Havoc Squad (A Riot Quest)

Who's your favorite Villain in Gerard?

  • Jagg

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • Donteria

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • DJ Cr@$h

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Edwin Macky

    Votes: 7 12.5%
  • The Order of Chaos

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • The Bluffriders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Crew

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Skrand

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Gerard Bus Lines

    Votes: 20 35.7%
  • The Gothics

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Retro

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • The Dregs

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters
Well, here's the current list anyway. Still missing stats for the newly generated characters.

Character CMB ESP OPS RND TOX WND Last Job XP Next lvl
3man75 1   2       Combat 2 5
Akatsunami     2 1     Research 2 5
Ash19256       3     Research 1 9
BBBence1111       2     Research 4 7
bdun140 3       -3   Espionage 1 3
Beyogi   1     -1   Espionage 1 5
Chorinas       2     Research 6 7
dash931 3           Combat   9
drasky 2     1 -2   Combat 4 7
Epuslso 2           Combat 4 7
Execute/Dumbo       2     Research 5 7
Fabled Ranger   1     -1   Espionage 3 5
FatedBread       4 -4   Research 2 15
Forgothrax   3     -3   Espionage 2 9
GardenerBriareus       1 -1   Research 1 5
Gunther   2         Espionage 3 7
Happerry       1     Research 3 5
hcvquizibo 1     2     Combat 1 5
LinkOnScepter 2           Combat 4 7
mahadx     2       Operations 2 7
Megaolix 1 2     -2 W1 Espionage 3 7
Mindless Drone     3       Operations 2 9
Nathaniel Wolff 1     2     Research 5 7
Nevill       4 -4   Research 3 15
New Shadow           Dead      
Night_stalker 2           Combat 1 7
Nightfallen       3 -3   Research 4 9
Orion Scimatarii       2     Research 6 7
PayKey   1         Espionage 3 5
Pyro Hawk       2 -2   Research 1 7
Questplayer753   2         Espionage 2 7
Random Tale   2         Espionage 3 7
random_npc 2 1         Combat 4 7
remulian       3 -1   Research 1 9
Rihtan       2     Research 6 7
sargentorion 2           Combat 3 7
Shadows       1 -2   Research 4 5
shubzilla 2     1     Combat 6 7
SleepyGamer       2     Research 1 7
Space Jawa 1 1     -5   Espionage   5
StarCoreFury ? ? ? ?     Operations   15
Strunkriidiisk 4       -6   Combat   15
Tabron89       2     Research 1 7
theflyingbiscuit   3     -2 W1 Espionage 4 9
Troglodyte 4   1   -4   Combat 1 15
Vanestus       3     Operations 2 3
veekie 4       -1   Combat 7 15
Zaratustra     1 2 -3   Research 6 7
ziizo   2     -1   Espionage 5 7
Azgin ? ? ? ?     Operations   15
HadesHerald ? ? ? ?     Operations   15
Krain ? ? ? ?     Operations   15
WatcherVoid ? ? ? ?     Operations   15
W1 means - Wounded for 1 turn. XP cap defaults to 15 (highest) in case stats can't be determined.
Last edited:
@I just write
Rechecking, I'll note that we're still missing the 45 outfits that I pointed out before in our inventory. But at this point, there are enough sets that I guess you can just put in your notes everyone active has a set if you don't want to keep track of them.
Last edited:
Donteria's Gambit (Week 16)
[X] Go looking for trouble
-[X] Take the Warhound and start hitting Donteria's troops. Hard, fast, then get away to do it again later. Execute guerilla tactics to weaken her.
Roll 22 + 21 + 95 + 95(equip) + 30(chems) + 8(Arc Quad) + 95(Crewed Vehicle) + 12(Special Skill) - 14(Toxicity) = 364 Epic Success

Let's face it; if you give someone an awesome new toy, they're going to want to use it. This, combined with a need to weaken Donteria to the point where anything but an unconditional surrender is an option, means that almost the instant the Warhound was completed, there were plans to use it.

This directly lead to Bradford Von Braun in the driver's seat with Matthew Skinner in the gunner's seat screaming through Gerard's war-torn streeets at an average speed exceeding 200 mph, with a trio of terrified Squaddies in back. It was about lunchtime on Tuesday, and the Warhound was on its way to one of Donteria's largest remaining arms depots.

Of course, there was another interesting target to hit on the way, namely a pair of Donteria's tanks backed up by that space-warping psion who inadvertently caused Vincent's death. The first warning the small attack force had that anything was wrong was a pair of mortar shells streaking down from the sky and impacting each tank's cannon at the muzzle, targeting data being provided by the autonomous quadcopter hovering over a nearby building.

After the initial attempt at disarming them, the tanks were next the victim of the vehicle itself, as a jet-black car power-slid into view from a side street behind them. This is when Matthew activated the headlight lasers, first incinerating the up-armored van acting as an APC, then focusing on the tracks of the tank on the left as Bradford gunned the engine to its maximum acceleration to charge the one on the right.

As the distance rapidly closed and the tanks turned their still-operational turrets towards the Warhound, Ragna shouted "You're INSANE!"

Bradford just laughed as he activated the jets, flipping the Warhound forwards over the tank. As the Squad's engineering marvel flew upside-down over Donteria's armored vehicle, Matthew fired the mortars, both of them scoring a direct hit on the tank's turret. Bradford then flipped the warhound right-side up with half of an aeliron roll before the Warhound slammed back to the ground.

The nose of the Warhound was now pointing back towards the tanks with lasers blazing away as the vehicle went in reverse at over 300 miles per hour, the tires screaming as Bradford accelerated back towards the tanks. The first tank's crew cabin was breached first in just 2.5 seconds, while the second tank lasted about three seconds.

This process finished just as the Warhound accelerated to a stop, Bradford then abusing the fact that each wheel was indepentently driven to turn the car 90 degrees in about an inch before rocketing onwards to their actual destination.

As the Warhound was screeching to a halt, Bradford informed his passengers "I'll be coming back to pick you up in four minutes. If you aren't waiting on the curb when I get here, I'll have to assume you got killed or captured. Now MOVE!" as Matthew fired the mortars to splatter another group of Donteria's footsoldiers almost a mile away.

With that, James, Ragna and Vee piled out of the back of the Warhound in about four seconds. The instant the rear doors were closed, the Warhound screamed off to wreak some more havoc in the meantime.

The power-armored trio now advanced, James using his beamthrower to forcibly unlock the reinforced door as they approached. They entered seamlessly and without breaking stride, Ragna and Vee using their Arc Carbines to sweep the flanks as James held down the trigger of his monster of a weapon to clear the center of the room. Four bodies hit the floor, and two more were so badly wrecked they couldn't even be called bodies.

Another door fell to another burst with the Beamthrower, and the Havoc Squad's team burst into the depot's main room. There were four tanks being serviced there by a couple dozen people consulting what looked to be a set of thousand-page instruction manuals, along with a few automatic assembly lines churning out power armor and what looks to be the model of plasma gun Jagg's goon used a couple weeks ago. There was also a large pallet of what looked to be single-shot rocket launchers.

The first target of James' death beam was actually the the assembly lines, the maintenance personnel fleeing as best they could. The pile of launchers went next, their directed warheads blowing a massive hole in the side of the building, though it remained standing. Then, James began the slow task of melting the tanks into slag. It went a lot faster than it otherwise would, as a lot of their armor had been removed for servicing, but the'd still only done a satisfactory job on two of them and gotten halfway on the third when Ragna called out "James, we gotta leave, our ride's almost here!"

The impromptu fireteam made their exit, seeing the Warhound already pulling to a stop as they left. They piled in in about five seconds, before again pulling away, and making damn sure they'd managed to lose anyone watching them before pulling into the garage at the Mcmansion.

Intel: Donteria's war materiel has been significantly depleted, with the loss of 7 tanks and a significant amount of her manufacturing capacity.

Misc: ???

XP and Toxicity
@Troglodyte (Combat Lv. MAXIMUM HAVOC | 2/15)(Toxicity 9/20)
@shubzilla (Combat Lv. 3 achieved!)(Toxicity 5/20)
@sargentorion (Combat Lv. 3 | 4/7)
@Night_stalker (Combat Lv. 3 | 2/7)
@veekie (Combat Lv. MAXIMUM HAVOC | 8/15)
@Strunkriidiisk (Combat Lv. MAXIMUM HAVOC | 1/15)(Toxicity 4/20)
@Space Jawa (Combat Lv. 2 | 1/5)(Toxicity 4/20)

[X] Train for combat
Roll 42 + 9 + 25 - 3(Toxicity) = 73 Success

While several of the Havoc Squad's members were busy with softening up Donteria and reaching for the nearest barf bag, some others had decided to see about improving on their skills so they could hopefully get a seat on the next mission. This went pretty well, all things considered. Still, those involved couldn't help but feel that they could have done better than they had. They were just about to leave for the day whe-

XP and Toxicity
@3man75 (Combat Lv. 2 | 4/5)
@drasky (Combat Lv. 3 | 6/7)(Toxicity 2/20)
@LinkOnScepter (Combat Lv. 3 | 6/7)

[X] Accept the Coven as allies
-[X] Ask them to try to exorcise Jagg, and offer what support we can.
Roll 24 + 95(coven) - 40(luck magic) = 79 Painful Success

A couple days after Sam and the rest first went to talk to the Coven, Paul showed up and told Marlene "We've made a decision. You're free to go."

The mage smiles as she walks out of her cell, exclaiming "Thank you so so much!" as she didn't so much pull as tackled Paul into a hug. When they let go again, Marlene's face has suddenly gotten serious, and she notes "That said and hugged, I could read it in your aura that there's something you guys want from us, so spill."

Paul just sighs, before answering "Yeah. Remember Jagg?"

Marlene looks a bit confused, answering "Yes I remember Jagg; the guy is kind of hard to forget. Why would that even be... You guys killed him, didn't you?"

Paul looks a bit sheepish, before answering "We did. Then we spotted him teaching magic to his goons a week later and we don't think 'Exorcism for Dummies' is going to cut it."

The mage blinks before answering "Oh. I'll need to talk to Andre and Jerry; they were always the best at dealing with ghost stuff. How should we get in touch again later?"

Paul thinks for a bit, before he answers "Alright, I'll give you my cell number for one of my burner phones I've got in reserve. Think that'll do for now?"

Marlene nods, answers "Sure!" and the conversation comes to a close.

The next you hear from them is four days later, when Marlene calls Paul. They managed to exorcise Jagg, but he managed to do quite a bit of damage in the meantime. Two mages are dead, three are wounded, and one of the injured is really out of it from a severe concussion. This wouldn't be as bad of a problem, but the one with a concussion is their best healer. They're hoping that you can take care of their injured while they recover.

Jagg: Exorcised
Coven: Casualties Taken

Misc: Subvote added about downed mages

[X] Patent Superconductive Alloy and Desktop Fusor
Roll 100 + 27 + 77 + 30(chems) = 232 Epic Success

On the significantly less violent side, another group was working on something that should hopefully solve the Squad's financial woes for the foreseeable future. They were filing for a patent, while at the same time trying to work out a licensing agreement. You would expect the whole 'Gerard is being forcibly re-taken by the military' thing to complicate matters immensely, but the fact of the matter was that it was still surprisingly easy to get in and out of the city provided you weren't doing something illegal and weren't on any watch lists. Honestly, it's quite surprising that nobody in the Havoc Squad fails this second criteria.

While the van containing eight Squaddies and a fusion reactor was indeed stopped at one of the checkpoints surrounding Gerard, the fact that it was nigh-impossible to make a fusion reactor blow up along with some explaining from Alphonse meant they could leave with minimal fuss.

After roughly an hour and a half of driving, the team arrived at the patent office in Jago; the city at the northern mouth of the Darag canal. Before the Squad could even say what their invention was, there were a few questions that were asked beforehand.

These were generally fairly simple questions, such as:
'What stage is this invention at?'
(Working prototype)

'If working prototypes have been made, did you bring one?'

'Are the knowledge and skills used to create this invention provided by a power?'

'If yes, do you consent to a replicability test?'

Once those questions were asked, the clerk on duty asked "Alright, so what do you lot have to show me?"

To this Alphonse answered "Commercially viable and easily scalable electrostatic fusion power generation."

The clerk nodded, before asking "Alright, so, care to bring that prototype in here?"

Singer then answered "Sure thing. I'll go get it then?" before heading out to the van to do just that.

He got back in a couple minutes, hauling a desktop fusor in a box, and setting it down on the clerk's desk. After that, there were some quick tests to verify that yes, the thing worked, and also that it worked the way you said it did.

These tests were passed with flying colors, which led into one of the most important parts of patenting a piece of Tinker-tech: the replication test. After all, if no-one could replicate the device, then there was really no point in getting a patent for it.

The replication test consisted of a team of trained technicians trying to replicate your design based on all the documentation you could provide. The first chunk of that documentation actually had to do with making the superconductive alloy needed to make several of the most critical components, but the replication team managed it easily. By the end of 48 hours, they had a working reactor, though its power output was 20% lower than the Squad-produced version.

With a pair of patents in hand (good for 10 years without extensions), now comes the task of licensing. You quickly find several companies interested in flat out producing just your superconductor in massive amounts without regard for the fusion power. As for the fusion power, there's a pair of electrical utilities, a company making home generators, and a bunch of electric car start-ups that are all interested in the technology. Honestly, the only ones who aren't thrilled about this are the oil companies, but fusion's already known to be clean and safe from the few (non-replicable sadly) power plants using it that are operating worldwide, so it's not like they'll be easily able to tar the technology's reputation.

It'll take a bit for the '7% of all superconductor and fusion-based profits' to come into play, but given that you also asked for some pretty hefty lump sums up front the Squad's money problems are basically solved for the foreseeable future.

Finances: solved

XP and Toxicity:
@StarCoreFury (Operations Lv. 4 | 1/9)
@Azgrin (Operations Lv. 2 | 1/7)
@HadesHerald (Operations Lv. 1 | 1/3)
@Krain (Operations Lv. 3 | 1/7)
@mahadx (Operations Lv. 3 | 3/7)
@WatcherVoid (Operations Lv. 4 | 1/9)
-Jared (Toxicity 6/20)
-Jake Matthews (Toxicity 6/20)

[X] Conceal another action
-[X] Patenting Operations
Roll 61 + 9 + 25 - 3(Toxicity) = 92 Success

While one group was busy patenting and licensing the manufacture of some civilian-grade Havoc-tech, another was making sure the big players back here in Gerard didn't catch wind of it. A single van making its way out of Gerard was all the hints that Donteria would get something was up beforehand, and honestly that wasn't much to go on.

No, the real challenge would be hiding the massive surge of money that would soon be flowing into Gerard. This was going to be tricky; after all, that money would likely be spent on improving the city, and while hiding the money's movement could be fairly straightforward, hiding its use in such large scale ways would be incredibly tricky.

Eventually, a solution was found in the form of a young man named Daniel. He was perfect for the job of 'Donteria bait' being rather desperate but still highly charismatic and decently intelligent. He agreed to pose as a wealthy philanthropist with the Squad's backing (and following their instructions) in exchange for a large enough salary to believably live like a millionaire. A quick swearing in of the Havoc Squad oath, and he was even able to reliably pose as a single Tinker, explaining the origin of the tech he would be profitting from.

Thus, a way to spend large amounts of money in Gerard without drawing heat from Donteria was created, a destitute young man found himself living the high life, and all the loose ends that could have lead back to the Havoc Squad were neatly tied up. Also, the Squad now had an actual mansion under construction.

Misc.: Daniel Forge added to list of fronts

@Beyogi (Espionage Lv. 2 | 2/5)
@theflyingbiscuit (Espionage Lv. 4 | 5/9)
@PayKey (Espionage Lv. 2 | 4/5)

[X] Observe Donteria's operations. Try to find weak points, like forward operating bases and supply lines, that our combat team can exploit to do damage.
Roll 29 + 15 + 50 + 10(innate) + 12(equip) = 116 Success

The first round of hit and run raids on Donteria were quite successful, all things considered. They had managed to destroy significant amounts of her war-making capacity, allowing the military to advance fully into Meadow Row and Widow's Peak, as well as establishing a foothold in the Breakers. However, to make any further raids more information on possible targets (well, aside from the bunker Donteria's holed up in) will be required.

So, two teams of operatives head out into Gerard. Travelling the city, it's both amazing and disturbing how much life continues on as normal despite the insanity going on all around. As an example, there's a break-dancer performing for spare change on the street while only a quarter of a mlie away, one of Donteria's tanks snipes at a passing column of military vehicles from the second floor of a parking garage.

Randy and Bob actually have some luck finding another of Donteria's motor pools by following the aforementioned tank as it left the scene. The riskiest part was when the tank was just pulling inside, as some of Donteria's people quickly looked around for witnesses. Quickly parking on the side of the road followed by ducking below the dashboard made the sedan they were using look unoccupied, though that wasn't the most comfortable of maneuvers to make.

Meanwhile Azel, Nate, and Sarah were having their own successes, as they'd managed to locate several of the suppliers providing materials to the majority of Donteria's manufacturing; which she'd moved to her fortified HQ downtown.

They varied greatly in why they were helping Donteria; some were basically members of her organization in full with all the perks it brought, some were bribed, and others were coerced. Still, enough of them are simply out of other options that attacking them just doesn't seem right.

Meanwhile, if Jack is to be believed, he went on an amazing adventure involving catching a ride on the roof of the Warhound, rescuing kittens from a pyromaniacal psion, and getting taken out to sea by a magical flying Tuna. He also mentioned that one of Donteria's troops gave him a can of spoiled sardines, but kicked him in the head when he tried to follow the man back to his base. Given some of the bruising on the... cat, he's probably a bit loopy from the kick. He should probably be given some time to recover.
Jack's story is true. Every bit of it actually happened. Good omakes on the subject grant boons.
-Donteria Motor-pool located
-Donteria Tinker Suppliers located

-Jack the stealth kitty (Concussed 3 turns)

@random_npc (Espionage Lv. 3 | 5/7)
@Random Tale (Espionage Lv. 3 | 4/7)
@Forgothrax (Espionage Lv. 4 | 3/9)
@ziizo (Espionage Lv. 3 | 6/7)

[X] Come up with new Blueprints (permanent +12)
-[X] Stronger, better, improved mind enhancing drugs
--[X] Performance-enhancing drugs
Roll 30 + 24 + 95 + 12(equip) + 21(chems) - 10(Toxicity) = 173 Success

Being completely honest, most of the Havoc Squad's R&D department is probably addicted to Mentats to one degree or another. Still, this at least has noticable benefits, as the drugs in use significantly improve the research performance of their users. Improving the performance of these drugs would greatly improve the Squad's ability to innovate, and that's exactly what they were doing. By the end of the week, a new variant had been produced designed specifically for use with an injection modulator. It was nearly twice as potent as the first version, and with the appropriate equipment it was just as innocuous as the second variant.

Blueprint: Modulated Mentats (Boost: +12 to research)(Toxicity: 3)

XP & Toxicity
@Nathaniel Wolff (R&D Lv. 3 | 6/7)
@Akatsunami (R&D Lv. 2 | 3/5)
@Ash19256 (R&D Lv. 4 | 2/9)
@FatedBread (R&D Lv. MAXIMUM HAVOC | 3/15)(Toxicity 3/20)
@Happerry (R&D Lv. 2 | 4/5)
@Nightfallen (R&D Lv. 4 | 6/9)(Toxicity 4/20)
@remulian (R&D Lv. 4 | 2/9)(Toxicity 2/20)
@Zaratustra (R&D Lv. 3 achieved!)(Toxicity 1/20)

[X] Unlock a Field
-[X] Cybernetic Augmentation
Roll 40 + 21 + 40 + 42(chems) - 4(Toxicity) = 139 Success

Meanwhile, another group was looking into a different method of improving the performance of a Squad member. Namely, fusing them with machinery to grant them new capabilities or greatly improve their existing ones.

Over the course of the week, several ideas are thrown about for ways to improve on the human form. These included a 'simple' pair of synthetic kidneys that filter toxins from the recipient at a much greater rate than normal. Another relatively simple augmentation was a pair of cybernetic eyes, expanding the wearer's vision into the infrared and ultraviolet, while also granting them full resolution with their peripheral vision and removing their blind spots. On the other end of the spectrum was an extremely complex replacement of the entire skeletomuscular system granting the recipient superhuman strength, durability, and endurance.

On the other hand, everyone present pretty much agreed that they didn't want to have all their time absorbed upgrading people, so they opted to automate the process. The end result was a specialized robot resembling nothing so much as a box 3.5 meters on an edge with an alcove resembling an upright coffin. The prospective augmentee would step into the alcove, select the improvement they wanted, and then the alcove would close and tilt back until it lay flat. When the patient next awoke, they would be augmented. The first volunteer to test the machine was actually Harlan, who stepped in on Friday morning, and stepped out that evening with a brand new pair of robo-kidneys.

NOTE: A section on cybernetic enhancements has been added to the OP.

-Augmentive Autosurgeon
-AUG: Improved Toxin Filtration
-AUG: Widened Visual Spectrum
-AUG: Skeletomuscular Overhaul

@GardenerBriareus (Improved Toxin Filtration)

-Seaside Factory (1 storeroom converted to Augmentive Autosurgeon)

XP and Toxicity
@Shadows (R&D Lv. 2 achieved!)(Toxicity 2/20)
@Chorinas (R&D Lv. 3 achieved!)
@GardenerBriareus (R&D Lv. 2 | 2/5)(Toxicity 1/25)
@hcvquizibo (R&D Lv. 3 achieved!)(Toxicity 1/20)
@Pyro Hawk (R&D Lv. 3 | 2/7)(Toxicity 3/20)

[x] Come up with new Blueprint (permanent +12)
-[X] Drug Auto-Fab
-[X] Select Applicable Field(s)
--[X] Materials Science
--[X] Performance Enhancing Drugs
Roll 87 + 51 + 50 + 12(equip) + 31(chems) - 2(Toxicity) = 229 Epic Success

Yet another team is looking at the massive changes in how equipment is procured caused by the introduction of the auto-fab. They're wondering if they can cause the same sort of thing by creating an automated chemical synthesizer that can brew up any of the drugs the Squad uses. They not only manage to build it and have it work incredibly well, but after commandeering... most of the Squad's Utility Humanoids they manage to get a second one built at a different base, meaning there's one at the Mcmansion and one at the Seaside Factory.

Blueprint: Chem Auto-Synth

-Mcmansion (1 Assembly Line[ST Pill] converted to Chem Auto-Synth)
-Seaside Factory (1 storeroom converted to Chem Auto-Synth)

-Chems are no longer tracked; just assume you've got enough

XP and Toxicity
@Execute/Dumbo (R&D Lv. 3 | 6/7)(Toxicity 1/20)
@BBBence1111 (R&D Lv. 3 | 5/7)(Toxicity 1/20)
@Nevill (R&D Lv. MAXIMUM HAVOC | 3/15)
@Rihtan (R&D Lv. 3 achieved!)

[X][M (O) {R} 1] Shut down an assembly
-[X] ST pill

[X] M (O)[1] {R} Upgrade Base
-[X] East Cliffs McMansion
--[X] Shut down the Vance powered armor assembly line

Boom, done. Just as easy as hitting an 'off' button.

[X] M (O)[2] {R} Manufacture equipment
Roll 48 + 6 = 54 Success

Even though other machines can do this job far more efficiently, a pair of Utility Humanoids once again find themselves putting together Arachnoweave clothing for their registered user.

LOOT: ~6 Arachnoweave outfits (seriously, at this point just assume you have it by default)

[X] Determine plan for auto-fab production queue (140 production points available)
-[X] 3 Brutes (105)
-[X] 17 Arc Quads (34)
-[X] 1 Chemrail Derringer


Event: Missile Command

On Thursday, the army makes a major push to try and enter downtown, committing far more force than they previously had done. In addition, a flanking force landed in the docks to try and make Donteria divide her forces. In response, Donteria broke out some of her heavier munitions. Twenty Four pillars of flame erupted from Donteria's fortified compound as she launched cruise missiles to soften up the army. Ten of them lanced out towards the army group advancing from Meadow Row, delivering a silent and instantaneous death as they reduced the temperature near their impact site to just a few Kelvin to freeze the army in its tracks.

Another four streaked out of the city, flying towards the nation's capital. They managed to dodge most of the anti-missile defenses that were in their path, though a tinker-made laser turret took down three of them. The last missile overflew the city at about Mach 7 before gently landing just outside city limits and setting off its cryonic warhead with minimal casualties. A message had been clearly sent by Donteria; I can hit you.

The last ten missiles came down in the Docks, freezing that attack. They also froze Charlie's bar, just as the people inside were finishing their training for the day. Though the building still stood, in a lot of ways it was just as dead as the Squaddies who'd frequented it.

@I just write (AKA Charlie)(DECEASED)
@3man75 (DECEASED)
@drasky (DECEASED)
@LinkOnScepter (DECEASED)

Event: Gothics Gone To Ground

Despite all their bluster at the previous meeting, there's no word from the bunch of overly-edgy novice mages known as the Gothics this week. Still, youre pretty sure they haven't skipped town, if only because that would involve trying to get past a force that significantly outnumbers, out-skills and outguns them. As far as you can tell, it looks like they've slipped into some hole in the wall until further notice. They'll probably lay low until the fighting dies down.

Event: A call for peace... or at least to hold still

After the missile launches Donteria called for a ceasefire and negotiations. The army has obliged, but it looks like talks are going nowhere fast. The military's representative seems to have been ordered to stall as long as possible while agreeing to nothing short of unconditional surrender. Meanwhile, Donteria started with recognition of Gerard as as independant city-state and is slowly negotiating downwards. It doesn't really help that Donteria has more cruise missiles hidden, leading to a bit of a MAD situation.

Meanwhile, both sides are using the momentary lull in the fighting to re-arm and reinforce. The army's called in two more brigades, one of which includes a couple battalions of well-trained mages. They've also called up some friends in the navy, as the Tinker-made nuclear battlesub Exemplar has been parked just off the coastline along with its attending fleet. There's even rumors that a nuclear missile has been aimed at the city.

On Donteria's side, the sounds of industry and Tinkering can be constantly heard from inside her HQ. It's not quite certain what she's ordered to be built, but it can't possibly be good.

-congratulations on solving your financial worries; if you'd gone a-patenting earlier, they wouldn't have popped up in the first place.
-Your villain-bait's mansion is being built and will be usable as a size-24 base in 8 turns.
-No rapid-response interrupt is available this turn.


Executive Decision: Coven
[] Allow the Coven to heal naturally in one of your infirmaries
[] Pump them full of regen serum and such to get them back in action ASAP
[] Tell the Coven to go hang

[] Go Looking For Trouble
-[] Select District

[] Raid a villain's base
-[] Select Villain

[] Assassinate
-[] Select Villain

[] Sabotage a Villain
-[] Select Villain

[] Go on Rapid Response
-[] Warhound 01 (Crew: 2)(Passengers: 3)

[] Train for Combat

[] Search for new Villains

[] Search for other anti-villain groups to ally with

[] Research the capabilities of a known Villain
-[] Select from Villain Roster

[] Try and uncover a Villain's plan
-[] Select from Villain Roster

[] Try to find a Villain's base
-[] Select from Villain Roster

[] Sabotage a Villain
-[] Select Villain

[] Try and make contacts
-[] Location (in Gerard or overseas?)
-[] Type? (Fence, buyer, Tinker-tech supplier, etc...)

[] Conceal another action
-[] Select other vote

[] Train for Espionage

[] Where do you send Jack?
-[] Select Target

[] Write In

[] Acquire a new Base
-[] Select Location
-[] Describe Desired Parameters
-[] Describe Purpose (front business, low profile medical facility, research lab, factory, storage facility etc.)

[] Upgrade a Base
-[] Select Base
-[] Describe Upgrade

[] Abandon a Base (May be necessary)
-[] Select Base

[] Hire Minions (Uses Income)
-[] Combat
-[] Espionage
-[] Operations
-[] R&D

[] Manage a Front Business (try to increase Income)
-[] Select Front
-[] Describe Method

[]Buy tech from someone else
-[] Order a critter from Jay
--[] Stealth Kitty (spare Income required per unit: 2)
--[] Describe a new creature (Spare Income Required: Variable)

[] Sell tech to someone [CONTACTS REQUIRED]

[] Start a TV show about what's happening/happened in Gerard!
-[] Main characters?
-[] Genre?
-[] Tone?
-[] Level of deviation from reality?

[] Shut down that blasted assembly line before it bankrupts you!
-[] which one?

[] Train for Operations

[] Write In

Research and Development
[] Manufacture Equipment
-[] Select Blueprint

[] Come up with new Blueprints (permanent +12)
-[] Describe Desired Function
-[] Select Applicable Field(s)
--[] Gauss Weapons
--[] Energy Weapons
--[] Body Armor
--[] Performance-enhancing drugs
--[] Materials Science
--[] Biomedical Equipment
--[] Fusion Power
--[] Robotics
--[] Cybernetic Augmentation

[] Unlock a Field
-[] Cybernetic Augmentation
-[] Plasma Weapons
-[] Write In

[] Train for R&D

Unrolled Actions/Sub-Actions
[] Use a Chem
-[] Select Chem

[] Plug into the Detoxifier (NOTE: precludes the user from doing anything else save doing a chem this turn){{}} = Detox 2

[] Determine plan for auto-fab production queue (140 production points available)(plans are mutually exclusive!)

[] Get an aug (takes action for this turn)(slots: 1)

[] Boss around unoccupied Minions
-[] Type of Minion
-[] Number
-[] Action
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[X] Allow the Coven to heal naturally in one of your infirmaries
[X] Go on Rapid Response
-[X] Warhound 01
Executive Decision: Coven

[x] Allow the Coven to heal naturally in one of your infirmaries
-[x] Also give them money to cover paying families, burial rites, etc.
-[x] Point out that we do have regeneration serums if they want to use them.
--[X] And toxicity cleansers if that's a problem for them.

is there a reason for the color coding?
[X] Come up with new Blueprints (permanent +12)
-[X] Anti missile defenses, preferably automated and preferably set up so the ordinance either blows in the air, or is rendered safe otherwise, while remaining subtle enough that while the army would look at it and go huh, it'd probably be explained away as "Dammit Donteria, why did you have to throw Javelin's around aimed at inside city limits with no care for civilian casualties"
-[X] Select Applicable Field(s)
--[X] Gauss Weapons
--[X] Energy Weapons
--[X] Materials Science
--[X] Fusion Power
--[X] Robotics
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I think there's three main courses of action we need to focus on this turn:

1) Find out where those missiles are being hidden so we can get rid of them - and more importantly, find out where they're coming from and eliminate them at the source.
2) Figure out how to neutralize those missiles.
3) Otherwise keep hitting Donteria to weaken them as much as possible.

I'm correct in my understanding that this is really good, right? As in, Brad's driving skill bonus is about as good as we could hope for?

[] Allow the Coven to heal naturally in one of your infirmaries

I think this much is an obvious vote.

is there a reason for the color coding?

Probably related to recommended course of action. Green is good, Orange is acceptable but not recommended, Red is bad.
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Wow, two turns and I'm dead again. Give me bit to make a new character.

[X] Allow the Coven to heal naturally in one of your infirmaries
@Akatsunami , @Nightfallen , @Vanestus ,@Nevill , @Nathaniel Wolff , @FatedBread , @Execute/Dumbo , @Orion Scimatarii , @BBBence1111 , @hcvquizibo , @Ash19256 , @Pyro Hawk , @Happerry , @Tabron89 , @Chorinas , @Megaolix , @Shadows , @Rihtan , @SleepyGamer

Science people, would any of you be willing to aid me in making R&D robot minions so that they can help us improve and build everything else ?

[X] Allow the Coven to heal naturally in one of your infirmaries
[X] Come up with new Blueprints (permanent +12)
-[X] Robot research assistants, designed and equiped primarily to help with research and secondarily to keep boot the research team and equipament at peak condition for maximun eficiency, hence the medical equipament and tertiary fuction as security drones.
-[X] Select Applicable Field(s)
--[X] Gauss Weapons
--[X] Energy Weapons
--[X] Materials Science
--[X] Biomedical Equipment
--[X] Fusion Power
--[X] Robotics

[X] Use a Chem
-[X] Modulated Mentats
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Science people, would any of you be willing to aid me in making R&D robot minions so that they can help us improve and build everything else ?

How far are you expecting to push the boundaries of robotics before you start to worry about if we're accidentally kick-starting the kind of robot uprising that will inevitably force all sides to cooperate for the sake of self-preservation?

You've already got robots that might as well be humans, robots that can build other robots, and now you want to build robots whose sole purpose is to think and innovate.
How far are you expecting to push the boundaries of robotics before you start to worry about if we're accidentally kick-starting the kind of robot uprising that will inevitably force all sides to cooperate for the sake of self-preservation?

You've already got robots that might as well be humans, robots that can build other robots, and now you want to build robots whose sole purpose is to think and innovate.

I am not very worried, the QM has continuosly stated that unless we intentionaly do so no robot we make will be more than a VI.
Also considering the infibots are already alround for sometime I would say the robot uprising already got all the kickstart it would need.
[X] Allow the Coven to heal naturally in one of your infirmaries

Over 800,000 spare income.... yeah, I don't think we'll have income problems for awhile...

Let's get more of those auto-surgeons and auto-fabbers, now that income is no longer a worry.

EDIT: Action has been changed slightly later in thread.

[X] Upgrade a Base
-[X] Old Seaside Factory
-[X] Replace a Storeroom with an Automatic Fabber.

[X] Boss around unoccupied Minions
-[X] Operations
-[X] 6
-[X] Upgrade Old Seaside Factory to replace Storeroom with Automatic Fabber.

How many Operations minions do we have, anyway?

Also, @I just write what augmentations would Alphonse need to avoid age-related injuries? All of them?
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That was a really awesome turn. We succeeded in almost everything except the Painful Success with Jagg, and even that didn't really blow back on us very hard. Also, money is no longer an issue (yay)!

@I just write Question: Can we choose to just produce the fusion reactors in-house, as a way of bringing jobs to Gerard, or are they already licensed out?

Also, are we Tinker-ish enough to feasibly figure out how to produce and contain a gram or two of antimatter?

I'm correct in my understanding that this is really good, right? As in, Brad's driving skill bonus is about as good as we could hope for?

I think this much is an obvious vote.

+12 is equivalent to having Skill 2 in Combat. It means your maximum possible combat bonus while driving the Warhound is 40 (25 skill, 12 Driving, 3 Havoc). It's a major bonus, that's for sure.

Also, I think pumping them full of Regen is probably a good idea, so long as we give them IMs to use.
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As someone who's lurked for a while, I feel the need to offer two tentative ways to counter the WMDs Donteria is threatening to use.

We still have access to the RDS-9 warhead right? A nuclear missile designed to intercept other missiles is possible- given there's real life precedent for it with the Spartan and Gazelle ABMs among many others. A relatively high-altitude 40kt detonation should produce minimal fallout, but if it's time right should be capable of hitting one or more ICBMs. Besides there's something wonderfully ironic about SV- and Havoc Squad using a nuke to prevent other nukes from going off.

The other, didn't we get some insight to acoustics earlier from the DJ's robot? We might be able to able to whip up something where we use it to destabilize the missiles' guidance systems. Although that's a lot less scientifically grounded than hitting a nuke with another nuke.

What the hell- while on the subject have a new character:

Name: Richard Keyes
[X] Human
Gender: Male
Appearance: A tall, late twenties nondescript caucasian with brown hair and brown eyes. He's scrawny, with a bookish air to him. Expressions tend towards apathy but can express excitement bordering on mania when one of his favored subjects is brought up.
Backstory: A wannabe rocket scientist who was forced to drop out of college prior to getting his Master's degree when his family's business was destroyed in Gerard's intercine gang violence.
Previous Occupation: (must be realistic for an average joe from a modern-ish society) Aerospace Engineer.
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[X] Get an aug (takes action for this turn)
-[X] Skeletomuscular Overhaul

[X] Allow the Coven to heal naturally in one of your infirmaries

"I came up with it... I might as well be my own guinea pig, right?

I have to admit, though, I hope this doesn't actually turn me full Space Marine... I hella like the pretty face I see in the mirror."