The year is U.C. 0098. In the aftermath of the Laplace Incident, the Earth Sphere threatens to finally come undone at long last. Is this all that Humanity's Potential will come to?
Rank: Ensign, Captain of Londo Bell's Cascadia Team
Hobbies: Mobile Suit Combat Simulations, Engineering
Skills: Trained in Mobile Suit operation and maintenance
About: Cybele grew up with her older brother and mother in a small apartment on the run-down Colony of Island Cascadia. Her father died in the Gryps war fighting for the AEUG. She's inherited her father's fighting spirit, and along with her brother shares dreams of making a difference in the Earth Sphere. Nothing is more important than family to her. Cybele only has a few friends, all of whom frequent the Combat Simulators with her.
Having lost her home and her brother, Cybele flies for Londo Bell as the Captain of Cascadia Team. Her exploits on the battlefield have made her infamous amongst Federation pilots as the "Black Death". A fledgeling Newtype, she has attracted the attention of Haman Karn's ghost, who seeks to turn Cybele into a successor of sorts.
Revenge against the Federation drives Cybele, and her judgement is often clouded with anger and spite.
She is convinced that the fast-food chain MacDaniels is engaged in a massive conspiracy to commit... something. What exactly that something is, she couldn't tell you.
Otherwise known as "Ple 42", this young girl was rescued by you from an abandoned Neo Zeon facility. While technically a Cyber Newtype by virtue of being genetically engineered and cloned, she doesn't suffer much of the mental instability common among Cyber Newtypes. However, lingering conditioning from her upbringing makes her prone to unpredictable behavior. She feels a deep connection to you, and calls you her "Big Sis".
The second-strongest Newtype on Cascadia Team, Sicilia likes to toy with her targets before finishing them off. Despite being one of the deadlier members of the team, most Federation pilots don't know her by name.
Eris Kallis
Your longtime friend, she's two years older than you. She used to help her father run a little museum out of their house, and as a result is a bit of a history buff. Her mother and uncle died when Char dropped 4th Luna on Earth. Her father fell into depression as a result, leaving her to take care of the household. Along with Theo, the three of you were an informal team who regularly used the Simulators together. Since her father died during the attack on Cascadia, she has no living family. She has a bit of a crush on Theo that she won't admit to.
A fledgling Newtype, Eris is an exceptional pilot and has amassed a considerable amount of combat experience. She has gained a reputation as a bit of a Char-wannabe amongst Federation pilots.
Theo Gataki
A shy kid, same age as you. A bit of a natural at piloting craft in Zero-G. He's the third member of your informal MS Simulator team along with Eris. Frequently the subject of Eris's bullying, he has no idea she's got a crush on him.
Theo lived in Cascadia with his aunt, whose fate he hasn't mentioned. You know that his parents live on Earth, but he never really talks about them, and you get the distinct impression that they aren't close.
A fledgling Newtype, Theo is a competent pilot and can quickly assess a situation. Despite this, he tends to fall into a support role and doubts his usefulness to the team.
Ensign Mort Mallory
Formerly a pilot with the Island Cascadia Defense Force. You saved his ass during the attack on your colony. Now he's a trusted and reliable member of Cascadia Team. You got him a shiny new Methuss to replace his older, shitty GM III.
Fun fact! His name means "Death Unlucky". Despite this, he is the sole surviving Mobile Suit Pilot from the ICDF.
Mort sees himself as along for the ride, and holds the rest of Cascadia Team in higher esteem than himself. Despite this, he is a skilled and deadly Oldtype pilot, more than capable of holding his own in a fight with most Newtypes.
Lorelei Vogel
A former member of the Federation "Hunting Pack" Newtype Squad, she's brimming with childlike enthusiasm, and has taken an odd interest in Cybele Naese. She acts according to the mysterious directives of her "Future".
She is a powerful Newtype and deadly pilot. She is just as adept at ground combat and can wield a firearm with ease.
The newest member of Cascadia Team, Rita Bernal is the former pilot of the RX-0 Phenex. She is the strongest Newtype on the team, enhanced or not. She is also the most unstable, requiring a high dosage of psychotropic medications to maintain her sanity and presence of mind. Without them, she suffers from delusions about the very nature of reality. Although she was off her medication at the time, Rita is directly responsible for the deaths of roughly ten million people when she obliterated the entirety of the colony Metis.
Despite all of these things, Cybele guilt-tripped Rita into joining Cascadia Team. There is no way that she could ever come to regret this.
Rhea Pagonis
An excitable Technician from Anaheim Electronics. She's passionate about her life's work, which is the study and reconstruction of the TR-6. Since you have an intact example, she's over the moon about it. While she doesn't have your best interests at heart, she's taken a liking to Sicilia and your goals align, mostly.
The revelation of Laplace's Box upset the balance of power in the Earth Sphere. Although the war itself ended, the Earth Sphere is more violent than ever as uprisings, riots, and outright rebellion tear through the Colonies. All the while, the Federation is tightening their control at all costs.
Republic of Zeon
The Republic of Zeon, long considered nothing more than a puppet state of the Federation, suffered a military coup in the year U.C. 0098. Sayla Mass, otherwise known as Artesia Deikun, took the position of Prime Minister and declared their full independence from the Federation.
The Republic wasted no time instigating hostilities with the Federation, antagonizing them by immediately declaring their territory as safe refuge for fugitive Newtypes. Then mere days after Artesia's declaration, Republic forces initiated an attack on the Federation garrison at Von Braun in order to secure shipments of Mobile Suits to Side 3.
Earth Federation
The ruling administration of Earth, what was once a semi-democratic government has descended into full martial law. Newtypes are registered to Federal databases, and then them and their families are transported to designated colonies firmly under Federation control.
The Federation exercise almost complete control of information within their holdings, and the true nature of their actions is not well-known to those living within their borders.
Londo Bell
Formerly the Special Forces of the Federation, Londo Bell acted as a Semi-Autonomous unit tasked with hunting down Neo-Zeon remnants and other dissident groups. In U.C. 0097 they declared their opposition to the Federation and moved to consolidate their holdings, securing Side 1 with the help of defectors from the Federation Space Forces. The Federation constantly probes their defenses, forcing a constant state of military readiness.
Captain Noa Bright remains in command of the organization. He is a proponent for a truly Democratic future for the Earth Sphere, but currently Side 1's colonies are forced to obey Londo Bell.
Despite their interests aligning, Londo Bell is not allied with the Sleeves, Neo Zeon remnants, nor the Republic of Zeon.
Neo Zeon/The Sleeves
More a loose scattering of Neo Zeon and Zeon remnant groups than a proper organization, these factions have no centralized leadership. They generally oppose the Federation and engage in guerilla warfare whenever and wherever the opportunity strikes.
The Mineva Faction
Composed of the estranged crew of the Nahel Agarma and Garencieres, as well as remnants from the Vist Foundation, the Mineva Faction is a mismatched group with aligned interests.
Their base of operations is known as the Magallanica, a large megastructure that used to serve as the Command and Control, residential, propulsion, and engineering section of the Colony Builder known as "The Snail". It is significantly larger than a Jupitris-class freighter, is mobile, and has extensive docking facilities as well as habitation space.
Mineva Lao Zabi is the political and ideological leader of the group. She advocates for peace, and her faction engages in no offensive operations. That is not to say, however, that they are undefended.
Although possessing the former Londo Bell warship Nahel Agarma, as well as an unknown number of militarized civilian ships, the Mineva Faction does not have an active Navy. They also possess an unknown number of Mobile Suits, but also do not utilize an active Military. The Mineva Faction's current and only defensive measure is the RX-0, piloted by the Newtype Banagher Links. Details of the Federation's confrontations with the RX-0 are classified, but it's common knowledge that every assault they've attempted has failed completely.
Argent Keil-NEW
Formerly an off-the-books Black Ops group, Argent Keil has since become a true mercenary group. They are discerning when choosing customers, and only take on one job at a time.
Made up of former Zeon and Federation defectors. AK has no true allegiance or preference.
They operate heavily-remodeled Zaku IIs and GM units, which pose a comparable threat to modern MS.
The Buch Concern-NEW
A conglomerate made up of different companies, all founded by Scharnhorst Buch.
Has recently published media advocating for a return to "La noblesse oblige", a societal structure in which a small number of nobility take leadership responsibilities for the common people, while also leading from the forefront in military engagements.
Island Cascadia
One of the colonies located at Side 5 "Loum". Cascadia managed to avoid major damage during the One Year War, but their economy went into recession shortly afterwards. The Colony was used as a Titans base for a number of years, before the Titans were abolished. Neo Zeon took up residence in the abandoned facilities, before they too left after the First Neo Zeon War ended. Since then, the colony remained mostly unmolested by any of the military powers in the Earth Sphere, however the state of the colony itself was poor.
In U.C. 0098 the Federation attacked Island Cascadia under the pretense of searching for a dangerous fugitive Newtype. What followed was the systematic slaughter of the populace through wholesale destruction of the colony itself. All survivors were evacuated aboard the Londo Bell ship Bellerophon.
Two days after the colony was abandoned, the Colony Corporation conducted a survey of the damage. While the colony itself is no longer habitable, the overall structure and major systems are intact and can be repaired in the future. However the Agricultural Blocks are missing, and require replacement. No further action by the Colony Corporation is planned.
LBSF MSC-10 Bellerophon
A Pegasus-class Assault Carrier operated by Londo Bell.
The spaceframe itself is old and hails from U.C. 0083, but the hull, armor, and major systems are all new construction.
SS Argama
Formerly the "Argama" under the Federation and AEUG forces, the Argama was sold for scrap to a salvage company owned by Beecha Oleg, Elle Vianno, Mondo Agake, and Iino Abbav. They've done their best to restore the ship to spec, but a lack of proper materials has led to its current state, which resembles more a moving junk heap than a warship. It is, at best, on par with a Columbus-class in terms of combat strength.
EFSF Gaunland
An Alexandria-class battleship serving as the home of the Federation Newtype Squadron "Hunting Pack". It has been refurbished to modern standards and equipped with a Minovsky Flight System.
ZRSF Astraia-NEW
Flagship of the Zeon Republic's SDF. Commissioned to coincide with the installment of Artesia Deikun as the new Prime Minister and named after her late mother, wife to Zeon Zum Deikun.
A modified version of the original Sadalahn-type hull, the new design sports a larger carrying capacity for MS, greater firepower, and increased durability in combat. However, it suffers from poor maneuverability.
Von Braun City
A major Lunar city and home to a large branch of Anaheim Electronics, Von Braun claims neutrality in the multi-way war between the Federation, Londo Bell, Neo Zeon/The Sleeves, and the Zeon Republic. They enforce a strict No-Fire zone within city limits.
Earth Federation Special Forces - Newtype Division
Despite being called the "Newtype Division", most of the personnel in it are Oldtypes acting as handlers for the Newtypes.
While it is publicly unknown why any Newtype would want to serve the Federation when they've been hunted down and had their rights stripped away, nonetheless there are a significant number of Newtypes piloting High-End Psycommu and Psychoframe-equipped Mobile Suits.
Each Squad consists of one Newtype or Cyber Newtype piloting an MS with Incoms or Funnels, escorted by a Command-type ReZEL, two Defenser ReZELs, and four Type-D Jegans. While ostensibly there to protect the Newtype, they are also there to ensure obedience and terminate the Newtype if they actively rebel.
Newtype and Cyber Newtype Pilots are assigned RX-94 Mass-Production Nu Gundam units. Stronger Newtypes tend to equip the Fin Funnel loadouts, while even weaker Newtypes can effectively use the INCOM backpack equipment.
This Division also has highly skilled Oldtype Pilots using the Quasi-Psycommu MS ARX-014 Silver Bullet.
Silas Naese-[DECEASED]
Your father, who died during the climax of the Gryps War. He was a former Titans Test pilot-turned AEUG pilot. He flew on the Radish.
Kaylen Naese -[DECEASED]
Your older brother by four years. He was a Mobile Suit pilot for the Island Cascadia Self Defense Force. He died protecting you from a Federation Newtype.
Amanda Naese
Your mother. She worked long night shifts to provide for you and your brother. After Kaylen's death, she's been traumatized and mentally unstable.
Captain Sarina Nouri
A young woman in her mid-twenties, she commands the Londo Bell Pegasus-class Assault Carrier Bellerophon.
Lieutenant Riddhe Marcenas
A Londo Bell pilot, he's haunted by guilt from things he's done that he considers unforgiveable, even though nobody alive blames him. He fights to atone for his family's legacy, and to redeem himself.
He pilots the infamous "Banshee", sister-suit to the "Unicorn". It has lost its right leg, and as a result is permanently handicapped in terms of performance.
Commander Christina Mackenzie
The leader of the Bellerophon's second Mobile Suit team. A One Year War Veteran with a kind soul. She retired from the military after the One Year War and spent some time travelling before accepting a job offer with Anaheim Electronics helping to develop next-generation Mobile Suits. While she was retired for a time, she left civilian life and joined Londo Bell recently. Despite being an Oldtype, she is a skilled Pilot, and can (barely) handle over-tuned, sensitive Mobile Suits meant for Newtypes.
Hector Canales
Hector hails from a small resource satellite, where he spent his childhood as child laborer, gaining expertise with Mobile Workers. After emigrating to a colony in his late teens, he took up marksmanship as a hobby and excelled. Recognized for his talent, he was recruited into the Earth Federation Forces. Hector was calm under pressure and performed admirably in the field.
His skill and reputation saw him in high demand as conflict began to escalate in the Earth sphere. He was assigned to Londo Bell shortly before the Laplace Incident. Due to his strong personal convictions and sense of justice, he's committed to the cause of defeating the Federation.
Koike Ishi
Koike Ishi was born on Earth, to a loving family. However, tragedy struck one day when in the opening days of the One Year War, her city was obliterated in a large scale battle between Federation forces and Zeon invaders. Her parents perished in the fighting, leaving her to take care of her younger sister Haru, who would later begin to exhibit signs of Newtype emergence. Determined to provide for her last remaining family, Koike enlisted in the EFF. While she was at first utilized as a regular Logistics grunt, her skills with computer systems got her flagged for a transfer, and she became a Data Analyst and Network Security Technician.
She supported her family with her EFF job for years, until the Laplace Incident shattered her faith in the Federation and she resigned. She intended to move into the civilian sector when the Newtype Registration Act was implemented, and she promptly fled with her younger sister to the Colonies.
When Londo Bell declared their intent to overthrow the Federation, she joined out of a sense of responsibility to keep her sister safe. While she was initially assigned an IT job again, she showed enough proficiency in Basic Piloting that she was transferred to Alex Team to act as a support unit.
Ishido Inoue
Ishido is a Spacenoid from the defunct colony of Loum. She was a career pilot in the Earth Federation Forces, and had a deep sense of loyalty to them. She participated in multiple conflicts, including the First and Second Neo Zeon War. By the time of the second war, she was with Londo Bell and considered one of their better pilots.
After the events of the Axis Shock, she transferred to Torrington Base to train new pilots.
Much to her chagrin, Ishido was unable to sortie during the attack on the base in UC 0096. The hangar containing her personal MS was hit, making her machine inaccessible. All of her current students at the time died during the attack, and so afterwards she transferred back to a Londo Bell ship.
The Laplace Incident shook her faith in the Earth Federation, so she had little issue staying with LB when they declared their intent to overthrow the Federation.
Her single-minded dedication to her military career left her with limited skills in other areas, but as she has no intention of retiring, that doesn't seem to be an issue to her.
The Puru/Ple Sisters-NEW
The Puru/Ple clones are a series of individuals birthed through unspecified artificial means, by the Cyber Newtype labs at Axis Zeon. They are the culmination of efforts to refine the genetic traits of Newtypes, and are more powerful than most Newtypes.
With the exception of the "Cascadia Series" Puru clones (name pending), all Purus are aged roughly 19-20.
A Ple Clone serving in the Republic of Zeon's Royal Guard. She is very blunt and rarely jokes. Her sole goal in life is to serve her Master and protect Lady Artesia.
Lutetia "Luce"
Much like her sister Camilla, Lutetia has been assigned as Artesia's bodyguard and wingman. She is a bit more casual than her sister. Lutetia has been traumatized by Cybele's reckless flying and will never fly shotgun to the younger girl ever again.
Adrastea "Stea" (Puru Seven)
One of the original Puru sisters who fled the Earth Sphere and found sanctuary in the Jupiter fleet. Stea idolizes Judau Ashta, seeing him as her big brother. She is incredibly dismissive of those outside of her social circle, and is entirely willing to kill strangers for rather minimal reward.
A "defective" Puru clone, mentored by Peche Montagne. She was one of three who Peche took under her wing, and the only survivor of Glemy's rebellion. She has since stuck with Peche with unwavering loyalty.
Gretchen (Deceased)
One of Artesia's bodyguards. Killed in action against Rita Bernal in the Phenex.
The Gundam Team-Crew of the Agarma
Consisting of First Neo Zeon War heroes Elle Vianno, Beecha Oleg, Iino Abaav, and Mondo Agake, the Gundam Team man the semi-restored Agarma. They run a salvage company out of the ship, having lost their main branch on Shangri-la. Elle and Mondo fly a ReGZ-ID and Methuss Kai, respectively.
"Federation Commander"-[Name Unknown]
The commanding officer of the Federation Newtype Squadron "Hunting Pack". An Oldtype herself, she flies a Gundam Delta Kai equipped with a NITRO system that gives her Cyber Newtype abilities when piloting it. She has considerable self-control, and doesn't like to be shown up.
"Blue Wolf"-Luke Walker
The Newtype Pilot of the blue Mass Production Nu Gundam that murdered Kaylen Naese. Around the same age as Cybele, he's in the Newtype Division of the Federation Forces. He seems to have bought fully into the Federation propaganda line. In terms of skill, he's not as good as many Oldtype Aces out there, but his Newtype powers let him close the gap.
Ensign Acothley
A foul-mouthed battle-crazed redheaded Newtype with the "Hunting Pack" squad. She's a considerably skilled pilot, and flies a custom-tuned Mass Production Nu Gundam.
Lieutenant Shasta-[DECEASED]
Pilot of a Gaza-C in the Island Cascadia Defense Force. He instinctually knew that he was doomed the moment he stepped into the cockpit of that deathtrap, so he decided to go out in a blaze of glory.
Ensign James-[DECEASED]
Helmsman of the Bellerophon. Oh James, we hardly knew ya! Now some cadet has to fly the ship. How inconsiderate of you to be murdered and pass work onto your juniors, Ensign!