Grim Dark Tech Support: A Dark Mechanicum Quest

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[X] Plan Machina
- [X] The Machine
- [X] The Ruined City
[X] Plan Machina
- [X] The Machine
- [X] The Ruined City

This would be my preference, although from the description... does that bring to mind Istvan III to anyone else?
You whirl around rapidly, and she laughs, appearing in the reflection behind you just as she did before. She has shed her disguise now, appearing in a form that seems much more natural: the thin, sinewy body covered by a soft robe tied loosely around her waist with a broad belt of the same material, the claws at the end of her digitigrade legs hidden inside slippers miming the form of some sort of verminous creature.
A bit late but I feel like I should draw attention to the fact that Salaala was wearing a bathrobe with bunny slippers... what an icon.
although from the description... does that bring to mind Istvan III to anyone else?
Maybe. But the mention we barely missed getting a run-in with Trazyn The Infinite, because what else is silver and bright green and going to steal a vault of precious treasures, is making me think we're staring down something related. The only people who'd make a planet-scale ritual like this are Word Bearers, because a planetary ring of salt and sacrificial bodies is only the domain of the religiosity and scale of the Legion. And when it comes to things they hate other than the Imperium, Necrons are pretty far up there.

Necrons, Tyranids, some new alien faction, the Word Bearers wanted to keep something from getting off this planet. This place was sealed away until we disturbed that. We should be very cautious about what we interact with.
Kind of weird people decided to do a plan vote for only two choices. But oh well.

[X] Plan Stoner City
-[X] The Stone
-[X] The Ruined City
But the mention we barely missed getting a run-in with Trazyn The Infinite, because what else is silver and bright green and going to steal a vault of precious treasures

See, I assumed it was an Alpha Legion operative, because what other people silver and green would be fucking around in a Chaos base. And unless I'm missing something, Theama-Nul didn't specify where or when he caught that glimpse. It didn't necessarily have to be during the collapse at the end nor is it enough to conclude anything about where the figure was going.

We just know that something's up, have no idea what, and have to deal. As per usual, depressingly.
See, I assumed it was an Alpha Legion operative, because what other people silver and green would be fucking around in a Chaos base.
That is true. But this was in a Vault, and the Alpha Legion is known for having deep-cover operatives that wear the armor, face, and even genetics of the group they're infiltrating. So it's less likley this was a Legion on the move, and more Trollbot swaggering in to nab yet another historically significant trinket from the claws of Chaos.

It's terrifying how often the Necrons are starting to push back against Chaos and make it look easy.
[X] Plan Machina
- [X] The Machine
- [X] The Ruined City

If nothing else, I want the machine brain. When we can grow machines, we shall have crossed the horizon of our art... and can look at new challenges yet unseen.
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