Well someone did get fourth wall breakage yeah? Farting power would have been pretty great, and so would the "turn people into milk cartons" lol :V
I also got some power that was literally 'PURIFY THE WHOLE EARTH' but I don't think that would have many uses outside of being the best environmental heroine ever.

The villain of that story being humanity.
The main villain is the Shadow Council, who secretly rules U.A. with an iron fist.

"We are the council. Lower your- Uh."

"Dammit 01 stop making stupid references."

"Shut up I make the best references."

"Well, what about this application?"

"That guy's shit, reject his ass."

"That's harsh 03."

"Yeah well, not everyone gets to attend U.A. No coasters here."

"... But-"

"You know what I mean fuckdammit. Only the best of the best."

"So why did-"

"Recommendations. Nepotism. Just do your job 04."


"We are the council. Lower your- Uh."

"Dammit 01 stop making stupid references."

"Shut up I make the best references."

"Well, what about this application?"

"That guy's shit, reject his ass."

"That's harsh 03."

"Yeah well, not everyone gets to attend U.A. No coasters here."

"... But-"

"You know what I mean fuckdammit. Only the best of the best."

"So why did-"

"Recommendations. Nepotism. Just do your job 04."

100% accurate. :V
psst council of shadows


how many unique pictures of fluffy cats do i have to post to be accepted :V
We are still able to apply, right? I'm a newcomer to this forum (especially the rp subsection) and can't tell... ahahaha.

But if applications are still open, then here's what I rolled: Twilight Manipulation (edgy) It's a rather broad category, but I've got some specific ideas floating around in my mind.
We are still able to apply, right? I'm a newcomer to this forum (especially the rp subsection) and can't tell... ahahaha.

But if applications are still open, then here's what I rolled: Twilight Manipulation (edgy) It's a rather broad category, but I've got some specific ideas floating around in my mind.
check the last informational threadmark.
Ojou-samaing it up.

Name: Omoiko Yajima
Hero Name: Bunraku
Appearance: Omoiko is beautiful and refined, and to stands before her evokes the imagery of a supplicant in a well-lit cathedral. She has a sweet face, her mouth hinting at a small smile, her golden locks immaculate in a twin-drills style. She is taller and has a full, well-developed body compared to her classmates. Her skin is clear and well cared for, but close examination will reveal seams along the neck and limbs, allowing them to detaches. Omiko has a reserved way of speaking and thoughtful economy of action, conscious and conscientious of her every moves. Allegations of Ohohohohohohoho~ echoing along the hallways are clearly libelous.
Costume: Omoiko's costume is well-insulated from heat and electricity. It also stretches well and allows her body to breath.
Quirk: Puppet Head - Omoiko can detach her head and limbs, controlling them via translucent cables. The cables are strong enough to support the limbs' weight for a short period of time.
Skills: Omoiko is skilled in the use of her quirk and well-educated. She also has a calm, analytical composure to high-stress situations.
Bio: "To excel is certain" is the Yajima family motto, and nothing less was expected of her. Omoiko lived her whole life on a gilded rail, one where her needs are met and she chugs along, straightforwardly fulfilling milestones with no deviation. She has a mature attitude towards Heroism as a prestigious day job, a viewpoint arguably anathema to what Yuuei promotes.