Grand Theft Yeddim[exalted]

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You have spent the last three years in hell.

It's not that...


Apprentice Plane Wizard
Status Screen
Finish Chargen
Caste: Fiend
Favored: Adorjan
Urge: Cecelynian (Urge to command)
When I have more than the OP
I make or two rolls per scene, based on the most relevant attributes. The more successes you get, the better you do.

Cool descriptions give you bonus dice. Write ins are an automatic 1-die stunt, good write ins are 2-die stunts, and absolutely amazing or unanimous write-ins are worth 3 dice. You may append a write-in to a vote as a subvote to obtain stunting bonuses

You have spent the last three years in hell.

It's not that bad once you get used to it. But soon, you will go out into Creation and bring about the will of the Yozis. Even with your impressive toxin resistance, you shouldn't have gotten into that drinking contest with a Blood Ape, as the last thing you remember is winning, before the basalt of the road rushed up to meet you.

Character creation START
What is your name?

[ ]Killfuck Soulshitter
[ ]Harbinger of Blood-Soaked Rainbow
[ ]Blast Hardcheese
[ ]Passion-lemon Tyrant Lizard
[ ] Write-in
In whose image was your Exaltation formed?
[ ]Malfeas Nuclear Launch Detected!
[ ]Adjoran Gotta go fast
[ ]She Who Lives in Her Name SCIENCE!
[ ]Ebon Dragon Low down dirty deceiver
Which Yozi do you favor? (Must be different than your patron)
[ ]Malfeas Nuclear Launch Detected!
[ ]Adjoran Gotta go fast
[ ]She Who Lives in Her Name SCIENCE!
[ ]Ebon Dragon Low down dirty deceiver
[ ]Kimbery Yandere made of acid
Who gave you your Urge?
[ ]Malfeas
[ ]Cecelyne
[ ]Adjoran
[ ]She Who Lives in Her Name
[ ]Ebon Dragon
[ ]Kimbery

Attributes, skills, and backgrounds come next.
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First things first:
[ ]Malfeas Nuclear Launch Detected!
[ ]Adjoran Gotta go fast
[ ]She Who Lives in Her Name SCIENCE!
[ ]Ebon Dragon Low down dirty deceiver
Which Yozi do you favor? (Must be different than your patron)
[ ]Malfeas Nuclear Launch Detected!
[ ]Adjoran Gotta go fast
[ ]She Who Lives in Her Name SCIENCE!
[ ]Ebon Dragon Low down dirty deceiver
[ ]Kimbery Yandere made of acid

[x] Invictus of the Green Sun
[X] Malfeas
[X] Cecelyne
[X] Kimbery
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An Exalted quest where we get to play as the obviously superior type of Exalts Infernals?? Count me in.

What is your name?
[X]Killfuck Soulshitter

Some healthy intimidation is always a good thing.

In whose image was your Exaltation formed?
[X]Ebon Dragon

He's a wimp, but pretty cool in retrospect.

Which Yozi do you favor?
[X]She Who Lives in Her Name

*totally not obsessed with smashing a couple of Spheres*Anyways, FOR SCIENCE!

Who gave you your Urge?
[X]Ebon Dragon

Might as well keep it simple.
Could we do something else then Malfeas this time? Every Quest and fan fiction protagonist is spewing green hatefire and uses mutations to become a freaking balrog(winged) edition all the time. Other Yozis also deserve a chance to shine.
No love for Cecelyne? Infernal Genie is fun.
[X]Passion-lemon Tyrant Lizard
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Could we do something else then Malfeas this time? Every Quest and fan fiction protagonist is spewing green hatefire and uses mutations to become a freaking balrog(winged) edition all the time. Other Yozis also deserve a chance to shine.
If I'm remembering correctly, the Sword that Ends the World/the Odyssey quest(s) by Rihaku don't end up with the main character(who had Exalted as a Fiend) following Malfeas intimately. This may be due to the fact it's unfinished, however.
That said, I completely agree with you.
[X] Harbinger of Blood-soaked Rainbow (as the only option that does not make me want to headdesk)

[X] Adorjan

Favored Yozi
[X] Cecelyne

[X] Kimbery
Come on, is no one else ecstatic to have the name "Killfuck Soulshitter"? Think of how the name would strike fear into the hearts of our enemies!
If I'm remembering correctly, the Sword that Ends the World/the Odyssey quest(s) by Rihaku don't end up with the main character(who had Exalted as a Fiend) following Malfeas intimately. This may be due to the fact it's unfinished, however.
That said, I completely agree with you.
No, he was a Slayer who favored The Ebon Dragon. He pretty much had all the Malfeas charms, at least at the start. He did branch out a bit later.

Adorjan is a must-have here. We must give everyone true freedom. So many fun charms for running around "enlightening" people.

She Who Lives in Her Name gives us TK combat and lets us mindcrush people. She also lets us make villages of creepy cultists.

The Ebon Dragon or Cecelyne also have fun things, although I prefer to see SWLIHN.
I want to see Malfeas/Cecelyne because By Rage Recast Comboed with the wish charms makes us look and act like lucifer. Which I like. Plus, I like the bombastic personality Malfeas encourages mixed with the cult leader of Cecelyne
[X] Lightbringer On Blistered Sands

[X] Image: Malfeas

[X] Favored: Cecelyne

[X] Urge: Malfeas
I will recommend the use of this SWLIHN Charmset. Which doesn't suck like canon's.

And I guess I'll throw in a combination that could be interesting and somewhat unique for a change, instead of boring old MALFEAS MALFEAS MALFEAS.
[ ] Cecelyne
[ ] TED
[ ] Adorjan

Social-fu gogogo.

Edit: Vote changed.
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I should note my vote for TED is partly based on the existence of these homebrew Charms.

Which allow a much cooler playstyle than the (again boring) ALL JACKASS ALL THE TIME; being a subtle, beautiful, corruptive social influence from the shadows, luring people in and granting them what they wish to ensnare them in cobweb-strands that only pull them deeper into debt the more they struggle to be rid of them.

And a subtle socialite manipulator being thrown into GRAND THEFT YEDDIM antics promises to be hilarious.
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Options options. Obviously Malfeas+Adorjan is the killiest combo, but it's been done.

Adorjan has a lot of options for killy stuff, plus stuff that slots nicely into, well, everything else. The not-at-range restriction is a bit awkward (especially if we're avoiding Malfeas) but workable.

SWLIHN has some hilarious stuff in MHM+PIO, plus keyword defenses, although they're bland compared to most Infernal charms.

I don't really like ED's stuff, perhaps because the whole "must use manipulation foreveeeer" thing kinda screws you over against other Charm-users.

Cecelyne is subtler than the others. Well, until you reach the mile-wide sandstorm level, but I'm guessing we're starting at basic chargen. And by that point you can throw out a Total Annihilation or Rain of Doom[1] anyway. Still, we could always go around screwing people over with Palaces Like Sandcastles.

Some of Kimbery's best combat stuff is locked behind IBT, but I think this character might actually be fine with IBT if we're playing over-the-top and not trying to work with a circle.

[X]Harbinger of Blood-Soaked Rainbow

In whose image was your Exaltation formed?
[x] Adjoran
(SWLIHN is also tempting but has no votes)

Which Yozi do you favor? (Must be different than your patron)
[x] Cecelyne

(you typoed Adorjan by the way ... I'm sticking with this for the vote counts)

Who gave you your Urge?
[x] Adjoran

[1] Funny thing. The general rule for Rain of Doom is "a circle you can sprint around in one hour", ie 3600 seconds = 3600 dashes. Someone might want to check my math on this:

Basic Dash speed, assuming Dex 5, is 11 yards (5 + 6), so you can do a circle (11 * 3600) = 39600 yards in circumference, or 22.5 miles. That's about seven miles across, or covering forty square miles.

An infernal at E5, add in Wind-Born Stride and reach (11 + 25) = 36. (36 * 3600) = 129600 yards in circumference, or 73.6 miles. That's about 23 miles across, covering 431 square miles.

Then add in Racing Vitaris: 36 x 3 = 108. (108 * 3600) = 388800 yards in circumference, 221 miles. 70 miles across, covering 3883 square miles.

Now if you're in a place of desolation, apply Sand-Slip Trick to outright double that (Sand-Slip Trick is explicitly after all other modifiers). So 108 * 2 = 216. (216 * 3600) = 777600 yards in circumference, 442 miles. 140 miles across, covering 15539 square miles.

And there are ways (mutations, probably other Charms, not even touching charmshare[2]) to get faster.

[2] Although the idea of playing a character specifically built to try and cast Rain of Doom over all Creation with a single spell is kinda amusing.
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Man, we're in an awkward spot. Excluding my vote (because I'm about to change it), we're at:

Caste: Malfeas 3, Cecelyne 4, SWLIHN 0, Adorjan 5, TED 3
Favored: Malfeas 1, Cecelyne 5, SWLIHN 3, Adorjan 1, TED 4, Kimbery 1
Urge: Malfeas 1, Cecelyne 2, SWLIHN 1, Adorjan 4, TED 4, Kimbery 3

Changing my vote above, from Adorjani Malefactor to Cecelynian Scourge, so I don't leave us with an awkward tie on Caste ... with the same Yozi selected for Favored as I'm voting for Caste. Picking caste/favored is a little awkward in this respect, unless you do something like "every vote for a Caste is also a vote for that favored".

Cecelynian Scourge also gives the option of spamming VEE while dampening it with Scourge anima powers, which I'd overlooked before. So that leaves us with Caste Adorjan 6, Favored Cecelyne 6, Urge Adorjan 5. Voting is still open, obviously.

So count including my vote (someone might want to double-check this):

Caste: Malfeas 3, Cecelyne 4, SWLIHN 0, Adorjan 6, TED 3
Favored: Malfeas 1, Cecelyne 6, SWLIHN 3, Adorjan 1, TED 4, Kimbery 1
Urge: Malfeas 1, Cecelyne 2, SWLIHN 1, Adorjan 5, TED 4, Kimbery 3

Names, including my vote:
Invictus of The Green Sun 1
Harbinger of Blood-Soaked Rainbow 5
Killfuck Soulshitter 3
Passion-lemon Tyrant Lizard 2
Lightbringer On Blistered Sands 1
Doesn't splitting votes into seperate subvotes during character creation have a tendency to lead to unfortunate results?
Doesn't splitting votes into seperate subvotes during character creation have a tendency to lead to unfortunate results?
In this case I don't think it will, as:
a) In this case the winning option doesn't seem to be unfortunate.
b) Even if it was unfortunate, given that this is somewhat of a joke quest, it would likely still fulfil its purpose of being entertaining and cathartic.