A question you cannot answer, your mind still fighting you, refusing to answer any questions, of which you have many. First, and possibly most important, where are you? you look around, taking in the sights of a ruined section of a city, brick, wood, and plaster destroyed as if caught in the middle of some catastrophe. Perhaps it was. Fires burn around you, small for the most part, kept restrained by a light rain you hadn't the time to notice. More likely the result of spells cast in the defense of this place, or by whatever came to destroy it. A massive wall of stone, now stained by clinging shadow, hovers menacingly over you, a massive gate of now twisted metal set into the stone. Just past it, on this side of the wall, there is a crater, inside of which there is a pool of that very same darkness the monster you just dispatched seemed to be made from. Pool is perhaps not the correct word, as this darkness seems to cling and attempt to spread upwards and outwards, ever so slowly crawling across the ground. You had woken not far from this crater, perhaps you had been caught in the blast of whatever caused it, lucky enough to survive its aftermath.

Looking inwards into the city, you notice that there is a second wall, one much higher, grander, and imposing. Plated in metal with cranes and metal contraptions at its top there looks to be a second city at its top, perhaps built upon a hill or mesa that elevates it, or it is simply the result of constantly building upwards, higher and higher. The buildings on this inner city seem to be larger, grander than those below, with tall spires scratching at the sky, and a massive palace at its center. There it seems is where much of this darkness seems to gather. The source, or is it the target? You curse your mind for refusing to give you answers to these questions. You stand from the porch and move to retrieve the weapons holster, as well as a metallic canister of powder shaped like a flask as well as a large pouch of metal bullets.

Now, what should you do. What can you do? Leaving via the gate would be impossible, with how its twisted and bent you doubt it could be pulled open, and you don't see any other exits from where you stand. You could wander, seek a gate that still worked or some other means of escape, but who knows what you might run into on the way, or if what lay outside could prove worse. You could seek others, survivors of this shadow infestation, but would they be friendly to a stranger, covered in scars more than clothing, armed, and potentially a danger on top of that which they already face? Maybe you should instead seek answers, answers to what happened, to why it happened, to why you survived, to why your mind fights you and keeps you from remembering anything.

No. Stop thinking of the destination, start thinking on how to get there. You're allowing too many thoughts to cloud your mind. An immediate goal, one that helps you now, that is what matters, not some more distant plan. Focus, look and listen to what is around you, find what can help. Allies, equipment, clothing that's more than torn scraps, anything, then you can think on more long term goals.

Choose one.

[] the sound of gunshots, ordered and massed together, a firing line against these creatures of shadow unless they have learned to use firearms themselves. Above the clamor of the guns you hear someone, a voice ordering his men, leading them to survival. Perhaps their strength in numbers might protect you as well.

[] rags and filth make you nearly seem as much a monster as that which you fought. Find something, anything, to cloth and armor you, and perhaps clean yourself up while you are at it. you see a sign in the distance, its words to small to make out but the image upon it, that of a needle and thread, leads you to hope it can fulfill your needs.

[] from your north you hear something strange, or rather you don't. the sound of nothing, a bastion of quiet in this chaos. However this quiet is softly broken every few moments by the sound of something being cut, quickly, forcefully, and skillfully. Perhaps whatever is causing this break in the quiet is someone, or something, worth allying yourself with.

[] your weapon is, while enough to have dealt with a single one of these shadows, too little for what you might face. Seek a weapons shop or armory you might investigate for superior firepower.

[] underneath the sounds of fighting and destruction there is a softer noise, the strumming of some stringed instrument. This sound is often broken by the sound of water, and sometimes the sound of scared screams and yelps, someone else in need of a helping hand?

[] the sound of forced laughter in cheer in the distance. Often broken by a roar, not from a beast but that of a warrior in battle, followed by the return of the forced joviality. You admit it peaks your interest.

[] further in, towards the inner city wall, you can hear the sound of someone giving out scared orders, followed by the sound of what might be a full armory in motion, the sound of a heavy amount of metal moving at once, fast and powerful.

[] an odd sound in this chaos, laughter un forced and sophisticated, not the boisterous bellowing of one who works hard for their living but one regal and confident. This laughter is accompanied by the sound of roaring flame or crackling lightning or some other sound of summoned elements.

[] roars and laughter to the south, someone fighting and enjoying it, along with the sound of destruction, buildings collapsing or being broken, a challenge issued out to any that can hear inbetween the sounds of violence.

[] while the shadows swarm in this inner city, it seems better defended than the lower, after all it is less on fire and destroyed, and the darkness does not cling to structures as it does down here. Find your way up there and seek its protection.

[] there must be a safe place to hide out down here, a cellar or something where you can rest and recover. Find it and take a moment to yourself.

[] Write in

-15 int reached, new magic unlocked-

You feel at the back of your mind an itch, like somethings trying to force its way out and into your attention. A memory? No, not quite, it is more akin to knowledge and instinct, something you had known and now remember, though why you know it you cannot remember. Magic, one of its many varieties, at least the barest knowledge of yours starts to unearth itself from your mind, but what kind is it?

Choose one

[] fire magic, powerful, destructive, yours. Learn how to cast fire, a strong single target magical attack.

[] thunder and lighting, the magic of storms, calling down the power from above to destroy your foes. Learn thunder, a magical attack that can hit multiple enemies.

[] ice magic, crippling and bitter. Learn how to cast blizzard, a single target magical attack that can debuff them.

[] air magic, the power of the tempest in your hand. Learn aero, a weak attack that can immobilize some targets, preventing them from attacking.

[] water magic, the power of vast seas and bottomless oceans. Learn water, an aoe spell that can slow and weaken multiple enemies.

[] earth magic, that of the stone beneath your feet all the way to to the planets core. Learn stone, a single target magical attack that can pierce armor.


There weren't any rolls nor experience gained for this fight as it was more meant to show the basic stuff your character can do. In the future there will be actual rolling.

Dark bolt is a magical attack that rolls twice to hit, taking the better result, and dealing your wisdom in damage

The next milestone you hit with intelligence will allow you to choose more advanced, non elemental magic types.

Yes your character has a very good sense of hearing to hear all of those possible encounters
[X] rags and filth make you nearly seem as much a monster as that which you fought. Find something, anything, to cloth and armor you, and perhaps clean yourself up while you are at it. you see a sign in the distance, its words to small to make out but the image upon it, that of a needle and thread, leads you to hope it can fulfill your needs.

Reject human interaction, acquire DRIP

Im not sure which magic i'd want tbh, so ill abstain from that vote.
[x] Plan Cold Water
- [x] underneath the sounds of fighting and destruction there is a softer noise, the strumming of some stringed instrument. This sound is often broken by the sound of water, and sometimes the sound of scared screams and yelps, someone else in need of a helping hand?
- [x] ice magic, crippling and bitter. Learn how to cast blizzard, a single target magical attack that can debuff them.
Updated the character sheet a bit more, forgot to add mp costs to the spells and also added a abilities and limit break section
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Party members
Hp:9 hit points, d8 hit die

Class: Bard/Thief
Element: Water
-Str 13
-dex 14
-con 12
-cha 17
-Wis 17
-Int 11

Fortitude save +1
Reflex save +4
Will save +5

weapon: sitar. 1d6+str damage, 30ft range 1d4+cha damage

- performance(strings)+7
- bluff +7
- diplomacy +7
- escape artists +6
- sense motive +7
- Use magic device +7
- perception +7
- disable device +6

Sneak attack: if this character attacks a flat footed or flanked enemy they deal extra damage

Trapfinding: medy adds half his level(min 1) yo perception and disable device checks made to find or disable traps
Weapon finesse: medy is able to add his dex mod to damage rolls with finesse weapons. Note, a sitar isn't a finesse weapon

Mark: medy may mark an opponent, giving him a +1 bonus to attacks and damage against that opponent, as well as to Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent

Bardic Performance:
-countersong, disrupts sound based magical effects
-distraction, disrupt visual based magic effects
-fascinate, anyone listening will be distracted by your playing
-inspire courage: gives your Allie's a +1 to attack and damage rolls, as well as attempts to resist fear effects

-lvl 0
— lullaby. Makes subject drowsy (–5 on Perception checks, –2 on Will saves against sleep) (maintained).
— summon instrument. Summons one musical instrument.
-lvl 1
— army's paeon. Provides Fast Healing 2 to nearby allies (maintained).
— focusing chant. Gain +1 on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks.
— foe requiem.Deals Charisma modifier points of non-elemental damage to one enemy (maintained).
— hideous laughter. Subject loses actions.
— inspirational boost. The bonuses granted by your inspire courage ability increase by 1.
— saving finale. Ends a maintained song to allow subject a reroll on a failed saving throw.

—watera/water II

Lingering performance: the effects of Medys bardic performance last another two rounds after he stops playing
Dodge: +1 to Medys ac



Life is an endless adventure for those who live by their wits. Ever just one step ahead of danger, thieves bank on their cunning, skill, and charm to bend fate to their favor. Never knowing what to expect, they prepare [...]



A bright tune to soothe a party's wounds... A brisk march to raise a party's spirits... A forbidden chant to weaken a party's foes... Bards use music as their weapon. A bard is the quintessential entertainer, blessed with musical skills [...]

Classes: gunner and cleric
Element: earth
str 13
Dex 14
Agi 13
Con 17
Wis 15
Int 12

Rest to be filled out later

Hp:13 hit points, d10 hit die

Class: dragoon/gambler
Element: air
-Str 17
-dex 13
-con 16
-cha 15
-Wis 12
-Int 11

Fortitude save +5
Reflex save +3
Will save +1

weapon: spear.+5 to hit 1d8+str damage,20/X3,
Armor: dragoons field plate. Ac+7, +1 from dex

-acrobatics. +7
-survival +5
-climb +7
-intimidate +6
- sense motive +5

-jump: using up all her actions Theodosia can leap at an enemy for a single powerful strike, adding 1d6 to her damage and +1 to attack for every level she has up to 5

-luck pool (4): Theodosia may choose to reroll her rolls up to her charisma modifier plus her level. She must use the new result whenever she rerolls

-power attack
-weapon focus(spear)



Of all the things that are symbolic of the nation of Ishgard, few are more recognized than the dragoon. Born amidst the timeless conflict between men and dragons, these lance-wielding knights have developed an aerial style of combat, that they [...]



A gambler lives by his luck. He doesn’t worry about much of anything, including where his next meal comes from, and trusts to luck—perhaps more than he should. In the end, no matter how much skill one might have to [...]
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Alright, no need to do a tally since there's only two votes, though ice will win be default for your new school of magic. I'll roll a d2 to see if you pursue the music or pursue the drip.
The drip wins, now to roll a d100 to see if there's an encounter along the way. And the encounters actually gonna be fairly decent with that 91
Pitlord threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Music or drip Total: 2
2 2
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Random encounter Total: 91
91 91
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Clothes make the man
That itch of recollection in your mind takes forms as you drag it out kicking and screaming, the pain in your head weak enough for you to ignore it this time. It manifests by your will as a spike of ice in the air some distance from you, hanging like a icicle off the roof of a building after a freezing storm. A tug of your will sends it hurtling downwards, spiking into the ground and shattering itself while leaving behind a spiderweb of frozen stone, spread out from where it had initially hit. This magical frost soon dissipates but the knowledge stays with you. You also believe you realize the trigger for that recollection as a cold breeze passes over you, through you, as a shiver makes its way down your spine. That helps you make your decision on what to do next, to seek some tailor or boutique or anything that might help cover you better than your current rags and protect you from the slowly lowering temperature as you assume the sun begins to dip below the horizon if the darkening sky is anything to go by.

Sadly if you had been to this city before your mind refuses to give you even the slightest recollection of where one might find a shop, so you are left to wander blindly. Not literally thankfully, as the stars in the sky and from the moons provide plenty of light to see by, a beautiful cosmos only seldomly broken by the flight of a cloud or swarm of this darkness. You're getting tired of thinking that word, but none better come to mind. And it refuses to stop coming to mind as you continue to come across more and more of those shadows, as well as new varieties. Ones armed as if they were small knights, others large and rotund. Thankfully a bit of patience and luck are all that's needed to avoid them as you take alternative paths or simply wait them out. Its not as if you have anywhere you desperately need to be, other than somewhere perhaps warmer and more secure to rest.

[roll of 91 on the random encounter table]

Its while travelling through what you assume to be a market district, closer to your goal, that you see something unexpected. Not one of these shadows, though it shares some of their more cartoonish looks. A small creature, white with a red nose and wings as well as a small antenna on its head and dressed in a small suit jacket with top hat and monocle, flutters through the air down the street, unaware or uncaring of any potential danger. It doesn't seem hostile, and it might know more of what's going on here than you know yourself, so hopefully it wont hurt to try and ask some questions. You slip out from the alley you had been in and call out to the stuffed animal like creature. "Excuse me, might you answer some questions?" Your first time hearing yourself, your voice is younger than you would have imagined, that of an adult but one barely into his twenties if you had to guess, though it is somewhat rough from a lack of use.

The fluffballs reaction isn't what you had expected, nor desired. Instead of turning to you helpful and ready to answer, it turns to you with a firearm in its hand, one more advanced than your own from the looks of it. You can't exactly focus on that however as the creature in white has quickly turned hostile. "Back you ruffian, do not think I will be defeated as easily as the others you shadowy fiends have fallen upon!" Wait, does it think you're a monster of some sort? Rude. You duck somewhat behind the wall you had just stepped out from as you place your hand near your holster as you call out to the floating ball of fluff. "I'm not one of these shadows so lower your weapon, I merely had some questions to ask if you would be so kind." "Poppycock, I've been around the world a time or two and I know a zombie when I see one. I'll admit you are far more well spoken than your peers but I am no fool." Its voice is high pitched, almost cute sounding, but it speaks with a posh accent, well spoken and arrogant enough to be at odds with its appearance and pitch.

"I'm not an undead, though I can't tell you why exactly I'm in rags like this but I can assure you I'd be dressed differently if I had the means." The creature looks at you, what little is poked around the corner, before it lowers its gun and its demeanor quickly changes. "Ah, I see then lad. You might not tell me but I can recognize the less fortunate all the same. Living on the streets must have made this whole debacle all the worse I imagine." Wait does he think you're homeless? "Well let it be said that though many of the rich of our fine empire may be indifferent to the suffering of the lower classes the great Mogavian family shall never turn a blind eye. Here, take this and may it better your circumstances, and if you manage to survive this ordeal I'm certain one of our halfway houses will take you in." the floating stuffed animal does think your homeless, is it really that bad? You could use some cleaning sure but certainly you don't look that Wait did he just throw somethi-

'Maurice Mogavian used gil toss'

A pouch filled with clinking metal strikes you square on the nose, knocking you back slightly and causing pain to erupt from your face. As your reeling from the sudden blow the creature, this Mogavian, says "Do spend it wisely, I know there must be great temptation in suddenly being given such a gift but no Gil should ever be wasted. Now do be off, this section of the city is absolutely lousy with monsters, even before this sudden assault. Seek out the goodfellows church or somewhere else with more people, strength in numbers and all that. Toodaloo my friend!" he then flutters off, as if nothing had happened while you're still grasping your face, feeling for anything broken. You didn't even get to ask a single question. Once you're sure nothing is broken and you aren't bleeding you look down at the projectile that caused your pain, a small but fine pouch with two embroidered M's on its side, picking it up and pulling open the drawstring you find a quite a few coins with the profile of a regal, crowned man stamped into its side. A quick count puts the amount at 500 of these Gils. Whether that's a lot or a little your mind wont answer, but you suppose its better than having nothing. Still, did he have to throw them?

500 gil gained.

Once recovered from your encounter with the wealthy stuffed animal you continue your search for a store of some kind, any kind that might stock clothing. As luck would have it your search doesn't last too long as you are able to find an alley absolutely jammed full of stores. Not all are useful, some selling perfumes or fragrances, another fishing supplies, but eventually you find yourself in one that seems to be absolutely filled with clothing of all kinds. Looking at the signs it seems this is a store for selling hand-me-down clothing, explaining the wide variety you find on offer. This does bring up a question though. If you take this stuff, is that stealing? Nobody's here and you don't think anyone could fault you for taking something given the circumstances. You honestly don't feel too much either way, if its stealing or not, but it might be better to at least attempt to avoid future accusations of theft. You were assaulted with those coins earlier, so you suppose you could leave some of them behind the counter if you felt like paying. But first you need to choose what to actually wear.

Choose one. Each will provide 5 defense against attacks, the difference will just be cosmetic.

[] A white cotton long sleeved shirt, a set of boots that fit, and an old fine vest along with a pair of dress pants. You also found a leather coat to throw over top it all, that while not much should blunt some blows.

[] A thick red wool lined coat that's collar reaches up your neck, a warm wool shirt and gloves underneath that, sturdy boots and corduroy pants will do well to keep you warm.

[] you don't want to take too much nor pay too much. A simple loose cotton shirt, pants and shoes will do.

[] Write in.

Are you going to pay or not?

[] yes, leave 40 gil behind the counter with a note

[] no, why would you pay, the coin can be used for better things you're sure.

Newly dressed and no longer quite as chilled you step outside. No longer looking like you stepped out of a mortuary you hope the next person won't think you a member of the monsters haunting the city nor a vagrant to throw money at. Though that does beg the question, what do you do now? You can hear approaching monsters, meaning the immediate area wont be quite so safe for much longer, so you should get a move on. But to where? To one of the places you had heard before, or merely wander in the hopes of finding something?

Choose one.

[] the sound of gunshots, ordered and massed together, a firing line against these creatures of shadow unless they have learned to use firearms themselves. Above the clamor of the guns you hear someone, a voice ordering his men, leading them to survival. Perhaps their strength in numbers might protect you as well.

[] rags and filth make you nearly seem as much a monster as that which you fought. Find something, anything, to cloth and armor you, and perhaps clean yourself up while you are at it. you see a sign in the distance, its words to small to make out but the image upon it, that of a needle and thread, leads you to hope it can fulfill your needs.

[] from your north you hear something strange, or rather you don't. the sound of nothing, a bastion of quiet in this chaos. However this quiet is softly broken every few moments by the sound of something being cut, quickly, forcefully, and skillfully. Perhaps whatever is causing this break in the quiet is someone, or something, worth allying yourself with.

[] your weapon is, while enough to have dealt with a single one of these shadows, too little for what you might face. Seek a weapons shop or armory you might investigate for superior firepower.

[] underneath the sounds of fighting and destruction there is a softer noise, the strumming of some stringed instrument. This sound is often broken by the sound of water, and sometimes the sound of scared screams and yelps, someone else in need of a helping hand?

[] the sound of forced laughter in cheer in the distance. Often broken by a roar, not from a beast but that of a warrior in battle, followed by the return of the forced joviality. You admit it peaks your interest.

[] further in, towards the inner city wall, you can hear the sound of someone giving out scared orders, followed by the sound of what might be a full armory in motion, the sound of a heavy amount of metal moving at once, fast and powerful.

[] an odd sound in this chaos, laughter un forced and sophisticated, not the boisterous bellowing of one who works hard for their living but one regal and confident. This laughter is accompanied by the sound of roaring flame or crackling lightning or some other sound of summoned elements.

[] roars and laughter to the south, someone fighting and enjoying it, along with the sound of destruction, buildings collapsing or being broken, a challenge issued out to any that can hear inbetween the sounds of violence.

[] while the shadows swarm in this inner city, it seems better defended than the lower, after all it is less on fire and destroyed, and the darkness does not cling to structures as it does down here. Find your way up there and seek its protection.

[] there must be a safe place to hide out down here, a cellar or something where you can rest and recover. Find it and take a moment to yourself.

[] Simply wander and see where your feet take you, maybe your body will remember something even if your mind won't?

[] Write in
[x] Plan Courier's Vote
-[x] A white cotton long sleeved shirt, a set of boots that fit, and an old fine vest along with a pair of dress pants. You also found a leather coat to throw over top it all, that while not much should blunt some blows.
--[x] yes, leave 40 gil behind the counter with a note
---[x] your weapon is, while enough to have dealt with a single one of these shadows, too little for what you might face. Seek a weapons shop or armory you might investigate for superior firepower.

Just cause we're in rough times is no exscuse to be rude and not pay
[x] Plan Courier's Vote
-[x] A white cotton long sleeved shirt, a set of boots that fit, and an old fine vest along with a pair of dress pants. You also found a leather coat to throw over top it all, that while not much should blunt some blows.
--[x] yes, leave 40 gil behind the counter with a note
---[x] your weapon is, while enough to have dealt with a single one of these shadows, too little for what you might face. Seek a weapons shop or armory you might investigate for superior firepower.

Just cause we're in rough times is no exscuse to be rude and not pay
I can vibe with this plan.

Also, nice to see that Moogles are still the entire bag of prick. But he gave us 500 Gil, so he's cool in my books.

Edit: forgot my vote.

[x] Plan Courier's Vote
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Updated the character sheet, added the ice magic, slightly changed how hp and crit chance were calculated, and added a part for your gold and possessions
Okay pretty obvious that couriers plan wins, looks like you're going for a bit of a Victorian cowboy look and also going to look for a better weapon or simply more. Now time to roll the encounter die
Alright, again your getting a fairly beneficial one y'all are lucky
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Random encounter Total: 90
90 90