Is it me, or have Yang and Vita a rivalry based on their bust sizes?

... so Vivio now as an Ice Cream-based name (like her big sis Neopolitan) and has been raised by Roman?

Uh, intersting.

Just a question: has Jail took lab and daughters to Remnant, whose policy on Mad Scientists could be summed in "If their work help against the Grimms, give them fat paychecks and have them nearly acclaimed as heroes."?

After all, I feel Jail would look at the Grimms, how they came to be, the inability of the locals (including the 'central command's intelligence' aka Salem) to permanently destroy them, and say "Challenge accepted. Time for SCIENCE!"

It's not so much that they have a rivalry than it is that Yang just sees a pair of big easy targets (hah!) and goes for it. Vita couldn't care less about the jokes, she's a 6' tall shitwrecker and proud of it.

Mint's name isn't specifically about icecream, and even that is a shortened form of what Torchwick decided to call her.

Regarding Jail's current objectives/whereabouts? The good doctor is in play, yes, but where and how remains to be seen.

I was wondering about Mint.

It would not surprise me if Jail was doing research on the Grimm. The question is how much total time is he spending on the issue with the half a million other things he is doing

Jail is researching the Grimm when he has time, of course! But he's also researching Dust, and mana deposition effects in an oversaturated mana field (so many possibiities) and he's researching Aura, and Aura/mechanical interactions, and science, and there's more science, and- yeah he's got his hands full and he's loving every second of it. He hasn't been bored in months.

When last seen Jail asked Roman to look after Vivio/Mint, because he was more interested in Remnant than powering up the Cradle.

And Danicia has most of the knowledge he's compelled to look for, so he's probably trying to work out how to woo her. With added SCIENCE! being Jail.

I'm expecting that either he or Uno are members of the science team TSAB are bound to have sent to take Salem up on her offer.

Unfortunately for Jail, the science team that got sent to Salem's manor was dispatched very early on, and he didn't have assets in place to get in on the ground floor. That's not to say he can't or didn't, but he didn't then.


Evil canon plot derailed by Mad Scientist Magpie Syndrome.

'Sir, weren't you going to clone an ancient and beloved magical girl ruler to use as the basis of a Belkan superweapon to cap off showing how your robotic weapons are superior to mages?'
'What about the Ancient Magical Girl Ruler Clone?'
'Oh. Huh. Right, I'd already made her. Hm. Um...Hey, Torchwick? Here, it's an Ancient Belkan!'
'Yeah, we were doing a special this week. You get a free clone with your Bodyguard Cyborgization!'
'Toodles! Off to SCIENCE!'


Also, huh. That's right, Sentra Lockheed, aka Heavy Weapons Mage, was mentioned as being the CNO's grandaughter in the previous story. I'd forgotten about that until now. Neat!

(I liked her, she was amusing.)

Sentra's one of my favorite OCs. I'd actually thought her up for something completely unrelated to HI, and she just fit perfectly in a role I needed to fill.

So yeah! I'm glad people are enjoying the first chapter, and I'm extra glad people are liking the way Not-Vivio's been worked in. Just like in canon, she's learning from the best there is. However, unlike in canon, she's also learning from the people who live by four distinct rules.
Not-Vivio's been worked in. Just like in canon, she's learning from the best there is. However, unlike in canon, she's also learning from the people who live by four distinct rules.
Going to be interesting if she runs into Corona.

Since Corona's whole combat style is 'create a golem out of the environment to fight with' as well.

Extreme Arm Wrestling League!

Am guessing the the terrain control is probably Mint's Semblance. Although I suppose she could have picked up Doll Control as well. It would let her do wide area atracks without requiring her to get close, she's pretty magic resistant, and Torchwick has Cyborg Neo 001 for breaking faces.

Mind, given how Belkan Genetic Memory apparently works, the inclination for Strike Arts might be inherent for Vivio. Einhart certainly seemed inclined that way, if I recall.

...also, GaoGaiSubaru is training at Beacon and probably has Aura. Dear gods, she's /even tankier/ now.
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The last option, and one possibly more feasible, is that the 5 ships of the Maiden-class are the only ones to be produced, and a newer model is already being designed.

Depends how TSAB does its major combatant acquisition (Battlecruisers imply RN style :) ).

RN style has continuous update of designs leading to a lot of small classes with small upgrades between each and the occasional massive jump (Turbinia, Dreadnought). In which TSAB probably has fitting out a couple of reasonably conventional hulls plus Hardshields, dust powered emergency drives and probably modular mounts that can take Dustrails (if these don't require full spinal mounts) as an alternative module to the Arc-en-Ciel fitting.

USN style is fewer classses with major across the board changes at each one. This has the advantage of minimizing maintenance and deployment complexity but means the design bureau isn't continuously busy and tend to loose experience. In which case BuShips just canceled the contracts for its L class replacement Light Cruiser design and their design team is scrambling to turn their conceptual +Remnant tech design into something real.

Either way it looks like the various major TSAB shipbuilding concerns are going to be scrambling to license designs from Starmetal. Which means Weiss and Kastra shouldn't have too much trouble getting their hands on production facilities for the things they had to import last year.

It also suggests that Starmetal are going to end up as TSAB's equivalent to Vosper-Thonycraft, regularly producing quirky improved variants instead of standard designs and the occasional totally out of the box concept ships.

Caledfwlch Technologies' Executive Suite, Skybridge, Vaizen

"We should drink to your daughters", the dark haired man remarked to his pale counterpart.

"Oh? I've had a tendency to find both of them rather more troublesome than yours." Jacques Schnee replied, his attention still fixed on the sunset over the city. The city without walls, on the world without Grimm. The world that his new company might as well own the way he'd almost owned Atlas.

"I'm sure Whitley will be glad to hear that." It could not be said that Hades Vandein smirked at the thought. Many of Caledfwlch's employees believed the executive director had no other expression. "However Murano informs me that tomorrow the Navy issues a new procurement specification. Refit kits for the entire patrol fleet. Seems Weiss and Winter convinced the Navy they need them."

He handed his chief shareholder a glass of a sparkling liquid. "Dustrails and Hardshields. Nothing is too good for our valiant defenders."

The gaze the two men shared was harder than the diamond of the the glasses they clinked together.

"And Starmetal is our only competition." Jacques' smile matched Hades', hovering in the low double digits Kelvin, "Nice to have a less established competitor who both creates a demand for our new products and simultaneously shields us from anti trust rules."

"It is a father's duty to test one's children."

"It would be a shame if they had trouble coping with the vicissitudes of real life."
It's not so much that they have a rivalry than it is that Yang just sees a pair of big easy targets (hah!) and goes for it. Vita couldn't care less about the jokes, she's a 6' tall shitwrecker and proud of it.
So Vita's staying in the adjusted form she took on Remnant?

I'd figured the altered Wolkenritter would revert to their normal, non-biological forms when the mission was over.
So Vita's staying in the adjusted form she took on Remnant?

I'd figured the altered Wolkenritter would revert to their normal, non-biological forms when the mission was over.
Well, she appears to have adjusted to The Burdens of Command.

Also, as I recall, they did point out their actual forms are pretty malleable in that regard, as it's all just energy manipulation for them to a degree.

Plus, Hayate's older now, so she might not have wanted/needed an Adorable Imouto as much as when she first woke the Wolkenritter up and was kinda starved and desperate for family and companionship (being the Ill Girl Orphan).

I mean, Shamal was an obvious mother figure, Signum was a Cool Big Sis, and Vota was a cute younger sibling looking sort.

Although those could have just been their previous master's preferences.

Just my guesses.
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So Vita's staying in the adjusted form she took on Remnant?

I'd figured the altered Wolkenritter would revert to their normal, non-biological forms when the mission was over.
From the sounds of it they did. Vita decided she likes being huge, ripped, and stacked despite the hormonal drawbacks so she didn't.
Jail is researching the Grimm when he has time, of course! But he's also researching Dust, and mana deposition effects in an oversaturated mana field (so many possibiities) and he's researching Aura, and Aura/mechanical interactions, and science, and there's more science, and- yeah he's got his hands full and he's loving every second of it. He hasn't been bored in months.

I don't like what Jail does when he's bored. This state of affairs is far preferable, if only that he'll be so busy designing terrible things to experiment on the monstrosities of nature that are Grimm, he won't have time to do other, nastier things. Let's keep the mad scientist occupied, send in food every month or so, and turn up the music to ignore the screams- as long as he doesn't import any new test subjects or steal any more ancient artifacts, it's all good.

..for now. Bloody hell, I've jinxed it, haven't I.
Going to be interesting if she runs into Corona.

Since Corona's whole combat style is 'create a golem out of the environment to fight with' as well.

Extreme Arm Wrestling League!

Am guessing the the terrain control is probably Mint's Semblance. Although I suppose she could have picked up Doll Control as well. It would let her do wide area atracks without requiring her to get close, she's pretty magic resistant, and Torchwick has Cyborg Neo 001 for breaking faces.

Mind, given how Belkan Genetic Memory apparently works, the inclination for Strike Arts might be inherent for Vivio. Einhart certainly seemed inclined that way, if I recall.

...also, GaoGaiSubaru is training at Beacon and probably has Aura. Dear gods, she's /even tankier/ now.

I did a bit of digging around in the Nanoha wikipedia (as I am wont to do) about Olivie Sagebrecht, and one of the things I found was that she made extensive use of a form of Body Manipulation Magic in combat. Presumably, this was to give her better control over her artificial arms.
But with that information, I found myself wondering how something like that would translate into a Semblance.

Depends how TSAB does its major combatant acquisition (Battlecruisers imply RN style :) ).

RN style has continuous update of designs leading to a lot of small classes with small upgrades between each and the occasional massive jump (Turbinia, Dreadnought). In which TSAB probably has fitting out a couple of reasonably conventional hulls plus Hardshields, dust powered emergency drives and probably modular mounts that can take Dustrails (if these don't require full spinal mounts) as an alternative module to the Arc-en-Ciel fitting.

USN style is fewer classses with major across the board changes at each one. This has the advantage of minimizing maintenance and deployment complexity but means the design bureau isn't continuously busy and tend to loose experience. In which case BuShips just canceled the contracts for its L class replacement Light Cruiser design and their design team is scrambling to turn their conceptual +Remnant tech design into something real.

Either way it looks like the various major TSAB shipbuilding concerns are going to be scrambling to license designs from Starmetal. Which means Weiss and Kastra shouldn't have too much trouble getting their hands on production facilities for the things they had to import last year.

It also suggests that Starmetal are going to end up as TSAB's equivalent to Vosper-Thonycraft, regularly producing quirky improved variants instead of standard designs and the occasional totally out of the box concept ships.

Caledfwlch Technologies' Executive Suite, Skybridge, Vaizen

"We should drink to your daughters", the dark haired man remarked to his pale counterpart.

"Oh? I've had a tendency to find both of them rather more troublesome than yours." Jacques Schnee replied, his attention still fixed on the sunset over the city. The city without walls, on the world without Grimm. The world that his new company might as well own the way he'd almost owned Atlas.

"I'm sure Whitley will be glad to hear that." It could not be said that Hades Vandein smirked at the thought. Many of Caledfwlch's employees believed the executive director had no other expression. "However Murano informs me that tomorrow the Navy issues a new procurement specification. Refit kits for the entire patrol fleet. Seems Weiss and Winter convinced the Navy they need them."

He handed his chief shareholder a glass of a sparkling liquid. "Dustrails and Hardshields. Nothing is too good for our valiant defenders."

The gaze the two men shared was harder than the diamond of the the glasses they clinked together.

"And Starmetal is our only competition." Jacques' smile matched Hades', hovering in the low double digits Kelvin, "Nice to have a less established competitor who both creates a demand for our new products and simultaneously shields us from anti trust rules."

"It is a father's duty to test one's children."

"It would be a shame if they had trouble coping with the vicissitudes of real life."

Not gonna lie, dude, I enjoyed that quite a bit. With your permission, I'm probably going to tag it as an omake, but I don't know yet if it'll count as canon or non-canon.

Oh, right. I forgot to respond to your comment regarding Winter's rank. The way I figure it, is that she's been promoted to full Captain for several reasons: One, it makes her the highest ranking Atlesian military officer on board The Four Seasons. Second, The Four Seasons is a cruiser deployed on patrol/investigative missions, instead of standard combat. On a standard combat ship you see a more traditional pyramid layout of rank in the personnel, which keeps the chain of command clear and easy to understand (hence why the operations leader on the Ifrit was only a Commander while Chrono was a Captain on the Arthra). On an Investigative cruiser, you have a greater number of higher rank field personnel, because they have to make split-second decisions in the field and the rank gives them the authority to do so.

I've thought about that before, so it's not like I'm pulling it out of my ass right this second, but I will fully admit that it is something that has no basis in reality. /cough.
From the sounds of it they did. Vita decided she likes being huge, ripped, and stacked despite the hormonal drawbacks so she didn't.
The Burdens of Command make up for it!
On an Investigative cruiser, you have a greater number of higher rank field personnel, because they have to make split-second decisions in the field and the rank gives them the authority to do so.
Also, the investigators themselves might be from a different chain of command, technically, from the pure naval troops and so have their own ranking system.

Also, the old 'we can only have one Captain on a ship' thing, to prevent confusion in an emergency.

So her rank is Captain on the ground but Commander aboard the ship in a combat situation.

...also, for some reason, I am expecting Donald Durango to be Jail in disguise.

Not sure why.

I think the name amuses me. If it is, I fully expect him to have a giant handlebar mustache.

And those poor smugglers. if Orusea doesn't work for those smugglers, they could have tried Yuktobania, Osea, or Erusea, instead! :D
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Mint's name isn't specifically about icecream, and even that is a shortened form of what Torchwick decided to call her.
Yeah, I was wondering how you get Mint from Vivio. The only thing I've got is that her magic is rainbow colored, so it sort of looks like those toothpastes with the stripey colors that are mint flavored? That's all I've got.
I wonder if showing off a Beowulf to the protestors and remind them that there are bigger ones that cover the planet would be worth the hassle.
I mean, it's not like the TSAB don't manage things severely more dangerous than Beowulfs (or Grimm in general) without (obviously) breaking their own rules so?
I mean, it's not like the TSAB don't manage things severely more dangerous than Beowulfs (or Grimm in general) without (obviously) breaking their own rules so?
But most of those dangerous things only happen every once in a while, so it's a "release restraints, use superweapon, back to business as usual." The Grimm are constant; instead of a single isolated event, there's an entire planet which is consistently using forbidden weaponry, and being given leeway for doing so. If you ignore the circumstances, it looks really bad. Looking at the circumstances, its perfectly logical, however. The protestors aren't using logic.
I mean, it's not like the TSAB don't manage things severely more dangerous than Beowulfs (or Grimm in general) without (obviously) breaking their own rules so? kind of is, actually? I mean one Grimm's not an issue, but collectively they're up there with some of the nastier lost logia left lying around by the Belkans. Sure, the Book of Darkness was much worse, but the Saint's Cradle is only slightly more of a problem, and they bent the rules quite a bit on both of those.
Also, its kinda a thing the planet has been fighting for thousands of years with no end in sight. You can't "back to business as usual" with Grimm unless you sterlize the planet. And long term solutions, well, they just joined TSAB, so that's going to take time to implement. So in the meanwhile, boom boom.
gonna lie, dude, I enjoyed that quite a bit. With your permission, I'm probably going to tag it as an omake, but I don't know yet if it'll count as canon or non-canon.

That's good, after all I've enjoyed Hazredous Interruptions more than a little. My view is if I post something in your story thread, you get to decide what validity if any it has, so I have no problems at all with it being omake.

Oh, right. I forgot to respond to your comment regarding Winter's rank. The way I figure it, is that she's been promoted to full Captain for several reasons: One, it makes her the highest ranking Atlesian military officer on board The Four Seasons. Second, The Four Seasons is a cruiser deployed on patrol/investigative missions, instead of standard combat. On a standard combat ship you see a more traditional pyramid layout of rank in the personnel, which keeps the chain of command clear and easy to understand (hence why the operations leader on the Ifrit was only a Commander while Chrono was a Captain on the Arthra). On an Investigative cruiser, you have a greater number of higher rank field personnel, because they have to make split-second decisions in the field and the rank gives them the authority to do so.

I've thought about that before, so it's not like I'm pulling it out of my ass right this second, but I will fully admit that it is something that has no basis in reality. /cough.

Might be worth making her a colonel instead, if politics requires her to be an OF-5. She seems to be doing the marine command role at least as much as the XO one and it avoids the two captains on one ship issue. We know TSAB Navy Investigation uses that rank from Hayate and Atlas as established earlier didn't use Navy ranks.

It's still a rank higher than Hayate had running RF 6 and the same as she had when running SDS 6, so more than she needs to have the authority to make wide ranging decisions.

Not that if the original is anything to go by that we know if TSAB actually has naval captains rather than Teitoku i.e naval force commanders (Lindy) or whichever of shipmaster (Luciano) and colonel (Hayate) is actually Wolfram's skipper (Hayate's headquaters being described as being aboard plus also having the base on Vaizen makes me think Wolfram's part of her command but she isn't it's captain.).

Chrono being a Captain was I assumed because his promotion had come in just before Arthra's last voyage and but for crashing on Remnant would have been commanding Claudia within a week or so. Since in the original time line it is only a couple of years before he's commanding a battlecruiser squadron. Where as Ifrit having a second warfare branch Commander as well as the XO would be normal based on HMS Hood. Chrono and Lindy's ranks before that I had down as Arthra being at least administratively a division or flotilla command ship, with the rest of the formation being captained by Commanders (Since Patrol/Light cruisers tended not to necessarily warrant full Captains). Winter being a Commander implied she was Four Seasons' XO since we knew Chrono had the only other slot a naval warfare OF-4+ might hold on a cruiser's crew.

At least as much I was noting she seems to have been promoted in what is implied to be a few days between between boarding the pirate and arrival over Midchilda.
From what I see, groundforce already has their wish. Strong soldiers that other force won't steal from them.

Where those hunters came from, most did not fly and there is Altas that militant enough that they need a bit training to join their rank.

100% flash to boost.
From what I see, groundforce already has their wish. Strong soldiers that other force won't steal from them.

Where those hunters came from, most did not fly and there is Altas that militant enough that they need a bit training to join their rank.

100% flash to boost.

Yup, there was a callout to General Gaiz in the chapter. I think he's a happy man these days.
At least as much I was noting she seems to have been promoted in what is implied to be a few days between between boarding the pirate and arrival over Midchilda. second while I...

Well crap you're right, I had her called Commander Schnee in the first TFS scene, and Captain Schnee toward the end. I think it'll be easier if I go back and make her Commander the whole way through. Regarding what her role is for The Four Seasons, she's essentially filling the same role for Chrono that he filled for Lindy on the Arthra, except she's not an Enforcer like Chrono was.

Ah well, fixing.
Randomly, re-reading things again, and the protests make me suspect that they're being egged on by the folks behind the anti-TSAB cruisers.

Having them sweep up Bureau wide just seems...suspicious.

Like, one or two, maybe, but having it widespread and the result of 'this is a deatheorld without mages', plus Maxwell's shenanigans during Cinder's trial...

Luckily, there's a natural team up available to deal with this conspiracy of protest and underhandedness.

Verossa and Xerexes!

One's a professional ex-rabble rouser Faunis, the other looks dashing in a suit and is a professional IA agent! :D
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Randomly, re-reading things again, and the protests make me suspect that they're being egged on by the folks behind the anti-TSAB cruisers.

Having them sweep up Bureau wide just seems...suspicious.

Like, one or two, maybe, but having it widespread and the result of 'this is a deatheorld without mages', plus Maxwell's shenanigans during Cinder's trial...

Luckily, there's a natural team up available to deal with this conspiracy of protest and underhandedness.

Verossa and Xerexes!

One's a professional ex-rabble rouser Faunis, the other looks dashing in a suit and is a professional IA agent! :D
Verossa's the guy with the spectral hounds, right?
Verossa's the guy with the spectral hounds, right?
and who hangs out with the Dimensional Space Pope when his Rare Skill(s) aren't being used to take a bite out of crime, yes.
(Carim, the head of the Belkan Sankt Kaiser Church, is his half-sister. And she is one of the people with the authority to release the Aces' limiters, you see.)
((Also, his other skill is literally mind-reading, so, you know. He can track you with an infinite pack of spectral hounds, then pull information on you and your nefarious allies once he catches you.))
(((He's also mentioned to be one of Chrono's friends.)))

Good thing he's heroic, mind you.

If he swapped his suit to black, I'd be immediately accusing him of being a BlazBlue villian.
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and who hangs out with the Dimensional Space Pope when his Rare Skill(s) aren't being used to take a bite out of crime, yes.
(Carim, the head of the Belkan Sankt Kaiser Church, is his half-sister. And she is one of the people with the authority to release the Aces' limiters, you see.)
((Also, his other skill is literally mind-reading, so, you know. He can track you with an infinite pack of spectral hounds, then pull information on you and your nefarious allies once he catches you.))
(((He's also mentioned to be one of Chrono's friends.)))

Good thing he's heroic, mind you.

If he swapped his suit to black, I'd be immediately accusing him of being a BlazBlue villian.

Green hair, has ability to do something with mind of other. He need a chain and change his suit, oh and hair cut. Yub, that him alright.

But this guy is a bit siscon and Carim is SSS rank mage.

We never see Carim fight but if what Hayate has show us when she is releash, Carim should be able to do more. In an apocalypse sense.

Oh, Olivia line has ability to disturb magic of other but I don't know about Aura. If it can't distrub Aura, maybe that why Jail give up on that line of research.