Hard Vacuum (An Arms Race game)

So what are the general properties of the various bodies in the system (mass, density, atmospheric composition, distance from the central star, eccentricity of their orbit, inclination of their orbit etc) and what is the mass and approximate age of the star? Just curious about the orbital dynamics and strategic environment.

you do realize we of tetralia can see this and will get the same information?
you do realize we of tetralia can see this and will get the same information?

So? Either the answer is "invent something to give you an answer" or "the colony ship has taken basic observations of the system", in the former case you get information of specific game mechanic (good, since these games fail fast when one team knows about game mechanics that other teams are ignorant of), in the latter case, I would assume that both colony ships have similar capabilities.

Certainly I'd be impressed if the Tetralian ship had made it across the interstellar gulf with no notion of astronomy or orbital mechanics.

Oh so you know how since Agua is the main inhabitable planet in the system, if you destroy it...
Also why do you always write your name at the end of your posts?
if you destroy it...

Then we can joroform the cinder.

Probably be easier that way, even though the pharmaceutical lobby will complain.

Also why do you always write your name at the end of your posts?

Because it is good manners to sign off. I'd have changed, since SV has a different culture about such things, but so far the only people who have expressed any opinions on the matter have been unpleasant about it, so I'm in no hurry to adopt their standards of courtesy.

true but try explaining why they are living on a cinder that has been mildy terraformed?

If the planet has its own life, then it's probably necessary to sterilize the planet before colonizing it anyways (this is, of course, really stupid - a biosphere is a huge resource, and it's easy to live elsewhere) since the odds are vanishingly small that the native life would be compatible life.

A poem-motto,
The gods gave us no wings to let us fly, nor claw that catch,
no teeth that rip and tear,
no fur to keep us warm at night, nor scales to keep us safe,
no paws, or hooves of speed we got,
Nay, We made our own.
Of wood and stone, we built, done with foraging for food
plants we tamed, or set aflame to fuel our forward progress
The gods looked on in curiosity to see what had happened,
in disdain they looked, for we had had some help,
Prometheus, the one who gave us fire,
He was punished for finding a light in us,
And helping us spark our fire, but we to were punished as well,
by the gods so great and callous, a hatred was stirred within us,
So with metal and fire, we forged our ire,
to cast down the gods, vorpal blades,
built to slay those who would impede our progress,
This is the fate of all who deny our destiny, death is all that awaits.
Just a poem I made that I am really proud of that ties into an idea I had for a tetralian motto,
The gods gave us no wings to fly, we made our own
So Jora wan what have you been up to... just trying to keep this thread alive. Also @Spacerock were you trying to sign up for jora wan?
So Jora wan what have you been up to...

Not too much. Life is pretty busy for me at the moment, so I probably count more as a fraction of a designer, not a whole one and the bureau as a whole is lacking enough designers to sustain good debate.

I can sort of see now why so many are quitting due to not having much time - though ironically it makes it so those remaining need to have more time!

I'm not a part of this but... What's stopping a person from a team to just enable the 'Don't show me as 'viewing the thread'' and peek at the enemy team? Honor? A sense of fair play?
... Before this? Honour, a sense of fair play and lack of knowing that that was a thing.

Now? Honour and a sense of fair play, which means we're all probably screwed... :p

Well, more accurately, the fact that it would get a bit obvious if one side started regularly creating the 'perfect' design to counter the designs that the other side is creating that turn... And even if someone does do it, and comes up with a decent design, etc, etc, they still need to convince their team that their design is the thing they should be trying for this turn, and not all those designs. Which can be harder than you'd think, at least without out and out saying something that means I just write can guess pretty easily that you're pushing for that design for reasons that you probably shouldn't be...

Oh yeah. Forgot one reason for why people shouldn't do that: To stop from pissing off the other team/GM so they just go 'Screw You Guys, we're/I'm leaving'.
So how long will it take you to find your deck? Also, jora wan, want to discuss what the species on our ships are, I mean our creators?