The year is U.C. 0098. In the aftermath of the Laplace Incident, the Earth Sphere threatens to finally come undone at long last. Is this all that Humanity's Potential will come to?
Your name is Sicilia Ple 42, and...
You can't stop staring.
It looms over you, black and imposing.
Your name is Ple 8. You have one purpose in life, to serve Master Glemy!
But... you can't feel him anymore!
There's something inside this Mobile Suit, pulling you in.
"The enemies of Master Glemy did this!" you hear one of your sisters shout.
One of many faces he showed you comes to the surface.
Haman Karn.
She needs to die.
You make your Funnels dance as you fire your Beam Guns and Active Cannons at the white Qubeley, but she slips through the gaps in your barrage. How? How is one woman doing this?! You have to avenge Master Glemy, that's all that matters now!
Your sisters are vanishing.
Each loss is like a piece of your heart torn out.
It's getting harder and harder to keep fighting.
You deploy your Beam Saber and rush Haman Karn with a scream on your lips.
Burning. You're burning.
Your Qubeley won't move.
A fire started somewhere inside the Mobile Suit, and the cockpit is getting hotter and hotter.
Flames are starting to eat their way through the walls.
There's no ejection system, the fire suppression system is down, and the hatch is stuck.
You're scared.
"Sicilia...?" Big Sis walks over to you, concern on her face, "Are you okay?"
Your voice won't come out. You're not here.
Everything is burning. You are burning.
You cry, but no one comes. Like always.
No one cared if you cried back at the lab.
Master Glemy said that crying is a sign of weakness. That none of you should cry, no matter the reason.
But is it wrong to cry for him? To cry for your sisters?
To cry for yourself?
You pull one last time at the hatch's emergency release with hands you can no longer feel. It doesn't move.
"Hey," Big Sis kneels down next to you, holding you, "We can move on if you want."
Even your tears won't come out. You're trapped, just like her.
Was it always this hard to breathe? You can't remember.
This isn't what you wanted. This isn't what you were promised.
Your body isn't moving the way you want it to.
The pain and the burning stopped a while ago too, but you can't tell whether that's a good thing.
You feel your sisters through the Psycommu. They can feel you.
One by one they're being snuffed out, like candles in a strong wind.
They can't save you. Nobody can save them.
Every last one of you is doomed.
You've failed Master Glemy. You've failed each other.
Big Sis pulls you away, her hand firmly holding yours.
Your legs won't listen to you, but they walk all the same.
It doesn't hurt anymore. You can't feel anyone fighting anymore.
You open your eyes and look down at yourself. Your Normal Suit is gone, leaving you in your regular clothing.
The cockpit is burnt and scorched, but there are no flames.
With a hiss, the hatch opens, and bright light spills inside. You shield your eyes against the sudden shine.
Then she stands there, reaching down to you.
Your sister. The first.
"What are you doing in here?" She asks with an excited smile, "Everyone is waiting!"
You take her hand, and a warmth blossoms in your chest.
What is this compassion? This sense of liberty?
You've never known this before.
"My name is Elpeo Ple!" She says as she pulls you into the light, "I'm so happy to meet you!"
Bellerophon-Cybele's Quarters
You are Cybele Naese and you are hanging out with your Little Sis, but she doesn't look too good.
You're not sure what's got her so down, but you've got just the thing to make her feel better.
You were wrong about the bunny cartoon.
Oh god, you were so wrong.
Side 4-Shoal Zone-Sometime during the Bellerophon's Mission at Axis
The G-Forces were extreme. Jona held on tightly to the controls, wrestling with the Narrative. Normally he'd never put a Mobile Suit under such extreme stress, even when augmented by so many boosters and verniers as the A-Packs provided. However, he needed to pull these maneuvers, he needed to accelerate this fast, it wasn't an option if he wanted to keep up with… her.
That golden Phenex, the iridescent RX-0 Unit 3. Still in Unicorn mode, but still fast and maneuverable. It darted around and between colony wreckage, the flare of its thrusters flashing rapidly with each course correction. Jonah needed to anticipate her moves! He needed to move faster! As the Phenex went inside a derelict colony, he saw his chance.
"There!" He deployed his Large Beam Sabers and began carving up the colony from the outside, herding his target. The High Mega Cannon began to glow as he triggered the charging sequence.
All of this couldn't be for naught. This was the culmination of years of effort! All of the enhancements he'd accepted at the Federation's Cyber Newtype Labs, all of the people he'd betrayed, all of the sins he'd committed in the past two years, it had to lead to success here!
The Phenex burst out of the colony, right where he'd anticipated.
The A-Packs High Mega Cannon fired, slagging nearly a tenth of the colony wreckage, but the Phenex nimbly threw itself to the side. That's fine, he's just trying to disable it! Jonah didn't expect to hit it anyways! Unfortunately, he didn't damage it either.
He just needed to keep up the pressure! The Phenex may have been a marvel of engineering, but the Pilot was still Human! Even though she was a Newtype, she wouldn't be able to keep this up for long!
Beam Rifle fire stitched across space in front of Jonah, forcing him back.
"Londo Bell," He bit back a curse, "Get out of my way!"
A handful of modified Jestas came screaming in, propelled by boosters attached to their backpacks. Londo Bell's Shezarr Team. An elite unit, they'd already claimed a number of Pilots in the Federation's Newtype Corps. Jona had been wondering where they'd been this past month.
With a single command, he unloaded all of his missile pods at Shezarr Team. They went evasive, as Jona thought that they would, but the goal was to slow them down. All of the Londo Bell MS were forced to bleed speed dodging his missiles… except for one. It was like a yellow comet, changing course on a dime and making short work of the missile screen that Jona put up.
It was Londo Bell's RX-0. Unit 2, Banshee.
Jona quickly switched the Capture Units from Beam to Psycho-Capture Mode, and deployed barriers in time to deflect a shot from a Beam Magnum. That Pilot wasn't pulling any punches!
Jona switched one unit back into Beam Saber mode, and swung at the Banshee. The black RX-0 blocked with its Beam Saber, and it locked eyes with the Narrative.
"Just go home," The voice of that traitor, Riddhe Marcenas, was transmitted via optical, "This isn't a fight you can win."
Jona smiled bitterly. Perhaps not, but he would be damned if he didn't at least try!
"Win or not," He growled, "I have to try!"
A rapid burst from his Head Vulcans made the Banshee back off a little, which gave Jona enough time to boost away and head for the Phenex again. She'd stuck around, for some reason, but started to flee once again as Jona resumed the chase.
So it was startling when it suddenly reversed course, deploying both Beam Tonfas and slashing at him.
He didn't get the Psycho-Capture system deployed in time, and one of the units was lopped off near the base. Damn it, he couldn't nullify the Phenex's Psychoframe without it! That left him only one option! Michele wouldn't like it, she was sure to give him a tongue-lashing once he got back to the ship, but what choice did he have?
Before the Phenex could distance itself again, he launched a grappling wire at it. The small wire wrapped itself around the Phenex's arm, and before the golden MS could move to cut it off, Jonah took a deep breath.
"Rita!" He shouted the name of the Phenex's Pilot, the name of the woman he'd spent years looking for, "It is you, isn't it Rita?"
The Phenex paused, and Jona felt his heart soar. It was her, he knew that he felt her! Her presence was distorted from their childhood days, no doubt a result of all the Cyber Newtype enhancements she'd gone through, but it was her!
"Please, Rita, come with me!" He pleaded, "I promise, no one will hurt you! You've been through a lot, but I swear, you don't have to suffer anymore! Please, just come back with me to the ship, and we can-!"
"…Jona?" The voice of a scared young woman issued from Jona's headset, a voice so familiar that it made him want to cry, but her next words chilled him, "You too?"
The armor of the Phenex seemed to tremble, to shudder, and blue light began to spill from the cracks.
"You want to take my wings too?"
"Shit, kid!" The Banshee's pilot shouted, "Get away from it!"
"No one…" Rita's voice trembled in anguish, fear, and defiance as the Phenex's armor segmented, revealing bright blue Psychoframe. The visor opened up and the horn split, revealing the face of a Gundam, "No one will ever take my wings again!"
Light swallowed them whole.
Earth-Davao-Around the Same Time
"I've got a bad feeling about this."
The Captain of the Salamis-class Detroit muttered to himself. He'd been waiting for Ellle Vianno to return with Hathaway after their meeting with that Mafty Navue Erin group. They were supposed to be back an hour ago. He was starting to get a bit worried, especially since they hadn't taken Elle's Mobile Suit with them. Something about it being too conspicuous.
Yeah, like an atmospheric shuttle wasn't noticeable already. Their paperwork wasn't exactly ironclad, if anyone bothered to double-check it against the Fed's central database, they'd be screwed. The sooner they were out of here the better.
"Come on, you two…" He peered out of the front windows, "What's taking you so long?"
Then, in the dark, he spotted a Federation Jegan walking towards the hangar he was parked in. Oh no. Wait, this didn't mean he was automatically dead, maybe it wasn't looking for him at all?
That hope died as soon as it walked right up to the shuttle.
"Shit!" The Captain managed to scream before the Jegan's Head Vulcans fired, pulverizing the cockpit of the shuttle and him with it.
"Excuse me," Amuro knocked on the open door, "You're Rhea Pagonis, right?"
The redheaded engineer looked up from her desk, grinning with excitement almost immediately.
"Amuro Ray, the White Meteor himself!" She stood, making her way over and shaking his hand, "What can I do for the Ace of Londo Bell?"
He took a seat on the other side of the desk, settling into the chair, "Well, I was hoping that you could enlighten me on a few matters. I've been out of the loop for a while, and Anaheim's business practices seem a bit different than they used to be. How does AE operate these days, in terms of selling Mobile Suits and weaponry?"
Rhea tilted her head, "Huh? Don't you have friends in Anaheim from back during the Nu's development? Why come talk to me?"
"I would, but I can't get through to them." He shook his head, "They must have changed their contact information since then. Definitely normal and innocuous reasons, and not a contrived justification to have a named character receive worldbuilding exposition from another named character."
Amuro turned to stare the readers dead in the eye.
"…. Um, Mr. Ray?" Rhea asked, unsure what to make of such a bizarre statement, "Is there… something on the wall?"
"Just a second." He lifted a finger, indicating for her to wait a second longer while he had a staring contest with the plain beige wallpaper, "…Okay, I'm done. Nice fourth wall you have there."
"…Thanks?" She tried to laugh it off, "Anyways, you wanted to know Anaheim's selling practices today, right? Well, here's how we run things nowadays."
Rhea opened a drawer and began pulling out pamphlets, catalogs, and other materials, spreading them out on the desk between them.
"As you know, Mr. Ray, Anaheim has several dozen semi-autonomous divisions responsible for Mobile Suit development. These divisions were responsible for most sales of Mobile Suits up until the Laplace Incident. So, the only way to acquire a new Mobile Suit was to have a working relationship with one or more of these development teams, usually arranged by an executive working in the higher rungs of corporate."
Amuro nodded, "Yes, that's how I was able to develop the Nu. My contacts in Anaheim helped get me in touch with one of their major development teams."
"Exactly," Rhea continued, "So while Private Military Contractors, semi-autonomous regions on Earth, and Colonies were able to procure used Mobile Suits from the Federation and Salvage companies, there was no way to just straight up purchase new production Mobile Suits."
"…Are you telling me that anyone can just order a Mobile Suit from Anaheim now?" Amuro asked in alarm, eyes wide, "There's no way you people would be so irresponsible!"
"Now, Mr. Ray," Rhea wagged her finger at him, "It's not like we're running a car dealership here. We won't just sell such equipment to any old person that walks off the street! We have, however, greatly expanded our production capacity, and are using the excess to fulfill orders from a number of PMCs and local defense forces."
She pulled out a catalog and flipped to a page displaying a number of older models predating the Gryps War.
"There are plenty of organizations willing to purchase older designs." She tapped one of the listings, a GM Type C, "This one is a favorite. We don't actually assemble them, though, we sell them as kits in bulk. As for newer designs… well, that's decided on a case-by-case basis."
Amuro pondered the catalog for a moment, "I see. Thank you, Ms. Pagonis, this was very informative. Especially for our readers."
"…Mr. Ray, what are you even talking about?"
Note: This is possibly the first of a series of sidestories of... dubious canon status. Actual update coming next, probably tomorrow.
Luke walker didn't understand. He'd done everything right. He'd gotten himself assigned to the team to recover the Anaheim Mobile suits. He'd contributed enough to the Penelope's acquisition to be considered for it's pilot. He'd managed to manipulate his most recent fight to put himself into the precise circumstance where a fight with the Xi was unavoidable. There was just one problem. "Your not Cybele Naese!" Luke shouted across the com line's indignantly.
"What? Who the Hell is that? Why would that matter?"
"She's the one who retrieved the Xi Gundam! She did it practically single handedly. It only makes sense that she would be it's Pilot." Luke shouted as the two began to exchange fire.
"Oh! That Londo Bell girl. Sorry kid, Londo Bell keeping the Xi was never part of the deal."
"You don't understand, this was supposed to be our pivotal battle! Where I prove that with Gravity on my side I could triumpth over cybele! Where I avenge Lorelei and crush team Cascadia once and for all"
"Oh my god. YOUR PUKEY LUKEY!" The Xi's as yet unnamed pilot ignored Luke's answering scream."I can't believe your every bit as childish and self centered as that little girl who came to sign the Xi's interior before Londo Bell left for Hong Kong said you were. Do you really still wear diapers? Hey where are you going! You can't just duck out of a fight like this! It's so Immature!"
Luke ignored her. He now knew where on earth Cybele Naise was Hiding, and with the Penelope's advantages to in atmosphere combat, he could definitely defeat her, even with the damage he'd taken from the Xi.
Due to how the timeline played out, and the situation being what it was, the events of this tale never came to be. However, under different circumstances, what will be portrayed here could very well have happened.
Cybele Naese, leader of Londo Bell's Cascadia Team, decided that today was a good day. Their last mission had been a resounding success, and everyone had just received their paychecks, herself included. With her pay deposited and newly-acquired credit card in hand, she set out with her adopted little sister Sicilia on a quest! They'd worked hard, and thus deserved a reward! That's right, branded merchandise of their role models!
Cybele couldn't wait to get that Amuro-branded plushie she'd heard so much about! Rumor had it that it was super cute and very huggable! Sicilia was gushing about getting her own official Quatrro Bajeena Sunglasses. Cybele couldn't relate to the little Cyber-Newtype's idolatry of a very specific time in the life of a reviled war criminal, but to each their own.
The Londenion air was crisp and refreshing, constantly cleaned and circulated by the colony's systems. Protected by Londo Bell, Londenion was usually quite peaceful, if not slightly tense at the presence of troops and Mobile Suits at all times…
So, Cybele expected a nice, calm day at the museum… and paused as at the edge of the museum's large lawn, she spied a very, very large protest near the front doors.
"Big Sis?" Sicilia glanced up at her. Cybele shrugged a little and stuck her hand into her jacket, confirming the presence of her military ID. She wasn't on duty at the moment, but just in case she needed to throw rank around… well, she'd only do that if this got in the way of her acquisition of Amuro plushies.
Casually, so as not to arouse alarm, Cybele approached the crowd from behind as if just heading into the museum. Huh, most of the crowd was around her age, and almost uniformly women. She couldn't see what their signs said, though, they were facing away from her.
"Excuse me." She tapped the shoulder of one of the protestors at the back, "What's going on here?"
Was it a protest against Londo Bell? A show of dissent against their military rule of the colony? Maybe it was some kind of moral exception to the glorification of war that the museum represented? If so, she might not mind helping to break this up. It would disturb her day off.
"Oh, didn't you hear?" The woman turned around, "The gift shop pulled all of their White Meteor merchandise! Nobody can buy them anymore!"
Cybele didn't even hesitate.
"Gimme that!" She snarled, wrenching the sign from the woman's hand and raising it high as she could, "Tyrants! Fascists! Give me my Amuro goodies!"
"Big Sis, what are you doing?!" Sicilia grabbed at Cybele's jacket in alarm, "You might get arrested! This isn't worth it! Let's just go get my Quattro Ba-"
"Oh, they pulled the Quattro stuff too." The woman Cybele shoved groaned from her place on the ground.
"DOWN WITH CENSORSHIP!" Sicilia screeched like a complete demon, clambering atop of Cybele's sign to scream her grievances towards the museum guards standing near the front doors, "SIEG QUATTRO!"
Now two individuals stronger, the large gathering of enraged fangirls continued to howl and rant at the poor security guards, waving signs emblazoned with mostly profanity.
"It's finally over." Amuro sighed in relief as the last pallet of boxes was moved into place. It had taken a few days and a lot of pulling rank, but he had done it.
The nightmare was finally over.
Finding out that he had missed entire years because of the odd interaction between space-time and Psychoframe had been bad. Awful, even. But discovering that, in his absence, Bright had licensed Amuro's image to create a veritable commercial empire of branded goods in his name?
That alone had haunted his dreams.
Well, that and a few other things, like how the Earth Sphere had deteriorated into all-out-war, how Psychoframe tech had proliferated and was enabling enough war crimes to fill entire documentary miniseries, and the eerie memory of Char screaming about his mommy fetish before the light of the Psychoframe made the world fade out.
But thankfully for Amuro, this specific atrocity was within his sphere of influence. He still could hardly believe that there was enough merchandise of him to fill an entire warehouse, but now the accursed things were sealed away, safely ensconced in one of Londo Bell's military complexes.
Them and some other distasteful products he'd noticed while at the museum. Nobody was getting them anytime soon. If it was up to him, nobody would buy another Char-branded boxer shorts ever again.
Sure, it wasn't defended with more than soldiers on patrol, but he doubted that anyone would go through so much trouble just to get pillows with his face on them.
Then, as he was leaving the warehouse, a panicked young soldier ran up to him, panting from his desperate sprint.
"C-Captain Ray, sir!" The young man shakily saluted, "The-The location of the w-warehouse was leaked!"
"Leaked?" He frowned, "Leaked to whom, and why does it matter?"
Why should he be concerned that someone knew where all the merch was?
The guard house and gate at the complex entrance all but exploded as the fast-moving silhouette of a Mobile Suit slammed into it, sending the single guard on duty scrambling away screaming. An enemy attack, here?! Amuro moved to take cover, but paused when the smoke began to clear, revealing the distinctive Mobile Suit of their attacker. Its green eyes glared as it stepped out of the crater with its large, angular legs.
"The gate is open!" Cybele Naese shouted passionately over the Woundwort's PA, "Everyone, charge!"
Numerous vans poured in through the opening, each packed to the windows with young women sporting crazed expressions. Their squeals of excitement and passion chilled him to the bone.
At that moment, Amuro knew. He couldn't let these lunatics get ahold of his branded merchandise.
The only thing that could fight a Mobile Suit was another Mobile Suit (usually), and even though Cybele's TR-6 was unarmed, Amuro needed the Nu Gundam to oppose it. It was still at the docks, but Amuro knew of Newtypes that could summon their MS through the use of Psycommu. He'd never done that before, and didn't even know if he could, but he needed to!
And so, through sheer desperation and force of will, Amuro reached out and the Nu responded. It burst out of the gate leading to the docks, streaking across the colony to slam into the ground between him and the oncoming fangirls.
The vans screeched to a stop in front of the Nu as Amuro grabbed the backpack off of the terrified soldier next to him and flew up into the cockpit, sliding into the seat as the hatch slid shut.
He toggled the PA and increased the brightness of the Nu's eyes, making it look down on the stunned fangirls. For extra effect, he made it expel hot steam from the chest vents.
"You are all trespassing on military property!" He shouted, "Dismount from your vehicles, and that includes you too, Ensign Naese! Refuse, and I'll be forced to make you!"
He glared down the road at the TR-6, ignoring the women at ground-level chattering to themselves. His Nu could pick up the audio, but it probably wouldn't be good for his sanity to listen in.
"It's Amuro! The Amuro!"
"He even brought the Nu! He looked so dreamy getting into the cockpit!"
"Oh my god, I never realized how realistic and true-to-life my RX-93 lingerie set was!"
Yep, he definitely wasn't listening to that shit.
"I'm going to have to disobey that order, Captain." Cybele declared as she squared up against him, "There's a time in every girl's life when she has to stand up for what's right, for what she believes! If I backed down now, I'd never be able to live with myself!"
Seriously? Why was she saying this with such passion?! She was risking her life and career all to get some souvenirs with his face on them?!
"Ensign, you're going to face court martial for this." Amuro gripped the controls tightly, "If you stand down, I'll ensure that your sentence is lenient. Consider this a personal request."
She clearly thought highly of him. Maybe this would get through to her?
Cybele seemed to hesitate before answering, "Sorry Captain, but this is bigger than you! This is about our ideals, our destiny, and our right to spend our disposable income on goods of our choosing without interference from authoritarian governments!"
"The fact that our victory would result in my acquisition of multiple Amuro plushies-" Cybele shouted as her backpack roared to life, sending those on the ground scrambling to clear the streets, "-is entirely unrelated!"
With that rather blatant lie declared for the whole world to hear, she rammed him with her Woundwort, the two Gundams grappling as Cybele tried to push past him.
Incredulity, indignation, and disgust all swirled about Amuro. He was appalled, and it was enough to trigger the Nu's Psychoframe. The armor segmented, revealing the Psychoframe vents as they pulsed green.
"You may have a strong drive," He growled, "but mine is stronger! I will protect my dignity!"
Cybele gasped as the light of Psychoframe washed over the Woundwort. This power-! She couldn't possibly compare! Amuro forced her MS to a knee, and there was nothing she could do.
Was this how it all ended? Would she never lay her eyes on another beautiful Amuro figurine again? Never hold another White Meteor pillow? Never pamper her hair with Amuro-branded conditioner?
Just when it seemed like all was lost, another more powerful wave of Psycho-energy washed over the two, overwhelming Amuro's own light.
"You can never understand the passion of a young woman!" Lorelei Vogel announced as she slowly descended in her MP Nu, the light of the Psychoframe gently bearing her MS to the ground, "Our strength comes from deep within us! It's something not even you can defeat!"
"What could that possibly be?!" Amuro gaped as he struggled with the Nu's controls as they became increasingly unresponsive. With a sinking feeling, he saw as Cybele's TR-6 broke free from his grasp and wound up a punch, eyes gleaming.
"It's-!" Cybele yelled as she swung upwards, "-Love!"
The Woundwort's fist caught the Nu under the chin, sending it up and back as Amuro was shaken about in the cockpit. The Nu's heels caught on the cracked pavement and sent it slamming down onto its back, through the warehouse wall.
Amuro was completely stunned as the Nu shut down, the monitors turning off. He was… defeated, just like that? But he'd felt the light from the soul of Lorelei Vogel. She truly meant it. Her strength came from something he just couldn't defeat… although personally he thought of it more as delusion rather than love.
Groaning, he popped the hatch and slowly crawled out. Already, the horde of women had entered the warehouse through the breach and were in the process of looting the boxes of pillows, mugs, clothing, and every product that could possibly be branded with his name. Lorelei and Cybele had already dismounted their MS and were running through the warehouse themselves, stuffing sacks full of various items that Amuro had hoped were sealed away forever.
And that little Ple clone that followed Cybele everywhere was off in the corner rummaging through a much smaller pallet, which if he remembered correctly was where he shoved all the Char-branded stuff into.
Welp. This day couldn't get worse. Maybe he should think about retiring. The future belonged to the youth, after all. If what they wanted to do was fill their lives with gaudy accessories emblazoned with his likeness… Well, maybe he shouldn't stop them. Not like he could anyways, if today was any indication.
As he slumped to the ground against the side of his Nu and closed his eyes, Amuro heard the sound of Sicilia running in his direction, along with the sound of rustling cloth. Was she putting something on? A shirt?
Opening his eyes, Amuro saw one of the most ridiculous things he'd seen ever. A little Puru clone, dressed up as Quattro Bajeena. With a level expression, she glanced at him.
"…I came here to laugh at you." She nodded.
Yes, things had well and truly spiraled out of his control.