Is there any region in Pokemon that doesn't have Capitalism happening?
There's an argument to be made that all the free government services and standardized prices are socialistic, although the fact that the most profitable career path in most regions involves beating up children's rodents for money indicates the Pokémon world may simply be beyond our reckoning economically.

In Galar's case specifically, though, it's the region where they use the make-Pokémon-giant energy for major sporting events and also literally everything else, and the leading governmental voice of A Rich Guy decided that rather than conserving that energy for future use he could just unleash an ancient alien to replenish it, which is the most Elon Musk-brained 5000 IQ idea anyone in Pokémon has ever had.

Also Leon's cape.
There's an argument to be made that all the free government services and standardized prices are socialistic, although the fact that the most profitable career path in most regions involves beating up children's rodents for money indicates the Pokémon world may simply be beyond our reckoning economically.

Worth considering in the games, at least, the Pokemon center healing machines are, by our standards, magic healing machines, and that for in-the-field healing you still have to buy your own medical supplies, plus Pokemarts very much require you have money to purchase supplies, and even in Kanto there's at least one megacorporation that plays a notable role. Plus, there's the whole growing and selling berries thing.

My theory would be that it's just as likely that the Pokemon Centers are actually subsidized by the Pokemon Leagues. They're organizations of significant size, meaning they probably have the money to spend on such an operation, plus their very existence depends on the development of current and future Pokemon trainers, so funding the centers could very well be seen as a valuable tool to ensure their business model remains sustainable.
Worth considering in the games, at least, the Pokemon center healing machines are, by our standards, magic healing machines, and that for in-the-field healing you still have to buy your own medical supplies, plus Pokemarts very much require you have money to purchase supplies, and even in Kanto there's at least one megacorporation that plays a notable role. Plus, there's the whole growing and selling berries thing.

My theory would be that it's just as likely that the Pokemon Centers are actually subsidized by the Pokemon Leagues. They're organizations of significant size, meaning they probably have the money to spend on such an operation, plus their very existence depends on the development of current and future Pokemon trainers, so funding the centers could very well be seen as a valuable tool to ensure their business model remains sustainable.

There's an argument to be made that all the free government services and standardized prices are socialistic, although the fact that the most profitable career path in most regions involves beating up children's rodents for money indicates the Pokémon world may simply be beyond our reckoning economically.

In Galar's case specifically, though, it's the region where they use the make-Pokémon-giant energy for major sporting events and also literally everything else, and the leading governmental voice of A Rich Guy decided that rather than conserving that energy for future use he could just unleash an ancient alien to replenish it, which is the most Elon Musk-brained 5000 IQ idea anyone in Pokémon has ever had.

Also Leon's cape.

I actually do have detailed workings for a lot of these things from the perspective of this thread specifically, but rather than just kind of lecture in the comments it might be better to just approach it naturally... or have somebody yeet an economics textbook at Stella. Her nonexistent budget is kind of keeping the monetary side of the league workings locked off at the moment.

In this case, though, both of you are fairly correct. Galar has the most heavily monetized 'Pokemon Industry' on the planet while Pokemon Centers and Pokemarts are heavily subsidized because pokeball access is considered a public utility and medical care an essential right. It helps that thanks to 'magic healing boxes' supply of pokemon medical care is fairly unlimited. Most pokemon regions have a mixed economy to SOME degree.
We got an absolute win here.
Got facerolled but we don't expect otherwise, and made some valuable contacts for getting into the black budget wise.

All told locals should be relatively happy for how things turned out for them and word of mouth is in our favor for veing friendly and personable.
We got an absolute win here.
Got facerolled but we don't expect otherwise, and made some valuable contacts for getting into the black budget wise.

All told locals should be relatively happy for how things turned out for them and word of mouth is in our favor for veing friendly and personable.
Yeah the important roll here was the charm offensive and we absolutely nailed it. We might end up with a rep as an easy gym thanks to all the overleveled tourists but frankly, that's fine, we're clearly in the first or second major city here. Not everyone needs to be Whitney. Plus being popular with low-badgers gives us time to build up a more varied set of teams to deal with multiple tiers of opponent.
Yeah, and so far the lower end of the skill level should be where we're at on a scale of all gym leaders. That means we had a great start since that is the part we nailed best. So overall, as good a start as we could ask for.
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Her nonexistent budget is kind of keeping the monetary side of the league workings locked off at the moment.
Ah right, I will say that regardless of anything else, it's pretty clear that this story's interpretation of the Pokémon world certainly casts it as having a capitalist/market-based enough bent, even for the generally philanthropic Pokémon League - otherwise they wouldn't be making us play Recettear with our startup loans.

Wait, we're a Fairy trainer. Are we literally playing Recettear...
Meeting the Professor
It amazes you how much of League employment involves standing in one place for hours on end. The chance to meet the professor in the next town over whose name popped up on the league registry makes for a good excuse to get out of town. Grand opening or not, you need to do something besides battles and farm work, and so take a walk down Route 1.

Route 1 in Hazera is a testament to what you can accomplish when you actually get off your ass, which is why it got the honor of being number 1 in the last redistricting. The Old Route 87 was an environmental catastrophe, runoff from aggressively industrialized farming practices carving the land into toxic gulleys.

The last straw was when somebody found an Oddish growing on Hazeran soil. A national crisis was declared, budget immediately aimed squarely at restoration (and "encouraging" the farmers at fault.) It was hectic, but since at the time your grandparents were trying to establish a farm with crops that were intensely poison-sensitive, without it you could have had a much less comfortable childhood.

Walking back through the area is a strange mix of nostalgic and new as a result. Instead of the soggy soil and damaged fences you remember, it's now lined with neat shrubs and long grasses. A clear retaining wall made of a near-invisible polymer on each side shores up the farmland, bulbs for warning lights and grated drains visible every few feet, even though none are currently sending signals.

All around you are pokemon, the weakest pokemon in the region huddled together for safety, digging into loose topsoil for makeshift burrows. Sometimes it avails them... and sometimes it does not. You watch a Hazeran Sentret fling itself via its tail into a Forecaller that thought it would be safer flying low than flying high, the weaselly creature landing heavily on the bird's stomach before getting dogpiled by half a dozen other Sentret.

You're not sure even if they know whether they want to help with the bird or just steal the prize. A smaller, younger set of Sentret are currently flinging themselves at the walls on the sides of the gulley, playing with the invisible blockade while also trying to climb out for sake of curiosity, while a Furret with its head poking out of a burrow watches over them to make sure they don't risk succeeding.

The reintroduction of species has been slow, but the mere fact that Pokemon and plants are living here now is a real change. A few healthy Hoddish that escaped from the local farms are playfully rolling around in the mud. You're still thinking of how everything can be a biome when you reach where the gulley flattens out into a long muddy field that fades into the outskirts of Gneisspring Town. Even here the occasional diglett pops up, although you can't be sure whether they're wild or owned given the looming presence of the pokemon lab before you.

The building is enormous. Your temple was the work of an entire civilisation in ancient times, and the monolith of steel and glass before you is every bit its equal. Judging by what letters you got from Luna, most Pokemon research labs are a whole lot more humble. But the full might of Hazera in the now went behind building this place, hiring experts in toxicology, environmentalism, and anything else a restoration effort might need.

It makes sense then that the official League Professor was hired from within. You've never met him before now, but it was easy enough to introduce yourself. The muddy field in the back of the lab leads to a large number of locked doors with keycard readers, and sliding your league ID into the one with the name on the league newsletter swung it open.

A lumpy figure in a full environment suit, a gas mask concealing his face as the thick lenses shine stands before you. A pair of toxic gasbag pokemon loom over his shoulders. One purple and round, one silver and topped with smokestacks.

"You shouldn't be here," a deep voice booms and you immediately startle, jumping back and tripping into the muddy field.

"Ack! Sorry!" the deep voice calls back to you, and you reluctantly turn around... only to see a heavily freckled, bed-headed man with red hair spouting the same deep voice from moments before. "You're from the league, right? I didn't mean to scare you, just I've got an experiment going on in the backroom right now. Circle around while I try to change!"



Employee entrance at a poison lab.

You head into Gneisspring proper, it's the epitome of a sleepy suburb, but compared to the muddy backyard it's certainly pleasant. From this side the lab has a large, friendly entrance labeled 'Ceibo Labs' with a large, smiling, and extremely spherical purple pokemon on the front. When you enter this time you see a pleasant atrium, a giggling receptionist, and a gaggle of schoolchildren eagerly cooing at the displays of starter pokemon that say they're handed out each Sunday.

The receptionist waves you on, a thick mechanically locked door letting you into the main part of the labs, and the professor sits down with you.

"I'm sorry about breaking in!" you say immediately. "I've had six6 challenges already today and my brain just shut down."

He chuckles, "Don't worry about it. I'd have a lot more security than that if it was anything really dangerous, it's just not the best place to meet. Speaking of, I'm Professor Ceibo," he holds out a hand.

"Stella," you shake it.

After that things are considerably less awkward. He's more than happy to walk and talk. Or, rather, work and talk. Since you're a gym leader and one for the fairy type at that, he immediately gets your help with one of his weird poison pokemon.

[Roll: Training
Malus: Unfamiliar and Highly Technical Specifics: -20
DCs: 40/80
Result: 70+10
Full success]

Given that you didn't know the name 'Weezing' until right now, you didn't think you'd help much, but no sooner has he introduced you to his pokemon than they already seem to like you. While you sort through a list of compounds with 25 letter names in a desperate attempt to identify which one needs to be 'aerosolized for atmospheric equilibrium' Ceibo shares a bit about himself.

Apparently he studies Pokemon speciation. What makes a regional form, how they happen, why they happen, and so on. You're just a bit distracted poking a squishy spherical fairy with a mustache, but it sounds pretty interesting overall. If he's specifically the expert in how pokemon change, it makes sense that he'd pursue the liaison position, and you actually snicker a bit when he pulls out the oddish that drove the region mad.

You'd never actually known what had happened to it after it was discovered, but apparently the labs just kept it. According to Ceibo "Hey it's not this guy's fault that he's full of murder juice."

Eventually you get bored of pretending to know chemistry and just ask the Weezing what its problem is, and immediately share with Ceibo that his Weezing is slightly malnourished and has trouble breathing. Then hurriedly add 'due to the air quality being too high' to cover for the supernatural origins of your success.

Ceibo kind of half grins and half pouts at the news his previous job has gone too well. "Hmm, I guess the recycling bin won't cut it. I know Koffing prefer to sleep on piles of garbage, but all we have is medical waste. That's the darkside of adaptation, you know. When you willingly make yourself more extreme, you can end up in worse trouble if the problem actually gets fixed!"

What follows is a very interesting lecture about Galarian history, their air pollution crisis at the turn of the industrial age, and the speciation of Koffing and Weezing from a scavenger to an extremophile.

To hear him tell it, it's one of the most impressive cases of rapid pokemon development in history, the most fascinating pokemon in the world, and his scrungly baby.

Scrungly probably means 'mustachioed' or something to that effect, and you chuckle appreciatively.

It's quite a pleasant visit, and he treats you to lunch in the lab's cafeteria, which doesn't match any cafeteria stereotypes you can think of. The crispy Hoddish foot tacos have a perfect balance of soft shell and internal crunch, and are generous with the cheese, and you regale him with the first challengers you've had to deal with, the blur battles can turn into, and the difficulties of temple upkeep when a whole bunch of tourists come storming in every day.

When you go to leave, he gives you a big smile, and passes you his teleporter code, suggesting that it would be nice to meet up more often if work gets too hectic. You agree and also give your phone number, suggesting that you'll call when you can book an appointment with the teleporter.

He pauses for a moment at that, then says: "Didn't the league give you your own teleporter? Every gym and major facility is supposed to have one for business."

You notice the smile you were returning to him is suddenly gnashing its teeth a little bit.


Week 4: I don't think I like beating up Sentret. Okay maybe as a dark type the cuteness and sad squeaks are a deliberate manipulation, but it just feels too brutal. Unfortunately, my steadiest challengers are kids hiking up from Gneisspring after school, and while some of them just go all in on their starter pokemon (and those are the ones who ALWAYS pick the hyperactive fire type that charges on sight, making extra clean up constant) most of the rest lead with cute, weak things from route 1.

Actually wait, is Route 1 even recovered enough to handle mass catching? I should ask.

Week 5: I actually did ask, and it is. I had a convenient opportunity when Professor Ceibo came over for a visit. He was very polite, and seems to like the traps and my little ghostly assistants, but I could just tell thanks to… reasons… that he found my gym design distressing. I was surprised he was fine with climbing a whole pyramid just to say hi, but he showed me on our way to lunch that he actually just floated on one of his weezing.

If it was for a pilgrimage, I'd be obligated to be mad at that, but it's better than no visitors… and I think biting into my mom's ketchup cake thinking that it's red velvet is probably punishment enough. Plus, he left me with an upgraded pokedex with some local data already programmed into it.

Week 6: Took six weeks to have nothing too interesting to report. I guess I could mention the most significant battles? After one particularly clumsy out-of-region challenger tried to stall me out without accounting for poison, Cocurious actually leveled up! It's good to know that we're both developing.

[Character Added:
Professor Ceibo: Relationship: "Work Friends" [4/10, +2 gained this turn]

[Equipment Added: Ceibo's Dex
In place of the detailed stats of pokemon you actually catch, pokemon you've seen or battled can be looked up in this database for at least some quick notes on what the heck they are. Assuming the professor actually knows about them, that is.]

[Mechanic Discovered: ??? 1/2]
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Ceibo's Dex

Professor's Notes: Grass/Flying. A pigeon with two leaves sticking straight up on its head from the mutualistic legume growing on it. The infamously silly wiggle of the leaves makes it synonymous with looking dumb, and combined with its innocent attitude and delicious taste it's no wonder these things died out. In the First Partner Pokemon program as part of breeding and reintroduction efforts.

Proposals for Dex entries:
Used since ancient times as messengers between villages, the modern Passersvine is extinct in the wild after mutation in the mutualistic plants it keeps in its feathers caused it to become incredibly delicious.

The plant living inside Passersvine's flesh does not harm it, and even provides blood filtration. However, trace chemicals released by the roots of the plant penetrate Passersvine's flesh entirely, giving it a rich scent and flavor.


Professor's Notes: Pure water. A serpent-shaped, eyeless amphibian with small legs and long feelers. Looks to some like an extremely stretched Mudkip. I requested some specifically to research their possible relation. My current hypothesis is that a distant relative of the already flexible Wooper adapted for life underground. In the First Partner program because wild ones are highly unsuited to battling.

Proposals for Dex Entries:
Completely blind from birth, Olmoat is nonetheless one of the friendliest pokemon of the underground ecosystem, its sensitive whiskers letting it identify its favorite people from the shape of the air they displace alone and slither up to them happily.

Olmoat "sees" with its whisker-like cheek feelers. They're so sensitive, that it is known to panic and injure itself if one of them is even lightly touched. Battle-trained Olmoat have to be carefully raised to resist the panic impulse.


Professor's Notes: Fire, will evolve into Fire/Rock. A sheep-like pokemon with curly fur shaped curiously similar to the kind of stylized flames popular in Kantonian cartoons. The female is hornless, but the much more common male has thicker spirals of their horns based on age. In the First Partner Pokemon program because we just really cannot leave these things alone.

Proposals for Dex Entries:
Energetic even as children, wild herds of Caloram are often responsible for the bleak and craggy appearance of mountains as they strip the vegetation down to the roots, even on sheer cliffs.

Caloram's spiraling fur generates heat rapidly from the friction of its movements. Being aggressive and -highly- resistant to overheating, Caloram gleefully charges as fast as possible in an attempt to ignite itself.


Professor's Notes: Pure Grass. It's strange to see these after moving from Galar. Everywhere else in the world these things are poisonous pests called Oddish, yet Hoddish is unmistakably the original. It's hyper-efficient nutrient storage that makes it so good as a staple crop also causes it to turn violently toxic if exposed to soil that is too dense, too polluted, or even too nutritious. Seeing how happy it is when it evolves properly into Gluem makes me feel a little bad for it.

Proposals for Dex Entries:
Hoddish' hyperactive metabolism makes it one of the most effective photosythesizers in the world. It's possible for a human to live an extremely healthy life on Hoddish feet and cheese alone. For this reason, it was exported to the rest of the world, where it tragically grew into a dangerous invasive species.

A popular international joke is "How do you make a Hazeran angry in two words?" and the answer is "Hazeran Oddish." The pokemon originated in this region before becoming invasive almost everywhere else in the world, and the general cultural perception is... not thrilled.

Hazeran Sentret:

Professor's Notes:
Dark type. As opposed to the defensive lines set up by Sentret elsewhere, these Sentret always watch for opportunity. Their strong tails allow them to spring up and ambush prey, and though individually weak, their colonial structure leaves plenty around to take care of victims.

Proposals for Dex Entries:
The slow rotation, conical vision, and still posture raised high on their tail of a Hazeran Sentret has inspired many a video game, with guards the player is meant to sneak past frequently retaining the aggression and exploitable patterns of Sentret to this day.

Hazeran Sentret's tails are the heaviest and strongest part of their body. They can use them for catapult action to fling themselves at potential prey. Two Sentret colliding in midair is the cause of many a loud, chittering argument heard at the roadside.

Hazeran Furret:

Professor's Notes:
I… this is JUST a regular Furret. There is no difference whatsoever except for a pair of angry eyebrows. HOW IS IT DARK TYPE?!? I just can't.

Proposals for Dex Entries:
So hoddish is to oddish how wiglett is to diglett, right?

and assuming it isnt a poison type the oddish growing would be a cause for concerm

Posted Ceibo's Dex to answer that more fully. But basically: Oddish is "Kantonian Hoddish" that develops poison in hostile environments and Hoddish is the original species.

It's just that it turns into Oddish EVERYWHERE else and nobody respects Hazera's protests.
I… this is JUST a regular Furret. There is no difference whatsoever except for a pair of angry eyebrows. HOW IS IT DARK TYPE?!? I just can't.
HILLARIOUS, but seriously, for an actual dark type furret, make it lean into its little their name where they create thieves guilds of and steal from each other, they are still there happy selves who walk butthey are also kleptomaniacs who creates these guilds so they don't inconvenience others. Looking like a furret with its tail being more bushy and looking like a bag full of stolen goods.
Man, Galarian Weezing just look fabulous with the top hat.
Pity we don't actually HAVE a healthy environment for one of those guys.

We'd basically need a trash incinerator for the town and collect the fumes just for one to thrive.
Turn 1 Conclusion [Farming B]
You raise the axe high, staring into the heart of the Pokemon before you. You see it shudder, it's anxiety rising and falling as you rear back with the sharp implement. Finally, you find it. It's most vulnerable spot, the chink in its armor. You swing, and the Pokemon falls.

You see its anxiety clear up immediately, filled with relief that you didn't hit anything vital. The Brombon falls over cleanly, the leafy top of its trunk hitting the ground and sprouting a pair of roots it uses to shuffle itself along, leaving you alone to harvest the stump and remaining wood.

A quick bite confirms that this particular specimen is a bit on the spicy side, dark, rich and bitter, the kind that sells a premium, and you smirk a little bit. Cheating at lumber harvesting by maximizing yield isn't exactly the expected use of emotion-reading, but if it works it works.

It's your third week handling the Broms yourself, your supernatural advantage letting you breeze through things while your dad takes care of the apricorns and berries, and you heft the logs onto the cart strapped to Cuspixi's back, letting him carry them to the shredder as you make sure the trees aren't running TOO far.

Everything seems to be in order, and you heft your axe onto your shoulder, ready to carry everything to the processing shed, when you catch your dad with an empty apricorn basket on his back approaching. He waves when he sees you... and beckons you to approach.

You nod and follow, meeting up in front of the apricorn trees. It looks most of the pink, yellow, and green apricorns have already been harvested, with only the blacks left on the trees, the heavier black fruit always seem to get saved for last just due to the difficulty of harvesting them, demanding that you get out the heavy duty pokey stick.

You're pretty sure it has an actual name, but ever since you first called it that when you were five years old Dad has been sure to refer to it exclusively as a pokey stick. The field language of gestures and grunts plenty enough for you to get the hint, and so you release Cuspixi and tie the stick to his tail.

Cuspixi is a languid little brat, or at least, moves very slowly, but he's tough and reliable, and after miming the gesture a few times with the apricorn lasso [is that what it's supposed to be called?] you leave it to use its tail to push the black apricorns upwards until they dislodge from the tree.

As you and your dad catch the apricorns, he winks at you, and pulls out a pokeball, before tapping it against one of the recently harvested trees…

Which almost immediately bursts, a section of bark blowing off as a large, puffy orange mushroom blooms on it sideways. The scalloped edges of the cap slide open, revealing a set of several eyes heavily lidded by the curves of the margin, and it blinks at you benignly.

You don't sense any hostility from it either. Actually, you don't sense anything at all from it… until you look closer, and catch just a hint of contentment and relaxation coming from its roots in the bark.

"I wanted to say thanks," Dad says finally, as he watches you have a staring contest with a mushroom. "It really feels good to know you want to stick with us even as you… move up in the world. No, that's not want to say is it. Erm… the farm will always be here for you. That works." He stumbles over his words slightly, never the most graceful at sincere emotion.

"You do a good job. And your extra help this season let me expand things a little bit, really make the most of the space…" he taps a couple more pokeballs to other trees, and more mushrooms burst out in a flurry of wood chips.

"So with my share of the profits I bought some Shantrail to raise on our less-edible trees. And a Cut HHM to make the actual slicing part much easier in the future. And I just wanted to say that if you think you can use any of them to help you deal with the league, you're more than welcome to them."

He slaps your back and you barely feel it after weeks in the field, grinning as you accept a disk and another pokeball. Yeah, dealing with the league sounds doable.

Week 7:

I literally cannot give this stuff away. After calling it quits on the buffet I thought I could at least offer a few vending machines or a juice bar. Selling fresh aprijuice. I figured, hey, no sense letting all the pulp go to waste while we make them into balls.

Turns out nobody actually likes aprijuice. I think I didn't even recoup the costs of the cooler. Dangit you all pretend quinoa doesn't taste terrible! Why didn't the aprijuice health food trend stick? Now I've got an entire vat of unsellable smoothie-adjacent garbage.

Week 8:

I've gotten more than a few repeat challengers. My packet doesn't say anything about them -not- being allowed to just… hang out and do the gym challenge again. Although my packet is conspicuously light in general. It makes the gym look busy, though, and having people climbing the stairs and hanging out occasionally screaming at ghosts makes the place look more exciting.

Personally I'm willing to just call this a Templekeeper thing rather than Gym Leader thing. Tourists wanting to see the local wildlife and monitor the ancient ruins… actually, wait, I have been slacking there, haven't I?

Week 9:

Hosted a few college research trips this week. Made some calls, offered free passage. Actually examining the ancient ruins in detail tends to be popular for archaeology and at least four kinds of engineering I can barely distinguish. The good news is, filling the walls with ghosts is not hurting anything (I was certain they wouldn't, but I can be wrong and probably should have gotten a second opinion earlier.) The bad news is, the language students came along.

Some overambitious grad student swears that one of the tablets has a slight cant to one line of the traditional pictogram of Mortana that might lead to a revolutionary new take on the Marblespring cult's blah blah blah

He wants to pay me to reserve the whole gym for as long as he can… I'm supposed to be open bare minimum 3 days a week this season, but those special interest groups are really loose with the cash. I guess it's a possibility in an emergency.

Hmm… I should probably submit a summary of the 'official' readings of this temple in case this ends up on file.

[Items Acquired! Crafting Unlocked]
20x green, yellow, pink, and black apricorns; 10x Friend, Moon, Love, and Heavy balls.
12x tamato, leppa, sitrus and pecha berries

Your mom is a hobbyist pokeball maker and is happy to make up to 40 apricorn balls per quarter for you passively. As long as you have apricorns or berries, you can join her for unique item opportunities and quality time.

[Pokemon Acquired!]

The Wood Fungus Pokemon


Ability: Sap Sipper
When a Pokémon with Sap Sipper is hit by a Grass-type move, its Attack is increased by one stage, and the move will have no effect on that Pokémon.

Current Moves:
Mean Look
Dream Eater
Clear Smog

Shantrail lives inside trees and woody grass type pokemon. Hardier grass types can live long lives with a Shantrail inside them, acting as a lookout and backup in battle, as Shantrail responds poorly to attempts to threaten its home.

When asleep it withdraws its eyes to its buried real body. The mushroom most people see is only a sense organ and harmless to consume. The real Shantrail is a poisonous web burrowed deep inside a host.

Current Funds:
2mP (+3 Grand Opening, +2 double harvest, -1 Gym Operation costs, -1 split share, -1 ???)

Current Debt:
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okay , does shantrail evolve into a fairy type or is it just here for useful things like ambiance/ leaf badge style stuff, also what is a jackolate?
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okay , does shantrail evolve into a fairy type or is it just here for useful things like ambiance/ leaf badge style stuff, also what is a jackolate?

You can't legally use it on your gym team, but if you're only physically capable of acquiring fairy pokemon life would be much more difficult. You can sell it, name it, train it to use on wild pokemon, keep it as a secret ringer, whatever. Pokemon are flexible!

As for why it's here specifically... it's just the easiest pokemon for Higgs to expand the farm to include. Was going to muse a bit on what to do with it in-character on the lead in to the next vote.

As for Jackolate, whoops, that's the prototype name of Brombon. I ended up changing it in one of the drafts.

Cool we got a new mon...what does it taste like?

Kinda steak-y, with a lemon-butter finish.
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I really hope there wasn't some fine print in the Rotom agreement.
I think that's some sort of hidden fee (malicious or otherwise) from either the League at large (unlikely) or the local region's League branch.

This is likely the thing hinted at by the professor when he showed surprise on our lack of Teleporter access.
Quarter 2 Begins [Voting]
You wake up at the end of your first quarter groggy and reluctant. You could swear you would have made more money than this, and you're not entirely sure where it's going. Maybe next quarter you shouldn't let your pokemon do your accounting... then again, they enjoy it more than you do. At the very least, you have now gone from no money to some money, and can begin to invest in other opportunities...

Gaugh! You smack your head against the mattress in frustration. This isn't what you wanted to be focusing on.

With a sigh, you pull out your phone and decide doomscrolling can't make it any worse, opening Grounded to get a minimum of bias and browsing the previews.

Blue Burgers?!
Ol' Whitneys signs historic deal with Orre Beautification League to open the first of their iconic franchises to miss the pale pink roof. The 'natural beauty of orre' demands strict limits on paintings in and around the new Evershine City, and those looking for the Double Rollout in Orre will soon be able to purchase them... in a drive through with a slightly different model.


Battle Frontier to Reopen in Grimspring Town!
After failing their bid to be an official league stop, fledgling Hazeran town of Grimspring has put forth a shocking subsidy deal to permit the construction of a full fledged Battle Frontier in the remote location. Sponsor Team Radiant officially comments, "We dont' believe the inaccessibility was the downfall of the Frontier system, we blame the cheating. The pokemon world is primed for a resurgence of top level battling with no sleazy tactics like biased matchmaking, teamscouting, sim abuse, move autogen..."

You try to open the actual article but the list of crimes from the previous frontiers goes on for several pages. You remember Grimspring offering you a transfer while you were getting set up, and you guess they were VERY serious.

League Debuts Across the World Going Well
Recent agreements with the local government has spread the Pokemon League to most of the remaining regions without one, and such luminaries as Futhino and Tiranka are already proving profitable and pleasant destinations for aspiring trainers...

Super Magikarp Wonder Splashes Through the Ceiling
The prolific Super Magikarp series has long been the gold standard of Nintendo platformers, but the updated animations of the latest 2d outing are making some question how they lived with the limited animation for so long...

Item Capsule Tech Goes Custom
After well over a year of silence from the miniaturization sector, a tech breakthrough has finally been announced, that being the long-awaited compartmentalization of the core mechanism! Now the apparatus behind the ever popular item capsule can be added to any hinged, lidded container of your choice for a pocket of squashed spacetime that fits with your personal design needs.

Hazera Picks Fight with Pokemon League
Already on thin ice from not paying their dues, Hazera risks ostracization after Ghost type gym leader comes to blows with League official! Concessions demanded, out of region champion appointed.

Wait WHAT?
You rapid fire a few... before catching the last one and your eyes widen. You immediately open the article... but after Grounded patches you through to the actual site you find a heavily biased piece that makes your entire region sound like a bunch of goblins. Searching the web, you find a couple more articles of a similar bent, and one official post on the league website that's actually less biased and just says negotiations are in progress and nothing has been decided.

Well that might explain something?


You pencil a few new options on your schedule.

(Options Added!)

[ ] Address the News
[ ] Find a way to Grimspring to check on the frontier
[ ] Attend negotiations at the league
[ ] Try to contact the accused gym leader to get her story first

[ ] Bureaucracy
Rework how you do business, dissect your accounting, and maybe take a class on management.

During each Quarter, you have six time blocks, but on any season your gym is in active service, 2 of those blocks are dedicated to accepting challengers.

So you currently have 4 actions to spend on other choices.

Options that are likely to increase funds are marked with a P and those likely to cost funds are marked with a C, while those marked with both have the opportunity to both gain and lose money. The specific amound gained or lost depends on rolls, but the general magnitude of possible gain or loss can be estimated by the number of P or C markings (scale of 1 to 5)

Options that are struck through are currently unavailable for some rea$on.

Voting is in plan format. You can choose an option multiple times if you wish. (For example, you could vote [ ] Go Pokemon Hunting and [ ] Go Pokemon Hunting Again for two actions.)

[ ] Run a gym Event
Drums up business and interest. You can write-in if you have a specific idea for an event, but it's not necessary.

[ ] Address the News
[ ] Find a way to Grimspring to check on the frontier
[ ] Attend negotiations at the league
[ ] Try to contact the accused gym leader to get her story first

[ ] Bureaucracy
Rework how you do business, dissect your accounting, and maybe take a class on management.

[ ] Go Pokemon Hunting
Go out into the wilds to fight, explore and meet wild pokemon. XP, items, and adventure will always be gained, but pokeballs must be acquired ahead of time. If you choose this option, specify a location. (Current Pokeballs: 1 timer ball marked 'In case of Shiny Emergency', 4x Friend Ball)
[ ] Sandspire South Caves (Leads towards Limespiral)
A long network of tunnels that's easy to get lost in. Contains a wide variety of underground pokemon. Eventually leads to the underground city, Limespiral. Common types: Ground, Dark, Poison, Fighting
[ ] Sandspire Thermite Fields (Leads towards Hazera Outskirts)
Open lowlands dominated by the massive amount of Thermite in the area. Good for XP grinding, but dangerous and not terribly rich. Eventually leads to the country's northern border. Common Types: Bug, Fire, Water
[ ] Sandspire Outskirt Lowlands (Leads towards Gneisspring)
Peaceful lowlands of relative safety. Home to scenic route 1. Eventually leads to the home of Hazera's pokemon research lab.
Common Types: Normal, Grass, Flying
[ ] Victory Road (Leads towards Marbleflow)
The third most dangerous cave in Hazera and the only one open to the public. Very difficult to navigate, but full of powerful pokemon. Goes between the league headquarters and center of commerce, Marbleflow city. Common Types: Rock, Dragon, Psychic

[ ] Hit Up the Pro Battling Circuit
Level locked, extremely difficult battles for expert trainers. Opponents consist exclusively of past gym leaders, hall of famers, and other experts. Fortunately the massive cheating problem that used to plague it has been dealt with. If you choose this option, specify a venue.
[ ]Battle Terminal
A recent service offered by the airport and integrated into the PC storage system. Allows virtual battles with people all across the world. Doesn't leave much room for creative strategy or the ineffable power of friendship.

[ ] Help Out the Family Farm
Spend some time with mom and dad helping out around the farm. Rewards berries and apricorn balls. A wholesome, low risk way to make some extra money, and they probably need the help during harvest season. Currently not harvest season.

[ ] Get to Know One of the Other League Members
You have somewhere between 7 and 20 coworkers now, you should probably get to know them. Especially if you can talk them into giving you permission to use their teleporter so you can reach the city for free next time. If combined with Pokemon Hunting, the cost is negated as you travel to the city the classic way. If you pick this option, choose a location (and make sure it matches your Pokemon Hunting location if combined with that!)
[ ] Gneisspring Town
Home of the pokemon research lab and an overall pleasant suburb. Built far enough away from Sanspire to be safe from incursion by the more dangerous pokemon, it's a very low level area and a popular starting point for trainers who want to begin their journey at the minimum age. Stationed league official is Professor Ceibo.
[ ] Marbleflow City
Center of commerce and home to Hazera's largest employers, Marbleflow is a big city near the center of the region. Economic opportunities abound. Stationed league official: Dragon Type Gym Leader
[ ] Limespiral City
A massive underground city and Hazera's religious center. Popular tourist destination for the sites and cuisine. Stationed League Official: Dark Type Gym Leader

[ ] Hatch Pokemon
Leave two pokemon at the "daycare" in an attempt to breed some new ones. Requires an Allpaca to be left at the daycare along with the pokemon you want to hatch more of. You can borrow your dad's Allpaca when it's not harvest season or if you're helping out on the farm this quarter.
[Currently at "Daycare": Open Slot, Open Slot]

[ ] Sell Pokemon
Attempt to sell pokemon outright. Always needed for industry, labor, or just people too lazy to catch their own pets, pokemon sell well; and as a league official any sold by you will have a certain prestige by default. Still costs an action to find customers and make sure the pokemon go to a good home. You can sell multiple pokemon with a single action, but the fewer pokemon you're selling the higher individual price you get.
[You need all your current pokemon! But if you go pokemon hunting or hatching, you can still pick this if you want to sell them immediately.]

[ ] Catch the Seasonal Sales
Shopping spree! Involves a lot of relaxing, pleasant loitering around malls and department stores trying to catch unique sales and clearance events. Easiest way to get rare items, but time consuming and pricy.

[ ] Use the League Supply Catalogue
Mail order pokemon equipment. No action cost, but comparatively pricy. Opens a sub-vote.

[ ] Change Regions [Not while your gym is on-duty!]

[ ] Hang Out with Friends [Choose one:]
[ ] Aster
[ ] Professor Ceibo
[ ] Loiter at league headquarters
-Luna [Locked behind International Travel!]
Well. Looks like the outside world is intruding in on our gym duties now.

You know, I wonder what'd happen if we left the mysterious budget shortfall amd focus on other things instead. Let our pokemon handle the accounting, surely they can't be doing that badly, or something like that.