In the World of Earth-Bet, where super-powered Heroes and Villains are the reality, and immensely destructive beings known as Endbringers regularly attack locations around the globe, There are plenty of strong foes to fight. As one orkoid from the 41st millennium finds itself on a strange, unfamiliar planet, who knows what could happen?
As Our Orktagonist slowly comes to his senses, what sight first greets his slowly clearing eyes?
[ ] A large and protruberant green nose that is hard to mistake, and small limbs attached to an equally small but lean and well built green body.
[ ] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
As your vision begins to slowly clear, you see a large shard of broken glass resting against rubble. You recognize the image reflected off of it, with it's jagged fangs protruding from a large heavyset jaw, Long muscular arms hanging from hunched shoulders, with gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers. You rub your head, pounding with a throbbing headache, as you lay against the pieces of rubble. You notice a large hole in the wall on the other side of the room, around the size of your body and a trail of small debris leading from the hole to yourself. Bracing your arms on the floor, you lift yourself up onto your feet.
"Where da zog iz dis?" you grumble out loud as you wipe pieces of rubble and glass. Taking a look around the unlit room you see tables and chairs in straight rows (apart from the ones you crashed into), facing a green surface on the wall, and a large wooden desk in front of it. Most desks have some sort of bag beside them, and at the back of the room are rows of square slots, many of which contain odd colored leather objects in them. Some of the Leather objects are strewn on the floor around the slots, along with odd looking bright yellow hats.
You take a few minutes looking around the room, searching the contents of the bags, desks and containers laying around. You discover that most of the clothes you find are humie clothing, for the smol humies, and far too tiny to be of use. When you finish searching the room, you feel rather unimpressed, finding almost nothing that could be useful for you. Before you spend another few minutes looking for an exit only to realize that the door slides open, You decide to take one object from the room with you.
[ ] wun uv 'da yellow hats layin around 'da room, A propa ork needs a propa hat.
[ ] dis odd stabby fing dat opens 'n closes. Its orange too.
[ ] a weird kone fing 'dat i thought wuzz a shoota 'cos it had a trigga. It makes sounds louda, which iz almost as gud
Having picked what to take from the room, and finally opened the door, you step out into the hallway.
The hallway is empty and almost eerie in its silence, the the floors untouched for years and the walls worn, paint peeling in some places. Every door has a small sign above it, some labeled with numbers and others with symbols you cant read. The room you had just left was numbered "1-1"
You turn to look at both ends of the hallway, trying to see where they lead. At the right end of the hallway are stairs going up to the next floor. At the left end of the hallway are a set of double doors, currently shut and blocking you from seeing what is on the other side. You decide to......
[ ] Look inside more rooms on the current floor, they might have better loot than the room you just left.
[ ]Go towards the double doors, there is probably nothing useful in the building, and you might have better luck elsewhere
[ ] Head towards the stairs, this floor probably has nothing of value, and you want to see what else is in this building.
You step back into the room having picked what you want to take with you. No proper ork walks around without a proper hat on their head, and you are a proper ork. Picking up one of the bright yellow hats, you stretch the chin strap and place it on your head. To you, it looks good, your great taste in hats showing your kultured tastes. Returning to the hallway, you begin to search the rest of the rooms on the floor.
Opening the door to the latest room you step inside, feeling frustrated after searching 4 more rooms that were no different from the first. To your surprise it is different from the other few rooms, containing numerous metal boxes and tables with large amounts of paper, covered in writing you don't understand.
You manage to find a few white colored helmets that seem rather useless for protecting someone's head in a fight, and it's not much of a contest to leave them behind, keeping your Yellow Hat.
Your frustration continues to grow as you move on to the remaining room on this floor, having only found rooms like the one you had first been in, or rooms without anything useful. You eventually find yourself exiting the last set of stairs, finding yourself outside on the roof of the building. There is not much on the rooftop, apart from a fence to keep people from falling.
As you walk around you realize that the rooftop might give you a pretty decent view of surrounding area and what it looks like. Once you are in front of the fence, you get your first view of the area you have found yourself in.
Directly below you is a small entrance courtyard with a large metal gate. Outside the gate are paved roads, littered with unoccupied vehicles and what appear to be manually operated bikes.On the other side of the street you see a barrier along what seems to be a cliff or steep hill, to keep people from falling. You cant see what is directly in front of the bottom of the cliff, the first buildings visible further away, a vast expanse of mostly multi-story buildings and the streets below them. From what you can see, there is debris strewn across the streets, flipped over vehicles and various pieces of destroyed buildings, and you even see a small boat lying in the middle of a street. Visible beyond the city is the sparkling blue water of a deep inlet. The two sides of the inlet extend to your right, out to the open ocean.
Most prominent of all, however is the looming mountain In the middle of the inlet, shaped like a wide, flat cone looking as if it had literally risen out of the sea.
Clearly, the best prospects lie closer to the water, among all those taller buildings. As you stand on the rooftop, looking out over the city, and towards the mountain, you are hit with the realization that for the first time in your existence, you no longer another ork telling you around, nobody to tell you what to do, and no one to stop you from keeping all the loot and scrap to yourself. You also realize that this is probably a world filled with humans, and you are probably the only ork. As you return back inside, and begin making your way down to leave the building, You try to decide on how to handle your situation.
[ ] Since ya probably kan't win against all da 'umiez on dis planet roight now, da best fing ta do iz find 'umiez 'oo are will'n ta giv ya teef for ya ta fight, do some sneaky stabb'n , or do someth'n without gett'n kaught so ya kan get more spechul gadjetz 'an betta wepons
[ ] You will gatha loot an' scrap ta set up a workshop, an' begin kollect'n interest'n new fings, learn'n about new teknologee an' build all sorts uv wargear outta 'da bits an' gubbins yer find.
[ ] it doesn't matta much 'dat you are 'da only ork, all it means iz 'dat now ya have ta find otha fings ta fight an' become 'da biggest an' meanest. You will look for all uv da gud fights an' all da strong fightaz ta fight im gud. Since it wudunt be gud if 'der was nobody ta fight, ya might not kill gits ya stomped, but instead tell im why da didn't win, so 'dat da next fight will be even betta an' funna.
You exit the front gates of the building and onto the street, your plans set. In the distance the road crosses over a river that runs through the city roughly perpendicular to the Bay. Directly across the river from you is a large rocky hill, and at its base what seems to be some sort compound surrounded in a moat and stone walls, with tattered and faded banners standing along the top of the walls, flapping in the wind. You can barely make out the symbol on one of the more intact banners, a faded black circle with a vertical and horizontal line crossing over in the center of the circle. To your right you see a multi-story building in the distance, closer to the water with various weird looking humans depicted on it, the brightly colored depictions faded with age. To your left is a road that seems to lead further inland and away from the city, into the countless mountains and valleys and the forests that cover them.
[ ] Ya kontinue down 'da road towards 'da rocky hill an' 'da fortification below it. 'da flag means it belongs ta someone, so 'der kould be some gud loot inside.
[ ] Ya head towards 'da build'n wit' weird 'umiez on it, obviously it iz a picture uv powerful or important 'umiez or sumfin, an 'da build'n might kontain all sorts uv useful fings.
[ ] Dis place might have some decent loot an' scrap lay'n around, but ya ain't stick'n around 'n a place without anyth'n ta krump real gud.
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Da Kollektion uv Humie Seekritz an' a Lost Ork'z Seekrit Dreamz
Ya head towards 'da build'n wit' weird 'umiez on it, obviously it iz a picture uv powerful or important 'umiez or sumfin, an 'da build'n might kontain all sorts uv useful fings.
You know well that important humans tend to be more fancy looking, or different from the normal humans. You make your way down the city streets and see all sorts of debris scattered around. Pieces of wood from buildings, roof tiles, wrecked vehicles and various other miscellaneous objects that some how ended up here. As you get closer to the building with fancy humans on it, you are able to clearly see some of the pictures. A human with long orange hair, wearing a red skintight outfit, a humanoid mech of some kind, colored white apart from its blue and red torso, a spacecraft with numerous turrets colored grey apart from the red bottom portion of it's hull and a human with long yellow-gold hair, wearing white clothes with a blue skirt and red ribbon.
You make your way past the flipped car sitting in front the entrance, stepping inside the building. The ground floor contains rows of shelves filled with numerous books. Many of the shelves are knocked over, their books scattered around the room with various images on their covers. You walk around the floor, looking at the covers of various tomes, some are weird, like the thinner tomes with barely clothed human females and the tomes featuring colorfully and oddly dressed humans holding sticks that shoot rainbows and energy beams made of heart symbols. Some pique your interest, like the tome featuring a human who can fight at insane speeds and fire energy blasts and uses some sort of technique to change his hair color and gain planet-destroying levels of power. It soon becomes clear to you that this building contains information on secret human knowledge, and will benefit you greatly. You see a set of stairs towards the back of the floor, leading up to the next floor, no doubt containing even more hidden knowledge and secrets.
Hours pass by as you scour the building's floors to find the greatest secrets and the most forbidden tomes of mankind, searching for something that you could use to defeat your foes, something to help fulfill your secret dream and ambition to:
[ ] become da kaptain uv da best ship in da sector, wit' 'da hardest armor an 'da biggest kannons. Also gett'n a kool look'n uniform wit' a kool kaptin's hat, an' maybe a mechanical leg or two. an' a hook hand 'dat kan also shoot lasaz. An' maybe an eyepatch dat kovaz a hidden lasa eye, an mayb-
[ ] become 'da greatest cybork mek ever, us'n supa advanced ork teknologee ta become 'da biggest an' baddest ork around, an' build mekanikal orks, machinez 'dat are right an' propa orkey, and fly'n around 'n a mek suit wif lotz uv dakka.
[ ] ta discova 'da secrets ta unlock'n immense levels uv powa an skill, an do fings like katch'n a sword wit' yer bare hands, or shoot'n beams outta yer fingaz, like 'dat 'umie ye saw do 'n a record'n 'dat was kalled someth'n like "soarin dragon leapin monkee" or somefin liek dat.
AN: I wrote lots and then got stuck with deciding how to structure everything, so I eventually decided to post just this part and use the rest for following chapters, so that I can make the updates more frequent.
As you look through the various tomes you begin focus on the ones that feature skilled fighters and unusual powers. You grin happily as you find a possible way to fulfill a long abandoned dream, flipping through tome after tome in search of an answer. As you flip through pages of knowledge, you begin to notice a number of common details or themes in many of the books. The skills and abilities are gained as a result of extensive training and often require instruction from some sort of master or teacher.
This presents a big problem, as you don't have a master on hand to teach you, and you have yet to see a single human in the city so far. You also know from the tomes that these masters often live away from civilization or at the top of mountains. Recalling the road leading away from the city towards the mountains and forests, it becomes clear to you where you are heading next. Gathering the most important books, you exit the building, making your way towards the road leading to the mountains. After finding the road you set out in the direction of the mountains to discover the secrets of the universe.
A few hours have passed and you have made it out of the city and instead of sidewalks and multi-story buildings there are green forests on each side of the road, until you find the trees making way for odd squares filled with shallow water and some sort of plants. Further away you spot buildings that are spread apart from each other, at least in comparison to the city you arrived in.
The road is raised above the rest of the landscape, tall grass and shrubs growing on the steep slopes. You hear quiet rustling behind you in the tall grass lining the roadside, as something unseen approaches through the tall grass. You decide to:
[ ] wait an' see wot it iz, preetend not ta notice im an' if dey attack ya can krump im gud
[ ] "Noice try, but yer sneak'n around kant fool me! if yer don't kome out I'z gunna smash yer face ya sneaky git!"
[ ] charge towards 'da noise, so yer kan krump im reel gud before dey kan krump ye first.
Adhoc vote count started by Carnifex-Chan on Mar 2, 2019 at 1:42 PM, finished with 23 posts and 22 votes.
[x] wait an' see wot it iz, preetend not ta notice im an' if dey attack ya can krump im gud