Grinding of the Sword Hero

I think that's just an author fail - that is, the author of Rise of the Shield Hero doesn't really understand what a matriarchy is, so he said that the society was matriarchal, but when writing the story, he portrayed a patriarchal one. A fanfic author that wants the wordbuilding to be consistent needs to then choose between correcting all of the wordbuilding that doesn't fit the definition, or remove any mention that the society is matriarchal and just have it be portrayed as it canonically was. At least, if wanting for consistency.
Just make it so the queen has no siblings, ornwas the apointed heir, or it is straight primogeniture instead of male-preference or female-preference. Since the youngest princess is the heir, perhaps it could even be the youngest gets the throne. It could even be that heroes tend to be male, so the throne passes through daughters to better seduce the heroes without giving them actual power to ruin the kingdom, though this failed with the Seven Star Cane Hero, leading to the rise ofnthe 3-heroes church.
Might also be the reverse of the situation in terms of inspiring recruitment of one gender for a period of time.. Considering how famous the king was in his prime, he could have inspired a surge of males joining the ranks. This is years/decades after that, so a lopsided ratio due to a temporary surge is possible.

I don't think this idea is correct, but it is a possible explanation, so I'm tossing it out here.
I have to say I'm enjoying this a lot more than the median Cardinal Hero fic, despite never having heard of Yumiella before now.

A lot of the fic I've read in this setting (and I'm not sure whether this is just "keeping true to the source material" vs some fandom distortion) feels like it's allocated a disproportionate amount of its worldbuilding and narrative wiggle-room budget to making sure the Shield Hero has as frustrating a time as possible... and there's only so frustrating a narrative can get before I change the channel, y'know?

But by focusing on a different Cardinal Hero, and by putting a character in that position who's invested in making sure the four isekai victims here continue to collaborate and work together, it feels like you've managed to avoid the usual slog without having to modify the setting itself too much. Instead of being a precisely calibrated worst-case scenario Rube Goldberg machine, the state of the world ends up coming across more realistically bad, with a narrative framing that makes me look forward to Yumiella finding out about the rotten parts of the apple and maybe doing something about them.

I think that's just an author fail - that is, the author of Rise of the Shield Hero doesn't really understand what a matriarchy is, so he said that the society was matriarchal, but when writing the story, he portrayed a patriarchal one.
If I had a quarter for every fantasy setting I've encountered that made this specific mistake, I could buy myself lunch off the dollar menu. XD
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Talking and a Tsundere
Day 9, morning

The first day in Soma Valley, Yumiella had been excited when her remaining two eggs hatched, and she'd taken Welt hunting Giant Toads so that her babies would have plenty to eat.

Their second day in Soma Valley, she'd taken her old-enough-to-fight children (oh she missed Ryu. He would love to cuddle his little siblings. She didn't even know if he and Patrick had survived- don't think about it, just keep moving,) to clear out a den of Wave monster insects and crush all the eggs they'd laid, which the County Guard was grateful for as it spared them burning down a large patch of forest to accomplish the same thing. Rich had to sit it out because he'd been a jealous baby who attacked Yoshi, but after they'd cleared the forest she'd taken all three of her children to hunt a few more Giant Toads with Farrie as family bonding and positive reinforcement.

Their third day in Soma Valley, Yumiella had laid out large piles of the not-yet spoiled Giant Frog meat as bait by the riverside for hordes of slimes to come eat and get turned into EXP and new weapon forms. Each slime type only unlocked one sword form, much like the balloon monsters, but like the balloon monsters there existed enough varieties in enough numbers that Yumiella still got a lot of sword forms out of it and was able to master them.

Their fourth day in Soma Valley, they were eating breakfast and discussing plans for the day as Yumiella contemplated their achievements thus far and their plans for the day.

Melromarc -- 23:04:58:26

Red Slime Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = water damage resistance (small)

Orange Slime Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = acid damage resistance (small)

Yellow Slime Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = brewing improvement (small)

Green Slime Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = potion compounding improvement (small)

Blue Slime Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = water magic improvement (small)

Teal Slime Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = ice damage resistance (small)

Purple Slime Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = disease resistance (small)

Pink Slime Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = drug resistance (small)

Black Slime Sword (M) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+3 ... ... Equip = dark magic improvement (small) ... necrotic damage resistance (small)

38 PP available

The Black Slime sword was the only type she hadn't been able to get enough samples to master, so she'd mastered it overnight and gotten 100% Proficiency and immediately Awakened it once she woke up that morning, and was in an excellent mood now that she was another step closer to getting her old reliable Dark Magic back.

The slimes hadn't given much experience each, but leaving out the toad meat had drawn in several hundred slimes from the river to hunt, so there was debate whether they should try that strategy again or try something else.

Yumiella hadn't even thought to wonder whether her inventory could run out of space until after they'd done, but it seemed she could at least reliably store 100+ copies of each type of item without issue. That was good to know.

"Yumiella? Any opinions?" Farrie wondered.

"Slimes don't give good experience, I already gained all the weapon forms they offer, and if we hunt them again we should wait a day or two for their numbers to replenish. I want to find the bloodsucking garlic and other magical plants in the valley."

"Ah! Lady Hero, I did a little research and it seems the animate plants are partly a natural development, but partly the result of experiments by an alchemist who had a laboratory in the mountains to the northwest! It might be worth a visit?" Welt offered.

"Show me on a map."

"Well, I don't know the exact location..."

Yumiella examined the area Welt outlined, did a few mental calculations, and shook her head. "There's a location in that area where the Bow Hero intended to train, we don't know the location of the cave so we would need to search for it, and if we did know the location it would still take us at least three days to travel there and three days to come back. I don't want to spend that time searching for something indeterminate before the next wave, but it will be worth going there afterward."

"Piyuu! I bet I could carry Mama there and back in a single day," a girl's voice said.

"Huh?" "What was...?" "Ohmigoshohmygoshohmy-!" "Th-that...?"

"Doduo-chan, you can talk? Yoshi-kun, Ostrich-kun, can you talk as well?" Was there some way I could have taught Ryu to talk? He didn't in the game, but many things in my last life would not have been possible in the game... was I a neglectful mother by never educating him? Yumiella worried.


"Dummie lizard isn't smart enough to talk," Rich groused, which earned him a bop on the beak.

"Don't insult your big brother, family support each other," Yumiella scolded.


As the only one who appreciated her brilliant children, Yumiella decided that Farrie was now her favorite teammate.

In unrelated news, her party members for some reason got stirred up and had trouble focusing, so they didn't get much done at all for the rest of the morning.

(Yumiella ought to have cared, since time was EXP, but honestly, her twin babies' first words were more important andshe had to cuddle Yoshi too so he didn't feel left out about everything.)

Day 9, noon

"Mnuuumm, sho good!"


"Hey, I wanted the other thigh!"

"Rich-kun, you chose the stomach meat," Yumiella reminded him. "The other thigh was free for Yoshi to take. Please stop picking fights."


Is this just the terrible twos, or has he become a rebellious teenager already? They say children grow up so fast, but this is surely too fast, isn't it...?

Yumiella had taken the trio hunting for lunch -- and to work on mastering her Giant Toad Sword for its passive jumping bonus -- while her teammates asked around in town for places where the bloodsucking garlic had been cropping up or there were other interesting plants to examine and absorb.

Yoshi was his usual cheerful self and remained non-verbal, Doduo had asked a lot of opinions but hadn't had much else to express, and Rich seemed to resent Yoshi's presence from his continued desire to pick a fight.

Yumiella was doing her best to press love and family into each of her kids, but she was also this close to figuring out if she knew enough mechanical physics to recreate spray bottles, because spritzing her cat Tora was the only discipline method that had worked in her first life.

"Lady Yumiella~!" The hero of the sword turned to see Farrie exuberantly tumbling down a hill with a large pack. "I've got news! And things!"

Thankfully, once she got closer Farrie modified her voice as she pulled out a wine bottle and-

"Ah." We did that experiment with making wooden swords, but then we packed them up and forgot to put them in my inventory. "Thank you, Farrie."

The martial artist smiled widely. "All good, but the real treat is this wine. It's supposed to have magical medical properties, so maybe absorbing it will be good?"

Yumiella put the wine bottle in her inventory, frowned, and pulled it out again. "Nothing was unlocked."

"Huh, really? You said you unlocked a sword using Holy Water, so I thought it might...?"

"Mm." Wait. When I unlocked the Energetic sword with Holy Water, they poured the water directly into my inventory rather than putting in a bottle of it. Same for the sand that gave me that Portal Sword I can't use until Level 50. Maybe pouring in the wine will be a better result.


"Lady Yumiella...?"


Mana Wine Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+3, M.ATK+3 ... ... Equip = total MP up (small)

Beaker Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+1 ... ... Equip = liquid compounding improvement (small)

"It worked," Yumiella declared. "Put the swords in, please." Not wanting to get shocked, she held her Inventory open for Farrie, who obliged.


Wooden Practice Sword Mastered!

Wooden Practice Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Weapon Power = 1 ... ... Unique Equip Effect = Counting Coup -- the Hero cannot deal damage while this sword form is equipped

Yumiella blinked, then immediately spent 15 PP to awaken the sword form in hopes of getting an upgrade that allowed her to neither deal nor receive damage, which would be a tremendous defensive benefit.

She got a spinning hourglass symbol, a progress bar that needed about a minute to fill, and a feeling of struggling to climb uphill until the slope became to steep.

AWAKENING SUCCESS -- 23 PP available

Wooden Practice Sword (M) -- Rarity E -- Weapon Power = 1 ... ... Unique Equip Effect = Counting Coup -- the Hero cannot deal damage using this sword form, but the damage that would be dealt is instead used to calculate and apply a chance of inflicting either Stun or Knockback onto the target

Yumiella scowled and tried to spend 20 PP to upgrade it to D-rank in hopes of getting what she'd envisioned, only to get an alert that Awakening a form had a 24-hour cooldown period before the same form could undergo the process a second time.

"Lady Yumiella?"

Yumiella jolted as Farrie poked her. "Ah. It was a success," she explained, shifting into her Wooden Practice Sword form.

"Cool," Farrie commended quietly, though her smiled indicated that she wanted to shout hurray. "Does it have cool powers, like improved sword skill learning?"

"No, but it will be very useful to fight opponents I do not want to kill by mistake. Rich-kun, Doduo-chan, Yoshi-kun! We should have a family sparring match," she declared.

The three kids cheered, and Farrie volunteered to referee provided she got to join in a later round.

Day 9, early afternoon

"Here it is."

"Thank you, Mister Bakta," Yumiella said as she accepted the struggling bulb of garlic from his thickly gloved hands. Ah. It can hurt me, that stings, but I can still put it in my inventory. ...It seems this does not count as a monster for Captivity Sword?


Animate Garlic Sword (unmastered) 1/30 -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+4 ... ... Equip = ATK+3 ... ... Unique Equip = improved damage to unholy (small) ... Unique Skill = Bloodsucker -- spend SP to restore your health with half the damage you deal from one attack (1 minute cooldown)

"It can hurt me, but not enough to worry about," Yumiella informed her teammates. She shifted to her Absorption Sword for the first time in a long time -- there hadn't been many enemies she could easily overwhelm by enough to make the halved stats worth the EXP bonus up to now -- and activated Soul Sucking as she pulled the angry garlic back out of her Inventory.

With her Defense cut in half, the garlic spiky stems stabbed her much more painfully, but even with her Attack halved she was easily able to crush it to death with her bare hand.

The confirmation that she'd gotten two EXP gains from one garlic bulb was very satisfying.

"You're bleeding," Bakta warned her.

"Faust Heal. Ooh, it worked," Farrie cheered as her newest spell sealed up the bleeding gashes.

"Congratulations," Yumiella said. Then, "Heavy Block." The Limestone Sword's skill heavily increased her weight and her body's toughness, so with Soul Sucking active she still felt no problem striding directly into the bloodsucking garlic patch and stomping several bulbs to death with each step.

In the 30 seconds that Heavy Block lasted, Yumiella's vision was thoroughly blanketed with EXP gain notification, and she stepped back onto safe ground with a second to spare.

"Blades and Bow," Tersia muttered, "I think I felt myself Level Up just now."

"You did," Yumiella confirmed as she waited for Heavy Block to cool down. "Heavy Block."

It took several more repetitions to wipe out that patch of garlic, at which point they dug up the smushed bulbs and fed enough to the Cardinal Sword to master that form.

"Ooh, yummy!" Doduo cheered as she munched on some excess garlic bulbs.

"Spicy. It's okay," Rich commented even though he was gobbling them down too.

Ah, my youngest son is a Tsundere, Yumiella realized. Yoshi seems not to like the veggies compared to meat, which makes sense since he is a dragon... Is his bed acceptable or should I arrange some treasure for him? Well, it hasn't been a problem yet. "Be careful that you don't eat dirt and make yourselves sick," she warned the twins.

"It looks like they're almost done," Bakta assessed. "Should we continue to the next patch of garlic?"

"I would prefer to unlock other sword forms," Yumiella answered.

"The magic plants that grow here include pop-up potatoes, snake grapes, attack apples, watchful wheat, bright barley, hopping hops, and jousting juniper!" Welt volunteered. "There are some wild patches of most of them, if we look!"

"Or we can ask the farmers if they'll share with the Holy Sword Hero," Tersia observed slyly.

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  • I just finished my list of Emerald Online's Mastery and Enchanting methods, don't talk bad about me while I'm too busy to read after I found out for us the Queen is out of the country! Where's your list of cool data stuff Itsuki?

Just realized the Spear Hero was not there for the discussion about betrayal and being framed for a crime. Myne might still be able to fool him.
Do It Myself
Motoyasu Kitamura woke up to a crying girl at his door. Myne, the absolutely smokin' 9/10 redhead who'd decided to team up with Naofumi yesterday, was crying horribly with her mascara leaving blacks streaks down her cheeks.

Being a gentleman, Motyasu pulled her in, grabbed his female teammates from their room, and listened to her story about how Naofumi burst into her room to start tearing drunkenly at her clothing.

"That fucker," he swore. "Myne, which room were you in, I'll go find him and beat him senseless!"

"Oh Sir Motoyasu, don't! He was drunk, and you can't just murder him, no matter-!" Myne cut herself off, hiccuped, and shuddered. "We need to let the law handle this."

"Maybe," Motoyasu allowed grimly, "but he's also a Cardinal Hero, a religious figure. As a man, it falls to me to drag him in to face justice. Which room were you in? I'll make a citizen's arrest and drag him off to the palace personally while the girls get you ready. He'll arrive alive, but I can't guarantee there won't be and a fat lip."

Motoyasu was mostly a friendly man, but that was in situations where he was dealing with good people. Right now, his fist and an itch, and he'd scratch it on Naofumi's face.

Myne gave him directions, Motoyasu got his gear on for the upcoming fight, and then he stormed down the hall to the room she'd indicated.

The Cardinal Spear Hero stormed into the room and stopped.

Ew! I didn't need to see that, he grumbled at the sight of Naofumi sprawled out in his boxers in a drunken... stupor?

Motoyasu sniffed the room. He'd been in college parties and had more than a few hangovers. Naofumi had drunkenly burst into Myne's room, but he couldn't smell any booze.

Also, where's all his gear and shit? I saw him in the main room last night, so where's the stuff he was wearing? If he was that drunk, so soused he'd got o Myne's room to assault her, I ought to smell shit and there ought to be messy piles all around.

Wait. He burst into Myne's room, right?

Motoyasu glanced back out into the hall.

Naofumi got drunk and went to her room, then he came back here once she fled? How'd he find the right room? Where'd his stuff go? Wait, did Myne give me directions to his room or to hers...?

With a headache beginning to form, Motoyasu decided that he needed to shake Naofumi awake and ask some pointed questions until the world made sense again.

"Hey, Nao-,"

"Huh?" Naofumi immediately shot up just as Motoyasu touched his shoulder. "Gah! Dude, what the hell? Why are you in here?"

"...How much did you have to drink last night?" Motoyasu checked. Because that is not the reaction of a guy who was sloshed not too long ago.

"Huh? Nothing, I don't like booze," Naofumi said, covering a yawn. "Tastes bad and doesn't work on me. Hey, is that my chainmail you're wearing? wait! Shit, where did all my stuff go?!"

"Aw shit, this is gonna be a mess," Motoyasu muttered miserably.
Honestly I only trust people like Obloquy with this series. Far too much potential for creeps to be creepy. Which considering the setting makes sense that it would draw them in.
Ah, I really do love seeing butterflies in the morning...

Thanks to Yumiella's warnings, the heroes were already pretty wary of the kingdom, but this may just be the kicking off point for them to all turn against it properly. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Chapter 17
"Urp! Bleeaaaaaaagh..."

Despite how successful their time in Soma Valley had been, Yumiella's life the past day and a half after leaving had been utter misery. She was vaguely aware of periodic EXP gain notifications, and that her teammates brought her things like fish to feed to the Cardinal Sword, but ever since they'd set foot on the river barge that would take them to Seatto Territory, her sea sickness had resurged again and she wasn't paying much attention to it.

Despite its unpleasant ending, though, their week in Soma Valley had been a wonderful grinding opportunity.

After making rounds to several farms to unlock and master multiple magic plant forms, the team had done a bit more monster-hunting and grinding interspersed with sparring practice sessions to develop their cooperative combat skills before buying gear with intent to leave.

Then the Soma family -- the eldest daughter of the countess, and her husband this time -- had approached them with a request that carried a handsome cash reward for its completion.

More Wave monsters, a mix of skeletons and hounds, had settled near the border of Soma Valley and its neighboring fief, and both nobles were putting off dealing with the encamped monsters.

Yumiella had happily taken her team to wipe them out, gaining and mastering the Interdimensional Skeleton Sword as well as mastering the Interdimensional Hound Sword.

The next day, after buying a carriage for Doduo and Rich to pull (at their own insistence, as otherwise Yumiella would have had misgivings about child labor like that,) and bidding an early farewell to the rented carriage that had taken them this far, the team had left Soma Valley to take a barge down the river to Seatto Territory proper, seeking the site of the First Wave.

Sadly, it turned out that the stomach soothing medicine Yumiella had taken was not strong enough, and the overnight barge trip had been miserable since it wore off.

Yoshi had curled up with her like a lovely air-conditioned pillow, and the twins had brought her fish to feed the sword and things and they bunked down with her at night after swimming in the river, but Yumiella only sporadically felt well enough to cuddle them back until the barge dropped her team and their new carriage off at the river bank in Seatto Territory.

It still took another hour or two of rest and medicine before Yumiella felt well enough to review their progress.

Bloodsucker Garlic Sword (M) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+4 ... ... Equip = ATK+3 ... ... Unique Equip = improved damage to unholy (small) ... Unique Skill = Bloodsucker -- spend SP to restore your health with half the damage you deal from one attack (1 minute cooldown)

Attack Apple Sword (M) -- Rarity D -- Base Power = ATK+5 ... ... Equip = cooking improvement (small)

Bright Barley Sword (M) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = dark vision improvement (small)

Hopping Hops Sword (M) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+1 ... ... Equip = jumping improvement (small)... brewing improvement (small)

Jousting Juniper Sword (M) -- Rarity D -- Base Power = ATK+3 ... ... Equip = ATK+4

Popping Potatoes Sword (M) -- Rarity D -- Base Power = ATK+3 ... ... Equip = ATK+2 ... SPD+2

Snake Grapes Sword (M) -- Rarity D -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = SPD+2 ... poison resistance (small)

Watchful Wheat Sword (M) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = senses improvement (small)

Interdimensional Skeleton Sword (M) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+5 ... ... Equip Effect = DEF+2 ... inventory rot resistance (small)

Interdimensional Hound Sword (M) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+8 ... ... Equip = ATK+4 ... Equip Skill: Tracking -- use SP to place a tracking beacon on something you strike

Cheshire Catfish Sword (unmastered) 7/20 -- Rarity D -- Base Power = ATK+4 ... ... Equip = M.DEF+3 ... stealth improvement (small)

Goldfish Sword (unmastered) 3/20 -- Rarity D -- Base Power = ATK+1 ... ... Equip = item drop improvement (small)

Rocky Fish Sword (M) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = DEF+3

Flying Fish Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+3 ... ... Equip = SPD+4

River Pike Sword (M) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = ATK+3

Yumiella blinked and checked her inventory. That... is a lot of fish. Actually, I think that's more fish than would account for the sword forms I gained, and multiple types of pike and goldfish. It seems as though not every fish granted a form, and that several different subspecies got folded into a single type. Still, even with rot prevention from the skeletons, I wouldn't trust this fish to stay edible for very long. Although maybe Welt's ice magic can freeze it...?

Then the Level indicator at the upper corner of her Menu caught her eye, and Yumiella quickly switched over to her Party page to check everyone's levels.

Yumiella Dolkness -- Level 32 -- HP = 324/324 -- MP = 299/299 -- SP = 179/179

Welt Bluegrass -- Sorcerer -- Level 27 -- HP = 181/181 -- MP = 255/255

Farrie Bonheim -- Martial Artist -- Level 25 -- HP = 283/283 -- MP = 172/172

Bakta -- Ranger -- Level 29 -- HP = 310/310 -- MP = 149/149

Tersia -- Scout -- Level 27 -- HP = 209/209 -- MP = 152/152

Yoshi -- Tyrella -- Level 21 -- HP = 227/227 -- MP = 74/74

Rich -- Filorial -- Level 23 -- HP = 249/249 -- MP = 137/137

Doduo -- Filorial -- Level 22 -- HP = 202/202 -- MP = 157/157

"You did a lot of hunting on the river. Good job," Yumiella congratulated her team.

"Lady Yumiella, you're up!" Farrie bounced over and pulled her into a quick hug, followed by everyone else moving their way and her three babies demanding the cuddling they'd missed out on.

According to the map, they still had a day or two of travel by carriage to arrive at Seatto territory proper, and then another day or two to reach the site of the First Wave, but that would be easy enough.

...This feels like cheating, Yumiella reflected as she got another EXP notification, along with a message that Doduo had leveled up.

"I see some more doggies, Pyuu~!"


"Kick one over here, gueh! I can't leave the carriage!"

"Sacred Seven Stars," Tersia muttered, their carriage-cart shaking a bit as the sounds of messy mayhem reached their ears.

There weren't any particularly good grinding zones near where they had bene let off, and Yumiella had left it up to Doduo and Rich whether they fought at day if the twins were fine to pull a carriage at night, or whether they moved more slowly and mixed in grinding during the day.

...She'd then had to break up an argument about which of them would be 'allowed' to pull the carriage, insisting that they switch off in one or two hour shifts, and that they had to get a good amount of sleep and food along the way.

It turned out that there were several thousand (or several tens of thousands) of Wave monsters left over in the area from the initial Wave, and that they'd learned to lurk by the roadside to pick off humans who traveled.

Doduo had been pulling the carriage the first time a Wave Hound had come out of the bushes, and Yumiella (who was keeping her company by reciting some mangled fairy tales from her first life,) had barely noticed it before Doduo kick it hard enough to shatter its ribs, grabbed it from the air with her beak, and began to dig in while still moving.

Rich had promptly left his perch in the carriage and run out beside her, demanding that she share with him.

Thus, instead of taking the carriage along the road and periodically stopping to fight monsters, Yumiella had decided on a new team arrangement where one twin would pull the carriage while the other twin and Yoshi (and riders, sometimes,) would scout the roadside to flush out and slay as many Wave monsters as they could manage.

Moreover, in addition to being exceptionally strong children in combat (just like their mother and older brothers Ryu and Yoshi too!), it seemed that Rich and Doduo could comfortably pull the carriage faster than average, so they were making excellent time in their journey!

Granted, Yumiella felt a little useless and worried she was taking advantage of them, but all her children seemed really happy and she made sure they ate and rested, so since the team -- well, herself, her three children, and whichever members of the team were being cycled through the party at that moment -- was getting EXP and they were all happy and making good time, she had made her peace with it.

It still felt a little like cheating to get EXP without doing anything, though. Where was the fun of growing stronger!?


Goldfish Sword has been Mastered!

Goldfish Sword has 100% Proficiency!

Yumiella reset the proficiency -- 59 PP available and she hadn't decided what to use it on -- and returned to studying the magic and local alphabets, since Welt was going to quiz her once his shift was finished.

"Lady Hero! I see the city near the horizon, we should make it by sunset or a little after," Welt called from the driver's seat.

They'd arrived a little after sunset and informed the gate guards, who sent a runner up to whatever noble was in charge of the city.

Said noble was not a member of the Seatto family, apparently, as the head had died fighting the Wave and his heir was... back at the capital for some reason? There were mixed explanations with no clear answers to be had from the guards and passers-by near the gate, but King Aultcray had sent an interim governor who they would meet the next morning.

Given her status as the eccentric (sensible) Cardinal Sword Hero, the guards didn't make a fuss when Yumiella decided to save money by making camp near the gates.

The next morning, Yumiella woke up early to find herself cuddling Yoshi and two unknown children that looked age 10.

The children -- a boy and a girl -- had brown and gray wings similar in coloring to the twins' plumage. They were also a boy and a girl.

A mother is inevitably able to recognize her children, so Yumiella blinked blearily and went back to sleep with her three kids.

"What the fuck?" Bakta yelped, waking up everyone in the cart and disturbing Yumiella's pleasant family cuddle pile.

"You're just totally unfazed by this, aren't you?" Farrie wondered as she accompanied Lady Yumiella and 'the twins' through the town to buy them shape-changing outfits.

"Is it strange?" Yumiella wondered.

"Yup," Farrie confirmed. "Talking Filorials who can shape-shift into Demi-humans? That's, like... I can't even think of fiction stories that have stuff like that. It's crazy!"

"Next to dimensional tears spewing monsters, heroes summoned from another world, shape-shifting weapons, and my Inventory storage, this doesn't seem so exceptional."

Farrie opened her mouth to comment and then shut it with a click. I... Well, she's definitely not wrong, I guess. "Did anything like this happen in your prior life's world, Lady Yumiella?"


Farrie sort of expected more of an answer, but Lady Yumiella didn't seem inclined to answer when she was keeping Doduo and Rich on-task, and Farrie wasn't willing to press.

They got to a clothing store to ask about magical clothing, and it turned out the store owner knew exactly what to give them and had a bastite crystal on hand to provide it.

Apparently, it was because there were a higher number of Demi-humans living in Seaetto Territory, and they requested transforming clothes relatively often for assorted reasons, which...

Well, Farrie's family wasn't exactly devout when it came to attending services anyway -- she was pretty sure her Mom had been raised Four Saints instead of Three Heroes and just didn't mention it anymore -- and she'd met some Demi-humans in her trips to Zenoble who'd been not really different from the humans she met...

And besides! For all that she'd heard plenty of horror stories about things that Demi-humans did to humanity, none of those stories had a patch over the stories of what King Faubley did to his so-called 'brides', and he was 100% human!

So yeah, Farrie was fine with seeing a couple groups of Demi-humans on the street as they were walking to the store and with using therianthrope techniques to make Lady Yumiella's clothing requests. It was a bit weird, but weird wasn't bad or evil, just strange!

Lady Yumiella handed over a downpayment and made arrangements to pick up the clothing the next day, as well as taking her own spool of mana thread to feed to the Holy Sword.

"Did you get any useful sword forms, Lady Yumiella?" Farrie asked once they'd left the shop. She looked pleased when she was allowed to borrow the bastite crystal for the Holy Sword.

"Two," she confirmed, and Farrie guessed that was enough talking so the four of them walked back to the cart in pleasant silence.

+230 EXP ... +1,200 EXP ... +230 EXP

LEVEL UP! ... Yumiella Dolkness - Cardinal Sword Hero - Level 35


Interdimensional Hound Sword (M) 20/20 -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+8 ... ... Equip = ATK+4 ... Equip Skill: Tracking -- use SP to place a tracking beacon on something you strike


Interdimensional Orthrus Sword (M) 1/20 — D — Base Power = ATK+12 ... ... Equip = ATK+8 ... "Tracking" Skill improvement (medium) ... "Dual Wielding I" Unlocked

NEW SKILL: Dual Wielding I -- pay SP proportionate to the power of the Sword Form used to duplicate the Cardinal Sword and wield two swords total, gaining double the equip bonus

Yumiella blinked and then checked her HELP MENU to see whether Dual Wielding a sword form would potentially help it gain Mastery and Proficiency at twice the speed.

It would.

This is like a Growth Amulet for the swords' experience, she reflected, immediately duplicating the Owlbear Sword she'd been using for this hunt.


"A useful power," Yumiella informed Bakta, who had been helping her practice dissecting the wave monster corpses and watching her back as she absorbed them.

A burst of EXP gain notices flashed through her vision, indicating that her teammates were continuing to hunt the Wave monsters that were still inhabiting the area.

"Does it double the Holy Sword's power?" Bakta wondered.

"Not quite, but it doubles the speed of growth. We should continue hunting."

"Ooh, this feels nice! Doduo likes it, thank you!"

"Mahahahaha~! This is awesome, it's great! Thanks miss!"

Is this really okay with you, Rich-kun? Yumiella wondered as the twins got on their new outfits. She'd been envisioning something like overalls or a martial arts gi for her youngest son, but she had only really told the tailor to make the clothes 'appropriate', meaning Rich had gotten a dress to match his sister despite being a boy. Or I suppose it's called a kilt when a boy wears it? ...Actually, does that mean Rich-kun might want to play the bagpipes?

Yumiella considered the image of herself attending her kids' music recital in the future, or of Rich taking the part of some battlefield coordinator using music to march around... and then she had the idea of a rockstar Rich breaking his guitar over an enemy's head in battle...

"Lady Yumiella?"

Yumiella blinked back to attention when Farrie prodded her.

"Thank you for your excellent work," she said, since her children both seemed happy with their clothes. She handed over the rest of the payment -- it was expensive, but there was a bounty on the Wave monsters inhabiting the area and Yumiella's team had collected almost two gold coins just for the work they did yesterday -- and the four of them (Farrie had come along as the 'cool aunt' figure,) stepped back out onto the street.

"We're not heading back to the cart?" Farrie checked as she and Yumiella pulled the twins into piggyback rides.

"Not yet. I want-,"

"Boo!" Rich complained, tugging at her hair. "Mooooom, I want to go fight and eat something tasty!"

Yumiella very nearly changed her plans for the day, such was the power of his cuteness.

"Bro, be nice!" Doduo scolded from Farrie's shoulders. "You just had breakfast, and Mom told us to say 'please'!"

"Don't wanna!"

Right, I can't reward bad behavior or it will teach them bad habits, Yumiella resolved. "Farrie and I need to run a few errands, and you need to stay with us, Rich-kun."

His grumbling and her (half-hearted attempts at) scolding lasted until the four of them were outside the gold building where adventurers gathered for quests and bounties.

"Farrie, today is your day off," Yumiella triple-checked.

"Mmhmm! I'm still planning to do some training and sparring, but if you have something else for me?" the martial artist confirmed.

"Information on the first wave, particularly from people who fought in it."

"Right! Where did the Boss appear, how quickly did the monsters come out, that type of thing?"

"As well as the strategies used by knights and adventurers to fight it, what was done with the remains, and as many names as you can get regarding the people who fought against it."

"Right. ...Any reason you didn't mention this earlier?" Farrie checked.

"You are the person I feel most certain is not reporting to anybody else, of our party. I have suspicions that there is some form of foul play around our summoning and the events of the First Wave, and I do not want to let our teammates or assorted followers know about my suspicions."

There was a long pause as several expressions crossed Farries face like clouds blown across the sun.

"Um, are you counting letters home as reporting to anyone?" Farrie asked worriedly.


"Oh, thank god. ...What do you mean by assorted followers?"

Yumiella leaned in and told a plausible lie that she suspected but didn't actually have evidence of: "We have had at least two people following our party since we left the capital, but they stay far enough away and move fast enough that I am unable to investigate them at my current level." If worst comes to worse, and Farrie is reporting on me as well, any followers might be tricked into revealing themselves with the implication that there is another follower they are unaware of.

She felt a little guilty about the deception, but a local equivalent of the assassination attempts Count Dolkness had thrown at her would be catastrophic and nearly guaranteed to succeed, so she needed to get information fast and keep her search under wraps.

If she figured out a way to clear Farrie, she'd apologize and hope she was forgiven. But the nice girl was nodding slowly and then offered, "If I find anything or anyone important, do you want me to write it down or maybe call them back to talk to you in person?"

"Yes please," Yumiella confirmed as she held out her arms to take Doduo so they could head back to the cart.

"-in ice! Drifa Tundra!" Welt cast, and his magic answered. A wave of cold crashed through the forest, its efficacy enhanced by the humid fog he'd created in advance, and those Wave monsters that weren't killed by it still found themselves frozen and struggling to break free.

The rest of the party all fell upon the wolves, crushing and cutting as Welt caught his breath.

I did it! I really did it! My first ever Drifa-level spell and it was a total success, Welt rejoiced as the wave monsters died. Right, but I can't rest while they're fighting. "Faust Wing Blow! Faust Wing Blow!"

He kept casting steadily, throwing around blasts of solid air that smashed frozen monsters or hurled around the more resilient ones. They'd been at this all afternoon since Lady Yumiella wanted to leave the next day, and Welt was honestly feeling like he might hit the Class Up cap before they even got to Cal Mira Archipelago.

Granted, the main reason they were going was to check the equipment and any records left by previous Legendary Heroes, since the Cal Mira Event wasn't happening at the moment.

But since it was so far to travel, they'd probably stay at the Archipelago as long as possible until the Wave arrived.

Two weeks ago -- had it really only been two weeks? It felt like ages -- Welt would've reluctantly admitted that he was as terrified of having to fight a Wave as he was eager to prove himself.

Today he actually felt confident. His MP had swelled enormously, and his casting capability with it. Lady Yumiella had made them periodically spar a bit each morning and evening to get used to each other's fighting styles, and now he was pretty sure he could kill some Wave monsters without magic!

Not that he was eager to test that, but he was debating whether to get a sturdier staff the could be used like a club with his share of the wave monster bounty money.

Still, he experimentally punched a few frozen monsters and then stomped on them instead when he hurt his hand, just to see how it felt.

The monster dog made a very satisfying crunch when he killed it, he had to admit.

"Hey, the sun's below the tree line now," Tersia called once the battle was dying down. "Do we want to head back or keep going?"

"More! Frozen meat taste good in the heat," Rich, the little gray-winged kid demanded.

"Tastes good, baby brother, and you need to say please," his tan-winged sister Doduo insisted. "But I'm fine to keep going here, Mom."

"I think we should head back. Night is too opportune a time for monsters to stalk and ambush us," Bakta disagreed immediately.

Welt was honestly 50-50 on whether Bakta actually believed that, or whether Bakta just didn't like the kids making demands. Still... "If Rich and Doduo can guard our camp at night, I think they can keep us safe when we're awake and able to fight back. I'm not running low on mana, so I can keep up a simple light spell too. Tersia?"

"Honestly, I've been beating monsters with the pommel of my short sword because I'm worried it's going to break," he admitted. "My strength is outstripping my equipment, but if we call it now and cash in the bounties I can maybe get some shopping done."

"Mooo~om, what are we doing already? Unf," Rich grunted when Lady Yumiella booped his nose.

"Please go easy on the whining, Rich-kun. ...Welt, I have a few errands to run as well, but if you feel confident, I am willing to trust my kids to you."

Welt puffed up immediately and had to remind himself that she had a fiancé, she wasn't flirting with him. "Absolutely! Um, just the twins, or Yoshi too?" If I have to ride Yoshi I'll probably throw up again, but I'm not sure how else to handle and keep an eye on him.


"Yom! Yo-yom."

"Yoshi will come back with me. Doduo, Rich, I want both of you to stay in sight of Welt. He is in charge," she emphasized slowly. "Promise me?"

"We'll stay with Mister Welt, Mama!"

"Fine, I promise."

Welt really hoped that he didn't screw this up, because he'd seen Lady Yuiella's face when the local governor had offered to buy one of the twins from her, and while her expression had barely changed he'd been amazed that the man hadn't caught fire or frozen or withered away under her oppressive aura of indignation.

Welt really didn't want to find out how she'd react if one of her kids got hurt.

"I- I won't let you down, Lady Hero!" he pledged, as much to himself as to her.
Haven't read the light novel before, but does Yoshi race evolve into a humanoid form or learn to talk?

The Filolials are a rather unique race, in that they are deeply tied to the Sacred Weapons.

So, any Filolials under a Hero have the ability to become a Filolial Royal, or rather King or Queen, which are very big (and rounded) and can take an "angel" form, which usually looks like a winged child.

Whether any other monster species can make a similar leap... It's not impossible, but would be difficult and unlikely.

The development of this evolved form is actually due to the fact that Filolials are an artificial species, created by an ancient Shield and Whip hero to revive a Skywing Demihuman friend. The evolved form was made intentionally, to grant the friend a similar form as her first species.

Fun fact: Filolials are prone to Chuunibyou, and it can spread quickly amongst flocks.
Heh, it's looking like Rich is in the spoilt and bratty phase while his sister is trying to be responsible. Also, yeah, I'll agree with Farrie. I'm really surprised Yumillia didn't do something to that governor who tried to buy her kids... Being knocked down so many levels really has reset her common sense to the point she isn't quite so blase about upsetting local politics.

Lastly... Bakta? Hmm, I know I originally suspected Farrie due to how she nodded at Malty. But was that just a general acknowledgement? I had thought Bakta was just a red herring and it would have been one of the others feeding info back to the King/Church. But as he is the only one we haven't had a PoV of yet, alongside some of his comments, maybe it IS him who's the traitor? Though this could be a double bluff on the author's part... I'm eager to find out! :D
Chapter 18
Day 16, morning

"A bunch of the knights were bragging about the money they got from selling the villagers. A lot of people here hated it and them, but fighting back would have gotten us arrested or executed," the worn man confessed quietly.

"Do you know the names of people involved? Information you heard them say, not rumors," Yumiella requested seriously.

Asking Farrie to tap into local rumors about the Wave and its aftermath had turned up a veritable goldmine of scandalous information, not least of which was the pervasive belief among local citizens that their lord had been assassinated during the Wave. It was quite the repellant series of events:

1) When the Dragon Hourglasses across the world had begun to pour out sand again, counting down to an incoming Wave, the major powers of the world had all agreed to send their leaders or authoritative delegates to an international conference, to discuss measures taken to fight the Waves of Calamity.

2) Queen Mirellia, the rightful ruler of Melromarc, had raised a few eyebrows by appointing Duke Seaetto as her regent while she went to the conference, rather than her husband or their 20-year-old daughter. However, King Aultcray was considered much more a warrior king, general, and direct combatant than he was a statesman or a politician, so everyone was expecting that the Seven Star Hero of the Cane would take the field to directly combat the Waves while Duke Seaetto organized relief efforts and handled the legislative issues.

3) By some stroke of horrendous luck, Melromarc's first Wave had struck in Seaetto territory, and the Duke had ridden in the vanguard of Seaetto territory forces to combat it, or at least to hold it off until crown knight reinforcements could arrive from the nearby garrisons. Despite being a seasoned veteran of the last war against Siltvelt, Duke Seaetto and his personal retainers had died on the battlefield. The local Four Saints Church (which the Seaetto family had supported and attended, so it was more prominent in their territory than in most of the kingdom,) had said prayers of mourning for him, but the local Three Heroes Church (which the new governor had quickly cozied up to,) had been quick to declare his death a matter of divine punishment for his 'soft touch' in dealing with and hosting Demi-humans, and passing laws that they were to be treated the same as humans when they lived in his territory.

4) Within a few days after the duke's death, surviving demi-humans from the Seaetto territory villages were disappearing or being found dead, killed by weapons rather than torn apart by monsters. There had also been a lot of movement of slave traders -- it was hard to hide the caged wagons commonly used to transport slaves, especially when the slaves were calling for help or loudly crying and the slave merchants occasionally made offers to sell their 'merchandise' to people -- around Seaetto territory.

5) King Aultcray had assumed the crown's full authority after Duke Seaetto died -- presumably with the support or permission or Queen Mirellia, but no one had proof of that -- and had appointed a governor of his choosing from the capital to stabilize Seaetto territory rather than falling back on the late duke's heir, or his loyal advisors and officers who were familiar with the territory already.

6) The duke's only daughter, Eclair Seaetto, had quickly returned and begun to rally a small group of local adventurers and guards to fight off the (armed and numerous) slave traders who were abducting the surviving Demi-humans. After three days, she had disappeared, reportedly being shuffled back off to the castle to be 'tried for her crimes', with the governor and the crown being very vague on what those supposed crimes involved.

7) The relief funds set aside ahead of time to rebuild areas damaged by the Wave were not being used to rebuild the ruined Demi-human villages, but the Three Heroes Church had done some flashy building improvements and recruiting events, trying to displace the Four Saints Church who were more rooted in the territory.

8) A bunch of knights the governor had brought with him from the capital had been tossing money around, boasting while drunk over their exploits selling off assorted Demi-humans and cutting down those who fought back.

There were other smaller details, and not every person's version of events matched exactly, but the overall theme was heavily consistent: whether or not the Duke had been assassinated, there had functionally been a coup of the duchy organized by King Aultcray (or at least his subordinates,) that was attempting to supplant the local faith and enslave a minority group who had been recognized as peaceful and friendly citizens before the Wave hit.

It was exactly the type of ruthlessly dirty dealing that Yumiella had been worried would come after her in Balshine, but to find it here when everyone involved knew that there was a world-ending threat occurring...

The literacy rate in Melromarc was relatively high, so Farrie had made sure to get a lot of written testimonies and names as soon as she'd realized what the search had stumbled into. All that information was being concealed from her other teammates for now, and the hard copies were stored safely in Yumiella's Inventory.

According to her HELP MENU, the only known ways to get at anything stored in her inventory were either for another Legendary Hero to beat her into submission and force it open, or for her to give her allies Inventory access permissions (a process that had not been clearly described enough for Yumiella to do so, just enough to know it was something possible to do,) that they abused to steal from her. So that was a relief.

Still, one consistent feeling through everything was that a lot of people resented the crown-appointed governor, and that plenty of human neighbors were doing their best to take pity on the Demi-humans who were still in the area. They'd also been very happy to offer the names of the knight officers who liked to boast, and where Yumiella could likely find them.

Yumiella had needed to go be alone for a bit after everything was done and make some decisions. It was incredibly tempting to double-back to the capital city or two stay longer in Seaetto's capital to gather more evidence, but 1) she didn't want to tip off anyone that she had figured this out, and 2) she did still need to Level Grind in preparation for the oncoming Wave, and doubling back wouldn't help her with that.

you can Gain moRe powEr at grEat speeD if you juSt gIve iN...

Yumiella shook herself a bit -- getting in a big fight with all the liars and corrupt officials would just result in a lot of blood and chaos, and she didn't want to kill people -- and decided that 'he who chases two hares catches neither' was in effect here. If nothing else, it would be better to confront King Aultcray with this information after she had devastated the Wave, when she would have the social pull and combative might to insist on changes being made.

Although it maybe wouldn't hurt if they stayed in the city a bit longer to make investigations, provided she kept the right secrets the right way. Maybe an excuse that they were looking for a guide who'd been in the area...?

Day 16, late afternoon

"Lady Hero, may I speak with you privately? It's a bit delicate."

"Certainly, Mister Bakta," Yumiella confirmed. "If you will excuse me. Miss Farrie, please keep an eye out for our guest."

"Will do," Farrie mock saluted. "Mister Hawkins and the twins will be safe with me. Whoa, too hard Rich, too hard!"

Mr. Hawkins -- a winged demi-human who was giving the twins lessons into how to balance and fight in the human forms -- had turned at the sound of his name and promptly taken a jump-kick from Rich to his face, which sent him tumbling.

Yumiella took Bakta out into the patch of forest around Seaetto City (or whatever its proper name was,) until they were a ways away from the wall.

"We are as private here as we will ever be, Mister Bakta. What are your concerns?"

"I... Lady Hero, do you believe this 'Hawkins' is trustworthy?"

"He has no criminal record, and he will not personally benefit from leading us to the sacked villages. Do you believe he is untrustworthy?"

"Yes, Lady Hero," Bakta admitted. "I'm not sure why, but I... he sets my instincts grinding in alarm."

Yumiella nodded slowly. He's taking longer than I expected to get to the point. "Talk me through it. What are your fears about what will happen if I accept his guidance?"

Bakta rubbed his bristly beard in thought slowly.

"There has long been animosity between humans and demi-humans, which is why we mostly live in unconnected countries," he began. "On top of historical problems, there was a war not long ago where Siltvelt, the Demi-humans' kingdom, sought to conquer the world. It was King Aultcray and Melromarc that halted their advance and broke the back of their attack, and King Aultcray personally killed the Beast King in direct combat. The creation of Demi-human towns in this territory was... not a popular measure, especially as Demi-humans tend to scorn the cardinal Heroes like yourself, and many of them follow a heretical sect or even the Faith of The Dragon, which eschews the belief that Legendary Heroes are necessary or even desirable to help fight the Waves."

"I see. Please, tell me more," Yumiella said, falling back on two of her Three Treasures of Conversation to keep him talking.

"Queen Mirellia inherited the crown from her aunt, her mother's elder sister, because Princess Myrtle and Crown Princess Mandala were both assassinated by aquatic demi-humans while traveling by ship to Cal Mira Archipelago to train," Bakta obligingly continued. "There were unpleasant stories about the Demi-human villages and what Duke Seaetto turned a blind eye to stretching back several years, and it... is very significant that the First Wave opened up right on this territory. It's been said that even the supreme god cannot halt the Waves -- that the Waves occur when the demonic forces he fights in heaven get past him due to sinfulness and crime in our mortal world -- but that he can guide them toward places of sin and suffering, fighting fire with fire so that fewer innocents are harmed."

"That's amazing," Yumiella offered blithely, though she didn't feel that her third Sacred Treasure was really appropriate here.

Bakta nevertheless seemed to buy it. "Yes! The miracles we are granted, especially your own powers, are extraordinary things. But in light of that... it wasn't far off the coast of Seaetto territory that the two princesses were assassinated, and that was before there were villages of Demi-humans on this land to set up a base for foreign agents. It would be far too easy for this Shusaku to lead us into a trap while you still are training to grow stronger."

Yumiella nodded, though she didn't particularly agree. It wasn't that Bakta was saying anything wrong, but... "If there are any foreign agents in the area, they would see us while traveling and ambush us regardless of whether someone leads us into a trap. Moreover, any agents would likely have already attacked the humans in the area, to slake their rage and hate at the loss of these villages. Despite that, I have heard no stories or rumor about this. Lastly... do you doubt my power to escape this trap, Mister Bakta?"

For a bit of theatricality, she pulled out the Cardinal Sword and shifted to the Energetic form, which had been unlocked with Holy Water and then upgraded to Rarity B for superior effects. It was very much the stereotypical Holy Sword in appearance, and she felt it suited to pressure his faith.

"I- Lady Hero..." Bakta bowed his head, looking away from the pure, clean glow of the blade. Yumiella guessed it was due to guilt.

Yumiella had gotten Farrie to tell her some bits of religious verse that would be helpful, and she'd put together a plan to confront Bakta over the inconsistencies she'd noticed. It was time.

"It's a very powerful weapon, very beautiful," Yumiella faux-mused. "Don't swing it, but I'd be obliged if you would hold it for a moment, Mister Bakta."

He stammered and tried to defer, but Bakta couldn't bring himself to actively refuse and he eventually held out his hands.

Yumiella placed the hilt in his large, calloused hand, and he stared wonderingly at the legendary weapon.

"It feels..."

"Mister Bakta, what faith do you follow?" she questioned bluntly.

He flinched. It was just a passing, momentary expression, but he winced before he caught himself and answered.

"I worship the Holy Cardinal Heroes, milady, and the supre-,"

Human Meat Sword, Yumiella commanded, and Bakta yelped in alarm as the weapon changed in his hands, becoming much more gruesome even as it fell from his grip to the ground.

He stumbled back, face pale beneath his fuzzy beard, and Yumiella was quietly relieved that the falling blade had not impaled his foot. She didn't want to hurt him, after all.

Time for some theatrics. I cannot believe that I am playing into the Divine Hero archetype, but if it's useful to getting stronger and keeping people alive...

"I am disappointed in you, Mister Bakta. You lied to me," Yumiella stated.

"What? No! Lady Hero," he protested, dropping to his knees, "I swear to you that every word I've said is true!"

"The power of this Sword divides; the good from the ill and the truth from the lies," Yumiella quoted, grateful that Farrie had dug up that bit of local scripture. "Your words may be true, Mister Bakta, but that does not mean they are honest. You did not lie to me with your tongue; you lied with your heart. You told me a truth that you hoped I would misinterpret. Are you not a member of the Three Heroes' Faith?"

"I am! I'm-,"

"And yet you chose to obfuscate, not to state yourself as such." Energetic Sword. "Should you be given my trust, Mister Bakta?"

"Lady Sword Hero, I'm sorry, I-,"

"Say it with the Sword, please. Tell me everything." Bakta looked, frightened, down at where Yumiella had changed the Cardinal Sword back to its holy-seeming form. Slowly, gently, he reached out to pull it up from the ground.

Then he began to speak.

It was not a short tale, beginning when his logging group had been attacked by a raiding party of Demi-humans (not monsters, though Bakta spoke as though he believed them to be monsters,) from Siltvelt in the lead-up to the most recent major war, which killed his father among other casualties.

He'd served in the military for a bit before deciding that so heavily structured a life was too confining, and he'd also attended religious services far more regularly, drawn in by how the preachers blamed the type of people who'd killed his father and their allies for all kinds of other problems.

What spooled out from there was a long story across a decade and a half of work, life, and service, leading up to when he had been invited by several high Church officials to join one of the Cardinal Heroes' teams and keep them safe while helping them to grow.

He had volunteered to join the Bow Hero at first, since he had experience with archery, but another man had pulled rank and he had been asked to serve the Holy Sword instead.

He did not regret it.

Yumiella had shifted the Cardinal Sword's form a few times -- when Bakta said something that sounded too vague, or too much like hedging, like he was attempting to feel out the limits of her 'ability' to detect a lie -- but never to something so scary or 'unholy' that she might accuse Bakta of a deliberate lie when he wasn't.

Bakta may not have even noticed the changes, so focused was he on unburdening himself.

Finally, the outpouring of words slowed to a stop. For lack of a better idea of what to do, Yumiella reached out to pat Bakta's head like she did with the kids.

"I see," she said.

"Th-thank you, Lady Hero. I'm sorry for lying to you. I await your judgement," Bakta managed, kneeling.

"Please, tell me more." Ah, too automatic a response. "What reports do you send back about us, to whom, and how often? I know that there have been between two and five people observing and following us since we left the capital city, including three people in the nearby area right now-," This was a lie, she had no evidence to support her suspicions that even one person was following them, but if there were watchers spying on them right now then the assertion might goad them into revealing themselves. "-but they can run away too quickly for me to bother chasing them with my current speed and level."

"Th-three?!" Bakta snapped his head around, alarmed.

Convenient as it would have been, no figures emerged from hiding to talk with them.

"As I said, we are as private out here as we can reasonably be, but none of us have really had privacy since we left the capital," Yumiella doubled-down. "I assumed you knew, but I apologize if my statement was misleading." She bowed her head, and Bakta quickly stammered out that it was okay, it was her holy right to make those calls, it was he who should have been sorry, etc.

Once she got him to stop apologizing, the rest of their discussion was very productive. She got him to relay the reports he had sent -- nothing fancy there, just letters mailed to the capital and the occasional verbal update to someone who would meet him in the local Three Heroes Church -- the orders and requests he had been given, and most importantly the method he had used to conceal his true Level (he'd started off closer to Level 20 when they met) from her sword's status magic, a magic amulet.


Concealment Sword (unmastered) 1/20 -- Rarity B -- Base Power = ATK+4 ... ... Equip = disguise improvement (medium) ... Skill: Obscure Data -- spend SP to create a 'cover' over your information that prevents other people from assessing its abilities, or can even provide false information. This can also conceal the Cardinal Sword's unique characteristics.

"Do you know of any other amulets like this? The ability to change my appearance would be useful."

"I know that trained Church Shadows have an object like that, but I was using my real appearance..."


"I can ask about providing one for you, Lady Hero?"

"Thank you. You said that you stopped obscuring your true Level once the rest of us had gained enough experience to be closer to you?"

"Yes, Lady Sword Hero," Bakta confirmed.

"Then I will keep this, and we will return to camp. Assuming you wish to stay in my party?"

"I do! But... Holy One," he said formally, "are my worries about a Demi-human trap unfounded?"

Ah, a difficult question. We may be led into a trap, but if I guess wrong either way then I will seem less omniscient and less able to discern truth from lies. Much like he tried to do earlier, I need to give a vague answer that is dramatic enough to distract him without committing.

"If I were so weak that such a trap could slay me, I would certainly die fighting against the coming Wave. It would be better to die now, early, than to die later when the Waves will be too strong for newly summoned heroes to overcome. Are you returning to camp with me?"

"I- Yes, Lady Hero!"

Day 17, noon

"This is where they dragged the monster king's carcass. I expect some knights took the heads for trophies, but..."

"This will be sufficient. Thank you, Mister Hawkins," Yumiella assured him as she hopped down into the ditch.

After a month left out to the elements, the remains weren't pretty, but they'd mostly been picked clean of meat and there were only bones remaining with maybe a little fur. Nevertheless, Yumiella carefully did her best to get everything from the ditch, even if her sword had to absorb some dirt and grime as well.


Black Cerberus Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity B -- Base Power = ATK+30 ... ... Equip Skills = 1) Guard Dog -- spend SP to surround yourself with three spectral dog heads for up to a minute, which can intimidate, bite, or block enemies within three meters of you ... 2) Watch Dog -- passively alerts you to threats that come close to you, or will actively drain SP to provide "all sensory improvement (medium)" while active ... 3) Hell Hound -- Release a terrifying sound that intimidates and inhibits nearby enemies; your attacks against affected enemies deal double damage [300 second cooldown]

Black Cerberus Bone Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity B -- Base Power = ATK+12 ... ... Equip = all detrimental status effect resistance (small)

Black Cerberus Pelt Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity B -- Base Power = ATK+10 ... ... Equip = M.ATK+4 ... DEF+4 ... M.DEF+4

High rarity and correspondingly very powerful, Yumiella noted. How close am I to mastering the Voice Gengar sword? ...Yes, once I've mastered that I should switch to Black Cerberus Sword to master it for its skills. If I can Awaken it before the Wave, that would be invaluable as a power boost.

"Did it work?" Tersia called down after her.

"Yes. This was definitely the Wave Boss Cerberus. You have probably provided me with my primary weapon form for the next wave, Mister Hawkins. Thank you."

He fluttered his wings bashfully and bowed as she jumped back up to ground level. "It was my pleasure, Lady Hero. You said you wanted to see the village, or what's left of it?"

"Yes," Yumiella confirmed.

It wasn't a far trip, but as soon as the damaged houses came into view, they all fell silent, with even Rich and Doduo knowing not to raise their voices above a whisper.

"It's so... wrecked," Rich muttered, turning to peer at the broken and burned homes on each side of the group.

"So sad..." Doduo agreed, a few tears rolling down her cheeks.


"We buried the bodies over here," the red-winged man said, and we followed his turn down a different street to a patch of land with the patchy grass and impromptu markers of a cemetery. "Of 400 people who lived here, barely 100 of us managed to get back to the village alive, and there's a lot of people we couldn't confirm as dead or alive."

Yumiella bowed her head in a moment of respect for the dead -- she wasn't certain it meant anything, but this was a fantasy world so she wasn't sure that it didn't either -- and everyone else followed suit, either silently or whispering a few prayers.

"I'm sort of impressed that a hundred people survived being caught in a 20-hour long Wave," Tersia admitted. "Did you take boats out onto the ocean? Did you hide?"

The winged man ruffled uncomfortably. "I was able to fly and outrun them, but I could only carry one kid with me," he admitted. "It was too stormy to go out on the ocean, and most of our fishing boats were out fishing when the Wave occurred. Down at the bottom of the cliffs, there's a cave system that's partly underwater, but it doesn't get totally submerged except at the very highest of high tides, if that. The caves are so small even most teenagers can't fit in them, but almost all the village's children were able to hide out there until the Wave ended, while most of the adults were eaten or drowned."

"Did anyone who fought the wave survive? It would be useful to get an idea of how it changed over time, and how quickly the monsters emerged," Yumiella suggested.

"Or any of the village leaders? It's abandoned now, but you survived, did anyone else?"

"We didn't really have a formal village chief, just a couple of influential people who moderated and got us all organized for big projects," Hawkins admitted. "Our strongest fighter, Sadeena -- she was the only one in the village who'd had a Class Up -- I know she survived, because she was traveling abroad when the Wave hit. I'm not sure if she's been back here yet, assuming she's heard the news."

"It would be pretty difficult to miss," Bakta rumbled. "Was there anyone among the survivors who looked to be assuming a leadership role until...?"

The big man trailed off; Yumiella guessed (hoped) that he was uncomfortable with the idea of people targeting Wave survivors no matter their species, especially a bunch of children.

Hawkins scoffed. "The closest were my father-in-law, who got gutted by the knights, and Loft's daughter who was pulling everyone together when the slavers arrived." Hawkins had previously relayed to Yumiella that said slavers were in fact knights from the capital, and she'd gotten his signed testimony to that extent, but she'd also advised him to not say it bluntly until after the coming wave, when she could reconnect with him and would be more likely to keep him from being assassinated to suppress his testimony.

"Did she-?"

"Raphtalia was only about waist high, even after the Wave," Hawkins clarified. "I think she was older than that, but a bunch of the village kids were deliberately growth deprived so they could go gather shell fish and the occasional bits of ore or treasure from the sea caves. And honestly, the fact that we all needed a midget kid who'd just dug both her parents' graves to pull us together and convince us to start rebuilding is... it's the heaviest condemnation I can think of for how bad things were with all of us after the Wave. But I swear," he mused quietly, "if those monsters hadn't come to pillage us, we might have pulled our home back together after all."

Yumiella had several questions, but the first one she asked was, "Growth deprived?"

Three people tried to answer her at the same time; Hawkins and Bakta shot each other looks, which left Welt to continue talking over them.

"Growth deprivation is a state where a demi-human is denied experience gain, which inhibits their growth and maturation. Much like Filorials, demi-humans can age to maturity with abnormal speed if they gain a sudden influx of experience and an increase in levels," Welt recited eagerly. "However, the reverse situation is also possible, where a dearth of experience and levels can slow physical growth and maturation. It varies a little between individuals, but a rule of thumb is that if a Demi-human's level is lower than their age, they will usually appear as much as half their usual age. This phenomenon doesn't usually occur until the children are at least seven, and sometimes as old as ten, but it means you can have a 20-year-old Demi-human at Level 1 who appears to be a pre-teen, and at age forty they'll seem to be a young adult, while in their eighties they'll appear to be forty!"

"There's reputedly a sect called the Record Keepers," Welt continued, "which began in the Genmu Clan but has since begun accepting other applicants, who take advantage of this to prolong their lives! Initiates live their lives in the safety of the compounds and deliberately remain at Level 1 until they are into their seventies or eighties, while appearing to be half that age in body! Then they are assisted in going out to hunt monsters and grow in Level very quickly, and in an unusual turn, the influx of experience causes their bodies to reverse-age back to their prime! It only works the once, after which they age at normal time, but given that the Genmu Clan can already live to be 200, using this method can add another century or more to their lifespan! It's fascinating, it really is!! I've even heard that some elderly demi-humans will deliberately have their levels reset to Level 1 and then go hunting for an influx of levels to regain a bit of their lost youth and strength! Records are much more mixed about whether this works in any meaningful way, but the idea that it's even a possibility, or that resetting your Level could be desirable, it's fascinating!"

Yumiella, whose prior world considered Levels important, but not that much, nodded along. If this had functioned that way in my last world, I would never have gotten away with Level Grinding in secret. The maids and staff might have turned a blind eye to my disappearances, but a rapid growth spurt would have been impossible to ignore when I needed new clothes.

If I was physically in my teens, would Balshine have forced me to attend the Royal Academy even when I was chronologically 8?

...Actually, if Alicia was Level 1 at the beginning of the school year, would she have been a cute little Imouto character who appeared 7 despite being twice that age? Would Oswald have still locked her out of the gates, or couldn't he bear to see a child cry? I can definitely imagine Will being a cool Onii-chan guy giving piggy-back rides to the cute heroine, and Edwin... actually, I have no idea how well Edwin would deal with children. Of course, Patrick would be excellent with-

The image of Patrick playing with little dark-haired children who nevertheless had his green eyes... That thought sucker-punched Yumiella hard enough to drive the air from her lungs, and her head swum dizzily for a moment or two as she lost track of what the others were talking about.

-and Ryu would take them flying and maybe share their bed, he could be the dragon under the bed, who eats all the scary boogiemen, and I'd teach them how to Level Grind and watch them so they don't ever lose an arm, and they'd never be lonely when they'd have friends...

She eventually came back to herself to find that their group had moved over toward the ocean, and if anyone had noticed-


-if anyone other than Yoshi had noticed anything off about her, none of them were talking about it. Farrie had taken the twins to play on the shore -- Rich liked swimming and splashing while Doduo preferred playing the sand -- and Welt was chatting animatedly with Hawkins about demi-human agin and how it interacted with shape-shifting magic or glamours that humans used to preserve their youth and beauty.

Bakta and Tersia were quietly discussing something about animal tracks not far from her, but not so close as to get her attention. She guessed that they were keeping an eye on her, just in case.

Yumiella checked the time.

Melromarc -- 16:03:02:52

We still have an hour until noon, so it's too early for lunch, she decided, nevertheless pulling a treat for Yoshi out from her inventory, since he'd been nudging her worriedly. Her oldest child in this world ignored the treat lick her face, and Yumiella gave him a smile and a head-scratching.

"Thank you for caring, Yoshi-kun," she murmured to him. "One day, I hope I can take you to meet your elder brother. I think you and Ryu would get along well. Bakta, Tersia," she called out, "is there anything else to do nearby, or should we continue on toward the port?"

"There are at least two kinds of monsters living nearby that might be worth using for Sword forms," Tersia said, "it's just a matter of if Bakta and I can find them."

"The Dunes are probably more difficult, since they live underground, but also less important. The caterpillands could be useful, though they're usually tame like Filorials and Tyrella," Bakta assessed.

"Hm. Hey, speaking of, did you ever add feathers from the twins to the Holy Sword? I don't think Yoshi has shed his skin yet, but that could work too," Tersia reasoned.

The rogue promptly burst out laughing as Yumiella buried her face in her hands at forgetting that.

Day 17, late afternoon

"Are there any more?" Yumiella asked once the fighting at the third monster den Hawkins had directed them to was done.

"By the wind and the waves," Hawkins murmured reverently at the carnage. "No. None that I know about."

"Then we can continue on toward the nearest port, Mr. Hawkins. Thank you for your assistance. Will you need a ride home?"

Rich and Doduo promptly started squabbling about whose turn it was to pull the cart -- Yumiella thought it was Doduo-chan's turn, so she'd have to rein in Rich-kun before he forced his way in -- as the rest of their party started packing up, and Hawkins quietly contemplated what Yumiella was really asking.

Are you worried about being targeted if we leave you alone?

The red-winged man eventually shook his head. "I have wind magic and my wings, but thank you. If I meet anyone else from the village with useful testimony, I'll send them toward Cal Mira or bring them with me to the Capital after the Wave," he assured her.

With that, they parted. Yumiella offered to ride on Rich while Doduo pulled the cart, which her youngest son grudgingly accepted (she really did need a spray bottle), and they all set off to the nearest port, from which they would charter a ship to Cal Mira Archipelago.

Idly stroking Rich-kun's fluffy feathers, Yumiella pulled up her MENU to contemplate the progress they had made.

Black Cerberus Sword (M) -- 91% Proficiency -- Rarity B -- Base Power = ATK+30 ... ... Equip Skills = 1) Guard Dog -- spend SP to surround yourself with three spectral dog heads for up to a minute, which can intimidate, bite, or block enemies within three meters of you ... 2) Watch Dog -- passively alerts you to threats that come close to you, or will actively drain SP to provide "all sensory improvement (medium)" while active ... 3) Hell Hound -- Release a terrifying sound that intimidates and inhibits nearby enemies; your attacks against affected enemies deal double damage [300 second cooldown]

Black Cerberus Bone Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity B -- Base Power = ATK+12 ... ... Equip = all detrimental status effect resistance (small)

Black Cerberus Pelt Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity B -- Base Power = ATK+10 ... ... Equip = M.ATK+4 ... DEF+4 ... M.DEF+4

Duneworm Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+1 ... ... Equip = ATK+1 ... M.ATK+1 ... M.DEF+1

Duneworm Skin Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+1 ... ... Equip = plant gathering quality up (small)

Caterpilland Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = stamina improvement (small) ... lift strength improvement (small)

Caterpilland Shell Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+1 ... ... Equip = DEF+1 ... M.DEF+1

Caterpilland Leg Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = climbing improvement (small)

Caterpilland Eye Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+0 ... ... Equip = SPD+1 ... vision improvement (small)

Filorial Sword I (unmastered) -- Rarity D -- Base Power = ATK+5 ... ... Equip = allied Filorial stat growth improvement (small) ... leg strength improvement (small)

Filorial Feather Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity G -- Base Power = ATK+0 ... ... Equip = DEF+2 ... M.DEF+2 ... [Light as a feather] skill improvement (small)

Filorial Talon Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+5 ... ... Equip = ATK+2

Dragon Sword I (unmastered) -- Rarity D -- Base Power = ATK+4 ... ... Equip = allied dragon stat growth improvement (small)

Cavalry Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity E -- Base Power = ATK+3 ... ... Equip = riding skill improvement (small)

Tyrella Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+3 ... ... Equip = ATK+2 ... SPD+3

Tyrella Claw Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+2 ... ... Equip = ATK+3

Tyrella Scale Sword (unmastered) -- Rarity F -- Base Power = ATK+1 ... ... Equip = DEF+2 ... M.DEF+2

Riding skill improvement? Yumiella shifted to the Cavalry sword and immediately noted that her ride on Rich's back did seem smoother.

"Rich-kun, feel free to speed up or jump a bit. I want to practice swinging my sword from your back, please."

"Hah! You got it Mom!"
Got a kick out of the scene where Yumiella got Bakta properly turned. A nice mix of her playing him like a fiddle... and then almost ruining the moment by misclicking the default option on the dialog wheel.
I was cackling all throughout this whole chapter. If anything could blow the plot of shield hero right open it'd be the universally loved sword hero collecting written testimony and hard evidence that the poor handling of the first wave was done deliberately and used as a tool for a coup. The prince consort and his pet zealot might be able to get away with their deceptions in melomarc culture, but to the isekai'd? Especially when the spear is the ultimate simp and the bow is we-have-Javert-at-home, Yumiella showing up with documentation and eyewitness testimony is gonna shake their entire worldview.

Not to mention, she now knows Raphtalia by name. The mere fact that she's been enslaved at all, especially with evidence and testimony that she was instrumental in keeping people going after the wave, is gonna ruffle some feathers. Especially when the spear and bow get it through their damn heads that slavery is not only legal here, but sponsored by the crown. That'd throw a wrench in their worldview, even on its own. I don't think any of them actually internalized the idea that slavery is legal in Melomarc in canon.

That being said, slavelord-Naofumi is one of my biggest pet peeves. Initially buying Raphtalia from the slaver can be viewed as noble with the right framing: Naofumi using what little power he has to free a child from slavery. Except he doesn't actually do that. I can understand her being "legally" a slave, because Melomarc is fucked up enough that "property of a hated convict" still has more legal protection than "minority child," but the magical slave brand that lets him torture her on a whim should have come off early on. Instead, the author kept making excuse after excuse to justify it. Yes, you can make an argument that at the beginning they were too mentally fucked up to do that, but the thing about that is that the characters are supposed to REALIZE that they're fucked up and have done fucked up things and try to do better. By continually making excuses for the slave brand we are denied character growth on both their parts.

Also, Raphtalia going from "daughter-coded" to "love interest" isn't great. Especially when demihuman aging is something of an asspull in canon. The 500 year old loli of archetype is sus, but saying of a mature woman "no, it's fine, she's actually 10" is worse by far.

Relatedly, something I noticed and like: demihuman aging weirdness is actually being set up, and people are talking about how it's affected their culture. If canon SH did this, I might be less salty. Maybe.
That being said, slavelord-Naofumi is one of my biggest pet peeves. Initially buying Raphtalia from the slaver can be viewed as noble with the right framing: Naofumi using what little power he has to free a child from slavery. Except he doesn't actually do that. I can understand her being "legally" a slave, because Melomarc is fucked up enough that "property of a hated convict" still has more legal protection than "minority child," but the magical slave brand that lets him torture her on a whim should have come off early on. Instead, the author kept making excuse after excuse to justify it. Yes, you can make an argument that at the beginning they were too mentally fucked up to do that, but the thing about that is that the characters are supposed to REALIZE that they're fucked up and have done fucked up things and try to do better. By continually making excuses for the slave brand we are denied character growth on both their parts.
The magical brand is what defines her as a slave, and with that removed she's a "minority child" who can be abducted and re-sold into slavery all over again like she was from Lulorona.

I've been re-reading the Light Novel first volume, and it's worth noting that Naofumi only ever actually inflicts pain with the slavery seal twice, both times being on the same day he bought her: first when he buys her, as rewriting the seal with him as owner automatically causes pain as part of the process; second when he takes her to the blacksmith store, gives her a knife, and tells her to kill a balloon but she hesitates.

There's no other mention of any time in Volume 1 where Naofumi actually uses the seal to hurt Raphtalia, not even when Raphtalia is later disobeying him by first refusing to kill the Usapil because it'll bleed, and then they're fighting the two-headed black dog and she's freaking out too much to obey him. The seal is never mentioned as causing her harm during these periods in the Light Novel.

Then at the end of Volume 1, Raphtalia's seal is removed and she freely chooses to go get it reapplied. I don't know of any other time later in the canon series when Naofumi uses the seal to hurt Raphtalia after it's been reapplied.

For all that people complain, Naofumi actually treats her very warmly and compassionately from the start, so past the first day when he buys her she's pretty much already enslaved "in name only" and she's definitely at that status by the time they finish their week at the mine and return to the capital.

Given that Naofumi gives her warm food, makes medicine for her, gives her clothes, buys her toys, answers her questions, listens to her opinions, apologizes to her for his own shortcomings, and never beats or punishes her even when she gets mouthy, it's not surprising that Raphtalia feels comfortable taking on the slave seal that incidentally also grants her a stat increase large enough that she can meaningfully participate in fights against people significantly higher than her in level.

"Slavelord Naofumi" annoys me too, but for the opposite reasons: Naofumi never treats Raphtalia like a slave beyond their first day together; Naofumi quickly stops treating Firo like a slave once they begin traveling as "Merchant of the Holy Bird" after some issues putting a firmer slave seal on (that he doesn't use later) in the first week he has her; Naofumi then goes through multiple story arcs and two more Waves without adding in any new slaves, and the first slave he eventually adds is Rishia, a free human who willingly joins his party after Itsuki kicks her out and agrees to become his slave specifically because she wants the stat boost provided by his Slaver Shield to become stronger.

It isn't until the "paranoid about betrayal and worried about people pillaging the village full of vulnerable kids" has to deal with rebuilding a village while being the Shield Hero that he gets more slaves, and even then he mostly just levels them via Firo so they are better able to defend themselves and their home.

Relatedly, something I noticed and like: demihuman aging weirdness is actually being set up, and people are talking about how it's affected their culture. If canon SH did this, I might be less salty. Maybe.
Thank you! I wanted to examine EXP-aging as an actual biological function with variation and processes and the possibility for glitches, so I'm exploring it more and using that as an excuse to make things about Raphtalia less squicky.

I'm pretty salty about the canon story's missteps too, but making them better is part of the appeal of writing fan fiction!
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I wonder if she stored enough of the wave boss to share with the other heroes, and if she'll go out of her way to find them so that they can gain and master the forms from those remains before the next wave.

Also curious what, if anything, she'll do about slavery in this country. It sounds like she could completely destroy (or severely weaken) the 3 Heroes Church by publicly denouncing it, especially if she did so alongside the other heroes. With them gone, it would be much harder to justify slavery, assuming that humans villages aren't also subject to random enslavement by Crown forces.

That aside, I'm really not clear on how her passives from her sword work. I tried looking it up on the wiki for the original series, but what's there doesn't really mesh with what's being implied/shown here. According to it, a "regeneration improvement (small)" on a mastered sword should cause any other sword offering the same bonus to switch to offering a stat bonus instead, while a sword offering a medium or large improvement should be unaffected due to not being duplicates. But as far as I can tell, they're either stacking, or the duplicates are being completely nullified and becoming worthless.

Assuming that's not correct, and things function as the wiki says they should, then it's also not clear what happens when she increases the grade of a passive. If she has two "regeneration improvement (small)" and one gets upgraded to medium, then does the duplicate revert from a stat increase back to a regeneration increase since it wouldn't be a duplicate anymore? If there was a small and a medium, and the small got upgraded to a medium, would it actually decrease her regeneration because now one of the mediums is a duplicate and there are no smalls?

If the wiki is completely wrong, then that last question is still relevant, but there's also the new one of "do the improvements stack at all, or does she just get the strongest one exclusively?" We're never shown her status after the first chapter, so I have no clue what buffs she's actually getting from her weapon or what, if any, stacking is going on. It makes it all feel somewhat meaningless and therefore pointless.

Btw, the text on the latest chapter seems much larger than the previous one.
For all that people complain, Naofumi actually treats her very warmly and compassionately from the start, so past the first day when he buys her she's pretty much already enslaved "in name only" and she's definitely at that status by the time they finish their week at the mine and return to the capital.
Did he now? I don't remember him sharing the gains of his mercantile endeavors, which she and Filo assisted with, with either, and I also remember him being the only one making decisions on what money gets spent on - sure, Raftalia can ask for things and receive them, but that's not the same.

But really, I feel like you should clarify a bit what you mean here:

"Slavelord Naofumi" annoys me too, but for the opposite reasons
Because your post doesn't make it clear what is it, exactly, that you find annoying. It's unclear enough that one might even interpret it as saying that you don't think Naofumi was a slave owner at all, with the argument being "because he treated his slaves well"; which would be a pretty horrible argument if that was the case, since there's no such thing as "treating slaves well".

Given that it wouldn't be hard to interpret "Rise of the Shield Hero" as being written intentionally as a propaganda piece whitewashing slavery with the argument of "it's not so bad, so long as the slave owner is a decent person", the fact that somebody could accidentally interpret your post as supporting the same argument seems like something you should clarify, to me.

To be clear, I do not think that you're making the argument I outlined - I'm saying that I'm not sure what your argument actually is, other than "not that", and having a clarification of what you intended would therefore be quite helpful.
To be clear, I do not think that you're making the argument I outlined - I'm saying that I'm not sure what your argument actually is, other than "not that", and having a clarification of what you intended would therefore be quite helpful.
Thank you. In my eyes it's basically a problem of "when in Rome, do as the Romans do enough that you don't get crucified without actually fixing anything".

At the time he's in Melromarc, Naofumi doesn't have the ability to end or openly oppose slavery; it's not a problem just in Melromarc either, as we never see any canon country that's confirmed to not use slaves, while Siltvelt and Zenoble definitely do (three of the four most powerful countries), so slavery is presumably a global cultural existence.

Moreover, the existence of magical slave control seals means that just outlawing slavery isn't good enough, you need some way to prevent those seals from being placed on people to control them through torture.

There's a post on SpaceBattles by WanderingReader that handles it pretty well, so I'm going to quote it before adding my own specific clarifications.

chaos500 said:
this reminds me of an isekai in which the MC complains to a slave trader, so he decided to help by buying the slaves, even though he had the power to prohibit slavery.

it also reminds me of an old comment I made about another isekai.

Esper said:
A person with significant power could certainly outlaw slavery, but in a world where it's culturally ingrained you know what that gets you? Black Market slavery.

There'd probably be underground markets popping up all over the place overnight because there was no cultural shift in people's mindset to completely abhor the practice and the guy probably isn't immortal so the best he could do in his situation is exactly what he did.

The only way you can get rid of slavery in another world expediently that doesn't have your kingdom inundated with slavers either stealing your people and taking them across the border, your own citizens selling people across the border, or secret markets popping up under your nose, is to have the ability to either retcon that shit out of history or brainwash everyone and that last option is not ethical at all and the former is impossible because you wouldn't have a story if the hero has that kind of power.

Otherwise it takes decades of change culturally and technologically before people would even consider outlawing the practice and one person with power isn't going to do that if he's off saving the world or something, he'd need a large network for it first.

SilentStorm said:
It's shocking how many Isekai protagonists own slaves or just let them be while making a comment about being disgusted, sure, it's hard to change the world, but that doesn't mean you should accept it's flaws or not preach against it.

Heck, i can think of very few Isekai stories where the hero does anything about slavery aside from the first or the rare times they come across it, there's like that skeleton knight one(guy was playing as a skeleton and gets teleported into the game's world) which has slavery in the setting, so the guy spends all the time...destroying slavery places, freeing slaves, helping movements to lead the slaves to certain roads to places where they can be free, that kind of thing, it's so cool and nice i wonder why more series don't do this.

What, do authors think that people want their main characters to own slaves or only do something about it once or twice, maybe only commenting they hate it?

WanderingReader said:
Sorry to dig this discussion up again, but I figured I'd put in my own two cents.

I don't really understand the whole knee-jerk reaction to a protagonist buying slaves even if he treats them well to the point where they're practically slaves on paper and little else. I suppose a part of it is that my mind tends to default to a "Schindler's List" scenario whenever that occurs. For those who don't actually know what that is, TL;DR version is that a German businessman/conman named Schindler enters an occupied Poland, has a portion of the ghetto assigned to work under him at a factory for slave labor, gets a sort of moment of moral revelation, and then proceeds to use his position to protect and care for those under his authority to the best of his ability. Still slave labor, but families being kept together and not getting horribly butchered/starved in death camps. The man saved over a thousand people this way.

Now, with that in mind, I take a look at slave-holding protagonists in fiction. In some ways, there are similarities. The mix that I generally take a look at:
-Are the slaves actually treated like slaves in anything besides legalities?
-Is being a slave of the protagonist something that offers significant protection from being enslaved by notably more hostile individuals, abuse at the hand of authorities, or being outright murdered/exterminated?
-Is slavery actually depicted as an actual good thing, or merely not as emphasized as a bad thing in comparison to the alternatives?

Now, the last question that I have is one that usually hasn't actually been answered yet. Unfortunately, a fair number of knee-jerk critics don't wait until a story reaches this point. Of course, it seems that a fair number of authors take their sweet time as well:

As the institutions/circumstances that this slavery could potentially offer protection from crumble, does the protagonist then maintain the slavery?

Now, if the answer to that particular question is yes, then by all means let the condemnation of a character ensue. Until that time, however, the other questions ought to be considered. Is the protagonist a slaver, or a Schindler?

Basically, if Naofumi continues to own slaves instead of working toward abolition once he and his allies have the influence to pull it off, then by all means we should condemn him.

Slavery is immoral. Period.

However, the new world is also in a global crisis that could end in the extinction of every life on the planet, including all the slaves that Naofumi ought to be trying protect.

A morally good person (be it Naofumi or any faceless character we want to contrast him with) should want to save the slaves from dying in the Waves just as much as they want to save slaves from slavery, but the Waves are an immediate problem that needs to be fought in a specific way, and there's also a time-limit on how long the Waves will last.

The hypothetical abolitionist character (HAC) can still agree that the Waves are a more urgent priority, especially since successfully fighting the Waves should potentially give the HAC the social pull to agitate for abolition, and failing that the combat power to force the issue by overthrowing the pro-slavery government(s) after the end of the Waves.

Until the HAC gets to that point where they can push to end slavery without risking everyone's extinction as a result of infighting, they aren't wrong to prioritize slavery as being of secondary concern, although they should still work to undermine slavery in longer-term ways.

For instance, buying slaves so they won't be abused, giving them a good life similar to being free, teaching them skills so they can earn an honest living when they do get freed, and ideally helping them gain fame and social prominence so that people will say, "X, Y, and Z are slaves and they're heroes too, they deserve better after rescuing us!"

Which is pretty much what canon-Naofumi does when he buys Raphtalia, trains her up to fight the Waves, helps her become strong and famous and a prominent & self-confident voice, and then founds Rock Valley when he has more power, money, and territory to buy and protect more slaves.

Was all that his intention when he bought Raphtalia and then founded Rock Valley? His internal narration suggests it wasn't at first, but that helping and protecting demi-humans later became his intention by the time he founded Rock Valley. And Naofumi lies to himself quite a lot due to his trauma and jaded worldview, so who knows.

In a world where slavery is entirely legal and internationally popular, canon-Naofumi sets himself up as a protective figure much like Mr. Schindler, and whether or not he's intending to do so the results of his actions over the course of canon -- and IIRC canon takes place entirely within a year of the summoning, maybe two years, which is not a lot of time for widespread sociolegal change -- are reasonable initial steps toward ending slavery within a decade or two, preferably without an immensely bloody war when selfishly greedy people in power object violently.

Did he now? I don't remember him sharing the gains of his mercantile endeavors, which she and Filo assisted with, with either, and I also remember him being the only one making decisions on what money gets spent on - sure, Raftalia can ask for things and receive them, but that's not the same.
This is fair, but it's also 1) early days on, 2) I don't remember him refusing Raphtalia anything in particular, including any money she'd hypothetically ask him for, although I admit I haven't gone combed the canon to be certain, and 3) even without slavery this isn't that different from how a lot of people and cultures treated women generally needing their husband or male relative's permission to handle money.

Again, it's not wonderful, but here's a timeline of IRL women's rights advances (and backsliding) just from the 1900s, and our IRL countries don't measure up as well on equality as we like to pretend we do. Especially in contrast to a 1700s-era at best Melromarc where women hold positions of political power, make meaningful legal descisions, and rape charges can reliably get a man executed on his first offense.

Highlights that occurred during my parents' lifetimes include:

  • Spain, 1963 -- the Blood Revenge law that made it legal for husbands and parents to kill wives or daughters when the women were caught performing "illicit acts" was finally repealed
  • France, 1965 -- married women were granted the right to work without requiring their husbands' consent
  • Colorado, USA, 1967 -- Colorado became the first state to decriminalize abortion in the case of rape, incest, or danger to the mother. Meaning it was 100% criminal in all those cases up to then and remained as such in other states until later.
  • Florida, USA, 1970 -- the Married Women Property Rights Act was passed into law, giving married women in FL, for the first time, the right to own property solely in their names and to transfer that property without their husbands' signatures.
  • France, 1970 -- The paternal authority of a man over his family was ended in 1970 (before that parental responsibilities belonged solely to the father who made all legal decisions concerning the children).
  • Sweden, 1980 -- Gender discrimination is forbidden by law. The laws of succession changed from male-inheritance only to eldest child inheritance regardless of sex or gender.
  • Spain, 1981 - married women were granted the right to initiate legal proceedings without requiring their husbands' consent (meaning they could sue their husbands too); women were allowed to legally work without the consent of their husband, apply for a passport, open a bank account and get a drivers license
  • Italy, 1981 -- repealed the legal clause that let a rapist marry his rape victim to to evade punishment, meaning a woman raped in 1980 had faced the likely possibility of getting forcibly married to the rapist
  • USA, 1981 -- Supreme Court found unconstitutional a Louisiana Head & Master law, leading to the full end of the legal subordination of a wife to her husband (which gave sole control of marital property to the husband) in all 50 states
  • Argentina, 1987 -- Divorce is legalized and laws are passed to provide equality between wives and husbands
  • Spain, 1987 -- Spain's Supreme Court held that a rape victim need not prove that she had fought to defend herself in order to verify the truth of her allegation. Until that important court case, it was generally accepted that a female rape victim, unlike the victims of other crimes, had to show that she had put up "heroic resistance" in order to prove that she had not enticed the rapist or otherwise encouraged him to attack her
  • Ireland, 1990 -- marital rape was legal up to now but finally got outlawed
    • France, 1990 -- French courts authorize prosecution for marital rape and assault of a spouse
    • Cyprus, 1994 -- marital rape made illegal
    • Columbia, 1996 -- Colombia made marital rape illegal
    • Hungary, 1997 -- Hungary outlaws marital rape
  • France, 1994 -- Until 1994, France kept in the French Penal Code the article from 1810 that exonerated a rapist in the event of a marriage to their victim
  • Peru, 1997 -- In 1991, a law was modified to absolve co-conspirators in a gang rape case if one of them married the victim. In 1997, the law was completely repealed
  • Brazil, 2005 -- Article 107 was repealed; it stated that a perpetrator's penalty was annulled when he married the person he made a victim, according to crimes listed elsewhere in the Code, including rape
  • Bulgaria, 2015 -- Until September 2015, under Bulgaria's penal code, a rapist could escape punishment, even in the case of statutory rape, if it was followed by marriage

TLDR, Naofumi having control of their finances isn't good, but he's living in a 1700s era world at best and he's treating Raphtalia basically the same way that a 1960s USA husband would treat his wife, since up to 1970-1980 or so a husband had total legal control over shared property (and Raphtalia brought in no property that wasn't "shared" other than the rags she was wearing).

We have no indication that Raphtalia has any objections to the state of affairs, nor that Naofumi would refuse her if she voiced objections and asked for her full freedom or for more equality.

Because your post doesn't make it clear what is it, exactly, that you find annoying. It's unclear enough that one might even interpret it as saying that you don't think Naofumi was a slave owner at all, with the argument being "because he treated his slaves well"; which would be a pretty horrible argument if that was the case, since there's no such thing as "treating slaves well".

Given that it wouldn't be hard to interpret "Rise of the Shield Hero" as being written intentionally as a propaganda piece whitewashing slavery with the argument of "it's not so bad, so long as the slave owner is a decent person", the fact that somebody could accidentally interpret your post as supporting the same argument seems like something you should clarify, to me.
I dislike the "Slave Lord Naofumi" idea that he is inherently deplorable for working within the confines of the local laws and culture rather than trying to immediately overturn everything he dislikes when he lacks the power to affect meaningful change and he has to juggle the Waves.

Buying slaves and treating them well is not a good long-term solution to the problem of legalized slavery, but it is a short-term solution that can get a bunch of slaves away from people who will abuse them and it can provide long-term opportunities for them to grow and collectively cooperate to affect greater change later on.

Especially in RotSH world, where Naofumi's Slave User Shield Series gives his slaves improved stat growth that will let them better protect themselves and other later on in life.

A lot of people condemn Naofumi's behavior in buying slaves without taking a look at how he treats them, what the alternatives are, what Raphtalia says she wants for her life (and the other slaves), and the potential problems to overcome with various alternatives.

This isn't to say that canon-Naofumi behavior is the best possible path, but it one set of actions that can viably lead to greater freedom and equality for everyone.

...The story Hope of the Shield Hero has several arcs and elements involving alternative treatment of and reactions to slavery that I wish we would see explored more in other stories.

For instance, in Dilligence of the Shield Hero the four heroes are collectively running the village rebuilt over Lulorona and they need to decide what legal status slavery will have in their territory.

Outlawing slavery is the obvious option, except that would result either in Rasphtalia losing her stat improvements when her seal is removed and/or in legal punishing Naofumi for being Raphtalia's owner.

When they bring this issue up at a public town meeting to get the villagers' opinions, many of whom are formers slaves as well, Hope-Naofumi responds to everyone's disbelief that he owns a slave at all with:
Dilligence said:
"My Shield makes slaves registered to me more powerful as they level up. Raphtalia is alive today despite facing opponents higher in level than her because of it." Naofumi said. "That's the only reason she still has her crest, to help her survive. If it didn't benefit her in some way, I would have gotten rid of it the moment I knew that I loved her."

"That's why we're struggling with what laws to put down for slavery.

"And that's why I'm considering making my future party members my slaves if they ask me for it.

"It's not to abuse them. It's not to use them. But to make them strong enough to protect themselves from anyone or anything that would want to abuse them. Be it either cruel people who'd want to subjugate them or monsters from the Waves seeking to destroy them.

"I'm sorry you had to suffer from horrible slave owners before. But I'm going to do everything I possibly can to ensure those under my care can survive the Waves of Catastrophe, and help others to survive as well. Whether you or the other Heroes like it or not.

"I want to survive. And I want my friends and family to survive.

"That's all I have to say about this."
There's more discussion in the chapter too, but everyone (including Naofumi) gets flabbergasted when a bunch of formerly-enslaved villagers start volunteering to get slave seals for the sake of stat boosts so they can fight the Waves alongside the Cardinal Heroes.

The end result is basically a deliberate thread-the-needle loophole where the slavery seals -- renamed "Hero Service Service" seals for legislative purposes -- can be applied to anyone who willingly volunteers to be enslaved to one of the Four Heroes for the stat boosts, but slavery is illegal and using magical seals to torture or control people is completely illegal (so the Hero Service Seals only count if they have all the punishments turned as low as is possible), as well as a legal requirement that removal of the seal be provided to anyone who requests it at any time for any reason.

I also appreciate that the Hope of the Shield Hero series has a realistic look at what would happen if one of the non-Shield Cardinal Heroes did start agitating for the end of slavery and/or forcibly freeing demi-human slaves.

Said hero has success for a few weeks, freeing slaves and spiriting them away to a friendly nobleman's lands where they can secretly live in peace under said noble's protection, and then he hears about a nobleman responding to the "slave uprisings" -- since the slaves disappear and a bunch of owners have died -- by making examples.

Said noble publicly tortured and the burnt at the stake a bunch of his own slaves, including kids, and made the announcement that he'd do so the next night and every following night until the 'rebellious elements' turned themselves in.

The anti-slavery hero infiltrated said nobleman's manor despite heightened security, killed him, freed a bunch of slaves... and then got caught in a trap set up by the Three Heroes Church, who'd declared him a Fake Hero (thus even higher priority than Naofumi) and sent a bunch of powerful knights and shadows to kill him.

Freeing slaves quickly through force was definitely a good deed morally speaking, but at the same time it got a bunch of the slaves he wanted to protect tortured and killed in backlash and nearly got a Cardinal Hero killed -- potentially dooming the entire world to extinction via the Waves unless the kingdoms killed the other three heroes and summoned a new batch ASAP -- and accomplished very little that wouldn't have been undone a month or two later when inquisitors tracked the freed slaves back to the lands they were on and more pressure came on the protective nobleman than he could ward off.

On another hand, there's a story called Monster Momma where female-Naofumi does not engage the slave trade at all beyond patronizing Belkouas for some monster egg services, and there's a great scene where she explains her reasoning to Melty, who was sheltered and idealistic enough to be horrified by what Melromarc's slavery laws allow:

Monster Momma said:
Naofumi sighed. She kept walking for a moment before stopping to face Melty. The hero kneeled on the dirt-paved path. "This is more of a conversation you should have with a mother, you know. She's the one who can make real change."

"She doesn't know about that man ," spat Melty with all the venom and hatred her young mind could conjure. "He sells people . Even if they're demi-humans, that isn't right!"

Rough hands clasped around delicate ones. "Yes, he sells people. It's not morally correct by any means. But it's money. So much more money than some other businesses."

"What does money have to do with this?"

The smile on Naofumi's face faltered for the briefest of seconds. "Money makes people happy. It keeps people employed. It keeps people fed." She reached a hand up to brush aside the princess's bangs. "It might be a bit tough to understand for you, but you can't just stop Beloukas or anyone else who sells slaves."

"Because it's bad for business?" came the sarcastic reply.

"That and it'll upset a lot more people than you think." Naofumi stood back up, but kept a hand wrapped around Melty's. "The best thing you can do right now is to not pay for it."

"Huh?" Melty didn't resist Naofumi's hand. "How is that going to help?"

"Well, let's put it like this. If no one wanted to buy our potions today, what would we do with them?" A somewhat odd question considering that they had sold all of their potions except their personal store. Though perhaps that made it more fitting in some respects.

"We would try to sell them another day. Or go to someone else who does want to buy them."

"Yes, that would be the smart decision. But hypothetically speaking," drawled the woman, "what if no one at all wants to buy our potions?"

"Then, um." Melty covered the bottom half of her face with her free hand. "We'd have to stop selling potions. Or maybe just sell less of them. That way we could focus on something else."

"So switch out potions for slaves. What then?"

"I suppose that Beloukas would have to focus on selling something else. Is that right?" The princess looked up at the hero, hope and the want for affirmation clear on her face.

"That's right." Naofumi replied with a little bit more cheer than usual. "If there's no demand, then there's no point in selling. But with something like slaves, it'll be a while before demand dies down." "Can't I change that when I become queen?" The question was innocent in nature, but the consequences were larger than Melty could imagine.

It was wise of Naofumi to avoid speaking of those consequences. "With a lot of time and effort, yes. But you can't just roll out change on people. You're going to want people to support your decisions first."
I very much appreciate that the author had a good way of handling this issue that I hadn't seen before, and I also appreciate the author later making clear that yes, Raphtalia has died off-screen, and presumably a bunch of the other people that canon-Naofumi saved by buying them are going to suffer and die along the way as well.


That being said, slavelord-Naofumi is one of my biggest pet peeves. Initially buying Raphtalia from the slaver can be viewed as noble with the right framing: Naofumi using what little power he has to free a child from slavery. Except he doesn't actually do that. I can understand her being "legally" a slave, because Melomarc is fucked up enough that "property of a hated convict" still has more legal protection than "minority child," but the magical slave brand that lets him torture her on a whim should have come off early on. Instead, the author kept making excuse after excuse to justify it. Yes, you can make an argument that at the beginning they were too mentally fucked up to do that, but the thing about that is that the characters are supposed to REALIZE that they're fucked up and have done fucked up things and try to do better. By continually making excuses for the slave brand we are denied character growth on both their parts.
"Slavelord Naofumi" annoys me too, but for the opposite reasons: Naofumi never treats Raphtalia like a slave beyond their first day together; Naofumi quickly stops treating Firo like a slave once they begin traveling as "Merchant of the Holy Bird" after some issues putting a firmer slave seal on (that he doesn't use later) in the first week he has her; Naofumi then goes through multiple story arcs and two more Waves without adding in any new slaves, and the first slave he eventually adds is Rishia, a free human who willingly joins his party after Itsuki kicks her out and agrees to become his slave specifically because she wants the stat boost provided by his Slaver Shield to become stronger.
Because your post doesn't make it clear what is it, exactly, that you find annoying. It's unclear enough that one might even interpret it as saying that you don't think Naofumi was a slave owner at all, with the argument being "because he treated his slaves well"; which would be a pretty horrible argument if that was the case, since there's no such thing as "treating slaves well".

Given that it wouldn't be hard to interpret "Rise of the Shield Hero" as being written intentionally as a propaganda piece whitewashing slavery with the argument of "it's not so bad, so long as the slave owner is a decent person", the fact that somebody could accidentally interpret your post as supporting the same argument seems like something you should clarify, to me.

To be clear, I do not think that you're making the argument I outlined - I'm saying that I'm not sure what your argument actually is, other than "not that", and having a clarification of what you intended would therefore be quite helpful.
Essentially, canon-Naofumi owning slaves like Raphtalia is not good, but it's also not automatically irreconcilable to Naofumi acting in ways that will eventually help to abolish slavery.

He may not have known it at the time, but if canon-Naofumi freed canon-Raphtalia at any time during LN Volume 1 without any other changes to the story, a Three Heroes Church Shadow could easily have abducted her and left behind a forged letter saying she ran away to find her fellow villagers.

Moreover, while she was enslaved to Naofumi during LN Volume 1, Naofumi essentially treated her like a little kid under his care while balancing his need to have someone attack on his behalf in fights.

You know Oliver Twist, the Dickens story? Where the eponymous Oliver is an orphan raised in an 1830s British workhouse, and then sent to be apprenticed to an undertaker when he asks "Please sir, may I have some more?" at dinner?

An author could re-write all the events of LN Volume 1 with all mentions of slavery and the magical slave control seal omitted. They could replace these scenes with Belkouas running a workhouse and sending Raphtalia to work for Naofumi the same way that Oliver got sent to the undertaker.

Swapping slavery for an 1800s orphan custody apprenticeship would change no details of the story except for a bit of Naofumi's internal narration and some events of the first day they're together, where instead of using the seal to make Raphtalia stab the balloon, he yells at her or slaps her until she obeys him.

EDIT: If someone did write a story with such a replacement, Naofumi would still be treating Raphtalia better than Oliver got treated by the undertaker. That's food for thought.​

AFAIK, there's no time after that first day when canon-Naofumi actually uses the seal to punish Raphtalia, but what he does is speak kindly to her, answer her questions, seat her beside him at the same table, feed her good food, make medicine to cure her cough, let her clean herself up, buy her a ball she wants so she can play in her downtime, and help her grow into a strong and confident young woman.

That's what I mean when I say Naofumi canonically doesn't treat Raphtalia like a slave.

Raphtalia was freed during the end of LN Volume 1 and her response, as a free woman with the right to make her own choices about her life, was to say "Let's go back and get my seal reapplied" even though it could potentially be used by Naofumi to torture her at his whim. She made that choice of her own free will with no coercion, and AFAIK she never expressed any later desire to have it removed, nor is there indication that Naofumi would have refused her if she did.

If we say we want Raphtalia to be free, then we ought to respect her freedom of self-determination and her choice to get the seal re-applied, especially when the seal actually provides tangible benefits like stat growth improvements that keep her alive in violent fights and let her oppose the Waves more effectively.


Slavery is morally wrong and good people should act to resist or abolish it. This obligation does not mean they should act hastily or thoughtlessly when they oppose it, because then they will accomplish nothing positive in the long run.

When you exist in a system where slavery is legal and popular, then taking action to keep slaves from being abused and killed is ultimately a good deed.

If you personally have the power to abolish slavery quickly and make it stick, then great. If you can't, then you'll need to compromise, prioritize, and act in multiple stages.

Buying slaves, treating them well, and helping them grow to become free, productive members of society who can help you agitate for change is one of several methods that can result in positive change in the system, provided you don't fall down a slippery slope of abusing the people you have power over.

This is basically what canon-Naofumi does, but canon takes place over such a short period of time that we don't really see any later stages that would lead to long-term abolition and/or revolution.

I'm going to be showing several possible ways of people addressing the existence of slavery later on in Grinding, as well as various hurdles they have to avoid or overcome. I hope you'll continue to read and enjoy my plot choices, even when they aren't as straightforward as "kill the owners and free the slaves now" or "make a grand speech and hope listeners all shout their agreement so we can change the laws".
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