Hard Vacuum (An Arms Race game)

I'm joining Joro Wan because @Lizard Knight writes good omakes, and characters.

>/run AICreator.exe
>Create New AI? Y/N
>Specify AI Type:
>Creating AI. Please Wait.
>AI Created. Designation: ConfusedPotato.exe
>Create Additional AI? Y/N
>Exit AICreator.exe? Y/N
>/run ConfusedPotato.exe
>ConfusedPotato.exe Now Online.
>Exit Terminal? Y/N
What does a Tetralian have to do to beat a Joro Wan in a race?

Literally nothing, apparently.
So, a rule I've decided to implement regarding revisions.

Namely, if a revision is intended to simply fix a design that turned out sub-par, and that design was first made on the same turn, snake-eyes get re-rolled.

Because honestly, letting the dice crush someone's dreams is just mean.

So basically, because everyone's just finished creating the original flawed design, when revising it the same turn, people remember enough about the design process that, well... you have something like the following happen?

'AI #1 looks at the revised design being developed'
"Wait a minute..."
"OKAY! Everyone stop! It appears that instead of fixing our current design, we've somehow made the same goddamn design! ... And it might not even be as good as it was originally as we don't have as much time to finish it..."
"Back to the drawing boards, and let's try this again..."
So basically, because everyone's just finished creating the original flawed design, when revising it the same turn, people remember enough about the design process that, well... you have something like the following happen?

'AI #1 looks at the revised design being developed'
"Wait a minute..."
"OKAY! Everyone stop! It appears that instead of fixing our current design, we've somehow made the same goddamn design! ... And it might not even be as good as it was originally as we don't have as much time to finish it..."
"Back to the drawing boards, and let's try this again..."
Sure, why not.
...At this point, I am 95% sure that the dice are both sentient, and conspiring against Tetralia.
On my phone, but:
EvictedSaint on bay12 said:
In past Arms Races, there is the inevitable point where someone goes through the designs and revisions, tabulates all the rolls for both sides, and gets outraged when they discover that the winning side has rolls that are an average of 0.2034 higher than their own.

This is why Iron Behemoths will feature a card-based roll system. Both sides have two decks, one for each their designs and revisions respectively; when a roll is needed, a card will be pulled at random from their respective deck. The result will be 1-6, same as a die roll, and be discarded after drawing. Ultimately, both sides will average the same results as the game goes on; one side may start out a bit stronger, but things will even out as time goes on. The amount of cards in each decks is secret, but I assure you if the game goes on long enough both sides will average the same rolls. Decks will be reshuffled once emptied.
@I just write does agua have native life? If so what kind, and would we be allowed to weaponize them or turn them into cyborg war machines? And if the planet does not have life do we have some kind of data or samples on/from life from our home planet that we can use?
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Not that it will matter in the long run as the answer was negative.
I was also being chivalrous as I believe in a fair fight. (unless my enemy fights unfair at which point all bets are off.) and just ignore the spy drones slowly creeping into your factories to take them apart, that is just your faulty jora wan imagination module acting up again.
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Okay, probably about time I spoke up...

@I just write Can you put me down for the Tetralia thread? Been lurking on there for a while (and no, I haven't peaked in the other one ever) and haven't gotten around to 'registering' so far. Which kind of makes things awkward now as back then Tetralia was two players down, and now it's two up (soon to be three)...
ATTENTION: Tetralia is temporarily closed to recruitment until the player count levels off.
Aww, poor new people, can't join best team.

Anyway, how are things for you Joro Wan? Have you figured out a theme yet? I need something so I can mock you about it.