It may be that, but they also realized they had stories they wanted to tell.
You've never read Greek myth have you? Literally everything that Kratos did, from picking up where Ares left off to banging his sister, is as Olympian as it gets. This was perfectly in character for a Greek tragedy.
BUT WHICH IS IT!? LIke come on man do you know how many people have said things like "oh they had a creative liceanse" but does that mean? Are all the Gods are as portrayed? Why didn't we get to fight Athena and beat HER at the end? It could have been Corrupted Civilazation Vs. Primal Barbaric Rule but idk. I'm just massively disapointed.
Yes, it was Olympian but Kratos was not born in Olympus. He was mostly mortal and had a human mother. His brother and himself where Spartans also I think so they were basically normal guys. But I guess Greeks do have a tendecy to tragedy. An in Mythos not just Greeks but also in Norse Mythology have the tendecy to tradjedy in order to tell important stories for that civialazation.
GoW never demands sympathy. Empathy, maybe, but Kratos is a definitive unsympathetic anti-hero.
From what I felt I heard in that video, it said 'you got to feel bad for him'. My RL friends have said the same thing. I can emphatize with his anger, lack of friends (seriously not ONE fucking friend), and lack of real direction in life.
But mostly fair enough. I just dislike it when people say he was justified in everything because he just wasn't. He fucked up with his remit as a God and got punished for it while Zeus went WAY out of bounds by going after Sparta. An Athena...just did nothing i'm guessing due to lack of power. Or desire. Wish that could get cleared up for me.
EDIT: Wait....GODIII demanded symphathy in the form of Pandora...and GOD I in the killing of Zeus's familly. GODII I can agree with not needed symphathy but the others are driven by a revenge plot which imo needs symphathy.
I really like the read of the OT GoW games as a phase-shifted Greek tragedy, where rather than Man engaging in Hubris by challenging the Gods and then suffering for it according to Fate, it's a story about how the Gods engaged in Hubris by challenging Man, and getting equally-shafted by Fate. Kratos is basically a (aheh) Fury; he's a force of nature driving the plot to its conclusion, not a sympathetic character.
As such, I felt that the ending bits of GoWIII with Pandora kind of fell flat; I wasn't invested in her or her relationship with Kratos because I wasn't invested in Kratos as a person.
Just saw this and I think you raised a good point. Isn't there that greek term called the 'Deus Ex' which is like a super strong plot character that fixes things when nothing else can? Like a blessing from the Gods or w.e?
But in the end, you see, he's supposed to be human I think. That's just what God of War 3 wants despite what the other games may have wanted. Again, If I can reiterate my point on how a bad GM in D&D just changes there minds about plot elements too quickly then, well, it's basically that. It's not all the Dev's fault though considering GOD I was supposed to be a stand alone game. But big wigs wanted to make more money and so started the prequels and sequels and then yeah. This all happened. They also really didn't give that much time between games to chart the plot either imo.
God I and God 2 were released 2 years from each other. An I believe there was a prequel in between all of that. Someone quote me if i'm wrong please.