The relationship is complex and unclear. Think of it as three entities who've come together for mutual benefit and kind of, sort of, can communicate...
Queen Administrator serves as the bridge between Taylor and [____].
[____] is teaching Taylor stuff, and is providing energy to Queen Administrator.
Taylor is sheltering [____] and giving XP to Queen Administrator, also IDEAS....
...IDEAS... (shudder)
I can imagine, given that before Taylor, [____] had no opportunity to really experience static world. Perhaps Taylor can let [____] out to play sometimes? I would love to see what lovecraftian, utter, hilarious havoc would it make, given ...IDEAS... shifted through [____] perception.
Does it even really differentiate between material and ideas? Materialized clutches of love, anyone? Nervous buterfies? ...Barney?
Taylor "ARGHHH!!! Unclean! I'm Unclean! Someone help me remove the stupid gold thing from me!"
Peleps Deled: "Give me a minute to grab my de-Anathema-ing hammer, and I'll get it right out of you."
De-Anathema-ing hammer is good.
On the other hand:
[Scion gifting Rose Knght bucket of
golden roses]:
Take heart my child, do not despair...
(whistling innocently) Panacea to rescue?
Kind of, sort of... it's kind of like that. As for [____], it was a damn strong Unshaped before the encounter in Creation with Luna and Sol.... take what you will, that [____] manage to run away from Luna AND Sol in Primordial Creation where no other Unshaped or Shaped have ever managed to do.
Speaking about escape from Sol and Luna in the beginning - I though about a nice climatic way for [____] to escape and troll Luna thoroughly enough, that she would remember this particular Raksha for all remaining ages of eternity.
A fun fact from Exalted fluff: Luna is not as much as a being, as unsteady conglomerate of beings. Canibalistic conglomerate at that. When Gaia and Oramus were creating her, Luna, the current Luna, had to prove she is the strongest - and consume, absorb all other possibilities, all other Lunas that Oramus could dream about. As you can imagine, given this was Oramum, there was quite a few.
To this day Luna can be sometimes see holding attributes of Aspects, that are never shown. Other Lunas remain submerged, but it is uneasy rest.
Now, I imagine [____] could do something about this problem. Being submerged, I mean - throwing Luna into existential crisis to outcrisis all other crisises.
And then I've seen those pictures:
And damn... this pair would make NICE alternative Luna.
And if Crow escaped? Hmmm....
...on black wings, through darkened sky, he flew, seeking return of Her, who was his other half. Wounded, but not defeated he gathered strength on unknown shores. Searching, he drank from Lethe, and it had not power over him. He flew over strange lands beyond the stars. And grew, waiting for his moment... His name was Hope. Her name was Love. They will be united.
How often do You think Luna would curse [___] trolling during the ages?
I thought it was obvious that things were happening in the background...
I'm very much NOT keeping continuity with canon beyond personalities and behaviours. The fact that Goblin Queen is a crossover means I have to respect BOTH sides of the equation...
It's all not exactly what I was talking about...
OK, I don't want to be a troll, so I'll try once more, and then I'll shut up.
There was a Evangelion story, a long, long time ago (long enough I don't remember the title), which could serve as a nice if copletely extreme example of what I'm speaking about. I enjoyed story at the beginning. There were plenty of new elements introduced, difference in how Eva's were fighting, absorption of Angel's might, etc. But then in started to snowball, more and more elements, more and more changes.
I stopped reading soon after disembodied Shinji used Eva, which he human-sized via reality bending, to walk around (looking like demented maniac) and converse with Gendo about third impact and angel's anatomy.
My reaction was rather predictable: "WTF? I give up.". I stopped reading because I could no longer recognize the world as Eva universe. It had changed too fast, to drastically. In result I was feeling there is was no longer any continuity with cannon. Everything could happen. Nothing was certain. All that was happening was beginning to look as author fiat.
To put it in other way - I could no longer imagine this world. Previously I could predict possible consequence of let's say Kensuke's death. In this story? Shinji could cry. Or could laugh. Or could resurrect him. Or be able to do nothing. Or go back in time. Or whatever. I had no way to predict what was possible and what was not. No way to decide it given action was logical or plainly stupid. No way to really judge what was happening. No way to put myself into character shoes and think "Hm... this option would be good, and that I simply cannot do.".
Main problem of that story was not WHAT was happening, but how quickly it was happening. There was no exploration of consequences, not descriptions of limits. Plenty happened in background - and it was mostly skimmed over. There was no real boundaries of character options visible to the reader. Progression from canon universe to current point was shown in detail only in regard of main characters. All other 'waves' were omited. And then they started to meet main character.
All in all, I had this ugly feeling of 'unreality'.
Back to Goblin Queen. Here, it is not yet a problem. It's visible only as a trend. Still, there are already several 'soft' areas I have no real idea what to think about. For example I can no longer really imagine situation between gangs in the town (who controls what, level of tension, current goals, rising villianous stars). Or between parahuman groups in general. I have no clear, defined idea characters surrounding Taylor can and cannot do. And yes, I can guess some, but new powers seems to appear quickly. With Dinah and her Leviathan wrestling... I tried to imagine most impossibly outrageous power boost that could happen to Tatletale - and I ended with her going all Chlarles Xavier and reading thought of everyone in the city (plus possibly manipulating them to counter Simiurg). Problem is, that I can see if happen in this story. It would not be 'out of context'. Character can easily 'spin into infinity' around there.
As for simpler situation - Tattletale vs. 10 thugs. I can imagine what canon Tattletale can possibly do - and what she is unable to do. I cannot imagine what current Tattletale is capable of. For all I know she could go master-martial-artist and effortlesly knock them out. I don't know her limits. Or, more precisely - I don't know what options she have.
In simillar way, there is 'soft area' focused on Taylor's options. As example - before the last chapter, I would say, that creating anything as massive as walls and bringing out of 'Elsewhere' would be major strain for her. Hell, I would say, it was beyond her capabilities! Now... I don't know what to think. And yes, Taylor is damn powerfull. On the other hand she lost to Emma... On purpose? Was she limiting herself? Had to be. Otherwise why couldn't she create solid prison and drop it around Emma? Of, simpler, make her stumble by shifting ground under her foot.
By itself all of that is not a problem. Full knowledge is never present, and I'm definitely enjoying each new chapter. Problem is, that in all of those 'soft' areas, I need to 'go with the flow' while reading. I cannot really imagine it, so I cannot really judge. And so I have to suspend critical thinking and just accept what is happening on faith - cause of "because".
When there is too many 'soft areas' around, then going with the flow become less and less enjoyable, up to the point where it is not enjoyable at all.
This is why I brought infinite tinkertech replication. I creates another large soft spot of uncertainty for me. I can now no longer be certain what limits tinkers and tinkertech have. How outrageous it could get. Plus, plenty will happen with background, little will be shown and conection between established canon and current situation will weaken even further.
All in all, as I said, it is NOT a problem, currently. I just don't want to see story falling into this particular pitfall. Grounding and worldbuilding is good. And yes, reality arround Taylor is defined by narration and hence increasingly subjective - and it is good too. But more attention on consequences and situation outside of Taylor's group could only help. I'm certain you have clear picture of the whole situation in your head. Just please remember we, the readers, do not have that. Obvious is not always really obvious. Plus, readers are not (unfortunatelly) perfect. Reminding, and more detailed explaing could helps some of them - me included.